East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 12, 1901, Image 1

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1 ,tbe ...i' r,r'
I r'nn,i t" , t,IV l.i-i.pl.
nii fhtittef pNbtMf
NO. 4149
m" ' - --z.
Tii pt KTE : : : :
-ZTTlkT aO "V
gnnCERlES:: :
in Eastern Oregon
You want a
Nice size spring tryers,
Jrcss'nl or a live.
G. R. Demott.
Watch for
c. adv.
in a few days.
Alexander & Hexter.
The Boston Store
Today's news is of very practical and satisfying economics,
a. few prices at random. The main point of this business is
tc sell goods, but the selling must be right. Every customer
must be satisfied. Our invitation to one and all is Come here
and get prices not duplicated outside of this store.
Good apron pnhaniB 4c
Good outing llannelH 5o
Fringed hand towels, each 5c
Fancy OUltiin scrim 5c
Indies' hose 5c
Ladies' wash skirts 4()e
Splendid line of shirt waiBt, every
one this season's make. 50c
"Fruit ofthe boom" and "Lonsdale"
muslin 8:c
Fancy iris dimities V
Berkley Otmbrio 10c
Ladies' summer vests 5c and LOo
Indies leather belts, sample line t'
all styles 10c
Ladies' kil glovet, worth (l.OO. 66o
White bed spreads 76c
Lace curtains, white and ecru, per
yard Wc
JUST IN Tl ie handsomest line of muslin underwear ever s bown in PtndleU n.
New straight front Corsets and Girdles.
PendSetcn's Bi isy Store.
Jio Saved.
We offer a re-dlar Jt35 hicycle,
m joinataad tire, reveftibk
M". tc. for as. i fact
ii!wlwi Loinpan- lav.iral.lv
!!iinya in Pendleton
Toilet Soap
l are ackiiovvlidL'ed h.-nd
mm for m toilet soap. Cas
w Md coco soap 2 ftfc bar and up.
to la
"ues m new
some excellent
190: hammocks.
Special I inn.. . n-
1VI i
rl . .
""I lUI. . '.ml . .
9c to
ft! $1.-4 to $3.45
inK lilvai novelties for gifts
S' 6.a4adfi.M
W. .1 ..
sen Kurt,...' i
ioil 7""" h orusnes, dust
owes, "OWO! tine goods
" filter
"VCttexandB, Dread plates
neb, eu , U1 leavV Lrlass
1 re
nuEa,lake SUust:ription for any
Ul,e, h w'-kly Examiner,
"0 Journal and Joanna
lead'nK periodicals.
fifLtf hlled rin'8- u,n
6X1 5 years, a5c and soc
FredericK No
fMll for
Stockton incubator.
30 in. Corded Soleil, regular 69e, now Wo
38 in. Plaid, regular 75c, now 2'.'c
40 in. Novelty ( 'beck, regular $1 ."-'", now 6C
50 in. Silk and Wool Novelty, regulaU 1, HOI
38 in. Storm Serge, regular 75c, now
45 iu. Granite, rtgultf 91.86, QOW
30 in. Granite, regular $1.00, now
45 iu. Henrietta, regular $1.0), DOW
37 in. lilack Novelty, regular 00c, now
38 in. Black Novelty, regular Toe, n
86 in. Black Novelty, regular 40c, now
30 in. Henrietta, regular $1.00, now
38 in. Sicilian, regular 75c, now
20 in. Jap Silk, regular 35c, now
24 in. Indias, regular 5()c, now
19 in. Taffeta, regular 85c, now
Good assortment of colors in abov e.
We want to move all the ladies' suits and
skirts. Prices have been made to make
them go
At the prohibition town of Seymour,
Iowa. Thomas mill LOB Wmlc, limtt m. j
ilrmik UK) bottlM "( IWBOfl exlrnct and
both dld within an hour in terrible
Beuor srtB:itBi the Spanish premier,
ai.lrtNuitf a nietinK f hi MppottCffti
MOVIMmI that the Kovernnient wuithl
llMM a lOM f'r lerritnrial ih(ene and
ft FftOrgftB llftttoV of the navv.
Mftftfftl ctriko Ol the Hrotherhonil ,
of iraokflSM .111 tin' Maine Central
t 1 1 1 heitan Monday ntaht Klghl
huiiilri.t in. 11 arc aneetiHt. I In men
ak tot an a.tvaree of 'JA cent er
Ih 1 he Ftrike in general on the
ei.tire Ejrttra.
I It if Hid that PftdfO Ammli.. the
iiiKUivi' (iuii'lala jara prient, will Mft"
if he ftitfadlttd tfnn Bpall ami re
turned to MvtloO City f.'r trial. Tho
depart metit of foreign relation han
h-en VlgOKMM in piirtoiit of thin priest,
who has made to great a scandal.
The BOBBittee of 1T has decided to
dloalBlftfa its activity in the suppres
sion of gaiuhhiw houss in New York,
and ftftftf the Bill of .Inly its princi
pal energies will he devoted to the
ierretinit out of evil in tenement
bOMftft and the hanishuiK if xssihle
mi 11 of had character from tenement
The propOfti I races off the North
Shore '. 'tween the hanii.M'k II, and
the I'onstitut ion, the lmleeudence and
the OoldBsbft lor Mr. I.uwson s fir 0
cop will protobljl he abandoned.
Meiiiheis 01 the II i Mass.' Yacht
ftllb OOUBllttM said that the accident
to the HbftBrOek II, with the postpone
liient of the America's enp race, would
plan- the Noftfa Shore races ta late
in the fall.
AfMbtrf Hay, son of the United
States m fl Uty of ; tate, and who
recently resiirred as I 'in ted State
ftOMalsl Protona, In an interview said
he Was not at liberty to make any
statement (of iublicatioii concern ing
matter In Smith Alrica, -'I nhall not
go hack to Pretoria in an utticia!
capacity," he said, "but I have a
tfrcat desire to ee the country and
shall visit BOM, lb Africa a anon as
peace is restored. ' '
9 9 9
Ill L'4 hour a gang of highwaymen
counted six victim in Seattle
Seven hundred out of the 1 100
Second Oregon volunteers have drawn
their $11 rebate for clothmtt money.
K In borate preparations are in mak
tug (or a Fourth of July celebration at
lainacus. eiiator John II. Mitchell
and Slate Senator Hn.wnell have
agreed to Im preseut and to deliver
oral ions,
A. W. McKee, a will known and
highly respected i ill.. mi and pioneer ol
U.e wiftllft valla valley, died at the
family residence, N. H04 Lincoln
street', Monday evening ot general
debility, aged 77 years.
.V.u that the water iu the Columbia
i falling rapidly, fishermen on the
lower river are hs.king for and hoping
for the ai rival of a new run in of
aalmoii from the ocean, and rhaa
more shad, although there have been
plenty of the latter already.
lieputy stieriifa are scouring UM
Kasteru part f fierce county, Wash
ington, hunting for Stella llrugi-, an
la-year-. .Id girl, who made two at
tempts to poiaon her biiMbaud, John
IfrugiN two day alter they were
married, the second attempt nine
near proving laial W ihukis, iim
Wftllowiu a glasslul of wine she gave
lii iii nblou contained a Uaotity ol
carbol ic acid.
ObtrlM M Hill, formerly ioatmater
at Bolkaap Bprlagi) wim wa looad
inilty bj a jorj in the I'niled :Mat
Cjurt. a l' davs aao, of fraudulently
I increasing thu itiuouut of stamp can-
I (.lot . I ul I. is ollieii, III order to increase!
I bil Sftiary ! and wbu as granluti leave!
toapi lv lor a Uew trial, concluded
that it was not worth wlulu to have
one an. I wae sentenced by Judge
I l'ci.iiiger to py u line of flUU.
i he building ftownlllaa ol the Y.
M. c. a. al aalooi daaldad lo patab a
the state luaurauce nriek hlllldlllg on
( i .linn, i, ml and Chemelieta atreet lor
iU naa b iom Fba pfoaattf owaaa
lo W M. I.i I l of I oil land, and coat
U W I ba i M 0. A. pay llU.UJa)
,,r it. I he null. ling la three atone
high and on the lot are a livery atable
and htkery, which will be aidd, leav
ing tn. ooal of the main liuilding con
.idera. ll Im than lo,iaaj.
Metal Trades Association
Raises a Big Fund.
1 'O
Delegates lo Ibe Laborers' Uolon Are Gather
Ing Id New York for id Im
portant CoDfereoce.
N.o York, June 1? - The National
Metal Trade assoeiatioi following its
deli of yesterdav to the Metal Worker
Uaioil and it decision to raise an im
mense fund to tight the organisation,
is preparing, it i said, for a life and
dealh struggle with the American Pad
c rat ion of I ahor, if that organ i ration
sees tit to take up the machinists'
cause. Prominent meinlier of the
Manufacturers' unsocial ion intimated
us much today when they aai.l thai the
manufacturer not only defied the ma
ehiuists, hut also delied the American
Praparlnu Tor the Struts;!.
hetectivesw were on guard at the en
trance to the meeting room of the
Metal Irades' association tiMlay, ami
were on the lookout for any represen
tative of the machinists' union who
might attempt to I. -am the secret ol
the executive aeaaiona. IMcgato (nun
San Franciacn, I'ortland and Seattle
arrived tislay. They represent i:t.r
Brail on the Pacific slope.
A telegram received by those dele
gate stated that, of the US firm, 114
had joined the Metal Trade ao la
tion. Secretary Chat liners of the ao
ciation, said today that, if neceaaary,
millions would he ad.hxl to the hall
million fund to tight tl iachiiiita'
Ouaitlon or Hours..
I'his morning's session of the maun
facturer is said to have laieii devoted
to the leiihtth of the work-day of their
emploM'S. Some of the delegates favor
nine hour and others ten, with mix OS
San rranalteo and Oakland Strike li
Not Vat Kndad.
Han Hranciaco, lune l'J. The whole
aale butcher lat night notified the
retailer they would refust to xiipplv
meat to auv retail butcher who dis
played a union card in hia ahop after
10 o'clock thi morning.
Thia morning evary jouriieyman
butcher ill ahop, slaughter hoiie and
yards walkeil out of the non-union
places. Eighteen hundred are out iu
Han Francisco am! -liai out in Oaklund.
The pi o pe. l i for a meat famine.
A w l I
$ A noted Im.ion rluli man one laid a
wager with I iinud luiit the latter could
Uul ac-ll a givaa uuuiher of gold guinea
at a pen n a pie. r. Hr woo hi wager.
Thepeopa rcluaed to buy, They thought
be wa oiler iii iuo much for too little.
ll ma U lhat Ihc claim made fur
Dr. Pierce i pavorite Pren ripllon acroi
aliiioki too grtat to
womrn w..o in year
of hutleriu have found
no help in doctor or
medicines hut it la
I., he laaaftasbftiad Out
no claim la made lor
"Favorite Prracrip
tion " which i not
ubatalitlaled In thou
aamii ol women cured
by it ua-. it effect
are Uuly wonderful.
It wipes out puat year
of pain a a pouge
wipe a alate.
Favorite Piescrijptiou
is the ureal medicine
for women It i-ta).
lleuU in li. no mat lou
and ulceration and
cure female weakiie.
It i the I jest prepara
tive for maternity, luaJk
iutc the baby's ad v cot
practically jjalnless.
Wbcu I wlute to you Iu Man li a.fc iu
u lo wlial lo ill lOI iiivkIi M.V. Ml.
Hcuuui. ot Cube Mi.Laau Cu Ky "I was
cucUuik- to becoui mother iu Juu and was
.Uk all of i Ur tuue Had bcru sick fui .rvrral
uiouth. Could uul get auytiiui to May iu my
atouiwb uol rvcfl wain Had ujiauao. tk
iu aia mouth., aud thicalcuiu all the lime
with thi. out Had Icuialc kli lot tcvcral
ycHt. My Iuo. back and lower bowel, kurt
1UC all tllr time Had UUIII lilfcwai flolu my hip.
liahc regularity, dries
eufecbliiik' drains,
down Ha
Loiiiinsnesd by An
' Had to Conara-
Wahhiugtoii, June 1'.'. Agitation to
renew the Chinese eacl'laloll act which
expire iii Mav, p. , has already
been begun by iim labor urgan uul ions
alllialtsl with the American Federation,
and a strong tight against Chinese free
labor is iu Might. An apal ha Ix-en
addreaned to coligres- to allien. I the
Ni;ik0l:S THREATENED tll:k
I'.dii- Uuardsd a Watlilnaton thuroli
P.p Bfl flaalsr-McKsan Waddln.
Wathiiigton, June I 'J -Cduaheth
Flagler, daughter of the late I'bief ol
Orailtaiice Magter, was married baft
usiay to Dr. Qao. MnftTaan A little
more than five year ago Ml i lagb r
ahot and killwl a negio boy who was
stealing truit in the Flagler yaid. Hhe
intended only loacarehilll. 1'he ehuich
i .lav was guar.leil hy the aollai lift
present deiiioiinlralioiia hy certain
colored (ample who have never for
given her.
ldulind a ar. frsdsr.sk Mlsndlti
of ftoslon.
Lowell, Mass., June 1'.'. Die bud!
of the decapitated woman found in the
wissla near Chelmford on Sunday
lioaitivelv niehtilied today aa that ol
Mr. Frederick lileudm, ol lioalou
li. bead was found yesterday, hiaiu
inatiou by a i.hvsii lan shows that the
only mark of violence on the Isaiy are
thorn aimed by the decapitation
fort Boyai Mlns Dlsaslsr taussd Much
Lira Lass.
McKeesis.rt, Pa. June li'. The
death list of the Port Hoyal mine dis
aster still remain at twenty, hut only
one injured miner iu the hoapital is
eapected to die.
a&soal aisstlea.
Portland, June IV. -At the Masonic
raud lodge in aeasion here, W. K.
race was vliuwu grand master, aud
W. K. iinii ... i deutv graud master.
Both live In baker t'ny
us. loota !.
I ...i. I'.ii. June i- "i.o.oal William
ijooth, head of the Halvatiou Army,
has returned from Paris on account of
ill Huso iiiacoinlitii.il is serious.
.sported by I. L. Ray h Co.. Pandlston.
I hlcaao Board of Trad and Maw Tork
Stoek ftxehana Broken.
New York. June 12. The wheat
market wa a dull affair t.alay, with
prices still Inclined to a lower level
Liverpool cloned '4 up, ft -tV New
Yotk opened a half cent higher, 77l,
hut other markets did not follow, ami
the oloe wa t lower than yesterday.
The weather map how gcssl rain
yesterday all through the wheal belt.
Stia-k steady.
Money, 4 per cent.
Wheal :
Close yesterday, "'4.
0hui tislay. 771ft
Kan '.- tislav, 711 7-K tti 7714.
Close tislay, 77.
Htocks: Huar, HI; tobacco, ID
steel, 4l; St. Paul, IM tcbion, M
Irta, .! H-H; Union Pacific, IH7 M.
Whsat In Chlcaao.
Ohlaago, June iti fTbaat 71 ft-" t
70 s.
New York Market.
New York, June lL' Sugar, fair, re-
llning, :t.ri-S; centrifugals, ! lest
crushed, hll.r ; powdered, M0 W)
Krunnlitted, .Val lo Vi.'i ; colleo, Kt.
. No.
I .....1 ; 11.1,. i 1. ,. ,,. 'II 1..
1. niv. 1 i ..11. .if. 11, y ...
tW4 ; wool , unchanged.
Neaotlntlon. If Any, Are Without HI
I'he Hague, June I'.'. -Paul Krug.r
in a public ntatemeut denies that he
knoas anythiiitf of peace Mgi 1 is) mns
alleged to Is. procedliu with the Boftf
leaders. He savs llutt ll thev are 011
foot it is not through any action of his.
Mortality Amona Hoar Prisoner.
London, June I'J. I he Hailv New
tislav prints statistics showing an en
ormous death rate amona' the lloer re
fugee at the Pretoria race course.
Among the Jim) refugees, there have
la-en eighty dealh in three weeks.
Dull Day Nawt of Alleged Trouble With
ths Bsdmsn,
Bad Lodn, Moo I , JnoalS. 8af iooi
trouble I threatened by the Arapahoe
Indian. ui the HiohIioiio reaervation
They have openly detled the ailthori
ties ami are pfsjpaf Im (or the hari.ar-on-
"sun dance." Ml 1 1 til have been
sent to the scene. I'he Indians are iu
an ugly mood, and out number the
W hlles ten to one.
Captain Wllhelm Died Prom Wound
Belvd Rsoently.
Manila, Juno I'J Captain Wllhelm,
wounded in a recent battle at Lipa.
died toda) Lieut Haary Mitaballi ol
the l-'orlv lirr.1 liniment, will be tried
hv ftOVfl martial on the ehaige of em
Mftftlini public funds. ien. Mariano
Trias, former iusiirHcnt leader, was ap
pointed ptft rnor of Cuvile
Quartermaster's Department
Discloses Great Frauds.
- -4 .11.
rtionsnniN of Dollari Worth MissIek
UnaiTonntstl for by th Proper
1 o III
San Pranci-.o, June 1l'. Kitmora of
scandals aoaiMatad with the .piarter
MMtar'ft dapatimanl have tart.sl an
invest Ignl ion Mpftftlon "1 the de
partment found xcore nf -tores Kluttwl
w ith it Is for whii h the ear depart
ment paid big price for sidling below
col. The InftBOCtoH are conHnratina
immense ipuintltie of gissl. Many
dealer-, iii.pearcd before the fnleral
arand 1 1 1 r v thin UOVniag to disclose
from whom and how they obtained
the mppliaft. Lonhl Ahrains, son ol
UftOrgft tbramft) was arretted and
Idantiflad at lalllng eloibtntL on a
warrant issued (or another son, Ike.
Invafttbjationa ftboa? that tinsand of
dollars worth of materials are miasinft
from the storeroom-.. Yesterday, alone,
two hundred pairs of shims and several
hundred shirts Mere sold lu feeding
the BjOfafnnMMl horses, Ilk.) tons of
grain per month has ls.cn stolen for
many mouth, t Hllcer are reticent aa
to the ftBftpaStftd party. It i under
stood to be t he quarter master Kergeatlt.
a Ssniatlonal Coaraaslon.
Manila. June l'' A seuaatinnal con
fesHion wa made on ruHmlay in the
trial of tilth-era of the hirty-third regi
ment . volunteer on a charge of
hriherv in the matter of ieriuilting
dainaKina trftdft with the southern
ports.. I the island ol l.nle. I'he 11111
HMftlOB itnpliOBtad Capl Michael
Dbalmaa ami Uiant Adeiiwrt K.
I h Surgeon DttdlnjF Welch was
tl lie who Dtada th mlesHion and
at the time he faced the court and
told hi storv he renin. led the sum of
loo 1 pgftog which he admitted to have
wrongfully receive. I.
I u pursuance to the detailed story of
the crime and crime thai was told hy
the witn.-NS the preieut nl Mas III
I ..ll.. has been placed under arrest
as I uj a part I" 'he plot and sev
eral Manila trading cmpanies and
llrma are under suspicion a hem tha
one which turn i-hed the nuitrahand
goodi iblppad lo the lavbbbJan i.rts
or Claim Paid by Lite
paid 11 0 ma 1 woo
New York, June 12.-- The Insaranc..
PresM print-, today llgure showing the
aiuoiinis of the claims paid In lib.
oonipnnlaft in the Uaitad Italai ami
Canada during I MMk, making the total
In addition to the foregoing pav
mi nis, about 2tl,OMI,lMlt) was paid to
luetlciariea in foreign countries lor
matured claims, and about 16,000,000
to annuitant-- ever) w h.-i e Pbfttliv idend
payaMtati raaobaa M.6ftf,3Mll Tboaaab
surrender valuea paid were .tore than
I J . 1 a a 1 , 1 a H 1 The claim ot all mirls
paid in comiiameN not repo n to lb
New York I nsiiriiin depai IIM I ap-
proiimaied fii.iNjn.tiiki. Honinaarliiaa
the various payments from all source
the Press gets the following liglires
Claims paid in the United sfatajt
H. H. poNeHioUB and Canada, IPuV,
191,111; dividend .avinents N. Y
rODOrl ), iL'L'.alH.'.'iil Cash surrender
ralnaa (M. . report i, $,".', I'jo.koi;
laiftM paid in lofoign aunniriaft Ball
mated i, '.'O.iSMl.OKO; annuitien enli
mated ., fjft,000000 DlaiaM paid by
companies not MDOrtian to tb New
York insurance depart un-nt (all kinds
BtlniatadL grand total,
Claims paid in OraMH wen-
Alhauv, IMO; Arlinatoa, laOUU; Ash
land, '.. r Astoria, .'0,iMl. llaker
City, ttldXifi Chemawa, fUMOO; 0op
vallis, fhSTO Dallas. 111,000 i KftBl
Portland, IO,nl; Irwin, I'fc'agl;
KugeiieCltv, a7sii. i.ervais, MUUU;
liraaa Vailay, I8O11O; Haines, 12000;
Indi peiiih 11 e 0,000l Kerbv fj J00 I
l.eliaiioii, g,000 1 I .-tin. f .OJ7 M.
it nan. BtlQ0 Uraaon City, AOU0 ; Pan
.Union, IM674; Pnoauia, I4A00) Port
laud, f lot, .a., KaieUI, 112, MMI, hea
villi-. MftW; i'he Dalies, 10000 i TuaJI"
toll, Md74; Welles, IMjall , uni las.illed,
a... iun. ..a..i a.i.u i.il.
I II 'r. U'lai, f 'Hi ,' I D
Three notahle claims aere re...rted MlUtlwr paMl
a paid during the year in rurtltUM I
ilweu N. Denny, 1 10,000 Huall l am
baraon, 110,310; (Jbarlaa W. Traoy,
aohlar Want Dry OeaB.
Portland, June 12 President A. L.
Mohler ol the ureguu Kailnaid A
Naviga'ioii company in a letter t.i the
port oi Portland aomniiftftioa regarding
the dn dock 'which will lie coin-
need shortly, rueomlllelld that th
dock have a lifting apac ly ..( 111,000
ton in order to accomminlate the large
war veaaala.
Balilsinip Trial Trip.
It'M-kport, Ma., June 12. I'he
batllaaulp UlUVnai started on her trial
trip ott here this morning.
Wf 0
Ths a. o u. w. caawaatiaai
lluttalo, N. V.i Dine 12 The
taenty-niuth annual ponvanlioa of the
supreme halge of the Am n n I Order ol
l ulled Workmen opened here today
t he. report of the graud master ibovi
a membership of 0,000
Mr. MsBlolai linproysmsal.
Wakhlngtou, June i -Mrs McKin
ley's phisieisns at nootl repoited lhat
she coutiuuud to show sliglit improve
The beot f'-So eltw im
on th fui ladUw w iutlfiiuMi.
We gttaVtnUN v ry pair
Remember ire pve uway
f iPOQi Wod-
iif.-dliiv, Jiint' IWtli. Our
bhtw wiiiilw will tail you
h w wo li it.
The Peoples Warehouse
urn of n i i
11, .mi and aipeoted lo spend part of aiie I . . ..
Jay in a rolling chair. 7& Main Strct t, 1'enJltiton, Or.
il a-.ol bard traoiulu .pell, ano
wa not atlr to do ally work at all T received
ur au.wri 111 a le w oay. lainas
i)i eicitc -. HavoiiUr ProaripUou 1 took three
UaUr. aud bcioir I had taken ft week I wa.
better aud ucforr 1 had take S a month 1 wu
able to help do iay work Ob tkc 7th of May
uiy baby j 1oiu ud I wa only lack tare
hour aud had an eaay time
We ..b. Di I'iero' iuc.la.luc iw U baa
cured me " W
a Dr. Pierce Peilel cure
laae ol
apt by
Tyrol VliUc Swept Away
Vienna, June If.-The nil
Zanders, lu tlie lyrtl, was swep
nuoa toiiay. I weuly-eiglit were
K ansae City, Mo.. June 12. Han
Frauciaco waa aelectad by the Mystic
Shriller aa the ueat meeting piaoe
A I'rofuMoii uf AniMu liieyonce
i Hum inalus our cnxkery display, a Might
of which delights the eye, .piieteim the
fancy and refreshes the mind. t)ur de
sign on china heat ihoae of the huropoau
power. They come in tea, dinner and
salad seta, rivalling romantic landscape"
iu pictureepMeiiee. 'Plume beautiful cut
glaaa novelties, too, are worth a dencrip
tiofl iu verte. We ak a p. - e n.
ware will do the rest.