TUKSDAY, JUNE 15, wn. THF QHftnT AT WAII.A WALLA h ofHoHt, Nrrffwl in """" " tnn nn thu W. At l K. train ."11 S, i U.. !!..., 1 1 ' i ij I. ........ I I.,, t i Inn toHnv. Very Stylish. Cull for. I. (i. mutuary liutUir for sale at the ItftMOM. OboiM fresh rmirli I'Ktf" rcrei I "! every iIhv t ttip Standard. Rpflni rhtrketie, fruit anil all k inilp of prod Dot at tin- Stanilanl. Helix ili'foatpil Adam in the tfHiiie . TWO HUNDRHD MARKSMEN ARB PRES KNT AND TO PARTICIPAIE. The SEE THAT THIS TRADE MARK IS BRANDED ON EVERY 8H0C. Light Sole. Medium Heel. For Street cr Wear. ttut Repfftduct it. , f , $3.00 There arc other shoes at this price. The difference is to the shoes. The dif former has made Queen Quality Shoes world fatuous. All sizes one price 13,00 CLEAVER BROS Practical Un it nn 1 Sinn- Men. BRRVITIKS. llawlcy's liav- a fine lint- of gloVM Mny your window shades h' Murphy 'a. One ' it i ' I I mi i I safe for nil Ol Withee'l. A full lint) of fancy jiroceries al the Standard. Holid mountain potatoes still on hau l at Haw ley 'a. Blue mryv unit, ft', Cleaver Hros. Dry Uoods Oo, I'antn, II In f a pair. Cleaver llr.. Dry Hoods Co. A few racycle. anil Crawford hiovlcs left at WithtK'a. Oarden horn at all prices utul nuar.in teed at Withee's. Have your picture framed . late-' stylos at Murphy'a. Fancy rassimerc suit-.. 'i. Cleaver Hros. Dry (ioods Co. New deaigna in wall paer at Murphy's paint store.. Chip mlal .- rherries, liernei, steamed ham at lliiwley'e. At Radar's furniture atore is tin finest line i t rug's ami niattinu. Automatic refrigerators and Hater coderM at Kudor's furniture hi, ire. Window shades, curtain polee, mir ror a. etc., at Bailor's furniture store. Oldest place and hot tatiutles, at l. Hoy's, cor. Court and QsfdoO street s We will cloae out our entire line id teel ranges at coat, linker g I'olaom. Kinost llama and lurd on the market. BOOM product; try it, ita guaranteed. Huhwan A Oreulirh. Kemoval aale, (ioods at less than coat fur out week only. Come ipnck. Vaughan's racket atore. Ice cream for names and lodge soeiahles at apeciul pricea. ijuality guaranteed. Candy Dutton. Crescent hieyeles on the installment plan at the Creacent agency in the Kast Oregon ian huilding, payments l a week, no interest. l.oat Hither on Main or Altu street, a tine linen hitndkerc-li let . i'l lace edge. Kinder will receive Muta ble reward if returned to tli i tflM A l"-(tnt header and lour hreder ImmIh, all in good condition, for Hah-. Impure of PlOfOI ,v Tweedy, m at Zeiger'e Idackamith shon north of court houae. IBM caaea, counters, a lot id No lumler, e ii s hand fluorine, olhrt deak. at.ive, liedatead and springs, etl . tor aale cheap at once. v aughaii s Racket atore. ilave you noticed.' Nn'.' Well von can net a fjL' tn :i hat for 11.40 at the men's liat aale for the golobrotloo iii the Fourth at Posdletoa'l I if hnsv llnatoll store. of haaehall at the latter place laat atnfilay hy a acore of I" to 14. Pound OB Saturday, June B, almtit nne nlhl trom town, a ailver watch. Owner ran secure name hy rail inn at thia oflOl anil paving charges. BMl M Chapter, Order of Kastern Htar, will hold a regular convocation tonight. Aa'thla will he the laat meet ing until next Septemla'r.all memhera are earneatly reqtieated to tie proaent. Wheat aonth "f Athena and Adama will lie ready for harvept alauit July Ifi, accord t lie Id OoOfJM Pvrittnw He hHa aomethiiiB like 2X)"1 acrea ol wheat on the reaerration In that vicinttv and will cnniDienre harvpptinB M that date. F'.very one intereted in atrinn inatrn menta and who play are PeqQOtted tn meet at Waketiehl ,V I'aillnK'a i turn warerootiia on Court atreet on Tneilay even tag, 4mm -''. and bring their in "trumenta. The ohject of the DMWtlng ia tn forni a gMM club. U i. I ra.ier baa opened up hi" Htationery atore adjoiniiiK L. llunxi ker'a jewelry atore, in the nmm tormerly oeenpied by F'. W. MeOofBM a- an nlliiv tor the pun naae ot wheat, lie h aome of hia Roodl already ar rautted and till hew MMk keeps romiuu in daily. The printer" Hnd clerk- have ar ranged tor a name nf bOBebnll on the Alta atreel itroiinda at l':: n o'oloefe on tin afternmii. ol Suiuhu , Jone 80, The prmtera will beVB priirt lea ! I v th" BMM team aa that which played aRamat the Imrher- on June In. Manaaer Jim Welch will WMOaOl the iiaiuea iih.iI poeltiOM Of the MMOWfl of hia team in the near future. OeWfgB Bmeti while out ahoppinn , laat Miturdey, purchiKeii a chicken at the White floilae yrncery. When lie tOOl it DOBM hia JTOOBg ami Charlie "poke for the (fi.ard, aavins that he believed that chicken had la-en eating Bold. The chicken waa killed and j ('harlea Bt the giiurd. lie panned t out the contents ol the above men ; tinned nrnan, and atire BBOUeb atruck B'dll lie But nne minuet 'if a weinht piillicient tn he worth nearly centa. The piece id f 1 1 tl wa" not ill ita native atate, nut wa- a pt irom a maiiufactiireii article of jewelry of "onie kind. CIRCIS VBN IM TROUBLE Th Blllpoitart In Advance ot Mc Donald'! Show Thraaian to Strike Harry ilucnhart and a force of five men arrived in 1'etnlletou mi .Monday in a special car and proceeded tn bill the town lor McDonald 'a circus which is to I'nine here on July 4. I'bey posted tip a -c;t ,ii:in'ttv : I ancr, att 'l In tneir husiiieas during the da , ami nine nf the men wanted to draw tOSJM nf the mmiev BOOling tn them in tin eveuniB. Mr. lluaenhart reluaed tn allnw tliein In draw anv of their wanes Tins Iue-ilav h ireiioon , .1 il tit 2i, F. M. Ileutmi quit hi- job and en tered anil in Juatice ' l'it lierald's I court tn recover fid.io Inr wanes aih'Beo tn lie line 1 lie siimumns waa Biven ti .Inlili M llelitlev In serve. II eiit down to the (I. K..V X. depot and attached the car for the debt, ami placed the car in charge of Deputx Sheriff 1 1. Turner. Mr. lluaenhart aava he has the ear leaaed and that Mr MoOould has no claim on it, and that, therefore, it cannot In- held (Ol a dcht owed by Mr. McDnnald. The nwhcrahlp of the car ami the liahilitv of Ituaeiihart will la- aettled in Juatice Fit lierald's court. Oanaral Strike Threatened. Mr. BOeWborf ha- iiructicallv llllislied paiiertun the town, and the trike war dmi't affect him much. Two nf the men have already quit, ami the other three are awaltlliB the out 00JMJ nf the poBjdiOg suit before they deride hat thev will do. It HOOtOn wina ills case and nets hia money the others will follow his example The home) mat man in I'end l.'toii as well us the handsomest, and other are invited to cull on anv dfOggiM and net ITOB a trial bottle ol Kemp's' Italsain for the throat and iunn- I rcinedv that i uarOBtOod la 00N ami relieve all eh- mn and acute ibIis aathma. bnMOlbtil and oiisiiiuplion. , Price He and fOe, For sale by Tall ' man A l o, , aoir anent- Come and Celebrate the Fourth of July. Make our store your headtpiarlers. V have a nice line of stationer)' ami toilet articles. All titer latest hooks and magazines TALLMAN & CO Narrowly Kieaped Inlury M. A. Fcrnuson and u man alio ar I iinpaiiled him. name unknown, nar rowly eacaned injiirv at 11 :SU o'clock on the iiinbt id Monday. June 24. Mr. Ferguson is a wheat warehouse man ami IMOrOeWO man. of Aduins He had hia team in F mimic's livorji ham and was ready to atart lor home at the above mentioned hour. As he was ii. iiit tn atart, the horses havinn been hitched lip and the men lating in the car'ia.n , one ot the atrap 1 1 1 1: 1 1 u' op the neekyoka broko Tm- horses atarted out ami ran up Maiu to Alta street, missinn the lolepbone pole in front ol the I'emlleton goviegi t an by a narrow UiOrelD, I'lo-v lontiniird tlieir wild race ea-t on Aita -trret and . were llnally lltnitglll tn a standstill near the -t. Fr.tans OeodeWJ With the exception nf the hmken strap M Iditiuage was done apparently. Mr. i ernnaou neni on to tin tines lot ilrar I life and prevented the horses (nun getting tat oooogb from ibo oorrioge to allow the poh to drop from the m-ck-i Mike, in that fact he owes hie escape I I ran lerloni Isjorj . Th Ptnnaole ot Kamo. tin meal home d woudar ami re servoir of nature's rarest treasures in conjunction with the latest and greatest modern arenn achievement Muher .1 . McDonald ColuOOOl oh 0010, It is said no other show in America can compare with it in point of merit, the many lAleiv dloOOVOrod ammala in It nraml meiianerie. Ita OOOOflic and amphiha collection, a walrus, sea holla, aeals. etc , etc. Its marvelous ethuolonical asaeinhlv of profound interest to MioatiOtl and the neneral public. Ita dual cirrus and hiiipodrome feats. Ita aviarv of tropical birda. lis mechani cal museum ot latest labor OBViag de vices and counties- til at time featurea never Udore seen aci nmnany inn 1 in led Shows, which will exhibit at I'endle ton, July 4. Atliana Nolo. Athena, June 2.V Kichard llntlen, who has hern a reanlent of this city for the naat an vrar-, t.ft Monday for l is old hum, at ( oral, MiebigOO. Mr. lirltlen baa tired ol tile weat and will remain permaiieiitly in the caal. Mra. day Clark, of I'emlleton, viaitcd in thia city veaterdav. Shoot Opened on the Garrllon Ground! and Continues to End ot the Week. Walla Walla. June The 17th annual tonrnameiil of the hportaman's Aran, lotion of the Northwest opened at the eorrieoo groondo kodo ami will eontlMO lllUMgjlll0l the week. Yeater day was taken up in pool ibOOtiOg t the natherinn marksmen At ! n'clock laat evening in the dining rnnina of the lintel Dacrea waa held the annual buaineas tneetiiiB- The election ol nthrera will be held Wedneaday even lOgi One hundred and titty phootera 'are already in the city and It ia Itboogbt that the nurnner will he swelled at leapt At) more. Over MO I olobo are reprepeuted and the repreeen i tativea come from all part- of the NorthWOftj from the Kncky laountainp to the straitp of San Juan de Fuca ; icituetiaof two natinna, (ireat Hritian and the I nited Statea. The meet is under the atippicea of the Walla Walla (iun club and ita members have snared neither time nor money to make the tournament the innat NCOOMlOl ever held hy the ggffejt nation. Owing to the hospitality of Maj. L. I. Polk, comiiiandinn otlicu at Fort Walla Walla, the narriaon nr,nnds wen secured and the event" take place on the military reaervation. Anv person takinn malt or apiritu mis llqnori on the nrounda or havinn it in hia possession will la- liable tn arrest hy the military authorities. TtBO tboOeond dmiars in trophies and over fillOO in cash will he shut for, Tents, awn log! and chairs fur tin i i hi eii it-m e ni the eTmotera are in place, and a lunch counter ami a r Iresliiiient stand are alao on th1 nrounda. The ahnutlllB station- and the tents are decorated with American ii.m-. Four sets ol trap" win la- iiaed in shunt iub the different events. 'I wt are cmniiosed nf three acta of trapa arrauneil on the S,. meant ayiteni ; out la a act ol live experta placed in a "trainht line three vards apart over which all troiihv events will he phot ami one is a Manautrap which will ht used only for extra . vents and pool ahnottiiB The trophies and medals to he contested for are: Multnomah medal, at prcacnt held In J. W. Merritt, nf Spokane; thret nan team championship trophy, held by Spokane mn club dlolie trophy held hv P. J. Ilolohan, nf Wallace Idalm; Malta Walla llruwulee. medal donated tn the aaanciation hy M. H Brown lee, of SH)kane, ami to hi enn teateil tor ahhiiallv illirinu lite ot ornaiiixation ; Anaconda cup, held hv Will Q, Campbell, of Walla Walla'; Itmwnlec tmphv, held hv T. Ft. Ware, ni Spokane. The rlral three daya of tin' tournament will he devoteil to tarnet ahoounn ami on Friday ant satiirdav live bird ennteata will he held. 'The followinn program will carried out today. I. vent one. set one b" targets added, winner H per cent, IO0OM third 2D. I. vent two. set two lo tarnets, added, winner aO per cent, second third 20. Brent three, set one l'i targets, added, winner 40 per cent, second third 20. fourth 11). Kvent four, aet twn I.S tarBets, added, winner fai ptir rent, aecond third L'l), fourth 10. r.vent ine, Multminiah medal 2 "i targets, all per cent ol puree Bea to present holder of medal ; tlrpt prixe, medal; aeioud prize all per cent, third .ft) per cent of lialauce, fourth 2t) per !. balance. F;vent six , act one la tarnets, l:tt) adiletl, winner 40 per cent, aecond H0, third 20. foorth It). I vent aeven, net two PS tarnets. tilo added, winner 41) aar cent, second :S0, tiiird 20, i Mirth It). Fivent I'lnht, set one lo tarnets. fM I Mn!, winner 40 per cent, aecond 30 third 20, foOTth 10. 1 en' nine, set two :."i tarnets. IHd added, winner 40 iter cent, pecond ,'kl third 20, fourth 1U. F.vent ti, set three- three-man- team chainpioiiihip trophy. 21) targets. .V) added. Dnlv bnnihde memlaara of any cluh hel'iiiging to the aaam'iat ion leinmle. Firat prixe, team tnudiv. Id by Simkai.e clun and oO per cent purse, aecond prile SO per cent third prixe 20 per cent. Ninety Shootart Take Part. The lirsl event oimned at H o'clock. with ninety shunters preeeut, ami the weather cloudy ami some rain. Those lni obtained firat money in thia event were -heard, Uowe tevelis. Coiqier. Morrltt, T. I stevena, Bolboob, .lamer Mnith, liehw and Dooo, earl, making a -core ot la out of In the second event lirat money waa bored In by Vbltwortb, Bloolow, Oooforr, Sheard and Snyiier, tin -r OMafeing the fill I acore. In the third event F'lohr. Ilolohan. .-mails and llulRht captured third liiouev , making the full acore. The acore nf Pendleton abuotera in the three events were as followa: H. J HtllloMM, 11, 12, II; Spence. 14, 12, 10; Waite, 11, I;;, 12; A. D. Htillmaii, V, 7, 10. .1. M . -penif, of Pendleton, in 11 lo-hird matches wins innnev in ti with acore ol 1 II and 14. (he Multnomah medal ia laoiin abut lor at o'clock. brother, Unci Walker, and ia mat. -ng hia home in the town of Helix. Miaa Mnhle Anderson, nf Salt l.ake Citv, will arrive nn thia evening:'' train from the eaat on a visit tn M r-F'ri-derick W. Vincent. Mips- AodOTOOn viaitiHl in Pendleton twn years ag" and baa inanv friends here tn welcome bet rota ni, James M. Fllgin has returned from hia eastern WaphihBlnn farm, near Connell, Franklin county, lo aiiarin tend harvest OpOTOtlOM on hia lands north nl I'emlleton. Mr. Blgln will return lo Connell in September to make hip Mrmanent home on hip farm near there and will prnhaldy dia pose of the 1120 acrea of valuable land he owns near Pendleton. John W. Jonas, a brother of William H. Jnnea, who recently came tn Pen dleton from M ippoiiri, w ill leave at 8 : Iii on Wednesday niorninB W'aah., tn engane in the Bardening bniineaa. Hip son, (ienrge Jonea, went ti Alto several wrekp ago, and ip in the emplnyment of thp 0. K. A N. rompany. Hia dntiea are to watch the Alt' bridge and see that BO danger befalla trains paaainn aloiiB. ami that the bridge does not catch fire from any rauae krtscorAi. lw. , rropo.ed by th. Joint tommlMlon or Revision of lh thureh. No perann ilivorred Inr canae 0TI0. ..' - u,l niprrviiiB again iiib alter marrmar - - - ..,,. dirorot AN during the lifeli.ne ! '-'': ,,'. tn it- aim ri hiiiiiip ' t., he i Vfirrc mmoii . ,,..,t inti nr !" am ur c "' " , ,, received tn partv to the MtbOOq H marriage or Ihen penitent Ond In mimed ate danger 'nf death, bOl Ihll non , ap,dv tn the innocent par tv n vorce."- Sect mn I of Canon SS of the Protestant BplMOpOl church bp p'o pooed by I he joint cnmni.PP.on on "tMi iow-flnoJ tore tor an otmoiI 0 a hiabnp-which has boon agreed M hv the loin) noamiorioo pjlno to revt.e the eonetitotiotl and canonp o the Protestant F'.pipcnpal rhnrch. will ,.,.n the attitude nf the keieMk Ktaaud divorced nerennp, bring for Alto, 'ins Hp p""ltlnn nearer m mn. - Koman Catholic rinirrn, wn.... not rooognitt dlrorce ot oll the tl0M he m M n, no BO, HO Taken to the Penitentiary. Deputy Sheriff Joe BiOkHTJ left for Salem tins morning having Chris Kohl in etlPtody, aellletned t.. serve e term of six months in the atate peni tentiary. Koi ia the ynting man who waa arrested hy (Miner William -cheer shortly after midnight on the morning of Wednesday , June 10. while attempting to break into the Peoples WorooOOM through a rear windnw Hi- waived examination before Justice Fitr (ierald, and pleaded guilty when brought boiofO Judge F.lllS ill the circuit court He got the minimum penelty for such a crime. lea Cream and Strawberries. After the regular luisineas has been dispoaed of thia evening at the meeting if Pendleton (amp, no. 41, Woodmen of the World, those present will in dulge in a social seasion. which will include the serving of ice cream and atrawlaarr ies. The committee having charge of the affair invite all inein Ists, and those having made applica tion tn la-conic member-, tn he present Those who cannot attend the business session will be in time if thev get there by i OOP ' Will Issue a Call. Ilaker City, June 2f. Manager H. S. McCallum, of the Raid Mountain and Mammoth mining companies, will issue a call for a meeting of the La-t ern dregm, delegatea to the Interna tional M iniug Cmigrees, at Hniae. His purpose ia to have them organise for effective work, and to do whatever is poeaihlc that mav contribute to the suc cess of the gathering, and interest the lelegatos in Northwest mines, particii- larv those ol Oregon. The St. Louis ralr. St. lamia, Mo.. June 2a. -The World 'a fair directors today decided iiKin Foreat Park as the site tor Un fair in 1IH).'I. The Chinaman Sabled. Bona tune agu a well-known San Fraiirisrn attoruev. who prides himself upon his handling of Chinese wit nesses, waa defending a railway damage rase. Instead of following the nana! iiticatinna a- tn name, reaidence. if the nature of an uath were under- -toon, etr., he hegan VV hat is r name K I.ung." "TOO live in san TranciMcn'. Yea. " "You sahhic iixl'"' "Mr. Attorney, if vuu mean do 1 umlerataml the entity of ntir t'reator, 1 will simply say that Thursday evening next I shall address the State Miniaterial Aaaia'iation on the subject of the 'Divinity of Christ, ' and shall be pleased to have vou attend." ST. JOE STORE OUR SPECIAL SALE Continued Until June 30th: Our Bargain Tree is Hanging Full 0f fa ,,ut Patroni, You all untlerotand what this Will continue t make RED HOT PRICES .. ill tli II , I II .- I M r. A I hAa ' II ytni iioiii --- " is ri OPPORTUNITY. LYONS ME KUAN TILE CO. STOP! We want vou to trv OWL HIGH GRADE BAKING POWDER It is manufactured from hifn mdo cream ol tartar and hi CM l.onate of soda A little starch II used to prevonl bomictl action and prffVO from atmospheric tn fluoocoo WE OUARANTfedl THE Altu v I TATEIIENT. Nut he i highly odvortlood por diict it s. Us at' 40c per pountl. Mom y refunded if you do not like it. Owl Tea House. firecrackers Locust Hill Rabbitry and Poultry Yards Prepare for the Big Tournam July 4th en Step in and see the fine line of shades, etc. By procuring one of our viau- iMiiiiiK nooin ets, Jj,,.. of choice design, fine finish. ni""' nmi vavnu at prices f ni'etnc It rn..:.. maftltllii: inirrgm mm umm A. RADER, Main and Webb Pedlcreed Belgian Mares and pure bred Fowli. Hares. 5 00 per iMtlr, t tmeh, Borrotl, HufT, and White I'lytn outh Rin ks I'.uks IL'.OO jssr lfi, X sittings for n 00; also aome Harml Kuck iki(s at $1.M per ItttBg. Hum and Single Comh Khiale Island Kwls I w $-.00 latr 16, : sittings for ")"" Visitors welcome. For further information address OUYW. WADE, l'aiidleton, Oretron I ,.l and IB III yuiliiK A Summer Snap it is, iutletl , tu supply your hot tvuathur net-do from our array of cool, litfht and hainlsuuie footwear. IX very shoe want of town aud country, iiusi iii 01 and pleasure, in and out of doors, M met in this smart display of the ooooa'l novoltioa, Mauy aoarculv Itnos wiiat t.. lake from such a pro. fiisfon of first choices ut melted prices. OutiiiK alioeH for Law 10 at $; SO, etc. PeDdleton Slme Co., WM. KIT.UKKALl), ;r. HERSON AL UNTiON. -. L Morse, deputy 1. ti. marshal, is in t'eiidleloii today on hasiiieas. Mn Myrtle Hill, of Helix, I ehilletuh visiting with tier friends. It. Reese and family, of Milton, were guests of the Hotel I'eudletoii Monday. W. I UiOOOS, tin- cattleiuaii of Nyosti, .Malheur county, is a guest nf the Hotel I'eudletoii. L M HoOOBi who is iii rendleton from Helix, says he will commence work in Ins harvest tiehls on Fridot July 6. Kl.icrt Thoiupeou has moved with his familv irom Alliauy to I'eudletoii. He is a spinner in the I'emlleton woolen hull.-. Mm, V I. lieeptkin ami dauulitern. the Misses Kleauor and Constance tiespulii.have returnel from a pleasant trip to 8pukaiie. .Miss tiortrudc Muruby, of Walla Walla, the sister of l-rank Murphv, is a guest at the home of her aunt Mrs. .vlarv v. Murphy, oh Kant Webb street. Mi.-.- Poor! LOCO", daughter of Mrs. Mollie Hutler, arrived home (ruui KogOaOi VOOffO slie lias heen a student at lot Mate university, on Monday's uveriuiiu flyer. ' Mrs. Or. llrown, who lias been tiv tug at Haker City lor aeveral years, was in I'emiletou on Mouday, on her way to Waitsburg, Wash., where she win make her home. Mrs. Brown waa formerly MisejMattie I, and County Cuiuuiieeioiier Horace Walker The Place to Buy : : : : Is when- you can get quick mid cheap prices. Put in your order for header beds water tanks and feed racks. Heat line of Lumlier, Lalh, shinilen, Build ing papr, Tar paper,LlflM and cement, I'k'ketB Plaster. Brick, lovndi Idoiiiding Screen 1 'ours A Windows, Bib or Dootti Ttin oUa I'ijt-. rBdktoo Planing Mill and Lumber lard. R. FORSTER, - Proprietor. When to Spend die Sunnier. LEHMAN OR TEAL SPRINGS A Natural Health Reoort. Good Fiohing and Hunting. All kinds of hsirts, Shooting gallery, Howling alley, Crisp and Dancing. Telephone connection to all points. Mail three time per week. Endicott, Warren dt McFaul, LEHMAN, OREGON. m m m. m 0T- atF fla oaasea Wt have about fio suits of clothes in short lots of two and e. O .. km t suits ol a kina, sues irom 35 to 39, wnicn we are going to puth at a sacrifice to make room for other goods. During sale w. $10 Suits at $8 $8.00 Suits at $6.50 $12.00 Suits at $Q.O0 and a corresponding reduction on all cheaper suits. Wa also have a number of hovs suits that will be pushed nn. nrsn t ri,lnr-tirif, frnttt tt r.tr,ilur Mrirsc I inn t iti.'l al oeiore you uuv your suit. tir . 1 1 ... : ... j 1 a ... , vc 1111 (unci I'M i,ii 1 111 ics c'vi-rv in. inn wt' (. ,i,,m ,.i own, and most of our customers will understand what a reductioi our ow n prices means Diisenberrv Building Main Street. Bennett k Tata, re oogooooonooorooooooooooooooooocooooOOOCC r PENDLETON I oVH I 1 K WW m uv I . I I I I im II 1 ooj 000. saor t am -m a m m m ow THE FOURTH OF JUL! Always an Objeot of Intoreot li-eils by il- liKHl.lriiKiil u.lsuper.or iireiuciii !C ami iluiaimm s ,,,ti 1. hi. 11 u.Nis r il,, it a M lusrliltit- BJlll d, arr hk- -in (or The Columbia Lodging House BAB I N IN ( I N I- I KN ISHK1) CONNECTION 'KIKIK BLOCK BUT. ALI A .v WKHBKTS P. X. SCHtMPP, Prop. 1.1 m to w j iosH JfcW bt vi iruitsi lOOOkcisciM! .0 ,0B vBBk gs -vaaaaaseBar- CURE YOURSELF! .ur., u i ui.sje llioikliiii UI buying u l..r i.tur nn-III : , ainl bllnlor HIIIIIK OH US cilBi'bti! by in. lur prl. 11. li.rin,,li.,i, Tlir , NatU by I NEAGLE BROS. iT FOR SALE IN For sale, lot 4 In block j. rooiaence lot at a low ply to price fine Ap- C. S. JACKSON. Largest Morning Parade Ever Held Illuminated Parade at Night...Sports rf all Kinds A Large Dance Platform will be Erected Three days' Baseball Tournament... 1 m, inllaiiiLUAliuua, IrrflAtiuiu or ulcvrattuua ' in 11 i 1 us Uji'tubraue. I'-Ulllt-eMt. Mini l,,,l lulrn.! r gut in pUiu MrMf, 1 LI.K mm lirMiiairl I ... I W.OI 3 Uiltlea, fH iiculavr gat oi rvyucksi lklHTIIkVi bunasrd rernsd) tar Qlest UuilurrliuiA end Munniuy IN 4a H0UHS. Curet Kid aey sad atauldsr IreaMat SEALS! Notary and Corporation $3.50 to $S Delivered Order of and sav- niuoey r(lr for Kubber btiuus Jan sollcltd. 1 EAST OKEGON1AN PUB.QQ Morrr s school 1 ariu. UoMiiug b surruuiiiliuat. e. ft., , h, ' . 'uiilul S,uir. . .7,. , ,, "'" M.11I.. l-rk. H.11 HuJ ,rLm. School turn bli voi. '-mi all Utete feeli.l for 'atMl..J Ciiam.. A m m i 'f w mswrn m V W xww - OUTIMa SUPPLIES. Now is the time ant 11' I' IS till' I.l-w .. .. 1 ... 1 s ' Up outfit wlule 1 have a large stock and am attt "JP IUCfa articles as camp stoves, tents, wagon tfl 'oU,,,,K c,,air. cots and l.HU. - m.A ma- oik" ' rilfilgf necessary to enjoy a summer's outing. Joe Baslar, 1 '" Man, Street Furniture Dealer. frluiHaeJ. n Tat whm that is sky Wgh in (jtiality rrletl range t'roiu $22 to $)0l teriiiH to tmit. AT CKEaCENT attt.NCT fl! (1 UIU