East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 31, 1901, Image 4

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For Babies
Received by express a
line of blue shoes, also a
line of patent kid
with red suedr kid
The prettiest babv
in the city
with bakinp powder at
1.50. (.'leaver
;.V mark. Cleaver
. .also
Gilt Strings
for ladies' shoes:
latest thing out.
t h (
Practical Boot and Shoe Men.
Bargains in bicycle at Noll's.
Hoy yoar window shade.
One socond-tiand safe fur a
A lew racycle and Crawford b icv lr
left at Withec'i.
Garden hoae at all price and guaran
teed at Withee'.
Solid mnuntain potatoes (rev Iron.
ipmuU at Haw ley 'i.
Have your picture (rained latent
ft? lea at Murphy '.
New datum in wall naT at
Murphy' paint MM
At Kader't furniture MOM i the
finest line rf rug and matting.
Automatic refrigerator and water
cooler at Bailer's (urn i ture store.
Window ahadea, curtain pole, mir
ror, etc., at Kader' furniture store .
Oldeet place and liet tatuales, at f.e
Koy'i. cor. Court and iarden streets
flaw-lev Hro. are taking Mn- lead a
up to date grm'er having a MMJM Bttj
trad- than ever.
Kuiest ham and lard on the market.
Home product; try it, it guaranteed.
Hchwara A (treulich.
lee cream for parties and lislge
aociablea at apecial price. ijual i ty
guarantee!. Candy Imtton.
Kive nwmi house furnished coinioel.
for housekeeping Beat location In
city. Inquire of C. C. Hendricks.
The leaat in tiuantitv and moat in
quality deecritte I'eWitt' Little Eai J
Riser, the famous pill for BQSMIaa
lion and liver complaint. Talliuan AOa.
A suite of room in the Kat 1 in
gonian building, hot and cold water,
bathroom, (or 111 a EBOBth daring Ibo
summer. Apply at the laM UTOfOOlaa
I'nder a recent ordinance every one
ha to nuniher hi place of huiue or
hi reaidence. Maple Hroa., Court
alreet, can aupply number on lira,
alum mum and inckle at very low
Hchool haa endeil for the year. Y our
daughter now have time to devote
to music Waketietd A Falling, at
their warerooma in the tod, ten Rub
hotel, will aall or rent you a tinrt
claas piano.
"I have I seen auflering (rum dys-p-ia
lor the pant li war and have been
unable alter trying all preparation- an :
physicians to get any relief. After tak
ing one bottle of kodol !ysp'psia Cure
1 found relief and am now in bMM
health than I have been for JO year. I
cannot pruiar kodoi I lyspepsia Cure tu.
highly." write Mr. C. W. Robert,
North Creek, Ark. Tallman A i I
Fine prie
Maw ley a.
Hummer hat. fiilc to
Bros. Drv Wood Co.
Ak to see nor
Hroa. Pry ttiwal Co.
Hear the pianola at the music store
of Wakefield A Kailing.
QoodaofeS no, ha a nice ice cream
narlor. All kind of oft drinks ervel.
Thompson glove fitting corsets. All
atvlea. Cleaver Hro. Pry (lood Co.
N. Berkeley ha ome very desirable
town ami ntititry pfOpOVt (or ale on
easv term.
f yon aam a nice after dinner
cheeetry McLaren Imperial, in glae
jar at I, Martin'.
For ire cream packed in ice and
aweet cream. Telephone. red I'M.
I r, -, nf hirvi'lm rn thu installment
plan at the OfaOtiant agencv in the Last
Oregon tan building, payment II a
week, no interest.
The ladie of the Christian chncrh
will aarve ice cream and cake on tiie
court bouwe lawn Saturday, June 1,
from I to 10 p. m.
Remember I have a better atock nf
oil. aile-greaae. rope, lie I ting and all
other harreat aunnlie than ever tie
lore. P -one. Helig.
ilas tarn engine and lady' Sub
file glaa dre on exhibition tonight
by the Holiemian gla blower. Next
MM Oregon ion building.
R. Martin ha jnt received a large
shipment of Hmlierger cheese and It i
pfOQOOJMnd by expert' 10 I- the tiio-at
article ever offered in Pendleton. He
alao received a nice lot of kippered
herring and moked while nab.
Chief Minttiorn, whose Indian name
i- Siie.a'i-k -kow one of the head
men of the Cavuaea, died on Fridav,
May M, and . waa hurled
Catholii ceineter at Mission
day. May Bj .
W. J. Baxter, of North Brook. N. C.,
i savs lie "iiffered with piles for II year.
( He tried many remedies with no reault
a until he uacil DaWHl'l Witch Haael
I salve and that quickly cared him.
1 lallman A. t o.
There is talk of protesting the 10U
yard toot race in the field snort of
Monday May 17, because it i claimed
that Baddaley, who look firat honor
in that event, ha heretofore ou ev-
i eral lattaaion, has run for mnne
: purpose, i a proleeional, ami conse-
l leni :ii' igilih t compete witl
n-er HO head of cattle were corralel
. in the prington A Rogers corra!
i Thursday evening. Isays the Condon
rtOMO. J. I. Reynold', ol Nebraska,
j had bought the cattle and meant to
tart them next morning for Arlington.
' where they were to be ahipneU for
.Molilalia, tmt the animal broke down
'the fence dnring the night and more
than half of them got away.
Skin affection will readily disappear
bg 1 1 : 1 1 ht I'eWitt' Witch Hate! Salve.
Look out for counterfeit. If von get
IeWitt' you will get good results. It
i the quirk and positive cure fur piles.
railman t O.
PKftSOh a I r.N'TION.
in the
on un-
Tha Day Wat Ideal and An Audisnes of
1000 Pople Wn Present to
Wltnait the sport.
The game of haselaxll on the Alta
treet ground on Pecoratmn ilay,
Thurlav. .May 30, hewteer. the Athena
and Pendleton clnbs, resulted in lavor
of Pendleton hy a score of I to 1. It
was a game that had ItMfl heen hHiked
forward to with pleasant B&tlCipW
tions, and now that it is 00 POOOfd it
memories will tie treasured and di
cnaaed all season. The excursion train
arrived from Walla Walla at 1 o'clock,
with passenifer from Milton. Weston,
Athena and Adam to a total of near
11). including the Athena MMMl lud,
which dii'onrel patriotic music on
the way from the U. k. & N. depot to
the BOMOM Rule hotel the Atliena
At 1' o'clock the laind led the pro
i'eion to the grounds, where the
team practicel, and th- game was
roinmeurel at o'clm-k harp. Wltk
J. F.. Krause a umpire. The gHMd
tand wa jammed lull, a were the
hleacher hack of the home base, while
hundred ood around and other at
in vehicles ol different descrmtion and
watched the tine play intently.
Marshal Heathman wa at the head
of the police force and the audience
remarked alter the game that toe order
waa remarkable, a credit to all.
The Gams.
Athena wa firat at tint and went out
in 1-2 I order until the third inning.
After two were out. Vaughan hit the
nrt hall pitched (or a ttfe liner Ml
left held ami laiseeil on P tl.ird. whei
Meach dlOUpod S. Bmw i. V
allowed in RJ&bitloo t' ba
when he at-e to core on a half-
passed ball when Claude lvniaii.l
threw to Chanter and cauglit him at
the plate, lo atari tbe sixth. Vauuhai.
knoiked a liner that looked afe tint
it waoo t.
As it went toward right center. Red
Cinch vauutered alter it. jumjied up.
readied nut bi gloved left hand and
I took it in aseailva a boy would
reach out and pluik a cherrv :nm a
tree. It wa the ui t enationa! Iittie
chunk of fielding that ha DOOMWOd in
1 ttiie league in a lung white Mr.
I I Inch's (ace wa uffued witl hluslies
lattt.e loud acclaim which followed
the leal.
I .-even inning- passed away and
! Athena bad aoi scored. Captain 0.
1 Brown stej jied to the hatter' poaition
I with determination in every BOW
Iment. He finally gut in the way o M
of Cbajder' curves and walkeil to
, first, altboui;i lie mut have MOO
'suffering intensely, from the wav bi
gave hlluseif ttie uiaatfe treatment.
Willard struck out and k. Brown
kuocked a tly to Clarence Pen I and.
Dot Soma Cnarlt).
U. Brown by this time was DOMbod
on third base through ti e charity of
Claude Penland' two poaaed balls,
almost in succession. .Mr. CartaiM
Mr. Halinii, of Athena : the
Biiet of Mr. Helfriwh
Mr. F.va l.amere. of Medical laike.
' Wtob.i i vilting in PajMflotoa, a
' Biiet of her sister, Mr. Rudolph
I.. M. flarvev, a (irominent farmer
of Adam, wa a visitor in Pendleton
on DMnMatlafj tlay, a spectator at the
baseball game. He says the prospect
for a big crop of wheat are unnd.
Miss Carrie Mone. of .Atliena. came
to Pendleton on Jiecoration day with
the excurionit and ri'maitod MVht
a day to visit friends -he i- a gMfll
I tialay nf Mr. and Mr, iteorge Perm
ger. her uncle and aunt.
Mis Stella Willaliv. of V'hena.
pael IhfMMll Pendleton We'iiealay
evening on her way lo I .a 'irande,
j where she w ill vtoH her iler, Mr.
i Catlenian. rerently married at
Athena. From l.a ramie MiM Wilta-
I by will go lo LoOli Ma, Wallowa county .
for a visit.
Mort Meach went nut lo The -l-an
ranch on the evening ol DaonfO tlow
day. Ieinif engaged therp m nnie
lartiic painting. H- will re'urii Hi
j Penilteton IsiofsJaj ovontafl lo a t
be reailv for the -..mint game of tae-
I holla lib Wala Walla on tbe Alta
' "treet ground'
Mi Maude .lone not with an Mot
(lent while watching the bho
'game on the afternoon nf Pe. oration
day. A foul hit hall struck her on the
riqbt ide of tlie nose. MtMing li'o--d o
low treelv. -he wn taken home in a
call, and i abje to he around t lay
almot a well a- ever. Her DO0I wa
not broken, hilt tier right eye will be
discolored for MVOPBl da.
J Mr. Will Ford left of Portlowd tin
morning, m rerone t.. new- that
II) . He, iteorge W Kruiltr die.1 "ild lenl) 'here
ids ruin I. Mr. Fraut (ormerh live.) tier.', and
wa a brother of Mr. Strahon. Mr.
F'irtf' mottier. A daughter wa Mr
BoO -insheimer. w ite o tlie well
Known cont f8M 'raveler CXMBlog
b0H IftM I'.-tland. Relative in Pen-!
dleton received n ineage at 1 o'clock
tlii morning tating that the death
hid occurred at midnight.
Mr. C. F.. Fell i a sufferer with an
affection ol ttie eve. ftiere wa a
blood vessel btirst in tlie ball of the
right, causing the entire ball to tie
come bloodshot. Pr. Mil er lanced it
in several place, and the improvement
i MOM pronounced. Mr. Poll ha re
covered so a to he aide to move alxuit
the house witho'it crutches, ami i re
gaining hi trengtti o rapidly that he
will I? aide to come down to the post
otlice in a week or so.
John F.iidecot', one nf the proprie
tor of be'iman spring. i" i p(. -.,
tion in 1'emlieton. He i making pre-
k. Church
n aaf win nose in 0.
Sunday Bvsnina
..ague .if tlie WBM a
ire ii.
The KtWi rtl
wa.ia ilisiro ii- - - ,,(
ervice, imirn" -
Vl. 'e Oil Hie
The bof
lie meet'ig ot trie leag.o
tbi Morning. Many prnnn "' '"
dknreh, Bonday wiboo and Eowortb
l.eague are in sttendan.e. Bi'
Karl Onuwtoo, ol Portland o! I IN
Method it Epiaropal ehotch, ofTlvW
tin niori.ing ami will 0 tM m
ture this, evening on "China woJN
CbtOOOa " An interesting pr.rai"
I Ddveftiead for -atnrda and -onda).
K. church, song
welcome and reapoi sea,
program ThorOday evening
When Separated The -psn'. Hour. I
L-azln. at Each Other.
t.. rl... ninninnatl Zoo dwelt
giraffe." Writi I 01 1 w
Wiling me Mve
loo.'' m the Lad lea1
m nowara,
Sorie ol tne
Home. I nrnal ior
.lune. "liiraffe are not how
their affei-tion. pel these IWti exbihiteil
,.Vet e j.l-l trile dev. ' I ' ".
other. Tbe male never eemed to tire
ot careing th long, slender neck
ni Ilia naetnar. and. what wa most
uiiiiual. would Iroquently leave
her the fte-t and ehoiceet blta
(al. On one 000MI0n
remnvetl from the pon I
mh! qoortored near by, eeuiei
find consolation in some bit ...
that bod boat) Bead k I lad not ti roat.
a! wav lying rjowc looBi o
matter where they happened b N
l.lace.. And during tbl 'emporari
separation the tw.. w
ga.ing long oie J it
aa- ifW? CTAnti
5l. Jut uiit'
W r bave tiif iftrgMl an.l finest stock of (jre8s
gja in I'tDdleton. For the IMSl ten davs we
n Come and take advant
a,,e bip CUl prices. Folliiw the crowd
. ave ;i lovely line of wash Tabrics from the
Cheapen lo the hest. all included in sale.
We re ttill telling SHOBS cheaper than anyone
Beat Q000I tor ueasi money.
wbon iim
r a abort t
nf j
or oi
a ... nit.' Willi
- - J- Ourea Lost
nwer, a) I eht-Loaaea, partnatormoea InaomiiTl!
I r',.,wnL mi VICH. Hp'..:i
or h a. i
t win cir.:
witcronaor - t
1 n r
fnifacw E O- ret, a-minai
o."to ni to a
or cononnoori
, L,n. ...... tr, Ma rr, Lpaa
. (ju ckneaa of Dl
I0D1 I
ajdreaa. Biahop OemeOy Co., Oan Pra'nciaem
: iHN unimri -.. -'iii.rrnv, Hltn,
the ipoaa I bat
tin wore hum
man ite-' I
Irolioking i
fully BDO. i It
lieliav n a a - U
in cri'H-.;- -
ii,l atien i boon ,
gWrtl otber aero I
iM tbam. boa I
tolled tbey niadej
bappiBOM bv I
friaky e .it.til lw
tne fact tiiat ucb
ng but pictiireanue
liaration- n.r n but moii Hi ".part
ner .in- Mr. Warren Biei Mcranl.
lr Kmli'cott ami John Ward, accom
panied by Mr. and .Mr. William A.
I.-u'lier. io- m . apring tbi
inoruing. .Mr. Leather will have
BhOfgOOl tbe "tore Mr Kndecott gieoi
out tbe inforinrttioii that BOMM
IVl -. of Walla WoJ,will tantOh tlie
milic fur iliinciuc at tin- liote. during
Arrival at Hotel Pandifton.
Cha H Qf00O ban Kranciaco.
I D Mattlaooo
W H ilemienniiig.
Karl OruotOBi Cortland,
w J Pwraiob, city.
F II Clark. Beaumont, Tex.
h K KevnoJil. Taciima
,1a .1 Kelly. Portland.
K 0 Hrake and wife. Atliena.
Mie Alcea r-uee, Atliena.
Clia K Oarev, Troy, S V.
I H MoOlory. St Lowio.
i Ewdin Wbelan, M Losio.
c M Cartwrigbt. Port load.
A Tiioma. an Kranciaro.
Ol Harrn, i'nrtland.
Andrew Nvlander. Portland.
D INiIh Bpofcuo.
Caato, bpukane.
(' D K inker. rpikani-.
0 I Kiaaievelt.
I C Mackiiinon, i.ireat Northern.
Pruararr to Beam on Sunday Jun S
Basin on Sunday
Bndi Juna 13.
Tne commencement eiercieea of the
norma! echool are from June 9 to
June 13 incluaive, and are to be in
, live part.
Tne Baccalaureate termon will be
given on Mundav , June it, at 11 a. m
Tbeee ezerciae will be held io tbe
Methodist cburci.
M mday evening June In. will be
taken up with a m:sed program, the
prim-ipal part of winch will be a
Tuesday even ins. June II. will be
l ,el by a play a farce presented
lo seventeen or eignteeli aludeiit. rep
reaeiitmg a many diflerent character.
Wedueatlay evening. June 1L'. is
taken by tbe neiuor class. The eser-
HMO ouit ot oration, readings, reci
tation, clan- prophecy, class history
and class aong by member g the da.
Thursday morning. June at 1H:.'H),
the cowmencametlt eXerciaer occur.
The address will be given bv Or H.
M Martin, of WalU Walia At tnatt
turn- tlie member of the class will
saaoifO their diploms
fmirsday evening, .tune Ui. is oc
cti oied ! the exercises of the alumni
All the evening exercise will begin
at H:30.
The exercises, except ou Sunday will
be in the oners NMM
an rtsar
Klloi'ketl a high 11 V to left field, a bid. ti. ...,
Meach miajudged. 8 Hr,.wn coming'
nonie with Athena's onlv run. auud-1 new
era followed with a sale hit, but LtoO
alien knocked a tly to Clarence Pen
laud and tbe inning waa over. It
looked a little suMpiciou in the ninth,
but trouble was averted. Doll W0OI
out. I'lricii to Hartman . irami
kmicKed a ball to Chapter, win in his
desire to show that he had ploaj
Rtrength left tlirew the ball over Hart
man' head, ninl hranci cainpor,l
to third: that made Chapler pretty
hot, en be struck out Vaughaii and U,
iirown made tbe third one and lost.
t iricti to tiar'.man. ; in tne city ot wu.luia IMfO Iwe
Psn Run Battins Stviiali laillllv tlo' ui It i eti wer
Pendleton started tin- rnn-settiiik' in faatnli.ni- u. their tastes ami obiectei
IN brt inning. I'lrich knocked one anytbiiiif like native dirr in tneir (o.Nl
to Rounders and was out at firat - Cos
knocked one to Wiliard. who fumbled.
Wallula Hai an
Exeuts to ORsr.
A man who returned re ently from
Wallula lella a MOfJ o a shrewd
farmer in that Incalltv who was so
well verel in the trick- of the iitrm
nig profeion that he coin I turn the
wort kind of a "call down" lata
Xrofll to himndf uv the Walla
alia I'nion. Thi reaident of the
and belt wa the owner of several cow
.11. ' at tune- lie, Idled ii. lik Slid butter
The iwtlleel line t ozfordi
and slipper- in town can 1
see-ii I iv visiting ur itore,
We have then in
Blacks and
Patent kid.
Re member thi
v-eek we grfvc
of 27 per cent
the lat
a discount
Ik Peoples Warehouse
d to I
I T v .-:-" -11 .
' Ij k -
bsMoM It
il the desire ol even woman 3
htl U eye to the bi autiful and
a cultivated taste. She can (it a
s.r'( pint: room, par, or or din;a
room from our elaborate stock fro
tin plainest to the highest MaJ
and at prices that are right.
MAT I INCiS at reduced prices k
cause ol overstock. Carpets, Rnj
W-.ndi'W Shades. Curtain polet, bag
1 .it ts, mirn irs, ;.. ture$, eta
Special Sale for one week on
All tn limit"! hat, at actual cost ranginp from
90c to $4.K. Mreet hats and sailors from 2'k
to 11.60. Bee our po hIs and pot our prices be
fore buying elsewhere, We also wish to in
create oar ule- on lediei shirt waists and an
U'i!i very low prioei lor a short tiino. Ihm't
forgel The Kair i nutftintM money hack if
g'Hids an- not satisfactory
Tontferfuot Cumlortora
U iim mm oil uur wall shaaeil. wsll ati
tiaa our Manlue .iu- lor lailir- i atOS
0' 1U1 aaiura.
iliaiurtlus it
sasa auitrivKi
TltSjr nst aal
ar stUU tor
u( pllo lo 1.
Pendleton Shoe Co.,
Ths SirslgBt or u.
is the O. KAN. Inn- and its eon
net'tiuu to liuffalo. Yuu aave time
save uiouey and get a maxiniuai of
pk-aaurr iiv making: tlie trip via thest
routes. We ,iole lowest ral-r- am!
give cboice ol route to the Pan-American
exposition. O. R. A N. ticket
oftoa. I. Wa.MsLLY Agent.
Tin- KiMtkefeller-iiuuliJ syndicalr are
Irving to get hold of the Delaware.
I aiBaoaaa it Western, a an Kaatern
outlet tor the .MiMoiiri I'at'ihi tranacoii-
and he was af- al firat ; Mearl.
knocked a line to Willaril and waa out.
tun Willard 'a throw to first to natnrl
Cox and romplelt- a doulilt- plav wa
ailil and C"..x ateamel ar.uii. i tin- na-f
like an autoinohilv iiarma, muIihI out,
and tbe score waa 1 to 0. Pendleton
scored again in thr lotirti, AllOf C 1
had kniatked a tly to augtian Mead.
kuocked one to Saunders, who hunblod
and Meach got Urst: Ue prompt stole
second, to tlie dulik'lit the amiii'liii
Harlow made a safe hit and Meacl:
scored from second llartman Boa 00
to Franco- Score : t. 11. I'euUietotl
n.ade it ttnrd and liuai run in tin
seveiitti. M-acl, mailt- a safe hit and
went to second on Wiliard' orror.
liariow knocked a safe 0M to iborl
ceute and Mi-ach scored Barlow on
first witli none out ripped ot a pin. ..:
shoddy hasernniiing lie wa caught
on tne naae dv k. Brown tnr.iv, inc t,
augnau, tiien auglian tiiri-a t
tan and the latter won a f
witi. liarioa and luuctiet iuii ,.ut
soras of tna Players.
Atliena has a strong outfield, liell.
l.irauaiien ami FiaacM all aaHina 1
for credit tiy making ditticui' eak'boo
llartman aaved aotM aftOfl tor the
looais by acoopiug shoot tlirows.
ClareUCe I'eniaud plavetl a goral
third tiaat IMl nBOghl 000 KM I ny eloOS
to gs) grand aland fie fell jiiat'a tin
hail touched bit naiids ami boaadod
up. He then made a eecoud gral at it
and held it. The audience gaitr evi
ggMM UaM tin- piaj aaa 0000
Chapter struck out In iiien. gav
three baasja on latli and tut BM man
sauuder struck out tliree BMO, gni
base on hall or by virtue ot tut bat
men, and aas a MBBOj) a u Walorbor)
al' fa
Mur; Meach wa tlie 011 1 v man to
steal a ha.-. He also Sv-orcl froi
second la ice ou a Int. which slioa that
to- 1- a haae winuer
J. K Krauav umpired, and Kred
Hag.-, ior 4 UMBO, and C. A. Maakrev 1
for t'eudintoii scor-r,
Tns summary.
Main Street. I eudieton. Or
For several week they pnrrim-il
butter from the laruier without any
tlmig being toMd BMIm lint if one day
at tlie dinner table little Willie ex
traded fr.itu a ruirfimi nf ri,, n.riirul
I fii ilvt Hill tVhKitri
rati hair. Than ih.-r. wa. L-rUWUOl I 1 1 I iXalMJIirt
for tin- time. After a council of war
tbe hair ami the pat of butter were
preserved in a,ol, ila. place against
and Poultrv ards.
the return 'iig Of the liutli win. Vended
tl.e . lege ! '.dl lie I, it
He can, . When tin-y aw bmi cum
lag up the bill they all gathered at
the gate and tiie butler and curling
auburn lock were brought from their
place M retuge and were suddenly
rustled to confront tbe guil'v mai..
Tliov expected jo ee billl faillt. hilt he
did not Fit- wa eojllu! to the oecaaioti.
rnat." said he scratch log bit boosl
and loakiaa wioo: "that is the latest
tiling III table dishes. eVeral davs
ag" I aa aide to hire an exfieri
tintterinaker a womau iust froas
Car-' Belgium and tn- 1 a efacitsf jack,
trace ; Kiio lag V'ni to oe paaa MMonaon o:
MlaS Mint judges ill excellent cuillle 1
, permlttetl vou to be the first to sample
her PBOOiai initlermaking leature
blob i now faring ustal by all t:.e
BCOWaod heads of Kurope. That is
batter witl. the Belgian hare."
The man from Wallula doer
rerord the BdaiOO "f tbe eplialt
Pedigreed Belgian hare
and pure brcu l ow K.
Barreil .
Boag aggs
rcr pair, a.: each,
and Wt. ie Plvm
Bjggi 13.00 ar' la,
j sum some
at HJ aaj
JOBBb Hluale
I ., Rods BgMBJ iipr 15,
- ' ng lor I", ii.
V'iattOfl weir Hue K ir further
IsBaraaatioa address
Ul'V W. WAlit.
t'eudieton, Or
a Mm.
-Join. Mark
purchaaes tl,
Spring Troubles
Loss of appetite.
Motuach ailmenta.
and uiier Eruptions
are some of them.
Correct all of these
makes the blood pure.
fauitleloii AH I lb Hi, A
I kflsoi ib i o 1 t i
Caa tool
Mab II ..10"
Itenow.rl will
Harisxau Ik I u lu 1
I'UIMIK. Cl i 0 S 0 U
rataa4, ClaaOs, c .. .J o n u i
I'baDler, p ,., J 0 l i
fcalaaU. Cisrsou. Ib J a 1 S
Toial BJ J x u
Aiu.oa. all k IB M a
U Bruwo s 4 1 0 .
W Ularil. lb a u u i u
k. brawn, c I o 0 I
Caruutu, Jb i o w 2
SaumUrr , toll:
uell. II 4 0 2 S
Fran, I-, rl 4 u 0 0
auguan. lb I f I f 1
Total S3 I I g j
By Innlna.
I I 1 M Ml I
Pwn.tlaton l 0 0 1 0 e 1 0 x-
Aiuaua saoOuuOlo-
Keno, Mav :5I.-
va.la rattle king
BMMI Krir tai mine from (J, Weakuii;
for IT.'i.UUii -enator Clark has H-en
tieg if lating fur the mine.
Can. French u Bseuperallng.
l.oinlon, US :;: GoW. PlMMSi ln
aa- recently reported captured tv ti,.
Hirer, has not fallen int., tbeir hands,
hut is recuperating al Cape Town lie
had broken down physically.
Kavorsd the Army Lanlssn.
Bt. I'aul. Mav :1.-The Amerir.u.
Saanolalioa ol Militarv Intaonm is in
session here tin morning. Tbaw
,oipi-u a resolution lavoriug the n
establishing ol the armv canteen, alter
a h"' dtibule.
Iteoictl & Unlet, PnSi
; .'t
:: M :
ftosenbern Uuiklint Main StrmJ
I he (i lories of
The garniture of
ahown la the rag
boa (It MB we dtSPisi
iitiuntr, 1
and matt::
fit coveni
: 1 yoor tinors during tna warm
Months, Nothing more clean!
more daintv or cooler can lie lout
it. .it t it- iiiaitmi's m art slioaiof
Kuks from 75c up to S40
Mattings as low as 15c.
I ndertaking a Specialty.
Jesse Failing.
Main street near Br..
it., u
A Good f ar no r
Retail and ton lots.
TelephofM your ordeji
or hail the d
Mam I Main 67 or Main 3.
M 1 if the hlaek tain
'He is the Ice Man."
VanOradsil & Koss.
fitly Dollar.
Toat's all it coat for return ticket
to 8t. Foul, Sioux City, Kansas Oil
and all Miaaour, river point between
if vou buv your ticket ludat . Call at
once at the O K. A N tickt ,,il...
lor full particulars.
ou are much more liable tt iIiuul.
when your liser and bowels do not art
prvperly. lieWltt'a Little fcarlv Kiaer
reUJOVe uause ol dlaease. Tallman iV Co.
W havt- told yen ibonl
ur rttat purohAM of
Johnson lirus ieniipor
eeltin and now we offer
a Iti0pieoi 'iinner ajfj
For Saturday j
The Columbia
LodKin House
At lowest rait s
i.iilv at ':.. Kt'iiH'iu-
ln-r Johneon Bros, muke
the linest Bnii -porcelain
and have the largeHt tai -try
in the world
I his, is the (ircataat llargain
wa have ever ulteratl.
Owl Tea House.
3 fulls erupt- paper lUc.
Last Urcfooian building,
Pendleton. Oregoo.
Pendleton Ukiah Stage Line
M wi.v
n 1. 1
Kl KNI-lli- ii
I ( IV V L' , -
!, j i S I I K OK hl.lM K
4 WKBK H'Vti
liK'l ALT,
tluatun Carney Prop's.
I'ei ror iViu-c
axcepl Sunday, (,.r Pit k.h k w t
K'" ' Ai 1 i ki.h uood To go f-ishinir
iviniiiotiations keaaonal.le freiubi ..i .
pa. iiger raiee or ior a rati u, make
viiy omce at laiiman &
t'e.,ue Ma n
a call
SKn be
Harvest Time
Come in and see
my stock of dishes
raniteware, tin
ware and cooking
utensils, big cit
of camping outfits
Court Sua
Farmers Custom W
Frog vn altars, Pnrartaiaf
OagOMtfi 10 barrel s Oar
PlOni uscbaugeU lor wboai.
flaw, Mill toml, caoppeU reed. sW- '
LPot Stable.
Liaily Kaat OsasnawiaB. dskvsrs
1 camas, only 15 tssaU a wook.