East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 21, 1901, Image 4

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    n.IPAY.JJl Li. lROl
.:t krmA-
Tmt this
TBjt M ".
OH E 11
Light Scle.
Medium Heei.
Far Street or 0
siloes at
Thrre arc other
ttsgi ptioc, Tlit
is in the shoes
ferrncc has mad'
'Queen Quality Shoes
worid famous .
one price fj.oo.
Practical Bout anl Sn m Ilea
I -.wiict sets, hammocks. NoltV
Have yon triwl those fancy pig's est
at the Standard?
Horn, la Mr. ami Mm Bsjfttfjr Kaip.
i of Pendleton. on Thursday, Java B, a
The Standard Grocery l'.. i head'
' inarter for lancv liuipii fmd of all
! kinds.
Wanted A eod ftirl or woman at
white imiirdine house. Wage I A
per wee1 .
Removal Bale, QoOrJs at less than
i-oet for one Week only. Come quick.
Vaughai.' racket store.
1 Wanted Sea ing he the ifay or at
ray reeideaee, rnrni'r' Alia ami Co' lege
streets. Mte Clura Keddn-k.
The S;andarii OPOBBfJ ('. ha Pa
rales ft I iv -i. BBS ' of the i-l
hrste.l WwM casino canned giod.
Fieflll wax lean. sjftgajbsjft spri-nts.
t'mate.nice nrin ami old c!ni ken.
Asgggggj nr gjive. I.eave your order
any. G. R. Demon.
Anita council No. r. Degree of
!'or'(intita. will give a dance m Hen
dr left's hall, Mnmiav evening. Jim M,
ijidiee free; gentlemen, AOc.
MJienie. saitrlieum. tetter, i-hahna,
iw poisoning ami a!' kn torture are
quick I v cured b) N W ' Witch Hatel
salve. Tlie certain pile care. Tallmsn
v C"
"ilarvel" whirling spray yringea,
the nea one, :.."' at Koapaaa'l
ntiarma. We have a private snndry
C..M where Mi can nt-t our line of
rran II I; i hmond offers u reward
of fo lot tlie return of one of gift
- w ! . bftft travi or wa To I e n
IfOfti ! i farm at Helix. The horse
Naineionlal and Plnanetal Troublss.
40 Yar of aeerl.S Ufa.
Karnesr Sbnhert and Ho Ida Sehu
rt are I avirar all kind of matri
nagaial and other trooblea after having
fttajft married in June. NU, at Hsv
i r.i Minnesota. Ttiey came to
I inati la omiitv 14 years ag" end ll
near Altai. From the amended torn
plaint the cuntentinn sroae over the
cruel treatment of Mrs. elinhert DJf
her ho hand. The following facta are
'alleged: That the defendant. Harnett
N huhert is the owner of WO acre of
land m BBTlllna It, township 4 aotitn,
range SI east, nr ha that nroperM in
tn name at least, and in addition
ha bay worth I18U and cah and note
h the value of KtOU. Mra. Hcbufwrt
claim that he oatnt IS bead of cowa,
he-fer. cftvea ftnrl steer, hnt that the
property ha lawn wrongfnliv taken
mir . d t i eeinii and disposed ot
trie defendant. She also claim the
nwDenblp of a team of fiorae and a
et f douhle harnea. Stie aue for a
deeree of divorce.
Trie title of the case i Hulda fclio
t K.arriet sciinlert. Walter
art and Frank brown. The rea-
llMM tJinehart and brown are made
parties to the action is because Mr
sciiuhert claims to have anld the real
e:ate tn Mr. Hinehart. who in torn
leased II Ml Frank Brown, and tlie
I plaintiff a ilie to iiave the sale and
ease ei aide a fraudulent and void.
! Testimony is tving taken t'xlay by
lubn S Beck with, refere-. Jam- A.
! und R. J. Slater atfar for the
, plaintiff and J, J. Ralleray and John
'. eCoarl for the defendant.
the physician think they have broken
the diaeaae. Vonng Camp was severelv
cnt bv falling npnn a penknife held
in his own hand while attempting to
get away from Bert BftMCWt,
a horn he was ftgpfflag, near ttiei
home on Bu'ter creek about ft a, k
W. J. Monteith, of Portlnnd a
I'roitier-iii-law of Kaspar Van I 'ran.
It a gnest of the Hot' , P die '
ton. Mr. Vonteitl; i .inc oi the
crack trap-aitooter f the state nl 0re
gon. and will gn to Walia Wall fttrll
Monday with the Fendleton and i.a
lirande boys to MftMMM
totirnament to he held then durins
the week. M'. Monteith ha won I
numerous medal in b:g contest and
will make aome of tlie ftMOkeri it the
tournament recogniie him before the!
contest has been going on manv day
i ituation An exirieiuwl
line d' ve
shadea at
for sale at
Hawlev's have a fin
Buy ynnr window
One second-hand sah
Solid mountain xtatoee still on hau l
at Hawlev's.
Bioe serge auit, SS. t'leave- Br..
Dry i ok id Co.
f'anta, tl to I a pair flea
Dry (iuuds Co.
A few racycie and l'rr. '
left at Wittiee'a.
Garden boat at all price ami gnat
teed at Wunee'a.
Have your picture, frame.! .
tylea at Murphy's.
Fancy casaunere mt f)
Bros. Dff Baadft Co.
Maw daaigns in wall paper at
Murphy's paint store..
Chip potatoea. eherriea, ben
Hteatned ham at Mai- -
At Ratter's furniture -x
tiueet line f rug ami matting.
Automatic refrigerator a
cooler at Radar's lumiture Mota
Window shades, i iiria.i. polei
rora, etc., at Rader's furniture store.
Oideat place and leet tamales. at I.e
Roy's, cor. Court ami Garden ItreeH
We will cloee out our entire .u.
tel ranges at coat. Baker 4 Voh
Piuoat ham and lard on ska ftMtfket.
Home product; try it. its guarantee:,
bob wars A QftWlttW,
Ice cream for partiea and
sociahlea at special prices, quality
guarante!. Candy J'utt .i.
Oruecent bicycles on the msta!
plan at the Crescent ftfftMw la Um I M
i irngouian building, pavments 11 a
,ek, no interest.
Reuiemner I have a i-tter P k of
oil, aale.greaae, rope. Iwilllig sad all
other harvest mppli- t : i . i
lore. . So nea, Helix.
trayed. from uiy plaoft mm iwborued
me, branded V R. ftaanaoaed, W.i,
pay liberal reward i. rwaaeaf
same Mrs Mary F. RaM I en at i.
A 12-Ist header and four baa4er
beds, all in gd (owlil OM loi sale. I
.ii. pure of Fierce A Tweed . r at
Zaiger's nlacksuiitl, ftbatl north of court
Mr .lame Broa n of l'utui uth. a ,
or ai year of age, surfer.! lor yaWI
Itk a bad aore on hi fce Fbyiiciana
omM mt help inn.. DaWitt'i vTitul
i Salve cured n.u. permaneatll
lalluMD d Co.
"tandani ir.erv I'lillipailj will
have withiu a lea ua a inipaMal of
the ceiebraieti Can iii" brand of caniMai ,
goods, formerly l.audled b Tatom
Bru. Aaa tliem
At laid time 1 lake a piea41.'. le-r:
driuk, the next morning J fee' bright
and my oitu pinion is gaMar, 1
doctor says it ai-ts gently oa the
atomacli, iiver ami kidue, ftM -iiieaaant
laxative. It is n... i.
berbe, and is nreparel a- m a
tea. It it called l.ne' Me,i , ina
line's Family Madlelaa m rea
bowels each day. Price -.V am!
For aale bv Talman A.
Come and Celebrate
the Found of Jul.
meiit agent. Pendleton.
I. H. Gil man, of Heppner, nreg.in,
will be in PeCsftMtoa Saturday alter
: ftoon, June SI, with 40 or iO head of
large work horses, al! broken, for tale
I at ntej Henry's fel yard
K. IN4BM) wa heard Is remark to
i dav in front of the itolden Rule hotel
'pat he nad ggM tw leet of snow on
the street right ther.- -vera tear ago
I It l
I that
i' since,
ous man can
i Itfc a baahbj
"v Kis'r.the
:i t will re
ml iw. Tall-
, man A I
rket. Trv ftOftM veal
una sausage in pepr ea
Ti d vt irs ton) me mv
urahle 1 'lie M unite (
rough was
" - - 1 1 ver,
Use Vol
Th Bltsing Arm) Ottiesr Lannot bs
The werealiouts of Captain J. .1. Ma ,
Conk i one of those unfathomable mys- !
Mrtai with which detective occasion
ally have t" wrestle. Not a sign of'
him can he found since he wa at
C mat iila blowing the foam off of WV I
eral glasses of beer in Jack Tomlin-1
BOM xftlooa Sheriff Biakley lelt Pen- j
dlatoa 0O Tbtnaday morning and is i
ga ii- bit bftgl t get next to the niill
tarv gentleman who shone so re
lalgently Is I'endleton oa -nnday am)
Monday last The sheriff expected
b ' mf Captain MaOftOI some place be-
twe-i, Wasbtiii kna and Spokane, am!
will follow him into the mountains j
with a pggftft if neceaaarr. It may ne
that the captain has climbed a tree or I
inmiied into we!' Im :n eitiier rf.e
ba will be followed and apprehended
I :f the efforts a the ameers are gat
t -I. It is pelieved that It is only
a question of a very abort lime until
- - f Hlak.ey will nat In man. A
telephone meage from the chief of
I poliee of Portland says that the cap
tain is probably the man he represents
himself to be, the son of 'ieneral Mr-
C'Mk, ami himself formerly a gftgtaiB
in the Ninth m!antr prior to bbj
dlaebarga at Manila les than a pggg
Opinion Has (hansed Retrardtrt Htir
' Going to Die.
Dr. H. L. flumhle. the ftgefn
iphtsician. viited Bla Horn a' Hit
home of l.ntie Hawk on the rceatlllaj
j river one mile easl of Cayne station '
on Thursday aftenon. anl fonad I
patient improvet. Oplabig ! a i nanged ,
.regarding the prohahiht ol the .ietl. !
of Black Bora, and Dr. Dnmiile Ihii
he will now get well. Alter a lew
day. when the Indian i- still StTOI -if
he should cntinue to Isftproee. I
chloroforai will fe admit i-ter. : ami
an attempt made S9 liaate the tmlier !
1 in his left leg. No trace iia- beat
found as to tiie present wherealon' nl
Ithe Yakima Indian win -'Black
Horn when ObW A 1
I Brisbow attempted to arr' tl" n ami
tka wound were Indited. Agent
'Wilkin anl Chief Rrislatw are still of
i the opinion that the miing Indian,
j rode off two of Black Horn's horses;
and if now far down the Colombia,
probahiy on the Waslnngt Ml stgft
Four Candidates
Tor the Pises
Portland, Jan
leat four men in
tion o state ftti!
ticket urabaai
Ihiniwav. o Port
Young, of HHke
Clark, ot Iterw
seeking trie it
been secretarv nl
central Gosaftjitl
and wanted tl
vear ag al Um
V ' :a. Me ! t
t'orfwtt. and ha'
senatorial camps
promise! at uie nwe
should bars lbs aotniaa
He was private se, reta'v
ld ami as sswrotan 0
call state n'litral WBimitl
caaiaatga i' ea' I'm
Alrsadi is IM f',
Vi illis
i v. ' -r
continued Until June 30th:
li.r i
Barfed Tn
,ur Ps,tnna, sou
! i-oniimio ) nuikt
gtQi i;ini QOOO0 ''HEAP now is
w covore
Coi id Fvh
that wl" n (
.ke,! in
ed ft a Fist Fit
0 I 10, MM D, I P-TO-DATE
It i
vou. aie anil sure.
ca'lle lie,-e.i
rack to fern
other. Two
the accident
and it wi! care
Tall man A Co.
rese tfalt, No. 1,
i for Portland at
sg, met with an
st of here. The
IX peals of the
pieces of it were
BSI x an.! ike
ed there. It he.
i the locomotive
substitute an-
r. -limed hv
Rales to Bingnam Springs. Ssanas and
Maaenan. and Special Itaiss tasl.
The M. R ,v N. Co. s rale now io
rfl.-ct I r rmind tip to the fgggftM
three bm ftll ami a bath.
I I.e".
unusual Iv happt
oi mil! Me.irhittn
going. Ficpic
Mretins to Ba Held al S 0 clock on
Saturd) Svanlnft.
There will tie a icia." meeting of
tiie Paadlfttoa Cosaasaeaia Aasociatiot.
at the rooms of that pmIv on aturday
aaaiag, .lune B, at I o'clock. There
considerable hosinees u he done and
dbSSOftftioa had in regard b the visit to
this aectinn of the Nortnaest of the
body of congressmen. The matter of
tiie opening of the Columbia river to
navigation is of sin I. importance a to
justify a large meeting of the Com
mer -ibI Association on this occasion.
Committees are to he ap)tnteU and
other steps taken to give the visitor
all the information possible concern'
ing the removal of olsitructions to
navigation in the Columbia, and tbe
amount of traffic that go to tbe coast
t.'.at was II facilities were otherwise.
I rj meuiU:r .ihooid make it a point
if present.
m m
Ths Psndiston First Tsam Will Go and
300 Otrisn.
Ther- grill le tW" gaine- ir
at Athena on Snndsv. ,'une
estinisted tl at at least HO people
g0 froni I'endleton. The I'eml
team, witii Mort Meacp h
wili b pitted against the Athena
the game saftJUMMlag
in the afternoon, so it will he
eluded in time for all the f'end
COMtingent t catel the regular
home, arriving here at B 'i Im-k.
that (gal the only thing .1 n a
program. Te printer's isisenal,
will la- men I era oi the ex.u.
will plar the team at .Athena of a
L. A QltJsftM is n.anager T Is
will take place lmniediatelv after
arrival of the train then The pr
team Will go dtteetljT to the
ground from the deit. am! tlie
will be commencetl after preliminary
practice. The sine pr-.nte'. ale
plaved last 'tindav and Cliff Papais
will const 'ttlte the bMB
Ig ins I'
w i muAl go to RADER'S ain
U -LL .
v l-.a-h'. uriaiii
Ha: iev wa arrete.
.: i ;: :i t Ntattinirj KaKv .i,. t
m, Picture Fninei, mxtm
S l .irior ::i Lonrit-ction
iti .man A t
I'm ltt in I Ii Hue la lit I II tl I II. i b 'tl a
i in nun 1 1Iiniiiii
liraifis T
I SS- SW i I, h --- -
(ww-a a una iM-tailiie
k! I
Ad ertisin"
I l-lni v.
i oi. m ini i m . i.
Unx Han Prmi.i-anjtia.
11 s
A Judgmsnt
tor BI36.
tor Plaintiff
fl.e II 1..
Co. baa made
ftaoph a ho gggj
al dp las roaa
court when the jury brought in a es
diet in favor of tbe plaintiff for fi:i
1 io ggftOSMl sued for war f'.''
again! wind, there was ac offset
Ffthsutta aatl gatan basaraai
I the Ii.
for Sne ,Vi
lame limit,
going and
A N t o.
Jnd re
ft He-
171 -
fsnt io Slssp on the ftauroad
and llewaft o a Train.
Aariuoui. a lal of 15
loaaj pan). Tlie defelidalll
led IbjgS bad eltlet' with tbe
tlf! and owed him nothing The
dUti were UU'ol.ractors ol. the
A N. cutoff belaevh I.e hi mid
and run a boarding house nr
The piaiutifl tiad lasen in the
the defendants nut had
igghagggd bv their foreman. The
wa (or uelauce of wages allege,!
ide It.
jf the
latats after consultation with iiis at-
torue lames A f-ee. The espense
of the case in I mat it la count, will
i- ftbasji fiyi.
t he due. .Mr. HuttJ mav dr
apiwal t" the sopreme court
i- . " van i mm i.i- home a'
Waab., hv ijbs eraalti of
fie had beien to Hootl Hivr
In wav to The fialiaa.
Mr. John Mclruuald,
I kftitiog Mrs. Theresa
a! her iiome on
lag Maafasa,
dlaaoa itaabail
manager i
W. D, ieUtOI
J. K.
the north side,
a mem her of the Ten-1,-au.
vears ag . is m a
liaker Cit) team,
ggs pride. o! t'ortlaud,
Pendleton on U. li
on their a add lug trip
Make our store your
headquarters. V i
have a nite lint- of
ggBtswVftVJf and toil
artit les. All the iaio:
liooks and magazine
USgJ irei
k, i n'
tin h
" a not
as then
I.e '
re his
inv' pi. v. cian,
lined tlie p
iv fatal. The
III I lie lluliep,
iii;urie are being
i er'i,. i .,- u..
' . nii'v .
Oroesne. for Haevaat.
Mart, i, bag made big prepara
to Sappljf iiarvea! outlit with
r.e- ii, nai- bought in large
tinea and never lets anv uttire in,
II him. He never ba any dia
led customer because he gives
' " -it g !- .i. ti.e market,
m's store has the only nrs'-c!ae
gapartSBssjt ia the city, aei
, fruit and berrie (rush eearv
A Summer Snap
it , indeed, to supply yoar not
w sat liar needs from our array of cuul,
iight and handsome fmttwear. Kvery
ftbaj want of town aini ggSMISW, busi-lie--
,ii,. p.e..ure in am! out of doors,
ir ftftftt in Ibis smart display of tlie
season's uuveitiea. Many eeartalv
lUMSJ what 10 t.tke bogs i,uch a ggg
Igafog of brat choicee at melted prices.
QatigS ahoee for Ladiee at 13. ft) etc
Pendleton Shoe Co.,
f im.tKALH,
il ai.aur.
aim. couutv superinleiideht
ol ftroools, ha received a boa of fine
cigar Iron. Pie nrother ueorge W
No, in, who is soldiering in the
Hailed tate army at Manila
.Mr. ami Mrs. Jasper QalllfsjgsL of
Weiasi dabo.an viaHiag Mr Moliie
Uutier. the iister of Mr Cioliiford.
al lo-r boats on Juimson street Mr.
GallifoM I- one of tbe prtsipefij.
gsaaggggiva sheepmen of the I'ayelle
Mrs 1.. K, Mcbee. of I'kiah, is at
tn, Psasdieton aniiariuui for treat-
ii, en'. She ha lieeli sick for sever
weeks, but is improving, and it is
believed a ill be able to leave that in
stitution practically tared in aisjut
one weak.
Judge W. K. 11. is left thai morning
fur Heppner. witn the eipecu'.ion of
returning u i'eptlielon by Monday,
June IN Word received (mm Heppner
was lo the effect that Mrs. W. K Ellis
aas improved in health as vmparad
with her condition of Weduestlav gggj
Thuradav .
buru Tlluea-HaraiU : J. H Met ov .
of Pendleton, aas in burns Thursday.
The gentleman is looking over this
section Willi a view to locating desir
ing to go bjgj (be stock busineas.
Mr. MfCti will visit hake aud
Klamath couutiea and return via
Warner va.let ami bacC tliruugh the
roiiihern tart of this countv He baa
ni ova soasayaasa and is makiug
the trip at easy stages.
Kar, Camp, tbe victim of tbe acci-
Hgsjl on bulbar crook un Tburaday.
JgJM 1, is now at the feud It-ton aaui
tanuui It was thought be aas going
to have cuugoatlun of the lUAga, but
Afisrnoar. Nswspapart o
Northwstl lo-di. -a-.s
l i.e Northwest afgsraaoa Nei .
! --agile is ttie name gf a nea ftggOCfal'
tion organ iiel nssaatly ia Povtfasad,
lire., lor the pnrp'-se of co-operation
III the establishment of u better ftSWI
service through the eicl ai of news
I'nder the terms Oi tin ragftgaet eaeh
piiner neloiiging to the lagsjgj) ' 1
furnish the others with such gowi
matter in Us own tieid a- mat i
intrest to the readers of the lath-- i .
B, Jackson, Pendleton Kast Orssnaiaa,
was elected president, ami Colonel
Holer. alem Journal, siee-prasirienl
and secretarv. Thew ntticer- a itii f.d
tor Fisher, galas C'apiiM. Ne- .
lute the ejecntive BOga Bsitteo.
The pspers repre.-nle.: .; : , ...,,gi,,
are: Pendieiop Last i Ifagooian 1
Capital News. uleni Journal. Ast..'i
budget Kugene Qggwd, KoSehlirg lie
view, Baker C it v ejpablieafl Ialles,
T. me. Mountaineer, Albany ;eni -and
I.a irande Chronicle N-w-paperdom
of New York.
A Travsl'nf Man Aseaoiad n ana
Narrow!) tssapsd
Mrs. Mabel Walker, a young vaggggu
ahuee laigsfte hi IsiosjolBi bah., and
I the attempted gaiaiae oi . . j ban
brink, a truveliug man who a
comMillV w llh her. pro tec a g ,i
saasaliOBi a (ea days ag- in tiie ,i iei
ttltf of the plain. aa a Taaoaia 1 1
am! her mother iiow makes her .
New irnUi l.iucolu dev.
Mrs. Walter made a (est ol death
SOSnpaui a.ti linn ami a un
couple she was taking light drink
te. md a prescription vase of .
M es m Lincoln. Brink and
walker finallv separated to g
SSparasS apartments :r. tlie ft
head .lust as thev were par'
Walker challenged Brink tl i
Suicide. He accepted her rbu lengt
and drank cocaine and wuui alci
In the presence of a Irave ing in.ii
nanieti Owtasjaad iggsg -t. I'aul, .Mrs.
Walker orauk a portion of the Sft!
lusons, after which stie fii.i Clave
laud of the compact made i--..-ei
self aud Brink. Olatglag I at aaat
ruisetl an alarm, and t bit pr
sertur Brink owes his 1 lie nut Mr,
Walker dietl before efficient aid ooald
leach her sole.
A surgica. oporation is not uetear
to core piles. IleMitt's Witch Hae
alve saves all that expense and never
fails, beware ol counterfeit, la
man A Co.
Don't Cut Corns
9rLlrlHL OHLL Uf 9UI I 9 A
r. t
t r.avt about fo suits ol clothes to short lots ot two a:
a kind, sizes from 35 to 3. which we are come to 1
room for otiiet oois. Dunac aie wc a
$10 Suits at $8 18.00 SuiUs at $( 50
$2 o Suits at $0 00
map Itnf reduction on al! cheaper suits.
I also have a number of hoys' suits that will be. pushed c
. Inrt..-,., l,i .,.. r -, . .,
uutou nuui mt. itmi.i pin..e. iun 1 taw to sec (nea;
Owl Tea House
Kirk toilet osps.
own. sUM
our ow n
etrary day,
11 ti lergtaj
J wh
we seldom 1
at a reducti
Dnsenben' i:uillin. Mm Street Bennett vx Tarlet,
Intematiouai foaltr -
U-Hie 111
for lice and mites.
ii- lea ::. . in,.
rung chicks.
.,,1. At,
.' ugr:, t 1 v
icideni t b n nutritious fortiiiaar for vonr
C. F. ColeSWOTthV MlJU,tr and Bee Supply
I' .r
te 1 agar
lug Mr.
Always an Object of Intereat
Ma the ,
Locust Hill Rabbitn
and Poultry Yards
Pedigreed Belgian hares
and pure bred I owl
Hare f.s mi per pair $:; eacn
loi 1 Mrw Al
320 acres A 1
wheat land,
"'.'i-at land.
2 loti W..11 loeottd -'.k.
1 lot lower VVfcbl. ntre-ft iafl
The Place to Bm;
I wiiere yon oftft gat ail
und cheHp priosa, hn
yoar order for header W
aater lankr and feed ran
best line ..f
Lamber, Lsitt
Bblnglfjt, Build
in": pa;".. Tar
ni i . L LBw ini
WBMOt, PioktO
PlMter Brica
Bond, M lulding
BOTDUO I'orstt
sViodows, s
,v 1 1 - Tern
1 er
'1 tw it tuurkdl Dun
Lot AnylXMJy do it
for You.
WftgaJasi u- ' 1.
snOertbg a tin palolnl
uiU anaoy my i - r i -
Will Out SIVe Jftc D U
have tiietu muutsd
Kur S6 HQS JuUget
Corn Remover
Cham. Pbju,-,-Unsis
3 sittings lor 15 uu
Visitor, welcjine Foi I
niorinatioi. aidrw
001 w. 0401,
ram! Hi, n
St. George
Help or Situation ReStaUTdnt.
.. hi link'
new nianat'emer
ttojmfni Agency
nd Alia Mrw.t.
iW IN.
Keular Weals 25 cts
a la Caric.
Pendleton Ukiah Suige Line
rtustoa a v. aruo Proa's.
laave l eiiiio lon . verv day at 7 o'clock
")'' umiay. for Pilot Rock, Wye,
Kidge. Allta and I'kiah. dotal at -
HMaaMdakioaS Keasoiiahle freight arm
passenger rates
City othoe at Tall man A Co's drug:
Por .
lalimar. 4. to., l-esai.ion.
HOiTTi school
. i .
ieo.Moll, Proprietor.
The Columbia
Lodin House
Sltl lop. IllUUil bielel uli
i 111
swav sioii I. i. l , f,iu
liar, .... i , ,nt
.'t.c l Julli
J. St