East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 03, 1901, Image 1

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    250 1 re IT
TonlKhl .howrrt; ranmUy fiitr an. I
Ml. 4141
eCuT ,
,R vol R
, ,,nie and pee me.
prt..h Vegetal ilel
Urniitf a fpeeiain
PiCcet line staple
jjKjfmcy Groceries in
in the city.
i. R. Demott.
For Men
To contemplating buyers
The well known line of "K. W." hot wciithot .ippircl pre
sents unusual attraction and is hen;. The assortment is COHV
plete. catchy The goods are wi ll rnade in every detail,
Fancy Flannel Otttiaf Suits of the Celebrated "R A
make art-tasteful, dressy patterns. Handsome. Ityliah, pel
feet fitting garments. The correct thing for this season.
Outing suits of fancy flannel I7.OO to f tfl.00
Blue and hlack serge coats and vest! 2.50 to 6.00
Allpacaand Sicilian 1 oats, coats anil vest 1.50 to
Crash and linen suits t.oo to
Linen and cotton ulsters 1.25 to
Light weight spring and summer trousers 2.00 to
Don't let the first hct days find ou unprepared.
S 00
4 5
to 00
Alexander & Hexter.
The Boston Store
Men's Spring Suit
96 Suits Valued at $12 to $20
r!i- - lit- are up to t" at The-' -wit- an piled
date l'.M-t"ti Stun Li: II M M t i front f v t:t)lr-
.allles ;l!il l" close II I I'f
juirket will lc saeri- I W lJay. Your ehi.
lead a at tlii" low prioe
Frock Suits Cut to $9.85
Pendleton's Big Busy Store.
The poatofBca At St. Anthony, Idaho,
will U raisisl (o tli presidential grade
on .Inly 1.
I In- hundred! h anniversary ol the'
birth oi BfigtMtni Yoeee generally
oh-, rvisi throeghoel uetb on satur-
At llolyokc, Mass., two thousand
employe of tin- paper mills wont on
t r i U . The textile manufacturer have'
boon given until thi week to meef
the demand Ol thf workmen
a Mob of leldlon Mastering live of I
nix hundred indulged in a riot At Sn ,
Francisco, ami ereeked Mr. Powers'
nloOBt one of tin- tnanv drinking
DMOM just outside the Presidio rewrvH-
riif transport BheTiess Ml led (or
Manila, currying 10!' .issigued recruits,
ii tnt available casual at the
Proa kilo, and h full osrgo of Mppllea,
a large number of Mbool leaobeti for
the Philippine also sathsl on the
Sheridan .
The visit of ijuceu N ilticlrnimi ami
her hushand, Crime Henry of the
ctlerlatid, to the kaiser, ami the
military ami eourt festivities were
favored with exceptionally tine weather
throughout. bringlag thousand of
(oratgo gneata t BerliBi
. On BetBfdev wan belli at Chicago the
annual tiehl meet of the colleges coin-
prifitntz tin' ' Hin Nine" of the Middle
VAest, tlie nrst one tinner t tie auspices
of tin' new inter-col Icgutte athletic as
aoriation. The entry lint contained
the names of BBf athlete. The
colleges represented were Michigan,
Chicago, WleBOBtlOi Illinois, Iowa,
Northwestern. M innesota, Imliana,
Pofdoe and BeloL Michigan won the
President I'luiumer, of the Mahon
I mi! railroad com pan v, Mateo that the
rompanr i planning to ccinitruct UH)
mile-of railway up the Metnow and
Twiip riverN in Central Wahiugton to
the copper mine
In Portland about 4U barber are
on a strike, including the journeymen
in the of the largent xliop in the city.
The otrike i to UOBIDnI the proprrie
torr to accept the regllliltlonn adapted
for the dliopi by the barbern' union.
Lieutenant (iovernor II. i. Mc
Bride, of Waiihiiigton, after making a
careful t iii I y of the ijueation, gave it
a hi opinion that (iovernor Roger
will lie amply jutuirled in convening
the legislature in extra whhioii to
remedy the error in the capital
piiui-hment law panned by the lat leg
islature providing that executioiiH nhall
U- at the -tate penitentiary.
Weare Company Jumps Price
on 'Change.
And Are Reported to Hive Bought Up a
Ten Million Slock to Force
tbe Market.
Chicago, .lime
mixion company
The Weare ( 'oin
one of tbe larue
grain OflOOrBI in tbe wirld, i aid
by grain dealer to be attempting a
corner in July wheat, A Mock of ten
million bethel in alleged to have been
accumulated bv the tlrm. Ilcnv
buying by Wehre broker tmlay eanaeil
July to juni from 74 M to 78 1-H.
Whaat In Chlaaco.
OblOaeO, . I tine !. Wheal, 7.ri to 77
Whaat In San Pranalteo.
.m I ranciHco, June Wheat, ltir
to U44.
Naw rork Markat.
Sork, .lime :t. Hugar,
refining, -, centrilugal, INI
tent, l'4; retlned, crtlbel, Mlo ; kw
dered, .Vlft ; granulated, .'i.Vi ; coffee,
No. 7, pot, tt'4 ; wool, uncbangel.
ISio Saved.
!! 35 . i At the SALE of the WhSShL
w guarantee I . .trsiblej
beditbar, etc.. for tut ln TTTi . . .
Hilct Soap
w "t acknowi. bed head
wnior tine toilet soap. Cas-
! td COCOknan -. i l. i ....
i - imi anu up.
lam mocks
tyiy K mt excellent
aew 190! I.a,m0cks.
Things Mere
W'I three piece garjen
r J0C- and 35c
afi-a4 io3 45.
itlT'S Buvtei for gifts
I... 1 's"ts etc . in imv ii
fCBOlCt. 1
1 whfii ?urlon t.rust.es. dust
. u,O0ll,
lti fine goods at
Nttka. Jou'nal and dozens
N P' riodicals.
y and 50c.
redericK No
'tock.ioe lucubatoc.
M in. Corded Soleil, regular o'.ie, now -".'
38 in. Plaid, regular 75c, now 2Vc
40 in. Novelty I 'le k, regular now '..
r0 in. Silk and Wool Novelty, regular $1. now 69c
38 in. Storm Serge, regular 7oc, now Mc
45 in. Granite, regular $1 25, now.
in. (Jrauitf regular $1.'J, now 59c
4r' in. Hfii rit'ttu, regular $1.MI, now 79
'47 in. iilack Novelty, regular ok. now MB
H in. Hlack Novelty, regular 75-, now 'I'M-
. in. Hlack Novelty, regular 4U-, now 100
10 in. Henrietta, regular $1 .), now. 78c
'6H in. Sicilian, regular 75c, now ....
) in. Jap Silk, n guiaj i5-, now 23
J 1 in. Indias, regular &k-, now 800
lt in. Taffeta, regular M5-, now. 5f)
The old proverb ; "To I at peace
prepare for war," la tbe aecret of tbe
larger part of hle'a atux-ebc, wbetlier
of nations or individuala.
The difference between the healthy,
happy mother who h healthy children
to nurse and nourish, and the weak,
nervous mother, with a weakling child,
la mostly a difference of preparation
The (treat preparative for motherhood
la Dr. Pierce a 1-avonte l'rencription. It
tranquilizer t!ie nerves, encourages the
.ppctite and inducea refreshing sleep.
It jpvea the mother atrength to give her
child. It imparls ebutii ity and stfength
to the organs of maternity ao tint the
baby advent is practically patnleaa.
I take Dteaaur In writ oik yue to Wt you
bocrw sbfailyuur ' Psvurilc l'reat nuilou,' " ifcys 1
Mr IS It ft . - of lc'.rUjiK Menafl 1
111. , JJji iff! " My wife k'l Uu Mck nearly all
hr Ulr. ad iift-r tryl ritl.ing I i.ulil
tMok u' I ruadr uiv Biliel to try Psynitc
Fisai mil 1 srii' tj Ckkaga sad got um
bottle, wlm Ii luy wlfr look, Ublcspuuulul
tbree ttmes a ly. until the baby cam. bl
lilt better alter ukiua tbe first DOttl, sod whea
baby waa bora eiriiel utnc and s hall .
pounds Tt lay ha i mx oiontba old aud 1
wsiai'S lwlj two powndi He U as suut a
CbUd as any "us euuld wish The durtor says
E Is a iiarlh) as any baby ouuld be. sod also
the ditui ji yvur 'Favorite PrcscrlpUua 1
WW tbe cause of euch s health) tby. I leH
I owed y v 1 Ibil iniMh lor Ike uuud you did
a wife sod at v self I hope you will mention
toother who may be In need of asch help,
you mat reiet ihesu to me. as 1 would be
glad lo'tell ol u.: uuud jf sut.h a valuable
ksaci lue
Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical
Advlsri, 111 poi la sesit rr 00
pt of 21 onr - rnt stamtM to pay
use of mailing unly. Auiicaa lit.
V. Pierce, bulialo. N. Y.
Good aasortment of aologi in above.
We want to move all the ladies' suits and
skirts. Prices have been made to make
them go.
Locust Hill Kabbitry
and Poultry Yards
I'eillgrecd Belgian Mare
and pure bred I owla.
Ilaro. ai (XI gel pf, $:t nat ti.
Berrea, Huff, and White I'lym
oeth lOa ka-Kgg Bif .MJ r Ift,
I xltt High (Of ); alao Moinrj
Berred K-a k gg- at 1H ir
lOaiei and Ninglei Oiinb KbOfla
,. l Koda KggH r.'.lJ a-r 16,
X sittings for fa.OU.
Visitors vy. lo.iim for further
leloraseaioe addrua
.,l V W. WAOK,
PeudloUiU, Oregon.
I'KOPOriAJLN rxii TMK I'l.l miiimi
U ,.h mii.I Hleaui lleallna I'ialll ol lbs fcaal
uru tlregou eisi. Normal tfefeuol holldlu si
, .1011 Oregon ' tt lUisol oi M' ssiit., Kasr
.111 'if gon Huu- Normal a nii it ssiuu Or
aoa June 6, lVl Healed i..mI. a ill b '
ruieod at Ike ulUie k a.exaiid. i ,.aaldaul
ol he iaa., at 'eudleusu. rou. uniil si
o . l, k V m mt Ik I7ila .lay ol Jan. 111 au.i
ooauad luimadiateiy ibsrealler, fur all labor
.in 1 mat. rial. i i,ui icd fur Ibe plumbing arork
and .laaiiJ rjusllua plan for Ik. gaalera Oie-
fjtt ola la .".onnal 1uuo.1l ai w mu,
lu a.'oordaii' "h Ibe draw lua ami ape- in.-
ooua tuple, ol alutb may be- bail at IBe oglae
.... r.la.i M l .-aru. anlilU'i I t'& Wonuatai
i.i... v P01 ilau.l. orasioa. i the uitii e oi a aia
.... O lUliui III. mill an I at till: oBli.- ol
1 hi Slate Normal fct huol t We.ton ungoii
I be rialii I. re.wirie.1 u luje. 1 any or an
i.l lu walv any d!. 1 or luloimalii) lu au
I 1" ild I It be dm 111. d iu the iuui.su of lb
1 lo i- " I'ropuaals, foruil "f a hu b aU
lo-ui I in loouctlou ultb tin- plane aud
aitd. aiioii. muat be eu lossd la . uyelopsa.
abd an luarkcl fropaSal lot (Br Plumbing
TT . ,, Ileal. uv I'laul, 'and ad-lroaseil
Intimation That the Trutll Raspondbla
ror the Jump.
Nee York, JOM !. Tho prut of
beef ju in nhI two or tbrei' cent a pound
bete today. Bntrhuri nay the acarHty
of I f i rnHpoiiHibln fur tin' no ri'aw.
Tlniy intimate, bowrveir, that tin- baei
triiMt i operetieg the aqoaeae,
Cattlemen Explain.
t'lncago, 1 11 ne t. The) riaet in bead in
New York, cattle men ay, i due to a
general advai in tint cat tin niMrket
canaexl by an nntiHUallv active demand
from I- iit-.pi-
Dr. Oiler, or Haiti mors. Addad lo the
oKlnley ConiullatloD.
Wafhington, Jana !.-A lonrtli pbv
ho i. in huh ralbil 1 lit' ( iitiHiiltat ion
11 Mm Mr. McKinley' Hun morn
lea, lie it Dr. oier, of Bellietoro, a
wull known nnrvn -nerial 1st. It waa
reported at the White Hneea thi
BkOraiaVg tbel .Mm. MrKinev' condi
tion wax 11 1 11 nit tbe auie a yoati'rdav.
An Altriiiing Condition.
Waelungtoii, .luiio I. Mr. Mi Kin
ley' run. lit um it eat 1 1 1 alarm ing, and 1
nrartically lioH-leaH. An oillclal wlm
talked to tbe pn-ldeiit tin iimriiing
aid that Mr. Mt Kinley tacitly ad
111 1 llti-. I that tin- worat mhohm inevita
bio. Aftur an unii-uall) goiat night'
real, Mra. MrKlnlev awoki- Huh morn
ing qella brikbt and relrevheil. BeOB
alter, however, he NUlfert'd anulio-r
nervoun attai k, and aince then ha
lieen in a tat ol eiiii-tinion luiic
ne. Mo Ibang at Three O'eioak,
Washington, Inm- Al g n'clork,
Dr. Uixny flaited Mrs. Mi-Kinlriy,
and, 011 leaving, aid there I no
change iu her condition.
General Pearson Ha atablegra 111 rruin
HI Country
Bee Orleans, June ; QkM, munl
Peneon a Boot Mpreaeatatifai aeya
that he ban rOMIVOd a rablegram from
hiM I'otintry catlaing him to bullefl
that the South Airman repuhlu- will
Npuixlily achieve an honorable i-. a. .
Denial of a feaee blury.
HrueelH, June I. The 'l'ranvaal
legation here otbcially deuie tbe r.
port printed is. IsTedoe tbet tite, Bothe
and reel Kruger are in eonaullatloii
D rablu diM'iissiug term ol aian
Hi 111. h Lo. at Vlakromaln.
Iindon, June ; Ai-iording 10 a di
pat. Ii Irom Kitchennr that the Hritiah
!oeM in the fighl at Vlakfontein on
May 'At morn stiver than wa at tint
reported. Useefel Kltabeeei repurla
that tin eaauali'M iMleoed t" liee
tenant killeal and one uiiaving.
torn Btefleete bin Haby 10 Devln
Koine, June 1. -(!oaideralile Qllei
ellalMtlue in la vanou olralea
that 110 bell to the Italian ttirOna waa
In, rn mi (Saturday when the oiieen gave
Idstli tn a dauuliter. 1 be talk In iIk-ni
, ir, L. In tin. , It,., t that the Inrth of
a ilMiiuhler to the kuiif and neeBJI ll
I .i.l 'a iiiiiuahliint to the ...on try for
it l realm ael ol the aip and papgej
United siats. Court at baa franoitso
aka a Cbanga.
Man ealaaii June . I. -The fmleral
circuit anerl Ibia aaomleg changed the
onler lor tieary .-soyea woons w apfoar
lor coiiteimil iit AUgliai iiisieau 111 111
H.011,11.1 M. Khii.o- lull last
uighl Oil lite tlre.gou egpreaa. Ilealateal
... . T. ... i,u... . 1 ......
II. Ml I... la Mil riiUID in l'...il. ' u'
other source it i learned he i going
to Nome.
maai aaaaiwpaay bid.
u lo las
At MsKeaile, ll Wa klrauda
i.ia,I. Iiiiih ( Thai Columbia
river light ship, tran. led al McKenxie
iieau eighteen montlis ago, wa iinaieaj
tbU uiorniug. It will be repa'red.
kugsus Wauu kond gg.
Kugeue. Juue I.- The Kncky Hoy
mine of Blue river, hibit ihta
month a cltsauup ol AiajUU, Ibe aeliooj
dial net ask lor popular bid for 26,
UUO ol lour per cut, twenty yeatr Uuu.Ja
Reported by I L. Ray e t o., rendleton,
1 hlrago Board or Trade and New York
si. irk Rttfhange Rrokara.
Now York, .limn I -Thn wheat mar
ket allowed more strength today than
at an time for month, under the in
feeeea of bad crop reperta from Mm
northwest and heavy buying bv loreign
bouse. Liverpool chsafal 5 II 5-M. New
York opened HO I g, and sold tip to
(Us. Chicago opened Ii ami wold to
7l feB, UM visllde supply "bow.sl a
decrease of 1,130)000, compare! with
a ifeBreeae of ."iI,iH) fur MUM week last
ytiar. Tbe visible aeeely la noe more
tint II S.tkKl.tHHI leaa than last veitr'a,
and the invisible is the smallest in
visjtra. We look lor higher price on
wheat .
BtOCkJ al I strong.
MoBCPi eay, I per cent.
Oloea Saturditv. ho '
open ttslay. st) i s.
Uange t.alav, BO 1-h t" HI ',.
Clone tislav, si1..
BtOSkai tlgar. IBSHt, ohaico, Id0
teel M'f, St. Peel, 174 .VH; Atchi
Him, HH, Northern Pacific, lot); I 11 ion
PeclAe, im 7-H; Rrle. 441..
0. R. &
N. Co. Derndiu Araident at
Kamela I the Bail of
the Suit.
Circuit court tsinveeed thi uiorniug
lor the regular lune term, Judge
Klli Hitting. BOOM important de
cision are IBSleeely awaitisl by the
varioti interest to Home caaea that
have been on the docket lor aotnetline.
tine ol the miwt intereMting ell i In in
that of O. D, Simmon, an 0 K. A
N. BreBMfli working on a helper al
Kamelu. who was injured on Mav 1H,
1001), in a rear end collision at that
place. He has brought Hint In lecover
flu. Dot) damage, fir lltmiglMnl Ifl
jurie received al that time. It neeiiiH
that he wan "deadbeading" on 11
in.-...H,. from l.a lirande. where be had
been to receive noslicai attention, to
kamela, and that, while Hwitclung
in the vurdM at Kamela, the eeJhooOa
wa wrecked, ami Mr. Siiiiiiioiih wim in
jure. I in Miii h manner ,1 tn icruiannnt -y
disable hlO). I'be 0. R, .V N. Co
ih represented by W. W. Cotton, ol
rnrtlaud, and Carter A Knley, ol
kble city. Mr, HlnnMoa Mpreeaeted
h) Judge A. , Itennelt, of The Valles
An Enf!isli Force Was Doini!
Police Duty.
The Gerimns Sided With lh nrh. When t
(ieneral Mmip krurrd and Somn
Mea Were Killed.
l ien rsin. .iu Pea BjaJeb i ui-
leera, while ailing as a tad ice guard tn
day, Irnsl tn interfere with the I-rem h
soldiers, who, if is said, were hailing.
I'be Krcnch repelled them with
bayonets, wlieretliMin the lritib nre.1
Intfl tbe air. The 1 mi man j s Ibe
1 French, and I fierce tight followed,
during w inch OM l-rxin h soldier
killed and three w.iiindtsl. l-ive lier
BJMse, four Britietl and on.. Jananeae
j were tn Rroeeded ) the fight. A
llerOMU otlner with a ulrong guard
iinai i stnppml the alfray.
Leaving Pakln.
Pekitt, .lune I, At a meeting of the
general id the allied l ines tislay it
vea dtelded hi gradually tniiMler the
aity'i BmlBiatretloe letbeOhleeae
derleg June. Pwo anealal train will
run all the week taking tnaip to I'aku
The Hermans are removing an aitra
nrdinarv bit of baggage, including
Chinese carls, jinrickhaw, tablea
and cbairn.
I'oudiictorM A. L, McCrarv ami Asa
Mull, Rngieter H. 0. tiilmau, ami
Biebolea Brevec, who were on the
train at the time of tbe wreck, are in
the city as witliesHe.
e s
I inniianv D'l Mascot Nearly Murdered
Saturday Night.
Home niie shut Hummer, fniii iNcl
hoii'm big uiaxtilf that went to the I'lnl-
Ipploea an Ooaepeey Da RMeaet. Mr.
Ni Im.ii had gone to the "lire mar lr.
cie's boepltel Heterdey Right Boool
II o'clock, leaving Itummer at boOM
iCetiirning, Mr Beleae (oeed the .m
Inal wnlimlcd and the blond llnwing
from a bullet hole near the heart.
The miscreant who lired the shut had
apparently desired tn end the life el
the la. nuns canine whnae name has
liereled to tbeOrleel alter balBg made
familial from the Aliunde tn the
Celtic here lu the Dinted Mate.
Itummer is alive hut is a very BOrOly
VOUOd ed dog. The nwiier callnlv
look lor the man who bred that
bullet, intending .piii'lly tn walk up
to bun and make Inm hmk like tb rtv
celils .r less
Revenue ( alter Hamilton Called Upon
ror Help al Jacksonville.
Jacksonville, I I., June l.--Tbe
revenue cutter Hamilton last night
lauded a full inrce of marine at the
POO, BOOt f the authorities a labor
trouble DM appreheu.hsl ami Ibe local
military -Ml on duty wa imt .(mug
et gb I pe with any neriiHi
NetlBeel Against it in Waihlngton
among the Hlaia.men.
Washington, Juii" I, -There will be
tin evtr.t -ess I emigre to cnuaidar
tbe Cuban and I'd il Inpiue ipietioiiM, if
liy possible a in CM I... f. mini by the
legal advisors of the government to
avert it, and they believe they can.
Pbe president and JJie cabinet and all
the senators and enngressmen in town
onpiise tbe ellra session idea.
Dr. Macky I Dead.
Toronto, Out., June II. A cable dii
patch from l-ornmsa announce tbe
death of r. Mackay, the great lull
ainnary. Kmperor Make No Tour.
Loedoe, June I riu i n.-i
later tn Kllglaild denies that tbe elm
lairor Kwang Mhii will make a tour ol
the world
rttREE FIRES Kii'okiiD
But rney
None Were Very Dl.astrou.
Might Have Been.
I'ciidlcliiii ha hail Hire, lire withili
the past h hour. in Silurdav, some
wiad piled in sacks at the wiaileii mill,
near the new Warelmuse lasing erectial
liv W. S Byete, 1 1 a narrow es, ,...
11 .in deal met inn. I'be burlap iu
which the BOOl wa saikul caught Ore
frnlii soarks. and afti-r hiirminr and
Low Hate Via the O. R ft N. Company' j acnrchiug things g .rally, went out
Clue riokel Includs Slag fare. j , jU w, Ml , ,,r,
Pea summer snisnii at Mo- del ightini . Kateraey nlgbi at beat 11 o'clock,
resort, lltiighain warm springs, ih now (be nwideme .,f a Chiueae gardener, mi
oaui. lirslclaHM accotiiiuoilalloii lor
viMilnra. A round trip rate of 11.7
has I.e. n put iu Beat by the t). I. .v.
V Co., which includes stage (are is
tweeu Minghaiu station and warm
spring. Tickets limitisl to I'sl day.
A two day ticket i also sold, at fJ.Vt,
which include tbnai meal at tbe
hotel ami a bath at the Mpriug, in
,ii'lii i- to railmad and stage faree.
I'atigei disease and death follow neg
lect nf ibe buwafi i - DaWltt'a LittTa
l.arly Kimtrs to regul.ile Ihein and you
will add years tn your lile and life to
your year. F.ay lo lake, inner gripe.
Tallman V Co.
West t unit slreel, tin. k tire ami waa
Boa an mad 1 1. I wa jnt eat
of the Alta street haseball ground.
Al II : in a. iu., on Sunday, June 'i,
an alarm nl lire waa given mi acceont
ol a building burning in the weeteru
eberbe, Phe houae waa burned
down, being small and highly iu
llamuntble, belore it waa possible lo
get a stream nf water to it.
I he Saturday night alarm cauaetl tbe
greateat egcilemeul, a revolver being
lire. I several times, Inllowed by the
ringing nf the hell. I lie wind waa
high and isiHiple were general ly appre
heuive that a iuall tire might xipaad
to a disss! ri.ua niie.
Seek Relief!
Th &nt prvporlioa oi moiihui a-ho wll.i
never maki a Mriout tllml lo Ixiwlil lr.m
mIvm. The moil ol Ihcin )o ea usy bag ae al
Unlion to Ihur little nvcruDual Jlordr, b.
In wi. ih., will vnlully wr off Tnay
gow wort .ml wort .rn v day Al Uv
period of iiKn.truaOon a worn it pivuliarry
iun.pllbl. lo void mil oUStr t.Urnal Inilueata
mi It I alio the auil favorai tinw lor th.
eavalopfiMtal of hatden dia na wkltJl
way b lurking in Ok iv mm. Aay uhy.nlaa
haowi trial dlavsrvlar.d msjulrualkia, lalllag al
Me wuaak sad lauiurrkos MljpSOaf live la
Jmoat vary hotn. No woenan ahould ag
Matt bartaM a atomssl aft tfv . laditsUea
of !..! dbaaK. Ailnoat uutaai raaal aaa
jgaeeeeBey tfv w
It will rftv yoe nghl la yaw ewa baeuv
Will yW accaast Uu U.Uiniay of Mr. BelftJar
W oekar can(ii and fsvaMy ak raJW Uaasy 1 Ail drsiagk.
all H 00 ktatOet ef Win of Cartful.
Okioao atassst, JThii War a, last, afaea
has duua a world ul good for a, t has a
hasaUsol n Vta. and . aaafea at Tkatfiurd's aUak Oiaaael A
I aave started to uas ll I will not a wttftoel II in las aoeae- m
alalai 11,1,0.1.1, n.. dl.l u. l ui.aaleaasa aa aha ougui eaa aa.
rear of aaa ami i.olblua alas aajoad o. I was lu varr bad elai
bafora I men! your maduaiM, eat I uuAd rllsl la line. .day.
faal like, a aaw auumi aud do all nur BoaMworfe and was k lag, i
uoi .1 . ,. I Uaik IV iuo of daedal I a. .aid ts eery g
woauan aud tU liar ln.ar I .uOalad baiura 1 uaad Wiue o.
sj, ,