East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 17, 1901, Image 2

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    We are Going to Celebrate;
Are you?
The Fourth of July vsill MOtl ! bn
and if you have not y:t pun Lui l vmir
holiday attire it will he to vmir idVfHttfB
to do so at oner Kumcmhor, ilH.tvs ;ri
dangerous, and the prettiaat goodl BIB
being sold now. ("tut vour dfBSI whlli
you have an assortment P MlSCl from
Clements & Wilson. Court and Cottonwood
those ItaproseoMBU Bad h.it Um
party Of partftH flint refuse tin- (!'
mauds will ifitt "be Bipod" it the
hiIIh. Sih'Ii an idea will move to
net ion, mMob favorable mill prodoc
the ot MMtlilflM boeldoa lonir tptMhii
and eUiiorute nrifiliiifiil.
The BMt Oregon ian woiilil dlfBI
what influence it can oxert toward
the full and fr consideration of tba
improvement Oreon ih ask i nit (or baf
waterway" at the hands ol SODgTOM.
Late in the present month, ('hiuriniin
Burton and the house OOBOllttOB on
river and harbors will he in Portland,
Thay will look at the Columbia nd
Willamette rivers. They will loqolra
into the nature of the country tboil
rivers drain, how much tfaflU will
How over them, or, which annun'
the same thinu, over the railroad
lines whoae ratw will ba kept down
by the fact that the river are Improved
ao aa to make water transportation
The Kest Oregon ian wonhi UwDtwSI
upon Kaatern Oregon tinaiiiws men .
bankers, farmers, profeaaionl men,
business women, laborers, all, tba Im
perative need (or the permanent i m
prnvement of these hi natural water
thoroughfareatlM Columbia ami tin
Willamette. It is very strange that
the people of this region are not DBOff
importunate in their demands Mr.
Moody, of The Dal lea, Uvea in a town
that has added at least 1U per Mai ,
perhaps, 20 per cent, to tin- tall
every pound of wool that goen llMN
(or markating.and that added the In or
-o percent aoiely by reason of the con
struction and opening ol the C11-..1.I.
Luck. He knows the value ol water
tranepurtation, that it i the great
leveier of rata. He would be a strong
advocate lor the river improvement
ware he to be made to realize thai the
conatituancy of the district rami 1 9 de
manded of him that ne move baavakt
and earth lor that object. It ll aAOthai
instance iu which pabik OB " aOa
trols. or, at least, ban tie' pr.
derating intioeuce. The diHicui
that our business men are rather timid
about coming out siiarely and nii
equivocally and making it in i
Kaatern Oregon needs a Senator I
gau to devote his Ilia in aMaffM '
this great work just as hnaiur SI I
baa devoted his wonderlol hrain and
euargy and persistence t tba HI
gua canal.
It la uecessarv that MOM plail
speaking be beard occasional I v ("ban
should be a well dell ne. I, ch- .
euuncialed, Irequeiitly expressed .1.
maud tiiat the congressman BO
tuaoretloallv couoaded to Kastern (ire
gon beau earnest, persistent adfooata
of the improvement of tbe rivers Bad
A great future awaits the man win
favored by a majority of the votes ol
the district, become the aBBBsBMB bI
river improvement.
The East Oregoniau, which was
recently called the 'TeO-in.tie-t Mai ul
a democratic paper," holds that .
a a section ol a rmumuiiMfslth would
be vaatly mure benefitted b)
can congressman who was linoum sad
adioiant in urgmu iheai impi lax
than by a democrat or a populist who
was silent and mefb ' the
caiigreaaiuual uomunitee in this rela
tion .
The Kail Oregoniau hold the demo
cratic Idea, and not tbe repiiiiin.in
idea ol public olicies. lint the 1 .
Oregoniau wauls river improvement
more than apeecheH on vague issuM
nol one-halt an important to Ul of
Kaatern Oregon as thin one tnai per
tains to river impruveuieiit.
No one can be found who denies t in
validity of the claims of thi section
for theae improvements. Yet .-inn
o( men, potent in our social ami com
mercial affairs, are uever gaOOB
to throw one iota ol iutiueiice in that
direction. Aud, just so long an pal
leading men aud our newspaper
evince this apparent timidity, and go
long as the politicians can hoodwink
tbe people into quarrels over other
issues, will the improvement
lb i ok ol tbe far distant future.
Theae reflections are pertinent ami
timely just uow, when the OOBfNI
aional committee is coming to iuqaira
into the conditions. An atmosphere
of intense demanding ami intelligent
setting forth of just elaiui should be
created iu this region. Those emigres,
men should meet courteously insistent
buaioeoa men whoae oue object will be
to send them back to Washington with
the idea firmly implanted that the
voters of this section are going to have
The river mid Inirlsir committee of
the boUBa Ol representative- w ill he in
Portlaao the latter part ol this nionlh
seeking information lor it- unnlai
as to legislation which will he pro
posed al the Deceniher session ol con
gress. The following poiin made bv
the late Bona tor J, N, Dolpta in a
speech ill the (,'nited States senate,
Jaag M IM8 ibould ba ImpfBuwd
iiioii every meinher ol the comm Ittaa :
"If you will take the map of the
I'niied State- you will -ee that tl.cr.
is a range ol high nioiintains extend
ing all the way from the Hritish 0ol
Utiihia hoiiadary down into the tut. ol
OalMoraUi forming in Orajgjou and
Washington the Cascade range, hut
known in the slat. e.i ( alilornia a- the
Sierra Nevada mountain-. Through
all that range ol mountain-, a distance
of over DIM) miles through Oregon and
Washington, there i- one natural pass,
ami that was forced hy the waters of
the Columbia itivBT-
There an- many things to get which
Oretfnn needs assistance Iron, the
lederal government. 1'rincipal among
these is the opening of tin- inlets and
outlets of commerce, not only the Col
umbia river, but its tributaries and
the tributaries ot its tributaries, and
the bay along the coast. These pro
jects are :
First A -Ul-foot channel at the
mouth of the Columbia river, work to
Ih' liegiin as early as practicable, and
to be prosecuted without interruption
Second - A Jo-foot channel between
Portland and the sea.
Third -Canal mid hec k- between The
Dallai and Celilo, and the improve
ment ol navigation above (,'elilo.
Fourth Further improvement ol the
I'pper Willamette, together with the
purchase of tile lock- at Oregon CilV.
I-ifth--Adccpi.ite transportation facil
ities lor l illaii ook Inv.
Hitlli- Kevival of the plan to im
prove VcBaaiaa bay mid harbur.
Seventh Such improvement- as mav
lie necessary in Southwestern Oregon'
river- and harbors, at Soislaa and in
the livers tributary to the Willamette
aud the Columbia.
First in importance is the to-foot
channel at the mouth of I he Colum
bia. This great river drain- an empire
and i the outlet of the products n( a
v.i-i i gion. With commerce hindered
at the month of the river, improve
BMBfM at interior points u.d afford
little ndinl. Kecugn iing the advan
tage o( tbe Colombia river as a BBBp
water harlsir for cotuinerce mid as a
harbor lor refuge, C.ipiain W. C. I in.'
lit' in !' 1 recommended an imurove
meiit to produce a 4o-lcsit c bannel at
the mouth ol tbe river. In his opinion,
the present jetty should he extended
three miles This work, with QtllOl
detail-, wa- Mtimatad to cost f"J,o.;i,.
Ho.ol. lieneral John M. Wilson who
was then chief of engineers, approved
(be plan.
The chauges induced bf the construe
Hon of the present J.'IC weri- large
and important, in lsM.i the channel
depth was ".li fe-t. and remained -o p
in.lilde N4U. In 1-vJil tin- depth vva
24 leet ; in lattl, faatl in !.vrj. B
feet; in t9S and I MM . IB mat j in IMI.'i,
31 feet: in w. and I sw; . : leet, in
IMlM, feet ; ill MM, IN feet. The
annual survey for I ISA) -moved a ,,
urease in ilepths of from lour to live
feet, which limit. -c! the depth of the
channel aero.-- tin- har Ice ,,r trt!l
at mean low water, the iiecreaoe in
depth since 1S!6 is serious.
"The necessity ol improving the
depth on this bar seems almost sell
evident, " said Captain LaBfjdtl in hi
reisirt cil cfJB, ' vet ,i lew words Iron,
this Miuit of view may not he amiss.
In tbe lirst place, the mouth of the
Coluiiihia gives the only deep-water
harbor between San Francisco and the
Straits of F licit, a distance ol 7 IX)
miles, being Vs miles from San Fran-ci-co
and lft I from the Straits. It is,
moreover, a fresh water harbor, a
(act (ally appreciated liv shipping ,aud
i the only fresh-water harlsir ecu the
Paeide cuasl ol the United Male- The
bar has been notorious among seaBUNI
as a rough one, aud on this account
the available depth as shown on
charts can seldom be used in winter.
Vessel coming in or going out are
uar-nuuiio ami nave lo wail lor a
combination of high tide ami smooth
sea to cross. Ibis slate of affairs evi
dently not only prevent the use of the
harbor, which is a uiagnihceiit oue,
once inside, as a barhor ol refuge-, hut
also lays a heavy lax on all hipping
coining iatO the river, it Is est im.it. -.1
that a vessel crossing this bar should
have nod i hei keel from 111 io I'J I. ol
during rough weather, from which it is
seen tbat for modern ships 4U feet is
mine too great a depth l.vvrv
ship coming to Portland or Astoria
must cross this bar, and it is the ocean
connection r u territory tributary
ti. these iorls. This country is rich,
growing in wealth and commerce, and
promise to he, if not already, one
of the great exporting and importing
district- in connection with trade to
the Orient. Taking into considera
tion the double function of forming u
harbor of refuge and the value to com
merce which will result, there can he
no quoatlon but that the improvement
is one worthy to U undertaken at the
eariie'.-t iaihle moment."
for I 86 font channel on the Lower
Willamette and Columbia In the sen.
The original rendition ol these rivers j
fBm Portland seaward WM Mich that
only (nun 10 to 1 leet could h carried
over the shoal BlBCM St low WatOT.
Numerous sand-bars obstruc ted naviga
tion to dpep-water rrait mi distributed
tbe water over an extended area, so j
tiiat the greatest depth could hecarrbel
over them In onlv a oomparsti v el v
I narrow cnannei. iinvcrnmeiii wora, i
assisted bv the Port of Portland com
mission, has given goisl depth mi the
lower river, still the SMool channel
not comtdeted. The worst point OH
tea river is the stretch ftkj miles bum,
beginning just below Tongue Point and
attending along the wafer Iront of
,toria. The principal obstruction is
. i roe kv point known as Hvlvia dm
tirasse' iteef, abuut a mile belovv
Tongue Point, ami aroiunl which
ihlpi are obligeel fi make a short lurn j
b. avoid striking it. The ledn in-
Im-e- shoaling ami ronseipietit liar- j
row invr of the isiue
Trafdi baadled by river cmft on tin-
lower flvett amOUntl tO between lf
iihi.oihi tad 1,000)000 tone a year.,
tdded to this is Portbitnl' foreign niil 1
coastwise trade.
Vessels drawing M leaf ol water'
eoall aoend the Columbia river from
the Pacili.e IMBBtl to the nioutli of the
Wilhrnette, a dlStBUlO ot 110 mile-,
and river steamers draw inv.' about tdffhl
feet eel water navigate the OblBmbHl tO
Tie- Dalles, a farther distance ol about j
Iln mile, between I'll. DallM Md I
Uolllo, IS miles. BBvhfitlnn is eonn
nlately obstructed at all tlBHM About
three miles above The Dalle are
Three Mile rapids, a crooke d channe l
I flOU feet in biigth, narrow and much
obstructed by ntiiefe reeck-, -wilt cur
rent ami powerful eddies a short
distance farther no are Five-Mile
RapMf, where lor I'-y miles the water
rushes with great velocity Is'tween
precipitous wall ol basalt 16(1 te :;isi
feet apart; then len-Mile Rapids, "
similar gorge hall a mile long, and
last Cell la Fall, with a sheer fall
of jo feet at low era tar in these
miles the total fall In the stream at
low water is nhnilt Hi I leet.
Hoat DBflfBtO elaily the 0 miles
if the Columbia between The DallM
and the Pacith ocean, and there is no
qaoefltioa about tin- eoadltioa of that
portion ol tin Columbia br purposes
of BavlfBtiOUi On the other haml
the Columbia above Oolllo and the 07
miles of the Snake between it mouth
mid Rlnarla, Wash., ar' consdierablv
obstructed bv rapids and llMBll
a profael for the Improve meal ol tbe
Columbia he'ween he Dalb-s ami
Cello. submitted last December by
Captain W. W Hart-, nrovnle for
ibaatkmlu tbe sloiasv boat railway
pravlomiiy proposed, and tor sabetltut"
lug the following:
Babys Coming
y Dei 1
I a1v1se evfrv- si'tfrr "K
..f owrtui. wivli I '
rliilclrii I ei ' I" '
aistlmp. ben this "a"..'
Csclin an.i "
bsnn ahlo tort-, v ' mv tv
tmiiMa. 1 mi exp. one
fined. Mv hnstmnrt tnh
thej best me A n In tli
dOM of Thedf'iM lltev'lc
and irlts- MM to tho t
lost a ilsv fmni w'erk' mi
fr.sn.l- abnul V"lir wenel
i.-li mv lailv friends to
I arc! 1 1
lulv 1 i""1
tn ill B ss
. nrtp. eciy cvlhrr
c en be I (evrilOVS
talt.'e. Win, nt
trituir'i- s:id bsre
,rX witb, ir nny
i- itav to be rnn-
rierTf rftMulls
,1 lb tuec
bt ererv msht
m- m ' M
II b 1 his
inpehr'neei snd I
v..nr Wilts "t
Not a
Rival n Si0lt Anyw;i ra
Thsrt irr thouisndi of woinrn who inrms
In trrror st thr th.iieiht of tht hihy'J fi".
But chlldhlrtb In onr of the working of Nature
sndltwsinot mtrr . .1 to imi.lv leriurr snd
sionv to th' iNfa mothen of thr raro. Thr
wom'sn who juflrm torturr rierinc prftnanc y
and st childbirth hv OWMlly. h omit inde.
mtlon ln.ired the orn- vhi.h mskr hrr s WOBUM. rilt M mfiiuma.
IrrtKulrttlri Irsdv to ovsrian iislni, f-illini- of the wemb Sfld kUCOfTrlOM,
snd the nrrlod of prunanrv is nrrr.ullv dbtrrifin under UMM condi
tlon. Wino ol Csrdui will rrsulstr thr mrnitr.isl funfhon orrtf.tlv snrt
svrntusllv irskr Ihr srnrrative orssnv trony soil hrslthv. Prmnincv -iml
childbirth h.ivr no terror lor tht worrum who take thu pure Wine A troni;
henlthv womh will hr'n lt nreciouv burden b. maturlt with litll-or no
pain. A halthvwoman nerd not lear childbirth. Win-- ol C.irdin .omnletelv
curt-i all thr trouhlet familiirlv known ai "lemale dtease" and eouipstht
aeniitlve teneratlve orc.n- b r prnancv and childbirth. It will isve anv
mother much pain and taffsrihg All drmaivti ISfl Sl.00 hottlev
fsr evIvKwsisI HMtBMfS s4dlsSfcSVfjBSTn. i-,.. "Hi l-i' '1 1'
bspsruri. m. Hi- icalUcooora SlOim Lumi-any. Chsllsnonss. Tn.
l i, linen that has Melt done ep
Mmestir laundry ('" '"
Sw ih that lauudmod
SSd" Ices its 'l? :,PfifBJB
and we feel liko crow..;;! ovary
IlltPrence in .-
on the SUirm, '"lar
i, .mi mutnoas wimi
in the city.
sec me
or iui'1 tin i -1
I ,-uff- do.ie Up
. men worn by anyone
DtMMttit Slcain Laundry.
i L. I
Hny slid Md
Opera tteuse block, before buying.
and Grain
lor cash or OB insrs"""
New York M
CMeaffa sm
Chicago ttnarJ ol
Court SUMli
First The construction of a canal
about M0Q feet long, with two lift
lock eif about feet lift each, extend
nut across the peninsula on the vTaah
lug ton shore in the vicinity ol Celtlo
teond The removal of the vmrst
obstriiotinu rocks at and lathi 'len
Mile Raptdefj and the oi-om of a re
lief channel along tin lines ul the
existing high-water channel on the
Washington spore, north ol and parallel
to Ten-Mile Kapids.
Third-The construction ol a canal
about Wtksl feet bulk' around Five-Mile
Kapids, tin v i tiijr two locks one of ll.'l
leet lift ami one to he used as a guard
lock during high stages-this canal to I
lie oloBf the OragOP shore, It- lower I
etui opening Immedlamly baloe Hig j
Bddy and it tipper end to be inline- ;
.1 . I Imum II... be.u.l .0 VI mm. t II.. 1
Iv.ipid, ntlllslag for the canal, as far
a practicable, the more northerly of
tbe two natural high-water canal- or
channels, which now parallel on the
south the greater portion of Five-Mile
Fourth The construction of a sub
merged dam or waii ImoMdiatoly be
low the heud of Five-Mile Kapids
which will raise the present level ot
the lo -water surface approximately
o feet, thus drowning out the rapid
between this dam and Celilo fall and
MdaBfcBB tbe currents la tbe river be
tween the canal around Kive-Mib
Kapnl and that around Celilo falls,
especially at low It ages, bv increasing
the area ol the cros-ectiou of ill-
charge aad dlmlaiahiaf tbe mrfaoe
slope .
Fifth- The removal of the worst
obstruct inir ro. k-al ThM0Mil tUpid
The canal are (jwalBUud to be Bo leet
wide. The lo. k are- tl be ."ilx MO leet.
With a clear deih ol SOVIIII feet ol
water over the miter sill... It i-,-.
Ilmated that this project can be com
pleted w ithin live year- niter the right
of way arc MOUfred, it fund are made
available as lust us required by the
program af loo work, or if eoutraeti
are iMermitted for the work a- a whole
or for large port ions ol it. The eti-
mated cost i. nearly f 4,iWH),lkRl.
An exhibit w hich ic-.iinpaiileel (
t tin Harts' report showed that farm
product- faluad at over 118,000,0110
aiiuuully would be hem lit,-. I hy a canal
K'ld looks I so ween The Dalles and
Celilo. Cortland Oroaooian.
Kctail a!id ton lots.
Twlphone your ordora Ma
or bail t. i i driver
Main S3,
black team
"He is the ice Man.'
VanOrsdail & Ross
km Lumber M
worn i QOTTRU
I'or am snd dwellings.
Cliei -or than tin.
liuiiJtiiL P imsr.
Tur Paper.
Lime and (xmciit,
.HuuldluU b
.Brick and nail i,
Jjcrocu I) in. 1 4it Wiodiw,
Sash aaJ .Deora,
Term Cou i Puw.
Borie & Light, Prop '
opp. Court Ftuaat,
and HI I tOO.
lo yoaai
iu . ta 4rt
: dbloka.
.i .Is iltaoatioa,
A -nre remedy lor 1 1
I uteriiat tonal I'oultrv Food BOO OS ' hoo
Baao in. mI Kive- itraaath i
H( ) n B ih: L
A clo.in, ili'iffmnive but llUtritiol- lern ier for voiti lawafl,
C. F. Colesworthv p,,u,!-r.v and Bee Suppli Depot
You get
Good Beer.
Wbeu von driuk
A KlltB'l
trsasC t
sua lhc SI
W uNTKIi 0
Ml;if:ilit f( uo
'an -i ehtuuluubti
K08 SALK UK K X C H A N li b
bury. 1'iief. i
lists in, Mr.
VlVecl iutllii Si
Ask I'or Ui
Schultl Brewing Co.
Uos oaup
j.lle , en
six HOKrtK I'liWKK
PR. w. tj. i i.;.b iirnoji ix .. I pii
uiUI'Iium. iliu- Uoars, I Uib. iu . I io
p ul. 1'slaptiuae 77.
r. W. VlSi'KST, M. P. 1)1 Ktl K i
ot trim iaiioa; aaas ostn ui in :u iu -
a iu. . I lo J p. in
SMI 1 ll ,v HKXUKUHON Ol ri I.
.ever raOllfclllia Belt I U cHUK liKpniuc
rcielcucc ivleptiuuc
H. B. tSAUKIKl.P. St. P . bOMi- i .
. ftiyalclau an I luioaOB oiti
Oatldins. Talopbouo: unicv, ulack 7..: a.:
clttucv, bUik it.
J. L. Mll.l.i;i: M. P.. PKSI'AIN III., li h
treats as it 1 vorrvcla iruiiui.- calan .
wutdlliMM etu i i'iip.oo'l iivatiUc!- ni '.i
teoiperw ilucel i.r reus, uvu arson
Hull lituck Ic-lapliuuv Mj tSSiUeUll
pCliee,. .1. .
OfTKQPclTJill ril vspiass iu;.
K.yoi cV Kct'S. Ottllll' Clllc- (..eJC'S Wei. I ell ,V-e-
BtStKLL -.Nu-jcJa
us a i. hot:
e ri
tOf iLtb.
I'l.i MUlXtj
Aain 2
farU Evu-e-i'i..e.
llcel. Hit OolJ
Menirtl Aw an) U
Com n,, dU tBOi I
Ul... ...... rut at
o uuu
duel by JOHN iH.'HMIIir
The Louvre Saloon
"I ri.ee.v
'' 'ua importance vvitn tbe pro
ject to make a tl-foot channel at the
moult, of tbe Columbia is tbe project
A Perfect Food Drink '
T he beverage mad from FiprilllC
Cereal i amootb, pdlalahK aud
nutritious, because of the large
parcontaBoaf natur.1 aacchari.e mit. ' AKClll.h. ..." ., T
ter la fix and prunes, I igprune
requires Isss sujcar titan any other ' ' ' " '
- i , , ptruiusu.lijiii Uletl ii'iit'i.-u aiel r.:..'
creeai cotlce. ay- Al. I ,i overs Sell It. i o loi
. . . , koon: 17. -lUclil bulTtius
'PI-? A N S F P 1 hHKKK V i i IN I'liTr I'UUrt" ANP
i-av a a x , buieler. Kaui ,
vwwvcvwww.Nwwcw. Uea. Jub Murk u p,M iliy tTncwpl .vrrius
eW li I TfA e I 1VT A Hliop Oil Blurt .-.
2; 1 v 1 1 N 1 p l
crirvf- . , bulltla
v B v m J M 1.. iters can b hi i c i . o. .-mini , .-
DKN : is
K. A. AI'tiHAN, PKXTltfT. 1K1'I l
iu Jaad HiuiaiiiK.
A. L UhA'i'iK, U. P. ti. OKKlt'K 0V
CR0..& son. :r:z
MW MAIN i. uui Bjuek, uvar U. Clupwu . uoe.
lit. MAM .N
' AU-
tiialor in
Wood and
Henry Kopittke
vaiik-r, luijlsloo,
W Hie atalu S'cirui!
Sllvl Ice
waive nuv lt(cM)l
bin. daaiuu'ei,, ' ,' :, ZZi
tat. Ui ,1c PropuwU, l.,,uT. ol waion . t
;. '"..'"U"". .' ISe nil . '
i any or si
ala.cim.tlou., uuut be wieloaad , " ". , "
eakdaud uiarkud I'top, ir lb" M.aSSI'
' riR-ii vurk, Palnilm, ,.- , ,, ,, ,
tolfie Hieaiauut ul tbe c.:;,.i ... u"'' ? 1
. L e.-enf.
I ,. Im'i
the l'n..i.l ...
tbu urelwr ul
lirau ii
Wood and
Bittaaai immmMk e,l0,. K,.h, .
OM iileui,n ary(
O.lice re.,ruSvinl8:Bak.
i m
Has tho following bargaiDs
WMJm M wheat lan,i
8W M Whml lanti
2 Kits wn looattMl $250
1 lot kWr Wcbl, street t
Also big list o t0Wn ia
count J property chi ap
The Place to Buy:;:
Jrh;2 "". "M B quirk
iind cheap prices. M Z
. ur or.ler h.r hemler
water tniik- an. I f,.,., rtl,kj
lleMt I ill.' of
Lumber, Uth.
Shihgles, Build
tug (Mepar, Tar
(MeVperLime and
cement, Pickets
Matter, Briok,
Sand, Mouldini
StTttCM I hulls A-
Windows, S;h
A 1 in is, 'j'cira
( otta ripe,
Lumber fari
R. FORSTER, - Propriety
U'li In VtlnnI ti... v...
I V , ' IV Mil I I 11
A Natural Health Resort,
Good Flatting and Hunting
.i.i Kinds o -Me.iri- si tmu
nei nun uiiev, v;roiiiet Hint v
TeleptMno connection to all
.Mail three time ier week.
CaaallMMcU tA t 11. r.
1 lel.l. l. lit IU .l il
tinnev it l
u city ir.iiertv at a lot
rule ol interest Can he rs
jukI iu monthly inttall-
Will loan mi inimiTsel
;.riMirty or will furoiti.
monev to baild with
Will I' ileiim-.l e. ive fiy
tires of actual MBl to sov
one BBBtUaa ii loan
a. u i. r.. k a i 1 1 i
Sou Vlain Street
... Several Reasons
Wnv it pays to send your orxlrf W
itii.l hr. Ir.iue us :
I VI.. . . C I I., i.. PeM
" ..- -
tein in the Nid.llery hiisiiieas tlieV
n . root to oav
I, Wo cirry tbo larvjimt ert
l.HHtern t IrSefJOB,
I We are the only vs.l'llrr t
In Paoillatoa tiiut aaoB.eavj0Bj
vTe have at riot I) uos priay
lOdl lire nutrseii in plilin apn
o i Mir stock is always frsili
. m tbo latest .
e. VI'.. ..... .... ..ul.. I. e.li.. . rsi.i
f r rid ianle work.
7. If our I'ne.il- SMS not as rsi"
11... . Ill C. .1 .f.. .- f.
IS We nevitr in isreiireseot
iiiuke a salo.
9. We jivo you vtosl work, l
ad ptonpt attention.
irBC17UM K.
J m -4 m mm.
tlarness auJ saiWKO
i.m 1 1 1 V ill I f UIIT
VJ f aW mJ L-d il g L4 m-4 "
a a . .a!
v-or. court ane
Auier.cnn Hlan, reileM J iir j
tfiwuUlraloa by
Free Hus neets all W
Commercial I raik
Fine Samolf kniiu
s... . ii Attention 0ivew
Country t rade.
Husuuu uoii cecoiupauy bid.