East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 26, 1901, Image 1

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RTriiilwwnt; poop"
lair lunlakl .1 ft
Hlowlr rising temperature
psi" i ,,ser
NO. 4161
,HPLETE : : : :
.Eastern Oregon
You want a
Nice size spring frccrs.
Jress'd or alive.
ladies Muslin
Nowhere else MMMl
I he largo oil jr stores will
you nnd such h stock a
table Linens,
Napkins and Towels
The most magnificent
line of these gissts ever
M hi thi- elty.
lace Curtains,
Curtain Swisses
and Ruffled Swiss
We can Rive you a
rholre of a lot of real new
tad taNMM Htyi.
A special invitation is extend
cd to the ladies and genUf
men of Pendleton and lima
tilla County to visit our store
and sec
Our White Fair
The time has come for
White Cioods to go- and
go they will if prices can
do it.
Special Lxhibition
In Lvery Department.
Special Reduced Prices
on Everything White.
Sheets and
Pillow Cases.
We sell the lHfen,er"
line leaily-mmle sheets
and ease and sell them
at r low price.
White Spreads.
at IJB
si o.
excellent value
Full sired anil
Lots of other
values up t
I mbroideries,
Laces and
There Is unusual beauty
and style In our lines of
these gisals .md remark
iilily low prices
B. Demott Alexander & Hexter
The Boston Store
A Mid-Summor-Day's Dream
Pairs Ladies Fancy Hose
Strictly Up-to-Date Styles
Regular 76c kind 3
closing out at . - WJl d pd 1 1
June White Sale
Still Continues.
endleton's Big Busy Store.
febrate the Fourth.
Sycadoz to $5.85
Koman canities 1.'
doen. Skv Uiui,t
a iwvivia
10 20C em h
I, M It
lrZt Two This has been the biggest GENUINE SALE
tods 0f noveiti i in Pendleton for vears-everv dav sees it
mm one cent up.
M a Sic no u
mi I i T - " W
:7 ,o,r 5. This
is the
ever of
"SttfajFl bttl ink 38c
""e 7lC to t, t.
R1:" ncy box paoertnes
,K per box"
Mi etc.
grow. It will grow as a natural result of
the really remarkable values that char
acterize it. And every day we keep cut
ting away at prices.
Remember these are no baits.
paper, draw
an extr:.
large lot of
oc up. See
shinir i , l ...
-e IV .
I'm .l.
kh si. " ''"Penal trout
you. I! K0U servce and
Hierw "'"'"'Wul fisherman
dericK No
tta hooks, school
Women's Shirt Waists, 1901 Styles
At 48c all waists formerly sold for 75o
At G7e all waists formerly Hold for $1.00
At 87c all waists formerly sold for 1.2.0
At 98e all waists formerly sold for 1.60
At 1.35 all waists formerly sold for 2.0iJ
Women's Shirt Waists, sailor collars, $1.13
Formerly $1.50 and $l.ti5.
Women's White Shirt Waists
At 89c all waists formerly $1.25
At 98c all waist fomerly $1.50
At $1.19 all waints formerly $2.26
Silk Waists, in black and colors, $4.48
Formerly $6.50 to $7.50.
Children's Sailor Hats
At ioc formerly 35c. At 19c formerly 35c
Wash Dress Goods, at 6 I -4c per
Our line of Crash, Duck and Pique Suitings
formerly 15c, aoc, 35c.
Sheets and Pillow Cases
At gc 0 4 bleached sheets formerly 65c
At 62c y 4 bleached sheets
At 12c 45 3 pillow cases
At 14c 45 36 pillow cases
Bed .Spread closing out cheap.
TIip Baal wnr in now QMllag t he
Itritinh government 1, I'M). (XX) wc.-kly
China inprctiant M0JMM Iihr rllinl
rUinm Bftinfll the uillM States for
4(H), (XX Uela for vnlttkltleH taken by
U. S. Senator Kyle in a very sick
man at liii home in Aberdeen, South
Dakota. Ilia phyaieian aaya he haa
only a fair chance ot recovery.
The Britiah ship t'arliale City liaa
arrived at San Diego, Calif., with
plague on board. She renorta that hit
Chinese mi hoard died en route witli
the diaeaae.
At the Velodrome, Hartford, Conn.,
in the mile handicap amateur bicycle
race the lime of the aerate h man.
DtDlel Sullivan of New York, wan
l'-iM'... , which breaks the world'
amateur record for a mile in competi
tion without pace.
M Im Helen Lee, daughter of Hriga
dier Henernl KiUhngh bee, wan
married to F.rat bietitenaut .lames C.
Khea, of Si ,enth cavalry IB New York
city Monday. They will make their
home in Cuba where Lieutenant Khea
ia at present stationed.
Jacobiia Botha, the member of the
cape aaaemhlv for Aliwav North, haa
lieeli captured by the Boera and
publicly sjamboked. In addition hia
houae haa heen burned. The reason
aaaigned for this treatment ia that
Botha voted in favor of the treason hill
On the ialand of liuam. Unitid
Mates territory, coiniitmi.u ure serious
and the people are threatened with
starvation and it is said if the tariff
atopa the little trade that is now lie-
ing carried on the people will starve,
unless they receive government sup
Two deaths and II proslrai mua ol
which several are serious were the
result of heat in Chicago Mondav.
Over :!00 cattle were stilled in their
iiena at the atock vanls. Several htin
dred cattle, hogs and sheep were also
taken out dead Iroin the cars on IDOOBD
log traina.
Judge Brown of the 1 nited Mates
circuit court at Boston handed down a
decision adverse to the American Bell
Telephone company in the suit for in-
f r i n go men t ul patcntf I r 1 1 u 1 1 1 MaiOtl
the National Telephone company anil
the Century Telephone company. These
.asea have heen pending for aix years
Five Hundred Passengers and
Crew in Danger.
large crop ol
thmugiiuut western Oregon this
There will Ik
true crop ol prunes
Oregon this year
Kill'.- Aitken ia under arrest on a
barge of assault with intent to kill
I 1. ink Nelson. The men reside near
Salem town, and hail engaged in a
X. .immerman. an old resident of
Cortland, died in thai city Monday,
aged 5i years. He came to Portland
in 1800 and was for many years en
gaged in the hrewery busineaa.
The annual campmeeting of OrajjOB
Spiritualists Will be held at New I ra
June '-" to July 15. During the meet
ing the ijuestuin of loruiniK a perman
ent state organization to atullate with
the National association will be con
The annual convention of the Wil
lamette Baptist asHix'iatioii opened in
alei,, Monday evening with about ILK)
duleuates present. The sessions are
presided over by Kev. K. M. Bliss, of
1'ortland. The annual sermon was
preached by Kay i'almer, of Portland.
Secretary Stokes, of the Yale col
ouration, has given out the names o
the Yale graduates to whom had been
awarded lidlowships and scholarships.
Auionti them is John A. an dross, ol
Kugeue. who secured a uuiverslty
scholarship 111 natural and physical
Andrew Allen, the Portland bouse
over, who rescued Lightship No. .0
by pulling the vessel bodily out of
the sand and hauling her overland to
Baker's bay, is at work ou plaua lor
boat railway at Ceiiln. He is of the
opiuiou ttial a ran way can be built
over the eight in I en necessary at one
eighth the cost ol a canal, and that
the operating expenses 01 the railway
will also be less than those o a canal
and locks.
Officers and Crew Acted Admirably, PrereotlDg
the Women and Children From
RelDft Trampled Upon.
St. Johns, N. K. , June Jtb-The
ateamer l.ucitania, with rive hundred
passengera aboard, went aabore oft
Cape Bel lard last night. Aaaiatance
waa dispatched from here aa aoon as
the news of the disaster was received.
The I. in llama waa hound for Montreal
from Liverpool. Cape Bellard ia sixty
111 nea soihii 01 here.
Tha Faiianffars Savad.
U. I I . . M.
ni. .loimn, .nine jo.-- 1 ne veaael run
out of her 1 curie in a ilenao loir am
oeiore tne error waa iliscovcrcil ran
into a reef. The women and children
were lauded first anil then the men
had their turn. The crew, at la-t .
counts, were standing by the ship
which 11 is thought will Im- a total
losh. Steamers have started from here
and hope to save a part of the cargo
Karly reports had it that twenty per
nous were urowneii ny the capsizing
01 a isiat, nut this proves to lie tin
St. Johns, June L'n. When the vessel
struck the live hundred passengers be
came panic stricken and men. women
and children Hew up and down the
lei k 11 like maniacs. The oilicers anil
crew behave. I admirably and helore
many of the pansenirers were out ol
their berths, the life tmats bad been
manned and everybisly was at his
station prepared to land the passen
gers, the latter, however, made a mad
rush for the hoatn and were beaten nil
only after a desperate nlruuule with
the crew. Order wan linalJv restored.
thanks to the fine discipline displavod
nv tne oincers and crew, and all on
board were safely taken away in the
Protected Women and Children.
m Johns, June 2l. -Diirinu the
panic following the accident some of
the male emigrants, said to he french
men, drew knives and tritsl to cut their
way to the Isiats. The ship's officers,
Willi drawn pistols, overawed them.
The crew drove some of the cowards,
who hail taken sssession of the boats,
front their places with handspikes, as
on the I.aBourgoyne, which went down
few yoars ago oft Sable island with
great loot of I lie, the men un board
ol her seeming to give no thought to
the women and children, Hinging them
aide and tramp! iiiu on them in their
first mad rush for the tmats. A boat,
wiin twenty ainiard in missing. It is
believed she Is lost ill a (og.
Reported by I. In Co., Peneleten,
Chteaa-o Board or Trade and New York
Stoek Bishana-e Brokers.
New York. June JH.-Tbe wheat
market was firmer today all around.
Liverpool closing V' and New York
5-8 limber, than yesterday. The
foreign markets have not shown the
weakness that our markets have, aa
Liverpool haa declined only 7lnC per
bushel. while GhleBM haa loat I4C
llOBB June 1,
MOBU are lower. Money 4 per cent
Close yesterday, 72.
Op-n tislay 7'.' .1-8.
Kange today J to 7'J14.
Close today, 7U r-s.
Htoeka: Sugar, 144 .VS ; tobacco,
1 il.n . a I aa 1 . 1 . ., I i-.ll
i.m-j; sieei, nt. 1 nni, 1 1 . -4
Atchison, H.i'. ; l- rie. 2l I . P.. 110 l-H.
w ' e
Strikers Flint with Pollee.
Rochester, June M, -The striking
street car laborers engaged in a tierce
battle this morning with the police
and after four volleys were tired in the
ir by the police the strikers scattered.
A number ol strikers have broken
heads and numerous Iruiseafrom 1 1 v
iug bricks and shovels. The strikers
refused to cease attempting to coerce
men who bad taken their places and
when refused to move on the light be
Hesuined Huslnsss as Usual.
New York, June The Seventh
National bank, ol this t-itv, which ex
perienced financial ditflculties venter-
lav 1 1 term m hi . because of its debit
balance, at tl leariua house, of
l.'S:l,(KM), which was paid only a few
moments helore the clearing house
closed, resumed business as usual this
Volunteers Coming Home.
San francisco, Calil., J 11 lie 'ill. The
transport Thomas has arrived here
with the Forty-ninth infantry and
three hundred iMsliesol soldiers who
MOrl Bead their lives ill the Philip
Ueneral Wood III.
Havana, June W. tiovernor (.eneral
Wood who has been ill for several
days is worse tmlav. Malaria and over
work are said to be the causes of bis
J. P. Jones, Well Known Walla
Walla Contractor, Killed.
Died While Being Taken lo Ihe Hospital -Bob
Saddler Fell With Him, Bui Caiiflht on
a Board and Saved Himself.
J ft
Good "
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
for womanly diseases. No one knows
this better than the woman who has
tried local doctors and many medicines
and found no cure until she began
the nac of " Favorite Prescription." It
establish et regularity, stops weakening
drains, heals Inflammation and ulcera
tion and cures female weakness, ft
weak women strong and
I m troubled fur Itarce years wilta ulcer,
lioa 4d friu.lc wAkiirw ud my Aodor favc
uic but little icllrf." wrllc Mr. I.ulu Muum
of Allcui.-n bi Loin. Co., Ho ! saw aa
advcrtlscuKui iu the paver at Ouctor l-tnvc'.
Ol .1
John tonsldlns, Oambler, Kills L.
Meredith In Seattle.
Seattle, June W. At 6:6 o'clock
rejBtarday afternoon John tonsidine
one of the proprietors of the Ntandard
gaml.liug bouse and People's theatre
in Ibis city, shot and killed ex-Chief
of Police W. L. Meredith. The shoot
ing occurred inliuy'sdrug store on
the corner of Secoiid arenue and
Yesb-r Way, in the heart of the city.
1 ' in 1 1 1 i 10- was also woundttd slightly
in the head by a ball from a double
barreled shotgun 111 Meredith 'a hands.
Stories of the shooting are coiillictinu
and it cannot vet he said who was the
aggressor. The men had threatened
to shoot one another at sight and were
both prepared for trouble. One by
stander was shot through the arm by a
stray bullet.
Meredith had spent the afternoon
walking about the streets armed with
"nawel off" doulde barrelled nhot
guii loaded with buckshot iu search of
his man. In order to avert MSpil lOfl
lie had wrapped the weapon 111 a large
sheet of butcher's paper and tried it
will, a cord no that it bore little re
semblance Ui an instrument ol death
He found ('outidiiie in front of the
drug store shakiuu hands with Police
man A. II. Mefford. Thrusting the
barrel of the gun over Mefford 's
shoulder ho discharged the weapon full
in (Jonsidine's face. The paper
wrapping prevented him from taking
accurate aim and the charge went
wild. Consilium ran into the store and
Meredith followed tiring the second
barrel just as he entered the door.
Then Meredith dropped the gull and
drawing his heavy revolver continued
the pursuit.
OoOfidlnB found buns, 11 cornered
on reaching the rear of the store and
turning granted with his enemy. Tom
OoOdidlM, the gambler's brother, who
bad been stauding with him in front
ol the Store, had followed Meredl
and he also grappled with him. Con
sidihe was at once arrested by Sheriff
C'udihee and two police officers who
were in the drug store when the fatal
shots were fired. He is now iu jail.
Pan-Ameriaan Express Prom
Narrowly Bseapss
Same Kate.
Peru, Intl., June W. -One of the
orst wrecks in the history of the
state iH-curred at a point seven miles
east of here early this morning on the
Wabash, when the weMhouiul ciprcas
Iroin Ituftalo pluiiued into a washout
and rolled down a hmh embankment.
Fourteen passengers were killed and
nlty, according to the latest estimates
wen- injured. Ihe train waa running
at a high rate of speed to make up for
lost time when It ran into the want
out. I be engine and nine cars went
over the embankment and were piled
into a shapeless loans. Ihe enlgne
turned over and over but the tin nan
and engineer miraculously escan-d
death Hotb were badly injured. A III -
nuiances were hurried to the ncene
from this city and Logannisirt mid tin-
work if rescue wan iniliied iatel v begun
I In- Pan-American express from
Knllalo, heavily loaded, (olloMed
closely behind the mi for lunate train,
but wan warned 111 time and thus the
second and a more disastrous wn-ik
was averted. Most of the killed and
injereil are Italian immigrants.
Keporled Uead But Still Alive,
l.-igaiisport, June .'n. - I on 1 , 1,
bodies have been taken from the wreck
and two others have died at the
hoaiiital. All of the dead are Italians.
Botli tMoiigh and M isn Moblllt 1m
were reported dead are si ill alive hut
badly injured .
Led the Wurk of Hesouo
l.oganpaort , J uue Jti. It Is now pom
tively known that sixteen persons were
killed Ihe only 1. lent 1 lied dead u i e .
K P. Ciigh, nxpresH messenger, and
haiuile Mullge, of New York. I'lm
coolest man after the wreck was P. W.
While, the negro cook lor Sll H-r 1 11 la n
dent Carter of the rulmail Although
bruised ami cut lie el the n. n 111 the
work of u s. in and pulled many on
fortuuates IrOCi the wreck All of the
injured aie now Hi the Wabash le.spi
la I
Walla Walla, Juno M, -J P. Jones
the well kimwn contractor, met with a
fatal accident this tnornimr whila
irking on the old Day building.
corn.-r of Third and Mam atreeta, this
city. A scaffold had been erected to
repair the cirnice of the building and
the unfortunate man waa at the ex
treme top of it when the brace gave
way, prei -nutating him to the stone
aidewalk ladow, a distance of forty
feet. A fellow workman, Boh Saddler,
(ell at the same time, hut at a isiint
t feet below he caught to a projei 1 1
ing board and saved his life. Mr.
Jones died while being taken to the
hospital. He leaves a wife, a son sml
two daughters
Mr. loWBB WBI Kiiiineiu Commander,
Washington Comniandarv. Kmghi.
emplar, of Walla Walla.
Mr. Jones was well known in Pen
dleton, where, wl a member of the
tlrui of Henderson & Jones, n,. ,-on-
strncled several buildings Norval
Jones, one of Inn sons, was, for a year
or more, a salesman m the shoe de
partment of the Peoples Warehouse III
Pendleton and led here for Baker Citv
a lew months ago where he Is mi'inn
ing a similar position. He will pass
through Pendleton 011 tonight's train
for Walla Walla, in reasinse to the
sad news of Ins father's death.
Bsports Ureatly Bxaaaerated.
Uliiefiehl, W. Va., June M, The
story of Sunday's llmnl in the K Ik horn
vallev was greatly exaggerated. The
loss of life will not exceed fifty or
sixty and nearly all ol the unfortun
ates were colored miners or members
o( their families. The trains are ex
pected to be running through hv next
Sunday. There in comiiarativelv little
law h-MMiienn I he path of the llmsl is
marked by great heaps of debris.
Kvervwbere are wrecked houses, de
molished railroad cars, broken and
splintered I MtlOld furniture and is--
casionally the laslv of a victim.
Washington. June I'll. Mm M .km
ley, lor the lirst time since she became
ill in California, look a carriage ride
with the president this morning.
Lontraetor Asquitled.
Manila, Jure M, Harold Pitt, the
government contractor, was .n .putted
'"I. iv of any connection with the nun-
missarv scandals.
Do Your Feet Hurt?
Do Your Feet Burn?
If SO you want tO t'ome
to Tin Main BtfMt ami
Vavorit 1-rea.rlplion t brga
about a year ago I too ovr txaiic. or n. ana
on Uatlc uf i.oMcii Merfiral hiaonv.ry," and
niy health l hettei now tnan u wa. roi year.
I nav alao re.oiiiiueiiile.1 Iheae uieduiue. to
aomc ol Say ni. ii.l- who utfeie.l from f.iu.ic
: 1 ia k ia. and goes! rulu have foilowed.
Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical
Artviaer is sent free on receipt of 21 oue-
oent atainps to pay expense of mailin
tmiy.' Address in k v. ruitc,
W. V.
furuierly 75c
formerly aoc
The Baal Oragoman ia ttetarn Ore
gon's representative paper. It leads, and
the people appreciate It and show it by
heir liberal patronaga. u e ins adeer
iatag as diun of this section.
Thrss aero iurnates of the State Prison
at Salem
Kuueue, June '-" Judge Hamilton,
this afternoon, seatenoed Jobn Pohl,
for 1 ape on his 1 ; year old stepdeugh
ter, to twenty years in the peniten
tiary ; John iiaier the erstwhile state
house janitor, for lorgery, three years,
and Mrs. (irady, for obtaining money
under false pretenses, lo two years.
Died Praia his lajuries
Salem, Ore., June si. I'mrwi Bar
ker, died this afternoon, as a result of
amputation of his leg broken during
me runaway at menama. Baturda
The Wheal Outluok In Preiiee.
Secretary tireau -if the American
chamber ol commerce 111 Paris has in
vestigated the wheal oiithsik 111
r ranee. He says the present condi
lions point to a yield not exceeding
m isHi.ma) bushels, against HiU.isJO.OOU
bushels iu 11SMJ. Kuie weather may
increase the yield somewhat, but Ihe
stocks on hand are much less than in
1:100 With a crop ol ioo.isjii.issi
bushels France needed to purchase
nearly 10, mm, ism bushels.
e m
odd Pellows la Oresoo
According to the latest reKirls there
are M haigee of Odd Fallows iu Ore
gon, with a total membership of 760-1.
There are .'IW encampments, with 1-fol
members. 'The grand hslge of Wash
ing Ion was organised in 1N7M. with
In- lit!., I U
easy shoes
make yUUI
We lit
a pan ol
that will
lt jjldtl
drawing 1,1 hajgea and 461 members.
The grand lodge of Idaho was organised
iu withdrawing nine Imlgee and
.106 members.
All Kinds of Feet
Thtt'i "iir btitioijtt,
The Peoples Warehouse
1 ill FITT lilts Of- l I I r
yib Main Street. I'eiullctuu, Or.
runaway at menema, Baturdav.
Toe deceased was a prominent Odd
Fellow, formerly grand treasurer and
last year he was grand patriarch of the
encampment. He was manager of tbe
opera house bare awl 4 proiuiueat
member of the lilibaa eiub.
(Joing Home Loaded
ib ii t always a pleasant expeneni
but it is unnecessary when you pur
chase at our store, as we deliver all
goods free of charge and promptly
when ordered. Our store is loaded
with good things in all the delicacies
of tlieaeason. For high grade fancy
and staole grocenas our prices are
lowest 111 town.
,-0 . e 1 i.h ' iig:..i