THIIIHDAY. .KIM, I.;. 1W1 a Very Stylish. SEE THAt THIS A capable subscription solicitor rati tin.) employment, at tin- Italt OfMOfliMII ollice. A permanent isisition to tlm right num. Wiikctlehl .V Palling now have f hi r permanent plana nan ronni In i.n Don bloaki nltli the largest Koaii nvnr shown in randlaton. Mrs Campbell will sell at goal .lur i on tha Mil hi 'Iuvm Kar entire Monk of spring ami siiinniflr in il I incrv, in chuliiig I .Ml trimittril InilH. Nothing Ml earth i too g"isl lor sick people. Tha urua na ate iti eoan noondina your prescriptions till' I i illlHlllV LOWELL SWITZLBR NUPITALS CRLHBRATRD WBDN8SIMY KVKNINIj AT THK BRIDE'S KOMI. They Will Rsslde in Portland. Where the Uroom Is In the Wholeiale Builnen. The naaWIni ol Mis tiaanah Bwltaler aed ...igar L. lonall olemnteerl at Biwo'elnek wedneday evening, Juae IS, ai tha bona ol the I ,r i, I., nn i , U.I..I, -I r.-.-t . I ! lerelnnnv 14r" ""l ! i... i,Mf(oriiiHil t.v County .Indue It. A. 7RAOF. MARK 15 BRANDr.D ON EVERY SHOE.. Light Solo. Medium Heel. For Struct cr Dress Voar. ct Reproduction tt t!ii. I tyts ,uc. y 1'iiro, urn in.- i i'-i 'ihi ny on llartiiiiin. Tim bridal couple stood in will POy. It U) tna pat nnt h lienelll . arrwilv ,etween thf Hoiitn parlors to ink.' your pri-m ripiioi io isoHopnii h , . ,. ,m.rn' knot ol carnation- iirnir nora on i .,un "irn.-i $3.00 thoes at lifferem e Tha lif " I ln-n; ,iri ntlii i this price, The is in the ihoei lerrnce has made Queen Duality 5hoei woriil (atnoua, All sii s om: price ti,oo, CLEAVER BROS Practical Hoot an. I SboC Men. BHBV1TIKS. Children's garden tools. Null's Hoilc.l ham (or IiiiicIicm at 1 1 . I ' Huy your wimlow ahadea Murihy 'h. ('in- .onil-hunil Hah' for Hal Will V. Mine serge unit, $!). l,'h.tvor lims. Dry (io.hIh Co. Punts, II to f.r a pair. Cleaver Bra Dry iooln Co. A Iw recycle ami Crawford bioylM inlt at With. .. Harden linen at all price and Umi.1 at Withe '- at a I Irani.'. lai.' ' i. Cleaver paper at I M tlm water Have, your pictures style at Murphy's. Hancy aaaaioMfi nlta HroM. Dry i onds Uo. New designs in wall Murphy'H paint store . At Uailer'ii Inrnltore itore tltmst line ol rugs ami matt inn. Automatic refrigerators aid ostium at Its t '- furniture Itore, Try the Mate, C. 1. Mci.innis prop, rietor, (or gnisl li.piors ami cigars ! Wanted A competent girl t. da gen erel housework, impiim at thil office Wimlow Mhailen, curtain pole-', mir rors, etc., at Baoar'l iurniture htore. Oldest place ami i'.'-i lam. tie i' I Hoy's, cor. Court ami liar.len streets. We will clone out our entire lint "I i.i...'.' at. cost. Maker .' Polsoni. Some I Aty lett her parasol in Drs. Smith ami llemlerson's ollice, where slie can recover it. Finest i. .mi ami lard on tlm market. Home pr.sluct ; trv it, il- guaranteed. Bob wan v Iranltah, Ice cream lor i.arties anil lodge sociable at special price, .plain. gnnrenteod, Dandy Dottou For rent Two uniurniahed roome (or lit(lit hoiisekeepitiK. No cliihlreti, In- ijuire ol Mrs. Strahan, I . r-1 . 1 1 1 l Cr. . .-lit bicvcles i n the msla 1 1 m.'ii I plan at tlm Croso-nt egaiMlj In tile Kaal Ore(oniaii huil.lin, it l u .'.. . no interest. Kemeiiiber I have a heller st'- k ol oil, lle-KreaiK, " i"- baiting ami all other harveet supi.lies than over be lore. 1. Soiien, llohx. Stamlarn lir.H'erv Com pan will have within a lew day" a shi ut . ( the celebrated Casim. brand ol nnneil i. ..s. formerly handled bj ratom DVOBi Ask (or them. Il.iwlev llros., the up to dale ur.icei iien, received today a shipnient . i Aroma i-offee which is bigblv re. hi mended and to introduce tlij-. brand ol coffee llawley llroe. will fire lodiea ami socials coflee (r.'c.if thev wfll give It a (air triul. II you are nut pj with the colfee vnii are iiaiiiu' v. ii should try this much talked ol F.astern brand. i ne homelieHt man in Pendleton aa Well as th.' handsomest, .in. I ..tle'i are invited to call on miv The jnrv in the trial of Klr.y Todd an. I Alex ( rowner, the tWn JTOUOg men from Meachani. before .lustic Fit Uerald on Wedneadaj, Jane i-', dla agr i altar baring been oat for six hours. The hoys were allowed to jn 00 160 bond each, Tlmy will have a second tr;:il on setordaj, .inly IS. This storm will clear Off. "B0t there are others." Iberelore nm breilaa. Umbrellai when it ruins, ol course, but alo nubfeilBI when th sun shim-. We Hiink have th nmhrelhi st ick of the town. I here :iri iiiiibrcll.ii (or men, women an I child ran al prim Irani r-.' to 113. AlaxM .ler a rl eater i I, I', w. Oulmbv. an ami foreatrr warden Ol th. stale oi Ureuon, will arrive in Pen. II. Ion al ."i:lii Ibis alter noOII ir.iin I'ort land. Members of th. Pendleton portent en's Association and ol hers intereKted, Who wolllil lIKe t inei'l Mr. Omnibv and consult with him .n mattera al mutual Intereat. ar. iiivite.i t" be present at the council roomi at I ..'. lock tins evening. HEPPNER RACi: RESULTS Wmtiturk' Won Spoo l mil lluli snd IIiiIj. WIIB Wslls tho Wol Test WsltsburK Broke Association Heeord. Ileppner, Jane i;: special. Ti toUrnamen ol the llreimui has been . J ... ' i . I ... I lUccess Attendance has been good and all oondltioni onntrlbotlng lor tlm most par' to the eiiiovmenl ol all. A sensation wa- canue.l by the Waits hurif team. that lowered the association record In the speed race. It was tin t tune that ha- ever lieen reifi"- tered in the history ol the association, Waltaborg niaaing in 46 aeooodi the best previoii- record being N held by La Qranda, Walla Walla, -'! Ileppner, '-':t 26; Dayton, St 45. Ill the ttlterilooll in the wel test tin positions of the two tonne leaders .,.r. rorereod. Walla Walla noa handilv in J ' '1-tt seconds, no terrible strain heinir rcptiicl to better tin-linn of their ciiil. -I, int-. Waitshuru was m ml place, time In ilat. Waitshnrir igeln scored victory, winning the huh ami huh in Ilat. in the lirsl heat, Waiubarg beat Dartoa In S3 u-'r; in the sec I heat, Walla Walla won Iroin lleppnei in S3 I H, The li tin, be tween WaiUbara ami Wallu Walla was 00 hv Hie lormer. The menihen of the general hoard . looted at the session veslerdav were: ii. a . McDonald, ol Dayton, president; David .McAtee, ol Ileppner, vice presi dent: T D. S. Hart ol Walla Walla. ecretery: John smith, of Walla Walla, treasure!. WILL Pendleton II AC 1'. IN I'OHTL AN0. I (iwD.ivs lo Ulvo Wild RldliiK Bxlilbllion mere. in the program lor the Blka' purple narnlval In Portland on Friday and .saturdav, appear th.-e feStONOI "In Indian race betw i Wild Hill and Gilbert If Intborn, rwo Indians from I'matilli reservation in lull cos- tame, "Hshibltlon of frontier life, aotv iatlng ol horse rue inn, huckituf, lasso inn, trick rhllug, ImriUe j u n i nu , by Me-srs. (ilenn Buahee. crank Rarnart, Ullberl Mintnorn ami Wild Hill, tlm Mi DOncloding wltll a sensational ami dare devil perioriii ince, "The Cowlwiys Chase for a Wile," assisted by Madame Aeetlu and her (antroai Indian pony. " I ho latter announcement is (or an vent in whicl the Cowlsiys are ex pected I' ride i pursuit of the each oin t" all' nipt to lake her Irom her saddle with the presumption that she will reward tin Miccesidiil cowinaii with her hand in marring.'. DOli AND PONY SHOW. Tomorrow Comes Prof. Uentry and His Trained Animals. The , due. He-1 pome-, doge, lllnnke ami small elephants, will v'lve exhi bit ion- under t lieir h tent in this city tomorrow, Friday, one day only. Too much can hardly Is- said in praise ol thes. highly trained animals, !,.. MklkUUn Ik., ...... I. mm ..... .Ill' ll't.l.'ll I il.ll . II' , U . ' B." II,,- otnu-'i-t i,b i , :r. c an. get ree a trial battle .. I Kemp - ...located borses or dogi, There Balsam lor the throat and Inn-, ,,.,,, at on the program, remetly that i-'uaranD.e.1 to c.Ke and ni,,hl h(l , ,,,' u H re .eveal chronic and acute oougha y trom , ,r. ,,, M,.,i; , , asthinu, broucihtiM ami consumption. ! ,.Uum . , ,.i .,rl,.,i,. .; -. I nil t,:.. I... ' r.. I . " . ....... rsssse.w .v. .... . m .- , ,riil I'rof. 1 .entry has ipnl an ,v ' Q-. son' agents. ,,( ,,, iuA , f , ,,,,.,,,,,, ,,, raoei attractive way of asblblling their Intelligaaoa. No one in the city should nn-- this grand opportunity. Prices .ire within reach of all. ami white illusion, nenneiaaonn'i "Wadding March" was rendered by Mrs. Kdwtn Swit.ler at the piano. Durum the ceremony, si e snltly played "The f lower BOOg. the bride was charming in white silk grenadine over white satin. She carried a large boaaaal of white carnations, lioses, p nes, carnations, etc., ami white ribbons composed the decorations. Altai the wedding eereaaony congratu lations, were extended and refreshments were served. Tho happy couple were the recipients ol many valuable and useful presents from Irieuds ami relative- hen and at Portland. Hie bride la the daughter ol Mr and Mrs. lot l.ivurniore, ami has resided here since childhood, with a I,. rye circle ol friends, the groom is of the linn ol Wadhatns .v Kerr llros.. ol Portland, wholesale grocers. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell leit on the train Ibis morning ir i,..,..n,' . Victoria ami Seattle on a wedding Irin. 1 hey will he Jit home at Portland in two weeks in abamberet, Bands, BelllngfJiraBti building, ami will later reside in Fast Portland. Hemphlll-HURK. The marriage ol Miss Nellie Ragg and Carl Hemphill took place at the residence ol Mr. and Mrs.K. II. Iditfu. perenta ol the bride, on Fast (Jourl treat, al So'eloali on Wedneertay ava ning. Jam IS Bev, John LTren, pas tor of the Thompson street M. 10. oheroh performed the ceremony, The happv couple left at In: In Wednes.lav night for the west on a Wadding trip, making the journey (ram The Dalles by boat. I he principals in tins wed ding are young and popular and re ceived many J early congratulation-. Upon their . return they win go to housekeeping on the farm ol the groom near Pilot Kick. Shull-Dsnd. Miss Myrtle hand, daughter ol John Daub, the well known tanner who r"ides north ol Pendleton, and Dean I.. Sliull, well known in Pendleton, were married on Wednesday evening, Jane i- at the noma of Mrs. Bliaa both -hull, on Thompson street. Key. W. K. Potwiue, rector of the Church ol the Keditemer perlormcd the cere BlOny In the presence of a small circle ol relatives and Irlonde. They will continue to make their home in Pen d Interna Pollook-Mlclisel. Blvin Pollock, ol l.a i. ramie, and Miss Ella Michael were married at S :3 o'clock on Wednesday evening, Jane IS, at the boato Ol Mr. ami Mrs. W. 1.. Manning on Willow treat. The bride is the daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. A. F. Michael, oi Pilot a sister of Mrs. Manning. Mr. Pollock is engaged iii the restaurant business at La iiramle, where the newh married couple will make their home. SII47..50 P0R THE FOURTH Subscriptions Coming In and tho 9IAU0 Needed is Kxpseled. The subscription- t" lbs f I fun. I needed for the Fourth of July land have been brought up In lll..5n. It is thought the entire fl'sm will 1st secured iii a lew days. The subscrip tions lirsl reported were: saloons I KlSi isi this conference, but that il was for a general .liscnsion of bnalneM condl- lions and prospects through the North west. The agents returned lo their i homes last night. i Dj.tnct Attorney T. Ilalley, ac eotiipsnii'd by Mrs flnilev nnd child ; ren, will leave at fi I Is) this Blterms n for ASk lay, Iowa, for a Vieit, l b. I entire party w ill then probably go or, I to the Bnffelo i xposition arid perhaps I lo Virginia, also I hev will go via the I Union Pacilic system and return via ! Denver and Salt Lake. They expect to return in about be neeka. MONTUDMKBY MAVAI'.RR Paget Sound Warehoine Compsnv Makes Some A ppoin I nients. F. Norman, general manager ol the I'Ogel BaVnd Warehouse company, wa in Ibis city a few dins ago, ami while here made permanent arrangement" with T. 11. Montgomery to remain in Pendleton as local manager ol the company. Mr. Montgomery h.i- ap pointed agents for tlmdilf. r"n! -lations in his territory as follow - Fulton station. F. E. Woodruff: Warren, L ('. Si hrader; Helix A . li. Montgomery; VeBeycle, Wm. ll. A I bee. The Pendleton ollice II in tin itenn building on Oourl street, -ST. JOE SPECIAL SALE for ONE WEEK t 'oTninoiitiiitg tod will utl'or ul I Roo Is than R'wd Lr"l- Puiidtetuii, " . Ft; in - were intend .uir stori nvei Hi nuiki Hill iii, we heBjpor tot In kl.i) H()i PRICES If you time. wanl good good Remember, teap now WEEK is vntir ONLY. LYONS MERCANTILE COa, will the Ill- Hand Concer, lonlalit. The usual weekly band concert be given this Tlmr-day evening n corner oi Mam ami Alia street! slea.l ol Friday evening. NM lullnw ing program will he rendered, com menclng at h n'clo k p, m : March. " I he Thunderer. " Hniian; Spanih wait., "La Circus " Rmldyi serenade, "Starlll Night," bum n dean , overturn, "Imprompto,1 Delh polka, "Lightly Tripping," Lauren dean ; march, 1 ' rite lladiatoj ' -oiisa. V - OI.YMIMA SI'LCIAL SESSION The house agreed course lime I- Come and Celebrate the Fourth of .July. I'lii' Peoples Warehoiihe .... Cleaver Hros. DrvgiMsIs Co. Ibe Ilig Huston Store Pendleton liroeery Association ' seven grocery stores C. K Dutton T.V. Tavlor Uro. k A McComas Baal Iregomaii . (J. koeppell ,v Hr..-. Kill ph C. Ward Peadletoo Tribune I, Neiiman Wm. Uoodocko W. D. Fechter William IP-, i. Jos. Ilasler , . redariek Nolf lie... rrisuiie Marl. Pultun W. K.Wllhee I by I l ea House V. Stroble E. A. Schilller S.dinls fhos L. 1-iUgerald Additional Subscriptions. P. O. Klliot Bchwart v Ureuliofi liennett ,V l aroet olden Itllle Store ... f years l nailer i roisoin Pendleton Cigar factory Clement- iV Wilson K. J. .Murpiiy Perry II ..user Levi Fl.iridge your W i M.iki t3is) sior. hnadquartara. have a nice line of stationery anil toilet articles. All tin latest booka and nutguioM TALLMAN & CO . Thousands sent Into Kxlle. Fvery year a large iiunilar ol Msir sutlerers whose lungs are sore and racked with coughs are urged to go to another climate. Hut this is costly and nit always sure. Don't be an exile when Dr. king's New Discovery for consumption will cure you at home. Its the most infallible medicine tor coughs, colds, ami all throat and lung disease- on earth. The li ret dose bring relief A-toumliiig cures result from persistent us.-. Trial bottles free at rallmaa a ('.'. How AOout Your Vacation? Why not spend the vacation at I Bunion bay, w here can be bad excef- leaf tare, g..,sl lishing, g.asl boating, lie bathing, alluring rides and ram b lea, Ine poaraaa and exercises at the Bummer achool, ol IS01, at Newport, will atford great variety of instruc tions', diversion and entertainment. No othel resort oilers ciiual al trac tions and advantages." Balurdav will br tim Mith guitar ary ol the dedication ol the Kirst church of Portland. 80 isi ;) no , (Hi :si 00 80 00 isi SO 00 L'o tin 10 isi 10 (SI 10 00 10 on 10 oo lo no lo tki in tsi in no 10 on lo INI 7 ho 0 no 0 00 8 INI i' 80 j ..I i 15 in ISI 111 INI 111 IS Iii on lo in in ISI 7 oo 7 50 o 00 Recommsndatlnn ror Repeal of the Rands Law. Ol vinpiil, .lime PJ. The sp,., ml hcs- Inn ni the Waahlnaton leglalaturi convened iii this citv Tueaday with 94 mem her ol the senate end W membem of the house present, III senators am It representatives being fttMent Winn the aeoate adjourned it iuui acnom. plished n considerable portion oi the work lor which the extra MCf hi was called. ndieiary onmmlttae ol each called a joint meeting end to recommend the (ol Ion I of act ton : first , that the law which provides for (In execution of rawdemBed criminal! in tlm penitentiary, shall ne repealed be (ore it goes into eitect Thuraday. Second, that Hie enactment ol a law embodying the essential points of the I: .id law but containing a Hiving clause providing for ihe execution oi criminals already condemned under the old system, via. in the jail ami by the inerlfl Ol the county w herein the crime was committed bo carried oat. The State hOnMOPathlata elected: President, Fmuui J, Welty, r looted; Hrst and secml vice president, Dr. (teorgi Wigg, vice Dr. .b tler.b. treas urer. Dr. Herbert Nichols, vice II. li. Drake! aorreepondiag aaontary, Dr. Margaret tbligley, vice Dr. Hrown: recording seretarv, Dr. P. L. M., reelected Obolaa ripe atrawberriri can be bought in Hie stores in Portland at a rale ol two boxes for 10 cents, which is the lowest price that has been charged this sea-on ' ! or n.ofiryri i m . sir itl -h v I .k ngpL-gs JTrTrOH O IIOOS' 1 13 SAcrrioc O '"Ops' - est In old snl Curu . .-...., Niir u -tosses, apermntorrnoeo 1 'T li, ft'.mll.-ll fcrvos.ion. " . '. , i ,r'?s Unflineiis 10 ssnrrf, upss Of ' i'Viio.i fti.ins Qulrknossi o' D,' kosi Murnoou, irn- I' , wo'". i. f"fj. L.ini. Uuc ' , . ... I. , l.f I I ll A idrose, Blsnou Memerty Co. mi. 'ri'i'si rsi. I'k'VMi, Nervous ur. 1, Varicocele, Slops Ntir 7 r nil II IS. I W , li I. '.I - 1"t h-p. Il i.r. col. Ann rrancisoo THE ONLY! THE ORIGINAL! GENTRY'S MU Uo Uliu M i y J n mr V SHOW "AdvertisitT is one :r da fua' laws o nature. 1 1 aaid I m la Ebon "A In n's ;usiiii'ss is ,t inj; ais an vv Inn. slie complatea .1 tranaaction slir st, Hits ri'jlit in In cackle." I lave you bean ua "cackling" abottt our W K'-JINE 14 sy More Elephants More Ponies More Dogs More Monkeys Than all other bo called ghoea oombined. Larger and better this year than ever before performing Baby Elephants "WE HAVE THEM." A Herd of HSee I'rof. (ientrv's New Sixtv nonv mci Ine of the new foaturee. 1 f-' a summt Imp it is, indeed, to supply your but weather needs from our array of cool, light and handsome footwear. K.very boa want of town and country, busi IMsMJ and ple.i-.ure, in and out ol disirs, is met in this smart display of tin-season'- novelties. Many scarcely know what to take font suth a pro Itufon oi bisl choices at melttsl prices. Outing shoes (or Ladio ui S.iii, etc. Pendleton Shoe to., WM. HTZUKKALD, Manager. Total to date 11I7 ."HI HKRSOhAL WMNriON. frank Hilbart. of Ukiah, was visitor 111 Pendleton OB Wednesday. Harry L, Has tar, al Abuandar Hexter, lias returned imui a pleasant week s trip and visitat l ortland. Huker City Demoerat : Miss Hertm, Alexander, ol Pendleton, is visiting relatives and friends in baker Citv. vy . D. Chamberlain, county clerk, is 'in t'ortlaud attending Mas.uiir itram hnlge. He is master ol the work for Kastern Oregon. l.a Iiramle Chronicle: Miss Moll) Pr.s.btel has returnisl home Irom an emended visit in Portland ami other points, in the Willamette valley. C. II. Hrced, general superintendent of circulation oi the Spokesman-lie-view, was u guest of the Hotel Pendle ton Thursday morn ing, accompanied h Ins right bower, 0 J. Frees, . Hater City Democrat: K O, Correll, of tbu law in in of butcher & Correll. will take his departure today for Weston ami Milton. He will attend the commencement exercises ol the state normal school at Weston. Mort Moach value in from M. k , . creek, where be is painting. on Wednes day evening, bought some more paint and posted upon baseball news, then returned to hit work. He will be in Pendleton on Sunday ready to join the Pendleton bam-lull I team on its north ern trip. Portland l Iregnnian : Agents of the Darlington railroad iii the territory having headoiiarlerM in Portland were in Portland lor a conference w ith UeU oral Agent Sheldon. They were P lienton, of Seattle; A. II. Jackson, of Spokane, J. W. Draper, oi Tacouia, and K. li. Wilson, of Walla Walla. It was said tiiat the new relations of ttie Durliugion bad no bearing on the beat y coffee on c-artli? Lik' the hen wi have soniethiiiK tu tai:kl about. Owl Tea House Kirk's itriiet soaps. i i m I co. W. J. SF.WKLL, Manage. FREE! Elep after ianl into I ami I miv i n 1 performance lo ell 1 li I if 1 1 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL LUMBER DEALERS Yard on Webb sir.sM OaaOOite Hunt Freight Des.t We are Waparad 0 furnisli anything in the 1 u 111 tier line and can guarantee price to bo cheap, if not ehe.t. . than others. We also carry a larce line of Doors, Windows ami Moulding Parties contemplating building will do well to see us hofow placing their orders. We also carry Cascade Kcl Kir wotsl. Phone Main Rft "Nerve Waste." Oue ol the ui.,.1 tielpful book on lu-l vo eakaaaaaver lamed u tbal aattUad "liarva Hasie," by I'l Sswjei el Krau.i.i-.i, new Iii Us mill ibou.m l. Tins work uf uu exper Nteaae4 and rtgUUest physiriau Is in ukivc sblu cunlrusl lo lb.' run u m of Ul.o iKucblns bn b gaavalla en this latsnaaiai sablaii b boiiiiUa in ciircfull v iuiiM'lriv.1 mnt practical silvii-o, an. I ban lb,- we great aMfttl n Win .loin eag n erect I j- It Is sndursed by belli lie- relll00l sua secular pres. 1 lie i In oafjp Advance says: "A ..I lie- leak and lbs spjiln alien . In priin iilrs will mi as illh, l"Us- uu.l Lean lute Ibeuiau.l. of lives Uial u- now MlgerlttB iinougii ear vnui trapeieiueat.'1 Ibe book is II 0. by uixi, ,Hit,ael one of the uiest tuieieitlBg skaeiert akaater xx, on Mmtnaa and aerve roaies bos been prbitv.l seiwraltly as s osuipls chapter, aval will uu sriil in any address n.r sisiup b In. publisher.. THI PAOIVtfl I'UBUSIIIM. CO., Uox lhs. Sau sraiicisco. Remember f riday, June 14. CcLID V'rtiiBl A sinner ina appear lo ,r a saint. I lefeoti in (urnituro ntaj be cover i i aith paint. Sugai coated pilla will fool us, Ami experience ,iiun. will school us thai when w wanl SOLID QttOO,, UP-IO-DATL LE FURNITURE W. must . to RADER'S Wei its. A go a 0UIU Idvv Shadei i" i mm, ricture K ortiking Parlo calls, i u- rames, .Minors, ete SPECIAL SALE OF SUITS AT ol We have iboul fio sm suns of liiad, ligej rorn at g sacniice to make loom iur other $it Suifs at itlli s iii short lr.,u t i; In t, ,l.:..i. .'., , Wl ar. goods Dm ami two IQf sale we will till,-. oin SrS in KsoAss a. s. lia.oo suits 7 ; ttl 5,0 so ... ,-iy up suits I a I- . .. "..' t me reauction on .,11 chea We ,111 b.iv. i I . . . I 11US l(1 . piiaiicu -"" i i.ui t,, .Sl., t;re.n reduction Dally Has i Oresronian, dekveraJ cart lei, only 15 cents e week. b lloni lb,- -..,, .,1 ... bobsr,' v I K " ". 1 Hi,tes .... uul We cm Otlier merchant'a uZ!S: our own price! lUOIOI. """t.rst.iiul what AND ODrr.Ak. r""'S.l I 1 1 fit. 1 1nrrrvra.) n,-. nsraRT run Time Sehudule From Pendioton. Mirt. ehlcagn r,,. 1 i.iiei s)r.eclsl 1 :2h P. in. VtK llllllt- In 0.111 s.:rl,n.l.Vm2!,,i Ka maage'aaa r.T1'' in. Atlantic Kx press (l:li s. m. via Hunt. Imitnii. si Paul Khisi Mall s lU n. m. vln sipnksno. slt I ske. bonrsr , Worth, Oinalm, k.. -seity hi l,mChi. aege sn.i Ksm. 1 Wells Wslls, l.wli.B itUne,WsU,TJ man Mo,,,,,.. . ,.' !!" I'sui. buintb.niisiJ5:l,"k See, I bless., ainl Ocean and River Schedule . FROM I'OKi l.ANl, m:(i p. m. Hlly I'T'.-Ilt Hun, lay s p. in . Hrttiir.lay 10 p, m. Dally ex. Huiiilsv Sam All .allin,' ,i' ,. ,nb JTt to chat,,.. For Km, msii aver) , ,ty. Colunmis ii i v nr To Astoria tul WM Unillng,. k Willamette Rly(P lorornu ( f, S)(' ! and Hslem, lint,. , "WTt. I. r, s. m. I ill's Ibrs. an. I Hat. 7 s. ni. i net ihrs. ami Hut I ea v.- eiperte 1 In s. m. Pally OOTVmlUl ami W y. mm Wlllamottu arniyni I Rivers .lli'K.Ul III), nu anil WRy..n,lM(, i.. Snake Hlver. i, , .... i ... , i I ' 1.. Wl S 10Q , Iwju r v wamtev Take the. Washington & Columbia River Railway Pet Ohleajo, hi. sum Cky, Hi. Paul. Bt Leak I Jea, Omaha, in,! All D:. C . J p an uiiila in ,ii vi Portlend end points on thr Sound. Arrives Mum Is st :. ys, n.'.iii. tusTiuii) . i "i. ii, iiii'S'invh i ri i r.iiam ss.t l i.'parls .tally except Hun.lsy II, : r i i ,. I ' i . , 1 ..1 . loilallous call on or s.l.lri'i. W ADAMS . cniiirwii, ') ". ii. ..I'. i'i i ii. r. a,, Wall,, Wall,, Maih The Columbia Lodin House NRWLY KURNIHriiU) HA K IN CdNNKirriOS IN OKNTKKOK Itl.iH'K HKT. ALT A tt WKBBHTri V. X. SCHEMPP, Pre sl IT Th II a .'f!s.t no Kann lni D.isltss Ulik mm v . . p . j - - l'ediKrecU Batgkia Mere and pure bred Fewftfc Mures, fi Oil mt pair, s"' Barreil. lluli, ami White Plj" oath Roeka tlggs tf.(M-arjfc :i sittiiiKs lor to 00; alao jW liarre.1 Kisik egli 1-50 N silt in. ., , i. i.i ....i I-...I. i isi ivr 1), an, ..I,,, T- r A Hillings for (jSlfi) Visitors wolcoin. Kor lurti iuior mat ion aildrc - uuy w. VAM Pandletan r, Ml - -us --Bs. '.'nH e Hie noat Practical of Hey I. our Milwaukee HOwer, "''I older, is good for auy amoual I iii- ins. linn is ju.t I'"-' ' ""Jul k "itii.i, nn.i it ' " I ...I nu lb.. Ill. ...... .,,.1 .1 relii- market, It would is. cbeaptrel "lino machini st lweiiiy-" I1!, price, ami tbc cist la outy N w NEA6LE BHOk a t a bc ruun om ,u a lb e Koodg niUoni cm uur 1 reduction In SUta Kergti k Tjrht hm .sgannV'n mmmw . ... -.m ,,, mxmmw ii. , ... ae ..... , . u ictuf -I in..' ,,.! Bejl'r.,i.i,i, eol.l.l..i.. I' Hill , M mmm .ilil . .il . o. a. mmm . BBBtsw srn '"'anjaMr.'8 f u.ui.r - m a i.i THK Niewsi Talw 1 r v-iroKoniau. iaj s . uiau. wooaiy w-j- , - a "Vooklv na.oo a voai Xafm'