East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 14, 1901, Image 1

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rlr tonight nd Saturday,
NO. 4161
:qTand MOST
j) FANCl
Eastern Oregon
You want a
Usj size spring fryors,
Iresseil or IUVB
R. Demott.
Tailor Made
For Youths.
We have added a new department to onr
tailoring business and now make Youths'
street suits, dress suits, and tuxedo suits.
These specialties are very popular with
those who wish to he dressy and yet do not
care to pay extortionate prices. Every care
and attention is Riven this youths' depart
ment that we Rive our regular tailoring DUtincM
Alexander & Hexter
The Boston Store
odavs news is of very practical and satisfying economics,
lew prices at random. The main point of this business is
sell goods, but the selling must be right. Every customer
bust be satisfied. Our invitation to one and all is Come here
hid get prices not duplicated outside of this store.
riiprooginghAmi 4c
in rating Bnnneli rc
pA hand towell, each 5c
W''v '"irtuin scrim Do
dies' hone 6c
wash skirtB 40c
le&did line of shirt waists, evory
mm this Muon'i make 60o
nitofthe Loom" and "LonBdale"
muslin g$c
Fancy iris dimities .V
Berkley oembric !(
Lediet1 summer vests 5c and Ji-c
Ladies leather belt!, sample line of
all styles Kc
Ladies' kid gloves, worth $1.00 66o
White hed spreads 75c
Lace curtains, white and ecru, per
yard 89e
bU8l IN The handsomest line of muslin underwear ever shown m Pendleton.
New straight front Corsets and Girdles.
'endletoiTs Big Busy Store.
ma Meavv l umhL
fh 6oC dozen, snecial
8 age per dozen....
New iqoi styieS
cy patterns and
durable made, 74c
'03-65. Ul us
show you our line
bufor.: yoU ,liake
your purchases.
r .
'otiet sets at
'5 to 3.65.
Children's uar
dtn tools, i9c a8c
and 3yC a set.
Udilt1 Moral
took .
1 1 WHMVaj IOC
Wat.:r sets,
'-23 and $
with truvs
'kt the t,est .c ,
fully war
si-'Us else-
I Hi I M Off Ms siock
We're advertisers, of tacts and are
Thats the mission of our advertising; the prices w i I
rest ; follow the well heaten tnok leading direct
doors, there's economy at the end of it.
Irirll.. i..
" eh
Wheel Ik.
at tf
Is W 10 Godl
S!!ands of toilet
UK Ml- ti. ... It .
CC 7 aaiuc
vr " w"en; other
,0C- IC bar.
Hn St,
. Mm -
m No
Muslin Underwear Opportunity.
Gowns trimmed with lace and embroidery, closing
out at 29c, 40c, 58c, 69c, Hjc, $1.10, i.6S
Chemise long and short, neatly trimmed, closing out
at 20c, 49c, 03c, 98c, $1.19
Skirts very full lace and embroidery trimmed, oloi
ing out at 29c, 49c, 58c, 79c, 97c
Drawers in three lots, closing out at 17c, 29c, 49c
Corset Covers sizes 32 to 42, ( losing out at 17c, 29c; 49c
Corsets for very little
Hegular prices were $1.2o, $1.33, 1.49 and $2.75
Sale price, 49c.
Another lot were sold regularly at 75c, 86c, $1.00.
Sale price, 37c.
Ladies' knit summer vests at 6c, 12c, 15c, 18c, 25c, 38c
Millinery at less than half regular prices.
Wash Skirts Very Cheap.
Outing flannels, light aud dark colors 4c yard
Good yard wide bleached muslm 5c yard
Apron ginghams 5t' ul
..-a. .(,..,tc iron nf nvnrvturii when
saving sausiucuow '"
once you cross the threshold of this store. j
In Chicago Mrs. George Tollman
Bind .i Itlit for d i vorce from her hus-
land on the ground of desertion.
Ueports of troubles with the Indians
near hurt Washaike, Wyo., art' U&'
founded. Th report of the killing of
an Imlian hoy by a white ihoopberdof
is false.
Thf Htrtlord, Conn., Nutmeg
Athletic rluh has offered a purse of
1 10,000 for a hattle bellrOOt. Terrv lie
tmvern and have Sullivan .Inly 4.
McUovern says lie is willing to accept.
It is now apparent that the powers
will group themselves together for the
purpose of issuing Imnd for the in
demnity. The imposition of America
to the propOMd interest guaranty has
not hoen overcome.
Senator Koster saw the president
with regard to the Tinted States
marshalship of Washington. The
term of the present incumhent. Mar
shal hie, expires on July 1, and
Charles K. Hopkins, of Spokane, is to
he appointed as his successor.
The Tort land K veiling Telegram 's
Tan-American party arrived in ISuffalo
Wednesday night all well and happy.
There was not a hitch in the arrange
ments, and there wa exceptional com
fort on the entire trip. The party
speaks most compl imentarily of the
Telegram 's enterprise.
The Iron Age says: Our Mast furnace
returns show that during May produc
tion increased from ;tiu,lir, tons per
week ti 114,606 Inns per week, earn -ing
it far beyond any previous record.
Stocks of coke and anthracite iron
bar declined further from 868,661 tons
May I, to 886,616 tons ,1 tine I, thus
proving that consumption is still en
ormous. Lieutenant - Commander It. T.
Tilley, T. S. N., governor of the j
American part Ol the MDOaS island,
was assaulted and robbed hy two un
known men in San I ruin inc.,. ar
rived from I ango I ango 1 uesday aud
registered at the Occidental hotel. llei
started out for a stroll, intending to
view tin' w'tter trout. When 111 an un
familiar part of the city, he was passed
hv tun men, who turned suddeulv aud
Mind bin from behind. They usk
lis watch and money.
Trollev cars limit in this country
will soon go w h mug and clanging
from Athens to TiraeiiM in modem
treere. the contract for cnliKtrui tltltf
the line has hien let. In a general
wbv the cars will resemhle thow
the Ripper, Appears
Jacksonville. Fla.
rum Court Martial In Shrmport Firs in
Indiana Factory Horror In France Four
Killed In Michigan Russian Disasters.
Jacksonville, Fla.. June 14. -A mur
der similar to those of Jack the Kipper
was brought to huh! here last night
when the nude, lifeless hodv of Susat.
Matties wa" discovered under a house
in the suhurhs. She had heen killed
hy Mow on the head and knile
thrusts. The nude hodv had heen
strongly tied in a compact ma, the
knees almost touching the chin,
in a grain sack and placed under
rtOOM. The polioi are looking
Willie Munden.
RaporUd by I. L. Ray Co.. PandUten.
Chleairo Board or Trad and Naw York
Stoek Rxehana Brokart.
New York, June 14, The wheat
market did not hold the advance to-
av. New York closing and
hicago 7-8 lower than vestenlav.
Liverpool closed unchanged, 59
!-S. New York opened :t-H lower 77,
sold up to 17)4, and hack to 7tP4 at
the close.
Storks steady,
Monev, JV
Close yesterday, 77 86.
Opening today, 77.
Kange tislav, 7i', to 77'.
Close toilay, 7tl.
Stocks: Sugar, H4; tohaceo, 166 64 1
steel, II I K. St. Tanl, I74'4; Atclu
son, t7f Trie, 44 I -H ; Cnion TacMic,
116 7-S.
Whaat In Nan Franelieo.
Francisco, June 14. Wheat,
Pay tin.
i mold
Hod Roe
Uulntat or Daiparadoas
Penalty for Murdar.
lvnnia, ia., June 14.
Augustus, Andrew Ia is, Mill
Sam Mah'wm and RioQArd
negroes, were hunged from a
here this afterno.m for mnrilering Con
stahe Milton Mears and l ilmore Har
rington, whites who had gone to arrest
a Bem bet of the gang of colored des-
peradoM to w hicn tboqoiatef belonfed,
scaffold with five trap doors waa
erected just outside the town. The exe
cution was witnessed hy seven thous
and people A coiupanv of militia was
present, as it was rumored that an
tttempl Would he made to lynch tin
negroes. The condemned men wer.
used taunted and nlied itt. nut no iolii,.
in Krooklvn. I he electric I m has was olTereil.
lKr.M9 to I0L TH.
Whaat In l hlsaao.
C!ncago, June II. Wheat, 70 7-H to
70 '4.
Rsitern Wool.
i ork, lime 14. -Wool, uu
Shoots a Young Girl and Her
These Were tbe Victims-He Had a Foollsb
Notion of Unrequited Lore and
Revenue Therefor.
Naw York Markol.
New York, June II. -Coffee, Kin
fOi 7, en soot, li ; rice, domestic, lK
suwiir. lair, reliuing, 61
4 ; crushed
rami I Bled
to til
centrifugals, M test, 4
606) powdered, 660 to ."H."
1 to .VVi.
Prouoiai lo Do So In Two Initallmanti
BealnnliiK Tomorrow.
Manila, June 14. fJoneMH Cailles
nisiirgeiit leader, now aiinoiiiicea his
willingness to surrender one hundred
ritles tomorrow and three hundred
three days Inter. The killing of thre.
olhcers in the recent skitiulsh at
l.lpa is said to heilue to the fact then
were American deserters in the insur
gent Ptnka. Colonel Molanos, with
live ollicers and 41 rilles, has aurrcu
doted at l.lpa.
struck iir e so forcibly that electric
light plants are no heing mauufac
tured in the Tinted Mates to illumin
ate Caliimata, l.yra ami Tatras, the
latter the most important seaport in
the kingdom, and the export point for
large shipments of currants.
Slate Miperiuteudent Ackeriuaii is
enthusiast li' in the helief that a proper
ettorl would hring the .National hduca-i
tional Assoi lation to I'ortlaud next
Mayor liowe, of I'ortlaud, sold some
of the surplus livestock at the City
Tark to an attache of Noma V liuwe's
trained aniaml show. One female elk
hrollght 626, and two seals were sold
at to each.
The PoTfUBOO Oil company have their
machinery on the ground at Snake j
river and will commence drilling for
oil Monday, surveyor Millikcu in at
work. The contract lor drilling ia for
a depth oi hOO feel with an option for
a greater depth.
Judtl tieer, t oi n m i ss loner of the tilth
district, which comprises tiie drand
Konde and Kagle vallevs, writes that
heavy frosts on the night of June 4
have de, reus, , i the estimated average
t cri p in no small degree and for the
purpose ot gaining more ilelnnte know
ledge i( the exact condition Mr. tieer
atarted out on a tour of inspection
through Kulge vallev. He will send
in a more complete report upon his re
turn from the trip.
Many of the tnachera of St. Helen'
hall will return next year, Mia Cur
tain, Iron Columbia college, wiio
has had charge of the intermediate de
partment, will he transferred to
science, in the place ol Miss ale, who
intend to take a trip abroad. The
music department next year will be
in charge of Miss Herniug, who baa
finished her leave of absence, bavilitf
aHut seseral months in renewed study
of the Yiryil Clavier svslelu.
Mireveuort Trouble lo Ha Avarlad by
Uovamor Heard.
mi reveport , .nine U. tiovernor
Heard has w ired the sheriffs at Cadd
1 1 1 ' i i.ossier recommending that everv
precaution he taken against violenci
to the negroes who are threatened w it I
lynching on account ol the I-1 isler mur
der. He atands ready to aid them will
all the state's Miwer. Sentiment hen
has altered and the people are fully
determined to wait tor I'.dward's ca
lure, ami then hohl a drumhead ourt
Attain). It to Kill altnuwikl, a Vie-
St. Tetersburg, Juuv 14. An attempt
waa malleoli the I it- ol M Malinow
ski, vice director of the medical de-
partmenl of the minister of the in
tenor, thia morning. He was attacked
hy a man who made repeated attempt
to plunge ad agger into him. Malinow -
ski eacaiMsl with slight injuries
Die assailant is a aupixaied nihilist
and was arrested.
Twelve Human Live Loit.
Nt. Tetersburg, June 14 -Twelve
lues were lost in a tire at the naval
construct ion work on the island of
QeleOfOJ today. A partially built
cruiser aud a ipianlity of naval ami
military store were d.strov.sl. rhe
loss i two in 1 1 lion roubles.
Ha a
"I your mamrna eNWl Mine ta
ewful cross ! Doej your man mid aay
Hush ! ' when you lauh or make a
little bit of a uoiac ' My Buunma duca.
Sbr ha Bel yet, pa;, aayt "
Tbe mother who overheard tbia ac
count of herself would fevl heart-broken
otliuik ot the buaaowcaat by her iniM-ry
et her i caalltioii la
go those blit- loved
real. Hi i nervee
tlalliv-d t
truetlte aud
of lerp increaae her iLun
Such a c.uiidiuou may, in genera be
traced to dis-ae of the delicate womanly
orgauifeiii, a cine for which ia found in
the uac oi l)i Pierce'a Favorite- ira
.' acMpiion It rnlahhahee regularity, hi ah.
iunainuuitlon aud uiceratlou aud cure
female wtrakueka. It trautuiiizca the
nervea, encouraea the appetite aud in
duces rwfroebinn leep.
I hsd becu a cuuataol autferer Itotn utciiuc
dlactf. lor five year. write Mr. J A eteuiu.
ol Yuuktr Liaui. CUy Co . Wcat Virginia, "ami
aor aia mouth, previou to taking yuar m, ,u, lu
t mi uot uat of uiy rooaa. Could aut walk or
laud a their waa auch pain aud aruwiii io
left aide aud hcafiua-duwo weight lo region of
aterua. aooouipaalco writb aurencaa I auiftied
oouatautly witn headache, peiu iu beck about f
dera aruia and cheat ; end could uuc aleep nor
lie down Wluu I had taken three butilca ol ,
the ruedtciue la yrrkgli were regulated, I
waa uot so uei vou, could aleep well aud the
EJu in tide .aid bcarinc down had vauiabed.
y health i- better at tbS time tbau it ha been
Ave year "
Dr. Fierce a I'elicl Btimuiaic cue liver.
Weal Baden Spring. Indiana,
Ultattrout Hollaeouil.
Orleans, Ind , June 14. The West
baden springs hotel, one of the unart
lamoiis health resort in the west, waa
destroyed by tire at an earlv hour tbi
morning. Over two humlrisl guests
were iu the hotel and all of them loat
nearly their entire effects. I he Ion is
estimated at half a million dollar.
The lire, which waa caused, it Is be
lieved, by an overheat." range, was
I, sc, ,wred early and th guest quickly
aroused, but the tlaine had spread so
rapidly that they were uuahle to
gather up their effect. I hey were
Iriveii ill panic from the hotel by tbe
rapidly spreading tlames, some making
'her escape iu night gowns. Several
tore painfully injured by jumping
from the windows. A lew Were severe
ly burned, and other were hadly
bruised in tin- rush lo eacape. The
majority found refuge in French Tick
-prings, a mile away. Alarming re
port a p read about loss of lile, but
everylsslv who waa Hi the iiotel when
tbe tin- started ha heen accounted for.
rear Llvei Were Lost.
Bedford, Indiana, June 14. A man
ha juat arrived from Went Kaden and
says that tbe greatest confusion reign
about tiie hotel and there are fear
that aoiiie lives were loat.
I rain Struck Carriage In Mlehlgan and
Occupant Met Uoatb.
Mint, Mich., June 14. A carriage
containing .Maj. (Joo, Uuck inaham,
his daughter Anna, Mrs. i homes Ap
,o, gate ami Mrs (oiuural Humphrey
.a. struck by a tram at a croeeing Una
morning, aud all four were killed.
16 Killed. HO injured.
1'aria, Juno 14.- Fifteen were killed
and a . ore were injured by au explo
sion In a cartridge factory at i.ea
Moliueau. The luajurity of the victim
were women
Trunk and iiuiba of bodieg were
hurled into the air with the debria of
the building Many persona are still
missing. Fifteen hundred person
worked iu the factory. The Hat of
fatal itiea would doubtleaa have been
much heavier were it uot for tbe fact
that tbe exploatou occurred at lunch
time after many employee had left
the building.
Moth Speak ot Her Huiband'i
II, I ft III I li a I lull .
Brussels, June l. Mrs. Ton
llotha, in an interview here today,
sunt that aha is not here on an olhcia
minion and declares that her hiisabud
will i i i o ue the war in South Africa
Until Victor) or death overtakes him.
Continual to Improve.
Washington. June 14. --No further
bulletins regarding .Mrs. McKuiev's
condition will be issued unleaa there
should be a change for the worse. She
is steadily improving.
Gen. Booth Convalescent.
London, June 14.- tieneral Month,
beod of the suvatioii Army who re
turned from Tans vestenlav, seriously
ill, is convalescent today.
Dale of Cuban Inauguration.
Havana, June 14. I he morning
papers sav that l ehruary 84, I'.MIL', la
the date for the inauguration of the
i ui. un republic.
Whitman College Instructor Wed at
Walla Walla.
Walla Walla, June 14. Last even-
ing, at st. i an. a church, rroi. wallet
A . Itrattoii and Miss Clarice Winsblp
('niton were united in marriage The
ceremony was perl united by Kev.
Andreas Hard, assisted hy Kov. Austin
Kici pastor of tbe Congregational
I he church was beautifully d corate,
iu pink and green fOOBf entwiutsl in
trailing vines and banked against
lerus, prod 00 llU u very pleasing elt.tct.
Trof. S. Harrison l.ovewell presided
at the organ. At , :.s) o'clock Kev
Andreas Hard, rector of t Caul's,
and Kev. Austin Kne, paalor of the
ingregational church, followial hv
the groom ami the host man, I rol.
iittoA. Ilauerbach, bsik their place
at the altar while the bridal party
advanced q the sweet strains ,, M,.,i
beer 'a "Schiller" march.
I in bride was beautifully attired in
white crepe de cbllie with lace and
hlflon trimimiig. She wore a tulle
veil held in place with orange hlosaoms
and carried a bouoilet of white bride
r ises
The bride was led to the altar by
President S H I. Telirose ol Whitman
liege I he maid ol honor was Miss
Kwone Pevenport id t'oifai, who was
trussed in pale gret li allk mull I he
brideamaids, Mis James and Miss
l.'icile James, wore pink silk mull
and carried pink sweel peas.
I'he impressive and beaulilul cere
mony waa pi-rlurmoi in Itev. liar, t,
assisted by the Kev. Kn e. I he hridal
hartv rececded to the Iriilinphaut
tones of Melidulabou's wedding
I us I.. , afternoon lire broke out in
the Veiidome hotel, at Nampa, Idaho,
originating from the Heme o an oil
amp . hi, i. caught iii hanging art ulna
in the millinery ilepartmeul ol .Mrs
sbarar, whose stock i inhibited in the
hotel, The .an.. was oiiickly
luemhed, but not until damage lo tbe
exient ol fatJIJ was done
hm h dare-devil perP.ruiam ea an
were wltnesaed in Tori land with huck
iug broncho are perhaps vldom een
on the range, aay the Telegram.
Manager Hove, of Norri dt Kuwe'a
trained annual show, wa no entbilied
hy this perlormance that he mane an
offer to, the perfurmer to become a
i. nnai. ni part of hi ahow.
Wallu Walla. June II Will Davis
a bootblack, veaterdej twice shot ami
serioitslv wounded a former sweet
heart, Rifle Hftwnrtb, and woanded
Charles MeConnell, her escort. Jeal
ousy and tinreqnltted love were the
motives. There is talk ul lynching.
The tfirl is about I , v.iara old, a
tlenghter ol Mr ami ir. a. T.
Heworth, ol Norm Koarth rtreet, The
girl lies at her home with one bullet
lodged somewhere in her hisly and
another ghastlv bole where a second
one passed through her left breast She
is not necessarilv iatallv wounded, her
condition largelv depending BpOBJ the
loeetlon ol the ballet which probing
has failed to locate.
At about ft o'clock in the afternoon
Miss llaworth and Charles MeConnell
were strolling up and down in front of
the girl's home near North Fourth
and Tim street. It was not long Iw
fore DOfi I appeared mi the scene. He
saw the couple and called to MeCon
nell that he wauled to speak hi him.
The latter went up to bin, and Tavis
remarked Sniuet li nig alsuit MeConnell
still keeping II up ' Davis then said
he wonted "to talk with Kflle for a law
minutes.' MeConnell did not anpear
to object, never thinking that Davia
had murder in his heart The two
st I talking for ill.,, in 10 minutes,
and all of a sudden Davis nulled a re
iver a cheap Ki'calibre weaisiu -
from his pocket ami pointed it at the
young woman. U llrst she waa inclined
treat his action a a pike, hut he
coining alarmed she started to turn
awav. I hev were alsiut III feet anart
hy this time. iJinck as a Mash Davie
Bred with elfecl ami as the girl ran he
Bred again, the bullet striking In the
hack of ins victim.
MeConnell oiiukly made a move to
grab the revolver, and Davia turned on
bun, saving he would kill him, Imi.
fortunately for MeConnell the
hammer failed to eiiibsle the car
tridge, but the s,. ..ml bullet passed
through hia left arm
Davis, iu the cell, has the appear
ance ol a hardened criminal fhsre
was no tremor as he ssikeof the awful
I which he had dnn and he
alludisl to himself as "mm" with
inite the it r one would assume when
saving he was a Christian. He did not
lispluv the least compunction of con
science, and rather apared t I...
fully satlslled with his rmrk
Indianapolis (Jet Woomea.
St. Taul, June 14 liidianaiM.li
get the noil convention of M, stern
Woodmen ll will he held III IIUKt.
Bi-bovernor Plngree le ill.
London, June 14. - T.i inventor I'm
roe ol Michigan I seriously ill her
With acute peritonitis
riic boil
-Inn ii fill ill for I'll' j or
Wi' HJ
I'vcry pair
i ' lllll"!
ijUoUtar pali1
uotde. , Juno
hIiow wimlow
how wi 'l" it
we uive away
of .lint'.- VVtuI
I Hili Our
win ifii you
Tbe Peoples Warehouse
shot. BT0M&
1 1 1 1 1 w Fa.ur.
it. Mum Slroot, feu. lie-ton, Or.
A Prufutiiofj i Artistic VAcgtHKe
Stepa are being taken t compel
(rreat Uritaiu lo do juatice to (iermau
elockboldera iu 1 ranavaal igliroada k
illuminate our crockery diaplay, a night
of which delight the eye, quicken the
fancy and relreahe the mind. Our de
signs on china beat those of tbo huroiajan
power. They u.iue in tea, dinner and
salad eeta, rivalling romantic lemiMcape
iu picturetsiueiiee. Thoae n, autllol cut
glass novelties, hsi, are worth a doecrip
tiob in verae. We only aak a peep, tin
ware will do the real.