BILYWENING EDITION 10 EASTERN OREGON WEATHER. Ill M"- rir '..night n.i aaaaayi nnw Hnn.litv eeee PENDLETON, UMATILLA COUNTY, Oil EiMN. SATURDAY, JUNK 1ft, 1901. NO. 41ft 14. ING EDITION 1 I I A W I 11 4 m v - BBS BB. bbbbbbbbbb Tand MOST .mi PTE : : : : K STAPLE FANCY . i iaStern Oregon oil want a ICKEN? .!m 1 1 1 i ! I v . t:.. .resS"(i or a ii v.. . R. Demott. Tailor Made Clothes For Youths. Wf have idded a new department to our tailoring business and now make Youths' street suits, dress suits, and tuxedo suits. These specialties are very popular with those who wish to he dressy and yet do not care to pay extortionate prices. Evir i arc and attention is Riven this youths' depart ment that we Rive our regular tailoring business Alexander & Hexter. he Boston Store Uay's news is of very practical and satisfying economics, It -I ,J. ,1 ... TUn in ii . ii rtinit y.t ii,(t- Kii.iii ... C k'U priCCS ill raiiuuiii. ihc main Miim ui tins uuzmiiss is sell Foods, but the selling must be right. Every customer . m ...a w m dt m Bl be satisfied Our invitation to one and all is tome here d get prices not duplicated outside of this store. i apron ginghams 4c Li rating Aanneli 5c pi liaml toweli, etch 5c jj curtain scrim 5c its' hose 5c In1 wash skirtH 40c emiid line of shirt waints, every MM this season's makti 60o tuitnl'tiif Loom" and "l,onnlale" muslin J 8c Fancy iris dimities 6fl Berkley 'aniline LOj Ladies' summer veiti 5c and LOc Ladies leather bolts, lample line of all styles lOfl Ladies' kid glovei, worth $l.H). 65c White bed ipretdi 76c Lace curtains, white and ecru, per yard 89c Uoi IN The haudsoniest line of muslin underwear ever shown in PtndletOD. New straight front Corsets and Qlrdlet. endieton's Big Busy Store. PCy Heavy Tumbiers, dozen, special " per dozen.... New 1901 styles, lancy patterns and durable made. t0 3 tJ5. Let us show you our line before you make your purchase. Summer Goods Croquet sets at '-35 to $3.65. Children's gar Jen tools, 19c 28c anil 3yc a set. Ladies' floral tools, choice roc Water sets, 65c 23 and i.y5, with trays. A.L. . .:: ,u y war Uu. l sells We- Soap ML"?1 ,u CbeSand- of toilet r' !hai1 other CnS. Kc; other tines Sr d luen; other ot IOC. 1 ) 1 1. 1 .', 15c oar. dericK No V 1 0 f Oil u I e wessd h Goods ml 1 We're ad ertiscrs of lad.- and ire POINTING THE WAY Thats the uiission of our advertising; the priOM will do tin rest; follow the well beaten track leading dirttt to our doors, there's economy at the end of It. GKNERAI. NKWS. Senator McLanrln say: Benatar TillniHii is still lighting, DQl 1 am eon tident that I shall win in the end. The people eannol be blinded to their own interest. " The Obloago, Milwaukee .v st. Paul I'ennnvlvania system hag own ap proved by the executive committee of that cnipanv. The rule affect from 30,000 to 40,000 men. Count von Waldernee, according to a dilpateh from Tnkio to the l.okal Anneiger, wan received and entertainel at luncheon Tuesday by the emperor, unusual honor being paid him. The Idaho supreme court has handed down an opinion declaring the creation ot the county of Clearwater illegal. The act. crating thin county wbh panned by the legislator.- last winter. Kli.aleth Poyle, a young married woman of PoOIDkoapeM, N. Y., will he released from the house of refuge at llndaon as soon as possible, after an incarceration of live years for a crime which she did not commit. Iter grand father confessed that another stole the ring charged against her. ice-l'hancel lor Stevens, sitting in New York, denied the application (or an injunction to restrain the Amalga mated Copper company from purchas ing the lintte A Huston and Boston A Montana companies, lie also required the plaintiff! in the action to tile a bond of t'JO.OOO on apneal. British capitalists have come to America with the view ol hnving ml the good steel companies outside of Morgan's steel trust. Their plan ia to get control of the several plants, and MOaequenty to do with each whatever will profit them most, uml at the same time best conserve their general inter eats. Thev buy not as investors, but as speculative investors. The president made the following appointments: i.iiaries Weymon.i, oi Illinois, judge in the Indian Territory; Solomon K. Stab I, ( Arkansas, mar shal for the western district of Arkan sas; Charles P, Hitch, of Illinois, marshal for the southern distri.l of Illinois; Creighton M, Koraker, of New Mexico, marshal lor the territory ol New Mexico. A special to the Journal of Com merce from Toronto, Out., says the trade statement issued by the customs department for the 11 months ending May Bl last shows that the aggregate tra.U of ill. !.i;;ii:i:.;n increased it: that time by f-1 1 ,000,000 over the cor responding period of the previous fiscal veur. The indications are that the year's figures when they are made up will abow a grand aggregate foreign trade of nearly f 400,000,000. PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS. The Middens of Liberty of the Baker City Fourth of July celebration will Is- chosen by popular vote. Sheep-shearing is about over in Lake county. Wool has begun to move. Salea aggregating )."00 hah-, at prices ranging from tl to 10 cents, have he. n made in the last few days. A I'ayette paper reports the follow ing wool sales: Bv .oorge V. Leigh toll, 70,000 or 0, 000 pounds, at 12 cents per pound. By Kmerv Tindall, 7o, laK) pound, 11 1-4 cunts. By Walker Bros., 140,000 pounds, at 11'4 cents. Bv Hugh Qoflhoran, 40,o00 pounds at 1 I ' 4 eelits. A Thuradav dispatch from Buffalo mvh that I rauk S. Harding, of Mc Mimiville, In receiving cougraulatioiit of bin friends tonight on having been e e. led president of the Oregon I'ress Association at ilM meeting today. Association members are heing well entertained tonight. St. Helen's hall was crowded Thurs day 11 iw with friends ami relativea ui the six vming women Mian ( athrinc S. Arnold, Miss Hilda Hexter, Miss Tlmm I'oulsen. Miss Fanny Q Swartt, Miss Minnie I . hove and Miss Kula Mct'ullv, who ren-ived their diplomas from Bishop Mirrii. I. inn county has borrowed 44,K)0 at .'i'.j per rent interest. The money was borrowed to pay stute taxes, vblrb are iiavt due, and iiim.ii which the county has been patmg per cent in terest. The conditions- of the loan are that any part of the $44,000 may tie paid bv the couhtv at any time I.11111 aoantjr borrowed :;,ooo ol the Albany banks a few month ago to pay state taxea, hut it was found that the sum was not sulh. ient MARINE DISASTER OCCURRED IN NEW YORK o Ferryboat Northfield Sunk Off the Battery. o HAD COLLISION WITH A STEAMER Till: NKW YORK MARKET Hundrffa of People Were on Deck at Time, Vet tb Loss of Life Was Not Large. the Muslin Underwear Opportunity. Gowns trimmed with lace and embroidery, cloilpg out at 29c, 40c, 58c, 69c, 83c, $1.10, $i.68 Chemise long and short, neatly trimmed, oloeing out at 20c, 49c 63c, 98c, $1.19 Skirts very full lace and embroidery trimmed, ' los ing out at 39c, 49c, 58c, 79c, 07c Drawers in three lota, closing out at 17c, 29c, 49c Corset Covers sJim 32 to 42, dotting out at 17c, 29c; 49c Corsets for very little Kegular prices were $1.25, $1.33, 1.49 and $8.76 III, - JOit ayi in, ra. Another lot were sold regularly at 75c, 85c, $1.00. Sale price, 37c. Ladies' knit summer vesta at 6c, 12c, 15c, 18c, 25c, S8c Millinery at less than half regular prices. Wash Skirts Very Cheap. j fjntllH Ilannels, Ugbt and dark colors 4 yard Good yard wide bleached muslin g JWd Apron ginghauni ' ' ' ' Mousy Mviuf latiiteoUoi. o, turn wUen once you cross the threshold ot this store. , Miles on Miles Are walked by the billiard player, an be Iliovca urouml the table. That 11 tbe ouly e. many a city mail m-i. It l tilia lack oi t-Kcrcua; in tlM k)iutin-Ufc ol tlie city, com bined with irtt-jju-lar eatiiiK and in digeatible (lisliei wluch tend ti i iiiake the city in.iii tba icdm of " attmi.e b trouble." Wbeu there ia undue fullnr&e af ter eating, with belcbinu, .ur ri lawe ann otba dta trcaaing sv mpiuma, prompt of Ir. fierce 'a Golden Medical Dim overy wrill effect a speedy cure. In the moat extreme case a of dibeaae of the btom acb and other or- guua of digeatloai and nutrition, the peraiatenl urne of the "Diacovery" will result iu u com plete cure in nine ty-eijjht canea out of every huudred. The praiM- I wuuld like tu give your ' Golda 1c.IkI likiuvcry' I lai.uot ulier la word ur .lcacribc will. 1" ii." write Jim . B Auilru, Kmj ol 1X5K MiWm htret Ii milium J..u. P. i tkrii iluwu with wlu.1 .ur pbvjiciaus - , . . -. . . . .i , . SB Non York i Jane if. It it agreed tbiH mornniK tbat the linking of tlie ferryboat Nortbliel.l off tbe Mattery laal night, wan accompanied by a miracle unique in tbe lnntory of marine diaaaterp, It is tboiicbt tbat between nix and einht luindred peNNM! Hto.Ml on tbe derkn when the cnlliHtoii between the ferryboat and the Mnaeh Chnnh occurred, vet not one life wan oflolally re not tad lont thia naofnlng. only one pernon wm reported minting, and be aa expected to he BMOOntad for .luring the day. Iivern worked all I night in the ininkcn vepRel in a vain aearch for pnaaihle victimc. The nearch will be continued until all donbt baa been cleared away. Later, tin- number of mianing in created alarminKl, and the early hope i tbat the accident wa without caxnal- t ia waa diaHti led. New York, .liiiH lft. Four paraOM. three nnai and one woman who failml to return to their hoOMI laat niKht are i n out down hh viclima ol the diaaa ter. They are: Jerry White, l.en. . C. Itartlett. .lone K XloMI and race Sullvian. The folloaing were added to the liat of in inning thin after- noon i F. w. Mclver, oonntiaaanr nergeant, ('. S, A.. Havid Vannamo, B Q. Oalter, Jnnn Baolta, t I, Bennett, A. U, Uiatjte, Nlaa nla Anderaon, John AieU'rVon. Wrick of tha Inaalli. New York, June IS, I' I Blent of the low ol life on the transport IngullH irblah fiatad and waa wrdcaed la F.rie tiaain yenterday ia atill unknown thia morning. No afloftl ere made during the night to go into the hold and M irefa lor the bodlefl oi thirty Italian laborer fai't to have la-en penned in there. Some of the workmen around the jrafdl believe they got out all right. Divan may be placed at work today. ASTORIA ANNUAL RBQATTA Aueuit 16. l and 17 rt the Dates of tha Carnival Aatoria, June IS. Ahtoria'a eighth annual regatta win. h ban baoOBe the LTeatnat annual water earn ival on the Pacilic coaat will ta hel-l mi Auguat 15, 1 and 17, which immediately fol lows the clone of the finding neanoii, and the city in ready to devote itnelf to the entertainment of itn vearly grow ing number of vinitora. The com iii it tee aalaatad thia vear to manage the regatta in coiiiiioae.) of veleraim in tbe acrvite, all active young buniueaa men who couaMer tbe nuccenn of the annual carnival a p - ., . prule and dlltv. Kach year the N0M of the regatta ban been widened until now a majority of the rcc gm.od acipiatic chauiplonnh ipn are decided on the Col' iimlra while it in in progrena I'he plana aa no far matured outline a aw lag ol a van fa ami gntartalnnMsta more ext. NBPlva and BOVOl than hereto fore attempted , but aa there in a nid nurplua in the tranury, which ia uaed only tor thin purpow. alone, the enlarged MOfM Oi anoint-nieiitn ia more than juntitied by the committee. SANTA BARBARA TO Ml. a Purl ut Kiilry, So tha Probability li. Cemauitee "" Nonti. Santa Barbara, Calif , June I . The OOngreaalonal river and harbor coiiiiii it tee npent two bourn here thia morning, en route to the north. The Chamber of t'omiiierre coin nil t tee met the OOngMaaaaWi taking ihem (or a drive about the city ami barbor. a a raanll of the riait. Manta Barbara may he made a port of entry. I'he need wan nlated to the committee. Chairman Button promined BgUOfft. The cmiiiiiittve left fur the north al IOiM o'aloak. PRINCESS was BAPTIZED Haily'ii Hair IhntUnad In Ilia Uulrloal Amid Ureal foinp. Koine, June g, 1'rinrrnn Yolaua, heireaa to the Italian throne, wan banlued in the Ouirinal Imlav, amid great iun. Haven thoiinand childri Were aanciiihhnl III the front , ., ., during the ceremony. A name ntarted i among them, for aoine unkuown n a aon, and inany of them were hurt I r nulling through the galea. THE PR0-B0ER SENTIMEN Seon.i to Hm analaad of ..i,i ... iudivenliua I duttMi t d with the beat !.ioMud lie Jml liuud uu rlicl I wrut tu you and you M-ill ur .. uuc.tloil blank ID llll out mio I dul to nud you tacu advued luc tu uar in l'lro' Gold-n Medieal Uttuiv. ly I took tlir bottle, and I felt maoed thai I alouncd--bcttif , a. I think . urad fbavt no nyiuptouui ut trie trouble or iudit.iiou uow " I n Pierce'a Common Seuae Medical Ailviwi is ent r uu reeeipt oi atampa to pay expenie of man hug only, Send 21 one cent temp for pupcr covevad book, or )l iteUipe for cloth bound. Or. K V. fierce, uumuo, . . Hauuaul In Lala. Jiniion, June 16. Coincident will the i.ernnleiil neacu ruuiora there ia UOtieeable imreaae ill the pro liner elituneiit throCKbout Kiigiand whicl ia excitina much coaauient. Hall dOBOn aaiT'Oar meetliiga are held nightly throughout (he kingdom, at which the jinguen and Chamberlain are leiiounceu ami mo noern are uauauy cheered . Couterad Wlta Mruaar The iiaane. June Ift. Mm. Botha had a two hour conference with Kiuger today, then left lor liruaaeir. hwludla la Kneland. Olaogow, June lf. -Jietective BTOVB, of Waahington, 11. C , in here iuventi gatiug a gigantic ewindle of American and Britfnh UruiB which iuvolvea thouaaudn ol pound. The detective re fuae to give particular. filigree I Batter. Loudon, June 16 Kx Oovernor 1'iu- gree, oi Miciiigau, who ia aeioualy ill here, paaaed a fair night. -Vila condi tion waa unchanged ahla aioruiug. Raported by t. L. Ray Co.. randlaton, Chleato Board of Trade and New York Stoe. Biehanee Broker. New York, June 15. Tbe wheat mar ket wa very Uady totiay, ami in clined to do better, although Liverpool wa d lower, .r, H ,r-S. Nw York opened SC lower, 7tll4, and cloned name aa yesterday, 7HV The export ahipment for tbe week were 4,7!X),tHk). Tbe ilitferent esti mate for the coming crop range from aoofonoiB t.. fw,080,ooo, ,tnck ntrotig. Money, 3 per cent. Wheat) Clone VCMterdav. Open t.nlay, W), Range today, ni' to 7. Oloaa today , 7114 . Whaat In Chleaao. Chicago, June W, WbMt, 70 to 7tV Whaat In San rranelaco. sun KranainoOi June 15. -Wbaati Bki to mi a-H. Naw York Market. New York, June Ift, Wool, gg changed; nugur, raw, (air, rellning, .ri-M ; eantrifagala, '.mi tent, c4; refined, crilnhml, I iO,i , powdere.l, tlil) to .!., granulate.! 660 to 166. N'o.7, on ipot, t ; rice, to ii1., . SLUiS ASTORIA RAILWAY Oailai Woman Ak Damaga Monay for Huiband' Death. Aetoria, June IB. Mr. Klla Scott, of I lie Mullen, ban brought null in the circuit court aguini-t the Antoria .V Co lumbia RiVOf Railroad 0o., to recover f. '..ii v. lor 'he deatb of her hunband, the lata W M. Scott, a loOO BlOtlVa en gine,.' employed by the railway nun pany. On the evening of Jannary 19, 1901, the meet boo nd paaaangat tram ran into a landnlide near Rogbv'a hole, aiHiut N mi lea aaei ol thli altj i'he angina waa thrown Into tbe Ool Dtnbia river and F.ngineer Scott wan drowned. I'he complaint tiled allegen that the BOOidenl wan canned through the negllgenoa of the delendanl in the OOnetrnctlon, operation and innpection of itn tracka. Tht plaintiff i repre sented bv Bennett ,V Sinnott, of I'he Dal lee, THE SALEM 0KAIN REPORT Coffee, Iti", dolnent ic, Ralardad Crops Durlne But tha Condition Ar Cool Weather the Weak, Improved. Salem, June In. All crop were re lur.le.l the pant week bv cool, nlmwerv weather ill (he Willamette valley. Grain and hop have made gmnl growth, their condition improved ami no further peetl reported. Kaum have injured earlv cherrn-n BOOM, hut all other fruit reportn are favorable. Soma Soilal Kvant. Balan, June 16. I'he principal social event of the week ami one of tin moat enjoyable ol the neaaoii, was a dancing part v given by Mrs. J. I Cur ter and tba MIBIBf Carter at the ntate blind eebool Tnaadav avoning. it wa largely attended ami a plaaaTng laatnre wan the rendition of neveral nonga by Mir-n lint Wright, oi I num. I he annual ntrawberry lair I ig held here today under the auapicea of the Salem I'ress Club, combined with ,i i . in i n .tuiry laruiiiig. nan urawu an immense crowd ol farmers and fruitgrowers to the city. UMPQUA BRUME COLLAPSED Rotten lin. tier liav Way, Allowlua lha Slruelura to rail. Koetiburg, June 16. Tbw lower county I. ridge over the I. ant I uinpia river, 'H mileneant ol nere. lull yen terday. No one wa:- OB the structure at the lime, lint Mr. Lanier had panned over It With bin team a few minute hefo-e. I'he bridge was built eleven year ugo by the l allforuia Bridge ootn pany rba aialn ipan waa ISO feel long, 10 leet above the Water and total aoal aan 4f 00, A rotten timber al one corner gave way, twill ing the upper workn and It .olln -., (Joooty Judge rhompaon will agaloina tbe wnn k Willi a vlea lo reluiihliug. MRS. KENNEDY CONVICTED Sanlanead iu Ian Year liiiprlioniuant tor Burdar or Her Husband Kaunas City, Mo , June IA. Mrs. Lola Kennedy, VIM) killed her bus- land nacanaa he raluaad to live with her alter their marriage arhlah waa Ion e l upon him, aan found guilly this morning, and BBnteneed U kBB )ai impriaUBBMOt. Both were priilullieliliy ooouected Mm Keonedy imik tha rardlai with the atoieiam that ban bean the feature of ihe trial. She apparontl) wan en tirely unmoved. A Bint lag for a new trial was IBBBMdlatel) cnler.-l I'he trial "I her fattier and two brothers (or complicity in Hie crime begins on Monday. ANGLO-AMERICAN STEEL COMPANY NOW PROPOSED o J, P. Morgan, Gates and Wid ener Banquetted. o 1 WHILE ABOUT THE FESTAL BOARD EoKllsbmttn Discuss With Tbim tlx Firm- HOD Of t ComblDttlOD BtWMD lip' Two Countries. Philadalphia. June 15, The Sortti American today puhlished a cable which says thai J. Pler t Morgan wan eutertaimxl at a dinner last night by prominent steel operB tore, At tha dinner, according to the same report. Wore liates, Widener and Klker and other tteal magnates, and an Anglo- American rteel company i . m i Tha raporta, nayn the cablegram, have O Aoient evidence of aut lieiiti.M v to . rente much ex. item. nit in steel circles. THE 0RANI) STAND PELL Aeeldant In ChKaeo During Field Sport Meat. Chicago, June 6 The temporary grand ntand built lor the purnr ot clawing the annual tiei.i .lay nimrt f the normal aohnol coiipn.i tins morn ing while the oontaeta were in pro grena. About twenty -five .er..nn, moetly women ind childraa, were m pire.l, mime nerioiinlv. Almut live hun red were in the ntand when the acci dent occurred. MURDERED BY MEXICANS Two Urn Sheriff' Death Lauaet Biuah set teai eat Auniiii, lexan, .Mine i i , nner ill lilnver, of Qaonaalaa county, wan mur dered lant night by Mexicans. Sheriff, of Karnes county, wa mur dered by Mexican on Wedneaday night. I'he tile are worked up to a high pilch and a wholesale slaughter of Meiicaua would invasion no sur prise. Murdarar Kdward Uuarded. Shreveport , I. a., June Ifl. A me sage Benton says that all isiiuita tbara thia morning and there is now no evidence that the negroes charged with complicity in the murder of John Footer will be lynched. A ntrotig guard ia maintained over the prisoners. Ularo uovarnor Naw Mexlao. Washington, June Ift, I'he praai dent to lay reappointed Miguel (Hern governor of New Mexico. Kxouraton to Moaaharo. tomorrow (Snnday at t : ift a. m., aMaralon train laavaaO. it. A v 0a for Meaoham and way afflata. Round trip f I Flailing BBBB0B now at itn bagti - I'he Yiikuii in open from end to end according to BBWI brought down by the nteainer Molphin. I he eh I p brought down 4J,000 in gold duet The presence of , ,.i;ki of gold dull in the liankn at Mawnuii, and an estimate l (I 1,000,000 of gold for the Klondike thia year Thu bttl $2.50 iImm "it Mriii foi Itdlflg "i gtntltinion. Wfl gUATtniM t very pair WO Hllll llll). M MmooN Cam tiinwo. JQragl lt-1 n 1 1 1 1 -i wt- o,v, uway uioilivr paii "f ihot Wol- Delaaal to glelea ongrelt. Portland, June Ift, Mayor W. W. S ItOWa aill appoint delegates to the mining congress to lai hehi al iwnae City, Ida., t.nlay. Ut, Andrew 0 Hmfth, stale leiiator 'mm Mullnoiiiah county,! slated fur one of the appoint ments. A ppi i ai i 'in- lor positions a delegate have not been sought very ardently, yet the mayor say the dele gallon will lie a repr. i-eulat I vo one and will 0i 'Unlet ol tlie henl milling exports in fori land It has heen nunafug euiitiuuoual ptwidav. Ji hIiow WIImIuW h)W W1 'I" it- 1 9th. villi llll Our you near Auteloiie-, and the hills aurroun iug the town are with allow to ilepli ill lo in in. i e He Peoples Warehouse shop; ITOM i ii 1 1 mi W Fftlair. 71b Mdin hired feiiUieton, Ur- A I'rohjMuii of ArlisllC I U xaiui Illuminates our crm kt ry dieplay, a sight of which delights the eye, .plii teiin the fain y and refreshen the mind. Our de sign oil china heal those of the KarOBMO powers. '1'hey OOBM in tea, dinner and salad sets, rivalling romantic landscapes in pictureeiiuenes. Thueo Iwautlful cut glees ii" vein, x, too, are worth a doner ip tion in verse. We only ask a peep, the ware will do the reet. C ROHRAIAN. fr""TanBBg. II jfewWB?VVij ii '