East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 21, 1901, Image 1

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NO. 41fi7
ma CT
Wash Goods
And wc arc on titnr as usual with a
goodly variety oi thi- newest stvlrs
You don't buy wash goods simply
because they w;ish. You want daintv
summer wear, because they are
dainty, pretty, serviceable and will
wash, if neeij he.
If you w.mt the prettiest oi the
pretty wash goods now m vogue, re
liable as well as beaufdul, come lu re
for them.
We have them all; Zephyrs, I hmitlM
Linens, Mouselines, Lawns. Madras,
Organdies, Hatistes, Swisses, Foul
ards, Oxfords, PerCpJpp, and a score
of other dainty materials We are
always pleasevl to show them.
's Big Busy Store.
r P fi IIP UfPP
OU u U b ll buOU
This has been the biggest GENUINE SALE
in Pendleton for years-every day sees it
grow. It will grow as a natural result of
the really remarkable values that char
acterize it. And every day we keep cut
ting away at prices.
Remember these are no baits.
Women's Shirt Waists, 1901 Styles
At 4.'ic all waistB formerly sold for 76c
At 67c all waists formerly Hold lor $1 ,00
At 87c all waists formerly sold lor 1 .2o
At 98c all waists formerly sold for 1.60
At 1,86 all waists formerly told fof 2.00
Women's Shirt Waists,
Formerly $1.50
Women's White
At 89c all waists
At 98c all waists
$1.19 all waifts
Silk Waists, in black
Formerly $6.50 to $7.50.
Children's Sailor Hats
At ioc formerly 25c At 19c formerly 35c
Wash Dress Goods,
Our line of Crash, Uuck
formerly 15c,
Sheets and Pillow Cases
bleached sheets formerly
At aoc u-a
A . Cor AaJ III, Ml
t I Watv -J t
a . .r.nillow cases formerl)
At 14c 45 36 pillow cases formerly IM
bed 5prea4s closing out cheap,
& Hexter.
7 tt Stt
sailor collars, $1.13
and $1.65.
Shirt Waists
formerly $1.80
lumerlv 81.60
and colors,
at 6 I -4c per
ami t-iuue Btuiuftf e
20c, 35c.
It i expected lhat nil th volun
teer. 1111 111 ler 111 1( Talk) men, will arrive
it sn PmaelMO from MppIIp baton
sunt ifti.
The Kiihmihii . Ihui. ('oinniiion linn
declared Kfjrpt, with IfM except ion of
Port Shi. I and the Sue, canal ditnct,
to he infected territory.
At t'lurenceville, Indian Territory,
Mr. Jennie Miller alml and killed her
next door neiti hbor, Mr. I., L. Itrake,
DOCOMO he ha I killed one of Mr. I
Miller' ueee
Vlot PrM IdtOl RoOOOVolt and Mark
Tam have heen invited to attend and
ddroH tho oolobrotion of the ut h
anuit ertniry of M iMotiri ' adiuifion to
the I ninn, in Kan-a Citv, Auttunt 10.
Hoar Mi Mire, a reman 111 the ihoftt
of the Port Worth P Dm trot rood, at
Kurt Worth. IVa, ihof an I killed hi
wile and II. II. Knell in 0 WinOTOOU,
MOON traced hi wife tu a alnon and
nolo found he w Itfa Rgoooll,
Profoont on' bulletin ni the con
dition of the c.anna and her child i
.0,1 i... I.. -..1 ,.(... ...... ti... ......
' ' I f-i , . r- ... o ... . 1 ic , t ill I
Ignaiiaod the birth ol hi doogbtor by 1
laaoing a tika"e MMMDOtiOl the!
panitfamonl 01 the riotooi tuiient
Ilr 111... L .. I I ..f I
...in, . ' , 1 a . I , r. , n , n mil. ill
WtcbitO, K OT IOI, oroi niitiHed that ISO
i a bencticiary of the will of the late
Jlldkfe LlOO fOO WOrtb, of Stockton,
Calif., to the amount o near I v II,
000,000. Mr. Mack' late bOObODO
was Jodgo Lootronwoftn '1 now bow.
Qonofol Wood, in a ooamaoiaotiofl
to the ecretarv ol ar, refer to
aliened fraud and irregularities in the
ninniciial election in (.'11 ha, hut 111
"tich a manlier a to leave the impre.
"inn that In- doe not regard them a
Kornier iovernor P, ('. Cheney of
Mancheter, New I tanipishere, ia
dead, aged 7.1. Iteide having U'en
governor of Noo Hampii . Mr.
Cheney had nerved aii United State
SOUOtOf . having I n appointed in IfM
to till the acancv OQUtpd hv the death
of Amd in K. Pistol
The Copenhagen c or re pom len t of
the Daily Mail cable hi paper waving
that the Uoltod -tOtOS bot OOflt another
note to licnmark in the matter of the
ale of the lanih Wel Indie, to the
effect that if Donmorl ll not willing to
Oil J he inland the I'mted State
mut demand lii.it llenmark fortilv
and garnun the lalOJldl ol Bl . TtMMBM
and M. John, whicn would coiiiniand
the icaragua canal.
The work of building the woolen
mill at I'ortlainl ha commenced.
rbo BnH Oregon ne a potOtOOl of the
-ea-oti nia'le tle ir apiiearance in the
1'ortlaiiil market Wednemlav.
A cloud burnt flailed the vicinity of
liak-r Citv ami Wingville Weduei-dav.
oine damage wa dot e to cro - ,
A dividend of ill per cent ha I n
liciared y receiver Maxwell in favor
f depmitor of toe K i ret National
hank ot Vancouver. Wah.
Dr. .1. W. Hill, who on Monday
o, lii connection with Kihop Scott
u .idem . . a- ! ,iu ! pri in i pal , alter
year-' cjntinu m ervice, will ea-
tahlisii a buy nchooi in I'ortlaud thi
fall, to oe known a the Hill military
acai i'iiiv .
Several more ah in are replied at
I'ortlaud a tiail for new cop loading
at liguren in the neighborly! ot l
1'hu KritiHli hIiiii l'ormoa a char-
tered at otil lor iin luego loading
or 41m Id lor San l'rancico, I'ortlaud
or Tacoma.
William Itarlwr, an employu in the
Krye-llruhn company'. hoep iaui., at
the head ofjtho ffOOII. Mi milea from
North Yakima, accidentally hot him
oil a few da ago with u revolver.
The ball entered hi ObdOOMI He
died a iew hour later,
I be Wacliingtoii Mate Itankei ' aa
Odlotioo met at -pokane Wtlueda
BtOfoiogi Vice Praoidonl K. J. Hyar
UfOOidillg. About Ml OMMUDOn Ol the
Owwiotlou are prtMHtOl three day
Mill bo given 0 booilOMOi a baieiet,
and an ei uraiou up the St. Jou river,
in Idaho.
MOOM I'crry HholliBgi aK'l H
year, died ot pneumonia ai fore.l
UrOVO. We ll. i -lav. Mr Mndling Ma
bam in I. am LiformOMi Me , May I,
14116, DoOBOOOd came to OrOgOO in lH7i
and had rOlldod al Albany, I'ortlaud,
PbilOtaOth and PofOOl UrOVO, Him Wile
MUrviven him
The d"
cauM ia dtM ua
and faintneaa from which
ii. ay Ik- due to oua of
Hut the moat common
oi iht delicate womanly
uutui. 'I he atory ot
Mra. Hi own,
in lui Utter kxrlow,
trlvea a fair
ample ol the condition under which
o ni work: " had m ink
heaUuiht neat t alt tin titiir, wot U wtajt
gMOMdfMM iii tvuld hardly bear any
UUny lo if i, h me.
would u rk o Ul
tU while ami then
lit down a while
Foiliutf to obtain
than tempor
ary rebel fiom ht r
doctoi a to at tntnt,
Mxa Hrown laaa
tha um ol 1' 'or
Pierce'. PavotitO
Pre nptioi, with
the uhul ft Mill a
complete ' n
Dr. Plorao'l Pa
vorite Pnacriptioa
ia the Ijeat medn jne
for the um ol dia-
aaea peculiar to women Jt eatabluhee
nvuUnly, dura olfeuaive drain, heala
InLmiiuiimi Uud ulceration and una
female wcakm-aa. It luttkc weak women
aUoov, aick women will
A In years Ago I aurTertd aeyrrely wllk
ru,ai Ki..urH d lial ! Oiurs lo.aul
uaio. " iiltc Mi. M.i) V aruvn uiCrr.well,
fa.ifuid Co , AlaiylAiid ! went Ul ujy .1 1 1,
Aud b havc uic luoli.in. which did iu gixjd
fur A while, bul I woul.i - .mat Agiu I liad
a Aick hrad, In u.Aily all ill lime. w u
wttufc Aouad iu) waUI could liMitlly uaai Ally
U.11. 1. tuuch iu. My fret would kcee old
Audi could I. jolly do my work I would work
A while Aud tlA.11 lie dowu a while : ... ,iu
(lately run duwu hudcred from Jui..bl
auwluntfe ud ,Uu wvff utiu. Al lliuc. Alter
baua five bottle, I Ut pierce' favorite ere
ariiaiou tine. .1 l.a t.oldcu Medical OiAtov
r., . . 1 ,t M.,,,. pUaaabI M-
UU. Aud fullouiKK the Advice you cava r.K.rd-
law Ih ' Iaiun r.blatA.' I aao tiuly Aay ill
are aured Tlu- ductur aatd it waa uurrliic
1I1.' 1
I U.d "
Dr. Pierce' Common Sena Medical
Advieer, iu iper cxiver. in ut tee ou
re. t-ipt of l one -cent etauupa to pajr
cxprtiae of mailing only, or if cloth
bound volume i desired send i atauiue.
Adiiica Mi. K. V. Hexce, buHaio, N. Y.
Kruger, it is Said, Advised
Against It.
The Brm laWktfl Act on Their Own lollla
lift, Alter PtyliiK Due Homac lo
Krujfr and His Opinions.
London, .In ne '.'I. The Kvening Son
announce thi evening that it is re
ported that GonOMl Itntha lia MrTOO1
Negotiation ror Paaea.
London, June II, - The Kvcning Sun
av thi afternoon: Kmmiarie
who have been in coinmunieation with
PrOtldOOl kruger. from Standerton,
l'ranvaal, have delivered to QoBOfol
Rotho, KfOJgOf replv BOPOOrillOg peace
iieaotiation. kruger' aiiHwer is
m out inoiuentoiip and of vat impor
lance, a affecting the South African
notation. N'ogotiotloM (or total oootP
tionof hontilition have been in nm-
I grOM for KMM time. I he Sun ay ne
gotiation rogordloi them have pooood
between l ord K. itchnner and thi war
olhce lor the pat two day, 'ieneral
hotha and hi chief coiuiuatider, th
S leclare, after payina due h aue
to Kruger and hi opinion, nave ile
oidod to act on their own initiativ
i and MfrOBOOffi
Jha Horrori of War.
New York, June , Adoliih Lew.
jilt arrived from JoliaunehiirK,
Iranxvaal, Hayihe war haa almoi
' I m complete devaluation ol
that citv. It now ha only '.M.ilOO
white inhabitant, wherea boIOfO tin
Mar it had a .piarter of a million.
Many of the people are tarviii(.
will rna bonus bk paid.
Will Naw Cuban lOOOOIIt gOdOOOl Bondf
lltuad by Iniuraanl UovornmantV
SVahingtoii, June 11, OAi(U are
pooolotlog a to what the new QubOO
reimhlic will do toward ie lee g the
bond iued by the ImOMMI govern
men I before the United State inter,
fered. Hind, to the face value of
four Off live million, are outstanding
ami are bold by a lew New York and
lioMton capital iMtN, alio took them a
a matter of aMculat ion at an average
rate of a dollar of caah for f 10 in
bOSdti 1 he nmuev o rat Med Wa Ued
in equipping lilibiiMteriiig Upoditiool
agaiiiMt the Spaniah.
Lavytna Tribute on tha Uaad.
Philadelphia, June '21, - The North
American' London eorrepoiident
cable: A ample of the extortion
practiced hy t lit) Kugliah on Am
erican vioiton ia aTiow 11 in the
charge of ' 1, maile fur embalming
1 ea-i iovernor I'lngren'M remain and
for the cothn in which they will he
ifaippod to the I '11 ileal MOtoOa The
fiiend ol I' n.'ii" family are lodig
mint at the treatment.
General CoUiO Surrender Monday.
Manila, June '. tieneral Sumner
will tialay or tomorrow go to Santa
CrOi to meet the lllMlirgent general,
t allica, who will MITOBOW Mmi
da There 1 to go fOtHlt. dancing
and OflUfOH nVflflSO. the cereluoiiie
ttooding the Miirnoider reaomhl ing a
feMtival. Tbo city ia gaily dooOTOtod
Wu it fopuiar.
Washington, June J I It in OBilof
mihI Iron, olhcial gtJIg that Wu
l ing l ang, the UbltMM lullllMter, ha
been commiioiied for another term
fbil 1 portlOOlorly pleaalng lo the
Mtate department, for Minister Wu
render.'. 1 th,. I nite.1 Mate great
Sf VIM during the trouble UmI hiiiii
Pratldenl Make order.
Wabinglon, June 21. -l'reident Mr
Kiuley'a order making Judge I'alt the
governor of the Philippine wa iuea
todav, to take ettect July 4. The order
.late, that I'aft aa civil governor ahall
iiM.r.uile military governor, excepting
111 atiOO plaee where murrection pre
Live Loci 111 a rire.
I'atler.on, N J., June , 'two live
were Iomi and aeveral Mrou were
b irm-d .even ly in a lire that dealroved
a lhree-tory tenement hoilne thi after
noon. The dead are Mr. and Mr
William. The hooae wa et oil tire
hy an exphuiioii of firework
Hurricane In Kama.
I udepuiideiiee, Kan. , June '21
hurricane whirled through tin place
tin uiorning, dealroyiug much prop
ertv. Many of the largest huihling
in the city are badly damagi!. Hoo.e
acre uurooled and forty barn de
nl royed.
the Guilty attcape.
hhreveporl, June '21. -Verdict of
death at the hand of unknown parlie
were reluriiixi iu Hie caatta of
"Prophet" amltii ami f, U, b i.an.i,
negroek, iymheal Wlneaalay night lor
aihged iiimplii ity III tho Pooler mur
der Two Virion ror Whltaey.
I 1. n. Ion, June 21. W. C. Whitney'
i nieriuan bred colt Kilmarnock wa
aecoud loday, aud won the Aiuxaiidrla
elale al Aaot. Wh 11 ouy al.o naul ureal
ne Wlndaor Haalle alakea with Jluum
Vernon. I.e.ur Kiel! roaie both horiM)
ritreaten to Strike.
M. Loin, June -'I fuuf thouaud
breoef QOrgOfl here threaten to
alruku iiulnse grant! au advance in
wave oitbifl the next two week
Lily al Salem Loxe
Halein, Ore , June 'il. -The auii lo
enforce a loiXJU iinalty for failure to
perform a fram biae waa decided
aaaini 1 he city on demurrer.
aanlral Hoaklas DeaS.
I. on, Ion June '21 . Admiral Anthony
lioekius, well known iu naval cirtileo
throughout the world, ia dead.
Raportad by I. L. Ray Co.. Pandtaton
Chleaan noard of Trd and Naw York
Stoak Oaehanaa Brokrt.
New York. June 11, Wheat wa
weak todav and touched the loHet
point for over a year, tl 7-H for Sep
tember wheat at Chleofo, Llvorpool
cloned 7-Hd lower, 5-7 .1-8. Naw York
opened f-H lower, 7A f)-K, July, and
OlOOOd al .'l',,, liianiK 1 ' , . . while
OhtCOgO declined I I from lat Bight,
Stin k are blgtwr,
Money, 4 per cent.
Close veterdav, 7n'4.
i M'ii today, 7fi .'i.H.
Kaoge tilay, 7C to ;:A.
Chme tlay, 74S
Mock: Sugar, 143 Hi toboooo I f'u :
I, V . l. Pool, l Atehiaon, .
I ne, 1:I7-M; l im n 1'acilic, III 7 H.
Whaat In San Kranelsao.
101 '4to
I ranciaco, June HI. Wheat.
100 .l-H.
Whitt In i min.
Chicago, June II. Wheat, tW 7-H
to lilt.
Now York Markal.
Ne Yorbj June 11, Sutrar, fair
roltning, 9 B centrifugal, M tent,
tnohodl905, , H.'.-r.-.i. MM to H5,
urauulated ftftO to 555: eoflee, No
ti l-H; rice,
dontoolioi i' to gu
"ne 1 ' 11 1 o 0111 ' v Under lomlder-
Ation In Portland.
I'orlland, June , rgnu,.ita lor
aud agiiinet the direct primary law
DOSOrd at the lat MOllotl of the legi
lature '-egMii ThOPOdOy BMiroiflg before
thti four circuit OdgOO,tlttlllg in bank
Wallace McCaiiitnatit appem for thai
plaint ill. He DOOtOtrdt that IbO law
arc anoOMtltttllopoli h.-i mc aeveral
MiintM !t Mtpport of hi aaaertion. tine
point, OOnOOrOiOl the Morgan hill I
that the per cent of vole mentioned in
the bill uereaaarv to r ive oMIcial
rOOUgllitioO would prevent prohibition.
it, atH'ial tlemta-ral ami other minor
parlie from enjoying their rtghta.
iMMlnct Attoruev t haniberlain, in
Mlating hi poMition in thai caae, aanl
"1 have invited Mr Morgan and Mr
Look WOod, framer of the two hill
to a-i-i me iii defending the law
PoroOMlly, I am inclined to th
opinion that the l.o lot I bill.Hanotl
lull 1 1: - thti more practical of the two
and In e Iroui ohiecliona on contitu
tional ground. It aiiuiunlH to auel
reiiMoiialile ri.gu lat loiiN o i.rimane a
it im within the nrovince of the legiala
tlire to leglMlllte Upon. It Ipplle tn
it 1. of lo nun iiihabilautM. 1'hia iM
the law I will undertake to uphold
"I will not try to Mppoti the Mor
.ni law lor there ih a probability in
Nome rei t at lea!, that It cnuma
within the dOOlllorj of the Mllpreiue
court ol talifornia. Ihi tleciMii 11
held thai certain proviion wer.. in
contlict with one or more coiiatitu
tional proviMimiM of tiie .tale."
Ka'gardiug the Morgan law, Mr
1 1 1 it 1 11 1 ia' r 1 it 1 1110 Niate.i tnal ll I mo
HMNtolnoua and full of maxe that he
cannot iiuile umleri land the nleaa OOSJa
tamed therein. Tin being Hit 0000.
it ia probably that the tint v ot up
holding the Morgan law will devolve
upon the maker. Mr. Morgan, biuiMelf,
He I the Sou or City Ottlclal Who.
Name l Withheld.
I'orlland, June SI, Tina ell) haa
OOlllNI Keiiaaliou which Ih being iii-
pTOOOOd through the ellort of a number
ll olhi It BtinoOfOI the .hanglialug
if (he son of a city olhcial. The laiy.
about IV year old, 1 il I incor
rigible and ban caual hia faintly no
end of trouble while the Milne have
been oitMod upon lo correct iiin. many
1 in. ill lale be hea'aiue ao b I thai
stogi had pi he taken to give hlin a
.even- Ihhiioi.. Ibrougli him lour girl
were arreateal heeauae they tried to
hide him from the imiIico when the
ilhca iH werai Ma'archllig lor hint. I'lieae
girl were pMtoMpg b jail a vagrant
lull will he leleancl ami relniiieil
home, providing they will prouile to
nond tbif way.
Jh'fiaut of all reatraint, the young
man wa- dually Hhippal to ar on the
lerinan ship A lalerach w an He wa
induced to ign arliclea for lour year
Mervu-e under the impreion thai It
wax a aurely bond for a Mmition x.
peantl' 1. ul. I. ei on Hie II. . .V V
train. Thinking he wa aeiiing one
of hia father' deputies to pun haae a
I iii on liard the eoosoi he went down
the river willingly iua. on board
hip he waa lm ki in a cabin and 111
foriii)l that he hail laaen ahanghaieal
lit true laiach cuiular style. !aipite
prote.l ol future good hehavior, he
wa kept couliuiul and M now on hi
way to QoOl iimIowii
. . Harvey, a IngfOOi Su in
I'm iiAnd UreauulAii
I'orlland, June 1, B f, Harvey
liM.throogh his ottorooyOi ontoiM Mil
again' 1 he I'orilaml llregonian fur
jibed , elsrVoiog t' ,am dumagc
Harvev l a hrakeman on the KoOth
ro I'acihc, and a defendant iu the
Minnie Thorpe rape ce al Itotail urg
li lieceinbur, 111 obiob he waa ac
qiillta! J'he lliitgoiilau publialicii an
ohj, 1 1 ion able editorial at lhai time, or
000 kfteH the trial, hence (he aull.
Turkey's Military Aellve.
V MM 00 1 June 11, mi. I. Inn out I. oral
oi military activity iu Turkey la re-
purleil turkey, II IS aanl, euapecla
Italy of having ifnelgn on Albania
anil i alo fearful of Hie auti Turkish
awitalton in srvla ami Macealoiila.
( iojnjf Hume Loaded
isn't always a it:abaiii osporirnci
but it is uruibcessary win n you imr
cliast at our store, ua wv rjpjivoi all
gooui ine nf chorfg gad roui ii 1
vv In ti imjerml Our stole i& loailml
with good things in ail the delicacies
of lb. lPOp, For liia-b mail,- fancy
ami staple groceries our prices are
lowest in town.
Jury Renders Verdict After 18
Minutes Deliberation.
Cist Will Be CtrrM lo i Hlxr (ourt Wbllt
HrNoner Is Held Under Bill Peodlon
tbe Fts.il UK of SeaUare
Joroe) Cltj l ine .'I darker waa
found gmltv I MOOOlt with intent to
kill Kev. Keller thi afternoon. The
inrv w i out iftoon Balaatoo, The
maximum penoltjl ia I0V0I vear.
Mr Marker wa not g the court
when the verdict wa returmal She
left for her Indue when the jury re
tired Marker took tin. verdict coolly.
He wa taken al tmro to the county
tail The ludge's charge was itrooggj
iiint the prisoner Marker' ai
Inrnoyx will lobe Iho i aas to a higher
court Harkei held in 1 10 iK. hall
I ling OOtoiog ol wntrnre hv the
I out t
ThomOS tl Marker met Kev. John
heller, an Kpiar ll mioiltor, on the
tree of rlmgtou. New Jereev and
hot him lime tune. ne ,,( tl,,. laxll
going through the uiimaier' head, de
ir.' Ing the lighl n one eye and near-
Iv detroviiig thai of the other. Marker
hot Keller het ane In wif confral
to him Unit the ininiHler had made in-
leeent prnpnooli lo b, r at her home in
IHH!I. while MO wa a i. ember of
Keller' church. She left the churrh
and. in an in. lire, I w. her huaband
dloOOfOfOd tbO SOOrol sud she tohi htm
the torv of it, iniiuater crime. Kev.
Keller deuie the charge and claims it
to he one of (he fauna of a d naordereal
brain, Mr. Marker being in Ill-health
aml(aitillerer Iroiu BOVfOW troiihleo.
Ariuminti lifun.
Jeraev 1 1 . N. J., June 2. Argument-
in the Marker-Keller case were
begun tin morning.
Threaiansd Raee War.
Port Worth, Touo, JoaP fl.Uoltod
BtOtOI niarahal havi- blPP orderetl lo
flloOl 'I P., lo prevent a threatened
rate war li e pooplo of thai place
have DOVwf allowed a negro to live or
iop there. Keeeiiily a numlMtr nf
negro railroad lohOfOfl arrival 'here
and were ordered to leave under the
penally of hanging. Herious trouhla
i now (eared
In l ontrol l oal Production.
I'hiladelphia, Pp., June Jl. The
Hppl aiep are being taken by the
I'enn-vlvania railroad to control the
due' um of .oh coal hi Western
IrooiO, Maryland and Weat ir-
lb held pro. I ureal in lasv
oiie half of the oft eoal aimed
I u iioil Stale.
near I v
in i he
Sx-Mlnlitor Killed.
I. .km, June Hoehi Tourl, es-
UlinlOtOf Ul the I n led -ttea, Wa
Ntitbba! to death III Ihecilv hall here
San I ranciKco, .1 tine '.'I The liens
port OPlo trrlvod here blav from
Manila with the horn got nd infantry .
Thai I PI v IMiWWl MViallitl
in Kit I .tutl Ml. I h mIimm
fur infant- .tint BisildfM Iism
ai rivt'tl
'I'lll. Hn k Vtf Will Htl tWO
Inks of Lftditt' kll bttMOl
I'Uteint tiplboM, Knilftl price
a- loilU II liny last to Q at
Out I
tut i
i loi.litB Lul tip
ghoftf, rwgulur
to o at $j 15
(Ins wink
lll al.r aa .11, .lie I ualr ul .IlIMM lb I.
H11KI . Iloai lua tu II
Mam Street. I'nadlotoo, Or.
TL Ik I -
ine mnm