East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 25, 1901, Image 3

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- m a w -v la
a. . 1. J 111 V 111 HtMKIK'tMIl
- IJIIIII-Wa. . 7 a Si I
..rtl II IT I UVFw -
Just Half Price.
. AAiintM worth of Summer
WW VMM W w ' -
A. 1. . 1 ar-karl a"V -a 4-
Goods must oe tiuscu uui
by July 4th.
. I) ... v - .Tl-avawr wwwIl a"a
IHAT.JUWE 8ft. 1IW1-
- Upon UM Fil.tei of
. ...... i... Ium.ii Hi'iiiiinti'il hv
I buU. lUrtmin as ailmihiatra-
, US' . , , ...
ii.irDiin. Hi' """" "r
iM tixoH it IHMW "r '"r
, oAti Mr Carroll ami Mr".
. .. i
frirrnin were lirouier aim ;.
. mint owners "i wrun
r 1 1 i".--.. - ... . , .
rfitr in Psnlletnn. Mils a nine
(i.lltfliter ol Mri. Aim f
.. 'ia(I At) lilt lliri'e "ir lafco,
.. ..... t" tin' .r'Tly ! me
.w Carroll. Her home is at
n,ii Pi. fe idminiitrmtor had
inpointfd npnn trir mwu- oi
,:. n this matter IP (
..'lima... -
U nia snu inr "i""r
. i op it tbe isms time.
Hfii Tun In Bad.
HI wooden eer ceaie.'" inqnir
sodi of Mrs I.. Peaae, of Law
Kin. They knew she had been
Ui iaatf iier ixii Ifl seven ears
. L . 1 ...... .....I lit,... Iron kll
bat, "Three bottle" i aiecinc
miblcd me to mailt, she
"iod id months I felt
. .... t., at: !7.r , ml.
:.Jttbf, backache, nervous-
! nielsm Ii" v, laihf-
.lifft auMllw u'll! find it u
nciranhml. Only 5Ur. Tall-
4 Co.
1 111 III! II . , . I I
.ii mi niifi r l ' i
Prion of Two P.ndlaton Youths
Cost Thsm 1X0 Hath.
Tcrorr md Klward ..revosT. of
Mno. whi e On t imr wav to Lot
f mi iriwruui in, mrwmm hn
ot call tieloiiumu to J. A.
u-WJ KCIIl III lilf I I . . It .
r, aoirbeid nw th.-ui he re.
Mifiiialu Mrhonalil and
I tbtoi ia, but they were
i pottinir, up U'Acaati bond,
rninj tliey were taken bef,,rt.
iantli ind cbarjted witl, Im
i ii n drunk nd diiordfirly. The recorder,
after (jivinif tfiein aome very jiornf
,lvii'e, fined them $20 each. At tim
wn paid nd they were released fifim
cnutody .
Another Bloomer Gam.
There wan another bloomer game of
haeehall in f'endleton on Monday, June
24. It had not been advertifeii, MM
Meiiiently the crowd wax siiiiill, but
tin if fiijiiyed it. The playcra were
nioatly girla of U to IS year of uge,
witli a few boyi of ttie name age.
Early in the game tin' hi on- Iimm1 IJ
to 0 Rgainat the BH compnaed wholly
of ftirla. The aide that war. InaiiiK
atruck a hatting atroak and made 12
runa ao rapidly the acorer had to aeore
in shorthand. At the end of the eighth
IDning the acore wa 24 to 20. At that
atage one of the amall boya was atrock
in the face with the hall and com
menced to bleed. One of the girls
fainted and the umpire called tho
game. All this happened in the resi
dence portion of town a couple of
blocks south of the O. K. &. N. depot.
Baware or Ointment! tor Catarrh that
Contain Mercury
at mercury will lurelr deitroy the aenae of
mell and oomplalelr aerause the wbol
U'in when entering It through the muroui aur
Istiss Bach wrtlulei should never be uaad si
cept on nrearrlptlona from reputable pbral
..iaLa. ai .be daulau ibav will Ju ia leu f .id to
tltt good you ran poaalbfy derirs Iroro tbem.
tialr Caurrb Cure, manufactured by T. 1.
Cheney A Co., Toledo. ()., contalm no mercury,
and In taken Internally, acting directly upon
the blood wnd murnui aurfacea of the ayatem.
In buying Hall'a Catarrb Cure be aure you get
the genuine. It la taken Internally, and made
In Toledo. Ohio, by f. J. Cheney Co. Teatl
montala free.
Hold by all drogglata, price 75c. per bottle.
Hall'a Family Pills are the beat.
LU III M k.7
aTV 1 . kkr aw a
F S Myers, Portland.
Geo H Harris, Portland.
Andrew Nylander, Portland.
0 J Kiley, Chicago.
Kichard A Baker, Portland.
T C Reese and family, Milton.
C W Preston, Waitsburg.
D'Hbolts, aw
A S Heattleld, Spokane.
J A Allison, Portland.
D Kinker, Portland.
8 A Frans, Spokane.
C A Hammond, Portland.
W I Kurti, Portland.
W t OlhaM) Nysaa.
V E (irosui, Han rrantis
Jaasee J McNatnee, San Francisco.
(i M liuncan, Boston.
J H Fry, The Dalles.
Will Ingram, city.
0 -seer I so for Harveal.
K. Martin has made big prepara-
tioua to supply harvest outfits with
grooerios. lie lias bought in large
uuautities and never lets any store un
dersell him. He never lias any dis
satisfied customers because be gives
them the best gooda in the market.
Martin's store has the only tiret-clasa
bakery department in the city. Veget
ables, fruits and berries fresh every
-.'t ru.ua tha .in. ,
... "- rt.TTining
J lal rHS.''"'"1 "" oraiitfful In
J'Z. biirimu ..rtb and
... . ' iu UI1V1 u it.ur
. -7.."" aaasi ill uir t iHu,inMl
i aaarwiiaa gooua aa reprvaeuud.
v i n anil iaw4i-i
. ia v-putian..,
A Raging. Soaring flood.
Waabed down a telegraph line which
Chas. C Klis, of Lisbon, la., had to
repair. "Standing waist deep in icy
water," he writes, "gave me a terrible
cold and cough. It grew worse daily.
Finally the best doctors iu Oakland,
Neb., Iloai City and Omaha said I
had consumption aud could not live.
Then 1 began ueiug Dr. King'e HfM
Discovery aud was wholly cured by aia
bottles." Positively guaranteed for
coughs, colds aud all throat and lung
troubles by Talluian &. Co. Price, 50c.
All persons knowing themselves to
be In poriaeieioii of tieer kege tielonging
to the Keboitl Brewing Co. will piMM
return them at once, as we neei them
in our businas.
me g'a.l KraML4 U. ... J U..a Iil 1. .. . at ,
DrMlniu . ""ta tatac uirjifl OWt I1UUI. 11 VI H UIBV
tioi, . i "l (-'-'itCO World's Fair overall competi-
'lon a I vn.uamu norm s rair over an com pen
r'vnr. PT1 clleut satisfaction wherever used
aWtLau." ilalwaUsjii, We have the best Kteau
oaiiey, sed Kye aud Heard lees Barley
endleton roller mills
w- S. BYERJS, Proprietor.
- ' "v m x.y v r
1 have a full Hue of
The Peerless Ice Cream Freezers
f Jm 0Uw piut V) ten quarts, will freeze cream
111 frm three to five minutes; alo have a full
of tiuliing tackle, hammocks, etc. See my
llneMore buvinvr
- a' O
TAYLOR, the Hardware Man.
Sunday aftsrnoen Aeetdsnt to a Pendle
ton Party on Thorn Hollow Hill.
A party nf Pendleton people took a
trip up the Pmatilla river nn Sunday.
.Iune23, on a combination pleasure
jaunt, a picnic outing awing the feature.
Coniploaoni in the psrtv were Charles
J. rerguson and Mark Moorhonae, the
former handlina; the ribhona owas a
spirited team, hitched to a comfortable
hack. Nothing strange was noted and
no premonition nf impending disaster
was given. The trip was made in
safety, with pleasure, until the Thorn
Hollow hill was reached. Coming down
that decline, the party were engaged
earnestly in conversation. One of the
front wheels of the hack came off and
rolled steadily onward, keeping in the
road as though guided by an inviaible
hand. Mr. Ferguson drove riijht along
as though nothing had happened. In
fact, he didn't notice that the wheel
was missing until thov had cone mute
a little way. He said he thought he
felt a little jar about that time, but
did not think it worth while to stop
for a slight accident like that. The
team was Anally brought to a stand
still, however, as the axle kept digging
into the ground, making it hard f . r the
horses to haul tiie hack. Mark Moore
house saw the wheel come off and roll
onward, so jumped out and gave chase.
He is a member of the track team of
the Pendleton high school, and went
after the wheel as though he were par
ticipating in a L'LM-yard hurdle race.
He caught up to the wheel, knocked it
down and jumped onto it. Then came
the real trouble. Thnt wheel had to
he roiled back to the hack, a consider
able distance, and by the time Mr.
Moorhouse had accompl iidied the feat
he was perspiring as though he had
been taking a hard workout for a Held
meet. More time waa consumed in
finding the missing nut from the axle,
but it was finally accomplished. The
wheel and nut were securely replaced
in their proper positions and the trip
was continued without furtoer delay.
Not All ths rendition "-hooters Ars In
Walla Walla.
Notwithstanding the fact that a half
dozen of the brightest and best of 1'eu
dleton's wing and trap shots are absent
attending the tournament at Walla
Wa! la, there are ;i n inn her nf good ones
left in tbii city. Among these miy be
mentioned a woman, whose name to
this writer is unknown. She may not
lie a success at plunking a irared-to-
death pigeon as it comes from the trap,
and mav not he able to hit more than
one hluerock out of a dosen when
thrown from a inaugatrap, hut when a
bow-legged dog chases her horses
around through the lot adjoining her
home, she ii there witb the goods. The
family, of which she is apparently the
head, have heen occupying a grove
east of the baseball ground, living in
a tent. Thev had a number of horses
which ire wont to stroll aioond
through the tields browsing wherever
they are able to find anvthing in the
nature of gras upon which to browse.
On Monday afternoon these bones got
too close to the home of a neighbor
family, and a small boy "sicked" bit
dog onto them. The horses went home,
the dog at their heels. I he woman
foresaid came to the rescue with a
double-barreled shotgun of an old
p.ittern She i urr.-l I lie shotgun like u
sportsman and when she got within
range of the, dug that had aroused her
ir, . she cocaed the gun and brought it
to her shoulder, and whispered to the
dog to "scat." The canine seemed to
real i.c as well as though it had heen
a human that when a woman gets her
"dutch" up and levels a loaded shot
gun at it, "then n the time lor dis
appearing." It turned around and
walked away from the woman just in
time to save its hide from being ptr
(orated with buckshot. The wouiau
marched tiack to the tent which she
calls home with the air of a conquer
ing hero.
Widespread Inisrsit In ths Aelton of
Joe conneiiy Sunday Morning.
The Kast Oregon ian of Monday con
tained a thrilling store giving an ac
count of Joe Connelly's pulling the
lever which put on the air. brakes to
the train as it was speeding eastward
on Sunday morning between Mission
and Cay use. A widespread interest
has developed in this case as to the
cause which led up to Mr. Connelly
pulling the aforesaid lever. That is a
conundrum. The Kast Oregoniau
seises thia opportunity ! I .lowing the
scheme of mauy of the great eastern
dallies iu running a puile depart-
tneut. This will be similar, but not
exactly the same. Instead of it being
a picture puzsle, with instruction-!)
find the missing man, hog or what
ever happens to 1st lost, this feature
will lesolve itself into a conundrum
department. Why did Joe Connelly
pull the lever? A free American
citizen traveling on a well equipped
railroad like that of the O. B. H.
has certainly the privilege of pulling
a lever if he wauta to, or of pulliug
the bellnie if the fancy strikes him,
but it is seldom that anyone's
curiosity is ao overpoweriug. I lie
Kast Oregonian win oner a Muname
iirue to the best answer to the conun
drum. Those iouijeting will please
write only on one slue ol the paper
and restrict their communications to bu
Anita Council. No. 6, Poeabonlai. Is
The Ked Men of Pendleton and else
where have long been celebrated for
tbe hearty maimer in which they en
tertain. The ladies' branch of that
order in this citv. Anita council, No
6. Degree of Pocahontas, gave a dance
Monday evening, June in their
hall iu the Hendrick's block, which
was as pleasant aud as successful au
affair as one would care to attend. The
bail was suitably decorated for the oc
casiun. Tbe crowd present was large
and eutbueiastic, the dancing Moor
bring crowded when Kirk man auU
liuiutt let loose their joyous or
chestral effects, rroni o'clock until
after 18 the dancea followed each other
with haste, with scarcely any inter
mission, aud all present announced
that they had passed an euioyable
evening 1 lie lad les ol the order WHO
- i i i . t
were luairuiueuiei iu anauiu
affair were highly gratined at the suc
cess of their efforts, so much so that
they intimated that otuer similar
dauces might be given duriug tbe sum
mer. I tit juSaTW 000.
cter Sons Are f latum Ads at ' Top of
Column. Hsxi eadl" Wherever
Ihsy Co- ..
Oregou has made IU mark in all
uational gatherings recently held in
. .. .. r..j i.. ..,.,,ul i vatM have
tue caei auu v e-"- - -
" i -J 1 ,V. a, Hal (Mr I 111 I
heen recoguiseu m iu uiti "- -
manner, savs the Saleirf Statesman.
At Portress Monroe, Vs., the elooueuce
of Col. 1. M. Ounue aud the influence
of himself and his Oregon colleagues,
secured for Portland the next meeting
of tbe National Travelers' Protective
Association. At Hnffalo, N. Y., during
the past week, three distinct marks of
similar fsvor were bestowed. Mr. S.
A. MrKadden of this city and his fellow-representatives
to the supreme
lodge of Workmen, sc ored the next
meeting of (hat Isxlv at Portland in
lone, 1902, and Mr. MrKadden was
given a plaee on one of the very im
portant committees during the session,
as was also Citv Treasurer Werlein of
Portland, while Wm. M. Cnlvig. of
Jacksonville, was a member of the
standing committee on appeals, and
D, C. Htrrin, of Ashland, has been
for a year superintendent of extension
work in Ohio for the supreme lodge.
In the Superior Lodge of the Degree of
Honor, Mrs. Mamie W. Hriggs was
elected to one of the offices, and ill the
National auditorial Association, Albert
I'oier was elected to the highest place.
Who says that Oregon and its people
are not known and recognised abroad?
Ths Program Has Been Arranged With
a Paw Bxesptloni.
The program for the sports of July
Poarth have been arrange! with tbe
" eption of a few details. It has not
been possible to state positively the
hour when the different events will
occur, but they will be run in, com
mencing immediately after the ban
ball game, and finished up as rapidly
as possible. All who contemplate en
tering the different events are informed
that thev can make Ibe-lt entries with
LsM W. Held, who has charge of that
branch of 'he celebration.
Events and Prlioi.
Free-for-all footrace, (rotn BrOOh -
IfoCoaaa' to Bd Daatbota ,mfw priaa,
flOl second, f.V
Free-for all J'.'tl-yard footrace, from
Hotel Pendleton to Tallman A; Co. 's.
First prlaa, lit. 00 j second, 7.rsj.
Free-for-all H)0-yard footrace, Hmck
A McGomaa1 to Pendleton Savings
bank. First tine, f 10 ; second, $5.
i ree-ior-aii WHrard lootraea, Hotal
Pendleton to Tallman A. Co. 's. F irst
prlaa, I1K.00 . Mooad, $7. mi.
Hurdle race, 'JL'I) vnrds, Domestic
Laoodrf to Pulton's cigar store. First
pri.e, U'..r)d: second, fT "Ml.
Iticv. le race, one-quarter mile, Hotel
st. Qaorn to Hotel Pandlitoo. First
pri.e, tl'-'.'r": second, I7.A0,
Handicap birycle rai'e, one .piarter
mile, Hotel St. (ieorge to Hotel Pen
dleton. First prize, f 111 , second, f.V
Peanut race, for Imjvs. Golden Kule
hotel to Mcintosh's. PriaB, fl.
Walking rare, one .iiarter mile,
court house to Main street. First
prize, fit); second, ".
Wst Ten Hose Raes.
The wet test hose race will take
place on Friday, July A, after the game
of baseball in the afternoon. The
course will be from the Golden Kule
hotel to KiM-ppen's pharmacy, on Court
street. The prize will he fj.
Hs Wai Rev. W. K. r'otwlns's Aislstsnt
for Several Years.
Rev. W. I Potwine, rector nf the
Church of the Kedeemer, receiveil
a letter fmin i. W. Farrar, conveying
the sad news of the death of Rev.
Pradrlo B, Farrar, which occurred on
June at Ridgway, Pa. Deceased
was aged about 2o years. He came to
Pendleton ill the spring of It n and
assisted Rev. W. K. Potwine in his
work. In the summer of Ikhs, he went
back erst and returned in IHim, in the
spring, and remained during the sum
mer. His strength failed him and he
returned to Kidgwayand became rector
of the Kpim-opal church, which posi
tion he had to resign on account of
p .or health and spent the last winter
u'.eorgia. Mr. Farrar was visiting
with his sister at Newhurg, N. Y. A
few week- ago a brother named Percy,
a young doctor of Pittsburg, Pa., de
veloped consumption aud he was taken
to the rectory at Ridgway. His mother
and father sent telegrams to his
brother and lister. Frederic aud his
liter from Newhurg reached Ridgway
at H o'clock on the morning of June
lit, the former being completely tired
out, soon became unconscious and died
quietly alsiut 10 o'chsck without see
lug his brother Percy. Perry died on
Saturday morning without knowing
that Frednc had died. Four of the
brothers have died within the past
four years. G. W. Farrar, who sent
the news to Rev. Potwine, IS a brother
of the la'e Frednc II. Farrar, and
resides at Ottawa, HI.
A Model Village.
It is rumored that a 11,000,000 vil
lage will tie founded in New York
stale, in connection with a large ahoe
factory, I b- prime movers being a
couple of philanthropists who desire
to make the lot of their employees
happy. Anything that adds to happi
ness should he endorsed, and that is
why Hosteller's Btomach bitten,
which cures diseases of the stomach,
liver and Im.wcIs, hae received the
hearty endorsement of the American
people and has a record of fifty years
of cures to its ciedit. Dse the illttera
for dyspepaia, indigestion, biliousness
ami constipation. It never fails to
effect a ejieedy and M.-rmaueiit cure.
It im ai.-o an excellent tonic. If you
feci worn out and nervous, it is just
what you need to huild you up.
Awoke III Hsr Ca(Ma
Chrietina Winneckie, the 17-ear-old
daughter ol a Pole living near
Nashville, 111., alter a lingering ill
ness apparently died i-iinday night.
The family made arrangements for tbe
funeral, placed the 000 1 in a casket,
and relatives and friends of the family
sat up all Sunday night and Monday
night with the suppoetsl corpse. At 2
o'clock Tuesday morning the girl awoke
from what was only a trance ami her
condition now is even Letter than sev
eral weeks before she entered the
The president has appointed Charlee
M. Webeler collector ol cuetoms lor
the diMlrict of Idaho aud Montana.
Work In Oregon Ii Very
Under Mri. Dlsklnion.
Portland, June 2". Regular meet
I ings of the W. C. T. V. have lieen dis
joint in tied for the Summer, but the
work will continue as usual. State
press idenf, Mrs. Helen Dickinson liar
ford, is endeavoring to make the organ
illation a great iower in the Northwest
and the work in Oregon has heen most
active. Several new appointments
have been made. Mrs. Helen A.
'Adkins, of Monmouth, was selected to
(ill the snperintendoncy among miners,
in place of Mrs. Laura Moore. Mrs.
He lie W. Godfrey, state superintendent
of mothers' meetings, has resigned and
Mrs. Mary Adrich, of I a Grande, was
selectisl for the (vosition. Mrs. Mary
Saxton, of Kaker Cit), is now state
organizer. New unions are reported at
Marshtield, Coquille and Myrtle Point.
F'astern Oregon unions are sending re
quests for Colonel J. 0i Holt, and Ins
aery ices will he required for a year.
Klgin has lost a number of good worker-,
but l.a Grande is forging to the
Summer Suits of Coat and Pants.
aaaV I V ,
L2afl LaaBW J
Ths Plenls at Meaeham.
The ladies of the Neighborho l and
Musical clubs, of I n (irande, decided
to finish up their club year with a
picnic excursion to Meaeham, think
ing to add to the enjoyment of the oc
casion they sent invitations to the Pen
dlatOfl, t 'nion mid Maker club women
to join them at Meaeham, thus mak
ing a real "lield daj " lor the I iic-tern
Oregon clubs. The invitations ol the
I, a irande ladies have been accepted
by the various clubs, and Thur-duv,
oi this week, is the lav appointed.
At 1 o'clock dinner at the famous
"Log Cabin" will be i n 1 ol tin foa
lures 0l the day. The ladies will iM
take lunch baskets with them, as the
day is a Luig one, mid mountain air is
sure to engender good appetites. The
O. R. X N. Will give reduced r ite"
Ask the agent for a club woman's ex
cursion rate when buying tickets
Tbursdav morning. Fvery club woman
in the city is cordially invited.
The Fourth Club Seeured.
Manager M. A Ivioler has made ar
rangements by telephone with the
Davtoti, Wash., baseball club, to be
come the fourth club ill the tourna
ment to he held here July 4, 5 and 0.
I ho other three clubs will be Athena,
Happner and Pendleton. Four clubs
are all that are needed to make tbe
tournament a success, so the outlook
may ! nsnlered very bright.
Joseph Keil, one of Maker county 's
oldest pioneers, died ill Maker City
Saturday. Fating a piece of meat, it
Irecame lodged in his throat, choking
him to death in about live minutei.
e 0 e
A suite id rooms iu the Fust Ore
gonian building, hot ami cold water,
batliroooii for $11 a month during the
summer. Apply at tbe Kast Oregonian
office .
9 Tfc
Thi kind yon want at the timp
von want tliem
& Marx
OOrrwi0)MT mi
Nsw' .HSSSHaW ft
Tin1)- don'l rip, thw buttoni
"lou t DOOM 'l!'.
Just the thing for
Hot Weather.
Mormon Bishops' "Mill "" 1 " 1 '" . i a laaam nw MutnMa
, Alc.i UM'II I ,,'. lT l'u.HI.,,1 I,, el," ca ol . 4., In ., I , i . . . , , , -ii. .
CufM low Manhood, Im -
ma, Pains
lif rll
POtenc. Loit Pownr, NlahfLosses, Opcrmnlorrrioea Inaom
in ar.H, K.ll Oaslral. Oamlnal rnissiorv, L.trps iaos, nsnrou" "a
blllty, Haadoh,nflnsa o Marry, Lpas.of fTTlH man, Varicoojla
l,rh n. tW B.al
imi r, ,c. It- .r . cT".. ,,TI, a ocr 1 '. I J "lll ...,.ll. a.U..I.al
orvlti. Ml il tt-, Ci. Unci ncl Sri, .o to. e i , f aaaaaavai ., , t ,,. .,
m an.r nicuOrvi, uh a lao.a. CaMSaaa fess, Aodreaa, Sishop RemaUr t-o., Oun Proncisoo, Oal.
SOU a S I.K B1 ' f1 Ma .S 1 1 HI 1 1 I.J I I ,
A. C. SHAW k CO.
W. J. UrWILL, Manager.
Retail ami ton lots.
Telephone your ordera Main t. M.iin . of Ifaiii 88,
or lnvil tho driver of the bltwsk tetin
uHe is the Ice Man.
VanOrsdall A Ross
a sun ranadji lot lloi ami aiitai
Internal lonai I'oultry Paod keeps the Imns heallhv, mica grit aula digestion,
llone meal gives strength to voting chicks.
A clean, inoffensive but nutritious fertiliser lor your lawns,
C. P, Colesworthy Poultry a,,d Hee supply ieP
Arm In Arm with Your I'ik kcibook.
Yanl on Webb Street
Opposite Hunt Freight Ist
We are prepansl to furnish anything
iu He- lumber line and can guarantee
prices to 1st) as cheap, if not cheaper
than others. We also carry a large
line of iKsuri, Windows aud Moulding,
f'artiea content plating building will do
well to see us before placing their
orders We also carry Cascade Red
rir wood. 1'hone Maui W.
Our line cancels have Issen mlocted
with -.lew ol giving vou tiie beat
valve for vour money Seat, elegant
and attractive patterns hi seal with
durability, and within the means ol
all, is what we are offering in our Hue
st.s k ol rugs, aaraata and something
in lace curtains and portiers. It will
ciMit you nothing to back at them.
I'm ea are right.
Jcissc Failing.
Mam -tr.-et near bridge.
a .
Bhort ami loni huidle piteb fork
cBeytbera, uieavthe, FUxible mUhiI etblee, pollejre, hikjh,
in nil -i'
Hansford & Thompson,
'The tveadin Hardware Men."
Call UDi
No. 5
K-.S niehaiiila tkoraacUr, "' rstlrlag m
a hoi lailKtr 1 I'ciucaa Boss, tn u,oai
ril.-. u.aakiu ),urilriuKW-p.swill'""
and aasasuiat for tuiUt, bslto, Saul ourarrr.
l.r),..,oliil frlr wub i ii. caa ..n.uu.nt.
tktrTSatakic cur. aid pureal f iulll...ls.
V, L, jK KUi- during ulglu rw SOS. hands.
and 5and.
Heavy Hauling
Kaiasrlal altautiuu (IsaSI
lal i ..iiaifiiuiBuia
Laatz Bros.
Tburtda of eeoh wtk l will be ftt the Kirat Nttionil lnk
ojfiot ui reoeivw neeietl ul- on loU f wool N. 6, s, ifl ami
17, about 500 seeki, uow itored In thi ndepeoaeBl war
boute; lUjo aboul ;;t() uteki of t i i - yetJri oliu. I itterve
tln privilem of rejeotins any or all ihIh. rldareiai n' Pea
dleton i filot Rook. Telephoni Pendleton or ranch
Bear I 'reek. J R SHITM.
1(1 1 Gb
KJeiUy .'uruhtuHl Slaui HuUi
i lurvpMM Ptaa
Block a..d half froaw aipM.
Haiuple Koom I si auuussvUua
Room Kate
50c, 75c. UM
For Health. Strength and
Pleasure Drink :::::::
Polydore Moens, Proprietor.