East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 17, 1901, Image 1

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rlt tonight n.l nsiBtBf
! 1 ""J'IbK THI5 FACT
NO. 4153
, a -WxT d" J
AND rA.i
in Eastern Oregon
You want a
Nice size spring fryers,
Jress'-d or alive.
G. R. Demott.
Wash Goods
And we are on time as usual with a
goodly variety of tha BewMi style
You lon't buy wash Roods simply
because they wash. You want dainty
summer wear, because they are
dainty, pretty, serviceable and will
wash, if need be.
If you want the prettiest of the
pretty wash goods now in vogue, re
liable as well as beautiful, come here
for them.
We hav- them all; Zephyrs, Dinitiei
Linens, Mouselines, Lawns, Madras,
Organdies, Batistes. Swisses, Foul
ards, Oxfords, Percales, and a score
of other dainty materials We are
always pleased to show them.
Alexander & Hexter.
The Boston Store
Pendleton's Big Busy Store.
Hancy Heavy Tumblers,
worth 6oc dozen, special
at Nolf's 2i)c per dozen....
New iy0l style,
fancy patterns and
durable made, 74c
to 3 65. Let us
show you our line
before you make
your purchases.
Urocjuet sets
'-25 to $3 65.
d.eu tqols, to,c
and 3yc a set..
Ladies' flqra
tqols., cuqice, iqc
VYatet sets, Ojc
with Kays
01- .
PoHer the best $2$ value in
rend eton, Hartford tires, revers
l!a,ull, b. etc., fully war-
ij Ms W.
Wti't't) advertiser 1 of fat-lb and are
that seU else
to (Jodliness
rHet Soap
Cleanliness i ext
WuV not . t -
P- If McaHf.
ur jfMrchases and sales o toilet
SJf t0n'lfse niore than all other
t4ltt Combined. Taney castile
gPWQtth sc. here ajfo other
C I1 ' 459 a do4en. other
redericK Noli
Muslin Underwear Opportunity.
Gowns trimmed with lae a,nd embroidery, clewing
out u awe, 40c, 5c, 69c, 83c, $1.10, .68
Chemise long and short, neatly trimmed, cluaing uut
at ItaC. 6jc, 98c, $119
5kirts yey Ml lift and embroidery trimmed eo:
ing ut at ic, 41, fjlf, 7U, 97c
Urawers in, three at8,cg wut at 17c. aye 49c
Coftet Cover aiae 32 to 42, (dosing out at 17c, 29c; 49c
Corsets for very little
Regular prices were $133, 1.4V and 12.75
e price, 49c.
Another lot were sold regularly at 76c, 8fy fl,00
Sale prjve, 4Jt.
Ladies' wut 8ummer vesta at. 6c, 12c, 16c, 18c, 2k-.
tyillinery at less than half regular pricey
Wsh Skjrts Very Cheap
Outing teoikt 1ht aaci M
Good, yard wid bJMN laVWR
Auron gingham
4fjt: yard
ic yard
6c yard
Money saving satUfactiou confronts you at every turn when
Money uJyou croW tue tiire8hold of this store.
Plan for a New Chinese Emperor.
- o
A diapatch from St. reterr.hu rg n
n.uince that (he labordirnrder there
have been renewed.
The Babarban haadioaj) at sheep
head w ah wen by Alsadbi Wstai art
aeood. Toddy thir!. TlBMStOBM.
eoartssi af n wry dapartmaal
the yafiit Indspaodaaas plaoad ta
lry .lurk at tba navv vnnl at DOSSBB SO
bava bat raddai ebangaa ami her
iHiltiilii licrtMfil.
Said Sir Thou. LlptOSjl "What I
Wuttld 1 1 St I" 'In wniilil ) SO arraiit
h raot with the Ooostttatioa roo 16a
Atlantic alter the t halleiiK rai-p, who
ever whin there. Thin wtiuli! U (.xnI
hhM and a tine test of neamanfthip. "
Stiii-inl i ' 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 ii 11 .1' ' I .' 1 .. ' L 1 1 1 ; li,i
raided the Ktate department that lour THAU'S SON. PU CHUM. THE ONE
of the (lowers hate not accepted 4M,
000, (KM taeln 1 1887,000,000 a the, o
lump Mini to tie demanded of China.
rhee powers are Kiihmh, (.erinaiu,
France and Japan.
BaSMSOf Hanna announced the ap
pointment of Hon. iv Lodge of Grand
Rapid. Mich., ax a member of the
republican national committee, to rill
the vacancv in the national eommitt.-e i London, June 17.-The (Untie'
oanasd bj Um daatb Of HOB. William Shanghai, correspondent cable:
Klliott of Michigan. -.,,, pro foremn Ohlnass have di.
In Chicago, two men (ought for the covered a plot of the empre doWSjgjat
poeHiou ot " cent, and when the to place Prince Titan' on Pa ('run on
Htruggle wa ended one a dead and the throne of China. Aproni ng SO
kba oilier wa on hi kaaaa, plana jng lha plot, when tba royal court return
with an Infariatad mob to span nil to Pskia the dowager will sBsonnoa
Ilia, rba timely arrival of the polios Unit brigand klllan KaaagToa and
prevented u l lu lling. that Tuan' on, the heir apparent, i
It wa Hemi-oibciallv r rie.l II, mi ucceel to the tlirone with the
False Report of the Death of Kusdr Tou to
Be Spread Then Proclamation of
the Heir Apparent.
Thats the mission of our advertising; the prloei trill do the
tvst follow the we i heaU-n tra-k leadinjl Uirti.1 in nur
doors, there's economy at the end of it.
attH'kboliler of the St. i'aul road were
to tie ottered 12(10 of 4 per cent Imud
for every flOO bare ot tock ; that lha
bond would lie guaranteed by the
I'nion PaaitlSj ouihern I'acitic ami
MiNouri I'acitic and that the Mould
crowd l in the ileal.
Michael Uavitt founder of the Laud
League, I coming to Chicago to begin
n,w Irifh national movement. It in
expected hv local IftjstMMn that he
will tart . propaganda that will aur
pa in it fervor the agitation in be
half of Ireland which wcpt the coun
try a quarter of a century ago.
The OblaSSe in the I tilled Stale
re preparing for an organized tight to
obtain the abolute appeal of the
(ieary excluiun act at the coining
mmiiiioii ot ciiugre. The movement
wa atarteil in New York, and it i ex
pected to apread rapidlv to i'lnladel-
tilna, Clncago, I'ortland, eatlle, Sail
'raaalsOO and other cities having j
large Chiueac nopulatiou.
It i edtnuatwtl that' repair to the
Oregon, which ha jut arrive.) in San
Kraucim'o from the Orient, rendered,
iieceHHary bj the damage untamed
when wrecked III the 'mil of IV I In
hi, will require about ix month on
the dry, lock and OOSt fully f'JOO.OOO.
It IB inteinle'l to prem-nt the (Ilk
H'iiuaut which the Oregon earned on
her homeward Voyuge to the tate of
Oregon upon the vcer going out of
commihpioii during repair. A Mpucial
detail of three petty ollicer -wi 1 1 carry
it to the tate oihciaN at saleiu.
The marhal at St. I'aul, Marion
county, wa- -V'l ami kilbl Saturday
aftarnooti .
lohn Kellev, a well known republi
can politician and collector of cumIoiiiii
at I'orlland during 11 ay en" a ,lminitra
tion, died at hi home in Kugene agil
Salurdav evening about i . ) o'chx k,
a Her ioiih lire wa" ,licovered in the
SSSOnd Mtory of the New York retau
rant, in riM 1'alle. One ol the room
wa in liaiiie, and the partition
wan oilmen and deeply charred in
dlffnmal pari of the room.
lha LiantOn abattoir will liegm
grinding on a huiich of ,iHai head ot
cayu hc boTSH in a lew day Thin
naOlber i aai'l to have been bought by
the proprietor ol the cannery and the
abattoir will be ruu cutiuuuul)r
until the whole lot of M,QQQ IN worked
. .... .1 ... LI...... 1..., ..
J llllftMp Oi.UlICU ill I'UIIII
Iqa tveu,of iiuru. liaruey county,
tl.ii old tunc iport, aud Hob Suiilb,
a dialer of a twenty-one game.,
btevcu playing at the game and
loat, it I baid, l-IL'U. Meven wa aore
over hi 1" and rea hod over to
"wipe" the fundi. Smith waa n(
aeleep and lauded g'i and bard OU
Wteven' lace, knocking bun 'i w" and
k ickeil h i m lor fal I nig
dowager a regent. She will then ch
tablisn a new capttol at Kai Kong lu.
I looks Indemnity B Sattlad.
WathlBgtOtli June 17. Special Coin
mlssiOOaf Kockbill.at I'ekin, inlorn.e.i
the Htate department by cable that
there urn gil propect for the Nettle
ment of the imlemnity OMStiOfl be
(ore the end of the wiek. The dlpatcb
indicated that there would le an
entire Hgreement among the roprccu
tative of the iniwer over 480,000,000
tai l a the total indemnity, and on
it payment, it i thought, through the
IssaSBI f baodl hv hma hearing I
per cent intereat.
Man Who Shot Clarnyman for Suppoiad
Bad Conduct.
Jeraey City, N. J.. June 17. Thorn
Marker, aaaosad of attassptiafl to m.
ninate the Kev. John Keller, former
Spiritual guide of Marker and wife,
wa placed on trial here today. The
trial promiMe to be one of the iiionI
MBSStiOBSl in the bisSOTf of the Ntate.
Marker claim that be imt Keller OB
the trengtli of a con tea ion made by
Mr. Marker to the effect that the
, rein her attempted criminally to a
ault her. Keller claim that the ac-
Buaatioa i h atarbid hallucination ol
the woman. Marker hot out Keller'
right a) a.
A jury wa ei ured without much
trouble. Among the tirt witneiael
called wa a young woman who tetitieit
that lha aw Marker tire tbn fourth
-hot at Keller.
rimoui Hurdar Ratallad by An Appeal
tor a New Trial.
Muffalo June 17. Arguiuenla were
rnajaa tiay belore the o.urt of ap
peal in the famnu- Mss of Roland
Molineux now in Mag ing under a
death BBOtaSMM for the allege)! inirder
of Mr. Kale Adam in New York city.
If the attorney for the priaoner can
prove a iint in law that Uwa laen
iniriilel BJ that prepiry Uaa bweucom
mittel, the pri-oin.r may ie granted
new trial. Moiinem m aliegtal to
have inuoteieil Mr. Adauia by MBSN
Lng lt ;i a BOitit ol poiaon BbBild
' Uloue. -It el ' Which be 80fe
Indiana Man Uoea to the Penltantlary
for a tonimon OfTanaa.
BlooaaiaglBB In. I., June 17. Ol'
1 ry, a young man about tSfSBl ,.-o-old
wmh BBBtBDCnd to the ;wlte' 'nary
thia BSOSaiaa for -tealti a pbyaiciau'
umbralla, Tin yjai itwl tlSM la
the bialory Indiana court Ibat a
iieraon Ween legally puinhwd for
I'trow nig au uuibtSUa.
I Rsrl B
Anderaon. Amarlcaa. Baata Sinllh. Scot,
at Hamlllon Today
Hamilton, Mau , haM 17.- In the
pUy-"0 for tbn Cinlwl Slat golf
i bainpiolialnp tbl BSOialagt Willie
Anderaon, of 1'itUtiebi, Mae., won
againl Alei ... ii of rtt otiaiei liy one
Tills BREAKS THE ki cokl)
July Dlvidaadi and Govarmuaul In
ieraii to Sa Larva.
New York, June 17. - It it eatimated
that the Julv itiaburaeineiil on ac
count of dividend and iutereat on
tiorsrnmsnl boada will la about lbi, -000,000,
breaking the reurd 8A,000,-
I OKI) KC&tttt.!. AKKliSI ED
When tbcie n ducuc of tliv jk'UmU
female IMMalliSM. it l- I or a quefctioii ol
time until the juieraf health betoiuei
nudciiusuoU. Nervouaueaa, aieapJcMiicu,
(low of appeUte and "ainkiog kijella'
produce aurTennjf almoet indcat ribublr
There can be no reatoratiou of tb
wil health until the Uk,1 UeaJan of Um
WoniunU orgaulam I le taObJu)i d
Or htiMi' Favocite Preacnpu
nhliea regularity, driea oafenaiv
u, heal iuflaxiunatiou and uUeaw
tiou aod cure fetuale wCjSSMBaB, M
eiioouravo the appcutv. uaouilu tha i
iaa aud ludsMiaa fell caning alceu
Vua wmwM Uc MrafM U yt
wd at wluro I wiuau"1 Uaiua ur twaafvi
SmL .rri. of IrwaMou aj
Bakuta -I bad nil AfrrW- SM ' oomv-lctcU
mo benrou i cuuiu u .s " -
,( a Ua uf UHucy du t Jt uu
,ut lliua ta - VsyV tf slut OM
iTTu THt4atuTadEl Otacvery la t"
,Xu I ,,uuimJ ukiu at lucdldue I
Sad mmc a chaoac fur IU tatlcr. aui nuaa ioai
time I have caly bu aulug tur. OBJ
walk ot rW P1" ' ad I BM
Sm uc" i,cu hi,... i-kiu V k.
mididue. I ..u Ucp U uiahl w4 4
mo tirad in Ike .u... uiiv su U npyUiWH
S! duu'i bui t I ...
l)t rteue Weiiut PcheU cure bi
u4 tic BraHat-HW
With Being a SlaaiuUl Mar
rieS id Hea.
IgSxSiasii June 17. Lord Kuvi wa
arreated dxlay for bigatvjr alleged to
have lieen coinmitte4 to America laat
year. J .of, I Uwaaell aecurel au Anion
cau uvs.t.e and UAarritxi a wtiuau in
wf vneau
ad Vale
Tn t'seee
,-iaiewi, June II tU eup'eiue court
raiurmil tiij . If.UII uuurl 111 llie UM
of CWSsnhwrfy, an appmil liuui Union I
county reve'eew llie
rStiearily oumimiii V v
and asvmeii Uyke va. Curry, Halt
Reported by I. L. Say a Co.. rendleton.
Chleato Board or Trade and Hew York
Stoek Baehanie Broken.
New York, June 17. -The wheat mar
ket waa ateadv today, without much
change in price. Liverpool oloBsd ll
higher, . u14. New York ojveneil
,S-H higher. 77 :t-S, and aold batWSatl
77ti and 7(1 7-H, closing 77 l-H The
VtslbrS npplv allow decreaae for the
week of 168,000.
Stock higher.
M.mev, t per , Sflti
Close Saturday, 70,
Open tilav, 77 H-H.
Kange t.lay, 7H 7-H to 77'.
Close today, tl 1-H.
Stock: Sugar 1 4 1 . tobacco, 1ST J
staal, W It i'aul, 188)4 1 Alahlaos),
HH5-H; ASOhlSOa, SU.VH; Krie, 44 tf ;
l nion 1'aciHc, 118 Mi
Wheat In Chleago.
Chicago, June 17. Wheat, 70'. SO
New Ynrb Market.
New York, June 17. Sugar, raw,
fair, relining, ! is; centrifugal, tl
let ; 4'4 . cruhed, tkk'i BOWtMrsd
,rnl0 to MB I granula(iil, MD So Mtfi;
rire, ometic, .v. In n'4; whiI, tin
Bakar lltv Man on Lilt or Bxamlneri
Poi'lland June t7.
Maker City, June 18 J. A. Church
Ill. MpsrinSBOdaal ot lha Maker Citv
ohooISi ha been appointed by Con
urcHHiuan Mi A. Moody one of the
board of examiner for applicant fir
cadethipM from the Second cngre
IrOttal ditrict of Oregon SO the
Aonapollg navnl academy.
The Bxamlnallon.
Repvaaantatlfa Moody will appoint
a cadet to the l ulled State naval
academy from the Second congrei'nal
ditrict of Ibis tate. In order to
make a (air Helecti.ui from among the
large number of candidate, Mr
Moadj h decided on a competitive
eiainlnat ion to beheld in United
state grand jury fOOBBBi In Portland,
June J7, at which all candidate for
thi honor are notilled to preent thelll
Helve. The exitmimition, which will
he eoodsjatad by a iianl of three as
aiuinerk mdecteil from different BOMB'
tie in the diatrict, will not Im of a
technical nature, but one calculated to
evidence Keiieral intelligence ami
rii'iiidne of cholarhip. I'nlitical Q
lluence will in no way enter into the
conteal. I he applicant w ill be ex
anlnad in arithmetic, geography,
grammar, civil government, reading,
writing and ielliug. About l.'i young
men have applied for Una apiiut
inenl, ami m.veral other are expected
to preenl tbemaelve on the exainiua
1 1 , in .lav. The ucceaful candidate
BjBJBj then pa the menial and physi
cal exainiiiatmna for entrance to the
naval academy, to take place at Anna
poli. September 10. The coiire
cover aix year, four year at the
BflBHSBBJUT, and two yeara at aa, at tlie
expiration of which time the cadet
return to the academy lor tliutl
graduation. All caudptale niilvt al
the time of their eelrance examina
tioll he hetweeu itie Mg. o IA and 'JO
vear, aiul phv-nally SMMStl) well
uraad ami ol nhtssl bbbsbUsmiIm
Landen hloab Market.
I oiidou, June 17, the I on, Ion -lock
market waa very Ugbtv oil Hum pat
week Hnsbj it soatiatssa loshari rim
air i BajBJ i Inared IfOSJ the BSMMtfl (
the r . ent American criki, but htSBl'
BBSS (till remain- painfully dull.
PtOtSBBloual trader are merely follow
ing New York at aale dialaaCB and are
continually ah rl for pitlall. The
bBailaoaj al lha iat week lot daflalsi
alirvie of the tangible , level,, pmeiitn
it; lb. South African war.
Tna Board It tonildarliiM Bid Till
l ive ol the.lioard of regent of the
la-tern 010(041 BOraMI Bflbool are
t III -eHHIoll III the olllCe of It.
Aleiandor, the preaulenl, tbl after
noon. The other lour are I'. A.
Worthliiglon, of Pofftlaodi J W
crlber, ,, lifBjBjds . nalor '' W
I'roelMlel, ol Weatoii , JaBStM II.
Haley, ol I'endletnu Dr. J. A.
Ileal tie, premdeut of the faculty, and
Kdgar M l.axaru, ol I'ortUnd, r. lu
te. I, are alo preaenl I bi i UM da)
fur the opening 'ol hula lor Hie BBJJ
tructiug of the new normal acleiol
building, l or the maanii work, car-
ieuter work and painting there were i
live bid a follow
Oougrea conalrm tlou company,
Portland, 188,448 Juaia b ros)uasoB,
I', n diet., ii, a8B,:u.( M: Howard A
UibSOAi rendleton, 127,20! Ilioeb.r
-,.n, Uraudslaad aj On , WaiU Walla, ,
Mat ssu i rb v Van Patssn Co.,
Halein, 81,I8
I h.-ri. were IhriH- Set lor the plillnh
ing, a follow
Ja. ohMUi-Wede company, u I'ortland,
11880: X ihen.PuHlsiui, 11888; lha
' i. U huthnrlaiMl company, Walla
Wall II7UI Ufa. Is A .. il ol I'orl-
f laud, aiibmiliutl a bid ot II l l but
a it wa not accompanied by a
cer lifted check, an repute, I h ihe
I, rin. goveruiug, it wa not OOBSidowd
The blda lor tie. heating ol Die
building have uol io, made puhfn
Jxfr. Jaiuee Hrown ol I'utmnoulli, U
over Wi yeera of age, urferei for yeara
with a bad aore on hi lacr. I'liyaiciana
.....hi not lielp him. liuWilt' vv ii, h
ilaael Halve cured him permanently.
Talluiau S i ',.
Trackmen Out From
to Ocean.
- IV- -
Tbe Bin Caourl Sjittm Affeciad Tbrouftb
out by the Demand of Ibe
Striking F.mplOTM.
Montreal, J BBS 17, Ml track men
employed by the Canadian I'aciflr
from the MUntic n the PltlflC coat
went on it Itrtka (hi morning.
Want Out uulally.
'lornnto, June 17 Kepnrta receiveil
at the oiine ot the Ontario diviatsa of
the Canadian I'acitic thi morning
ah.'w that sbnnl W psf cent ( the
trackmen -innk nccording to tha
notice. the men all went oiil in tbe
tIMXrl orderly manner, no I it urban, e
of any Soli having bsisB MBM4aa)
Strlklna Butahart Uniuoaeairul.
San Ktancikco, June 17. The atria
nig OarBOyaaa butcher returned to
work tin morning without having ac
SCHBpliahad the diaplay of union card
for winch thev trnck
rreparatloni ror Har Bamov al to Caa
ton Are Besun.
WsabiagtOO, June 17. Mr. M, Km
ley ha imprnveil BD much during tha
pat few dav thai, nnlee a change
for the worne takea place in her eon-
lit ion, there will lie no more conanlta
tiou by the phynician. She paaeed a
very BOod night and tilay la much
brighter than he ha lieen at any time
ince ahe atiflerial therelapve. I'repara
tloii nlreinlv have beguu for tier re
moval to Canton.
Murderer or John roller Seia to Nava
Been Taken In Teiaa.
New OrSBJMSSi June 17. A meeeage
from Hberveport aya that it la
r in, r,., I that I'rince Kdwarda, mur
derer ul John I'oater, for whoae killing
fourteen negroe were tbreateneil with
Iviichimt. wa cantureil in Soottaville.
Baker Won rrom Welter.
Maker City, June 17. Baker City
and Weiner hanehall team played a
match i loaf here Sunday, Maker
winning hv -ere of heveii to three.
I hi- la the third conteal ol the local
team tin vear, the Mrt taiiug a
victim ,,yer Huntington and tba
-i en. I a In- to l.a i ran, le
Dlvar Are al Work.
New York, June 17 -No more liodlea
w. re nskao 'iota Uss saakaa ferry boat
Northtiehi ihii BMralaf. but ib
liver ate null at work h.ikiug lur
tin. hnrllaa ol two laslaa i.ron ii
air U, I unci hi have pi.riheil III dm
A move a on loot to eatabliab a
agon r.ui. I from Whitney up Camp
creek, over the divide and down tiaavrr
creek to Alamo and I .aw ton
'11 1 I
kIh.i' mi t-iti lli I'M ItsdiM r
KiiiiranU'o vcry pair
a -i ll inn.
vanaiaxa i fl
Ivi ni' in le i sTJ KlVfl away
,11.,-ihci pali "i ikoM Wtd-
,mI,iv. Jim. imh Our
hlniw wiii'l'-w will full you
huw wo -I" it.
Tbe Peoples Warehouse
M M 4:kn Of FSTiir.
716 Main Street I'endisloo, Or.
Sev. riaoree Weaaer.
Iudoii, June J7. tiovernor 1'nigret
l reported ligtl weaker today.
Auoibe Ueuionatratiou ol IS 'act
Ibat Portland' police luree ia too
nil a II
lor a city ol it ueteulou wa
given yeaterday. il wa deaired that
the parade of tbe floueer aud ol tbe
Klka' "furpie Show" be beaded by
a r-.piad of police. Tin waa found im
ponaible wbeu tbe lorc wa counted,
aaya Ibe l'wliQram
A PrafuHiua ul Artistic tKleirance
uiuuicipal I
Baker county , I liluailnalea our eruckery diaplay, a aiglit
ol which deliytu Hi., ae. iUickeii tbe
fancy axwi refreaiiea tbe mind. Our .de
aioea uu etilue tieal IIiiumi nf tlie Kurofreau
xtower. Tbey eome lu lea, dinner and
alad -M-i.-,. rivalliug rouiaulic laudapta
in pictureaiueiie. Tboae beauUfui cut
glaaa uoveltiea, too, are worth a deeorip
lion in vurae. We uuly aak a peep, the
ware will do tbe real.