East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 24, 1901, Image 1

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i lUiLUM uiBwn tAIHtK. Z
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rxposiwl Maw I i . I ., ,
W"0- m a Dk TMIi f ACT.
PI III I ' '
NO. 1 1 r!
COMPLETE : : : :
I AdteS Muslin
linden ear.
No hers else oiHildo
thrlarttc city stores u III
you (In J Ml a stock as
Eastern Oregon TaW.
Napkins and Towels
Trip most magnificent
line of these giants r ver
M In the city.
You want a
Nice ie spring fryers.
jres"l or alive.
I are Curtains,
Curtain Swisses
rind Ruffled Swiss
W. can gn you
choice of a lot of real new
,.n. I feWMIM styles.
A special invitation is extend
cti to the ladies and gtQtUl
men of Pemlleton and I'm.i
tilla County to visit our More
ami sec
Our White Fair
The time has come lor
White Goods to go and
go they will if prices can
do it.
Special (hibition
lnLer Depart ment.
Special Reduced Prices
on Everything White.
Sheets and
Pillow Cases.
wv sen the "IMain
line realy-ni.ili slirpts
and cvs -anil sell litem
HI a low price.
Vhitp Sprerids.
A most
at fell
I'tei-llent value
Full sired Mi
lots of other
values up to
I mbroideries,
I rites and
fliere unusual hriuty
and style In our lines of
these irooils mil remark
ahly li prirv
Northwotl ami
next year. The
is to complete
i- abandoned
nf Mr-. Mi K in-
I R. Demott.
Alexander A Hexter
The Boston Store
A IVIid-Summer-Day's Dream
Pairs Ladies Fancj' Hose
Strictly Up-to-l)ate Styles
Mrs. .1 cfYcnani Davit' hsWlifa id tail
ing. Mrs. A. I hi 1111111 i r, mother Ol Kdna
Wallace Hopptr the aetre, died at
Snn Leandro, Calif,, Saturday.
X MMI of Um consumptive of New
York state is to he begun in about a
week iv lr. Paniel Lewis, potnmis.
sinner ol the state hoard of health It
will he the first census of the kind
ever undertaken hv that state.
Spain is making vliiorniis efforts to
repair the depletion of her armament
paused hv the Spanish-American war.
A special navy commission from Mad
riii, now in I.omlon, has placed with
the Maxini-Yicker concern large
orders for gut..
On tV Rockefeller and Carnegie
plan of endowing colleges and libra
ries, a Western benefactor, whose natfie
fur the present is withheld, has placed
in escrow in a IVnver hunk ll.ikXi.iklO
in securities, for the purpose of es
tablishing Peoples churches thn ttgh
ont the country.
President Mckinley has informed
ai Senator Carter, of Montana, that
he would visit the
Northern Pacific coast
president's intention
the itinerary which
because ot the illness
ley in San 1'rancisco.
While repairing a drawbar on a Van
lal ia freight carat LoMMport, Ind.,
which was loaded wKb whisky, a
spark from a passing engine caused one
of the barrels lo explode and Lawrence
BeatOII was killed, William Lskms
was fatally ami Calvin Neff and John
MOON were dangerously injured.
It is now recognired as inevitable
that the cereal harvests of llHM in
PrOMia will show the largest and most
diOMtfOOa deficit that ban been re
cordeil in recent years, and the require
ment of the liernian Kmpire in re
apeet to foreign-grown fiNaltuffa will
far exceed those in anv recent year.
Four dogs aiMicted with rabies ran
riot in the different section of Chicago
Saturday at different hours, causing
consternation and terror by their at
tack, until each had been dispatched
by a bullet. Several children and
adults were bitten by them. In the
past two days about 2u Mron have
been bitten by mad dogs in Chicago.
At Bbeepabcod bav Saturdav Uriga-
divr caused a sensation hv winning the
Sheepshead hay handicap from a high
classed field at one mile in the world'
record time for a circular track, lie
ran the distance in I : : 1 7 t-.V The
previous world' record for a mile on
a circular track was heltl ly Voter, al
I ) made at llrigliton (teach last
Johnstown Horror Re-enacted
in West Virginia.
Deluge of Water Came Upon the Peopln of
tbe Towns of tbe Coal Districts
Without Warrjloft.
Regular 75c kind 3
closing out at . - VUv,
a pair
June White Sale
Still Continues.
Pendleton's Big Busy Store.
P. Fireworks Hurt n
M WW! ill
G00dS--New r,wvrl
I lat assortment...
New Kyoi styles,
wnty patterns
,i... i ,
"".auie tnaae. 7ac
U ll-fiS. Let us
snow vou our line
before you make
your purchases.
Of! Ms M
This has been the biggest GENUINE SALE
d 1 in Pendleton for years-every day sees it
grow. It will grow as a natural result of
the really remarkable values that char
acterize it. And every day we keep cut
ting away at prices.
Remember these are no baits.
Croquet sets at
-a5 to h 65.
Children's gar
den tools, 19c 28c
nd ijz a set.
Ladies' floral
'ools, choice ioc
Water sets, 65c
H.IJ and fi
With trays.
Mri-. Klla Daorioat. Wife Ol Chester
lieering, an insurance man, died al her
home in Oalclaml, Calif., a few day
ago, very smlilenu
The Corvallis carriage factory has
isien sold to Cramer Hro., of liallas,
for I "on The original cost of the
plant wa about fL'H.OOU.
Mr. France Jane bailey, wile of
.). W. Hailes. state food and dairy com
missioner, died at her home in I'. in
land Kridav. She hail lieen an invalid
for year.
Through the efforts of Chief Vox,
of the Kaker City tire department, ar
rangements are alsmt completed tor
a nreinen tuiim. uncut , to Ih iiepi in
that town on the occaaion of the Ked-
meii'a caraiva!, during the week of
July Zi.
At a Uieetiiig of the member ol the
Portland Library association it was
decided to 1 111 11 over lo the i ll v of
I'ortland for In year all the property
lieluiiging to the association, which is
valued at about $ti)0,iMi. The library
will he free.
I.awreuce I )i It iniure, an employe of
the I'ortland Milling company, at
I . e. Wash., wa cruvhwi beneath
a pile 01 grain sa. kn 111 ll.e warehouse.
An examination uflcr the accident di-
1 Ion.-1 a fracture of the .-kul I and
probability of internal iiijurie.
Colonel l)avi-i M. Iiunne, collector
if inti-rnal revenue at I'ortland, ay
he liear.l while in Seattle a resirt to
the effect that B. II. Hagg, of s.ileio,
deputy collector lor the district of
Alaska, hail heen lost in the north.
I he friend of the Mr. Hagg at halem
think there i DO truth 111 the report
a letter of recent date have been re
ceived from It i 111 .
Baby's Birth:
How MS I woman date a life a
chronic m lUdiata from baby' birth
She tnea "different doctoea and liitfennl
nielicine" with lit
I tie
1U k revers
A jEl, C.V : war
"'ft sells else-
t .1. ; ' lu JOUliuesa
ink l ra,lcy castiie
l'lUeia, uuil oilier
"C. I2'i Kr
edericK Nolf
Women's Shirt Waists, 1901 Styles
At 4-h' all waistH formt-rly ko11 tor 7 V
At 67c all waists formerly Hold lor $!.)
At 87c all waists formerly Hld for 1 .2"
At 98c all waists formerly sold for JbO
At 1.35 all waists formerly sold for 2.00
Women's Shirt Waists, sailor collars, $1.13
Formerly $1.50 and $1.65.
Women's White Shirt Waists
At 89c all waists formerly $1.25
At y8c all waist fomurly $1.50
At $119 all waifts formerly $2.26
Silk Waists, in black arid colors, $4.48
Formerly $6.50 to $7.50.
Children's Sailor Hats
At tut loCOaOdy 25c At "c lornierly 35c
Wash Dress Goods, at 6 I -4c per yard.
Our line ol Crash, Duck and Pique Suitings
formerly 15c, aoc, 35c.
Sheets and Pillow Cases
bleached sheets lormeriy "3-
1v LUr uiuthcr
1 a ff .it
At 62c 0-4 bleached sheets formerly
a. ..... .c.ifc nillow cases formerly
ni 1 - ej J r .1,, 20c
At 14c 45 36 pHow cases formerl) 20c
Bed Spread closing out cheap,
Eci child. It nun diseiuek iicculiar to
wuiuca aad c use them priuuuicntJy
There u no alcohol, oaitiux, curalor or
any other n.o- ..le in "I'kvonte irri iip
turn." It u purely a vegetable .u-jai.
tiou and cannot diaagree with the weak
eat cuustitutioo.
atm. Km.rmxi Allen, of Dorset. Ontario Co .
lit., writ. : 1 c truly My that 1 tbiuk Or
Merer', eteHlrtiiTi the beat I have ever ue I
III very poor bcaJU lur a loue umi UHlf
the Urtb uf iuy little girl I trieo aiflercul
and eiBereat ia,atrlaea I oenvea yery
lore beurot from your meewine. lean
any otber I aae erer usee t lua
Ot ravonie ricafiuuu. an
Of ' Golds u Medical la..very
always keep l"t ' 1-ellrU ' ia lite buuae.
Dr. Phtrce'a Common beuae Medical
Ariviarr uauer U,uul, la sent ray 001
receiot of 31 oae-ccut atatupa U
expeaac of mailing onty Adtiicae
fa.'v7ieje, buii-L,. M. V.
BlOOfold, W. Va.. .Mine 24. Thi
section ha us! been visited hv a Boot),
the extent of which ill all probability
will eilial or exceed that of the
Johnstown horror of ISM!) in loss to life
and property.
Karly Sunday morning, shortly after
midnight, a heavy down pour of rain
began, accompanied by a terrirlc
electric storm which laated fur veveral
hours. During the dav the Htnrm wa
reiiewed ami the river and creek
were tilled to overflowing. Following
the storm came tloiai of water, a if
one cloud burst after another had oc
curred. The people of mauv place
had no time to ecane ami were
drowned like rat caught in a trap,
while their homes anil other property
were swept away.
Grave Dancer Threaten.
Roanoke. June Mi New from the
Boodod district Ind leO tCI there i grave
danger of lawlessness following in the
wake of the want and waste of the
flotsl. The negroes are (he disturbing
element. Tin white are orgauiniug
and the word has gone forth that the
negroes must work or leave the district
at once. The negroes are ugly and the
whites determined. A clash may occur
at any moment. The .tate militia
ha I n ordered out.
Tha Lou of Lire.
Huntington, W Va., June Mi QoV
ernor White, who has just arrived from
Charleston, says the death mil will be
enormous. He fear it will pas tbe
thousand mark and may reach two
tbOOOaad, The governor is endeavor
ing to get a relief train to the stricken
Lou or Lira Over animated.
Itoanokc, Va. , Jt)M "Jt. -Some
survivors of the Itnod in the Klkhoru
va! ley reai liei I here tins morning
Thev think the lo of life is over-estimated
and that it will be alsmt one
or two hundred
Dirrieuli to Obtain Nawi.
Minefield, W. Va., June 24. Com
mini icut um ia entirely cut off weal of
Blkborn, making it impossible to
learn the full client of the loss to life
and property by the flixal. Officials
of the coal operator in the stricken
district have sent messengers tn Klk
li' mi, with tbe report that a conserva
tve estimate ol the lo of life i two
1 hum!rtl, mime of the drowned being
among the mot prominent clllr.ens of
the coal Held. Tbe town of KeVMtone
and Van are the greateat sulh rers
Keyatone i located in a valley alsiin
two hundred yards wide. The full
force nf the llood swept again! the
most thickly settled portion of the
town ami fa-fore the terror stricken
lien ilc realized their danger. On the
Clinch valley iIivimioii of New Kiver,
helwer-n this city and N 'Wton, Va.,
emu mini icat i' mi in entirely severed.
Iteporta come of great lo of life and
property throughout thill section.
Troop to Ouard Property.
Charleston, W. Va., June 24.
Troop are being sent to the torm
Mi I district to guard property. The
lateat report are that Welch, county
-at of ale Do Well county, i a severe
sufferer and many Uvea were lost
from ibO to ttOO Live Loit.
Konova, W. Va., June Mi -Only
meagre new ha faien received from
the southern Wel Virginia district
regarding ihe i londhurt, a all tele
graphic communication i completely
cut off. The work of the Ihaal, o far
a known thi morning, can be summed
up aa follow: The loea of life ia vari
ously estimated at from 2.V) to tal.
1'hirty miles ol railway track are gone
and two bundled miles, are useless for
operating purtoai-H, a scon- of coal
plants are damaged and put out of
operation for weeks A hundred car
. .i . . i
lieuetit Then I "wept away oy tne torrent ami
fortunately her at lwl"' ty-nve nriugea, pernap more, are
tention it called tt """""'g. -itv mile ul territory, from
Ull ...nark able cure, Vlv," l" Williamson, Ml IW ept
resulting from the "Y t',e HU1' iroin which no word
uar of I-lr Hierce'l ''H " l" "afety of its people
Favorite Treat" rln latod it town ami village
tion, and ahe give Town Wathad Away.
the ITeH trine a trial Huntington, vV. a i June 4 Hiof
Hi i esrnr.ur n repoii - ie. eived here says that the
that of ninety-eight town of Klkhoru, (JqOIbW and key
women out of every stone have been completely washed
hiind. ed who use away and probably a thousand live
"1-uMinlr i'reatrip- ure loat. A correspondent reached here
tion" for womanly thi morning from a portion ol the
ilia ahe ia cured. region affected by the cloudburat and
lit. Pierre's Fa- elate that there ia nothing to hear out
vorite I 'rest lotiou this atateiueut.
ie-pcceliarfy a a all read Mao tlateoianl.
mother a tueelictne Koanoka. June 24. Tha eeueral
Its uae before tna- manager of the Norfolk and WtMtern
tertnty inakea the railroad made the atateiueut thi after
bahy' advent prac uon that from heat iiiformalion ob
u.uiiy iwiiiJca. it uiiiabia. about alaty ueopla were
stre.iglll to nnia. . , ,,,.,) u Nrtl,(tk and Klkhoru
district, and the property loea will be
about 41X1,000.
Renortad by I. L. Bay fe Co.. rendition.
I hleaeo Board ot Trad and Hew York
Stoak Baahanee Bpokera.
New York, June 24. -The wheat
market wa without special features
today and price change are small
Liverpool oloaad '4 up, fV New
York ODOMad 18 higher, 74 l-H, and
held within V nf thi all day, cloe
ing at ..i .'-H. Ihe visible supply shows
it decrease lor the week of L', 224,000
compared with an increase of l,M8,000
lor corresponding week lant year.
Stock are lower.
Money, t per cent.
Wheat :
Close Saturday, 7:H4.
Open t.slav, 74 l-H.
Hange today , 7.1 .-s (J 74 l-S.
CI oae today. 7:t ft-S.
Stock: Sugar, 1 IC ; tobacco, IMH J
steel, MM I st- I77l4; Atchison.
HH'4 , Krie, 4! I-H; V. P., Ill1-
Wlinl in San Franelieo.
San Krancisc.i, June 24. Wheat,
H to loo 4a
Dead at 2:30 O'eloak
Morning on the Side
walk. New Haven, June 24. -Secretary
Hay, who wa utterly proatrated hy
the sudden death of his noii upon hi
arrival here yesterday, is reported to
be mud; improved thi morning. The
body of CniiNiil Hay will probably he
taken to Cleveland, though no funeral
arrangements have yet U'en made and
will not fie, until Mrs. Hay arriyes.
Vlelhert P, Hay, son oi Baoiotafy
Hay, former consul to I'retoria, was
found dead on the sidewalk outside the
New Haven house at 2::lil Sunday
Hay relinxl to ins ri at I o'clwck
after sml ; ng t he evening with f r ie ml
in apparently excellent spirit.
At ItM a passer-by noticed the body
of a prostrate man Iviug on the side
walk of the College street side of the
hotel. The night clerk of the hotel
wa immediately summoned and recog
nized the voiuig man as the one who
registered as Adcllicrt K. Hay. There
wa- OOJtBiderBbla excitement about the
hotel and a large body nf Ntmlout and
graduates who are hero (or the MMBV
i oamel aawrelaoa aoon gathered, a
number ol Ins former classmates at
Yale pisltively identlhed the young
It is believed that Hay became ill
and went to the window lor air. was
overcome hy a lit of diiiiuoas and fell
to the ground below. He mav have
sat in the window to amoke a clgaretli
as a halt-smoked one wa lotind near
him, ladore retiring, went to sleep
and fell to Ins death.
Cuavtlng a lo HI Death.
New Haven, June 2-1. --A medical
expert issued it statement tin after
noon tii.it it is hi lieliel tfiat voimg
Hay fell out of the window while try
ing to reach for hi ring, tubers in
clined to the belief that the young
man wai in a somuahnl iwllc state
when he loll to In death.
Maicaga or Sympathy.
Nw Haven, June 24. -A Ihsal ol tele
gram reached here thi morning,
('resident Mr!' inlev and every member
of hi olltcial family II WaMhiugton
sent words of sympathy to the relatives
of Adlobaffl Hay.
Popular With the Boar.
Amsterdam, June 24. Ooin I'aul
hruger has cabled to America an order
fore hands I wreath (or Adelhert
Hay. Ihe wreath i a tribute to the
dead consul lfOB9 the liners, witli
whom be wa very opular.
Will Expire by Limitation
Next Year.
- o 11
Chinese Prrparln a (iMao-tlc Memorial 10 Cod
stress Atfulnsi it and Raising Money to
Oppose Similar Legislation.
Ohio Bapubllean Convention.
Columbus, ).. .1 hum .'4. Thi city is
tilled Willi del. -gales and visitors t
the republican state convention, which
pens al I o'clock this evening QoV
ernor .Nash will he reiiom inatixl by
acclamation. Ihe anti-ahin league
i making a bitter fight against Lieu
tenant inventor Caldwell and lie may
not he favored with a sc. ond minima
lion Ihe platform will not differ
much from the leat one.
uiutl. I
ft .
t amp um Medal Deaiee.
Waeiiiiigtoii, June 34. Tbe eeeroUry
of tbe iitry today approved tbe deaign
lor tbe Waal luOlee campaign uietlal.
It provide lor e portrelt of Admiral
h in pa. ii. on one itle, and ou the other
a repreiHiulaiiuii oi me aieu iieiiinu
Ibeguna," wltb appropriate ioaerip-tiou.
Indian Biaited.
PboMfa J MM Mi The Walluid
IndlaM threaten aafflOMa trouble In
Northern Aruona on account nf the
Kingiuaii tragedy. A pow wow wea
held all night and young chiel are
lltaltiag the warrior to an uprising.
Mora Troop, l MM Hum.
an franciKco, June 21 Ihe Iran
port UrMl arnve.l here with the
rorty -eighth infantry ami two
battalions of the l-orly-iilnth hslav.
all Bid Baleeled
Salem, June 21 All bhl lor the
soldier's hone improvements, which
were opened here this morning, were
rep-i ted New signification will l
pre pa r. I and readvertiwsl
i h Beperi Oanlad.
Ilerlln, June 24. The foreign ottee
deniea that uegollatioua are proctHtlug
for the reception of Ka 1'reeident
Kr ig.i hv Kalaer Wllhelui.
A etrong effort bee been made Milk fa
the ai week to get tbe hatlleatiip
Oregon to viail Ihe Mirt of Portland
.ho ing Hie Fourth of July celebration,
but it i to he announced that ti e
effort were unavailing.
Cortland, fane 21 laa-al Chinese
resident' are discussing tbe repeal of
the'iearv BBC I na fan law, which t at
present receiving so notch attention
IbrOMgboMl the country. The law el
pires Mil vear a. d there is a proposi
tion on fool to extend the law for a
permd ,,( HI yeori Labor organiza
tion are milking every effort to tiave
the CfaBjfy law r BBBtOd lor lie time
mentioned and desire, also, that it l
made to include lapanaaa and other
Aitn races. In defense, the t'hlllene
of the coutitrv are trying to cause the
law to in- repealed
Portland, oblla aot poaaaaaiBg the
large Chinee population that it had
scleral vears ago, is still one of the
cities hilling a heaV percentage of
Mongolians. Vting in nim-ort with
Chinese men hams in Chicago. Han
Franciacn, New York, Seattle and
Philadelphia, I'nrtland Chinese are
making preparation fur a gigantic
memorial to he forwarded to emigre
at Its next session. fund is also he
ing raised. hill pist what tin Is needed
(or is not oitiei clear, unlcia it i in
tended to defray incidental expenses
lid employ hihhVMts I hese various
memorials ale to he -cut to Minister
Wu Ting Lang, the Chinese representa
tive, who, in turn, will present Ihein
to tbe government Kucniiraged hv thn
iMisitloti taken hy the Tinted Mates in
the Chinese nocstmu, now pi'inlim
local residents hnpe that congress wi
giv' their meiiiori.il full cniKiderat ion
Itecipncilv is the slogan of the
Chinese. I'hei declre that the ex
elusion iii-t -hoiild be i. pealed since
America I recoiling sin I nstdera
tion ami concessions m China. Copies
id Ihe exclusion law, written in
Chinese characters, are laong cirru
latisl in Chinatown and explained to
the lower .hisses In the merchants
few prominent Chinese merchant,
however, are in favor of the law and
decline to assist in the memorial,
t here are highbinders upswing the
scheme, also, us its abolishment would
end the profit they make in smuggling
men into tin country.
Boxer Movement Aealn.
I'ekin, June 24. The autboritma
here are alarmed at the revival of the
BOMf movement under the name of
allied villager. Thev profe to la
organ. Bad lor iiniiual protection hut
their real object I and foreign. They
are partn ularly active in the neigh
horbiHsl of I leu Tain.
Harihal Drive Out Sooner.
Fort Worth, lex . June 24. Hutted
State marshals have jut tlniahed
the task of driving the "Msmer' from
the Kiowa ami Commauche reerva
lion. The entire rcserialion are
now clear No trouble ha ensued.
TIlH Vt I V III . I D0VllitM
in im:i and BLUK ihot
for Uelevnti and ohlldifn bavc
ar rived
Fliis week we will mII twt
lintM nf I atdlft' kill button
pAtaol lip iliofa, ragulevr priee
Itilii; us llii-v lunl lo H
ii iic i
tli i e Beeii
We will l in w)
week 'ur ,bw wl
i UulitaV kul tip
ihotl, lobular
l gu at $J.5
uotUei pair ul .line title
low liuie buar w 4u It.
The Peoples Warehouse
I muni, ur- Flier.
Main Mm i t. I V tidicton, Or
(loiiiK Hume i.oeidcd
Warehouse Burned.
balem, June 'H. -Tbe warehouae of
K. Hawk wa deetroyed hy lire yea-.-I
lay Loea, 1600.
Cincinnati, ., June 94.-The
i i . .- n i annuel oonreatioo ol Mt.
John opeited hure thi Msurufag.
isn't alwaya a pk-daaiit exportratCO
but it ia unneceaaary when yuu ur-
chaat: al our store, aa we deliver all
gooda free oi charge ami promptly
when ordered Our atore is loaded
with good things in all the delicaxiM
of the season i'or high grade laucy
and staple groceries our prices art
lowest to towo.