East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 22, 1901, Image 1

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ggrv ,an i
'sir tonight ntirl -limits?
NO. 4I.8
rOT ii 1
COMPLETE : : : :
in Eastern Oregon
You want a
KM si" sprinK Overs,
dress-! or alive.
G. R. Demott.
Wash Goods
And wc arc on time as usual with a
goodly variety ot the newest styles.
You don't buy wash goods simply
because they wash. You want dainty
Mimmcr wear, because thev are
dainty, pretty, serviceable and will
wash, if need be.
If you want the prettiest of the
pretty wash poods now in vogue, re
liable as well as beautiful, come here
for them.
We have them all; Zephyrs. Dimities
Linens, Mouse-lines, Lawns, Madras,
Organdies, Batistes. Swisses, Foul
ards, Oxfords. Percales, and a score
of other dainty materials. We are
always pleased to show them
Alexander & Hexter.
The Boston Store
Pendleton's Big Busy Store.
Flar. Fireworks, Fourth
of July Goods--New goods
and largest assortment...
This has been the biggest GENUINE SALE
in Pendleton for years-every day sees it
grow. It will grow as a natural result of
New 1901 styles,
fancy patterns and
durable made, 74c
to 3 65. Let us
tlmuj I
before vou make the reallv remarkable values that char
your purchases
Croquet sets at
' 25 to 3.65.
Children's gar
den tools, 19c 38c
and 39c a set.
Ladiea' floral
tools, choice 10c
Water seta, 65c
ll.$J and 1.95,
with travs.
If tol value in
'We hanrti ,"Iora fee, rovers
In. ' sens eisr-
WaT ' nt to Godliness
,' ue clean?
Uu PUrchac j s. . -i
OiD "as uu sales 01 louei
Helm "lort: all her
oTJi?L,nb'ntd Fancy caatile
V worth Cr. In,., o 1 nrk.r
fetsZ J r 45e a dozen; other
'oc, iai4. 1 sc bar
NericK Nolf
acterize it. And every day we keep cut
ting away at prices.
Remember these are no baits.
Women's Shirt Waists, 1901 Styles
At 4c all waitB formerly sold for 76c
At 67c all waiats formerly sold lor $1.J0
At H7c all waitstis formerly sold for 1 .2.0
At 9cSc all waists formerly sold for 1.60
At 1.35 all waistts formerly sold for 3.00
Women's Shirt Waists, sailor collars, $1.13
Formerly $1.50 and $1.05.
Women's White Shirt Waists
At M9c all waists formerly $1.26
At 98c all waist fomerly $1.60
At $1.19 all waists formerly $2.26
Silk Waists, in black and colors, $4.48
Formerly $6.50 to $7.50.
Children's Sailor Hats
At ioc formerly 25c At 19c formerly 35c
Wash Dress Goods, at 6 I -4c per yard.
Our line of Crash, Duck and Pique Suitings
formerly 15c, aoc, 25c.
Sheets and Pillow Cases
bleached sheets formerly.
I IBI llll Ml U.
1 1 enry W. Massingham, writing in
the London News, mvi that flOOO Cape
Colonist have already i.iiiiixl the
A violent Moral burst otct a large
area 01 southern Kussia ednesday,
Hooding several town and greatly
damaging the crop.
Chancellor Cook ha decided that the
Nashville railway ha a perpetual
OWOarahtp In the streets oi Nashville.
Suiis were instituted to obtain a
revocation of the charter.
The Reich Anr.eiger publishes a
itntemenl to the effect that Rnpttor
William has decorated Kmil boas,
the American general manager of the
Hamburg-American line, with the
Crown Order of the thin! cla.
Billy Mndden. manager of On
Kti I h i n , declared that he ha waited
long enough on Jeffries, and if the
Call fofO i AO does BOt agree to a match
at 11 very early date he will claim the
world' championship for the Akron
The management ot the Santi, Ke
railway ha begun to carrv out a va't
colonixation plan which will reti!t in I
bringing many thonand of Italian to
thi country and in locating them on I
land in Southern California, New
Mexico, Oklahoma and Tela.
Samuel Oarrin wa arrestisl !y the I
federal authoritie at billing, Mon
tana, charged with complicity in steal
ing IlK.lMO worth of cattle from Creek
Indian, on w hich charge Robert Loo I
1 now Ming tried in the I nited
State court. A year ago tiarvin wa j
one of the mot prosperous eitixens of
The' Oregon and Wahington editor I
in New ork city are creating much
interest in the Lewi and Clark Cen
tennial, to be held at Portland in lbUV
The badges ami banner of the editor
attract great attention. Many favor 1
are heing liown the party. It wa
entertained bv the New Vork l'te
club Thursday.
The Kachange Telegraph company
aayi the legal nreluninarie in the uit
M 1' irtia Knight, the Aoorii an
actrea. and an Oregon girl, aganiNl
the Puke of Manchester for breach of
promiae have lieen completed and the
cane hai been set for hearing. Colonel
Knight i in London to support hi
daughter' interest.
Law's Strong Right Arm
, Protects a
Order!i of (be Governor Must Be Obejed, Said
the CommiDder of tbe llllili (0 tbe
Leaders of (be Mob.
There are several case of diphtheria
at Atoria and one or two death have
Df, B, K. IVarson, of Chicago,
has again pledged to give (.rai,(m to
Whitman col lege, Wal la Walla.
The Clackamas countv aenient
roll will aggregate from f o,o.m to
:IX),ihi higher than that of last ear
At Maker City $1100 ha- I ub-
senhed to the Med Men's carnival
which 1 h proposed to lie heht in that
J. W. Tmett, aged L'tf yean, died 111
Salem Thursday of kidney trouble.
He wa a on of Mri. R. C. Nlielton,
of that city.
Oeorge Ilavii, a well known business
man of Moise City .dropped dead on the
i ridav morning of
treet 111 that city
heart apoplexy
Jobnnia Kaiser, the I year old son
of a farmer living four uiilea from
Bndieott, Wash., wa bitten by a
rattleanake and cannot live.
The supreme court of Idaho ha de
cided that the law of Idaho that a band
of ahawp cannot lie herded within two
mile of an inhabit! dwelling 1 con-Btitutional.
Mrs. tjtarr, wife of Wavue Starr,
who i under arreat for robbing the
Dusty postoilice, atleinpUxi to commit
suicide ai l.eiiunon hy taking an ounce
of laudanum.
Since about two weeka ago, when the
height of ihrr.terat Portland wa20.
feet, the water ha been gradually fall
ing until it II now about 10 leot atsive
low water mark.
John H. Carwt, of the grocery firm
of Carae ,v Murdeu, diel Thursday at
tbe Oood Samaritan hoapital in Port
land after a long illnes with alomacb
and heart troubla.
The salmon c aimers and tialiermen of
t-raser river are now at a deadlock and
another fishermen' strike, on practi
cally the aame ground aa laat sum
mer, aeeuil inevitable.
ZjpHi Paoo
r That
llouton, Tea., June H, The Hon
ton Light tiuard and the Houston
cavalry were ent to Trinity yeaterday
to protect the negro raplt nMMa
BpOOOOr from mob violence. The laat
ailvice at '.' o'clock tin morning, com
ing in an indirect wav, ay tbe BMN
wa aeen tied to a tree with the oldier
surrounding him and a big mob aur
rounding the aoldier. The commander
of the Midler ha informed the mob
leaders that he will obey the governor'
order to return the negro to thi city
and they have told him that the negro
will never he taken out of this county
unlt-ae bv miperior 'one.
Spanear Lodgac In Jail.
Houston, June 22. Thia morning
SpWMtff wa taken to Huntsville and
lodged in jail. The militia held the
mob at bay all night, taking refuge
with the prisoner in tbe Irmitv
school bouae.
ih Soldiart AUaekad.
Houston, June '."J.- A the soldiers
Isianled the train with the prisoner
someone in the crowd opened tire ami
a pitched battle ensuixl in which
about two hundred hot were llred.
It is not known positively whether
anyone was killed, but it 1 believed
that two of the mob were shot.
The mob, which had the tlrst con
signment of troops lieseiged in the
school house, was taken completely un
awares by the arrival of reinforce nil
early thin morning. After some
maneuvering the soldier- with the
prisoner boarded the train for Houston.
Ha Writ a Not to tha Ctar Explain
ing Duly on Russian Oil.
Washington, June If, -becietary
Hay ha prepared a note for the Rum
ian government, relative to levying
duty upon Muian petroleum, atatlng
that the action by the secretary of
the treasury la, in no aene,nf a retalia
tory nature, but simply in accordance
with the law which provides for the
levying of import duties on k I- BOB
ing from any foreign country, eipial to
the duty exacted bv that country upon
the same class of American exports.
Cabinet Dlseusssd It.
Washington, June 21'. --The most
important subject under discission at
the cabinet meeting was that involv
ing the assessment of the customs
duties on etro!eum or its pfodoott
imported from Russia. As a result of
tbe consideration of the ciijiri, matter
by Mm cab'net. !-ccrctary Hay will
BOOB make representations to the Rus
sian government, fully explaining the
attitude of this country and pointing
out that Russia has acted hastily ami
under a misapprehension of the fact
in her poeitlOB of retaliation.
To Threaten sultan ot Morocco.
Washington, June -A the result
of a visit here by Consul tieneral
(iummere, who ha been the American
represents! 1 ye in Morocco, It lias Is , n
decided that on his return to Ins post
of dutv that he shall demand a per
sonal interview with the sultan
Oummere has been III Morocco oi
three year, but was never afforded an
opportunity of presenting credentials
to the sultan. If any obstacles are
pis)) in his way or any daoopilon
practiced it is probable the I nited
States will make a naval demonstra
tion in Morrocciau waters.
Reported by I. L. Ray Co.. Panilaten,
Chisago Hoard of Trad and Nw York
Stock Bxehann Broker.
New York, June 22. The wheat
market was still on the down grade to
day. Trices at New York derlinid '4c.
Liverpool closed 7-Rd lower, f
New York opened at 711 7-8 and elated
at 7:14. The export shipment for the
week were heavy BtMt000 compared
with 4,646(000 for the same week last
Stocks are steady.
Money, I per cent .
Wheal :
Close yeslerdav, 7 I .
Open todav, 7:! 7-S.
Mange todav, 7: ;-M to 7!t 7-H.
Close tislay, '64
LIS sleel
Sugar, 141 .-N;
4S 7-S; St. I'anl 1
rH; Atchi
so:i ; h.ne 4;t, ; i. r. IUM.
Holding a Fair Will
Darray th Kipimsi
A A , . I 4
At 62c u -4 bleached sheets formerly
a. .c.of, i.illow cases formerly
ni I Ay. J I 1 , lor
At 14c 45 36 pillow tasves formerly m
Bed Spread closing out cheap,
In the six day bicycle races tbe pace
telbi terribly at the end Man after
man falU out exhausted. The victor
wabble wearily over tbe hue. In the
buainne rate it's th game. Man after
man drop out exhausted. The succeaa
ful man uv often a dyspeiAic, unable to
enjoy MU'a. When the sCouijk.Ii n
diseased there is not enouifb outrition
asaimilatei to sustain the body and rc
pair the daily waste ot tissue. ine
result is weakness, tending to collapse
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Ducovery
cores diseases of the stomach and other
organa of" chjestioa and nutrition. It
enables the perfect aasuuUation of fund
by which the body is built up with
sound, healthy flesh.
I have Ukrii not Settle of Doctor Mara';
Golden UtdUAl Iilm.;vcry loi uullsulloa sua
iuu Mr. c m
Mad Mullah Houisd.
Aden, June 'It. Advicoa received
here lei I ol another reverse suffered by
Mail Mullah and hi followers. DJfa
lug their Might, after repulse by the
forces under Captain Mineill, Mullah
encountered a large force of ilritisb
cavalry and DMMWted infantry, who at
tacked ami routed him. The Kritish
pursue! tbe enemy all night. Mullah,
who narrowly eacajied capture, lost one
hundred killed. The Hrltlsh loss was
seven killed and wounded.
kmpsror snd Brnpr lrssnt.
Kiel, I one 26 Rmparof William
and the empress attended the launch
ing of the cruiser PrlntM Adalbert to
day. Prinee Henry cbrlstemsl the new
warship. The kaiser inale a brief
speech, In which he relet red to the
prophet 11' words of I'rllice Adalliert
that "expansion, " said tbe kaiser,
itnpjssible without a trans oceanic
policy, which, in turn, IS 1,-iiposmble
without a navv."
Funds Ralssd tor
B Used to Hlp
of th l on grass.
Boise, .I11 ne 'J'-'. Owing to the de
mandu which will h made upon the
cititens of Moise for the entertainment
of the delegates and visitors to the In
lernatuuial Mining Congress, which
win hold a several day s session in
this citv. commencing Inly 88. the
directors of the Idaho State l air Asso
ci.Mion have concluded not to hold anv
session of the fair this I. ill The sev
era! thousand dollars that have been
raised bv lloise business men lor tbe
hencHt ol the fair, will he turned
over to the mining congress, in addi
tion lo an appropriation of I'skhi madi
by the state.
Word has Ikmui received that a
secial train will be sent nut from
t 'In, ago and another special train will
come liom Cripple Creek, Colorado
which will contain delegates from the
I rans-M iss isstppi congress which will
close lis session in that cilv a dav or
two prior to the opening ol the mining
congress After the session of the
mining congress has adjourned there
will lie excursions to tbe Silver City
mining camps and also lo the greal
Coeur d'Alene sect ton. Il is understood
here that the people of Oregon al
propose an excursion into that state.
There is no otiestion from the in
teres) inanifestixl throughout the
United States, lint that the session of
tbe congress will be one of the largest
industrial gatherings ever assembled.
Ssvsral Lives Saerlftead In a Storm
Nar Naplar, Nebraska.
Napier, Neli., .Mine ... there was
a loss of seven lives caused by the
tornado which swept over thi section
Thursday night. Tin killed wen
members of the Oreeuing and Ander
son families. The casualties are:
Jacob Qreeuing mid wife, fatally in
jured. (irsco iireening, aged 14, seriously
Margaret Oreeiiing, aged I), killed.
John tireeuing, aged 4, killed
Jacob tireeuing. aged '.', killed.
Out of the Anderson lamily ol sii,
t ho 1 hiblreu, Ida and Clara, aged re
spectivelv seven and eight, were
killed and the mother and daughter,
l''rtha, and son, Theodore, aged fas
i m il Id and I .' in juteii One ol
tnetie children has since died
Tsrrllts Cloudburst,
"ittsburg, June '."'. - A tern He cloud
burst and windstorm struck 1'itlsburg
at I o'clock this afternoon Heavy
damage has been done in Allegheny
county. Twelve persons are reported
MM 1 1 he grand stand at tbe ball
park was blown down Tim sewers 111
this citv burst Iron the How ol water.
attorns? 0nrsl Ulaekburn Bsglus
an action against Thsrn.
Salem, June '-"-' Noil have la-en
hied here by Attorney tieneral black-
burn and I'istict Attorney Hart against
the bondsmen of (ieorge W. Davis,
the defaulting cbrk of tbe sclnsil land
laiard, who was lotiud (.tn.ijou short six
years after the emlsssslement occurred
and several years after be retired from
the olllce. Oavis' wherealaiuts are not
known at ttte preeent time, b took
lligbt soon after laiing chargisl with
the shortage and latlore the olhcials
hud lime to act.
Mothsr snd Chlldrsti Murnsd lo Uaalh.
Kofi Worth, Texas, June '.'.'. -Mrs.
Wiley Calhoun and her three cbildtin
were burned to death last night 111 the
destruction ol their home by lire,
which was Hired hy an eiplosioii ol a.
can ol gasoline.
Convlslsd ot forgary.
ban PmneteeOi Jnne B6 Petef w.
Met 1 lade, accused of forgery ol i.ogus
ibunauds on tbe city treasury
found guilty tislay. fills was his tilth
trial and there weie lout bung juries
Ten Killed, Nine Injured, Five
Store Where the tit plosion Occurred Wu Uo
der in Apartment House Occupied
by Many Families.
Patterson. N. I , June H Hy an
explosion of lireworki in a store build
ing on Main street the building was
binned and lour ersnns lost their
lues, two were seriously injured and
It IS believed seven others arished.
The store wn- under an apartment
a later Rsport.
Pntereon, M J., June .".'. -Taej deed,
nine Injured and tlve missing, is the
Mr NO tOn casualty reMirt this morning
of the hre-works explosion winch
wrecked Adolph R ittenberg's store ami
buildings yeslerdav I'he dead are
Sarah Williams. Cbas Kittenberg,
Luciiula Adnmaon, Mrs. Utah llamber,
Bert ran Benber, Mrs Pnlrleh Hums,
Clarence Hums, Wm Klsaeser and
Annie Lonigan. Tne missing are:
Annie Bratemnni Mrs. Andrea Klvin,
ins I'.ivin, Mrs Hintoe I . HehulntM,
noes Mora Viailm.
Search ol the ruins this morning
revealed three more v let i ma, Mrs.
HoUteuieHi Mrs. Rlvill and JomoIi
a rnnii Fenereeni Bunding.
Tin I mlding 111 which the BXplOOiOM
ooenrred was a frame Iwnemeiil lour
st.iries high. I'en families oecupied
Hats in the building Ho greal was
the torOO ol the eiplosioii that a Isiv
playing 111 the street ball a block away
was lilted Iron his feet and bur.ed
against an iron feme, ,1101 ol bis legs
being broken by tbe sho, k.
A number ol ttn.se who were on the
upper Ihsirs ol the building when the
explosion took plan were either
stunned and limn bur I to death or
Slllloeated KVOTJ window see u us I to
he emitting Haines within a minute
after the first eiplosion.
Mrs Williams with her clothing on
lire leaped mil ol a minis and fell t
dragged out ol reach of the
Some occupants ol the risuns
in in tbe windows slid were bruised and
manned and others hung Irom the
windows until the tin men came.
Twenty persons wet., taken down in
this way through the lire and smoke
while still others d topped into tbelile-
Two Mors Hodlss round.
I allot -on June fJJ, - I'he remains of
Mrs. Marv Ho'fv and L. Scbiilmau
were found th Is altertiiHUi, making six
teen dead,
Young Cudahy Has Typhoid,
timaha, June .'.'. Kddie Cudahy,
who was k idnappcd Mini rausouiel lor
IS6, tkHI, is seriously ill at his parents
home here with typhoid fever. The
physicians sav the strain due to kid
naping and the legal proceedings at
tending it is tbe cause ol his illness.
Banished lo klbarla.
st. Tetereburg. June 'Jtl. A greal
sensation lias been caused by tbe
bamsbuieut to Siberia of Prince
Ksbrynski, a descendant of Catherine
tbe (ireat, for petitioning the esar to
introduce a const 1 tut nmal form of gov
ernment in Kuaaia. Two hour after
tbe oreeeuaalion of tbe petilioii the
prince was oa bi way to 8itri.
liver cumplswit
Vs'imii i mint
WUsuu ul
IMviAauu Co.. K. C Hfrm
a siuc I craaiswai ti lakiog
your lucdknic iu fact have mut tcu use UH
(MUir gun Urfuir I tuuk the ' Goldcu Msdicsi
UUsuvcry ' I cuuld not ssl saythlag frithuvl
awful distrrka but now t csa ral aaythiug I
wUli wiiliu.it hsvlug unplsassnl Kcliugs Lsst
ftuiiiiucr uui tmby waa Ucthiujf nud WAA so poor
be waa sluio s akeletuu We gsve hlai your
Ollco Mtilus! Diaovery' ssvd sow be I as
healthy ami well aa any child I will apeak a
good wool tut uur uicqaaue whenever I have
aa opportuuity "
Da. rlcrce a Felicia ctuc aick hcadss la
..od.,n. JuiHtilV.-J. i'iepront Mor
gan bas made soother great art pur
chase. He bas secured Sir Joshua
Reynold' fatuous portrait group.
"Lady J'eliue and her daughter. ''
The or ice paid i said to have been
1110,000. Keyuoida received 11600 for
American Bssl Shots.
tilasgow, June N 1 he Auterieen
and KcOU h pigeon llUOterk met here
todav for a r ig ol one buiidreil
pounds It was easy uionev lor the
Americans who won bv a score ol 171
to Mi.
Choats Has Hscovsrsd.
London, June TJ. Amhasaailor
baste has luily reeovered from
ivdd which kepi biMI conlined to his
home lor several day. Ilu was at his
desk today.
New York, June XI. - Dun's lieview
ill say: The failures for tbe week
nuuilwred IM.4 in the I mi.d ute
against H Isst yesr ami H in Canada
agaiust lo last year. I
Tlitt very uwwl nuvtiltion
KI.P ami HI. I K IllfJeji
infants ami ohilUrtQ la I
ai 1 Ivod
Till- M k HI' Will Ml-ll twn
iik'H ul I ailu's' kill Imttoii
was j Iieiit t i slums., lobular i it '
mi); an lhy lift! t K" l
I .11 1 1- kid Up
ilttMMI, uvular
to gu at $2.25
Mic 1 1 11' il
t'dJNtiOM U)l)
prioti $.j.
tins vvi-ok.
will give awai auolli. i pan of ahoea this
I weak i"n abow gluug skoVS huw we du II.
Tbe Peosto Wareiiousc
I HUMS Ol fk.HT.
Mam stint, rendlcton, Or.
(ioinjc flunitr I onded
beyan Mel CadldgM.
Botfalo, June r. W J. ISryau and
taujiiy were visitors to the exposition
todav. Aaked If ha was a presidential
candidate for llJOd h aaid : "No,
ueither am I a candidate for auy
odlce. " lie denied having any connec
tion with the ao-cailed thud parly
iuuveuxsui la Missouri.
ian't always a pleasant viMffiVMi
but it is unnecessary when vou uur-
Icbaae 4 our store, as we deliver all
goodie frae ol charge and promptly
when or de 1 ' 1 (Jur store is loaded
with good) things 111 ail tbe ilelicat lea
ol the seneon. For high grade fancy
and staple groceries our priced are
lowest in town-