East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 10, 1901, Image 4

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    MONDAY. JUNE 10, W01
Light Sole.
Medium Heel.
For Street or
fci.ut KtrmduiiK.i. .,( i:,m snl-
i i... HPNIII i: TIIV IK V H "' ""!" K" mi
. jrnnriH.
There arc other shoes at
this price. The difference
is in the shoes. The lif
(eft Me has made
Queen Quality Shoe
world anions, All sizes
one price $3.00.
I'ranticai Boot end Bhoe Men.
Moiled ham for Innchfw hi llawl.-v'".
TaiiietH, bekai eflee euppliee, Relf't,
Hny your window -hail.-- at
Out' Meoin.hHUil Hiih- lor salt
Just right hik- iritiK ehiokMM
llnwli-y 'g.
Cmluliv 'w i-xtrn "... t llnvur.'.l lut nir-J
hi DawlH.v's.
lllli mtritn suit, t'.l. ClnHvi-r llros
Dry (ioimIn Co.
I'anta, $1 to f a pair. Cl.-nvi-r Brat,
Dry QepM Oo,
A tow racy 1? It- ami ('riiwlnnl liii-vle
l. ft at Witt V
(iar.l.-n liom at all prices ami guaran
teed at Withee'M.
Holid mountain potatoen free from
prnutH at ilawlny'..
Have your picture frauiiil ; lat-t
sty lew at Murphy's.
Kancy cassitnere NiiitH, ". Cleaver
HriM. Dry I.ixmIm Co.
New dadiglin iii wall paper al
Murphy's paint store.
At Kader's furniture store i tie'
line-1 line 1 f rug- ami luattinu.
Automatic refrigerators ami water
coolers at Kador'H furniture -.ton .
Window shades, curtain polte, inir
rorn, et:., at Kader's furnitn
Ohlest place ami he-' tainalen, .11 I
Roy's, cor. Court ami Garden Itrteti
Home ladv left her paniMil in I'r-
Smith ami llemlerson V nllice where
she can recover it.
I'inest haniN ami lard on the market.
Home product; try it, it- guaranteed,
Mchwars A (ireulnh.
Ice cream (or partieH and lodge
sociable at special price-, .pi.il it .
guaranteed. Candy Dutton.
For rent Two (urnished rooms (or
light housekeeping. No children. In
quire of Mrs. Strahau, Despain hock.
Crescent bicycles on the installment
plan at the Crescent agency in the ha-l
Oregon lan building, payment- l a
week, no interest.
Remember I have a better stock of
oil, axle-grease, rope, lM-ltnif ami all
other harvest supplier, than ever he
fore. I'. Sones, Helix.
Htandant (irocerv Coinpany will
have w 11 1. 11. a few days a shipment of
the celebrated Cariino brand of canned
.' ds foruierlv handlod by TatOD
Hrun. Ask (or them.
A lady dropped her pur- Iroiu her
picket, on Main street, near I'eudleton
Savings bank. The man win. wa-
pick it up should return it to thi
otllce ami receive a money rawaril and
thus avoid the trouble which mav
come to l;iui il he does not.
At bad time 1 take a pleasant herb
drink, the next morning I feel bright
and my complexion i letter. My
doctor says it acts gently on the
stomach, liver ami kidney, and 1- a
pleasant laxative. It is made from
herb, and is preoared as canity
lea. It is caihd Leae'l Medicine,
Dane's Family Medicine liniv.'N the
bowels each .lav. Price '.'.'' and
For sale Itv lil in. 11, , Co., sole agent-.
Froth end tender new
mutt 'h.
A feiv leather couches and
for sale cheap at Failing's.
A surgical operation is not necessary
to cure piles. DeWitt's Witch lla.-l
Salve save all that expense and never
fails. BeWeie of counterfeits. Tall
man fc Co.
Thnrsilay, June h, the thermometer
toucheil M ami Saturday 88 degrees as
low points of the week. That la
rather cold for Pendleton at this sea
son of the year.
I Joseph I'. Sullivan a new man at the
-1 ii mil', nil, ha- lined up the liar
artistically. He was a member of tin
HflOOnd Ori-irim and ban put a Manila
touch to the scenery.
John S. HugheM nas two haml-im.
hickory cauex which he is llxing 1111 to
take hack to Jim Iteagle at the inin.-r-
Theea canes were cut by Mr. Hughes
111 the woisls of .Missouri.
A lady lost her purse containing two
ten dollar gold pieces and four ten cent
p near Martin - grocery on Mam
street. A liberal rewanl will he pan
lor its return to this otllce.
K.v Tisld anil Alex Crowner had
their trial isistiioiied on aturdav m
Justice Kit lierald'- court to Wedne
day, June )'.', at in o'clock a. in. Tl
young men were released on hail.
J. t, Kohinsoii ha- a new horse for
Mr. Havs to drive in the laundry. As
the animal is said to i, -if the skitish
v.irntv, people are warned to kei-p
from in from and to look for a run
away The bilious, tired, nervous man can
not successlully compete with ahealthv
rival. DeWitt's I ittle Ijirly Risers, the
famous pills (or constipation, will re
move the cause ol your troubles. Tull
maii iV (,'u. ,
I( you want to can strawberries you
had better engage them at once, as
they will not be any cheaper. I will
have plenty of berne-; also jars, extra
tops and rubbers. I am going t sell
jars cheap. 0 R. Demott.
Please notice that there will he a de
lightful social given in the Presbyter
iau church parlors, Toe-dav, June II.
Admission free. Ref reshmensl will he
MffM to all who deelie lor the small
sum of fi cent-. Tin - social 1- to rai-e
money (or the new organ. All are cor
dially invited
"The doctors told me my cough was
incurable; One Minute Cough Cure
made a well man."- Norris Silver,
North stratlnni, N. H. Itecause you've
not foend rehel from a stubborn cough
don't despair, One Minute (!ough Cure
has cured thousand- and it will cure
you. Safe and sure. Tallman A Co.
Kural Spirit: C. II. Wade, of Pen
dleton Or., intends -ending the
biggest exhibit ol live stock to the
-tate lair this year that has ever been
made by any one exhibitor. He will
iavc -horlhorn ami Hereford cattle.
Hackney horses, Shropshire, Oxford,
Dorset, Delaine, and Raiulsiuillett
sheep .
Rural Spirit I Umatilla countv. the
naiiner wheat priMlucing county of the
slate, will rest her laurels for first
premium with O. R. ballon, of Mil
ton, wiio has had years of experience
in getting up exbihits of this charac
ter. The people m Pendleton are very
enthusiastic over the matter and will
leave nothing undone to make the best
exhibit ol the slate fair.
The contest for the piano offered in
s'tltinn by Pendleton mercantile
houses came to a close on Saturday
evening, June H. There were inaiiv
competitors but the contest centered in
two, Daphne Circle, No. , Women of
Woodcraft, ami Pauline Rebekah lodge,
No. If, the latter finally winning with
UII, ODD votes to 111,1100.' Thev were tin
only two that 1 "II,. I over I'm, mm votes.
I he odd Fellows and Daughters of
Rebekah are jubilant over their
merited success.
The wedding of Professor Walter
Andrew llratteii, instructor in mathe
matics at Whitman college, and .Miss
Clarice Winshop Colton, of Whitman
conservatory, has been announced to
take place at St, Paul's Bpfeeopel
church on the evening of June 18,
Key. Andrea- Hard OfBoUtting, as
- isted hs e . Austin Rice, ol the
First (. ongregational church. The
event I id.- fair to he one of the most
brilliant social event of the year
Professor and Mrs. llratteii will reside
in this city.
Rlue Mountain I 1 -i.- C. J. M, -
leleefa ami Miss Olive Couie have
been employed to teach an eight
months term of scIhniI .. Cauvou City
during the coming w inter at an in
crease ol wages over that paid them
during the past winter. Mr. Mcin
tosh tisik his departure Wednenlay
morning lor his home at Pilot Hock.
He is interested in several promising
piartz properties in the Oreenborn
oiintry and ep. ct- t.. pas-a large
portion of Hie summer in that locality.
Pierce say
up to bis
Th Fllvllli Will Include a Blcyole
Parade on th Night of the Fourth,
With Baseball Soveral Days.
At the meeting of business men held
at the council rooms on Friday even
ing. June 7. the Doet tavorahh report
were received. 0. B, Roosevelt pre
sided. J. F;. Krause wa- secured to
take charge of the work of arranging
the sporting events, and to work with
the committee of three to see that Un
necessary funds were available. Mr.
Unoseveft afterwards appointed Fee
Teutsc.h, Leon Cohen and J. F.. Russell
as such committee.
An Old-Tim Fourth.
The program for the Fourth will
conform to tradition. There will be
inii-oc. reading of the Declaration of
Independence and an oration. In the
evening there will lie a gorgeously
illuminated bicycle parade, ami it is
hoped that wheelmen and wheclw.,
BMB will join iii to make this (eature
a success. A platform will be erected
and there will Is- free dancing on the
Fourth, day ami night. I he Helix and
Athena hand have already been
-cured, which, with the recently
orffenteed Pendleton band will be
enough to furnish music for all.
Baseball Tournament.
A baseball tournament will he in
progress July 4, 0 Hid i. The Athena.
HeppnOf ami Pendleton teams have al
ready been secured, and one more will
he obtained to till out the schedule, so
that two games mav be played each
dnv, one m Ihe morning ami one in
III afternoon Amounts will he IBs
propriated sulliciont. to pay the ex
penses of 1 he outside teams, and in
addition three large money pri.e- will
In- awarded, fl.'si to lirst flisl to second
and fill to third. The fourth club may
be I .it (irande, Huntington, Maker
( ity, or Davton, Wash.
' 11- Monthly Shoot tor the Hadgu and
General Merchandise.
The monthly shoot ol the mcinhors
of the Pemlb-ton sportsmen n a--o, la
tum on Sunday, June 11, was of more
than onlinarv interest. In addition to
the usual shoot lor the medal repre
senting the club cliaiiiplonsh ip (or one
month, there was a shoot lor what
were called the general merchandise
prizes. I here were lour prt.e- III tlie
latter contest, as lollows: First, a
weater olf-red by F,. N, Lyons, of the
Ht. Jn- store . second, a Isdt offered by
l-e Teiltsch, of the (Ileaver Brothers
Dry (ioisls company; third, a two
pound roll of choice I'kiah OfOaUnOf
butter, offerisi by .1. M. e, Pen-
dh-toli agent , fourth, free shells to the
shooter making the poorest score.
In tin-general merchamli-e eoule-t,
H. .1 rltillmau and F. W Waite tied
f-.r first, each sh'siting 10 llntighl .
thev tied three times more on 1 out ol
10; Mtillman won out on the tilth in
witli 10 straight, Waite breaking eight.
For the Udt. 0, J Hamilton, D. C.
Clarke and lieorge Maple tied with '..
after adjusting the handicap. On the
shoot-off llainiltou won with K out of
10. The contest for the butter was
spirited, three of the married men be
ing very anxious to secure it. On the
lirst round Fat Turner, W. W. Bonb,
J. M. Spence and A. D. rltillman wen
tied with eight each. On the Bnoot'
off, F'al Turner got away with the fat
by breaking b out ol 10. Fd Jay's
-in-ll were furnished to him free by
II. J. Still man , because be bail tin
lowest score.
Th Medal Shoot.
The medal sinsit was won by tu-orge
.Maple, with 23; II. J. Stillman from
scratch. 8JJj W. W. HiH'h, from scratch,
'Jl. Aivordiug to the handicap rules
governing. Maple was entitled to shoot
the second time at bloerocks missed.
He shot Ki out of 'Jo, and, tsdng en
titled lo a second try at 10, broke 8,
hringiug Ins total to 23, and giving
him possesssiun of the trophy
lib-mat ii- of the association champi-ui
ship lor one month.
that tin
Particular- are menger.
the two vounv men rod
ida- e. called him oiltsid mid admin
istered a snuniLboal iiw. He called bis
son, a mere boy, who brought out I
Winchester At sight of tbi- the
assailants started to run, and Pierce
Or -d at them. When be came to th
ehv, lie did not know Whether be had
ki b-d a man or not. a he admitted be
ing highly excited at tin- time ami
lalsiring under great petti 00, He as
serts that the act whs purely self-de-b-iise,
and that he is willing to Ittttd
trial, if nen-ssarv. lit still reuiain
ln llaker Otty. but no effort i- being
11 1 in It- to nrosei nte. as it si ems 1 1 havi
been h neigbhorbood row m wbicl
were at fault more or let
Cowboys Lsav" Tonlant.
(ilen Kusbee, Part. hart, Itrown, Mm
thorn and Wild Bill COttlfH lie partv
of rowhovs ami daredevil riders who
will leave tonight lor Portlan-I wbere
Hiey will furnish some ol the excite
ment (or Ihe Purple carnival being
given there under the auspice- of the
Klks. Fred T. Merrill i- largely r,
sponsible for nettlne the el nte ettrno
tmn Robii: W. Fieteher, agent at
Pendleton for Mr. Merrill, will go to
Portland directly from Ib-npner after
Hie baseball ga-ue and remain during
the carnival.
The riejtree of bachelor of letrt was
conferred upon the following grudiiatek
nf Willamette nnltereltyi Kltner K,
Parker, C. M. Inninii, K. L. bheti, I .
C. Jndd, I. H. Van Winkle and II. H.
Inrner. The program eotMilted 01
tetefel musical nonioert, a readmit by
Miss Laura ThODUl ain' an eddfet
to the class by P. H. D'Arcv.
Work has begun on the big smeller,
savs a Weiser dispatch. Several car
loads of utadlllg and building tool-
have arrived from Cambridge and
Poise. A large (on e of men i- now at
work. Phe plan- lor th-' blfj plant
nine irtited and provide for "Jinn) tons
capacity, but for the nre-ent onlv a
ino. ton -tack will be pm in.
will oWst all U""
than u''l'
,n() ,v, Fri.lay. June
t mt1j ei
Hi our piuiw
ipere evfr s"l'
We intend t maw
I for in
f you wsat good goodi ohp tie Is yon
Am. Bsmiml-w, ONE WKKK oM.V
(plftritttl"J piv ri
99 mull. Mnl f
ff ,minrnni n ,
r.-r. 1
i,r ill-'.ms tli if- is miivt
... .1... It . 1. s. t I
,r :c
h.ini-1 1. h-rn.s m r--r "-nt rr Jjnn'''J I J
I liUb iiii-ve 1
I if fl mi el
ll 1 ' 111 i' ' I hUl
1 , Vp"la
rnn nf nil
. ""!" r; .0 c
' I I - IlI'M - '-' 'Hi
1 riii.t:ir.'utjitM!0
vv r:""II
1 TU IAs ffl.
pill" S8hlul
From Psiidijoj,,
( 'til isgo
Hortlanrl Hpeclal
:'n p. m.
Vl Mllllt-illKloll.
Hall ikc, ln,
Worn, nm.:r' frti
!hlcao and U,i
Kx press
till a. m.
vis Hunt
U.I, T .1 .
Mt. Paul
Past Mall
a. m.
waii wails, Trresn
man. MlnosaViaVSi.
, n
ticcan ana wnnr irk.
rnow l'(iKTUNt)
H.'IIS, n.1
tii oii iNl.su-. 1 . u. Box nan
ilUISIS. "If Mil,r 10-.
Mr. ami .Mrs It. W. Cobb crossed the
rjeettkdt RHMnteio Qi ihe Heotiein
route aboui III days ago i hey foORd
tJOtl for In miles, and ii averaged
about live Ii el deep. At I line- thev
bad II' horses bitched t- RtgOU,
It took them lour day I" UfOII tbt
summit. They tried the .McKeniie
route, but failed.
A statement given mil bv th
do I -h r tin,-11 1 -how- that all but 7.!i"
of the claim of tiregon ol 40,968, tor
outlining her volunteers during the
Spanish war, ha- been pelll Hut M86
has yet been allowed Washington on
a claim amounting to 4A,U0, while
Idaho has secured all t.ul 1M0 of her
claim for 810,111,
Hanger. di-ease ami death follow ne -
lect of the bowel-. I -1 Hi-Witt's Little
Karly Itisers to regulate them and you
will add year- to your life and life to
your years. Kasy to tak-'. never gripe.
Tallman ,v Co.
C. I.. Barrett wa- appointed
master at Yakima, Wash.
Come and Celebrate
the F:ourlii of July.
Make our store your
lisaliutrturs. W e
kutVfl nice Inn ol
stationery and toil- 1
articles. All tin UttMl
books and inagazines
llreult Lourt Adlourueil Until TuesUss.
June 18.
Judge W. K. Kills held a farewell
J party today at the court bouse and
adjourned circuit court until Toetdejr,
June 18, at ! o'clock There were
three to appear he lore him for sen
tence, having been previously con
dieted, I hose were John Tolejl, John
WhltlM and Henry llrauer. Mr. Tolen
was senieimd to live years in the p-ni-lentiary,
which is the limit. The
judge told thu prisoner that tbt leason
he did not sentence hiui to a longer
term was because the statute did not
give bun the power. He was convicted
of knocking Joe l.ar.-iie, r., down
and robbing him. This will la- hi
third term in the penitentiary for the
same kind of crime.
John Whitney was sentenced to one
year in the penitentiary. He it was
who compelled the bartender at John
I'cmain's saloon to set up the drinks
at the uiuxile of a revolver. There is
another charge awaiting Mr. Whitney
when be gets out of the penitentiary,
Inch will be brought to trial if Mr.
Whitney should return to I'eudleton at
the expiration of hi turin.
Henry iirauor was given th mini
mum jreiialty prescribed bv statute,
one year 111 the nenitentiarv. He
unadvisedly look 21 silver dollars from
the 1 -ion bank roll in the Mint
saloon on April ii, and wa convicted of
larceny from the peroon The jieiialty
fixed by statute is from one to live
A Summer Snap
it is, indeed, to supply your hot
weather needs from our array of cool,
light and handsome footwear. Kvery
sboe want of town and country, bui
M and leaure, in and out of door,
is met in this mart display of the
season's uoveltie. Many' acarcely
know what to take from such a pro
fusion of rirt choices at melted . rices.
Outing si, i his lor Ladies at 3.50, etc.
Pendleton Shoe Co.,
I.eon Cohen spent Sunday at Athena,
the guest of K. Manasse aim lauiily.
W II. (tarrett, the travel oil man,
ieut Sunday at home 111 t'einilc ton.
Thomas K. Morgan, wile ami child,
of Carnegie, I 'a., were guests of the
Hotel I'eudleton 011 Mimhiv.
Mrs. R, I,. I.ulkin ami children, ol
Mitchell, South Hakota, were iuestr of
the Hotel I'endietoii on .Suiuiav
Tracy lnman. 0, K. A V night tele
repfl ojiorator, left tin- morning to
remain a lew days at Heppuer during
the lirelnell's tollruauielll.
Haker City Herald: Petti f. ( hand
ler, editor of the Oenyoe bit Nowt,
accompanied by Ins wife, is in the
city itsiay en mule tor Walla Welle
on a visit with frit-mis ami relet! tea,
W. A. Hunt, ueneral audit of the
liilllalo I'ltts thre-hers and Ii. H.
Wilcox, of the Urn, of lemple , Vi 1 1
i-o.N, started iau on a trip tin- niofnlne
to interview tanner- ami examine the
wheat cros.
Miss Ada Hell, sister of Mr-. QeWFgO
Samlluan, of this til) , who ffsvlliatwl
ilsMB 'he Halies bign school on Satur
day, May -J6, at the head of her class,
was the recipient of a scholarship in
W'liitman college.
Will Ingram relumed on Saturday
evening irom an Kaaturn trip, includ
ing a visit to the Beflelo eipaeitiou.
Mrs. Ingram ami her children and
Mrs. .1. A. Hrake will not return (or
a ,01111, ol mouths.
W. 11. Haughtrv, formerly in the
meat market busiues in I'eudleton,
ha bought the plant ot tin- llarras
B I A . . . I , II ... .
aieav company ai vtaua nana lor
!400U. He has lately Ihh-ii a blttei h-r
the reeifiC .Meat conipany ol T'acoma
Jim- laliman . u .. Juc, Tbomet
W. Ayre. jr., tOld Ironsides1, l.ee
Teutscli and Waller liatesen, comurised
one parly, and Otto liuettcher and Tom
Uoylen another that stalled this
morning to drive to lleppuer. They
win arrive mere at ahoiil the same
tilue as the 11.01. with the I'eudleton
baseball club aboard, namely 5 o'clock
this evening. They will remain several
days aud talk up I'emlleton V Kourtli of
July tournament while watching the
firemen's tournament and the baseball
abol An assailant and Than Rportd 11
to Bakr City.
City Haker City, June 10. An aged
farmer named l'ierce, living 111
I'leaaant Valley, ten mile from this
place, came to iiaker last evening aud
offered to surrender hiuiaell for shoot
ing one or two men, he did not know
boe many, further investigation bv
the county orlicial revealed that a
young man named Munn had been
hot in the ley, hut that ao (ar as
could be learned, the Munn boy's com
panion, uamad Hooker, had not been
injured. Su far uo complaint ha beau
made againat 1'ieroe, aud it i believed
1 n yotl 11 v ll
Largest Morning Parade
Ever Held Illuminated
Parade at Night. ..Sports
of all kinds A l arge
Dance Platform will be
Erected Three days'
Baseball Tournament....
H:m p. ni.
All nllliiic latH taw
-Jatt to ,.,
for -t, ris.B
h p. ni.
in p m
Dslly ox.
Columbia Hirer
If A.torlt, mnA u.- 1
I -..., r -r It
Wlllamtte Rivsr
Orpanii ctT, Nffwb(r
Hsl'-nc hi,l.-.,B('
"-I Virn-UnillniT
A a 111.
I Ilea Till,
ml Hat.
I'orvalliK au,t w.
7 m.
1 ie lhr
Hint am
Rivors I
" 1 : 0 a
IM a. m.
Klparls In l.pwliton.
IT U . .
. . - .......
C.,-., A J - n I TP!
Lvciuut: uicu a UUUQ lime a
Take the...
Washington &
f Still mhlO Diva.
v v, i I 'VI
tm Clurago, HI. 1'anl, Ht. Locu,
City, St. JiH), Omiht.u
All Points East and
Portland and polnti
on the Sound.
Arrlvi-s MnmlHvs. V,lui-ikiArtu
ll:Ws. Di. Tlioiilsy. Thurs-lsrun)
at w:nn m. m.
1 " H, , ir .,n i - i nil ll, my it ., 'I
r,., tin, iink r.tva Ul
inoiialliins i'll 1111 or siMri-ss
I It 1 ai UKRBIAU.U P..,
Walls Wslls Wsib
ni t u rt'tf'iltr, 1m
fir.!. I ,l,i,il, IVi,,,' Ti,i..i:,,J Dallassl
S,, r , ' t. , 1 1 1. 10, m, . , Ml:
ii, r Iwi .in. i... o. . kuii If .ul lino.,, 1 ,a
Ii.-.IO, .llo 11
iiuiim Kim 10 iiisiiM, inn on v, 1 milk
M tin ilu.iri ol BVtV) Mauta win'
lias an try. iu tli.' Ii.raiiti(u ami a
a CUlttVtted last..'. Slic tan lit up
ln.-r ilaeping room, parlot or diaing
room ttom tmr eiabontte itoek from
Ihi plain, st to the liilsi-st nados
tad at (uicc-s that an- ii-;lit.
MATTINGS al radttoad petcaa b
ceuee of overatock, Carpets, Rnga,
Wtndoe Sbadaa, Curiam poi. s, baby
cai.h, go carta, niiraca, picture, inc.
The Columbia
Lodin House
I'.W 1. r K.MMtM
HK I . A I .'I A WKBBfl?
Fanners Custom Mill
Hrd W alior. Proprietor
Ospaclty, tati tsrrals day.
flour osi-uiitf,l .'or wheat,
flour. Mill Ki-at. UopihiI Vsl, tic
011 iisint
St. George
AFFORDS::: :::::
Sunda Dinner a Specialty
Bituquals . Partial given Kxlr
Maia aud Webb Btraata
arlors m Keat
-nils ul a
iiavi' all
U0Ul (in suits n elatliM ,., oi.,... 1.... .
I.;.. I siiwi 1 lui D WO
k 11(1. si.i-s lr.00 ,r ,.. . . ...1
jj "i1n.11 vvi
it a Mortnaa t.. make room for other aooda.
arc no inn
iJiinni- sal
ww puiu at 90 I6.00 Butt at $o 5
lia.00 Suits at$i oo
. -v,. ...,,, uulnK rctiiiciHin on all cU
and tlirt,'
to puab oiai
wc- will sc-ll
:iIm, li'iii . t. .
... 111111 ni r , iniv' i . ... .
1 wn nil 1 ; ss n 11 is
i-i ices nicans. " isjuuciioh in
leaper suits.
11. M A . . 1 . I ,1, Mil
ir 1 lusi rnuii.'
is our MIlMHiik. inonsr Hi!
iir.l.T in ifmul fi.r ,tli, ,1 liltiUUt 01
't his ' muikliui 1. lusi III ll"
Kruunil, aud It coiiiIiiiius
UK Hie llahlvst ami u.)iifsi
BWrkati It woulil !' ' lieslrer l '
oilier uischliii' at lweui-ns t
III III", Hint III, ,'OSI lulll lW"'
our own
ALL THE N&W8! Tak the Kaat
Oraguoian. Dailv Sj.oo a oai by
mail. Waalily ai.jo. and ttanii.
WaasUy aa.00 a yaai tsamiiiasy Uae
ltot'"l,ffrv llllilllill!' HJ Suirt. hwu k Tarkt, I'rops
Til 1 1 Mi I ii u ,.i' L ... .... ""fcaB
uaun win-K 1
U- I II 1 . . . A. 1 1 ...
..nit to rot-uivt. tmuiLHi u-uC: : 1 18 Hailk
17, about BOO sacks, now ,to Z tttTlnSS 13 ttd
-us,; aU aU,u 800 iiolu of yJff ware
tjat privUeia of rajeoUnE an a, .11 k?!" 1 Sf- 1 reserve
df too or Eot ffiok! Kffl ,f SJnm me Pen-
ureek. " wjuii or ranch on
J K. SniTM.
I nrnct Hill Rfl
- - a 1
an arei lftalfl tt' WM
m a, u
nd pure bred Ho"'
WMmmmm r. 11 Ml UUlT,
U .. I lj.,11 ,, : W ll-
onrrtai, iiuii,
.....I. l).,Lu kirirs -
8 Hitting I..r 0.wi
Harrl Kixik tnM '
HittiiiK- l
u " i w u nal
lrilau.l Kwlr- Kr-'K-L'-1!1"
aittint; ir -)""
v isilurti weici"c-
iuforiuatiuu aidr
UUY w. a
HaMtt is uerol-.i lIVW
ii. ... ...... um.I .tr.,111 '11.
i.i... . .i. , 1'onsi""'
llun ill brlilni- Mi-ros- lli ' 3
Ihlriooii milus IjiI V'', i
i.i ..I . ..in l- reeelwil ll!'
salil uuuuM hu.I awn- . lu. "
l.l-l.lr lu U- iorlcil. il i is
mil. in- ol -.ui'h ol il' I-' ' "' rrj si
llll tile Ills OOllll . ail
luu sullsluctluii ol sal" ''"
Ml .-, ,,.!. Hi.ril In UIUU, . AA
ft. tiaai l3t&t