East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 10, 1901, Image 1

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fair tonight an1 Tnssday.
we- ioK THIS FACT.
NO. 4147
iMPLETb : : : :
rofni Orenoil
You want a
Sice size spring Overs,
dressed or alive.
i. R. Demott.
Watch fop
in a few days.
Alexander & Hexter.
The Boston Store
There has never been a time when such
Stylish affairs were offered for so little
Rare Cotton Bargains
Pfeoount.it fife nod fortune to Ik;
lUetoMil fine goodl f". to little this
early in the scadi. Judjre the whole
Hon by toil iplendid lot of values.
i2)eaiirl 15c percah'S for lOo
1 toilo do nord gioghsmi lOo
Ojloand Hie dimitiei Mid lawns for . "c
Shirting ri nts and Scotch lawns for 4e
VJiyardf white India linon at 4Jc
Fine dress ginghams for 8Jc
Apron gingham for 6c
Silk Waists
Silk waists for summer wear as well as for
evening wear are growing more in favor with
Pendleton women, as well as their sisters in
larger cities. You get a change from the wash
waist without losing any of its attendant mm
forts, and you add much to the beauty and
Derhy Silk Waists IS ca- h.
others at 4.48, $5, $6, $7, 7.50 up to $11,
Every one materially reduced in price
There isn't an old design in the showing, nor
a single waist that wouldn't be counted splen
did value at our regular asking They are crisp
fresh, charming styles, in the first flush of
At one-third lest than regular price.
PKETTi DIBBONS Neck widths. Ahout town such values as those
are offered for a quarter. All we ask is
Pendleton's Big Busy Store.
Wt offer a rn, - -
ml JJ
' ii.ar.int,,-. 1 ,
etc , f Sjc
will compare
I'M tie,
In fact
i"MyU4o.u:( 1 1 , ndleton
m Soap
4re acknowi, d 'eil hr.a,i
Pm for MM toilet loap, Cas-
wmp( bar tad up.
10 65, some excellent
,n iuui lianimocks.
c,al Things Here
PMren, tl.r. ;
inr ,u 7 ' Kruen
wm tiivj ,, . . .....
u, sets, Ur. . ., 1
a.,, r 4 ai t .US
ft!, COnsistuiJ of . Lrl
' 4nu sauced.' . -oT '
if8 cake ..!.;: ,J. .
dishes CdU ales'
t choice. ' ,u:avy lass
.'ell Burin-.. I.-.--.
teak I." '"" 3 '"usnes
... . "'OOliis. m
goods at
SULscriutlon for anw
or new.i, ...
.. eHL. we are
3r W....LI.. r
Hits Hr,m , ' examiner,
&k2?J0Urnal and dozens
"''ng periodicals.
Pleu v.,. 3tl '""ga, war
25c and 50c.
edericK No
;0 in. Corded Suleil, regular 500, now 29o
38 in. Plaid, regular 76e, now 29o
10 in. Novelty 'heck, regular $1 .2o, now 80p
r0 in. Silk and Wool Novelty, regular $1, now 600
in. Storm Serge, regular 75o, now 580
1") in. (Jranite, regular $1.25, now 80c
30 in. Granite, regular $1.00, now 59c
45 in. Henrietta, regular $1.H), now 7(.i
37 in. Bltok Novelty, regular 60ot now 2'.h-
38 iu. Mack Novelty, regular 75c, now 290
'M in. lilack Novelty, regular 40c, now l'Jc
30 in. Henrietta, regular $1.00, now 73c
38 in. Sicilian, regular 75c, now 600
20 in. Jap Silk, regular 35c, now 23c
24 in. India, regular 50c. now ovc
19 in. Taffeta, regular 85c, now. 001
Oood assortment of colors in above.
Mr- Han Uhland Townaend,t well
known Boat hern poeteaa anil writer,
whOM pen name was Xariffa, died on
rtic ripnll ii an prtmiriM in Madi
son iniiiitv, Iowa, resulted in a victory
for Minister K. II. Conner over A. .
Oammloi. riiio ia th rlrat eonnty
MFftod t.y OOMJtfi
Tlu International aaaoeintion of
tnMhlhlitl dlrwtod the atrikin ma
ebltltflta of M N.-w York Central rail
road, at DtMWi N. Y., to return to
work, nendintt arliitration of th
The Knitliah eenaor of laya haa for
bidden the prodaetkM of ''The Kirat
Viait," an Knliah veraion of the
younger iMiniH' "I'nne Viaite l'i:i de
Xtteoi," 111 wliuli tlie American
actreas, Heverly SitffMVMi aa to
have played the leading role.
Andri w Carneitfe aittuml a deed trana-
ferritin M.(MC.mi() in " percent fnited
Statec cteel corporation honda to
trnatep- for the heiierlt of the universi
ties of Boot land, The amount M0MMI
iuuneliatel v nvailahle. The next in
atallment of intereat can he umsl lor
he OMObW term.
Another of Kritain'a great racing
trophies lieen captured hy an
American. I'm hall keene having won
tlm OaU with Onp and Belli II, ridden
hy Milton Henry. The owner, horae
and jockey are all thoroughbred
Ainericuna, ao the victory waa not
diluted aa it was in the cuae of the
Advicea from the Orient are far
from reasauring a- to the maintenance
of peWM in the future, even after the
successful adjustment of the existing
dlfBeoltiei bMweea China and the
powers. Thoae who have recently
come from Japan coiitirni the reports of
trained olmervers there t tint the
.lapaneai are generally tir.'parinn for
an early war with Kusaia.
William A. Kraoy. formerlv man
ager of pugilists ami defendant in the
prooeedlnM last FWbraMf to prevent
the Jeffries-Huhl in fight, haa no
titled counsel that lie haa retired
from pugilistic mauauemetit and will
not assi-t in appealing from the in
junction granted liy Judge llolliater.
Counsel announced in court that there
would he no appeal.
William Orland llourne, who waa
known as the "I'ioneer of I'ncondi.
tional Aholition," is dead at the home
ot his daughter in Motitclair, N. J.,
ans ML' years. Iuring the civil war
Mr. Itoiirne a an ardent unionist
ami his aotiga mid poems won for liim
the title M "I'oet uf HrtMMloin." Ilu
was one oi ttie earlv promoter u tue
repnhlican (party, Mini was an i eat a
mate friend of Horace tireeley.
Rothschild and Young Morgan
Make a Statement.
Allwd ibe Bin American Financier Wis in
fUrled lo Organizing tbe Blst
Trust F.Tcr Conceived.
eleetrir litfht plant at
will tie in operation in a
The new
Hood Uiver
few davs.
Muj r Lewis S. Tessmi, medical
itirectnr ol the ilepartment of the Col
uinliin, and (Hist surgeon nl Vancouver
harracks, died from apoplexy on -atur-
Ten 1 lips of wool stored in the
Shanikn wareh have heen aohl
lateh at prices ratitfiiiK from II cents
to 1 1 1 cent. Several other cli, is not
yet 111 have heen coiitractetl for at the
same price
A letter from Mr. Oenrgu lirown,
received nl Foreit I irove, state that
her husband, B, P, Krown, an ex-rei-deOl
ot tiiat pUce, aged almut :V years.
oomnitted naleide iy taking iiu at
Ono, Oalif,, May I's..
At Hood Uiver, heuvy ruin for the
past few davit have done hut little
lamam' to the straw herrie. Grower
are much emoiiraKed. Heme are
el I ittg at from 1.78 to I .'.'Jo per crate.
Three carload went out Saturday
nitfht, beeidet ahout HO crate ol local
J ihnston Bros , wlm own larxe
farm near thifur, have whipped the
first OtMtbiOed harvester into Wasco
county, to he useii on their raui'tie.
If tin- venture prove. Micrt.lul III
the Hufur neig'ilMirliood, WMI will he
a Mesbef ot ntheis 1 uti 1 uihmI.
a iheepherrter, Mho wa woikiug for
Mr. Jettobeoa, in the .Magpie dlefriet,
ner Baker Cltjr, Ii inieaingi and In
Iriendl tear foul lay. He ha I.e. u
gone tor more than a week, and no
traie can lie diwovereil of hiui. A
laife eeerehing pert) wa out ikiug
for ti e inimiing man.
London 1 June 10. Baron Botheebld
and J. I'. Moriran. ir.. the latter belne
the ureat inlander's I. on. Ion renresenta
tive, deny that Morgan is negotiating
with the Kothachilda for the eatahlia!;.
nu n! of a hillion-ilollar internal al
What 1 inn Danlad.
I he denial here made Is of a report
enl to the New- York World from Lon
don aa follow :
It is rumored that J. I'ierpont Mor
gan is engaged in arrangiiiK for the es
tahlishment of a ureal Amtlo-Ainei i
Cnn hank, with a capital of 91,000,000,
000. It ia aaid that it ll prOpOMd 10
aholiah all of the principal linancial
agenciee ami hanks already enjeged in
Anglo- inerican bOllneje I'he pro
posed institution, it ia -at. I. ia in
tended M be the practical agency for
the a I read v vast am! rapnllv growiiiL
hanking transact ion between Borone
and America. Mr. Morgan ia under
sioou in nave aasociateii witn liim in
tbe etnpendoni umlertakiiig not mil
me principal capitalists w no anleil in
the organi.ation of the I'niteil Ntatea
StMl corporation, hot also the Koth
Craatait In Hlitory.
Locally, the World aays: "Several
times since the panic ol Mav it haa
heen reported III Wall street thai Mr
Morgan intended to organise a hank
ith MOO, 000, INK) capital. These re
(sirta have been invariably denied at
the ollice of J. I'. Morgan .V Co. The
creation of a hank with a rapitalira
tion of a till I ion ilol lara is an umlertak
ing of a nature ao cnloaaal that ttOtfa
nig approHching it ha ever heen
hinted at before. The aggregate ol the
capitalisation of the 04 national hank
in (ireater New York la harelv 1100,
"Two hanks only are capitalized at
f lU.lKHl.tHHl each- the National i-ity am
the National hank of commerce. Hit
loi alert hank in the world the hank
ot Kiiglaml ha a capital iat ion
I 1 l iBS.OOO or about 7L',(MMl,KNI. The
hank of FmHM ha a capital ol ih:
iNHJ,iaai franc or ah.. nt H,A00,000,
Would He a Hig Una.
The ihlned capital iat ion of tin
Hank of France, the ieutche hank
Merlin, the Hank of Spam, the Hank
of Knglaud, and the Hank Imperia
Ottoman, the government bank of
Turkey, fall lar hort of 11,000,000,
0U0. When it wa reiMirteil lat mniitn
that Morgan intended to organize
hank in thi citv with a cainlal of
1100,000,000 the project wa declared
to he impracticable bv conervatlve
hanking men hecaiiat) of the national
hanking men tiecaiiKe of the national
tatiiking law, which impoae a tax
on the capitalization of MM inatitu
"AugUNt Helmout, the New York
repreeiitative of the Kothachilda,
who, according to the London dispatch
are asi .r late.l with Mr. Morgan in the
vat banking cheme, i not at home
III I I amp-lea. I . L. I., alii nothing
could be learned III .New 1 ork City con
eern ing the rumored organisation o
the mammoth bank."
franoa-Rustlan Hank.
St. I'eterahnrg, June 10. O'licial an
nouncement will Ih- made tomorrow of
the lormatioii of a Krancn Hummiiiu
hank here with a capital of ail
million rouble.
Arc not nu ' m evidence among Ameft-
can eomen Tbe women of Amtma
ut worker, and a weak waikt haudicapa
e worker. hut woman baa a greater
handicap uuui a
weak waiat. Sbe
may have a per
fect form, beautl-
r,,l m.tA trr.no In
yZjjLi all it line, and
yet oe wui oe
cauae her sireuj(0
ia uadermined hy
diacaca peculiar
to her aea.
T'lere la no room for mguuicnt aa to
the weakening effect of Ulcfce diaeaaca.
Ttiere is eleo M room for argument ae
to th power ot Or. Herce'a Favorite
Preacripiion to cure tuetn. It regulaUse
the pen.sli atope unhealthy drain, heala
luflaiumalion and ulceration, and curee
female weak neat It ia a purely veget
able nreparattftni end cannot diaagrca
with the weakest constitution. There ie
no alcohol iu "HavonU Fraacription,"
and it n entirely free from opium,
eocaine and all narcotic.
Sick women auifering from chronic
fgruu of female discaaca arc invited to
consult Dr. Herce by letter frti.
o obtain the invaluable advice or
aaaJiat in the disease o women
corrcapoudcucc atiictlv private and aa
redly confidential. Addiecc Or. K. V,
Pfexcc, Buffalo, N. V.
Word gaunut tell bow grateful I am . ruui
mad advice ul auud luedieiuc.' write art
t...... i-...k. imsi1ui NoithumUcrlaan Co.
beaario. "I luid been in pour hceltb
la i bjd uleeiatiua sud alUug of tbe luteins!
oraans bui J thought I would trv yoet ' Favorite
Freseriotteii 1 I took ve bottle and tbtee of
(he 'Goldcu Mrdfe'al Uttouttiy uo ou r
at in eieic. Pleasant relicts, and I can sslcly
Mr Waltar Batanl, Robarl Uueaanaii
and Hubert James Lloyd.
London, June lo Sir Walter Hesant
aged nl, the famoii author, ditsf at
llampKtead yenterday Irom intlueiia
He wa born al I'ortninoutb In
jut In. ii. d from t.'ambridge uiiiverlty
1 with high honor, waa appoint.! pro
fesaor of the Koyal college of Maurilua,
hut vra compelled bv ill health to
reeiuu. Among ma lat liook were
'The I !l angeling" and "Itiae of the
Hritiah Kmpire." He acquired greatet
fame a an autlntr in collahoratiou
with the late James Hice.
Ijindon, June Iff, Hftbtrt Hwehnnin,
the author ami dramatic puhliaher,
.Led today aged f) He had Iteeu
critically ill ilnoa iictober laat. lie
wan bom at a vi raw al I , Staffonlnliire,
iu l-i II. ami his i. est known work
were "Abe and Hi Heveu Wive,
and "Tbe shadow of the Sword. "
I... i. dm,, lune III Koberl lames
! Lloyd Lindsay, tlrt baron of Wantage,
diM today aged Oil. He waa Itoru in
IHM, aerved through the Crimean cam
paign, and ii... o.d the Victoria (.'riant.
Reported by I. L. Rer ft Co.. rendlaton.
Chloaeo Board or Trade and Hew York
Stoek Bxehanee Rrokart.
New York, June 10. -The wheat
market waa weak tixlay, and closed
nearly a cent under Saturday. Liver
pool eloeed r -10 I -ft. New York
opened 7 I S, but trade waa light,
everyone awaiting the report on the
visible and the government inonlUv
report. When the viaible waa posted,
allowing a decreaae for the week d 1,-
640,000 price deellMrd a cent.
Mtocka higher.
Close Bntnrdnj . n i .
Open t.slay, n lt,
Kitnge today, 7S 1-H to 70 l-H.
Cloae ttalay, 7tt'4.
Slocka: Soger, lll'4: tobacco, HI
7-H, ateel. 40lw ; St. I'anl, llkV4 ;
Auhiaon, ml feS Krie, 4:lu; I'nion
l'acilic, 107le.
New York Market.
New York, June 10. Sugar, fair, re
lining, II ;t-S; centrifugals, ia. teat, 4'4
crushed, OOOs powdefed, MO to B06
granulated, Vsl to ;"i.r ; collee, No. 7,
spot, It l-H; rice, domestic, 9) to OJrjj
wool, urn hanged.
Oplnloni Handed Down Today at Salam
Aflaetlng Kailarn Oregon.
Salem, June 10. I he supreme court
ffir 1 the lower court in GfOw
I'otnl Merchainl ise company va. t'hria
man, an appeal from linker nuintv
Crawford vs. II utchins. u, an .appeal
Iron Dnion, and in HotfMf vs. W. -i .
I 'mat i I la county. I'lio lower court waa
reversed III Hughes " Mct'ullocli,
Beker ronnty; Bwnekbnmer v. Jobn-
aon, Union county, stale of Oregon va.
t ook, .Morrow eounljl .
These cases were on the docket at the
May term at I'endletoii . Other de
cisions in cases afflicting Kastcrn Ore
gon are exported from Una time on
until the majority of cases heard at
l'endleton bate heen diaMiaetl of.
All Retail Shopi Hav a Strike Ovar the
Onion Uuailton.
Oakland, June 10 lour hundred
journeymen butchers, comprising all
the butchers III the iri.nl shop nf
Alameda county, struck this imirning,
hocaiiHc at the ret nest ol the whole
salers, the retailer removed union
cards. The proprietors announce thai
if support bv the san Kraiicit.cn retail
ers ami wholesalers is promiaod at a
meeting to he held tonight, they will
tight to a finish. If not, the journey
men will probably win.
Hot to Madlal In the South African
HitI III, June 10. The foreign ollice
ishin-d it statement today deny ing that
itermany will mediate in the Smith
lruan win Neither Kiigluml, I rance
nor Kiissim, so the statement say, ever
approached lierilullis to parln ip.tte in
en action aiming to end the South
African war.
Physician! Advlia HI in to Remain In
Apartment All Summer.
Home, June 10. The pope ih again
ill. He waa unable to take bin MM
loiuarv drive yenterilav. His nhvi.
.am. have advised him nut to leave
his apartments during the entire summer.
Opposed to His Re election as
Speaker of the House.
Say He Is of the Bibcock strip of R
publicans. Who Want Tariff
Wnnbingtnn, June 10. -I'rotectmniat
are MM H be after SM.aker llender
lOn'l scalp I hey do not want him to
he re elected an presiding olllcer of
the bWM. I'liev prefer some man who
thev are sure will Bpbold tlie pnlUf of
protection at e heinrda. rin. rennon
for tbll projected attack on Henderson
is that he im RnaDCCted o sviiiliathiilnir
with Repreeentetive Bebeoek, ol Wia
oonain, in bil camplamt for tariff re
Mey and Probably Will Acaept tha
Ultimatum sent Them.
W neb I niton, lane 10, The Cuban
conetikutionnl oonvwntlon aa m
sum today, considering the ultimatum
of Preeldent McK inleji iant on stur-
dny to the efJeirl that the I'latt amend
ment must be adopted without modi-
Hon tion, Interpretation or interpola
tion, before imnricnn Iraopa will ra.
withdrawn, or anv further step taken
toward the eetebllabi t nf the On ban
republic Newt from Havana tisltv
indicates that the president' ultima
tum ha had goial effect. I'he fact that
It came from the preairlent himaelf haa
brought the radical to a real laat ion
..I the litnation.nnd it i now predicted
that the amendment will be adopted
w Itbonl change.
Olaailroui to tha Boeri.
London, June III According to a
rsirt received Irnln lien. Kltclieiier
t'siay, apnentinna In .mtii Africa ilnne
May I liave been extremely iiaMtroua
to the Hoer. Kitchener report that
luring May the Hoer lot nan killed,
taken priHoner and surrendered.
fftllann Cnlll MaLaurln Namei.
Waehinnton, June in. Senator Mr
l.auriu, who i In thia city, when
asked today what wa new it the
rontroveray with Senator Tillman,
sanl: 'ibe latest is that lillmaii
all me a mangy cur."
Kiiiad in in entiipntnee.
Mania, June III. Kltihugh late, jr.,
wa not wouudeil 111 liatlle at I. ilia a
reirlcd yeaterday. I. lent l.ee, ol the
eng u.eei. i the man who was killed
III the light, liNicthcr with I. lent
Springer, of tbe twenty -Hrl iiilantrv.
Allaea loipec Was Partner.
Salem, June III Aphis ih appearing
in Marion county wheal hebl.
A aeimatlei.nl ami la-gun in coniiec
tion with (iilhert Hroa. bank uhiii
alon allege that the late Wm ('onper
waa their partner
Albania Hlpe tor Hevoiuilou.
( 'oimlant lltoide, June 10. Foreign
coiiBilU at sicUtarl Albania, repnM
that Italy la -ending one thnuaand
ri.He to Albania which ia ripe lor
lha Uaileia Hlnori Strike Aealnat
a .nisi Long Hours.
Urnnnw, Unlinuti June 10. -Three
tli."i and miller hate ntruck III south
em Unliela agauiHt working tlfteen
hour pei day (or thrtwt ilnllara a
wiwk line thousand tnsipa were aent
to the scene to prevent disorder.
Outlai on Holansi.
London, Jyne 10. Iii the commons
today bancellor llicks-Heacli movetl a
resi.lution. which passed, altering the
du ttB IsnlnaaM la tWC shilling, nine
pence, per hiindrisl, when cniitaiuing
above twenty per cent sweetening
matter two shilling when containing
above fifty per cent. The hilt ou
glucose in tlxed at t wo h il I ing. nine
pence, f . . r hrrU i lass, and two shilling
for id cla.
mauley Want! liubsrnstlunal Honors.
lew 1st. in, Me., lune III Hon.
Joatiph Mauley hslav authorisad tha
atatemeiit that he l in the field for the
Mr. .lame Hrowu of I'uUmouth, Va.,
over li year ol age, Muttered lor year
witli a bad sore on hi face Physicians
could not help him. HeWitt'a Witch
Hael Salve cunsl him aruianeutly.
I'al Iman A Co.
HcUaiilsl taaa Argued.
tnieiU. June 10. - The case of slate
oi in. vui v. rrank Uejieniei, mnr.
lerer of ( lara ritcli, wa argued Utfoie
the supreme court today.
I'l.o Hague, June !0. la I'eaidenl
Kruger arrived here Ibis inoruiiig. He
will probably meet Mr. Hotha on her
arrival here.
Wc nnvn Mn pnti uitluiiguU
l.tti'. Vetting ttip, knl aiul patent
ii.itiui tip -.inns, rngulii pficn
ij.uo, as lull); aa tin last wc will
inll I bun im ti i$.
Kt-iiM-m lit-r we will Q1VI
AWAV a pnj ol ihOM ABSO
J line l Ith 10 t iu- Ptfioa guessing
in art st tin Blintknl ol DMBJ i thi
inj in qui show w in low
a spc-
a. All
ur Iota
I c.-uld
uctur nud bar
. . a i a , . l,
vi u want to move all the ladies suits ana -.
M W eV Mass. - L ,
skirts. Prices have been made to make
them go.
mo&ku well ot uui
Dr. Fici.c s Htauauit FelleU keep Ltic
Hear healthy They aaaiat the action of
vorite I'iecxipUon when e Inactive
te eefnirad
Si . MsKiolsy Bat Up Same ea Sunday
aod Today.
Weshiuatou. June 10. Mrs. IfuKlu
I lev' condilioii thi morning was nrec
deal ly uuchaugetf. Nhe paaeetf e feirly
comfortable night ami will probabiy
sit uti a little t'siay, as aha did yeater
'day. It IS hoped, (hough serin iil v
doubted, that she a ill fat strong enough
to lie moved to Canton iu July.
Imprevsmaat Shows.
Washington, June 10. - At 11 o'clock
Mrs. McKiuley' physician reported
In i condition favorable and that tharu
waa a auow of gradual improvement.
Leuls atere Buleided.
Hamberg, Havana, June 10. Louie
Stern, a former United States consul
at this place, com at it ted suicide here
An. Stand N. X , Iu e 10. I'he
I 'like end I'm liens of Cornwall arrived
here. today on the royal yacht Ophir.
j tl
BHOB .sioivi
hnTt.UH Of PKHT.
Mam Mict t. 1 '. o. lb u. n Or.
today hy shooting.
Hit; Mix fust Award fur Merit
is always given to our fine bread
from the vt i. In t td tln,,c wlm have
U ii it Lor nutritive a unit tine.
health giving DfOPflrtUM and Im fjn
lieioUl tlaviir anil lightm iaa OUI lui ad
uiirivailtfd We use ntitiiint' hut
tiie Lest il. eii in its baking.
atockiou incubator.