East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 07, 1901, Image 4

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Light Sole.
Medium Heel.
For Strert Bf
Kiki Reproduction ..I !',i5 M.lc .t
There an- other shoes at
this price. The difleNBCC
is in the ihoM The ilif
fcrrncr has- made
Queen Quality Shoes
world famous. All sizes
one price $ 3.00.
Vertical Boot ami Kins- Men.
Boileil ham for lunches at liitw lev
Waterman's FunnUtui 1'ens- N . f ' .
Iltiy your window alia.lo ill
Murphy 'g.
On arooinMian.l afe for aulo at
Juat right Rite aprm- . 1 1 1. kelin at
Ilawlpy 't.
Cndaliy's eitrn sweet Baond bWM
at Haw lev .
Hltle eerac unit, 'i. ("leaver iro
Dry (ioixla Co.
I'ant. $1 to to a pair. Cleaver llros.
Dry Omnia Co.
A few racvele ami Crawlonl Im-vlcs
left at Witli'ec'a
liarden hose at all price- and tfii.ir.m
tewtl at W. Hire's
Nolid mountain potatoes fro.- from
aprnuts at lUwIev'i.
Have your pictures iratn.il . latent
ty ! at Murphy '.
Fancy eaaaiinero suits, f.'i. Cleaver
Hrn. Dry lunula ( o.
New dmuKiiN in wall paar at
Murphy' (Htint atom.
At Kailer'a furniture itore id the
ii line cf in.'- ami mattinu.
Automatic reiritferat'irs ami tv.il.-r
coolerH at KaiHr'a furniture itore.
Window aha.lea, curtain pules, mir
ror, .-t. .. at Hader'a ftiruituri- atari
Oldest place anil laat tamalea, at La
hoy', cor Court ami warden Itfieatl
Finett 11 UN- ami lard on the market.
Horn product; trv It, its tfiiaruni I.
Hchwan A Wreulich
ice cream for parties and Imitfc
eociable at aptrcial price, itialit
guaranteed. Candy I Lit ton.
C'reacent bicycle on the Hiatal 1 11 i n 1
plan at the Oreereut agency in ti
Oregon lan huililing, p.ivinent- a
week, m mtereit.
Kememter I have a letter atnek of
oil, aile-ttreaae, rope, baltiag ami kll
other harveat auiipliea than ever la
lore. I. xinea, Helix.
Know Thvaelf : To know ia power
"then he wise." Cumillt Si mar. tin
palmist and eairvoyant, l.a'ale.l on tin-
corner ol Cooliy and Alta r.- 1 -heading
from '.' until 7 p. in Head
ing cent.
Mr. .lame Itrowu of I'utsiinnith, Va. ,
over Wi year ol age, Buffered (or y.-ar-with
a had ore on hia fain-. I'hvan-ianx
could not help him. DeWltt'- Witch
llael Naive cured In in .oriiiuiieiitly .
Taliiuan A. Co.
The annual memorial service of the
I. O. O. P. will be held at tin Thnmp
on atreet M. K. i-liurcli on Sunday
evening, -lone ii. All iiieiiihers of tin-
oritur in I 'mullet. m an- requested to
aaaemhle at ddd hellows temple at 7
o'clock p. oi. to march in a hody to
tin- church.
At led time 1 take a pleaaant ii.-n.
drink, the next morning 1 feel bright
and mv complexion i lietter. My
doctor aaya it acta gently on tin
atomach. liver and kidney, and is a
pleasant laxative. It ia made ffOBI
iierLw, and ia prepared a eaaily aa
tea. It la called Lane' Medicine
l.ain-'a Family Medicine move (lu
ll ittels each day. Price L'.K' ami ot
For aale hy lalman A Co., aole agents
Freah atrawhernea every
ley 'a.
At the Mnicppa, inith'a old place,
cooked crawtiah can Im had in mall or
large lota.
Three fur.nahed NOBM anitable for
hotiankeeping t" rent i-heap. Fruit,
garden ami ii.c of piano Add reaa Mr
A. I'Mvis, I'end I aton .
Tialay and tomorrow ia poaitivelv the
laat anpegram-e of the Mohemian giaas
MoMM. You ahouhl not fail to see
thin interesting work.
Frank Fielding Nalder, ol Walla
Walla, haa been awarded a acholarhip
at Columhia univeraitv, New York,
la-ing one of the .M aucceaafnl appli
cant". Standard Qruaarv Company will
have within n few day a ahipnient of
the celehrated Caiii" hrand of HIMti
goods, formerly handled hy Tatom
llro. Aak for them.
The I'eople'n Warehouae han an ad
ill another column of thin paper that
haa itema of interest to every man
woman and child in Pendleton. No
charge to allow good.
W. .1. Bawal 1, mAnager ol the A. C.
Bbaa Lumbar rotnpany, haa secured
tin- ton tract la lorn lab the lumbar for
the McOormrttb warahooac bo ba bailt
at Fulton station on the W. A C. Kail
road The annual memorial aerimm of the
ladapandaal Oniar ol old Fallow,
will he dallvnrad by tba Rev. Joba
Dfan at the Tiioiiiion-treet Matbodltl
F.piaroal churcli on Sunday evening,
June t.
tJntll main Monday, June III, the
nr Inkling committal will raaalaa
hida, at the oiln f the city recorder
for the privilege of placing advertise-
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Upon one, tHo or three of tin-
tre't aprmkl nig wagon, for tin- ea
son of 1101,
It won't l- long until you will want
a refrigerator. We have the heat line
ever "hown in I'einlleton. Tliev are
tin- ri lehrated ClrcOjIatlna air retriuern
tOtl ami our prieea will he right.
HanifoM it Thonipaon, tin- leadlliv
hardware men.
Lottie Colliua, the dancing doll,
will appear in the Koappaa Brp'c.
boa window tonight. All the little
folka ahoiild aee the little wonder. I ' I w
Slate 1- the deaiguer of th if window
ami it ia the lieat display of hia
original idea- ever pnaluceil.
"The doctora tonl tne my cough waa
incurahle; ( ne Minute Cough Cure
made me a well man." Norris Silver,
North Stratiord, N. II llerauae you've
not found reliel from a atuhhorn cough
don't deiair line M-iiute t'ongh Cure
hat enrad thousand uml it wiM cure
yoa Bal and sure. Tallman it Co.
.'rx- Klein i-auglii a salmon .: I inchea
in length on Thuradav afternoon. June
n, in tin- t'malilla river within the
I'endlelon cUV limita Mr. Klein ned
a No. I hrown hackle fly. ami was
from In to l." minute- 111 landing hia
priae. II. F. RaOB wati'hed the
struggle hetween man ami ti-li with
great interest.
Walla Walla I nion Councilman
Frel M. Paulv, who waa aometime ago
aiiiioinned a- a candidate lor tin- ollice
at mayor ami whoae petition fully
Signed liaa Pee n held lor several daya,
veaterda witndrea In- name from the
1 11 of candidatea and made the atate
meni that In- would not accept the
ollice under any . ire nm-iance-.
The hnondary couimiaaioii of the
American and Canadian governmenta
engage! in relocating the international
line -in the Weaterti loa' of tile Cas
cades have completed their (work
through the Mount liaker mining dis
trict, and rind that it ruua tin- ito-
of a mile further aouth than generally
laalievetl. All the tuoat vaiuahle
mine, however, are 011 the American
"A few months ago Pax) which I ate
for hreakfaat would not remain on my
stomach for half an hour. I used one
hottle of your Iwodol DvsiM-paia Cure
ami can now eat my hreaklaat and oth
er meal- with relish and mv (rami ia
thoroughly digested. Nothing equals
Kialol Drspepaia Cure for atomach
troubles." II. Pitts, Arlington, Tex.
Kodol DyM)pia Cure digest wuat you
eat. Tallman i Co.
baall employed ill Oliver y Company's
griH-ery store. Hia innin ton- frlafldl
1 ougratulate him OpafJ his appoint
Naw Trial to B Aakad for by tha
Parents. Arftumant to B Made on
Ilenrv Hraner wb convicted of the
allaiad wli ' laraany from tba paf
son, in the circuit court on Thuradav,
June I, Thia is a case that haa at-
traded re than the nanal -har. of
attention, lataalf aa account of th-
circuinatances leading ui to and atten
dant upon the commission ol the
. rime, iin Saturday morning. May IH,
Hraner had baafl gambling in the Mint
aalooti of Pete Medernach, pUvmg at
W. B. Oilmore'a roulette game, and
losing b few dollars. Mr. GllmoTC w.i
near the roulette tahh- ami T. I .
Wagner was the dealer when the
alleged crime was committed at alamt
I o'clock in the afternoon. A few
minutes before that time, Hraner had
been talking with Clarence I'ehlaml,
one of the proprietors of IVnland
Profilers' lodging housi . ami had told
him he going to the Mint saloon,
take all the mnnev he could comforta-
hlv bold in hia hand ami walkout with
it and that they "dasn't do a d d
thing about it. "
He Kpt ols Word.
Mr Hraner proeeeiled to do a he
had said. Me went to tba Mint saloon
and bold I v in broad day light asked
Mr. (illBMfa to loan him 6. Mr. Oil
more said he did not have anv ") for
him Ha then wept to Mr. Wagner,
the mail behind the roll, and naked
him for Si Mr. Wagner told him nay.
Hraner then reached for the silver
tacked up oti the table 27 silver
dollars to the stack, and took II. hut
three of them dropped from his hand.
He put the other II into hia aicket
and started out. Mr. Qllmora ex
postulated with him and asked him
to put the money hack, hut Hraner
rot used, and ever since ha continued
to reiii.c.and will prnhablv keep mi re
lating until the crack of doom to give
lip those good hard chunk- of un
earned increment of the reasonable
value of one dollar each. Measra.
Wagner and OilatCffa swore out a war
rant lor the arrest of Hraner and the
paper a- serid lb- was charged
witli robbery. Later in the alien, op
he was taken before . I it CHHS
aid, and had R. .1. slater to assist
him. The charge MM 'hanged to
larceny from a store ami Hram-r was
hihl to the circuit court.
Lhara Again Changed.
When the case came up for trial Un
charge was again changed to hafamj
from the tierami. The iiieatioii was
raised a- to whether larceny from ti e
person did not make it neeeaaary to
prove that the property was taken from
the physical person of the one stolec
from, liu: Judge Kll is in charging the
jury gave the instruct mn aaked hy Dis
trict Attorney llailev that it would la-
John Tolsn Acqultlsd of l hsrue of
Robbing Jo Laroque, tr.
he trial ol the case of the -tale oj
Ora-in vs. John Toicii, acaaaad of the
cri.oe of larceny from tin- peron.
came up ami was finished in the
circuit court this forenoon. A verdict
of not guilty wai rendered. Joe
I.ariKpte, sr., waa robbed of f 4" whili
drunk at Athena on the night of April
Bi Me waa "rolled." John rolan and
Frank Pamhriin were Indicted jointly
for the crime. M. K Collier was at
torney lor the defendant.
John Whitney It being trod this
afternoon for assault with a dangerous
Charles w. Hendrix, the baaaball
plnver, was taken to BalaB) this niorn
lug to serve a sentence of two vears in
the state penitentiary for obtaining
mnnev under false pretenses. Hubert
Stevens, who took a horse, the property
nf Joe Sievens, of Pulton station, ami
sentenced to the pen iteiitiari lot II
mnnths. also went thi- morning.
Depntv Sheriff .! Illaklev. of I'etldle
ton, and Constable .1 L Bmltb, of
Athena, accompanied the two nan
Heport From Raker ( It) Sayi Losses
Will Be tiraat.
itaker City, June 7. Tuesday night's
frost has killed most of the truit of
this part of the state. Rapoftt received
hen- today Indicate 'hat tin- laat will
be qaltl heavy, and aStaaOM over a
large area. All the fruit nf the Powdat
river vallev ia thnugiit to base
perished, aa the temperature ranged
from to Bfl above taroi Apple-.
cherrie- and plums are black, and as
these are the more hardy varieties,
there is no hope for others.. In F.agle
valley, tin- famous little fruit orchard
of the state, it la stated tbatt there i
a loss of about BO per per cepi in the
lower end of the ailcv, while in the
upper end fruit is practical I) unin
jured. Pine valley, adjoining. IrjeM
more. In the Hurnt river country, the
los- i- variously . iini.iP-.i to be from
total to BO pei sent i Vane table nre
also mostly dead, especially potatoes.
Tfiis valley lias t im- well known
for its potatnaai aad Mrinai loss will
he sustained in this reaped
Baaar Cltv Having Som- Ulflaronces
With trie Lompanv.
baker ity . June 7. Citizens of
this city an- at war with the local
electric light nompanv At a meeting
of the BumatOfl council i.i-t evening,
tie- city attoraaj wae Inatroctad to .-
amine into the francliise ami ascertain
Oornmenoing todny, WHty,
mi) ffer 'ill H I I" onf s,u"'
iliiin good gnodi w.tc evtr soli
f0,,dljtoD. W Intend to mk
fllb, wf
I for in
If you
i . 1 . . 1 ...... . ii. iu Is; vi in r
waiu gooa gooua i ii--m' "
,!,. i NK WMR t'M.i
UmoM Pacific
I'll IcaKo
'i m D, m.
via Hunt
Worth. (irnihT RS,"
aa t:it a, ',
JhlCMo n tui"""
:lo a. m.
via Hunt-InRtnn.
. :
Halt Ika. fK.nT,, .
Worth, (,,,"
a City. Hi I,.ul,rE
cago and Kt "
rrri m;nk
njf a hi m n n 1 1 tr ta i j net vat
w a m ' '
VI I.l
lr. HiKitn-s -ni ll-'M i I at nileiur rt-nrn e.
i r r,l.--w ' ' . . J
liii. In ii.- iiaii-k. h.-iimioiI fcaaiaalwaa
I amai-Hln arr KhaWtl
lit Mil
...i iiiih""l liis'imnla,
. , .ens IK-llllll' I'lfliell
Hi Paul
l-'aai Mail
H-.tri a. m.
' l
Wall Walla
Hpokan,. w,n '".
man. Minn,.,,,!,', J" .
"'am. lMili.th.mi.7
aw.i nioaammm,,,
-n ami i
.u IM uiui.-- unjau ot
si h
; ,,' . c.;;-..ie ..eMs.irai-;.
- Ocean and River
, . . XI .MlU'CV v.. .... . .
I luipuilue
-.. Mil tcl.n- .... A'irj
I ouiuiciii cure. tL-"J'"jOI-"oru0
1. 1 roii in on i m
i.k n 1 i i st - v
. Hex
Han FrandamCaL
Mtiia i v t'Hs ni.t- rtv .
if leiial redress va- mm-IiiIi- tor n lull
autln iHiit to prove that the property ! ,H .tvled evorl.it.iol and aaeanaata.
rates Some business men advocati
holding a mass Bleating ami having til
ii tin- iicsin of Bvory woman who
baa .in ny t" lha baautiful and a
a cultivated taato She can fit up
hei limping room, partot nr ilmtnK
riKitu trom "tir slaborate itoch Irom
tin plaineii to tha bichaal gradai
and at pricaa thai ara right.
M 1 'TINGS at reduced prices he-
eauae of overatook. Carpets, Rngi,
Windoa Shades. Curtain polea, baby
Cabli I'" ':arts. inirrnrs. picturaaf etc.
MUM p. 111.
Schedule 1
i i , ,Kt ........ sa
aii 1111111! aua Uh.
iaot p. chant
fwau Fr,1(.itrn
"all every ..1T.
- P ni
10 p m.
Daily ex.
i a. m.
Tne Thr.
ami Hal.
Columbia RiT,r
'In Astoria ,! w
Wlllamatta HiTr
drcann t'lty. Vi'arbm
Halenj Itnli'.n.iirV
and Waj-Lamtinfi
:nrvallls ate .
1-aatnl itiara
I a m.
I up I'lira
ami Hat.
Willamette andYam
mvari ,,.J
.. Ivv
I M a. in.
Snake Rivr.
Klparla to ..-wiU)tt
Undertakina Parlon in Hear
Main ami Wi-hl' Stre.-ts.
upun air cuacsar.
PeuUlaloii Cornet Band Will Appear at
tha Corner ot Main and Court.
The first lllM-urailce of the IVlldle-
ton cornet .nut since its reoranua
tiou will iHi-ur this evetliuii, which
will la- tin lirat ot a serie- of weekly
concert. The concert will he aiven
at tin- corner of Court and Main
treta. lata following pf8fMaMBe
will In- rendered :
March, "National Keticiblea," Son-1
Walt. 'Chine.- Lanterns," P'AvIn
lad nam.
Polka Coniixne , ".Maaaa'a Hirth
day," l auremh ii. .
Andante, "The I'alina" haritom
aoloi, t-aiirc
Overture, "The Hoiniuet," Lauren,
March, "tlnr PllrtatlOBI .'
stolen w,i- taken from the t-oiiiiilaih
IIIK Witness while it was under in
ll(ht or in hia immediate saesaion.
or miller his iuiDiediate eye. although
net attached to him ny ' a chain or
A veniict of guilty was returned in
alamt fti minutes.
The defense aka for a new trial,
having- tiled a motion for arrest of hhIk
ment. tin Monday, a motion tor new
trial will Im- ariiued. A point ol prime
importance in the aritument will be
the fadga'l instruct mn to the jury that
larceny from the person may he lukiutt
of atapatty that ia "under the imme
diate, eye 1 of the owner or custodian.
Cltlens pieile thetiis. I .-ea not t" u.
more liifhts of the company until tin
municipal plant, for which bond were
voted, hus he ti constructed. The im
minence of the the latter plain I- ri
Itarded ar the real cause lor tin- atti
tude of the present company.
Come and Celebrate
the f ourth of July,
Make our store- your
ileadquaJftaaa. VV
have- a nice- line ol
stationery ami toilet
articles. All the lan-st
iiooks and n)Uaiues
Probably a Uatcnar Har.
A Salem dispatch aaya: The baafd "f
ll-li i oioio i siioii--r- to. lav decided not
to operate the Weiiatchee hatchery in
the atate of SVaah IlitCloh , hut to ex-
pend all availahle fund uain hatch
arkaj ia Oiaaon. Uatobariai will prob.
ahly la- balil on Wallowa Lak. at
McKay cr.-.-k, OB I'uiatilU liiver, and
on the lie- Clinics tills fall. I'er
miaioii waa granted to the Oregon
Kiafa ami t lam.- Aaaociatiou to ituck
Ofagaa streams with hrook trout.
Today and Toraorrow soii.o. It.
It you want to go to St. I'aul, Sioux
'ily, OaaaiHti rit. Joe, Kauaa City,
Uaafaaarafftb or to any point aa we
aUaaoarl river and return lor 0 .ui
will have to Ian your ticket- at tin- 0.
R I N. ticket oatef liala or toinor
row. Tba coal lor making the aame
trip alter June ,s will In- 170 lu imiiiu
t" Nt. I'aul your ticket will he made
g.sa via Umatilla if deal red where
cloee connection ia made with the
sponane hlyjr which carries through
car to 8t. I'aul.
Kebekah of Waihiiigton elected
tlieae otlicer for the coining year:
Mary Ward, siiohoinnh, president ; lua
K. South, Kpokaue, vice pre.-, dent
Mary V. Hale, of lacuna, grand
warden. Nellie M Kiioff. of SmmIII..
grand aivretar Ma Maxou, of Medi
cal Lake, grand trca-urer, Kmma K.
Shaw, oi Walla Walla, truaie.- of ih
I. i). f, home at Walla Walla.
. 1 -
A Summer Snap
It is, indetMt, to aupply your hot
weainar neis I rout our array of cool.
igni ami ''latltnae lootwear. I. very
n...- oi uiwu ami coaiury, tiuai-
.iii.l pieaaure ic and out d.s.rt,
-seat in this smart dipla of the
ea-on'- iin.elti.-. Many acaretih
kaaam what o take from auch a pro
liiaVoi of tiral choice- at m. li prion.
Outing ahoMM fr Iatdies at 3.S0, etc.
I'endleton Shoe Co.,
Ir. I. U. Temple, of l.nterpriae, ia
a viaitor at the home ol Mr. ami Mr-.
T. H. Well..
The aalarv of the poatmaater a'
Humpter, Ore., will lie advanced from
IKaJO to 17(iu.
Mias Kva Wiaal and Miss Kaum leave
today via the U. K. A N. lor Buffalo,
to attend the exposition.
Mias liertrude Klnpiig, aiiter of
Mr. Charles Itohrman, left for St.
I'aul this morning via the ti. It. ,v V
Ml sues Harriett!' and led Thoinpion
left tins morning for lleppner, wh
thnv will viatt for about two weeks.
Mayor W. J, Wilkinam.. of Ath.-n.i
is in I'endleton tialav. driviuw down
thr- morning, a witnea- in the circuit i
sumpter Miner: Charlie Koliluti
roiuriied home Monday Irom Pwndlv
toll, where he haa heeh at school all I
w inter.
William K. Uullua, of the I'nited
State- life aaviug station at Newport,
Oregon, arrived in i'einlleton Friday
ruing, accompanied hy h's wile. I
in- mi- relative in mis county ami is
out in the MMMtrj rlaitiag them
u'orge MflDoajaM. murahal of
Alhena.aiid James t.'. Stamper, ipaolal
ollicer. are in attemlaiice iis.n the
circuit court, called to tell a wit
heases what they know concerning the
cat of the state va John Tolen.
K. J. llialih ami Moses Tavlor, of
Athena, are visitors in PendfetOO to
day. Mr. IhsIiIv relumed tlir.e we.-k-ago
irom a Ifia to Ins old home n,
Kuglaiiil, ami ttsik hi- paMTI a (ull-
iieifged oiliaaa oi tba united Htitoi to
Mr. John N'ert, gratni worthy
matron ol the Order of Kaati-rn .-tar,
left Friday night for I'ortland. where
the grand chanter ol the order will
convene on Monilay, June In, Mrs.
William iieagle, aiao a grand oflloer,
will leave on Saturday to attend the
same meet lug.
.Mias Katheriue I 'arson arrived
noma tins aiiernoon, having come over
the route ol the Northern I'aciiic and
w. a p. i- i. Miss Paraoaa bai baaa
in the Last during six mouths past,
having iieeu tin- gueal of relative- ia
New Haven and Hartford, Conn.. New
York, Wahiugtoii and Cleveland.
liaker C ity Democrat HOeena Oakes,
well known m Baker Citv, who Iravela
lor Neiutater Bros., rOTtland, was
thrown from a horae yeaterday at
Ontario and one of hi legs broken.
Mr. Oakes passed through here yester
day on hi way to I'ortland. Hi many
frieud were much pained to learn oi
ins acclUeut.
K. I'. Koiinil, district foreman of the
O. K k N , returneil nearly a week
ago from I'ortland, where he wa in at
Vincent' i.-.-pua. for a couple of
weeks under the care of lit. McKeiuie,
the OOlUpany physician. Mr. I. .ii. ,ii
i glu.l to inform his friends that the
operation he underwent wae very aat
isfactory aud that he is feeling better
than for years. He eaye he will be a
well man practically in the couree of
a couple ol week.
K. A. Seed, who took the civil
aervice examination a lew week ago to
MMjome a railway poatai clerk, and
passed, has been notified of hi ap
pointment to that aervice and to report
at Portland. Special Agent Whitney
wa expected to paae through I . ml..
ton on lhuradav iiiuiit train, hut
tailed to do so fur ome reaaon or
other. Mr. heed i a truatworthv
Dyspeptics cannot is- lung lived, Lo
calise to live leanirei nonrlihment ,
l-'iaai is not naarianiafl tin it is diaeet
wi. A diaordarad itaeeeeii .anno' uig.-s'
f." -.I it must have amietaaea. Kialol
I lyspepaia Cur.-digest-al i mils"! loo, I
without aid Irom the stoma, h.al low la
it to rest and regain its natural torn
tiotii. its elements nr.- exa.-t i y theaama
aa the natural digestive thinl- aad II
simply can't help hut do you good.
Tallman v Co
The state hoard ot pnlaaieal survey
aeaamblad in Tanoma and ippolntad
Henry Landis atate geologist, lie now
has the chair of geology in the Waeb
iaglea state euivareity. Proteaeoi
Bhedd. ol the atate MMmtlde tebool,
at I'ullman, was appuintad aaaiataat
aiiperintenilent. The hoard will name
eignt men to enter Upon the -I at.
geological survey.
A Special Sale lor one week
All triiiuin'tl huts ui totuaJ ootl ranging from
H)v t. Si.s.s. stiv.'t hats sailor- firom 86o
to $1.60. Sim- out gooda And get our prioet be
fore buying elsewhere. We also wish t in
oretM our Htlei on lvdiei siiirt vrtviiti ami ran
quote vt v low prioei for a iborl tim'. Don't
forget The Pairi gutrantei money hack if
g mils ar- not intiawiotory
iennett iv- Tarbet Props.
The fourteenth annua! ooavoaatioa
of the grand commandery, Kiiighl-
i.-iiiplarol vvashington, op-n.-o in
lacuna on Wednesday with a parade
ami baaa eat as ti- priaeipal taatorea
DelaaatM ware aroeent from mmI. oi
the in nommamtef lea In tiie jarlaik
lion, and there yy.-r. iboal lot) viillon
III attend. Hi. .-.
A surgical operation is not neceeary
lo cur.- pii,.. UaWltt'l Witch 111
Salve saves all tiiat expense ami never
fails, lewaie ol counterfeits, rail-
mai; v Co.
I mil Satunta) , J um
Bttl IN Will still sell
i oe piece dinaat
set in Johnson Uros.
ami iorcclain lor
John Seibert Bldg. next LO. Webb St.
Positively Last Tbree Days.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
i.i- unequalled -kiii in Trannfantnrlaa all
"UI the u... ol molde. Two gias, sl.-an
J'nllnian Sleeping Cars,
l.leuunt Dlniai -irs,
Tourlai Sleeping (u
ylll TTK.
and all Miint Kaat ami Kontl..
ii.ri.iiK i in .-! in ua raai
i "iu ale! .Nurtlierii fa. i a.
and Am.-rieaii (lint.
Iran: i.-sve. Petiilleinu ilallvtir.pl.
0 m
ror liir:ii.-r inli.riiiall.in limi ml
ami ticket, call on or wnu W a-liuu
ion ore.. n oi A h rllAKLT'j
Thlr.t iet Mnrrlann su Nruu: t
ornaments wilti
operation, miiy
vyo L'i:y- . .I.......
.pun aim yyoven .U. ,r... o i, . .....i i
,. . ,i. ... .. . ..-.-
a- mis.. .to oil el 1)11 loll.
the human system in motion
into all imagiimhle
euaitHM In constant
11......1 i . , ,
l-roles-ors of colleges with their atudeiits, and proh-svirs with
resiect(ullv invite I. ir.usnirs with
V if.
n oi Irom
er' lit the latest M.l .r..,..i . ..
aertect ulking ma.-h,,,.. l "i , . 'n"r 'mimaobime
" " ' : . IK' L' Vli I nil I ... .......
t- and at ligbl iron- 1 1 Q ,,, .. ,.;, .k mmm
t'o'irj paplll
the most
ev.-ry alter-
'a-ll al
St- ChilUrtn under 10 years
o iii o. i. a. in. ami 1
to ..-ii ia 7
The Columbia
Lodging House
h. X. SCHLMPI'. Prop.
i bursdaVy ol each week 1 will U-
ithiv ti rvceivo Maled i'idr
ttt tlip Firm Vat ; i n i
I onimi IlllliL-
II I lit. V r .. . .
17. about BOG aaoka nn mtml ;.. , i 1 MO
Uouamjalao about 800 .acki t7tW. X i "w
Uie prlviltam of rejecting anv or all bid! i,'- Tr!rv
dleton or Pilot SSok. TeUho,, ArT
oeai n-1'k. , lmv' ron on
Owl Tea House.
Don't Cut Corns
Oun't do It Voueaelf Don't
Let Anybody do it
lor Tou.
What man er woman
ttillcriug ill. iMUilul
amt aiuiot mg eor a
ttiu aetctrettaaou to
hay e theoi reiuuy si t
tor wnu )uu get
II. oi. loo II
Corn Remover
awat I" "ijr in
trrtatit tad 1 1
(iVAH .S 1 1 f h '
St. George
BVE8YT ii i hq
AFFORDS :::: :
Sundav Dinner a Sptfilltty,
anil i'.n ... mv,.
u- ; i
I. on
aaam oiu a i . ,
. I .
" i-ik. i.i(i
of .-uri., .ri
sun 1. 1,., ot on 11.. ,
rcfundran it .-. i, t u.i a.i
HI1 "f tl ,-i.u I,,
hlig , t UcuikllL
Farmers Custom Mill
Hred Walter., Proprietor.
Caiiaclty. imi attatal a day.
rUurciaue.l or WUBt
rioui, Mill BMa. iJHiiuu,! w. -
Take the...
j Washington &
Columbia River
iy, ht J.,, Omaha, and
AH Points Last and South
Portland and puiou
"u the bouud.
a ... aa
Ui,u. ,i ZL-$IWm aud
"all. w.lla. Waah
1 he noat Practical oi lUy
in our M t. w ..like, iiiiotei lbl '
..r.u. U .. .Ufl
- .ii. . IB HUIH1 II. lilt ( I. .1. ' ' 'I "- ,
Tl.i. ......i.i i.... i. unuk P
ur-Himl. .ml It comb lie a tie- Jrieja
in. lie- If III,. I Kll. .in cu - uis
I'inrk.-t. ll vy.iul.l b. i-lienper al f
olliar luachluc al lueiii)-!!1 V'
l"i , auil tlit- coat U oulv y
Locust Hill Rabbn
and Poultry Y ard
Pedigreed Belgian rlara
aad pure bred I owl.
1 1 ..... aa cut u. . i ... i r aj m
ttai-on, ftr,w yJ' a.-...-. - tfIll.
Harre.1, Buff, ami Wliit'
OUttl Kocks Kutts fOOr!
tl al... .... .Xial- si so "
IturreAl Kovk eKg" a" r
HiltiliK . uitt
Kiam ami Single Omib
.. ... . ....... .si ir iJ-
iHianu Kaat r.gKMf-" r
:( Hittiiig for A. Oti.
Viaitor ytelcouie. For l
infuriiiatioii ailiirea
I'eud le'
young man who lor the peat year haa
.,....., ' -"y.