East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 14, 1901, Image 3

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Buy clothing whore you can get
what suits you. We are selling
rare clothing than any store in
Suits $5 00 to $15.00
Pants $1.00 to $ 5.00
Cleaver Bros.
KKII'AY, Jl'NK 1'. wi-
p walker, of Pendleton, Blsoud
' Grind Outtlde Sentinel.
ftttimL .lane 14.- After k session
,',t. Its, officers w"r,
atjit.t tl.HthinlHMMU.il ctmveii-
ii Hit) ureK"!! '
.. nilicrri
arc: uraim itrtimuon.,
nf .Urlconvillt : first vice
I IViiinsn
I ..nui.liMlt ClIMtltil. ('
1 . Member,
hrtltnJ; ofOil vice president
- :l f ll..allllllll
v:nl r
AleX tVt)t!K, ' ornmiu ,
K. H. eayior, di ron-
I ounil ttHMnlt
. W. Ilovt, of
i,...i.,l nr.ml orator. C. W. Parrisb,
ggrni; fod historian and libra-
rmi John II. 1'rane, ni nvtinmi,
n Mfc guard, VV. B. Set r,
olBntteville; Kraml outside sentinel,
j. I'. Walkvr, of I'eiiillttton.
Mr, Wilker in pr iMDl in secret
Jinv work in Pendleton Hlitl Iiun
.., ui.thIiU' hi several orders.
Miumony to tho Kfltosoy or the New
ieieullflc O.ndi ufr Treatment.
Jme l,V linwe, Livingston, Mont.;
"Herpkkk eoiid my dandruff and
toppol my tailing hair. "
oraiiue McCuuiba, St. Antliony,
"llerpioido cleaned my scalp
il dandruff ami mailt' my hair Hoft hh
I II. mi-, barber, Champaign,
111.: "I uncil llcrtiicide on out) cua-
tiaitr lor dandruff anil on hi. other for
111 i mi; hair with excellent results "
f. w. Woody (assistonl post mooter),
Cbau)Daii), III. : "Uerpicitle mini-
tuiixi my tailing hair."
hi. Bentley, Sheridan, Wyo. :
''nVruiciiJu excellent fur cleaning; the
a rcnii.ci in Walla Walla Planning
the structure.
Architect Kirk Cutter, of Spokane,
the city yesterday, says tbe
Walla Walla Uaion, in commltaliiui
bf, AudreaH Hani, John W.
Uefdon and the other member of the
wtr of tlie Kpiecopul church, re
wMiai ptariH fur the new brick church
'! 'it !oiti!',lur.n,ll',t w,u' m" eemklB
aVaVf',,!'rl',1',,,,, "etiulflul 111
.. ''"'ol value Hi Men ,..rti. ...it
1. 1 .
5 Ken run
l.i... -1"LFs Ml until vi
on nak in tiuvliiit von r
ip,:.""' jt-ncirv hi me ti I uti.uivH v
m peat (uar.utuu oua a. roprewjuiud.
Jeweler and Optician..,
door to A,exttll,ir Heiter 'a
M '
To make good bread uee Byers' Beat Flour. It took Hret
premium at the Chicago World's Fair over all competi
tion, and gives excellent aatiafaction wherever ueed.
'very sack is guaranteed. We have the beat Hteam
"uued Hailey, Hood Rye and Beardless Barley.
"See Dem
I have a full line of
The Peerless Ice Cream Freezers
frum one pint to ten quarts, will freeze cream
1,1 from three to five minutes; also have a full
of ashing tackle, hammocks, etc. See my
line before buying
T C. TAYLOR, the Hardware Man.
4th of July in Pendleton.
Dry Goods Co.
Boon to lw erected. Manv changes
were niHtle in the original plaun nub
mitted, ami each change n important
froinUie standnoint of church work.
While only a rough pencil aketcb of
the exterior could he made yeHterdny,
Still enough wan Hern roil to see that it
wniihl not only be the handsomest
obarofa in Mm WaHhington, hut
artintically it would he a marvel of
Mr. Hotter ih a aeflliner ot rare
ability antl li in work ban a touch that
in distinctly hie nwn. It is noon all
over the city of Sixikane, where for
many yearn he Iiiih boon architect for
tho builders of the linen! homes in
that city. Hit) work in no! alone rou
tined to arch .tectum I designing, for bo
ih an artist iu combining color ami
creating hurinonir.ing effects. Mo will
conclude bin preliminary work on the
church drawings today, ami will then
return to Spokane where the final
drawings and MOiflMtiOM will he
prepared, after which the contract will
lie let with at little delay an poHHible.
He Kept Hie Leg-.
Twelve yearn ago ,). W. Htillivan, of
Hartford, Conn., ncratched tint leg
with a riiHty wire. Inllamation and
blood noidoning Met in. For two yearn
be miftorod intensely. Then the bent
doctors urged amputation, "but," ho
writes, "I used one bottle of BUotric
KitterH anil 1 1 u boxett of Hucklen'n
Arnica Halve and my lee wu I nan d
and well as ever.' For eruptionn,
ec.enia, tetter, Halt rheum, noren and
all blooil dieordern Klectric Bitters
ban no rival on earth. Try then..
Tall man & Co.
M i M.
Wyrlok lnapeol Hie Flelde and
M. M. Wyrick, of thie city, return. .1
Thurmlay afternoon from an inspection
of hie fields of grain on I'ropsect plaoc
ml on the home ranch in Oespain
gulch. Will Wyrick also returned to
Pendleton. Mr. Wyrick left samples
of hie graiu at the Cast Oregon lan
otlice for the iuepuutiou of fermera. lie
Huvn that wheal has not been damaged
in the above niffntinnnd distrtetn as tar
as he could discover, but on the con
trary the outlook if excellent for a big
yield, lie bail some fine Maniples of
Halt Lake club from I'roMpect place,
four gruiiih to the ineeh, 10 to
inch hei- to the head, lie has 550 acres
of that variety. His blue Mteiu, of
which he has i30U acren on his Despu.n
gulch farm also show up well. Mm
Houora wheat i almost ready to
harvest. This is a epring variety, hut
he eowed hie 150 ucree of it last win
ter, partly as an experiment. From
the samples one would judge it to be
valuable aa a winter graiu.
Rye Ruined by Protl.
He has 70 acres of rye, which he
planted to reclaim some land which
had been "blown out." The rve did
not escape the frost like the wheat.
Sonic of the frosted heads and some oj
the good ones that bad escaped were
brought iu for inspection Mr. Wyrick
aaya that the 70 acres of rye has tail
ruined to an extent of 76 tsar cent.
Dyspeptics cannot ls lollg lived, be
uaaee to live requires nour.Hlnue.it.
POM in not nourishing till it is digest
ed. A disordered stomach cannot digest
food; it must have assistance. Kodol
I'vspepsia (Jure digests al I kinds of fosl
withoul aid from the stomach .allowing
it to rest ami regain its natural func
tions. Its uleme.ita are exactly the name
aa the natural digestive fluids and it
simply can't help but do von good.
Tall man & Co
A auite of rooma in the Kaet Ore
gon lan building, hot and cold water,
bathnxiui. for 111 a mouth during the
summer. Apply at the Kast Oregon lan
Players. Fireman and all.
Roend Athletes of Pendleton Have
Returned From Morrow County.
Thomas W. Ayres, jr., Joe V. Tall
man, Walter Bateson, Tom Boylen,
Otto Boettcher ami Leo Toutsch, known
as "Pendleton's Big Halt DOOM.'1 who
drove over to Heppner on Monday,
JttM 10, to witness the baseball game
antl attend the firemen's tournament ,
managed by a streak of good lock to get
back to Pendleton la moty on Than
day evening. They went to Heppner
for fun and bail if in large rjotet,
They enloyetl the hall game guessed
the winner, wore royallv entertained ,
and things canoe their w'av generally.
The Trouble Reglnt.
When they left Pendleton they fully
Intended to retnrn on Wednesday, bill
the pro... men they u.Hile to that effect
were made without calculation on
getting into unexpected trouble, which
could not possibly have hoen predicted.
Bright and early Wednesday morning
they got breakfast and ordered their
rig bro'-.ght around from the luerv
stables. The liverymen expressed great
surprise at the order and said that the
teams had been taken out long before
by some Heppner business men, as
though tho teams were to be taken by
them to the hotel at the request of the
Pendleton men. A search tor the horses
la. led of discovery ami the big six
bowed to the inevitable and concluded
to remain, for a day at least. They
did a little detective work and iearneil
that Herb Bartholomew ami Al
Huberts were the ones who bad gotten
away with the teams, so they pro
ceeded to got even. They tirst secured
a pair of handcuffs from the city mar
shal, then captured Bartholomew and
Koberts after a desperate ntrugwle.
handcuffed them together and took
them around town to exhibit as tough
characters. After the prisoners had
paitlthoirlii.es by sotting up the
eigant to all in several business houses
they entered, they wore released ami
allowed to go on their own recog
nisance, with the promise that the?
would be real good for several days.
The Pendleton Hoae Team.
The Pendleton six felt somewhat hu
miliated to discover tin ,t I'matilia
OOUnty'l metropolis was not repre
sented at the tournament hv anv team
f firemen ol any description, so they
preceded to organie themselves into
such a team to uphold I'elitl leton 'n
reputation an h.otracers. The pro
cured tho remnant of an old hose cart,
fur juveniles, took it to the hlacknmitb
shop anil bad it lixod, then to the
ollicial decorator and bail it covered
With Pendleton colors, ribholin of red
and white. At the reijilesl of Cashier
tieorge Crosor, of the I irst National
bank, the private otlice of that institu
tion was used as a dressingroom. Vfter
the races bad been run by the regular
companies the signal was given to
keep the track clear. The rendletofl
team rushed to tiieir cart and then out
onto the track. Lee Toutsch, weight
"A'.i siunds, 8 ounces, led the team.
running spike 1 hen came Batesen,
Hoyleii, Boettcher .pel Ay res on the
ropes, will. Joe lallman as hydrant
man. I n the reel was several vards
of garden hose, which Mr. Tall loan
unreeled at the hydrant, after the run
had been made. The time was given
by the judges al 1 hour and IB min
utes. That feature brought down the
muse, so to speak, and Wild Tells went
up on all sides for the Pendleton hose
Started Home Thursday Morning.
Thursday morning came around in
hie time, and at 7 o'clock the ''entile-
Ion c .lit i ngeu t Jmade another attempt
to get awav from Heppner. Herb
Bartholomew and Thomas W. Ay res,
sr., brought He teams arounl to the
hotel. The latter got out, but the
former was not allowed to get away so
oah.lv A halter was secured and Mr.
Bartholomew was hound to the seal
like Prometheus, while l.ee Teutsch
held him. "All aboard" was cried,
ami the lomllcloti nix started lor
home with their captive. Mr. Bartho
lomew pleatl for his liberty and uttered
to give up all the way from fH to ,
if they wuuhl only release bun, but
Ium captorM rememlHrel the many in-
dig. hi tes to which they had been Nllh-
jected the preceding day and rcliiscd
to be bribed out of their revenge.
When out from Heppner about three
miles Mr. Bartholomew's oratory pre
vailed Upon the susceptible hearts of
bis keep. !- and be was released and
left in the middle of the road. When
last seen by the Pendleton men be had
his face turned toward heaven iu a
supplicating manner, bis hands were
lasped and bis lips moved as though
in silent praver.
The Pendleton crowd urrievd home
in saletv ut () o clock p. m.
A Prize ror Pendleton.
As a 'owani of merit for the Pontile-
toll le's. team the judges annoui.ee
that they will give special pn.es of a
sack of tlour and a side of bacon, The
priies are exia-ctetl to come t" Pendle
ton by express, charges collect, ami of
them more may be said later.
A Trip Taken Through a Number ot
Wheal Held:..
I., h. Ivu. and returned tins m .ru
ing trom a trip ol inspection through a
number of the wheat fields of Umatilla
county and reports that "many of tin
farmei- are worne scared than hurt bv
the cold weather." He went fr
Pendleton Up the Wild Hoise Ij
Havana station, theme north to Helix
a distance of about 20 miles. Tin
damage to wheat along the Wild Horsi
ih but slight, and that only on the low
laud. ! he frost apparently did its
damage in spots. The greatest evi
deuce of the work ol tro.t was seen in
a stretch of couutry several miles east
and west and 10 or VI miles north ol
1'eudletou. According to his judgment
the loss in no case would be more thai
five or six acres of wheat out of 160,
"Here's some advice for ou and tl.t
farmers," remarked Mr. Peiilaml
"If they will cut their wheat in tl.t
gulches for hay, instead of win at on tl.
uplands, the damage by frost in lie
country over which I traveled will la
scarcely noticeable. 1 have neon three
worse frosts in I mail I Iu county in
jirevioua years than the cold weather o;
uut) 6-7. i Lave loo acres of wheat
one and one-half miles from Helix ami
do not believe it has been damaged at
all. Iu (act, 1 saw but tew fields that
iiad I we u damaged very much. I saw
some gulches where the Wheat was
ruined (or a strip of 20 or 30 (eet wide,
up the gulch, but it would still make
good hay. 1 went rigiil into me wneui
Holds over the path I went, and made
a carotul iueuectiou. In brie(, my he-
lo.f is that the damage to wheat
that section has been very slight "
Diversion la rortland at the
Purple Show.
Portlaud, June 14. -Pendleton cow
boys aud a Umatilla Indian creatuo a
ensltloTI while rehearsing for the
Klks "Purple Show," which opens
j tonight. The cowboy had about a
much excitement as the spectator,
antl all wore more or less bruised.
There is on,, star feature ndver?ied
for tho circu anil that is a wild west
font infant, Several cowboys, an In
dian and a woman were engaged in
Pendleton to add tin pice to the
show, and from present appearance
they will be a howling success.
Raee for a Wife.
Daring a rehearsal this morning two
cowboys were on a cayiise which was
doing some expert bucking. Heing
unable to dislodge its riders, the
horse commenced to roll, and the men
from Pendleton sustained a few peinfo I
brume which required liberal appli
cations ot liniment. Tho small saw
dust ring was not large enough for the
rehearsals, and the cayuses antl cow
boys became rattled. Finally the
horses beet tM unmanagoahle ami one
tried to climb the center sile to the
circus tent, while the spectators
suddenly began looking for something
under the seats.
Liniment Needed.
l ater, the rehearsal concluded with
what is termed, "The Cowboys' Kaco
for a Wile." This consists of several
mounted men chasing each other
around tbe arena, the one in the load
having a woman across hi addle.
rhfl act was made eiCntenticnally
Mutational by an obstreperous cavnue,
which evidently ha no hankering for
the strenuou" life of a circus horse.
.Inst ns the race began and the woman
wan btlng drawn upon the saddle, the
horse upon which she rode threw In
head hack vicionlv and struck the
woman ch a blow in the face that
she was knocked altnot unconscious
Annual Meeting In Portland Held Today
In Kxhlblllon Buhdlng.
Portland, Jane U. The .'9th annual
reunion of the Oregon Pioneers' asso
ciation is being held tmlay. There is
a large attendance and for several day
the pioneer, have been arriving from
all sections of the state, a well a
Iran Washington, Idaho ami Cali
fornia. Among the notables precnt i
David MeLaaghlao, son of Dr. John
Mcl.aiighlau, the famous factor of the
Hudson's Bay Co. when that B)0 DO poll
controlled tbe greater part of North
America. Lunch was nerved at the
Tabernacle in the morning by the
Native Sons ami 1 laughter. With
John W. If Into, an grand marshal, the
procession started at 1)80 for tl x-
position building headed by a squad of
police ami a ham!. This evening a
CB.nptire will be held, presided over
by Hon. William (ialloway. Follow
ing is the pfOgfam for this afternoon:
Music. "The -tars and Stripes l or-
evi r . tie t anrio'i hand.
C.ill ug to order bv l.ee l.aughlin.
1H17, president.
PrayOT bf the chaplain, Kev. C. O.
Hosford, IMS,
Addresses ut welcome, Hon. II. 8.
BoWO, mayor of Portland.
Response, ,ee l.aughlin, president.
Annual address, Hon. lialeigh Stott,
Song, "Star-Spangled Banner, " M iss
Kathleen l.awler, granddaughter of
Mrs. John H. I'.gan, a pioneer of 1H54,
with accompaniment bv tbe band
Occasional address, Charles V. ial
loway, sou and grandson of pioneers of
Song, old-time melody, very
lam il lar to many who crossed the
plains, Mrs, Agatha Kid ley.
Music, medley, "American Over
ture" (BOOM , anil "American
Patrol," hand.
Beware ot Ointments tor Catarrh that
Contain Mereury
aa mercury will tirclv tetncjr thr MOM "f
mumII em! cotiiik'ti i aeeangi the wimiu .
inn When entering it through ihu murium Mir
laces. Such arilulea should Bevei tie ui as
cept on preeeriptioni (roes, rapataMe pt.yt-
claim, ii- the tlamagH Ihev will ih) is ivu luhl In
ke good )iu ean sMbfy derive fruiu tln-in
ItslPn t'ntHrrh ur. . m.un.iUi lured by t. J.
I'lu-nci ,v in . Iiile'ln. i)., ei in I ulna nvj SMgeatfj
mi t l ukrn ititertislly. neting rUrenily upon
the blini'l and luucuim tuHaaei ' thu )n in.
in hut i m: Halt- Oalerrli Cure in' ur yuu get
Ihegeniini!' Ii ik taken interti.lly. sua insdu
Iu luluilo. ilhlii. by K. J. t'livtiey ,v Cu luall
luiililnls Ires,
' . i by all h io : prn ti 75c, Hr boltlu
ll.ll' KhiuiI)' I'ilU ate thr beat.
Can't Beat Martin.
Vrjii can't beat Martin's prices on
groceries and yon can't lind a ninrr,
t leaner stock of grocurie to select
from. He has now in sttsL-k a -per ml
line of lam v cheese including im
ported limla-rger. Try some of the
kippered berrlag anl smoketi white
gib that lie ha. received from tlie
Fast. Rata ember tqe bakery depart'
iue.it of Martin's store is tlie t--t in
the city.
Thousand. Sent Into tulle.
Kvery year a large number of psir
sullerers whose lungs are sore ami
naked viUi coughs are urged to go to
neither cl in. ale. But this is costly and
not always sure. Don't be an exile
when lr. King's New I'iscovery for
consumption will cure you at home.
Its the most inlalltble medicine for
coughs, cold', and ail throat ami lung
discs u no earlii. Toa lirsl duett brings
relief. Astounding cures result from
persistent use. Trial bottle, free al
lallman A Co. 'a.
Duly appreciative ol the fact, seem
ingly, that Portland needs more
wooden in the City Park, a Weston
man ban written to the mayor to ascer
tain whether he cannot dispone of a
taillrss calf which is to be had iu
that proline count rv that surrounds
Woetun With regret tbe commission
ers, who have heard o( tbe offer, .ay
that it will be imposaible for them to
make use of the freak, ays the Tele
The most effective skin purify lug and buaa-
lifying tasip, as well as purest and sweutent,
(or toilet, buih, and d artery. Jt.inkwiai
tlio caute ot bad couiiiluxion., red, ruugb
liauds, falling hair, and b.d'V hlemlahes,
vlg., thu clogged, irritated, iutlauiud, uver
it.,rkc4, Qr.lueU('h 1'oKBS.
s,M rr r,-n 1.. ! ' .
B.oo. V. . A Brta
1,. 1. .1
. S ... 1 ...oUji 'liu.h, Cl. I
U.l lill.'J IlltOhbl.
ut."i. tl.v lum.'" .1
ICcHUioj t"ll. m II
...tklUU llcliili. Ht UUIM
Ut U A. . I,..illlc4'
nT.i.ni ,..il.,r in
UIHTSCar i. 1,1 e-
1rxl ooljr for rutin auu nt-itm. (. w.
Sv.rr boi I. w.n.iiUKl. Sulit t' "gs'li" ur
K. TMlW.T, r. .,l,,i .,( urka. c .uiial.tt err txil
if ll.l.l.tMn .VI I i . (o I'i.'c . t l.KVKI.AMJ
.LI.IMh H I Ii CO. Vtuv.
for Sals by Tallana A Ce.
The Rxerelees Were Interesting anc
any Peeple Attended From Other
Towns Nearby.
Fllmer D. Bryeon, Weton : LucIIa P.
Craigen, Weston ; Mamlora F'langber,
Baker City; Mary Kittredge. I.ake
view ; .lennette McKinnon, Weston;
F;ilis K. Plnkerton. Wwtnn ; Oertrutle
V. Preettn. Weeton ; ,ltaeph N. Scott.
Athena; William K. Scott, Athena.
Edith M. Wilcox. Haines; Wilbur I,
Woods, Mnro.
Above i a lit of the eleven am
bition young men antl women who
n iw receive their credential a
graduate of the Kastern Oregon state
normal ehoiil, aiter completing. th
regular course in that institution, nay
the Weston Louder. Thev leave the
Alma Mater with tbe well wishes of
many friends, who hope that the
future of each may he bright with
The commencement exercises hay
been very successful ami meritorious,
and the street of Weston were en
livened by tbe presence of many visi
tor throughout the week. Packed
houses have marked the proeentat ion
of each evening's program.
The week's events opened with tbe
rtRoea laureate exercises Sunday morn
ing at the M. F. church. South, where
a large congregat ion assembled.
Thursday morning the graduates
received the diplomas for which they
have so faithfully striven. An able
ami eloquent address was delivered try
Bat, M . ii Marvin, of Walla Walla.
hue musical program was rendered,
consisting of a piano solo, "Military
Polonaise," Chopin, by Misn Ethel
Beattio. a vocal solo, "Shine on, O
Start." Sawyer, bv Miss Maude
Hark leroad,, ami a chorus, "Song oi
the Vikings."
The annual exercises ol too Alumni
iMOCiatloS occurred Thursday evening
at the opera bouse, beginning at 8:30
On last Wednesday evening I'r. ami
Mrs. J. A. Beat tie very pleasantly
entertained at their home the senior
class of the normal schisd at a h
o'clock dinner. The dining room ami
tattle were tvatttifui ly dorortted in
clans colors, lilac ami gold, and tho
clas flower, a white carnation, was
laid at each plate. Haintv menu with,
literary quotations accompanied the
dinner, which was servnl in courses.
Before leaving, ail joined in Hinging
the cIhss song, which made an appro
priate ending to a joyous occasion.
m - - i . .
"The doctors told me niv cough was
incurable; One Minute Cough Cure
maile tno a well man. " Nnrri Silver,
North Stratford, N. H Because you've
not found relief from a stuhlmrn cough
don't despair. One Minute Cough Cure
has cored thousands ami it will cure
noii -aie and sure, lallman .' t o
For Kale.
Out ten foot header, three header
lieds, one fourteen horse Pitts im
proved intwer almost new. (Jail or
J. T. I IT I M.I KV Adam.
Mr .lames Brown of Putsmonth, Va. ,
over Mil years of age, suffered (nr years
with a tiad sore on hi face. Physicians
could not help him. DeWltt's Witch
Ha.el Halve cured him permanently
Tal I man ,V Co
an I'tjiiul for tho CUrs of
Nervous and Physical Debit
ity, BxbaUstOd Vitality, Vari-
eocole, Prematura heclitu'
Uosi l Memory, Wasting, otc.
wliieli Iuih im'hii lirntilil
aliout ly ttarly iiidirtcretions
or later excesses.
Writ- tii'lhy (or my l.test Issiki, "II..1I1 In
Ngtun " aae "Oaieoath . te rw .mi aim. by
b) M.U "
lk. A. T. SANOBN,
Mussel UI.Kjk.
l:or Rigs
I o go F:ishing
or for a cab to make a call
telephone Main 7V.
BLV1N K Alii
Y riilTlnUn
Depot Stable.
Farmers Custom Mill
I .td v alters. Hroprletor.
1 .p.i ity, iau aaf sail Saf ,
riuur eacbaugtsl lur wbusi
fatat, Mill rstsl iJliupiMid feed, etc., always 1
on Saul.
Call ll: :::::
No. S
and Sand.
Heavy Hauling
Koiwltl ellaulluu
lu t ou.lsuui.nur .,
Laatz Bros.
For Health, Strength and
Pleasure Drink
Polydore Moens, Proprietor.
Kegular June
mii i i i ,,r,' price
Hi.n k areli gooaii 30 inenci wida , , te.
Black tin ss goodg, 3 itu ht's wide 2Rc Ifrc
BUck satin linish dress guuds, 44 in. wjdl f()c; '2C
Cotton worstml ilrcss foodo, 30 inches wulc fc
Worsted tlrcss gtOOdl, 42 inciirs wide 2
All wool cheviot skirt antl mtit material, 3 la wide
j.ip nH'sp silk in ,ul 1 olors, 20 inches wida 22c
apaht sc siik, .di Galore, i In, wida raffeu nnith, ?soc S4kg
Changi;;il)lf Ctllt t.i silk, liost ijnality jb.
Turkey reil table linen, 5N inchet wide 3Qq jt.
Bleached table linen, 50 inches wide jRc isc
Bleat hed table linen. 2 Inchdl Wide
Hall bleached table llneni ij inchet wide . . . 2Tc
Bleached muslin, 30 inchos wide ... ... (- 4J-4c
Good aproii oheck gioBham
Hst apron checked rihghani jg
Sat i ne PetliciMts, deep flounce, knife pleating $l.(i5 iiSc
Mcrcet ii'tl lu-st pettn ",tts. gecordian pleated flounce $,.50 $2 ,8
Percale wrappera new pattern trimmed si e t.- tn 14 72c
Women's Tailor Miide Suits, in mixed gd ij 1 $10.M) $rS.!0
WoiiK'n's Tailor M de Suits. $I.S.IM) $S..V2
Shirt y.nst-. .1 hd to close( w 1 1 1 1 i to 151) fVK;
Men's sweaters, inst the thing (i noa my ftc
Men s cotton box, pel doien pair um
50 men's suits, some were 5' 5o, others to in, all
reduced, the beat ones $s so
Wotnehs' black hose, 3 pair for It.oo 2;
Men s anlaundered white shirl ........ DQg Mc
144 Men s undershirts and drawt 1 on 1 ountei llult' Price
to doen women's dongola ihOOS, patent le.itln t tip WHc
Btrit blue Calico A .. 0ktf
Boat n il calico H (c 4c
i ..:;iit eoloi calicoi beat ..
cotcrt Lttwua (kj fa
Ltce Curtains, 3i4 vards long ... $IJH0 Mc
10 pieces Silkaliuc diapcrv 0c 7c
Rem! thi5 list every il.iv,
'twill be worth your while.
Agents Ituttcrlvks
Short aiitl long
in- il Ii... I' ItlXilllt'
iii all
.1 I . I Ml
mm '
Hansford & Thompson,
"The Leading Hardware Men."
1 1
Hotel Pendleton
Under New
Strictly First Class
Kicelloot Cohioe.
Kfery Modern
Par and Milliard liooma.
The Heat Hotel
Van Dran Bros.. Pi ops.
Thursday ol each week I will be al the Kiwi National Bank
office to rooeivu sealsd bids on lots of woo Nou. 6, H, S and
17, shout 500 sacks, now stored in 1 1 - ndepsiiaant ware
bouse; also about 300 sacks of thin ysars oflu, I rnHorvo
the privilege tit' rejecting any or all liidn. Aildrertb lite leu-
dieton or Pilot Kock. Telaphons Pendleton or ranch ou
litj Creek. J. b SHITM.
jM Lor
japsVanssaauM LaT
or mm
Arm In Arm with Your Pevaetbook
Our tine cariHts have Ismui selected
with a view of giving you the heat
Valve for Nour money Neat, elegant
ami attractive pattern llrjed with
durability, Sttd within the means ol
all, is what wo are offering in ovir tine
stoek rttfi, er. ....) mfBOtklng
111 lace curtains and portiers. It will
cost noii nothing to lisik at them.
Prices are right.
Jesse Failing.
Mam air! near Hrhdgw.
handle pitch forks,
gteel cables, pulleys, ropes,
Give Us l THU.
Kites $2 00 1 dij
Special Kites by
Wiek or ooitb
Ilaadquarlera for Traveling Mae
In haetern Oregon.
Successors to J. I - Moors
(IKO. OAK VAt I', op
KHiullj Furilsrsod Stsui MitUd
Mi.v a and a hall I
Sample Muwas La
k. hh ii Vale
Slk, Ik, $im
Hold St. Cu