East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 31, 1901, Image 3

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g yards Scotch lawn $1.00
rtsnools Merrick's thread 25c
,000 yards Val. laces lc per yard.
ue nieces Broaaneau ureas ucmhis
l P to close 29c per yard.
Cleaver Bros. Dry Goods Co.
with Fourteen
gm Thuriday Nlirtit.
T Pn.llt'" n"" ,m"d hHH
MM wml iiC :..z
ormniai'""" are ' 1
Man! at MMt, .'"
........ K.vnrv time til
mm n" '.tL i state
Mm II fin r nn 1 1 rn. 1 ' " '
to."-"--, . ., .l.e HM1H it III
tm ' -- , hups h oiik!
it into There are plenty
T ....... in ian.liMtini. T!ie troohle
llswl1" DM DMD in " " "
IwkloMtbar. n ri.urmly evening
M7KDr.C. J. WhiUker'. office
: Miilisl Ihsuissives tugn.uui
ml flick lor ill inoiillis at leas.
iMinn inaiirps k.miii muni .".
Iff ..v.. - . .
utiHistinn tin- lie ml. tin' loot mi. I It'lf
Ismes and other parts ( the body
lying Umiu the ground in a heap. The
iHi-e whh look ins upwards, the teeth
showing in a most hideous manner,
ami on earh side ami ak'mn-t tiie fane
lay the hIioai, in which the feet nf the
porpw still remaineil. The body has
apparently lain there for a 0 msnler
hale length of time, hiihlen In the tall
ltiiss and shrubbery that at... an If hi
the cemetery, hut finally it was ex
posed by reason of some one sett'tig
j tire to the grass in the graveyard,
which burned away the tall bushes ami
partly hurned the corpse.
The theory advanced to account for
the presence of the Ink!)' in the con
litioti in which it wan d isc ivore. 1 ll
(hat the person wa-i murdered either
on the spot or carried there from an
other locality. It would Heeni from an
i examination of the body that the
corpse had been hacked to pieces.
Htatk or (ihio, city or Toledo i
Lmm cocktv. i
Frank J CUonev inaktra natti that he It thr
eeuior partner of to. Itrm of f. i. Cheney 4 Co.,
fluiiiir hiiaiiitna 111 ttie cltv of Tilleilu. fouu t Y
ftirin at Julv festivities and oil other 1 and atale aforesaid, an 1 thai wnl firm will pay
ruu i . , . liMcen- tin-"iiiii of une II uiilre.l Hollars fur eacli au l
uMtl When oallil IllUSli Is ne s ,i,m . minoi be cured l.v
griUiroanl out the pleantire ot any , aw itl h:I' cm.rrh Cure.
rworu lo ueiore me mi.i nuiwcnwn iu iuj
urenetii'e ihinttth cUy of Iteceuiber, A.
I .... Ii. lam..
I mu j A. w. UJUMIf,
Notary Public.
Haifa Catarrh Cure la takeu luterually an. I
actn directly on the blood aud mucous nurfai e
of the ayaloin. rteud for teatlinonialn. free
r. J . i HtMi .v uii., loieuo, iioio.
V ' T 1 1 ,..u.u, u u.
HIM) lr. V. W HIMMW -
...... imihe- iinthHk'cr ' n.
Mm. wrwurv M I '-r. tr.-an-
wr. J. A. liib'aon, leader and iustruc
MM a bamluiaiiter, Mr. (iitnon
aii m til lead with those ot lue
liertaaMt. He wa formerly reji-
Itrsu Mndinweter at the I'resiUlo,
it rrtociteo.
Opan air Conesrti.
Iv band will meet for practice on
iTaajday evennii of each week. Friday
Iftaoioc will De devoted to open air
IHMMM. The hmt event ot tliat Kino
It xmr mi Friday evening, June ,
IM ccrasr oi Mam ana court
anu It was deemed advisable to
M..1 toe com-ert there, rather than on
IM coqrt bonsp grouda. for the crowd
Hlil k on the street, and thus more
pupa) would enjoy it.
s; headache absolutely and per
lurnilv cured I iv 'i-.in.. Moki tea. A
!.M Iierh drink, (.'uren constipa-
txctod indigestioii. maken you eat,
iwp. work and hapiiv. Satisfaction
(unnteed or nionev ... i. 'St cents
Sold b druitciiu. "A
Hall' PatuiTr PHI are the rnt.
VMM Diieovsn Bodv Haekad
Pic in Camalsry.
Mn I. I. rraucisco, of this city.
JM HUM diapatcli, made a grew
M distuvsrv in the citv ceiiiHterv
lie paring a visit to the grave of
w cokllrwn, alien she suddenly came
'f lot mmaiua o( a tm man being,
-4 -V
Houaa Numbering.
Special notice to property owners
who have failed to comply with ordi
nance No. ;i7l passed the city council
April, providing for the numbering nf
bouses. The sign painters. Keale
McAldeo, will make a canva-s of the
city couiuieuciug June -0, 1901, and
are ordered to place a L'5c number
unou all houses not before correctly
iiuiii!Hred and collect for same on
i.reiiiisjM. Failing to collet the tine
provided in the ordinance will be un-
It ia hoped that citiaeni will under
stand that this if about the only prac
tioal wav of dealing with tin- propoai
tion where each account is to tritling
as to make it impossible to do the
work at prices quoted and collect in
anv other way.
ttie extension of tune will enable
all to have painted auy atlye or site
number tbey prefer, conforming to the
requirements of the KMta! department,
l'eale .V Mc .lden will tie pleased to
furnish any information desired about
uumtieriug at their shop over Oounner
cial atable opposite poatofbee where
ample of tin house numbers of
various sty lea may l- seen, varying
in price from Hfl to f 1 each.
They can tell you what your numher
is and guarantee It lo be OOtTMt.
Signed) F. W. VIN01 N 1 .
Chairman St. Com.
I.eam Recorder.
Alt-Ht J. I-.
liii-jJ55j',an thai with me verrtbiug
MM u( Tattle m taiHaaic worlb and
,, V" ru" " ' rl4" m buying yuur
55"" lwolry ul me as I poaltivoly
PaliMaMatas guo.la aa represented.
Played Out.
Dull headache, jmius in varioue
parte of the body, sinking at the nit of
the stomach, ioes of tppMltO. fever
iHhiioes, pimples or sores are all hi
tive evidence of impure bloisi. No
matter how it became so, it must bj
purified in order to obtain good health
Acker's Blood Kllsiv has never fuih-d
to cure acrofulous or syphilitic poiaous
or anv other blood diseases. It is cer
tainly a wonderful remedy, and we eel I
every Isittle oil a u-tt ive guaranU c.
For sale by brock McComas.
K . Martin Laada.
K. Martin is entitled to be called
the loader in the grocery trade, on at
count of Jus long experience in th
business. Then as he buvs in car lots
for cash tie get a trade aud cash dis-
a. counts winch give him ins gixxls a
JcWeler and Onf-ir-inn.. little cheaper than other store Mar
,aluu. u I ,i if It, I.IM I.OVIlii
bill (i T w vnin , . ' , a " -
price to his cuatointrs. If you want a
big bill of groceries get prices at other
stores and then Martin can beat their
r to Alexander m Hexter's
St. George
AFFORDS:. :::::;
Dinner a Specialty.
Hrtiu gifttulKxtr
Ffench Restaurant.
"i AND MIQilT . . .
"Our little girl was unconscious
from strangulation during a sudden UM
terrible attack ot crou(. 1 quickly se
cured a bottle of One Minute Cougl
Cure, giving her three doses. I he croup
was mastered aud our little iUri.ii,'
speedily recovered." So writes A. I.
Hpafford, Chester, Micti. Tallman a Oo
i ...u L...I. t a r.aular. hltnr iui..uiut of UK
fc l- !u."iJ ..A. H rro.li. Ua ahfi-or l
l.utpijai.;i.r pOI .laoi .1. u,u
Cuatom Work ThU Yar Oreatar Than
vr Bet re Wool Sella
Very Rapidly.
In the Portland Oregon ian of Mav
appeared this reference to ocourin'g
mills in an article treating of Pendle
ton's wool market:
"There has been a sort of evolution
in the wool industry that has not MM!
previously noted to anv extent. It will
tie recalled that scouring Mllll were
introduced in the interests of the wool
growers. The sheepmen were indu I
to put up money to aid in the con
struction of scouring plants. The en
terprise proved to Mi so beneficial that
steps were immediately taken to con
trovert the effect of the innovation, ltv
means of the scouring plants the wool
growers were enabled to reap the
benefits of shipping only scoured Wind,
and not paying freight on about iv
imunds of dirt out of every 100 pounds
of fleece wool. The man i test advan
tage of the scouring machine liecame
"But the victory was short-Inc. I.
The herder in his vine-clad cottage is
no match for the strenuous commercial
athlete in Boston. The scouring plants
soon stopped doing custom work. They
had been scouring wool fur I eent a
pound and making money. The wool
merchants of the K.ast obtained control
of scouring plants in many districts
an l no more custom sc. Hiring was done.
The scouring plants now offer to buy
wool hut not to scour it at any price.
When the wool is once bought they
then scour their own wool and do the
shipping themselves.
"There is a movement. n fo it among
the sheepmen to build scouring plants
that have no connection with woolen
mills, thus insuring a certain indepen
dence ami freedom that does not pre
vail where Kastern factories control
absolutely the running of the scouring
machines. Wo il growers are inclined
M take note of a paradoxical condition.
The woolen mills of Oregon are run
ning, hut are consuming little native
wool. They are supplied with ahodilv,
tsiught at 5 cents a pound. F.ven with
tleece wool at I1.) cents a pound there
is a demand for shoddy goods, on which
the profit is larger."
Doaa the Pendleton Mill Injuitle.
Ttie inference ia that the writer
meant these observations to apply to
the i'emlleton Wool Scouring A. Pack
ing companv. Thi iieing the ess.', the
nulla are done the injustice of absolute
misstatement. The Pendleton scouring
mill have more custom scouring con
tracts this year than they have had in
anv vear since ttie organization ot the
Furthermore, no shoddv isusmI at
the Pendleton woolen mills There ia
not a shoddy machine in the furnisli
n.eiit of the plant, and not a pound of
shoddv has ever been shipped to Pen
dleton or bought here bv the mills or
by anyone for tfiem. To quote the
recent manager of the mills, T. h.
Fell, who resigned but a short tune
ago, ami who frequently talked with
the Fast Oreognian about the output of
the mill:
"The goods put out ny the Pendle
ton mills is absolutely pure Pastern
Iregou wool. I'he bianket- mi l robes
only blankets and robes are made
here are ream too line gno.ls to com
pete with the goods put out by I. astern
mill! which are DOW almost universale
uai'jg shoddy. ' '
Wool Selling Rapidly.
Furthermore, the Oregouian article
n question said :
".mi far as the wool situation is con
eriied, there Would seem to be nothing
if an encouraging nature to offer.
I'he wool market is looked upon as
stagnant, with but small hope of im
provement in the near future. The
history of the past vear is tilled with
discouragements. At the time of the
F'eburarv rlurrv offers of Pi cents a
pound were made, and some of the
sheepmen parte.) with their holdings
at that figure, others among them be
anie headstrong and refused to sell.
The advance in price was of short
duration, and ttie continued depres
sion ensued that ha- left most ol the
wool in the warehouses.
" une sales are reported at 10 rents
pound and some at an advance of
half u cent. But l here i- scarcely anv
ool moving. It can satelv be said
that nob kIv is selling wool at lo cents
pouno, who can artoru to iioio it.
That some growers will be forced to
part with their wool of last season's
lip is a loregone conclusion. .Many
of them re. .... i advances from the
Lanka that run as high as 7 cents a
pound. They are paving interest on
this mcney as well as warehouse
charges, and tbey cannot stand tu
pressure verv much longer tin- lisnks
r ... . , . ..a
are i.. ginning to iusisi in u saie. oi
some kind, as they deem their security
somewhat involved."
As a matter of fact, wool is selling
more reaOily tban it lias lor years at
this time of year. Much buyers as V..
Y. Judd, of If. C. Jo Id A Boot, Hart
ford, Conn., Charles lireen, of Kosh
laud A Co., Bos lou and San Francisco,
Frank l.ee, and other prominent buy
ers, have mailt- extensive pun-oases,
Inuling wisdmeii more inclined to
sell than was expected when the sea
son opened. Mr. Judd has bought - ,-
UXW.OOO pounds, aud the others large
quaiui ties.
highly spoken of by all who view id
the exhibit.
I Mf I riday, the 24th, was the
queen's day, ami, although it was cool
and damp, a great many attended the
exhibit. Canada honored the day to
the fullest extent. Canada has a most
beautiful exhibit in the agricultural
building. The mineral display is
beautiful Iron almost all points of
view. It will be the 20th ot June be
fore the buhdings are all complete.
Buffalo is to have a grand Fourth of
July and it is one of the places tha
can do justice to the tlav.as here is the
grandest electrical display in the
world. tahsfjy STEWART.
m aw i . i .
Tot Cautea Night Alarm.
"One night my brother's baby was
taken with croup," writes Mrs J. C.
Snider, of Crittenden, Kv., "it seemed
it would strangle before we could get a
doctor, so we gave it Dr. King's New
DlaootrOfJTi which gave quick relief
and permanently cured it. We always
ktHp It In the house to protect our
children from croup and whooping
cough. It cured me of a chronic broni
chial trouble that no other remedy
would relieve." Infallible for coughs,
colds, throat and lung trouble, 00c
and fl. Trial bottles free at Tallman
A Co..
tftt -alai hi.'-s-'.-
lr aud tl.au "
Lsril 1
vd a nice lot of irog lag
Frirtjt4f .
fauUUitou, t)ci
Or. ly.
eUaaant l'.lll.l. '
So".' "-. .. ,. I... ...... ..
CmIIIi Aildi.aa ..v. - a itiaa
Unee Destroy the Dandruff Oerin
Hair brows Luxuriantly.
Any one can have nice hair if he
or she has not dandruff, wind, causes
brittle, dry hair, falling hair ami bald
ness. To cure dandruff it is necessary
to kill the germ that cause it, and
that is lust what Newbro's lierpicide
doe. Cornelius (irew, Colfax, Wash.,
ay I
"One bottle oi lierpicide completely
cured me of dandruff, which was sty
thick; and it has stopped my hair
from falling out." It make hair soft
and glossy as silk; delightful odor
aud refreshing hair dressing. It will
positively make hair grew abundantly,
and kill the dandruff germ.
Taaaey alwart Saya So lo a Letter
From Buffalo.
Butlalo, N . Y., May T, . To the 1 ,t-l
Oregon lan. We will leave here in a
few days and journey on towards our
old home. We have b. en here three
weeks, moat of the time it has been
atormy, either wind or rain although
we have had several very pleasant days
to attend the exposition. The
i.lcasaiilest of all was the second open
ing day, the -'oil. but. Although the
grounds and buildings were not all iu
read i liens, a great many were present
We were much pleased to aee Oregon
so well repreaeuted. Our timber die
play is most beautiful, aud far exceeds
any oo the ground, iu the agricultural
building we staud equal to any of the
states, and have loaned to aom to help
theiu out. In the horticulture build
iug everything is most beautiful and
we were pleased to see auch a dis U
of Oregon fruit and to hear our state so
Lumber Output Normal School and
some Surveying.
The Weston leader sava: J. C.
Oldham, the veteran hookkepeer at
Fletcher's mill, was lown Saturday
and reports much activity in the Wes
ton mountain lumber industry. The
output average- ..ver 20,000 feet per
day, and there is a half-million feet
of lumber in the yard, stacked in
bOgfa piles as high as a two-story
brick. About thirty men are now etn
p.'oted. The season promises to prove
the most favorable and prosperous that
the mill has ever enjoyed.
It is altogether worth while for citi
zens interested in educational work,
ami parents particularly, to pay a visit
to the BartarO Oregon state normal
school building while the present ex
hibit lasts. This visit could be made
at any time, but perhaps would be
MOM convenient after school hours.
They will see in the downstairs room
an admirable display of the work of
the children 'f the training depart
ment, ami of Mrs. Washburn's pupils
in drawing.
J. W. Kimbrell, the Pendleton stir-
v r. was up lor several davs last
week determining the lines of an old
government survey in the fisitlnlls
three miles east of t iwn. It is found
that mi the cut side of the township
iue this survey is entirely incorrect,
and represents an amount of land on
paper that lias no existence in fact.
Parties holding patents have much less
land than the descriptions call for.
Among those interested are Moses
lav..r, am Caplinger ami A. .1.
Templcton, each of whom is minus
more or less land, the total shortage
being over 200 acres, it is said. The
g .. eminent survey, of course, will
have to stand, ami tiiev have concluded
to make the best of it.
Weaion Soelal Items.
Mr. an I Mrs. W. If. Beneflel re
ceived an unexpected and very wel
come villi "unday from Mr. ami Mrs.
.lame- II. Hall, who reside mi the Net
Perce reservation in Idaho. Mrs. Hall
is a sister of Mr. Benutlel, whom he
had not seen (or twelve years, ami
their meeting was mutually pleasant.
Twenty vears ago or more Mr. ami
Mrs. Hall lived in this vicinity, and
are remembered by old resilient. They
are mi tiieir way to visit their children
in Morrow county, and remaineil hut a
shurttime in Wuston.
Mr. o. )f, Castlemati and Miss
Bertha M. Willahv wen- united in
marriage Wednesday, May 2U, at
Athena. Mr. Castlemati is a popular
voting druggist, formerly of Stilton,
who is now located at I. a (irande.
Mis Willahv is the daughter of W.
P. Willaby, of Athena. She has many
friends at Weston, where she was
graduated from the normal , ami ha
successiullv taught in the public
school. Mr. and Mrs. Castlemali he
gin their married life with the beat
wishes of all who know them.
W. I 1 1 Moii, a prominent attorney
of I' inland, was iu Weston Tuesday
with Mrs. Fentou, on a ehort visit
with relative while returning from
Walla Walla, where they were the
guests of Mr. and Mr. Levi Ankeny.
Mr. Fentou ia a nephew of Henry
I'inkertoii, of this city, and renewed
acquaintance with Ifis Weston coua
in. Miss Margaret I'roebstel and Miss
Pearl Wilis entertained the ladle of
Weston yesterday with au after n
tea, at the residence of Mr. ami Mrs.
i. W. Pr'S'bstel, under the aupsice of
the Ladies' iilild.
Mr. and Mrs. V. II. Weaver were in
the city Iroin Pendleton Honda, Mr.
Weaver's mother, who ha been ill at
her home iu this city, accompanied
them on their return.
Miss OmJ Kslea, of Walla Walla,
has Isien visiting Mr. and Mr. H. B.
Nelson at their home in ttiis city.
Miss Fistes was formerly a Mtudent at
the normal school.
Mis P. a. Wortluiigtoii, of Port
land, is visiting at the home of her
parents in this city.
A Dssp Mystery.
It is a mystery why women endure
backache, headache, nervousness,
sleeplessness Uielaiicliol 1 U.'C.iig and
ii..y spa-lls when thousands have
proved that Klectric Bitters will
quickly cure such trouble. "1 Muffered
tor years w ith k idney troubles, " writes
Mr. Phebe Chelrey, of Peterson, la.,
"and a lame hack pained me so 1
could not dress myself, hut Fleclric
Bitters wholly cured me, and, although
73 year old, 1 now am able to do all
my housework." It overcomes consti
pation, improves appetite, gives per
fect health. Only i. at Tallman A
Co.' drug store.
Walla Walla Haa Svral Aaptranta
Who Want th Oflle.
Jacob Bata will not give wav to Fred
Panly in the race for mayor. Both w ill
be in the contest. A petition for the
nomination of Pauly was in circula
tion yeatertlav, and one for Mayor Beta
will anon be n circulation. They will
not have the race all to themselves.
There is little doubt that Q, W. Bnb
BOOk will ooatpone his trip to KufOpB
until he has made an effort to capture
the title of mayor ami several other
estimable gentlemen are only waiting
for a little encouragement to announce
themselves as candidates. Council
man J. F'. McLean does not say that
he will or that he won't hut he makes
some mvsterions remarks alsutt what
he mav do if he takes a notion. His
son Kichard is a candidate for city as
sessor, ami this may lie the result ol a
shrewd move to keep the elder Me
Ian out of the race for mavor But
even if father r.nd son should capture
both offices the combined salaries
would not make them plutocrats.
If people onlv knew what we know
about Kodol lvspcpsia Cure it would
le nail in nearlv every household, as
there are few people who do not suffei
from a fooling of fullness after eating,
ll .1.1 .1-. ...... ...I. ...
oeicillllg, nmiliciuc, simii stuiiratu i
water brash, caused bv indigestion or
dvspepsia. A preparation such as Kislol
Pvspepsia Cure, which, with no aid from
the stomach, will digest your food, cer
tainlv can't help but do you good.
Tallman A Co.
For Sal.
One ten foot header three header
lieds, one fourteen horse Pitts In
proved power almost new 0m11 M
j. T. ut:r ai.i.k.v Attain.
LMWItt'l Little F'.arlv Kisers search
the remotest parts of the Isiwels ami re
move impurities peelily with DO tlis-
conifort. They are famous for their eili-
cacv. Fiasy to take. Never gri-. 1 all-
man A Co.
If you want something
nrw and different from ha
ordinary run of clothe,
come In and try on the new
Hart, Schaffner M Man
They're the kind adver
tised in the leading mage
lines and worn by good
drcaarra rywbra.
t J
Woman's Work
Is trying on the eyes If there is any strain fj
when sewing you slimilil siimall to a test itml
s iic a pnir of ui.asskm which win real IB
si (III tn iiiii uial ciiiitlltlnn litlicrwisc lubtl m
partial tillinliiess may n-siilt. Having it latge
slock ot
I'.yeglasses and Spectacles.
i. can tit all ordinary eases Iu a few bUbuIm
ami at small cost. Where there ale i-uinplli a
Uooa we make to oraat
DKMAND FOR HKim aiks ihs ., i tor
Bradaataa ot Mm RattMl insi .lurmi tits past
year ha- I inn. h Im.vi. the supply I'oalllnna
w llh train f to lie in I?', nil per BBNBfc.
BT4TI OaRTIVK tTK.s vsb Pin.nMA Mtti
llMt his ireiari"l lor lite stale ktaalnallona anil
n ii. bit lake -laic paper- on arailuatloii
sirnim Vcailetni. Mini I'mieaaiiiDal t ntir's Wall
equipped rralatag Daaartaiaail Kp.na..a range
fr IM ! 1MB Bar year Kail term open. Srpi 17
i in BBtawg DontalalBg fall lalavsaatMa aiiiira,
I' I. ' AMI'llBIL, I'rsaltteal.
or J. Ft V. Ill I'l.KK, Hi-eretary.
Baay Running, Clesn Gutting.
Hull Bearing
They are guaranteed. Call and tea them.
BiDHl.ly..-uurtHi..Pudtou.u.or. II : I ff W I i 1 1 1 1 ,V I 111' till I lWl 111
aaviikjai v w m. a a w a a a 'i w a a
Thl entire stock of the
old Wiley B. Allen Musi.
Co. instruments to make
room for a latfjl a1"' CO HI
plete line of pianos, or
Kans, small nuisieal in
striunents ami s h e e t
music now on tin- roatl
Call ami see the stock.
You can save f ioo to i 25
on a piano.
Piratclagg tuner in attaadaaca
Wakefield & Failing,
(Jolden Mule Block,
Court Street.
601 Main Street.
Hotel Pendleton
Under Ntm flana ntneilt
ilfalor in ....
Wood and
Henry Kopittke
Strictly First-Class
Excellent Colsme.
livery Modern
jjel JsVa wW
gr a TflgTi -l aj
Give Us 1 Trill.
Rates $2.00 a day
Special Rates by
Week or montb
Br and Kllllard Uoums Headquarters for Traveling Mao
The Kesl Molt I In Eaalern Oregon.
Van Draft Bros.. PfOMi i essm , tu J. E. Moore
The Dead TX,
Ami 1 will furniah you all complete,
ready for use, my 1VUI Model N
superior in make, quality and power
to any belt offered by other dealers for
which they charge M0 on. Kstablished
lo years. Write today for my latest
hooks, "Health iu Nature" and
'Mrnugth , Its Use aud Abuse by Men. "
Dept. A,
Kueaet Block.
Who itewamls a .launch. psrteM IMBlBfl
wIimIIii bla .port, ia au i"f. eaibu.laalic
abuul 1VU1
tbau are tbua. wait aud tauw.u alio rbl. iotf
ou auutetb runulu srbiMls taf pr.v.u wailb,
tut . . .11.1.11 1 aud aalMy' wka.
Mlaudard Kaaalil.r. coal
1 -.1,... m 1 .....1'- Miiauiaiatr i'i 00
I .ii.,- r fleata I.iulit Hoadster. 140 00
(ieut IV pounil Kauer o0.00
little or 1. .nits Chain leas rs Of)
Meal S, Vt, fJ
Aa.ul UwaUlla couBlr.
r.adl.UMi, imiuu
aUk B 'j 1 n t i y Purnlshed
Steam Heated
1 01. pr a o flan.
Itlus,k and a hall troaa depait.
. o n. L oom In connectlea
k.. .on kan-
soc. 7fK, $i.m
Thursday oi eaoh ireeli I will be al tl u Kii I National Hunk
oflii it tj reeeive ateJed i1m on lt i wo l Noh. 6, m, i:j und
17, about 600 aaeka, uow atnred in Uw (nde pendent yare
nouae; alaoaboui :i'. uaeki r thii yii oUb. I rejerve
the j" ivileMe of rejeetiuH any or ill bid. Adureai nu Een
dltton or Riot Rook. Telephone hmdletou or ranch on
liitai 'ivck. J SniTH.
A sure i. ioe.lv for lite and mite.
Interuatloual I on I try Fiasl ktiepa the hens hetlthy, mica grit aids digeetiou,
llone mi ai Kiyt-s streiiKin t" yoiin ciiu as.
A clean, inoffensive hut nutritious fertiliaer for your lawn.
C. F. Colesworthy iouitry and tu Suy
For Health. Strength and
Pleasure Drink
Polydore Moens, Proprietor.
y in m
"Miifj, Kauaw