brate 4 thof July in Pendleton, ri Just Half Price. m to close at lr yard. K3. to close at. Oe per yard. ESSbtOclofce at 12$c per yanl. SSodl to Clow at 15c pat yard. gjorfito cloM at 11)1 per yard. . niiirc wnrth nf Summer rvprV ttw- Goods must be closed out by July 4th. Cleaver Bros. Dry Goods Co. ATHENA BEAT PENDLETON y SPAY, .T Nr. HI'S NOTES 01 tiifir Cartano Uf. are f, of ATHENA Silln Ship 60 Horsti to s0rtind. " inn it if i - Ill; DlSt't tilt' l.S ttlM" Mir mil pi' l ST. . .. i it ri I M l; serious th. -. in reported aa being b mi lil fi rm WHipn (,. H. saline, ol Pendleton, was an ...ii.t s.tnr lal . )w A. t (oniioyer. wno uvea at . .t . Hii i in i r i if ( itu JW ' 1 1 u . ' . u I j h i i' Satnnlav. fill Harden woj a Weston visitor ilMot Cirri, No. 10, WOMB yi mil. a w-i .-iii' ... . nn f . nnh hr hi- inn W II II 1 1 U Ills' i .turdv eOiDf which wan ; itteadtd. Hr m Mfi. I diaries r.:lierd were :,loo visitors Saturday. J Ilea ii.,i.i; -rk D en- tbM west rfiiiiKim i i nf me ex ol bit rttidence. "Alien com- M will bate a handsome ami won nnnie. laud this city, wbo bat in mttiiai: v aitli 1 rank Salmi;. o, rounding up unreal mt the ...L . i I I 1 . I Bou iter and aluig last week Ol- v. riean 'ii Kir-i'i mini i tin I. " in .. mi i ui i Mini H rir lor-v 1 t mid. 1 axial diner, the last of the season, miu rriday evening, and wan well A very pleasant time m bt ill. Mr A L. LaVierr. u( Baker Citv. II - mm ...... PHi II i II. U r fllll IMII1M lit i. II I I.. I - - ......... p. Hi In Hakar Cite 'K-tf Ken-'ids. Wi-Ht ii. :- mm mtrtm iu tin- citv. Mr. a. Wk Callander and Mia Ivali ' w-mw rimioiuu f iMliirR wthat wuu me vTerytblna .laaraukw gou E . riaiiaiillaf L HUN2IKER, u piician.., 'nOuuru. A i ... i 'vaaui 1 1 r iV iiurrus' Ira Kemp ami Wi-ton Saturday. C. Oi Sharp and lannlv HUM from I'l'inlleton HStatdajf ami tueatc at the huroe id Mr. ami Mra. H. H.iTd. Mr. and Mra. Frank Kak. r. Adatnc, were in Athena Saturday. Ward St. John, of thia city, wen: o Adam Saturday and catiKiit a v ry pretty game of hull fur that team. The HON waa 4 to I in favor of Helix, in tin- thirteenth inning. Mr. and Mr. W. E. Bond went to Walla Walla yeaterday. .in Shea, of l'ortland arrived in the city BaUIItU evening and will catch for the "Yellow Kids" for the aeaaon. Mr. Shea tt a good all round ball player and ia a valuable addition to the home team. Kara Bixiber returned yeterday from a buainea trip to Portland. Geo. W. Bradley transacted husineas at Pendleton Saturday. Daring to the lateneaa o' the train Sunday morning the game between the I'emileton printer and Manager L. A. liithena' team bad to tie postponed. The date when tboae teaina will meet baa not been aet, bat will probably be Sunday, July 13. Perry Wy'riek, of Warren atatnm, vtaited Hundav in tbii city with hi brother, James Wyrick. ii. C. Caplinger returned from ti e head water of Cabin creek and the Looking Ulaaa, Wallowa county, Sat urday evening. He waa over the range looking up beef cattle and fpoftl them in tine condition, and the range good. Mr. Caplinger, wbo ia a harlv old pioneer and frontiersman, of 80 year of age, made the ride of 100 unlet iu eleven and a half houn. Btwara or Ololmanis .tor Catarrh that Contain Mercury aa mercury will aurelr daotrojr the mum ol mall aud completely derange the whole ay ivin wnen eaterlna it tUrouKU the mucoui ur iauea. Murli artlclea eltould never be uaad ax i cpl on pri'.i riptinnn Irom printable pUyl ciu, at tin- damage they will 00 i teu (ol 1 10 the good you can pnnaibly derive Irom them. HaiPa !atarrb Care, manufactured by F. J. Obeuey Co., Toledo, U uoutaiut no mercury, and U taken luiernally. aetiug directly upon tbe blood aud inuoout turlauee ol the tynlem Iu buylug Hall't Oaiarrb Cure be ture you get tbegeuulue. It it takeu lulernally. aud made In Toledo, onio, py K. J. Cbettay at Co. lutti mouialt Iree. Hold by all druggltit, price Tjc, per bottle. Hall' ramlly Pillt are ibe beet. Uroearlaa tor Harvaat. K. Martiu baa made big prepara tion to supply harvest outUta with groceriea. He has bought iu large Suautitiea aud uever lots any store un eraell him. He never hat any dis satisfied customers because he gives them tbe best goods in tbe market. Martin ' store hat tbe ouly tirtt-clata bakery department iu the city. Veget ables, fruits aud berries fresh every V. A Raging. Roaring Flood. Washed down a telegraph line which Cbaa. U. Kl ia, of Litbon, la., had to repair, "standing waitt deep in icy water," be writes, "gave me a terrible cold aud cough. It grew worse daily. Finally tbe beat doctors in Oakland, Neh., Sioux City aud Omaha RM 1 had consumption aud could nut live. Theu I began tisiug Dr. King's New Discovery and was wholly cured by sis bottles.'' Positively guaranteed for coughs, colds and all throat aud lung troubles by Taliuiau 6c Co. Price, 50c. A surgical operation ia nut necessary to cure pile. DeWitt's Witch Haiel ItJvi nave aJI that esponae and never fa' in Beware of counterfeits. Tall- Co. A suit of rooms iu tbe Fast Ore gouiau buildaug, but and cold water, bathroom, for $11 a month during the summer. 'Apply at the Fast Oregouian ottlce BYERS' BEST FLOUR tion a i C'"UK" World'a Fair over all couipeti- i aim t.i ...... ii u excll5Ul y aacx "oiled Ba,i aatiafaction wherever used. We have the beet (Steam Sid Kye aud Beardleas Barley. i guaranteed ey, pENDLETON ROLLER MILLS W. S. BYERS, Proprietor. DOC OSBURN'S TBLL0W RIDS A GOOD QAMR. PUT UP Dem Freezers I have a full line of a The Peerless Ice Cream Freezers frm one pint to ten quarts, will freeze cream lli frota three to five minutes; also have a mm hshing tatikle, hammocks, etc Pandlaton Had to Ba Satltflad With a Detaat, the Game Balna Won nn ItS merit a. One hundred people went from Pen dleton on Sunday to Athena, and watched the yellow clothed hov from that place scamper around tbe diamond ten time, while the players from the county seat took thing more leisurely and only trotted around three time. The game wa a good one ami wa won on it merit, i crowd ol nearh MO PMDU wa present to enjoy the port. Train No. I wa late, so that the train for Athena had to wait on it, with the result that tntead of leaving Pendle ton at 8:15 it waa jnt two hours later than that before a Mart wa made. The printers were on hand to play the Athena second team, but the game had to be declared off on account ol the train being so late, the game being advertised tn commence t in , .'clock, to as to finish before 1.'. The Big Game. Base tax 1 1 player and spectators as sembled at the ground at lJ:30, which they found already occupied by a larue number of gusts of cold air, which swept across the field iii an unpleasant manner. The player spent an hour in warming up, the onlooker BOolittl of! at the same time. Promptlv at 1 :30 I'm pi re Chapler, of the Pendleton team, cried out that the time had ar rived to play hall, and at it they went, the Athena aggregation taking the Held, l lrich knocked a ball to (i. Brown ami wa out at lirst. Meach got a base on ball and attempted to steal second. Shea threw to 1'artauo and Meach was out. At this stage of the game attention was called to the beautiful throwing of Shea, Athena s new catcher. His work in that line was excellent. He is a recent arrival at Athena from Portland, hut has more recently been playing with the lone learn. He i a valuable man aud caught the audience by hi prettv work. Stearns made the third out by knocking a grounder to K. Brown. Amelia Mads a Good Start. ti. Brown ope I up for Athena with a base tut and stole sec I: Willard singled: K. Browu knocked the ball to Cornell, who threw to Hartman, and was out; Cartano was hit with a pitched ball: Shea knocked u bull to Cornell, who threw home to catch K. Brown, but the bail went high, aud that gentleman and Willard, Ins run ning mate, clattered across the home base: Saunder made a base hit and went to second on Ulrith'a error: Murphy made a safe hit. scoring t artuno; Hell went out, (Oltiert to Hartuiau, and the inning wat over. Athena had made three. That number it nut very large when counting cattle on the range, but is large aud iuicv when hung up as the sign of toe num ber of runs made in one inning bv voiir side, when a less number would have been sufficient. The score remained right that wav, 3 too, until the be ginning of the sixth, when Pendleton plavcr cave the Pendleton rooters a chance for a little outburst of enthuti-asm. Pendleton Three Runt. Meach knocked the ball to G. Brown, who seemed to know that then was his time to make au error, aud beiug of an obliging disposition, be made it. Meach reached lirst. Stearns knocked the ball to Saunders, who threw to third to catch Meach, but he was a brief fraction of a second late. and l d Ii runners were safe. Cox uroke into the game aud contributed a base hit, whereat the Pendleton gang said thank you, with an i eiit -ii the thunk , ami arising m- d action. Meach scored. Hartman reached first on tielder's choice aud Mearu't landed on third. Cornell went to tirst on Cartanu's error ; Fletcher struck out; Barlow made a aale hit, bis third in succession; Hart- mau scored, Cornell going to third; with Cornell on second and two out, Barlow attempted to steal, hut was caught iu the act, shea to Cartano. The score remained iu that shape, d to 3, just lung enough to make the Pendle ton crowd feel that they were glad they came, say about 10 seconds. Athena went right iu aud made three more runs iu their half of tbe same inning. t arlano was hit with a plcthed ball, Shea stuck out and Saunders knocked a ii v to l Inch tor tbe second out ; Murphy reached lirst uu Ulrich'a error; Dell made a safe hit. Meach a wild pitch. rrancis a tafe hit aud three rum came in; . mown made tiie nurd out, dilliert to Hartmau. Athena made three more iu the seventh aud one iu the eighth, urakiug their total lu while Pendleton couldu't coax another man around tbe circuit M lb game wtt" ov.-r without AUsMM going lu bat iu the ninth inning. sjhea, Athena s new catcher la the best thrower to bases seen in this section this season. He hat a sort of a self-acting movement like a Smith A Wesson revolver pattern of l'JOl which pleases tbe friends of tbe club with which he it playing. In fact, takeu all together. Athena baa a hall team that it liable to take a acalp from almost any club that comet along. J'endletou'e three new players played a creditable game ana made a favor able impressiou upon the frienda of the team. Stearnt, the catcher, it a good man, coming to wregou irom McMiuuville, Mo. He has not played a great deal this year, ami cnnseu.ueiitly le not in beat of practice, but creates confidence in bit ability. Gilbert gave a good exhibition at abort, accepting six chance without an error. Cornell t third picked Up some good ground -ert, hit the ball hard aud can ruu bases aud otherwise play the game. His uue error was extieiisive, but as he baa promised uot tu do it again he has been excused. Barlow and Cox thumped the ball around aa though they thought they were playing "sock" ball. At least they eocked it ly, which wat very pleaaiug. Tba Summary. luudlvtou Ab K. IB I'lrti h, zb 4 I ttfeacti, p 8 I aiearun, c 4 Cox. ci 4 1 Hanuiau. lt i Cornell. iV 4 Flatcber, U 4 COplOUS' full .-ne my loru buying. Barlow, it Cilloerl, as Totals . . Aliiena (J. Browu M Willard. tt H Browu lb Carlatio, Jb Bnea. t Mau inltit P Murphy, rf i U i Oell MMrj 4 ,... . M Alt I 4 ...5 ...I 4 I 4 1 I V I u :; i u ho. I o 0 13 0 0 0 X4 ru. i a to 4 to 0 I 14 A 4 I V u 4 I 0 unable to leave her bed in Sevan vears on account of kidnev and liver trouble, nervous prostration and general de bility; hut, "Three bottle of Flectric Bittei enabled mo to walk." she writes, "and in three months I felt like a new person." Women suffering from hsadache, backache, nervous ness, sleeplessness, melancholy, faint ing and dir.r.y spell will find It priceless blessing. Try it. HaHstac tion i guaranteed. Only 50c. Tall man A Co. CONNELLY TURNS ON THE AIR He Stopped an 0. R. N. Rxprett Train Sunday Morning. When the express train No. tl pulled out of Pendleton Sunday morning Joe Connelly was aboard. There were other, but Joe was tbe principal. Conductor Andtnon had charge of the tram. The Sunday cxcurion rate of fl for the round trip, Pendleton to Meaehani, wa in force, which was the cause of the train leing crowded Kverytbitig went along all right until between OrjtoM ami Mission. Mr. Connelly t the owner of several thousand sheep and i a member of the Pendleton brass band. He is of an in quiring dlepQaiUoM and that phae of hi makeup canted Conduc tor Anderson to swell up with right eous indignation. Mr. Connellv chanced t glance at the signs near the end of the car which say "open closed.'' Whether Joe thought that referred to a tradoor in the roof of the car, or tome other door, or any old door, will never be told. At an rate, he took a chance of seeing what would hapien, and threw the lever from the "open" to the "closed' side of the sign. Tbe effect wa to apply the air brakes VoA bring the train to a stop in a manner to scare everyone aboard, trainmen as well as. passengers. N. Berkeley, Onirics H. Carter and Charles Fppinger, three passenger from Pendleton out for a BMndaj'l fishing, a well as many of the others, were prneticallv stood on their bend like acrobat in a circus. Conductor Anderson came rushing to the scene and wanted to know what was the cause of the sudden stop. Mr. Con nelly still had his eves riveted on those two signs, and didn't seem to realise what he bad done. He was picket) out a the perpetrator of the offense, and while Le was not the worst scared man in the affair, he had his enriosilv thoroughly satisfied, and hereafter alien he wants to gel up "ii ion of a car to vie the landscape far and near, he will ask the train men for assistance, ami not set the air brake alone ami unaited. "A few months ago food which I ate for breakfast would not remain on my stomach for half an hour. I used one Ixittle ol your Kislol Dyspepsia Cure and can now eat my breakfast and oth er meals with relish and mv torn! is thoroughly digested. Nothing eilials Kodol Dyspepsia Cure for ttomach troubles. " H. S. Pitta, Arlington, Tex. Kislol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat. Tall man & Co. A HOSPITAL FOR PENDLETON It It Proposed to Ralte a Fund of S8 000 to SI0.000 tor That Purpose. The I ranciscun Sisters will build a hospital in Pendleton II they can ob tain the necessary assistance. It is proposed to erect a hospital of 'IK lieds at a cost of from M00 to 110,000. Of this amount the sisters will furnish one-half an I the people of Pendleton ami the tributary country will provide the balance. Too sisters already have a line site iu the vicinity of the St. Joseph's academy , so the amount named w ill provide a very comfortable brick building which could be added to aa the needs and reioi i rements arose. Pendleton needs a hospital. So does the country tributary to Pendleton. Here is a population of :5,0Uo without boapitul facilities nearer than Port land, Walla Walla, or Baker City. The hospital business that now giH-t to these places should come to Pendleton. This has I nig been rocog nixed by the people as well as by the physicians, and '.here is promise now of the want beiug supplied. With the support of the physicians and the pe ,pie of Pendleton, tbe en dowment ol cots by the many lodges ol Pendleton, the lio'ttpital can be made a success. The work of construction of the hospital building will begin as sisin a the money is iu sight. The Kranciscau sisters who would have c harge of the hospital at Pendleton are in charge of the hospitals both at Baker City and Boise City and these institutions stand high among those of the coast. My little girl's hair did not I row. It was barsl, aud 'hi, and would tueuk og, and her sculp was full of dry daudi ull that I could not ousnu out A place aiouud tbe I n l of her i.i . I wat bald, and ou tu kjp of her In ad tbu I.Ah was unit Iwo or Unci I in l liaad i ru I'iu toxr aud tome i rn i s (niitiiieol. and her hair hat in Ihli k aud Sssolisr nil. Mas. A. IXtW.NfcY, AlliadiO. W trm iUsuk vilfcCi iict tt So.rasil lifkl in mat kin, cetnit., iuitti ul i ui..ii.ti.u sin citar Las - i tst half ul trutt. ttaltt, tuil dtnatug. Imiaita a4 Wean. taitca THE... V 0-a- (7 U II II U By innings. till HeudUtpa 0 0 tn. I o u o Struck out by fiauoders, ; by SI. a b, 4. I'mpire, Chapler. e "Will wouders ever ceaaeV" 1UOU of La uire BEST PROOF That a remedy curve ia the words o tlioae who've nod it. Mow often is it said. "I can't sl.wi. my system is ruu down, my digestion 'a bad, or l ve riieuiijansuj or iiuuo; troubleT" Reports of cure by uiy SUMMER SUITS OF COAT AND PANTS. i m FREE With every suit of Boys' Clothing. V;l Hoys' ragularly 0011M in six binatione of from .' to 10 soil fur i Siiilnr SnitH Worth 4HC, .vnl littiTi'iit com- COiOfl 111 Will The kind you wuni at the time y u wanl them. Good Goods at Fair Prices. $5.90 $6.50 $7.50 They lnt rip, the buttont lin't oome off, Just the Tiling for Hoi Weather. SOFT BOSOM SHIRTS. What yon in-eil these warm (lavs, sizes II to 171 75c, $.oo, 1.50, $2.00 They fit, look well, wear well. 35c EACH. bunch 01 fire crackeif with every suit Boys' Vcstee Suits ;it a re duction of 1 5 ,1 Bore1 1 bree piece k nee Suits at reduction l pan tn IS Hoys' t wo iliiit ion piece suits of !." lit .1 IV 50c Boyi at o piece lng pants suits .1 IfilUi lloii o 1 1 To look costs nothing. To buy naves von money 50 Hoys price. suits to rinse at hal I The Peoples Warehouse. ALWAYS IN THE LRAD. Agents Butterick's Patterns. A. C. SHAW & CO. W. J. BKWKLL, Manager. ...FOR HAYING... Short and loin; handle pitch forks, Scythes, Hiicaths, Kluxihle stel cahles, pulloys, ropes, in all sizes. LUMBER DEALERS Hansford & Thompson, The Leading hardware Men." Yard on Webb Street Opptatlte limit rri(ht Ii..,,.,) We are preparu.1 to furnish anything in tbe lumlier line and can Kuaraniee prices to be as cheap, if uot chcij i t than others. We also carry a large line of Doors, Windows, and Moulding Parties ooiiteuiplatiug building will do well to eee us before placing their orders. We also carry Cascade Ked r ir wood. I'hone Main M. Farmers Custom Mill Fred WaJtera, Proprietor. as4udly, ltd barrels a day. riuur excbaugeU lur wheat flour, Mill reed, i;buad ree-1. g? (u'MiCT Arm In Arm with Vour I'otheilx'ok. Mir line cars-ts have w b a view of giving mhn for our money and attractive patt-rns lawn selected ul tbe lieal eat, elegant III 4el with dlirebllUyi and within the means ol all, in vul are offering in our fine slock of rugs, carpels auI something in laee curtaina aud portiers. It will cost voii nothing to haik at th.nn Prices are right. Jesse Failing. Mam street near bridge. 0U' . alwayr i Call up: and No. 5 for Wood, Coal, Brick Sand. Heavy Hauling Xtstrltl (Itoulltt gireu 10 1 KU.I.uuiaiil WOOL FOR SALE. ThUTtday of each Mtk 1 will bt ul the First National Hank ofhco to receive MMlled hids OU lot- ..I MTOOl Nori. 6, H, uiid I ,. IDOUI r'IHI -Micks, now stored in the I udepeiuleut w.irc house; also ihoul 800 sacks of this yearn 1 lip. I rttserve the privilece of rejecting any or all bide. Adoreee dm i'tm dieton or Pilol Rook. Telephone Pendleton 01 ranch 00 Bear Creek. J- R ifllTH. Dr. Sanden's Belt Laatz Bros. tI4I lei a Cciii Otio OAK vr; AU. Hroa) KJHioUy Kurnlsned Stem Hultd I uiopcau I'Un U.ock and a ball froea depot Stun pie Xooaa la twatMetlaa 786, $IM Pour in by every uiaii. Tbeee slew it to be the greatest remedy for ail pains and w wannesses, au .t.i; sufferer Uaed this treatment there wouldn't lie an ailing uian or woman today Write for uiy mtereating !. fren-, and see tue cure, i i uimM. A. T. SANDEN, ik. Oapt. rtaSr" "-j m mmbv Bin I Polydore Moens, Proprietor UllLnUl I ljLLll. c- TAYLOR, the Hardware Man. A. Kuaaal tttoefc. OK6UON. ..I. i.f Mrs. 1. P rwioe, Kan. Tbey knew she bad beeu HOHIl ANU.