pINGEDITIBN MILVtVEKING EDITION I MHMHMHM 2 jj EASTERN ORFXiON WEATHER. I S flr 'i. night and Friday ; jSjgJ r ... to V ...., nfill'iw. teatghl fr -aok THIS rw" PENDLETON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OHEt-JON, Till US DAY, JUNK 13, 1901. NO. 4150 14. I 1 I 1 vv. L , -- BJBJJJJBBBBBBBBBBBJBJBJB I MOST ..m i:TP : ! : " 7 F A IN -L i w SERIES: : I rctprn Oregon You want a TP HICKEN Sice size spring fryers, IsspiI or alive. Tailor Made Clothes For Youths. R Dcmol I . It SVT V - - V'i hgVC added a new department to our tailoring business and now make Youths' street suits, dress suits, aril tuxedo suits. These specialties are very popular with those wi.h ' dressy and yet do not care .o . .. .r.ionate prices. Every care and attention is given this youths' depart ment that we give our regular tailoring husincss Alexander & Hextcr. URNKRAL NRWS. The Boston Store Today s news is of very practical and satisfying economics, a icw" prices at random. The main point of this business is to sell eoods, but the selling must be right. Every customer a I aA1aJIaJ M. . l . ! . m 4 1 . I am t .. . ....... n ni t I I i itiii.k h.i.k UM DC MallMICU. JUl iimuuiiMi iu 'mil caiau an is vmin. mi ?et nrices not duolicated outside of this store. I I A - 1. 1 , . - i SI l M hi iiuuiii; iiantieis riii'Vt mi in lowcis. cucii m a cv ("ina sit n no ies' hose fe hi,., it tic), c i r! 111. .ill II i. II1 i it t it j till, it I 1 I i i mm n s i 1 v 11 v MM this MMOp'l inaki'. 5()V 'Fruit of the Loom" and "Lonsdale" muslin 8-Jc Fancy iris dimities 5c Berkley catnKric 10c Ladies' summer vests 5c and LOc Ladies leather belts, s;unil' line of all stvdes I0o Ladies' kid gloves, worth $1.00. 65c White bed spreads 7(k Ltoe.ourteini, white and torn, ptr yard 89c Jl M The handsomest line of muslin underwear ever shown in Pendleton. New straight front Coifetl and Girdle.-. a. mm m mmm. Mm, m rjimieion s Big Busy 5tore. HIIM ''Otfer a renlai .J3 . . c uuiit,-, ( in, ,. t. t rsilile (or -,5. ln act Jllgjlaunpare favorably jyj4o wheel in Pendleton ei Sunn intowleditad liead Cas Dil and up. ICK 1.,. 1. 1 Hue uiiift suap. Md ccosoap 2.c l,ars mmAii.. '3-6j. sonu- excellent J,nQew iyo, hammocks. Things Here JJVI . " ' It-24 lutl.iC toyjc BOV-UIMI lor gifts "H 65c con: sw sauce 4ttheSA! FoftheWESSEL DRY GOODS STOCK. . 05c, $ OA ami . n. ' '"Hi consul,,.,, ..1 . i . n.l "rv 1U111V Sauce dilfi- ' . V. vae statu s l.r..u,i .!. h1Sg 1" 3 "rustles, .. "1UU ll Prices dust goods at 'Ption (or any We are ur neut.1. tS Urn ,., "tJC', f,.L- . 1.- Ifc. Li " 1 , r-xai r '1UII,. , ' ouriul and dozens n8 periodicals. SiftS? hllt"d rin8' P'ain tunds,,rt nnys, war jc aim 50c. ettericK Nolf ' lor Stockton incubator. 86 in. Corded Soleil, regular .r)9e, now 38 in. Plaid, regular 76e, now 40 in. Novelty ( 'heck, regular $1.25, now 50 in. Silk and Wool Novelty, regular $1, now 38 in. Storm Serge, regular 75c, now 45 in. Granite, regular $1.25, now 36 in. Granite, regular $1.00, now 45 in. Henrietta, regular $1.00, now 37 in. Black Novelty, regular 00c, now 38 in. Black Novelty, regular 75c, now 3(3 in. Black Novelty, regular 40c, now 3(J in. Henrietta, regular $1.00, now 38 in. Sicilian, regular 75c, now 20 in. Jap Silk, regular 35c, now 24 in. Indiaa, regular 50c, now 19 in. Taffeta, regular 85c, now Good assort men t of colors in above. 29c 29c 09o 59c 58c H9c 69c 79c 2!r 29c 19c 7oV 59c 23c 59. SECOND LARGEST PRIMARY WOOL MARKET HERE Pendleton Now Has 4,231,412 Pounds on Hand. ! LARGEST WOOL SCOURER IN WEST Hiindlm Tell About the Full Warehouses and 1 he Stale of (be Traffic it This Point. Pendleton Imo in IMkrebotttM 1,131, 111 ponidt if woni. William J, .1. Stitnfnrd, unvornor of Alatmiiirt, ilini at Tuwnlixn-.i Ma., wliert" he hail tnon ill for MMM time, of heart iliwaao. tl N IwrftgtM. billn of exchange on Npw York, whirh had rxin at a premium of :!ii per rent in Nioarantia dnrinK April ami up to Mav If, have fallen to 210 per rent premium. Chicago on Tnestlay eierieneed Ibt bighMl teniperatiire of the year, Rfl d agreet, and at the came time the hn mi, lity was extremely liigh, reaching 92. Six prufitrationK were reported. EomIo BorbMMi of Taltaya province, liai proclainieil hiniaelf the IBOCmwf of Agninaltlo and "governor of Talmya-t and the rti i I i ppi not-. ' 1 ac cording to a copy ifa Manila paper jilM received Hi the war department. The PMMM1 Ivania Steel company han pMnd into the control ol the Pennsylvania railroad, and the Peimvl vaiiiu Kailroail A International Navigation companv uitendi" to utilize the work of the ftoel company at RMttOWl Point. Md., an a chip btalldtsgj plant. Capital intH of New York are reach ing mil to control the commercial anil industrial interest of Nova Sotia. The Vaiiderhilt million are Itchind a giganti. tinaucial m-heme, which has mm moor poratacj andar the name ,f n ! 1 , of the ine iiomimon ,, nr no- con panv wiiii a capital of 1,M0,00Oi William ('. Whittles, of New York. who leaned Volodvnvsik, the Knglish lierhv winm-r, from l.ady Mciix, is extremely anxioll to hnv the colt, and linn offered her 176,000 in cash. 1m Idaa til mm. whirh renresentu iHHi for the rental (or the vear ami KRl,. Wool Hhipping center. ikhi one. half of the Oi rhy winnings. "Cardinal Hihhona explained to the pops." May the Room MffWMMdjitol the Mi 1)1 Chronicle, "how iiiiponsihle it wonld ho ( ir the I'nited State gov ernment to accredit a reproeentative to the VaticHii, bMMM the republic ac knowledged no stato religion and did not recocnixe the tlivenuty ol Chri tian confesalooa." Flif Pennsylvania railroad company ha acipi ir il the coal Held operated by tie' Iterw itnl-White Coal Mining company. Tne Iter, ind-White BM pan) ha la-en considered the heaiveat operator in ofl coal in the t inted Mutes. The amount involved in the purchase by the railroad connany I placed at $31,000,000, I I hject ol the control ol these coal liebls by the Peiinylvania railroad coiniany i to protect iti coal-carrying interests. PALIFIL NORTH W KS I NKWS. There is reusoii to lielieve that the mantilacture ol condeiiaed milk will oon U ailiel to Oregon' diveritied indiisirie. Mt'phen llolcoinb. who resides near Phillips, Washington OMBtV, waa ai'i idi'iital Iv shot by a gupher M atel instantlv i i ifii. II. W. stoni. ol PortUutl, general ecn tury t the V. M. C. A. tln-re, Mas elected aHSisluut secretar) of the V. If, 0a A. jllhlee convent loll ill llos toD. Unler the mandate ol the supreme court the death warrant of BbtH ' liovee, tlie w id iniirderer, vas m-l by Judge Shell at Tacolna. T he date of execution was Bxad for Kriilay, August U. At Aatoria, reports Jroin all part of' the river are to the clli-ct that tin- run of fish is much lielter, and with every reasonable right to believe that it w ill coiitiuue to Hn rt'ttse, a the river is lalling and gitting clearer. Oil wa found on tii,- McKay (arm, near Troutdale Monday. The water at tbi point ol Beavei creek i complete ly saturaied with oil, ami burn readily when a match .ipplied. So gixsl are the indication and nature of the tin i J thai word wan MDt that day to tin Watson OQMMIIJ 111 Portland to have it tested . liistrict Aitorm v Hart, of Marion Maatty, NaOMMMd Attorney OmMWI Hlack'hiiru ami M. I.. ChamlMtrlaiii, clerk ol the atale laud boMrd. Itelore the graml jury to testily a to tin. ism 'Icialcation of Oeorge W. I'avm, a clerk of the SWOOl laud Isiard. The intcntiiin oi tba dlSirlol attorney is to nubinlt (be lad. olitained to Jmlge Hamilton for b is opinion a to the Htatuie of linttatlOM and if the nrose SOtiofl I harred the cane will be dropped otl.erw ise an indictment may lie presi nnl . From figure obtained from P. p.. Pendleton wool conring mill; W. .1. Inrnish, president of tin' PwndlttOtl Saving bank ; and Prod W. Ilemlle)', of the lodOMndORl Ware- bOM iiipany, the year ItOI i the banMT year for Pendleton a regard it prominence as a wool market and a There had been NMlvtd i't the Pendletofl warel set. this season up to and including June It, the lot lowing amount At the Pendleton wool Hcouring in ill, 1 ,947 (til Hinnd which have been receipted for and 2U car on the track awaiting disposal in the different warehouse, at the Purniah warehouae, 1 ,7." i.iaa I ixiund, with several car which have not had their content transferred , at the Imlepen dent warehouse, I I ih sacks, or :i7H,nuu pound of this year' clip; I sacks or I57.O00 ixiund of clip of I WOO. or ,r:t:i,iHHI poiiml all told. Added to gether it makes a total of wxd thu far receipted (or of 4,2:11,412. Home of ibt wool reported at the I nrnish ware house, alterwaril sold by Mr. Pnr nih, on commission, to K. Y. Judil, may be d uibleil in the above lignres, iif there was no way to segregate the different amount. F. W. Handlay'i Talk. P. W. HtMdlM had jilt received MVt Hack, or 111,000 pounds of C. I: W.eli-'n wiol Iron I'.rtriihart station I his was packed under the MpOfVilion of 1 1 in in rinokett, and Mr. rloadloy Mid a finer lot ol wool bad nevi r come lo 1'finf It-ton, so far as the manner in which it had I u marked and packed was OOOMrned, Kach ack wa clean and stnlfetl lull, ami plainly marked a to which of the II different band it came from. Mr. Hemlley ha stored in the Independent Warehouse 1200 sack, ;t'U ixiund to the Hack, of wool purchasiil (iy K. V. Jinld, the moil ring mill waiehoiiMe being tiai full to Mtore it. Tii ih wool i inclndeai in the I, MT.s hiiiiiih alxive referreil to. W. J. Furrtlih'i Heii.l. f p. Judd expreil the opinion that Pendleton this year would stand second in the lit of citle of the I'uitixl Stales a a wool Hhipping SMtor, The Dalle will remain in the lead. The wool situation i aalisfac tory .n. i large ijnant itie are ladng Isiiigbt and old at prevailing prices. Y. Juiid ha alreadv purchaaeii 2, .'DMJJMMI pounds ol wool, of which I, 7,ri0,000 pound will come to Pendleton to he Mi oiired. Of the MOl thu far received at the mills. HO per cent will be scoured as rapidly a posrible. Sir. Puruisb naid that the indication were (bat 2,0U0aUQQ pOOBda of sTOOl HoiiULpnst, tbrOOgb Ihh Mitrehouse this vinrmi in reoaipti tbna far bnta batM nun bKiea ier ihun in any Dfaf iOQI ear Villi a tonall percuiitatie of the Wool clipped in I'matilla county I ol the 7 to H-tieut kind. That price is ijuoted for the heavy wool, full ol sand. Children Have "eyes bier than theii stouiacha," according to au old saj ing They over eat tbetnaelvea, and u ti mpted by ail aorta of lujuiiutia ami Indigestible edi bles. Am a COMMIlBXMI UlC foUU'iatloli of serious stouutch trouble ia often laid in child lcxl For children with "weak" digestion or whose stomal bs are diseased, Doctor Pierce's ( foldeu Medical Discovery may be confideutly recommended. It cures of the stomach and other orgaiis of digeetion aud nutrition, so Unit the Bouriahment contained in food is per fectly asaiiuilated and the puny child ia built up by food into a condition of robust health. Dr. I'iexce's Golden Medical Discovery contains neither alcohol nor narcotics. Accept no substitute lor "OolUcn Wl teal i ii .,.rn " There ia nothing just as good " for diseases of the stounu b aad other organs tt digestion and nutntioo. ttrm Kll.. I.ardu.r of WiUlVK. StulilKSCS aeUadid health, I am tadT futiod iuftot cuuuniuu sin 1 arbo cuulJ iu u,v child. Whenever she Itsl Mmmmn Cadly I aivc her In Wcice i,.,IJeu Medical I mu 257 i" . -u.. .,1 j,m nh. i. -a, i 'r- - i..... ii T UIVOKCL, IHliN MARRIAQE A Standard Oil ttagnats Will Adopt Sueli a Course. Went Palm Heard, Kla.. June l, Henry M. Flagler, the Mandard Oil millionaire, has applied lor a divorce under the recently enacted law which make insanity a cause (or divorce. Mrs. Hagler is in New York a yet. Flagler, it is said, will marry aaain soon after be procures a divorce. LEW ON TRANSVAAL MINKS k'lgland Will Haas riiem Fay Half tbe War Kxpente. laWadotl, June U, -It i reported jj governuibiit circle that it ha biteu dec ided to levy 2fim,i a a i,t a pounds on the Transvaal gold mines lo pay hall ihen.Ht of the South African war. The lew will cause coustemati on among Kaltir sUa-khoiders, but It will be sjpular with the general public. Hsllalous Rlollna. belfast, June It, The religious riot i . sr which occurred on June U was re- neweil here today at Queen's Island. A uuiuber of shipyard men attacketl aouie Catholic iiavviea, and, in the tight, many were seriously hurt. Is In Anotbar Duel, faris. June 13. Mex Kegia waa principal in another duel today and was auain wounded in the arm. His adversary was a Paris journalist Ualae to Atlantis CHy. Atlantic City, S. J.. June 18. A re . i is vurreut here that Mrs. McfcCiu ley will be brought here so soon aa her THK NF.W YORK MARKET Rsported by I. i Ray ft Co., Pendleton, Chleaeo Board or Trad and Maw Tors: stork Rxahanse Beokert. New York, June II, The wheat market wa active tixlav ami made one of those move which look a though price hail reached a turning point fter a break of six cents at New York and ten cent in Chicago in little more than a week's lime, UftffpOvl closed ." H l8, New York ODttMd at 77c, broke sharplv to 76, from which point ther wa an advance to 77 ' , closing 77 :t-H. Stock were alo very trong, St Paul advancing four points and Union I'acillc six. The balance ol the list how gotxl gain. Wheat: Closing yesterdar, 77. Opening today, 7. Kange tislay, 7i to 77'. Clow tixlay, 77 :bK. Stix-ks: Sugar. HM'v, tohacco, 140 steel, !! 4 . St. Paul, 170, Atchison. fllM Fine. 44 I S. I'nion Pacllic, 11- Wheat In San Franolieo. San Francisco. June 18, Wheat, 1091 , to KM "-st. Whsst In Chleago. Chicago. June 13, Wheal, ill' to 71 1-H. THE CUBANS MUST DO MORI! At I KITANt K OK P I. A T T NOT KNOUbH A M h N II St H N I UneieSam Dsmands Further Compliance With His Commands Rotor Coming Away. Wahington, June III. 1'no.ual itltl acceptance of the I'latl amendment bv the Cuban coiistilnl loual coiivesit ion loe not mean that American HohlierN will In uifitiatelv withdrnwu from the island, nor that the IrilNteeHhip of the United States will be emled at once. BofOTR thlH Is eltecled the con venlnai must outline ami adopt the flection laws, ofllcer must be chosen and the actual government must he in Hinooth opi'ralion. October I ban Iteen net bf the cabinet iiieuibers as the earliest poHnihle date on which Cuba may be left to work out her dentin) unaided. The selection of the llrat ,, lin ers ol Cuba will ho carefully un dertaken. It is intimated at the war department that lieueral Woixl will lone much to do with the choice ol the Cuban leaders. ARMY OFFICERS MAKE UQHT But the Inspector Had Previously ii. i i s Hlmrtaae. San I raiicinco, June Ml. The inspec tor who are locating tiie stolen govern ment supplies this morning found the bMM bavndl ng the same elomxl or the material spirited away. Aim ibfRJM has not vet been located. No new discoveries have laen made public. Amy ollicials affect to make light of the whole allair. It diais not appear that very strenuous efforts are lauug made to invent igate. Secret Service Agent lla.en ntaten lhat he reHirled to Col. Maun sever il inoliths ago that governmeiit supplies were being oflered (or sale. No action wa taken until thin week, when the agita'loo bv the dallv papers canned d int Insures The air in full o rumor that the al legist systematic looting ha been going on ever since the war, RMelelly In the traupaort service wl ere the vohscIh -p, oi a large part ol the time in the repair shops. This Is ntreiiu ou.i denied by the army ollicials. (iRANI) ATHI.IiTIC CARNIVAL Anisistir. lo Coiiipst at the Pan ainsrloaii Stadium. BarStJo, June l.'l.-The amateur Athletic union champloiinhip games hu b upon thin afternoon at the Pan American stadium will he the grandeat Abiotic carnival of the year, bringing, as it iloes, the bent men of tint I lilted latM ami Canada All of the re Pit sen tat I ve athletic clubs of the country have entered the best men at their command. Saturday will ln the day when most ol the important finals will Is- run. ANDRLW CARNLUIL AN L. L l I lis gllHtRBlrt Rsssivss ins Uoare as sward ror His Olfls. lilasgow, June Ig, The degree ol 1,1. I' was loruially conlerreal on Andrew Carnegie atilaagow uuiveraity tislay. aiusrlea Advansiua. Amen, an lia-omotives are hauling Kugliab trains, and the Kimlisb trains AnUUtttV ami r.ngl miiiiien are roiling oyer American steel rails Our machinery in nold all over the world A great American reiuudy, Hosteller's MtOOinen hitters, is graduallv working its way to all parts ol tbe glolai where tyspeHiia ami indigestion thrive I ike all American pnsiucls, it is bonesl, and does just what it claims In tin. The moot stubborn uoaea oi nuMtipotion. hllllinSROM. nervuusuess, liver siel kidney troubles must yield lo it. It if the most lairfect romed y ever devlaeil for weak stomachs For lifty years il has be. u famous lor its aatoulshiuf eifliscy It is a perfectly nstiiial remedy, ami there is nothing to equal it. See that a private revenue stamp covers the neck of the bottle. SEVENTEEN AWAITING LYNCHING o Shreveport, La Mob Thirsts for Negro Blood. o PLANTATION HAND KILLED PLANTER Wife of ill" Murderer, tdtards, Coofnaaaa Ho Was the Man Trouble Exptctad Today. Kdwards reported lo Half Bern Burned. Shreveport, l a , June 1.1. The mur der ynattofdn) Ol lollg Foster, a iron I thy planter and brother inlaw ol QOV McMillan, of taRMBOB) by I'rince Kdward, a plantation hand, may be followed today by the wholesale lynching of negroes, A mob of whiles ban Mfroonded the Klggggftg store, Kotsier parish, the stem, f the trouble - last night, iu whn h seventeen HBgfPBB BkM 0 have beetl nnpl icale.l in the crime, are huddled logetner awaiting their (ale. Bdmnfda I still at large. Some be lieve be siiicnleil to prevent lynching. The mob, which is heavilv armed, are impatient (or the bloial ol the seventeen, ami it would 1st no surprise if lynching look place bsfOfR the day is over. The BIBPdOf wa the result of a long slaoiliiig tn ilble hew teen the hand and tl verseer. Fiaiter Iwlieraal he lid settle the matter hv giviug It In personal attention ami started toward the negro ipiarters. Ashe approached a rnhin, the fatal shot wan tired. I.dwarda' wile not hn was the mur derer Word came (nun Klnnahrnw this in,, ruing that lalwanl hail been cap lure,! . an, I was laing taken back to the scene of Ins crime, where lie would Ix burned at the stake. Hp to lo o'clock no news ol the lynching hail been received. Chore in no doubt that It is the iu- telitinii ol the BMW to kill all those mi plicated iu the BMttMM All the highways entering Shreve port this morning Imar a warlike ap pearance "Pmpbot" Smith, a negro, who predicted the disasters, is one ol the snrr, ,iiu, le.l men ami there is no doubt that he will he pill lo death. Two women are among the prison- em, and It i not likelv that their lives will be sparixl. f, m. C. A. Jubllss. Huston June IJ. Seven thousand live hundred delegates assembled in the Mechanics building bslay lor the celebration of Jubilee Hay ol the In teruatloiial i oiing Men's Christian Annuel at ion The services lasted over an hour, Itcginiiina with a private ser vice MMPOBBBB were then ii i w, If by a number ol prominent divines. ,r TIh- l -t 2 fiO hIi.m oil mi ih foi Itulityj or Miitlt'iiuMi Wi- n,lillii' W BWIJf ! r Wu rittll ton. BAmttmber w ylvt awa f aliians Wtxl - ntfjdij Juoi I9lh. ur ftliOH WlinloW will ill ytu how wu ilii it. Tlie Peoples Warehouse shop. ITOJUL FITTtfltti Of PUB J. jib Mam Sireet. I'emiJeton, Or. We want to move all the ladies' suits and skirts. Prices have been made to make them go ru . . . . I .h. mm,tl ll ,4 111 she luuk IwslM botiit-t of the 'Coldca Medical IJimutr- ' 5v.' sight Uatl- ui ' Pellci. sud out UaiUer In kg, . Catarrh Remedy sud she is wen c Ood KS your wediciuc Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, in paper covers, is sent tit on mceipt of 3i one cent stamps to nay xneaee of mailing unly. Ackiicae In. f'V. I. ic5cc, HulUlo. H. V. Rasoanli'on. I stoma June 13. - The grand lodge of Masons has resciuileil its resolution adopted two year ago reeogniring negro Masons. CbpisUae BellssoB in. London, June 18. Christine Neils sou, the famous Swedish prima donna, is snriously ill in Southern Scandinavia. A IVofunion oi Arffglk hiegance iliuuiinatee our crockery display, a sight of which delight the ee, iplickeiis the fancy and refreshes the mind. Our de signs on china heat those of the F.uropean powers. They . n in tea, diuuer and salad 'els, rivalling rumautic Ian, In, apes in pictureeijueiie. Tliose lieaullful cut glaas novelties, too, are worth a deacnp tiou in verse. We only ask a peep, the ware will do the reat. Ce KOHKMAN.