East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 18, 1901, Image 1

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innlnjh- nnrl iVrflnratld)
NO. 41M
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Eastern Oregon
You want a
foce sue spring li vm..
jre,.cl or auvc.
R. Demott.
Wash Goods
Ami we art on time as tiMial with a
goodly variety ol the newest styles
You don't buy wash goods limply
heeause the) u.isli V'ou wan! daintv
kumntt wear, beCAttM they are
ilainty, pretty, serviceable and will
wash, if need he.
If you want the prettidst of the
pretty wash goods now in vogue, re
liable as well as beautiful, come here
for them.
We have them all; Zephyrs, Dimities
Linens, Mouselines, Lawns, Madras.
Organdies, Batistes, Swisses, Foul
ards, Oxfords, Percales, and a score
of other dainty materials We are
always pleased to show them.
Alexander & Hexter.
t.l received
It off In ileal'
it. Tile roll .lid
The Boston Store
eimieion s Dig Busy store.
net m ....
III. I IC-M V V I a-ere BB . .
- J s Miiiiriio.
uoc .:..
-Vv w u u. en
New iqoi styles,
acy pattaroa and
durable made, 74c
t0 3 t5- Let us
show you our line
More yo make
your purchaaae.
Croquet sets
'-25 to $3 05.
Children's gar
deu looit, iyC a8c
ltd )9 .1 set.
Ladiee1 rtorai
tools, choice 10c
Watei i,, ts
'"23 ami $
with trass.
I Of I IK! Dn Ml It.
We're al i i ti.- is of facts and are
Thats the minion, of our advertising; the urines will do the
rest; follow the well beaten track leading direct to our
doors, there's economy at the end of it.
Aleedo. tin1 winner of the ureal
suburban at l,iepdioA
severe 1t oil the onronet
foreleg while at th,- poet
not flinch from fh path but went on
111 the rare ami won.
The pUiiation in South Africa ll far
from Hatiftfactory pint now to Kngliah
nien, nays the Sew York Tribune'
London correspondent. It i believed
that the Hner are paining Ml
rerrnitp from the Putch districts of
Cae Colony,
The agent of the Northern Pacific
road are authorized to pnrrhape cattle
anil sheep in Montana and deliver
them to farmer on a phare hai.
Hie plan w ill le esnecial ly appreciated
by the Knian. Swedish ami WOfWOglW
liomesockcr. who have come in recent
year and taken up claimp.
Amateur golfers, with pome preten
sions to a maptery over Uli hall, have
planned a trip to i.rvat Hritain.
which will eiteml at all events until
AtlguM. anil tnavbe later Die partv
Will include Waiter. I. Travip, It. II.
Roberteon, .1 M, Rohertinn.lHivereaui
Kmmetl an.) Arden M. Kobbin.
John Q, Wool ley, prohibition can
didate for tiresideiit 111 HHHi, Ptarted
Sundav mi a trip around the world for
the purpope of collet-ting data on the
liquor tratlic, preparatory to ixuing a
book on the reaalta of the prohibition
movement. Mr. Woolley will pail from
sau Prannftno "u the itanmet Marisa
.Tune 2. At HOnolnll be will en
dee VOI to oruame a party.
1 irficluii ot t h war department are
very well pleased with the praepeetlve
piirreuder of lielieral I allien, the
Kllipino iiifiirpetit leader. Advice
reaeived nl the depertnenl indicated
1 in' t li ik would occur pihiii. t'aillep it
a man of conpiderable ii.llnence, who.
with hip hacking of SO BIS hiimlretlp of
men, hap been a menace to the
effortp nf the artillery autboritiep Pi
tan ; out the i. helium ill Luzon.
Mck, pennilesa and wandering, a
man paid to be K. K. Ilopwortb, who
dipaipearil from Iayton the miildle
of April, ha iwii loiiml at lorePl
lirove, Oreuon.
Accord inn to information from San
Krancipco a market in Japan for Ore-
Hou clieexe may won, n me euori im
made with enough vigor autl in Inc.
proper way. The ileparlineiit of agricul
ture Iihk an agent in that country who
la endeavoring to create a demand for
American obeoeo,
Walla Walla nty haa U-en re-
Imndeil fur H(i.imii f..r JO yeara with a
III year option at I per cent N. W.
Han" & Co. of Chicago put up the
money. The old bondp, which are to
be eelled la at once by tee ooenty
treaeorer, carried ft er rent intereet.
The new pale will effect a laving of
BBOnl IKHNI per annum.
Orlando lie. k, county horticultural
mppei tor, han returned ir on a trip t.i
the nwnntniM Of Kittitaa valley,
where he found the sn .liawt acale on
the native tree. specimen of the
brnnehoj were hmught to North
Yak.ima and exainineil by livr'tcal'
turaliatM, who pronouncel the peSte
the genuine Cal iforuia pcale.
t a iiMHiting - f the l- lb-oeburj nor
mal school boar. I the (olUiwtnit- were
engaged for the eiipuiug year: Miaa
Hoptetter of Jaueaville, WIS., matron
I .......... it tl.. ,tf iriii it, ,r v - '
Mipp Bokkm of I'alo Alto, Calif., kind
ergarten leaulier ; Mrn. C. V. Wrnef
of I lieBpbiirg, Bhrunan o-t l'.ler
wood, aecretary to principal.
Dr. William eiger, a pioneer of
1H3U, died at bl home in Foreot Orove
Sunday night. Ir. Oeiger wan born in
Nee Vork tn rilfl. H graduated from
the ht. Loafs Honeopatblfl Mnobl of
medicine in 1' v With the emigra
lion ol laid. fr. l.t iger itoapeii the
plump to Oregon He pMBOd the win
ter with Or. Whitman in Katern Ore
gon. The Genital Benobiieaf elan
or(am.ipI by Portland youuB men for
the puriiope'of promoliiig bannoiiy in
the party and being otherwiae uaeful.
The aictra are: Councilman K. W.
Mulkcy, president! esAJooeoHMH N.
, lieutneii, vice pn ciileiit ; K. C Kob-
Iiiiim, aecretary ; h. U hmucer,treaaurer.
I ) inein
Be Presidential Candi
date Again.
The Dtmorrttlc National Cbtlruun Says Ml
Tbls Id in InlerTtew Given
Out Today.
WaatilngtoHJnne IS, senator .fonep.
chairman of the democratic national
committee, bap aubliiltted to a formal
interview on the iaaue of the next cam
paign!, lie pay :
It will be fought on the Philippine
qneetinn. The in prams court has de
cided that congrepp will I ace to deal
with the Philfppinee, I'ntil then, the
ineettnn Is 'does the ooostltntloo hl
loe the tlaii.' If the republican ma
j"ritv pavp not) then there will be a
lav of reckoning nl the pnlii " Benn
ti r lone paid that W. J. Hrvan would
not iiiain lie nominated lor BfOOidoOf
lie gave no reaaoup for tin- opinion.
ooeu iok wSri Motsii
laaasff Tom Platti Nw York. Tlpi
i ne Governor.
New York, June IH.- SenaUu I'latt
Raporte B I. L. Bay a Co.. raMlaton.
Chtaaao iaard or Trade and Haw Tore
Stook Beehaneo Brokara.
Nw Yprk, June IH. -The wheat
markei wS lifelep t.plav. Liverpool
and OnloBJB cloalng BUM aa reeter-
lav. HeaSenable weather all through
the wlwai belt maintaina the kmkI
wheat propiip. j r i t i I , L
New Y.k Opanad 77, and cloned
7 T-8, afttr sellinn down to 7tlSi.
Stock Ihwer.
Wheat: I
Cloae veaterday, ?7
0en tiMlay, 77.
Harlge toilay, 7ti'tf to 77 1-8.
Che tinlay, 7H 7-H.
Slock: Sugar, U ;. tobacco. I'm1,.
tawl, 19 , m. Pan?, 179 . ttoltlsoa
Krie. 4 1', , 1'iiion I'acillc, 111.
New Vork Harket.
Nw York, luee IH. -Kngar, raw,
fair, relliiing. 4 to S 68 : ceiitnfugalH(
t. U refined! crooned, BOfit pool'
dered, Mki to 't;o. granulatcl. M to
.,.".. ti nee. Kio. .. I, pih.I, I., rice.
donesi c
".. to l. : wool . nnchaogeil
P ' ' w
Whaat in thlewso.
June IH. Wheat, 70 M(
ihlell for the White lloiiae. ll wa
given out while he waa aiipwering
ijuerie a to hi probable pucceaor in
the aenate. tldell'p name waa meii
t mlled, when the SSnBtOf SB Id I
"It iipik a though the governor BBS
to advance in another direction, It
Iipik a though he will lie re-elected
overaor. Peruana be will h ptaal
dent, later. He la a good man for an
Foart a Ravolullon Whllo Ho is Under
III Inttuaneo.
I'onptant i noiile, June IM. - The pul
tan' health ta gravely
ton i age. He Hiitlcr ,
from i ote neural
inrmen anecialiet i
tion might relfeVI
W illi hi iieceHn.tatr
of Kther.
to till
ue atanrt
.,.1 ...if.
alarming hi
i ar ng a pevoietien wee
. i JWea nnfiortts
dam: wu. W
n upera
ion. i'Ol
Mm M . a J
1 t I - I III I
m . . .-,
Id be . tar lad
iliMeeinns. .
AT, ' I
a roil oi
New ni
court of
t he cal
and foN
the urn
illnoux Cats & lprl ol
trk, June IH. -Havi.l li. Hill,
for rue .liiWrlrt'dtmnar '!
began hia addreaa in the
Ippeals thlH inuruiiig in the
cane. Ill prepitiitallon ol
lor the piMiple wa idiMiuen'
till. He argnil that Mol ux
iitfer the Mtreens penalty for
II of Mra. Kate Ailaiua.
Daparlmanl in Quandry Over
Uir Hlfilon Had.
Wahnigton, JBBB IK the interinr
department ip m receipt of rotters from
otiicial in Southern I alllomia dia ry
IM the niMaaeity of ilipawajng the
to.-Hion I mil ana ol lend ami Inline in
Bcoonlanee with in-- decree of llm
I n i till Male ailpreine oourt in the
caw of the Warner ranch vp. the In
die:a. The Indian hureau in in a
qnsndry over tlndina place in which
to locate the Bolavtnoate smsb. Pros)
aoly, however, the land couiiniaaioner
will allow tl i to locate, on landa a.i
laoaal o tbe Wnrnw rnnnfe irupirty.
II.ip may m done after the Indian
barvept the prepent cmpa, almilt the
middle of July.
London tablo Say Thai Ho lorialn
l Die.
Loanlon, Jdh ih. Kr-i.uv. PlYire'ii
eonditbh ' BlannSng, He panpeii r
hail Bight and wa worse thia morning.
Hta Boh la oiiHtaiitly at his hedpiiti
I Hiring the night, PingriHi'H condition
took a turn for the wolae ami it wa
announced tin afternoon that there ii
no hoi' of recovery. Mra. I'ingrm and
ot. i who are in New lork, imvo
, hled not to 00 BBS here
r l a llariow, pnvaician in mo
letalOoern VicUirla, v letted imveriior
I'nit"- at in o After leavina Hie
ripim, he paid there la little boHi
very. Pingree'a aon, in aiitlri
uatlpK oi inn taih.T - death, lie
not 1 1 ed the undertaker to prece the
ierv ehanel for reception ol the
1 I'llltm
I pick ro
lof SSro
Hork ihl evening
(roo I -lowlv sinking.
i iovernor
Ho,. voi-f
, Hat
W laki
ley ia
I he hi.
and the
ip belter Ihan
Boon So Ureal She's Uul
ol Bangor.
iiU, .linn' li l rn .viclviii-
antirely ont of danger
infection baa diapaared
tteiidiiig physician awya she
w lien -he ret nriie.il from
r.'u'Tt .r. t". "'-'r tr "'iV.. i.
itebest $25 value in
Hartloid iBKts, rovnrs-
bet, ell , uJy yf.
"'pre than ai otiler
"""into I.
Gowns trimmei
out at
am V rant i i
5c, here i . .i
D,, 73 V, uun.:i
f si a
ItsVe 0 "
na, ioc,
doren; other
ulA, 15c bar.
siicl Nolf
Muslin Underwear Opportunity.
with Itfli and embroidery, oloeing
20c, 1 01 xHc, 6vc, 83c, : 1 10, -i.iih
Chemise hum ami ibort, neatly trimmed, oloaioff out
at aye, 4vc 63c, y8c, $i.iy
Skirts very full law and embroidery trimmed, oloj
ing out at aye, 4c, 58c. 79c, 07c
Drawers iu three lots, closing out at 17c, 29c, 49c
s-W -m m swtA . mm
Corset Covers ai.es 61 to 4, cIiwiuk out at 17c, 39c; 49c
Corsets for very little
Regular prices wnre Xb. $1.33, 1.49 and $9,74
Sale price, 49c.
Another lot were sold regularly at 75e, 86c, $1.00.
Sale price, 37c.
Ladies' knit summer vostaat. 6c, 12c, 15c, 18c, 25c, 38i
Millinery at Letf than half regular priceo.
Wash Skirts Very Cheap.
Outing HannelH, light and dark colors
(Jood yard wide l.leached muslin
Apron ginghams
sjIi i f
IS niiiiica to am
have siaaad the
btfiu i
loM aero
fi It iu tin
winds uf WllllCI
Nulla iimuv
iwvalid I- liui in 'I a ay liy niiiiuot fro
4c yard
,c yard
5c yaid
tu the kuidlii i i ornate
cawac i app.io nt
as you ek at Uu
hullo a cheek sad
listen ie ass rsi
ing cough ut tho
Person. Mittrrinf
With weak lung.,
bstioate co uk h
and severe uen. r.
rkac even, have
Sound the change'
f climsti in o e
anuevr ..i ' the
dm of ii rleri ' s
Goldeo Mciiusl
Oiscovsiy It
Ueotrtherin arcea
laogs, cuies obdtl
Bate eousThn, and
builds up the body
with souu i tu althr
asak. It contaiee
Bo alcohul. oeither
opium, i ocaiac aor
atiicr nso otic
I fcel Him owe s
S.rrl of gi.iitude to
a Buad for rscout-
aseudla y.ui men
aim, as well a. to
y o re r pr. rlag
sacb grand M iui .lie.
fur caroui, l ii tim
a-o . whu'li the
doSura tailed to rait.' write. I
4k !
E i
r e )
Protlls on rtilltpa Lorn Uaal.
Ubinaaa, uai , - Obaclu tor ap-
proximately 1 ,', uuu ' Bent out
b) IM Uaorna H Pkillias piawanae
t. nornts Irnia Maine to llnalen 'Tmi
disbursement hhp hi the ualure of a
dividend on tti pelajkretad May mrn
leal, the pool arraiiit havlua: been
written up to 4H cents, this Udn the
averiK Bliioh tl Mini al the
oanpn)an has been able to tinre .,m
up to tho. time. Tliesa isaei'kri ko out
to alxilll individuals alio had an
interest in tho pool of alaiut ! .,'Hsi.onn
hilnhele of corn. The lowest IIISU
vot iTiTattt i 'eutr Ib4ejiiaid
prodt o far ibiuioiialraltM is H cauls
per buehel. Ibis may lie iucream-d
wliee the cash unlli lioi n hand ill
varum MMIrOnV j MfjttaMdU or
,y ne uf'vmv't' iwit 11
will d !.' entirely .u ia ain i
. el 1 en Oeattatb r b I.
the lisratat Ik f I 4 'mgfmit i
aid as liall Ltd t l BitUt
a m l i z si
aKEssioiM or barker
TeJbmony Thai Ha Adaiiiiod Shuoitne
Rov M Ksllor.
lirafv t iiy. N. J , Jan 1 - More
toxMinnnv hearing OH 11)1 OOnfaBBionS
'laBki bv rboinas Harker. on trial for
attAiptllig V aaaMiiali; Iho Ucv
JolA kellor. whom Marker a wiln M-
iih id havinii atti inptial i riioinally
to nVaoit her. was benad tbi morn
inafl Chief of I'olne I den teetlfieil
lliaBl Itarkor frauklv told linn he ha
do 4 Keller, addiiia. "You, t hlol
Woalil have dolin the sauie tiling ahTl
tineaaiiie oiri uastanoes. "
i iilBaaa
11. in.. i
nrlo In
roaW a
,J lUi. Uv rsataiefka Cam Km 114 I dM
the tfesod ..id aUoua fur tka U-ucftt oi
w ii utrd voui it tin ii n i
roaW axeat. u 1 Uar yenve uif work ejp
tdsr iria 111 m if Bl 111 IOOIU Dlnl U tJUlMd II
the cold mil Jt
sail is
ur c
rrai ii my cauet
ij, -mr , hi .ni. ml ii I aeuetcd
Q aavinato lur a
h. i it in
Mom-v saving .atistai tion , unln.nts you at every turn
once you cross the threshold of this store.
tmjr ml
uaeully o.l
which tx
. .11 4
try hUbri air, hut (jrtuutely iur um s rricad
elsu dl) me b tiy Ui I'ierce'. medlvliie. I
OMtBu.ed lakiutr your 'Golden Medical III
owery ' iiitt hy the tituc I had taken the flisi
koMic 1 wa. Unei .ud .A.i t.klns 'huul OUJ
fcfrtttat iy couah wt entirety none TBI was
. ' . . . . , I .1 . ... ...un, ia ml ii r 11 i (I
Uouh: I tunw fcdadoo u.oeaty loess
g auothi-i i Innate
Jtree The Couioiou Ssoac Medical Ad
love pages, cioto ooouu, v
ol li oue ccut suiuv, u vj
of tuailiua iWi. Adoxasa ui. m. w.
M. V.
lies M
haw ti
1; late f
the foil.
much si
taking li
name hid
will elit
than gle
rally to
sav M
I oodoi
estaUi in
up at
. ..din,
i fi
ras as aaaaaF,
l rwia.-
.nsw at aa iL. sBlia.l. V B Warn 1 WWW
A . A 1 1 St n
that Kraarar aii an 4 a aj
t iMident is IV aer to k i, .
i . . . ai : r - i
aoHwew uir-oiioii uKjawg . a ,
nn'ia"W V.,',,'aBri?riiii
tUmm ll loe I BUI biiBJBBJBBBEBJ
iMmM -nu vm 'ni
Tfl ' ' AiMmmm J. A. III
11 ' Mmm. aSaHBatataVrn I e
aryM4; I PJd d 9 I Jtftrii
Wi-a. OaaWtao., ae vtt. Wal
itrW IWW-I IFrffl'V were
JabnJ are W, PbM ee-
aBBBNaay imu . T'""
there waT tit sale
. II
i. kins Troops to ream
kin, on) in. -the ran nee! tn pee
Lout kM) llhinnee aoldiera to mini to
I'ekin ha no la-en ileine.1 ly llir
foreign ministers! nho ay that it
won M be inadvianhle to peiuilt Hlltih a
xlep hi bS taken BHtll t br original
trmjpii hgve left the oily.
contract i . i by ib Board of BgnU
Honday (veniie.
At the mel ting uf tbe iHJSrd (li
regents of the I. astern Oregon normal
niLool held in thu ullliii id U Aluaan
Jar, irealdeiit, the nuitractH were let
for the n'lial'ii lion ol the Ben building
at WeUm a fulliiw
lurh A its I'alUn lompaiiy, o
in, smii.'J I he rout rai t lol III
u work, Bio.jit.i work and paiul-
wilb a bid o MB, MIT
Ja.olNMii liadu Oo.pailV, of
laud, ssi asaT'lml IllaV rUOireel lor
ibiug with a bid o , Id ll)
AjUirl 'larJiw r, was givein tin- im
aB tor iho beat leg ol th iHiilillug.
Majesty Demanded 'That
it Be a
ma. HE IS VKRY 111 lHi MIT
Wanted a Main Heir Tata It lbs FearU
Time H Has ton IXMppotntcd
In This Mannar.
1 Petersburg, June 18, the caarlna
gave turwt to n itiiuirnter tisiay. rhi
la tbe fourth tune the hotie of
Kuxsia' roval couple a well aa those
of tbe entire nation for a male heir tn
the crown have been raised to the
highest pitch, only to he dashed. The
caar's anilcty a to the -at of the
Ii i Id horn urpn.ed that on any previ
ous occit-ion. He I'oiisu iteit main
eminent doctor a. to the best meauonf
governing the BBS. of the child, bet all
effort exerted have been futile.
The child ' named AnasUtaia
Burglar Tabs B400 and Bak a uoed
I.oH tngeles, Jttne It. Tb Alstnito
postolllre wa robbetl ot f-iUI in laailal
nil liiiinev nh-r fllinls. I'hs post
maxler waa at lunch when the man n
leriil, and iernuaded the clerk Ui Step
lo the rear with him and his pal blew
eenn the -aie. iioth eacapeil. The an.
thortti- prmiict a capture netere
Austrian Would Kssp Thsra Out rr-on
tgtbe, Jnne IH, A deputation
I n mi the t'hamlier ol t'onilnerce tbi
on Bn(rlg waiieit i mi the prMnier and
atekd elm i" prohibit the oHning III
aaneriean tfxM storns in vianna, aey
nig thai thov were a menace to th
buaiuet" of uatrian maker
Too premier tno the matter under
ciinsnir ration. ,
Tarltr to Ba Hoavy or. Anrlaaa Bl
eyels and Naval Stores.
Washiugtou, June IH. it 1 1. i a hee
Served notice on the t'ntted Htates that
SM pfepoBes to put a masiuiuBi tariff
on Ameroiio incvch's.aud navel tora
This t retaliation on account of the
art lue of the treasury
eiactlBil a lull rate on
leparlioeiil in
Ituaian iietro-
rrssbglarlaii Commltt Bests aad
Takes Up tha Wark.
PttMbnrti inne ia The Presbyter
Into general assambty coBiMlttae on
creed ( , me' hero today and BP
gatgid o the hn.iiiena I i aUgli they
Wr! ifpp illll'tl lirew willimiunin
...... i ...i. ...i... i .,..1 1 1 1 m .mi nr. I MhSaet
Huuibsrl nurdar Suspools.
lierltn June IS -Throe Kalian,
sdsiMNitaiO of coupltcity In tlininenier
ol King Hnnibefti pern arreiedat
QrOssnnhaio i iertuaay
wa divnleii into tbrei- .a tlfln
Tin- baxl
rih.N nil eiirth for ' I ad let or
Wr Ruaranlet) eveiy air
we Mil tun.
K'OlU'lllh'T Wl
aitutfier pair of
I oil OS
. . . ? -
fsndloluti Basspaii Cluu
Tkl BUmms Ii am
f I . i.ll..' I baseball lab lull
Ihtj tram this wining fr Walla , .
toJla, to pla the .tub then- lbiS'"oW lit
Biru'oii. Ibis Is Ihu .irotigMM lean.
iu i .ii haa baJ tflthei this year
gleet Iioims are eoleitaimsi ti.ai
will I... vltiSMIIMia. The tw
i. i.asM tuaa law thia tear ami
la Walla UMtb.lhi sswrcs uing ,
. 0 and IB I a. '
ir A lalepboiie .naasasie reraHM- eB di
UBms tine efrernti Iron t Walla
wDl gee tit following oarer Well I
la. 9, Tendlelon, l tu lleeeu
.1 llllt
I. It
hIhh- Wed
I'.tih Our
will tell yoti
s I he Peoples Wareliouse
hUoi. Slusv-:
mmi H9 oi- war.
Iaiidoii. June IH. -lieu, k Mdnsm. '
i i. ii iu the Orange Hiver Colony
i. imuilIK snin-iwd here to iiidlcale
i peal
A Ytatioa of Artidik
reiidietna, Or
it. at m special move will eoou begin
agaiogt Uev lwef.
asnusdy oivaa Bail.
New lurk, Jsu. IH-Wli. aSglBBal
Kennedy, tried three tiiuee for tha
tourder of oJiy li. i .i.t, wa. giaoUj J
Uil ie the s'lui o aui.ouo today.
trot louiiu Dead.
Herliu, June IS 1'rof llmuisu
Criuim, thu well known author, ia
Hlupiluaie. ottr sr.akaiy displ .y, a nigbt
fcf w1iob dehgtbU kM y .e,,. tlus
inn. , and relieehe She niiml. "m de-
igus on china beat th-a-u of tin. Kuropdeu
powgrk. They io me ii tea, tliuner Su4
attiad Sets, rivelliug ronututic lands. p
iu piotBreeogauaas. Ttiuee besallful cm
giaea i. , . it . t.,.,, are worth, a deaerip
lion ip ,. r W Wly ask a p. . p. ties
war jrill do the naal.
Jlam Sliect
li Luntksi VnaaaBiL J' ri
1 1
e, TT
. . .4.
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