East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 18, 1901, Image 3

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raVCI lB vrs.
I M. C. A.
n m
av. Judys S. A.
, .r HI I. J F
. ... la Tii tin I ,i ilor
HWI.JU" 1 " ----- ..( ,.r
' a urilttMt agalUHt
ijliil kill . t i It
.1 .1... iff li' M II H"l I' Wit .
Voluntary a;ucu.7 i
number ol those who
......... i-ntii urr 'I'' '"
.. ,1... tn t If HI'UIH'IIIV
rniiif action may i
:;fn"u' . i.
n, prtvii(t o
. f i no
in - - -
iretsrral to, anu,
. J ...... Mil I lll
... ... .n tun iimii irr- nun n"
flDICh 0tUtrll IBSSBi 1 H"l
. , lfk.1 I.......... I. lit
t ! I Dfllfve uiai, Hnwi r-
, tu tin- any rtillrliiti.B-
rr dow ready t
.. ,,,,,..(. ,,,,! iii r !ir
bjU rhi UM aoviatnin rem
lllil til" Krxai llltrritri .
tb community, to cnnntenanne
lr- inn iiir won ' "i -i'
.. . .v. -. ..t .i.i.n. u
. ....... ..mi... :iri' I. Ill In
frrrT wnrniT miiw i ipi i
41 lilr lllUlwr fciuir i tin "
jtin Ui glr to the at:aileiny.
.1.. mil to the many oilier
nil hi' i nruiiri'aa t- ruv
nqmrw, and which make for
.li-MI'ill" wir iippiim'iiiii
.: .u. .J I . . I ill. ..I
u.' wr Bawt"in. Bii'i o . 1 .
Minima in irariinik; muiiii
l ci it. lhire ramml wnl tie
UrihtiM (or ohuining an
Many who utilised to sub-
IBV HVAIIUHII I'A Mli-nnr-ii a
lo rabacritie to th
otben to a rk, and others
public institution mora
ia hadltton txlav than a well
Hospital. Seanw I y a month
: tbat muni- if J"iir citiwna
.K-mr lo atwk neighboring
lii" arc callod uuon to iter-
- r .
ui.;u. i i
fujvtw mir uini i 11 niun , nil i
rinnn u iiiinimii .i..ivu
r .1
Ul aril..,. ...V. .,
11 ui' imt
I. li.a
m m in luiriuau' wurth and
, nnviiitf vour
- .. .i . ,11 11,,. ... .U.1III..I
- --'iiwiiii rupreaeuuM.
sJfke . ...
vj rn inlaw
lu I I I all
. v. vax i
"Oo Alexander u.. I-T. '
a w
al 1 J I 1
k W aaw
m . at
4th Ot July in reiiuwum,
iS00 Shirts at 50c each.
;00 Shirts at 7fSc each.
!00 Shirts $1.00 each.
loO Shirts $1.2Beach.
250 Shirts $1.50 each.
thiDK at ono, and it cerUinly ia not
wiae to attfttnpt to build up one muti
tution by tearing another down.
The Y. M. C. A. pledged are now due,
and it would be an unhappy conimen
trv unon the iierniatenrv of Pendle
ton, which nan received widespread
credit for so readily raising the
pledge, Dow to abandon the unfinished
work and seek an eicuse for her fail
ure. The city cannot afford, eithor ma
terially or morally, to spurn the In
tluences for which the Y. M. (J. A.
stands. The work so well begun tnut
lie manfully completed, and neither
interest uor money diverted to any
other purpose.
A. LOW Kl.l.
Beware of Olnimsnli lor Catarrh
Contain Haraury
u muroury will lurely diimroy the nun ol
mnell wild ooiuplelely ilrra.UK the whole iy
leni when eutvrlOR It throufU Hit' mui-oua eur
liti!n. Much wrtlnle atiuuld nevur Iw used ex
milt on prtwurlptloue iroiu reputwble pbym
i ikii- en the ilnF thsy will iln la leu fold lo
tin- Hood you can puaalbiy derive Iroiu tbrm.
lUlPn Catarrb Cure, matiulxtured by J.
in-ill. ,. i'.n . I iilndo, t) roiillu no meri'ury,
nd l uken lolernally, ai'llui directly upon
the blood ud mucoun nurlneee ol tbe nymeni.
In uyln Hall'" Catarrb ('ure tie aurn you (el
tin. Runtime. It m uken Internally, ami
in n In. iilim In K J I'limii'i .v i n
ma li-
i ii hi i v i f (rae.
ml, I l.v all clrugRlnU, prle7IV'. per bottle
flail' Kamlly Pill are the belt
rim carload Raaalvad In rendlaton
ontaeattalll Brolhsri.
The first caritd of marble ever
received in Pendleton arrived here this
morning consigned to Monterastelli
Hrothera, who have recently opened a
shop here for tbe manufacture of mouu
ments, headstones and other cemetery
suppliea. Tbe marble came direct
from Vermont and the freight on the
otie car was 4:3. Pendleton haa loug
felt a need for an eatatilishment of
this kind. Tbe proprietors were in
business at Tbe Dalles but decided to
locate in Pendleton, after having made
an examination of several cities of
Kasteru Oregon and WaMhtugton be
fore making up their mind to remain
here permanently.
nun i Let Them Suffer.
Hen children are tortured with
iUsbing and burning ecxema and other
skin diseaaea but Buck Ion's Arnica
Salve heals the raw sores, expels in
flammation, leaves the akin without a
scar. Clean, fragrant, cheap, tbere'e
a naive on earth as unod. Try it.
i Cure guaranteed. Only 26c at Tall
. man (Jo.
Hellt's Kehool.
Hoitt's scbon Menlo Park, Han
Mateo uoauty, Oalif., beiins iU
eleventh year A - U UM
steadily increuHod III elticiency and
popularity aud eaxily taker front rank
mining the beat schools on the Pacific
coast, for the training of boys and
young men. Sue ad in another column.
Food Changed to Poison.
Putrefying food in the inter! DM
Crod ucee effects like those of arsenic,
ut Ir. king's New Life pille exl
tbe poisons from clogged boweir,
geutly, easily but surely, curing cou
atipatiou, biliousness, sick headache,
fevers, all liver, kidney and bowel
troubles. Onlv 26c at Tallman A
For Sals.
One ten foot header, threw header
beds, oue fourteen horse Pitts im
proved power almost new. Call or
J. T. L1EUALLEN, Adams.
mi ix, A uiu )( rooIU() , the Kaat ore-
I I... i I.I i.... I...I Mini i-nlil UHli'T.'
.iv.i Mill, a .2 r . . .. i . i
- - uii ii n i ... i i ....... . u ui i, .iiir id ii
w p v i iu 1 1 . . , uaiiiiuuili, lui f i i m wmi w
-in.,,,..,. Aiu.lv at it... Kul DlHilulllau
t I 1 ' f WTv rmr -m- w sr T
Hale g,. iruu U.....I U.., LI..... It l.-.L Hr-I
prwuiuui at the Chicago Vtorld'a Fair oer all ooiupeti
JjMtl gives excellent satisfaction wherever used.
koiiZiT1,"' k"uru'eed. We have the bast Wtoam
'fi Bye ajjd Beardless barley.
lkl l I . v. - . . .
W. S. BYERS, Proprietor.
Dem Freezers
I have a full line of
The Peerless Ice Cream Freezers
froi piat to ten quart-, will froeae croam
f'om thrM ra,:n..Aa uliui have a full
- w uvo iuiuuwi
1Qeof Bailing tackle, hammock, etc. See my
'iUe Mi buying. ,
TAYL0R, the Hardware Man.
Brass Band. Bassball. Patriotism. Dane
Ingand Plrsworks Will Fill the Day
and Run Ovsr to Mh and 6th.
A meeting of those prominent in the
proposed celebration to be held in
Pendleton on .Inly 4, and which will
undoubtedly trickle over onto the 6th
and fith. and quits. prohitMv to Sun
day, July 7, was held in the oorjncil
rooms on Monday evening. I, eon
Cohen, l,ee Tentsrh ami Jobs I . Rus
sell, OOtnpOaitM the OOBIBittM Hp
BpinMd by 0 K. Roosevelt, snd J, K.
kratise, the director of the celebra
tion, were present in their oll'.cial
capacity. Manager M. A. Ksder ami
President ii. J. Still man. of the base
ball association, and F. . BCDMipp,
representing their respective interests,
were also present to discus mutters
that came up.
Plasty or Huaie.
There will be three brass bands on
hand on July 4 to blow out large
fuantities of the latest and beat mORlO,
he Athena and Pendleton band have
already been secured and the Meppner
band will be negotiated with today
and secured. The OOfflmitMM daoidso
upon that last evening. The Athsna
and Heppner organisations will be ban
to grind out music lor three days,
while the home band will play only
on July 4.
The Baseball Feature.
The Athena, Heppner and Pendleton
hnat-ha.ll clubs have been aacUffd, and
one more will be captured (rom some
nearby town, to insure a four-club
tournament. Two game will be
played each day. In order to have
everything lovely aud harmonious, two
fgamos will have to be played on tin-
afternoon ot Ihursilay, ,lnl 4. It Is
not yet dei iittMl v. bet her these games
will be a double header, one fol low inn
quickly upon the heels of the other,
commencing the first one at 0( loi ki
or wnether one will lie commenced
at about I ISO, and after a rest of an
hour or so after its close, have tbe
second one starte'I at about 4 Those
details will be cleverly worked out by
a competent schtHlulf DOtDDlittaa
Sports ol Diflerent Kinds.
The most of the athletic sports, such
as footraces and similar things will
occur on tbe 4th, and if the program is
of such length that they ranted nil lie
run on that day, as now seems proba
ble, their finish will be seen on the
A Dancing Platform.
A dancing platform will he erected
on West Court street. Ihtncing will
be indulged in on the evening preced
ing the 4th, and on the day ami even
ing of the. 4th, 6th ami tilh. A lit
niece orchestra (rom Pendleton will
(Ornish the music.
A Regular Program.
There will be an oration, singing,
reading of the ! tare! Inn of IM
pendence, etc., on the morning of July
4, to give patriotism an opportunity ot
manifesting itself.
Parade Day and Bvanlnsr.
A monster parade will tako place
at II o'cliHtk a. m. ami an iiiuminateii
bicycle parade during (he evening.
All the foragolng win ne suiticient m
ronnd out a day's pleasure for tne 10,
000 people who' are expected to lie here.
Fourth of July Conestslons.
Bids lor a : days' concession at the
dancing pavilion will la- received by
J. K. Krause. This means so(t drinks
candv and nuts.
B. Y. Judd Buys 336.000 Pounds in 0ns
An item Irom the Maker City papers
has Im-cIi uoillg the rounds d the state
ureas to the effect that S. A. Heilner,
nl that citv. had recently sold all his
wiiail which aggrogali-d
nounds. ill 1000 sacks, the an umiila
tinn of his purchases made during the
mat and present v-ar.. Then was
addml the (ullowillg: "Jills is tilt
Urm.at siinfle su e o( wisil ever made
in Kasteru Oregon. " I hat might do
for Maker Citv. but it is misleading
when it refers to a wool center Ilk
I'm, II.. tun E. V. Jlldd Ol, ollf (BV III
th latter part of May purchased IW-'
000 pounds of wool at BSOO, from
. a i r. . .1.
Antone and Joe ey ami reoro nruue
an it ia not so verv uiii'hu " "
buyer at Pendleton or Meppner lo pur
chase KOO, uuu in oue uay.
oaabuss Bridegroom Who Never Want
to Law or (iav a Mortgage.
koseburg, June 18. Mr. and Mrs.
Hardin lavis, ol Wilbur, this county,
...l.,tin.i,l their fiddi-n wedding HUH I -
sawaavrv vesterdav. Ihey were mgrried
in li.u.i "i roawHi the plains" W ith ox
in 1K6. and settlt-l on their
i,r.-H.-iit donation land ilaim in ISO .
i-Maiilinu there ever since, i hey have
Lata .-li ilil run living. Mr. lior nt-.ei
nave a mortgage in his life, nor has he
been either plaiutiff or defendant in
... ...ilnn ul Uw. He ia still active, is
a prominent fruitgrower in comforts
ble circumstances, and a highly et
teel.ie.l Cltii)U.
Tbs Now Miniog Dlaeovsrlss.
Interest in the new mining did
coveries on Myrtle creek is iucresring
Must o( the available men have gone
tn minlnif or prospecting, leaving a
uhnrlaira (or cultivating the corn and
hop fields. Seattle parties art- working
three eight-hour nlgni aim uay
developing their properly
bonded. Many new
lues tad.
rlaiuis are being
C. f.
aiming Fi-ouusse l Mv An
lnvsatlsatloo Made
0. f. Manning, the fruit man, pro
poses to inaugurate a close inveetigs
ilnn ml., fl.H intnclloll of SU Joke
Meale which, as w Sr staUsi on alur
dav in the F:ast oregouiau, is baiag
brought here ill iruit from California
Mr Maniiiiiif aaaorts that such IS tl.i
nil I'llea the ex per lei,, i ot
orchard isU at ljwiston, Idaho, aa i
isvsArit 1 Hit Lu all loii.ernod in the iniluh
try to see to it that no precaution he
neglected to prevent a recurrence here
..f ii. liuuyu Ihure caused by the
...iiilnu Anmm f tram to kilt out the
peat. He haa written to Judd ier,
oouiiuiasiouer o( tbe fi(th (ruit dis
trict includiug this county, sskmg his
orticisl attention to the uisttsr.
9 a s
How About rmr Vasstloo?
uii.w ....I ..I the vscstioii
Ysouiua bay, where can be bad extiel
1-77 l.rr. uood Usbiua. good hosting
fe bsthing, alluring
rldea sud
rambles. .
St the
rh eniirans ami exurciaaw
Summer school, ol 1W01, st
:n .fii.r.l urat varieiy ui
in m J unlurlail.liiBlll
u nivariii'u iiu uii
No other resori onere
- . m ..!
lions and sdvai.tages.
Humors on the esrly retirement M
ijrd Fsuucelote hsve been rev ved by
LT. arrival in London with bis family
J H Horner, it'orvallis.
lieorgn Mctiil ver and st)ii,Haikaiie.
J Paul, Portland,
I Borkdill, Portland.
J A Allison, Portland.
W K Kurt.
Will Moore.
L H Williams, San Francisco.
J li R low knar,
s s qjll,
John Flaming, Chloago.
! f Robinson, IVnver.
I Koablnnd, Portland.
L P W Qntraby. Portland.
.1 W Morrow, M D., Portland.
-I II Morrow, Waitsburg,
II S Rosy.
k Woods,
T Scan I an.
T I ei'iiard
13 v Vonngman. Portlantl.
K B OomaB. Portland,
t' -I Jones, Philatlelphia.
A Oookn, San Francisco.
Phil Schlisinger, Milwaukee.
Mrs A Mellis, Walla Walla.
N ('odd. Collax.
I S i .arlan.l, Walla Walla.
L Feist, Wabash.
John L OrOBB, ltoaton.
i loo ii H array ! New York.
W R Kllis, Heppner.
J W Rnrley, Penver.
. m w at
The Sun Becoming Bxtlnet.
An eminent scientist has startled
the world with the declaration that I he
heat of the sun is leing exhausted,
lie assures ns, however, that it will
he many centuries be tore it takes
place. In the meantime we should try
and make tbe best of lite and enjov it
while we have the optortunity. "this,
however, is impossible unless you have
g I health and especiallv a strong
stomach. Use Hostetter's Stomach
I'.itters to keep the stomach in order
ami yon will be happv. It cures ds
pepsia, constipation, Vtiliousness, aids
digestion and keeps the t owels regular,
ll hit-- ban the standard medicine of
the American people over rl(ty years.
Insist on having the genuine with our
primtB revenue stamp over the neck t f
the bottle.
l an t Beat Martin.
Yon can't beat Martin's prices on
groceries and you can 't tiud a nicer,
Cl Of ItOOk of groceries to select
from. He has now In Itocfc a I USX ial
line of lancv cheese including im
ported limherger. Try some of the
kippered herring and smoked white
Hlfa that he has received from the
F.ast. Remember the bakerv da part
man! Ol Martin'- store ii the best in
the citv.
The homeliKst man in Pendleton as
we!la the handsomest , and otherr
re invitetl to call on any tlruggist
and gel (ree a trial Imttle of Kemp's
Halsatn (or the throat ami lungs, a
remedy that is guaranteed to cure and
rel'eve all chronic ami acute coughs
asthma, broncihtis and con mi nipt inn.
Price l'"c and 'ale. For sale by Tall
man A 00a, sole agents.
i heap Rates Back Bast."
(in Julv :' ami II, the l. R i- N. Co.
w ill -eh ticketa, gootl (or no days, to
Detroit and return (or 71.S6j to Cm
Oinnati and return for 8I Mi These
licLetH good via St. Paul going and
Omaha or Kansas City returning, or
vice versa.
Tin. utteet ,d the naat week's colli oil
Bnaliah wheal has been decidetlly re
ludieisl. ami agricultural pri'Sicts
show general retrogression.
For Sanative Uses.
Irs remarkable, aWsal rleatiK'ng, Baal
piiritliig pniperti''-, or
Tf riii'l tr-.m t IP i u las
-h. ersal skin ears, warrant tws
A . li ' 'I I I Hi I HI iMiAl', 111
m "Jf llu Initio I lintlia Inrsn
It n,g n i il ., Ilium, liiflat it
I V fi tiinia, ami i lialliin, lM
I ft n Irss ui i.tli-hi-lvu piT.pn
attup. and ataotSaWtoirssol
t i - lnruleetullre wriiLnt-.M attd for msiiy
vi aiitl-epU purpi-ii wltlcli reailily
i llu it, tea tu women, ainl eriui mlly
In iiiotlierr. The Ui-f ol t t Tlt'l'KA 01 nl steal
: i ii PS St'Ar will auggvat tUcll Id
tlio aewrur caaea.
iht. uriuiuttii. .- l I'oitaa D aasC. "ar..
,. , i. , ,. i i sa Soar Buss, ass wssaa
Has mi titjiial for the cure of
Nervoui tvid PhysiesJ Debil
ity, BxhtUSted Vitality, Vari
OOOOlei Premature Decline,
I,.,-- ul' Memory, Westing, etc.
whioh lia lx-;ii liiuiitlit
about by ssrly ladiscfstiopi
tr later excesneu.
ibi aausses rtusrt ykaus.
M rue UHlby lur iuy latast buuks, "HaalU Is
Nature," aii'l tliviiallti ll li'ae auil AbuM by
by Man "
Oapt. A. kussdl Block ,
"Nerve Waste."
om u tb uwai i...ii.. buokt on asfse
auaain aa etrr laam-'l ll Dial SuUtlsd "KsrVS
tta.i. ' b) L11 nairyer ol San riaurlaco, uow
In 1 la Mf tt Ihouaailil. Tola work ol all aiasi
it...... ,il and reuulable atifaicUii la lu aa-ran-
ni.it saatrast w laa taal BSai oi lata uarbiuf
Willi li pravalla on tl inun aln-a auujaoi 11
abouuila 111 t arelully Loualtlvrtxl and pravllc!
a-lvii a, ai.'l BSS Ha to a'aal uiarlu of wla
doui and alucerily.
1 1 ia audoraad by botS Iba rallfloua auS
HH ular yttstM Tba blcaso Ad train a ) "A
puraaal ol Iba book aad tba ajioiu ailou uf ia
urluriulsa will uul baaltb, bupa aud baaI Into
Ibouaauda ol lltua Uial ara now auoarius
llwouyb uurvoua liuuaraiuaul."
Iba book la ll.Ou by mail poMpaia
1 MM at tbe Sloal 1 11U i. .in. a t bautaia i-balsr
,i. ou Ncrvluua aud .Mima luliu. uaa uau
uriuaad auparalaly a a aauipla vbaplar, and
1 m.Mv .ililiuu tut ataiuu b IbS
uubliabara. I UB PAOIflC VVHUUUIHU CO.,
Iiu. j.v r
AU 1 inaiilla couuly warrant rsslaUrcd
1 J.uuary and Ketmiair, laa, illlald
ui, oltha at Hit cuurt fiouae upon prnaciit-
tl.iu luuraat t-aaaea ou dal ol Pliui iuou
o.udlatou. Oregon. June IV 111 yATKJ)
Treasurer ui I uiatuia i.uuai;
With every suit of
Boys' Clothing.
Boyt' Wash Sailor Suits
regularly worth 4HC, ftod
come In six diflWrent ooni
hinations of colon iti 1.E61
from 'A to 10 years, wo will
sf 11 for
hunch of lire crackers with
very suit.
Boy9' Vetee Suits at 1 re
duction of IS
Hoys' three piece knee pants
Suits at reduction of lo
Boys' two piece suit" at a re
duction ol 15
Boys' 8 piece long pants suits
at a reduction of 15
50 H0V8 suits tu olotS ut half
The Peoples Warehouse
Agents Butterick'A Patterns.
A. C. SHAW & CO.
W. J. HKWK1.I-, Manatfor.
Yartl mi W.i. 1. Htrrwt
1 1. i.nl.' limit PValgbt inMi
Wt- are tirniiarnii l" furiiiali anytlniiK
lu llin luiulMir linn ami ran niiaraiitt.it
BVisSS U be as rlia, if nut rlinaimr
than otlisr. W alsn rarry a larift
line of Iiih.ih. Wimlowa anil sfOSildiBgi
fartitM uiiit4iiiilatiii( ImiltliiiK will do
well tu see ua liefnre ilatiiig Ihall
urtlera. We also carry t a.li- Km)
Kir wood. I'litiiie Main W.
Farmers Custom Mill
PraS W altars, Proprlatwr.
' Capscltj, US bsrrsla a daf .
Vluur xubsiiBSd lor whasl.
flour, Mill rssd. IbouMd .-n.l. sic., a. way.
00 band
Call tip
No. 5
and 5and.
Heavy Hauling
gfcll allaulWa ft raw
to IXiualguuiaaU
Laatz Bros.
i . . . - . X
lis" Kink ""! I' y mmm mm
Polydore Moens, Proprietor. J 111 f lll uLltt f
Ragulaf Sstl display in niiiltll- windotN s iir price
fin. 00 Wnmrns' man tailoi ntatlo suits I5 9
$12 50 Wonttt'f man tailor made suits j jg
1500 Womru's man tailor msde Sttitl t H8
jti( s! Womee'i man ttJlor midi ittitt ... 1097
$17,50 Wotntn'f in. in ttiloi in. nil' smts 1 1 H
i0.00 Wtimcn's man tailor mailt; suits ... .... ia.95
JtJ5.oo Wotiii n s tn. in t.ulor mailc suits 1(1 40
fjt50.no Women's man tailor matle suits ... 95
TlMM arc all this season s new, stylishlv maile i;.irinrnts, correctly
mailt- ami properly trimmeil.
Ui-Ktilar Jun
prltsr irli-
HI. 11 k .hi ss gOOdti 30 itu nil wnle . . t
Bltt k drt goodii 16 int hei wid '2fSc IfW
Hi. 11 u s.itu tinish dreai goodii 41 id nvida HOs 2l)c
Cotton worsted drM goodit 30 incbvi wide iSc
Worsted dress i;ioils, 4.' inches wide 17c
All wool i In mt skut and smt iii.iien.il, fl in sride tMK; ;t?lc
j.ip.uH'si' silk ui .ul colorSi 10 inches wida ...... ;tSc 22c
japanese silk, all rolors. J4111 wnle rallt ta linisli ,Vlc
Chsngetble taffeta silk, best qualit . Hic VMc
Turkey red table linen, 58 int nea wida IJOc UK:
Bleached table linen, 56 inches wnle 2ftc Hc
Bleat bed t.iiie linen, 6a int lies wide tfv -Wc
II. ill bleat bed t .1 1 1 1 linen, 6s int hea wide Hc 27c
Hleat had muslin, 3(1 int lu-s wnle tn.-
tiootl apron t het k gingham
Best apron chet ketl Kiligban Sc
Stttinc Hetticiwtts. .1-t p ilotint e. kmfe pleating $1.R U8c
M 11 1 rised beal pettit ".its. at i ordian pleated Aount e $.i.fVl $2 f8
l't ii ale wiappi is new pattern trimmed sie i to 44 URc 72c
Women's Tailor Wade Suits, in mix. ,1 grays, $K).tNI $ft.90
Women' Tailor Made Suits. $lfvM $H:.'2
sinrt wai sis, ,1 int to close, worth to i j.o .... .soc
Men's iweatera, inst the ilimn lor now tjo- ;t5c
Men's cotton so, per tloen pair VfW
50 men's suits, some wete f,5o. otllels lo $ i, all
reduced, the b si ones s mi
Womena' black hose, j pair lor B1.00 2,ic
Men's unlaundered white shirts . lks '2Re
144 Men's undershirts and drawers 011 cottntei Half Price
10 tloen women's dongola shoea, patent leathei tip f)ftc
Beat blue calico ti'4c IHc
liesi red calico tiUc Wc
Lihi color calicoi beat.., Se
Scotch I. aw UN- .Sv.- -k
Lece Curtains, 3( yards long $i.ftt Hc
10 pieces Silkaline drapers 10c 7c
Read this lit every day,
'twill be worth your while.
Short uikI Iohiz bsndlfl pitch loiks,
BOytlll'r., HIlflllllH, Kl0Xilll Httml ralllt'H, ptllloVH. lt)Mrl(
in all Hizt'H.
Hansford &
The Leading
Thursday of each week 1 will le at the Flint National Hank
oAos t reoeivtj sealed bids on lots of tyool Nos, 6, h, 1 ; and
17, about fiOO sacks, now stoied In ths ndependeat ware
house; alto tboul ;ki rtiwk of thin yean biiu. I reserve
the privilege ol rejeoting any or all titln Atldrertri me Pen
dleton or Pilot Koek. Telephone Pendleton or ranch 00
Hear I reek. J IfllTH,
Mardwure Men "
Arm In Arm with Vour Po. last book.
Uni laa saraats ham aaaa asisetsd
with a tu ui giving vim Iks baat
vslvn fur Baal money Neat, slesjsul
ami sUraailva iatleriia III 4ed with
durability, ami Bfitkia b" luaam ul
all, is vbat M an iflrrins In our Mas
Stash nl ruga, rarfisU ami something
in laea curtains sad ourtiers. It will
BOSfl vnu in. thing t Itaik at tllSUl
I'r h tm am right.
Jesse Failing.
Msin street near Bridajs.
KJiUjf KurohM Still
Hur p 1 Plan
Biota a iJ a hall li
mplc Kuoas la
Room tfatt
54V. 7tC
Mil 1 mm