East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 03, 1901, Image 4

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    MONDAY. JI'XK . W01.
For Babies
Recctvril by express a
line of blur .hors. also a
line of patent kul ikON
with red siie.le kil top.
The prettiest lal sh.if
in the city also
Gilt Strings
for ladies' shoe1
latest thine out.
I'mrtu-ai an il Bho Men.
R R K V I T I K S .
,(tirtiuf ifMi. RatPa,
window shades at
Kithine Uu'kl
Bar vmir
One second-hand sale fir at
Fine primp with taking BMRiaf at
A few rarvrle and raw ford h icy let
led at Withee'
i.arden hose at all price und guarnn
teed at Withee's
Solid mountain ii- lre frnn.
ai.ruut at Hawlev'.
llirr your luctnre framed ; latest
ttyle at Murphy'.
Sew denign in wall paer at
Murphy' paint store.
Hammer hat, .W to VI. V) Cleaver
Brm. Iry BOBM l
Aak to nee our L? ancki. Clearer
Brut. Dry Good Co.
At Kader't furniture tore II Hh
finest line ( f niifr aict mattine.
Automatic refrigerator an i a at.
cradere at klr' furniture store.
Window shade, curtain pole, mir
ror, eti-., at Kader'e furniture Man
Oldesrt place anil lat tamale. at le
Kov'a. cr. Conrt and oardon gtoaaM
Thompson glove fitting corael. aVlll
atylaa. Cleaver tiro. Dry t.ond Co.
N. Barkalay haa aome vary daeirabl
town and country property I . r a.e n
Many term.
Hawley Broa. are taking the lead a ;
up to date grocer liaving a .arger cit
trade than ever.
Fined ham and lard on Mm market.
Home product; try it. il guaranteed,
tichwara A Lreuiii.
An Indian woman hart an Indian
haudhag on Saturday and aak that it
lie left at tti la office.
Two experienced dining-room girl
and one chatnlaertnaid are want.-.! a
the .olden Kule hotel.
Ice cream for name and lodge
soeiahle at special price, .juality
guaranteed. Candy !utton.
Creaoent bicycle en the installment
plan at lle Credent age no .1. the r.at
oregonian building, pavment 11 a
M interest.
Remember I iiave a l-tt-r sloe uf
oil, axle-grea.ee, rope, tielting and u.i
tler harvest sunpiie than ever :.. -lore.
I' "one, 1
r. eiua aaltrhetim, letter chaMig,
m , .1 Mining ami al: kin torturer ar.
quickly cured by I'.-Wit''. Win 1 lb
ralve. The certain p.ie cure. Id .
A Co.
School ha ended for the year. Your
daughter uo have time to dan
to uuin- Wakeiield t Failing, at
their aareroom in the 1 .olden Huh
hotel, will tell o rent you a (lent
claa piano.
Al lied tune 1 take a pleasant kavi
drink, the nest morning 1 (eel liright
atld IU iiiiiipieki ! It better M
doctor av it art gently on tba
aUiuiach , livur anl kidney, ami 1 a
(..easanl laxative It it made from
herd, and 1 prepared a eaaily a
taa. It i called Lane' Medicine.
lMf'irr am:. V Medicine move lie
bowel aach day. Price and 5uc.
For aale hv Talman ' Co sole ngeiit
snrgira! operation 1 not necsearv
to cure ..ilea. leVYitt' witch Hare!
"alvc save all that BSBBMH and never
fail. Beware of counterfeit. Tall
man a Co.
J. Frank fom-be. humorist and
Sbakeapearian reader, a ill In at lie
Has church M Tueiav evening.
J 11 ii- 4. t give an enertaintnenl which
ill ne certain U nleaae. He i higt
, M'kei In g -ii judge an
rich treat It prumiel. Admiaaion.
A new rule went into effect at the
different neeond-claa HWtoffiaM hi the
Daltad 8tate on Jnne 1. f'enilleton
W 11 h"d in :be nt M ne- orler
will l- pan! only at the ofhcee nui
wni.'h drawn. Heretofore for accommo
dation tiiey would le cashed at any
lt-itliee. The rharge make it
MM h aj'ier f.r JIiokkeepingJand afer
for tfie ender -il moneys.
"A few month ago i"i which I ate
for brwkfat won Id not remain ol 1
Umiarh for half an imnr. 1 ui OM
laittle of votjr KoOOl 1 'yspepfia OtJN
atid ran now eat BV break fat and ith
er meal with relish and my fond 1
ttt-iroiighiy digested. Nothing c,nai
Kadol l'ysiepia I'ure f.r t"niarh
troubles. " H. B. Pitta, Arlington. Ti-x.
Kolol Dyspeiisia Cure digest what yon
eat. Tail man A Co.
re- of t romner A 'oi, ' iirav trains
started at the corner of Main and
Weiui reet early tin morning and
ran away. It was driven by I'errv
Van 'rdil. The team ran east one
block an-: ran into the tirni' other
dra wlnrh wa stand. ng 111 front of
he nfllna. vrackiaf it. The team then
ran a ( -ui-ie of blookl further east and
nr hjw ' : rny nj. against MM trees
near the corner of Webb and Thompson
street. That wrecked dray No. 2. Tlie
horse separated and ran several block
MoN MIMJ captured.
Dfek BtaVaM was hlge! m the
county jail -atur.lav evening, .'nne 1,
charged .with larceny. i,av.ug ridden
away a horse the pr isrty ( Joe
ieer, of Fulton station Mr. BkvWOff
is tin- man who was brought in trom
Iievond PilM Hock a connle al montn
ago on account 01 the people there be
ing afraid of him. belieing In in to tie
inane. He wiii hav- his hearing a
soon a Pkstflal Attorney Ha. lev can
get around to take charge of ttie cae.
Th Coupla Lart tor Portland Sunda
Kvanlna Artar ths ls:-emon
1 W. Byer ami Miss Cornelia Q.
Me-k were uc -teil in marriage at W : W
'clock Mindav evening at borne of
B, V Beck, fattier of the bride. Kev.
John I'ren, pastor of the Methodist
I- i I aco pal cbnrch. performed the cere-
in. mi. . in the preeiicc of a few rela
tivaa and intimate friends of the con
tracting couple. Both the principals
are we.: known in Pendleton, the
groom being the son of V V Byer.
Mr. and Mr. Byer left on the train
at 10:40 on Sunday evening tor Port
laud and other i itie in the western
part of the state, on a honeymoon
trip. They will be absent a couple of
a .k
Tn Tanparatura Bang. 6k Dsgrssi
Bamrall. 1. 42 Inensi.
May wa a month t nnusnai cool
nea for tin region, at this time of
i ear. the maximum tei ---.i-.-ir. lie
I ing W) degrees, gad. tba rainimuai .'2
in- :ree ng i-.-.n', al.iie the average
: between '.to- mean maximum and the
mean niinininm was MO. IB degree
The monthly summary of Observer
Hilton tat
Temperature Mean maximum. ".
mean mm. mum. 44. maximum. HU.
1 date iTth : mrniBinm, 9, .late. :Wth.
Precipitation Total , 141' Inches
greatest in 14 hour. ,B. date, loth:
1 null ler of Uay with .01 inch or more
precipitation. I; riant, 11'. partly
county. T; cloudy, 12.
Mm rainfall was norma: t r an
average BMMtth, the average annual
Tti pa
in 1 in. m
n! w t.ich eonideratle 1 raised
w t
nil :
. .20
Conrat F. Kofi.tr it Aaain Proprislor
and H H tdwara Clark.
Raoorts Pram Varioui Lsaaust War
Sourest of Craat latseast to th
M the meeting of the Walla Walla
district Fpworth Ieague m aturla
afternoon, the third day of the con
vention, officers were elected b serve
f . : e ensning vear a follows
I'resident, Rev W. P. Jinnett.
Walla Walla 1 first tin president.
Miss Julia Blackburn. M .ton: Bpeowd
MB president. Miss t'ora Wfiite.
Vls.ia Walla third vice BrWMsBBt,
Mi Badie flail. Kigin . mflB vice
preaident. Mr. BIlM, UBjrtoa I corr-s-BUBdilBJ
secretary. Mr. P.riie, Walla
Walla raaxaTw ng secretay . OisTB M.
trawfurd. 1'endleton: MBBMfar. Mr
Manela, Milton. Mrs. Mary Tarbet
BBsfvJi Wash.. wa ap; r.!(it(.i
.'in 1 r League inner inten. lent.
Saturday Attarnoon.
The pr v'Ain atnrday afternoon,
.'une 1. was taken up with report,
elections aid di sen ion, interest b
ing particularly manifest in listening
vp-irt from the secretaries ..
the different .eag'ie ifmiiaitig tin-
district l"ague.
Sunday'! Program.
iimlav' program wa ushered in
with a sunrise pray-r metiug lad by
Bjajt Trevor orton " Walioaa. Tne
morning sermon wathy.Kev. J. K.
Hall. Iievoti nai exercise at 7
o'clock p, in. were ei hv Miss Julia
Blackburn, of Milton, fhe sermon at
r o'clock, whicl. bfOBght the league to
a BMW was hv kev. W. P. Jinnett. the
president of the district league.
Kan Beating at Elgin.
At the sei.m on Saturday aitenooii
it wa decided to hold the next conven
tion of the Wu.la Walla district
Bparorttl League at Kigin, Wallowa
OOOOty. the 'late will Is- hXeil later
and announce..1 in due BBMBBJ
rbe sessions in i'end icton were (
conaiderable interaat, the atb-mlaii.
heing large. The delegate RBDrWBBMl
the 08 Hal that BMBBB gol had nei-n
BBBBaplMMMl by the inten liulige of
J. R. Mean, of I'mattlla. is in tt.
1. kna.iian-l i an arrind at the
Hotei Pendleton.
0. M. Davis, of La rnnde, 1 in
the citv on businesa.
Mr. F. A. Bedwell, a sbskman of
I'nion i here today.
Aron Cole, a sheepman from VlaBOB,
1 in Pendleton today.
M.ts Minnie .lone snent Sunday al
Fulton with bar sitter. Mrs. Woodruff.
C. K. KoocTe.t spent -und.i1
Walla Waila. coming i. -m- ..
Wi;;iam I.. Bowlsby, a swkman of
c'amas Prairie, wa a visitot a pen
.Let. hi atunla.
Mia Ka'.heritie Parson a. II arr.ve
home frm the Fast on Friday or
-aturday toi week.
Oharle- Haworth is in tba city Iron,
hi ranch in the Middle OoU Bj - 1
country north oi Pendiet..ii.
'tary h. Judaon, formerlv a romnoi
lor. bM a sheepmai. ( pnot hock.
wa in town aturday and -unday.
' ' i .ff nui d nr. .n. in 1,1 r.i
roader of Kamela. and a newspaper
writer oi abi.itv. 1 a titMOl 11 Bm -del
ton today.
Ned Collins, o: tin Waila Waila
I n 10c editorial taff, wa in town m.
tin lay. He came with the baaeball
team, and served a sco-.-r
Peter Carrol i na returned iron II t
Lake, where be spent the winter. Hej
will remain in Pendleton a month or
si then take a tr i U ca.ifornia.
Tempie, f Knteriirie, 11
expected to arrive this waek in Pen -ton,
joining bare Mrt. Temple, who 1 I
,uet .f iier parent, Mr. au-1
Mr. T. B. Walla.
Mi -teliA Alexander left -und '
night for Portland, whence in- g :
Buna.-, with the regnn Pre -
gon. at Kngene, to sptnd Ins summer
Mrs. F.. R. Swinburne and daughter.
Miss Fay. leave tday for Illinois,
wh.-re tbej a ill spend part ol tte sum
mer visiting relative and frien Is.
James R. Achee 1 here visiting his
BMM, Mr. I'i BbbbmBj and nny
crnclale to locate at rrMBtn r Pht
lat time he i.al throng1 t' l BvBC
wa :ki rear ag". and be It aonihed
at the marce'oii 1,-velopmet ,.f the
country since that time.
A. L.
AlaEk T.
B . 01
L'rslg. ot th OR
Tour of tn Sv:m.
Ben 0bMBMI1. trafhc BMM ager oi 'In
O. R. I N. Co., aeBMBBBBM bj Mr
Campbell, and A. L. Craig, g.-n-ra)
passong..' agent er Il Pen I let in itl
Sunday. Il i the first tour . Pastern
Oregon taken br Mr, I'mtv w' wa
lately appointed general pn-senger
agent to snci-eed . H. Hitrlbtrt. now
Northern Pacific
having l-n undei
g nera' paswnger
rn. Mr Craig
resource o
gon and
give the
, . ...
I. r
--11 : Bfl
a rpg
Co. an 1
t P
"ST. JOE STOCaii."
we htve tin
0,1'Ki- 111 if!
Mill bIbbH s.t
V havf .1 lew !" line oi
chBreaj hest
UVai are still irz SHOES cheaper
Best ChuhIs for Leat Mone.
t li
. irjt.i iiiiii iinest
. . ti lr the iifxt
- t.unc and take ad van t-
KoIImw um crown
1 r 1 : . - 1 ...... , 1 i. .
all included tn iale.
than anytne
Shott LiE
UmoM Pacirc
Tim Sfhadul
From Pndlton.
1 hicaro
Pnrtisod Special
I m
vis ;
sw't lt. tn-nTr fon
aorih. Onahs
sa nty t tn
1 tnrago no,! Kjui "t
t :t a. m.
via Hum
llt lak. rvoTer Pt
Wn-th. Omaha eb
I sa ( It. Ht.ln,,
.-are and Kasi
1 1-...
and took a gem ra! rtaa in tba B
town in the large territory ku ai. a
t' ' ! an I Kmj re."
T'Klay. J. I' O'Brien, the general
superintendent, was here, attending t-
hi 1111111 of stipernitetHcncy .
I- ..... tm . I . . I!u-L
I t l.in. I.- Wi r Ilhll.lll"l
. I ...I ..
. I ,,.,..... Si f I I'll M' hi 1 11
I ,, ..iinls.
i Paul
rl Mall
II a m
- .-
Halls Walla Law Baa
"potan. Wallar. Paij
man. Minneapohi ft
I si... bit nth. Milwau
kee. 1 htragn sn.1 Bam
V nr Irarr le fe S .
jwuma tiuiiMi -.
K I.B 8Y T M t.t 1
sy utt via.. Ml
- wieTr a pi r -eta
SM a-s. two rrsncataw-lai.
Mtl o-.
1 nut
1 1 run m
(Kcan and River Schedule.
! are tmnhleC II l"rtllll
.., i. A 1- 0
tiuxMoi ur- wMtMt
I Ml
i n 4 ivTV
n uk'A.iN ckops uni. 1 1
100 Pr Lnt Promised ry tn Prnt
Salem. Jnne .-A I grain ir-is in
this section will be tally hut er cent
from present outlook. Tart ai pie crop
continue In be an rrpati naaatina, a ill,
MMalitMl thai there will ba few il
anv for expo't. if inde-d 'here are
enough for home Ue.
Th prim" i pan in
valley is being 1 t
and, while the Italia
elf, but few
1 it-
!.' e i-tite nrnni
orchard' will reijnire anh la! deple
tion. In some on-hard of tne .atler.
the bratn-he are being reim-ved t
make room for a la'ger avrage bM
nt fruit. .Many of the petite prune
orchards will have lre!y eimtigii fruit
pav fo pick'ng. ejieci! ' a her.
tliej tmre heavn . year. The chaffy
crop doe hot promise so well at a
wevk ag". a very bol sut. last "-Htnrla?
having BBbMbb a grat many of the
aarlv rarietiit and caused then, to fall
off. '
A .(,! S-.rt Work.
IninfovwjBw . pr.igresing
'.lie C inll.l'.te.-
k in charge. The
crushed r-ck jiut t
i-.n VI and no.
:. Four
l : :
very satifaot r. j
tiit't ha the w
number of load '. cr
; be street 'la v ir i
making an average 1
n the street per lay
l'reat. Eight men 1
the quarry getting M
team ..ii s.ven wa
hauling the rock to the crusher and
frim tti crnber bMb the street.
Three men feed -t,. r-s-k lafM the
croher and two men tfiovel the roek
into wagon after t bmbbbi through the
I crusher. 1 ne man spread the rock on
1 the trie- grade
attaro Excurtlont.
Tickatt to the : -
I etiirn, good for HOdai- - -I
for - un June 7 an-l I
Hn Taemlay, J cue 4. 'iikct will le
wild to Hatful' . Sea V Hpfe and return
for fb. Call at th- 1 1 R
ticket office f ir full particular.
F. f vt . MSI
I : . v - ,
Lt I
the detire of everv woman who
U ar eve to the beautiful anil a
cultivated taste. She can fit up
cr sleeping room, parlor ot dining
om from our elaborate stock from
M rlamet to the highest grades
id at pneet that arc right.
MATTINGS at reduced price he-
All Sailing date, ,(,
v p m )ect lorbaag.
Per n Pranrtser
Hail evrt t dx.
--.:- !i
.1 p m
Columbia Btvar
To Astoria and it
.. k:.
Pail s.
t a m
Wtllarowtt Riv.r
"aS:' -7d.i'w.JLtB
mi. 1 -i uui tin '
I a m
Turs Thrs.
and Sal.
"i'i aj Ur linn
OavraQBI acl wt
Wlllaroati andTan
. . ttri .
- mi. 1 nay IJID llligi 1
f ;.
tj . m.
Snak tivr.
K-.parl u Iewltun
t P VaBBUt Arsrn
. .
. i s caUs. go cart
urors, pictures, etc
l. A. RADER,
I Special Sale of one week 00 Milliiierv.
All thruim-l hats at a tual cos: ranirini: from
90o to 4.H Strex-i hat ainl sailor- f'roiu 'I'
to$l."y our l;o"1- aii'l L'' t 'ur )ricis lf-
fort- huyinu rlsewhere. We also wieh to in
ran ur - ilr- on ladies shirt waists- ami '-an
ju ". erj low Drioei for a -hort tinif. Dod'1
rgft Tbw Fain rntrirttiri monej btefc if
g.sMl- an- not s;iti-t'actry. .
.niH'tt vt Tiirkt. Ptods.
tecabem MbL Main Strai
Take the...
Washington &
Columbia River
St. looii
On,a'iA. aiki
Fot Cf.umgo, t Ptni
at City, Hi. Jo.,
Portland and po4ou
on the Sound.
v a. m. I ue-lT. Tour liTTso
S.T k K CD
lie part daily irpt tun -tar ailWi
Por ictormailoD regaMing ratn s!
mixis'.ion tall on or aditrss
a AlUMr km
B ' Al r . r . . , A.
Wa-ia. Wash
to reuiain fur a
eiatioli de.ega' ill,
Ueiiilh or an aeekr.
M: Coin. Kaiey a ill he tne BBjBM
of Mrt Vi'm. IriiAgerMid during n.e
t-uuiing tao week, and then go to tl.
ea BBBBt, devoting a part of the sum
BMI to a trip p. Alaska.
J. fiank Koiiriie. the -liaaeieariitii
re.ii-r and fiiiiiuir is im. arrii-M.1 n.
irail r. K it pr .I'Tietnr ill the Pendleton forth
We have fold Jfu
our jrri-at j-in
John- 111 lro-
celtin ;uii ii-'W
a ()0 itkce d i
ini-f o -We
i he lilorics ol Sprint
-a4f X
For Saturday
a jt
i :
P 2
ij ?n
r m i bbb
juagtng Dy oppeanno
ndcrtaking a Specialty
- nun .. it again .n narg
J V Bgiuilllfl who Mid llie
eaaed. tnrew up UM leave on
ay. June .. an the uaher look
. II. If. Kdwarilt, win- i.a imen
1'. the Mute 1 Hiiillelim, haa been
a manager and dark. Mr.
K'.nler rUi.-f l i.. men have laten
aei'urvd in 'he i-ii,.iiarv lieparluieiit and
that the din ing-rijum Will iiereail. r at
run in tirai-rate My B. iie Ueeire u
- all hi old customer. and nave nea
.lier- t" leal the rai'j 'v .( tin n .t.-
and quality of the hill of far. He
will snare gj BBBM t" mate it plnaaaut
: g iet .ir : transient gueatt uie:
regular loardr will he given tba bast
Tcndrriuot Cumlortcr
Is ens: pa I
SbMa our Ma
fli tn as. ura.
dislurtiug It
aosr aUi.i -c'i
Tb net uul
The funeral BtffiajM ovar tba ra
in a i 11 of the .ate Judge W C. LalHiv.
. nei 1 at 1' o'l-iiK-p. on -uuday after
11 .11 at the l.aloa resideln-e on West
( . irt slreei. a .argr tiWtaBgjOl relative
and friend taeiug prtMeir. tu laatifj M
. 1 . nigh raatard in which the dinTnaawl
an held during a lung residein-'e and
M ive Ufa in thi louiiuiiuitv 1 liter
in. -in war m Uiaga reuietery The aar-
. acre 1 oud u. led hv Hev. W . K
1 IwiBa, re tof oi the Cbnrcfi ol the
Mr. .lame lima u of I'litaiimotb, Va.
.-r w yearr oi age, aunereii lor year.
'.Ii a had sore on hi face I'hvaician
'"Hid mil hel him. IieWitt'a Witct
lliixal Sahe i-utwl in in p.rmanenth
Tall man A '.
are agsnU lur tu. . c.l,lulU haili.ilrr abo-. I.
Pendleton Shoe to.,
othc 1 I notice txittoiii
page oi Ibis paper
-e.- Hid
V. V,
The oiliout, tired, nervuu man .an
not auceeaafullv con pete a ith a healthv
rival. HeWitt' l ittle Karly Biaafa.tba
famous pill for t'unalination. will re
BMMM the cauat al your trouble. Tall
man ik Co.
SbaH and lung haii' iir pitch fork,
Scythtte, sueathh. Flexil-lt- tteel cahk-s, pulley
in all sizes-
Hansford & Thompson,
"The Lttading Hardware Men."
ton tor the purpoae uf giving an
entertainment in the liaptist enarck
oa Taaatkk) tfw Bg June 4.
C. If. o.-l.lard, manager of tt.e
Waila Walla laily livening Hatoa
mail, aa ani.-ug the excursion ii who
i-ain- t. I i-iiil 1. ..i - 11. .., : ;.
turned home in the evening
Will -turgi ha gone p. Kairbault.
Hteaeaola, going to atlen.l th annua,
i-omuieni-eineiit exercise of the il
Mjah Military academy, nj vbiak he l
an aiuuinut. He wilt viit other point
111 the Last lief .re returning home.
W. if. Haae. of Atheua, I III ftBBBJ
kg meet John Miliar, genera! agent of
I). M. Oata.ru iX Co., hinder and
mowers. Mr iiaae It in the gtala
tuent buviuea in Athena, ami reiirt
a hig trade thlt iring Uoth art
tupping at tba Hotel t. tieorge.
Jaik Wright and Ml Beie Wright.
wn. er gueal of Ml Lm ia iLw
man, reiurne.1 bout thi morning n
Marnuck. M m iiaisy Wright rem .it
an J till enter tlie hi. Joacphr'
a .. . -in v-iuveul a a pupil during t:.
summer and '.he eoatiag a inter
Henry V Obbbt and Hatha Piatat
Jamee ogg, Uip baa .on and Id II. 11,
W Tainert, Vt . A. Hai.nisler, '
l.overulge an 1 W. ' igg ur
'Seattle and will tail tin ee :ur
patBMV lleiiry I'.erce hat the companv
in charge and take tin men u ami
tn company ' claim.
H. W. Moue, genera. aecreUrv oi
.ne 1 uuii.' .lien inriai.an aauria
lion, ill tie in
ana in the evening, at 7 :JU 1
Will Btaet Ihoae llllereeteu in the
loung Man' Cbrittian Avxaciatiuu 111
I'eadicioti at the Commercial club
mom. Thuee alio auuacriued o the
fund should be there, at well at tie mm
who oompuev the several committee
J a me Crawford write from Nea
York, uuder dale of May liH, Uiat the
party c.niii ng f Mr. and Mr
Crawford and their daughter. Mia
Mand Crawford, are having a very en
joyable time in the metropolis, and
that they may return home by the
northern mule He adds, kumomu
ly: "Tbit it too large a city, and I
get 1 .ail every lime l go around tao
aquarwa, and nave to bunt up the
r.liea to find oat whtab one of the txv
am. ha. i. and mod are no the moat
conspicuou feavurat of lite in Nea
York "
OJlly at Lo '.ih. Bemi ID
te-r J. .title.. m lJlo. in.. '
that flofJwi eehii-jM.i t e iia
and have the lar.'-t fgj -tory
iii the world
1 hi It the UrcaUtt IVargain
wc haw cer uttered.
Owl lea House.
u roll cre- lMl-r 1IA-.
j Jos- Failing.
ir l;
a ci
Retail and ton lots.
Telephom- your ..r-ler- Main 4,
or hail the driver ! Liu
Ha :i 67 or Ma:
blaok team
He is the Ice Man."
VanOrsdall & Koss
The iWtUflfBl Htle of uxfordi
and ilippcn in town can U
rirMi li visitiiiL' our utor.
I'eodleu.n. Tueeday ! U e havtitheiii in
Blacks and
Patent kid.
Remember this i the last
week we nive a discount
of 27 per cent
I he Miftml Award ior Merit
Is alwi
Iron, tht
BJtMfcg n.
health j
liciuus th
is unrix a
the bt 1
n to our tin.
ia us
l! yau ju-g uc- s r. bji
j il u "Maul."
Farmers Custom
hrad V alter Hroprtttw
1 'p. . lto barrel a day
."t. r kxk banged lor waeel.
f.our. MlU feart I hOp!-l m0 i
.8 fjod.
Tho t'.liunhio
Lodging House
H,H IN 1 u.NMA 'iiw
n..n.sr gitu a ia.
r rum the IieiimsT ;e' I Mra. Oao.
Conner iaft Taaadav tworaittg far a
brief visit ltd friead at f'rximmi.
Mat Hughe, iwtaraad U firat ol
the weak I run. (u Luiteraitt U Orw-
The Peoples W arehouse
CaLl A.. hoilM .
if aul. Uhu I. I . Ml t
... ,-c a the l-ir-t -
Main Slrcct.
ri.l 1
j nuraott
lil.-e 10 .... U. kl ..." V KltlOUal Banlr
I" "t"' oout .xJ gacks .f tl.lc ,r""lul ware-
the prmlege of rej.-etin, anv or a? , fjf" 1
ditton or Pilot kil L- 'ivi..:.i 411 . ldh- Address me Pe.
Fcudleton, Or. 1W i rek. "-yuuw i eudit tun or ramh on
1 J fc SniTH
a.f 1 lonrv
H t W I M I IT fl
Suadav Dinner a