East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 30, 1901, Image 4

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    Till HHP A Y . MAY SO, I'WI
For Babies
Received by express a
line of blue shoes, .il 10 ,i
line of patent kul
with reil snedr kid
The prettiest baby
in the citv
. . also
Gilt Strings
for ladies' shoes:
latest thing out.
t he
Practical Hunt nnl Bboa Men.
Hiblea, ti'smtnonts, praver beoke.
liny your w i inl w tbndM at
Murphy 'a.
n eerniiiMiaml afn for sal'1 at
A tew racvelt anil ('rawlnnl lii. vlf
left at Withe,.'..
(anion liom at all prices am
t',it at V itln-c's.
SiiIh! nioiiiitain iiotatiM'f fri-i
sprouts at llnwlm V.
Mavt your pictured framed , latent
Htylea at Murphy V
Naw let;mnp in wall paper at
Murpliy'n paint sinrc
At Kailer'a furniture ntnre I" the
finest line el nut- ami inattinc
Automatic refrineratorp ami water
MMM at Kailiir'x furniture stun-.
Wimlnw Nhailex, curtain DO lee, mir
rors), etc., at Uailer'n furniture utON
Olden! place and la.at tumuli'", ill I.e
Knv'a. cor. (Ninrt mid tanlon, ntreein.
Haw lev llron. are taking the lend an
up to date urnrurx having a larger 1 1 .
trade than ever.
! hams and lard on tin' market.
Home product ; trv it. i t iniar.nit I.
Hcliwars A (irmilicli.
Ice cream for names anil lodge
ociable. at upecial prices, iiialit
uuaranteed. Camlv DnttOO
Kive riMim Initiw furiiiidied complete
tor i..m-, I'lnn I lent location in
city. Impure of ('. (' llcmlrickr.
Creecent bicycler en the installment
plan at the ('res, ,-nt airem-v in the Kat
ireynnian building, payments $1 a
week, gO inter.-'
Kemeiuber I have u Uitter Mock of
oil, ax It -groan), rope, baiting ami nl
other liarveat supplies than ever he-
lore. I'. NineH, Helix.
A euite of room in the Kant On
Ennui! buUiling, hot ami cold water.
Itlirooui, for lla month iluriiiK the
iimnier. Apply at the Kant Oregon lan
o ttice.
lender recent ordinance every one
ban to nunitwr Inn place of liusineas or
In- residence. Maple liroe. , .W Court
treat, eon aupply numbers on bra,
aluminum ami nickle at very low
Contractu for about f7t)00 worth of
improvements at the atate airriciilturul
oli.-w provideil (or by the laat lejjis
lature. were let at Corvallia. The no
provement coinpriae extension of the
neat in.- plant H an to include the
armory, the construction ol toilet" ami
plumhiuif connection, in the aduiinm
tration luiliiing, Mechanical hall and
Alpha ball, and the painting of
OMlborn ball, Alpha ball and the
mei'lianical huihhnu
Fine pri.en with baking powder at
Mummer bat, ftOc to 1..0. Cleaver
Hroa. Dry (ioode Co.
Ank to nee our L'oc sock, ('leaver
Brat, lry Oootla Co.
Hear the pianola at the mimic ntore
of Wakctieii! A Palilalia
Thompson (jlove littinu roraeU. All
styles. Cleaver Hron. J)ry tiooda Co.
Wanted tirxal buggy ami single
harness. Addreaa, Imx AH, Pendleton,
N. Berkeley han aome very desirable
tiiwn ami country proierty for aale on
ooay turiim.
The Pioneers ol the Pacific hehl a
social nennion lam evening after Initio
tiou exercises mid partoo, of ice cream
and cake.
The women'" committee of the
Young Mm' I Chriatian Aaaociation
will meet at the mourn of the Commer
cial Association on Iriilav afternoon,
at 'J o'clock. r
Hchool han ended for tin- year. Your
laughters now have time to devote
to music. Wakclicld A Failing, at
tlnir wareroonn- in Ibo GoldoO Hub
hotel, will aell or rent yon a llrat
c I ass piano.
Ji Krank Koiicbe, tin- celebrated
Shakespearian scholar will givt) an
entertainment at the llaptist church
on I iiesiliiv evening, JOM 4, Mr.
1'oin'he 1 1 h humorist ami will furnish
an even I tin of pleasure.
-nit your wardrobe to the weather
il you aTOd Id he comfortable. Hnv the
bOOt underwear you MO afford, tint
iav no more than you might to pay.
m'T! find the underwear we offer lor
men, women anil children juit right,
and OOW BOW 'l"c can you eipial our
prlOM. Alexander A Hexter.
The St. Jm store has on dinplav in
I their allow w indow a monument made
i of linen representing tlie ti. A. H. it
i- mmnndod with white enameiei
poles and i" decorated with flowers in
, honor of DoMMMlOO day. It ia north
eeeing and ahowa that the St. Joe
-tin's w indow SfSBM M an artiat in
his line.
llisio)i Karl Cranaton, having re
OOHtly returned from China and .lapan.
I will npeak on "China and the
(Chinese" Hi the Thompson street
I Uotbodlil obnrob on Prion; owning,
m 31 Blobop ('ranatoii is a llOOl
ami forceful shaker and all who posai
hlv can abould bear In the
I Oblnooo qnootion, Adm union free.
J. H. Kraiiklm wan severely in-
jnreil in a tiitbt in the Louvre saloon
on WodnoodO afternoon. His assail
ni t itruck him in the rotiit eye. apar-
elltlv with the end ol the handle ol a
! po. ke- knife. It wan rumored that Mr.
I r.inklm had lost the xiftM of bis ey
in fact, thai the optn nad been torn
iron, it" "oi'ket and thrown on tie
II, i.ir l'lil- I- a mistake, lie did not
lone his ey, , hilt lie did loae tile tltfllt
I r . Sinitii dressed the wounded man'
tniaratata Contatt Hald In Whitman
Memorial Chape; on Wednesday
Bvanlae in Walla Walla.
Walla Walla, May :tn. -Arthur
BoBorboob, of wbrtBMn col logo, won
the interstate oratorical contest heft
iest eveimiK. His subject was "The
Tw iliitbt of the Revolution. " Kdward
Mmchin, of the Cniveraitv of Ofngon,
"The Agitator." waa his opponent.
W. T. Lao be, from the f'niveraity of
WashiliKton. failel to come to partici
pate . owing to a dispute rognrding the
pavmellt Ol the ex'lises of the roiite-t
inu nratora.
The interstate contest is hew teen
Washinitton, Oretfon and Idaho, so that
Arthur Hauerbach, in winning here
laat ninht, carries the Rolleiitate ora
tOfleal honors for the Pacific North
west. I.'s-al contests have been held in
all tne BOllOgM of the three tate-, ami
then the state contests have followed,
winners in the local collogt BODtOOtl
bolng participants. Then came the
IntOntabl contest here last nigbl with
the result indicated.
The board ol judges on del I very wan
eonpoood ol Ibo Ra. a. ft, Aokor
imin, of Portland) atndgo 8 a. Low
oil, John K. Lntbrapt of Ptndloton.
These voted iinanimoiislv, giving
Baaorbaoh tirst plnea on dollvory lodg
ing m to dlraotnon, roroo, nagnotlfni,
itesturi's, enunciation and climaxes.
.Indues on thought ami composition
were Prof. Potior, of Stanford uni
versity: Prof. Klaherfy, of the I ni
veraity of California ; Prof Moore, of
Puitet Sound university. Prof, fetter
ami Prof. Moore had l anded their re
ports and markings to the executive
hoard. favoring Mlnobilt, PfOt.
I'lahertv 'n renrt having not vet ar
rived. Of the five judges who re
ported, Hanorbaob Iborofore received
three votes In the event Prol.
Klahertv abould vote for Mmchin. the
result might be changed. It would h
tigured on the percentage marked
the imlg
which place be him since nadi his
home. In IH7S, fie and T. J, Kirk
laid off from their repertie larms
the town of Oantorvllle. MM Athena
I III Hecemher 21, 170. be w hs marrtetl
to Miss If, L. Meader, if Hostot ,
Ma-., who snrvivi- htm. ami to
whom a large clrclo fll friends extend
i their heartfelt "Vi.ipntbv.
Mr. Richards was a man of sterling
character MM BOtldoetod bit bOllrMM
with sagacity mid success.
The funeral, which wa largely at
tended, left the family resilience on
Third street at In o'clock Tuesday
'morning, ami the aged ptoMOf was
' laid to rest in the Atbom nomotory
I Rev. WilliBin DewaOW, of the M R
church, conducttd the services.
0LH.KY i fcnETKKY.
He nad a
PiKeon a a Valat or Maid
"Tom" was the mime given to a
I lordly voiing crow about w horn Florence exercis.
Morse Kingl arltoi In Ibo Lndiao.
I Homo Joornal for Jono Bonnty nai a
snow-white pigeon of iihout the ernw'l
age. with whom he was reared, ".lust
bow it came about we never knew, but
am ran dltorworod that Bonaty ragn
larly acteil as maid oi -ni I work to Ion,
She fetched and nrrie.l morsels of food
; at his ImpOrioOl OOtnnwad, ami one of
her uuvari ing duties m- the preening j gravi
of her master's feathers, loin w
j very mm h ni a dandy i NU cnalblaitk
plumage always appeared perfect b
larooaodand thinlng but the ardnona
1 labor of his tot lot wa performed lot
I him tw i very day bv the humbi
i ami aflootlonato pigoon Oor Una gan
tleman would i nine in from a roll in
, the dust or a dip in the fountain, apd,
eating bittMOl! upon a OOTtaio railing,
utter a short, "harp rail. Ilisianllv
i Baanty would daaoond to his ilde and
I begin bor taik. Uottorlng aiiMously
j from lido 'o lido a- ibo worked, draw
i Ing ea h sinning bla k feather cure
I fit 1 1 v out to its full length in her pink
i bill : Tom. meanwhile, do.ing luxur
lonol)l with Blotod ayOO, after tin
manner of tl omnlnaanl patron of
, skillful barber. If lteautv unfortun
ately pul led a feat bar lOO hard a MtMWk
bv and a mddon poeb informed her of her
miatake. "
Prooldonl Panroaa proeldod and m-
trisluceil the orators Prof. rilbOT
played a violin solo. ny Allen Turner
sang a baritone solo ami Miss l-av
gave a piano selection, i lie contest -
held la the Whitman Memorial chapel
which was filled with college men ami
town (leople Vigorous Whitman e!l
resouudeai when the ienion was announced.
The Salem Creamery conipatiy in
manufacturing on an avaragl b n
podndi of batter par day, lh entire
output being nbippe i t, -e.ittle. l.imt
year the company put eonaidambla
-r, i . Were al
une i iijuiai,v - - -
Cemetery a the Oravet Were
, The observan f DaOOtatloO day m
Pendleton todav. uiiM.tr the auspices 01
the i A. R..'wa general. rh pro
cessioo started for 0ln cemetery
from odd Polloni ball at 10130
o'clock. The i -rand Arm? veterans
hail ibo right of nay, fplloned by the
Woodmen of the World hih! Ilw "'
Ihts of the Circle, the latter being 8
Icarriagea. There were protMbl) WO m
line. Opon arrival at the .eieefrv
.1... ,,,jrilM. II. m Vertpe.l nil- '.inn-i
Mint After the 0, A. R. efl ' "
W..,tn,..ti of the Worhl held
Ineltiillng an oration
Hon L P.. Reoder. i no w mien
I ceremonies were carried 001 at the
Igrnre ol Krank . Lao. wbo am a
member of (bat order. The gravoeol
I flee otber Woodmen ere decorated,
th remonies throughout boiog tf
I impre":ve
In addition to lh 00 B0Otlnel in
the Bnei OregOO InO of Wednesday, the
of ir. McKay nai itrenn win.
H.,a,d tl, r.onovu of hi- remains i"
Olnaj cemetery having taken place
two months ago. from where he
original It Interred.
There were probably I'"" pononi al
the cemeter during th'' eXercl-e- and
everything nai oondocted with Iht boil
of order, Do delay being occailoned
The day general I) .i- more rolennl)
observed iii Pendleton than on an)
similar date in former year-.
Walla Wnlla Observed.
Walla Walla, Ma; Al the linker
nehnol ground-, the followlna Mete
or al I nv i r run rm ron lered a 1
Mi order b) c- amnndor B ('. Iicleli
ol the U. A. R. InVOOltHM, lo'v. I.e.
A. Job ll on : vocal selection: reading
of Lincoln's Oettvsburg adilren, Capt
nod B, i eey, ol tne High Pel I
cadet. recitatlOnj VOCal selection;
address, Prof. W. D. Lyman, vocal
selection; recitation; "America "
by the audience and benediction. Ley
lioman I. Inner
We have the largent tod flnt stock of dress
, . , Pendleton, For the next ten days we
; price, Come and take advant-
at .a a.i .' li I I a . ear I tl jrx -v 1
hiu cut privwo. into i-rwa
me il wbbd lam-ics irorn the
to the best, all included in sale.
Wl are still selling SHOES cheaper than anyone
Best Goods for Least Money.
We have
. t n i .moil- I'ri'tl'-h lei valrlun.
-. fiti h MS l.oal Ml
nhi.ua. In....'4
rnrs el iini,.,,.ncy. ' i Rl ll:r,riJl"
. . ,.j,ry enjttus of Oil luipurluaa.
f -i-fo (ehnranflOpprrntfftrn tronblinl with
Id irr I lA Vl.
rlt M.K H
1 la i n N 1
. I- - . ' !. U.ll . . ...
i i u iM'ruuuiant cur. U0MM SUft
bn Mb Kn FnuicOniwCai.
llllit.lwNTM, Pv irtanTOW, ORKSON
butter mi colil storillle.
none this eani
but a 1 1 1 -lore
itneaa Btun ciuo avaiva wun Baud
ml Rootart.
The mwcial arrived at 1 o'clock tie
dav from Walla Wall with the Athena
baseball club, tin- Athena brass hand
anil emiUath iltber- to swell the crowd
lo Jim. There are from !L to :..on
ix-oole in atlemlaiice this afternoon to
witness the hall name, which com
llieiiced at .1 o'clock. The I'emlleton
llllle colMI-ts of finch, CoX, .Meticb,
llarlou, lUrtmau, liunuis, Claude
Penland. Chapter and Clarence I'en
land. The Athena team, with batting
order and neldlllir Isisltions billow:
'i. Ilrown, H.I Willurd, lb. K.
Hrnwn . c : Cartano, '2b. ; Saunders,
p.: Lieuallen, c. f. ; Dell, 1. I.
Pranale. r. I, VaiiKban, lb. Ht. John
ami KoonM substitutes.
leinicrioot Comlortare
l- alii a-all our well altsue.l. web Maali
aiioca nur Msrilari aliix-lor lJlc- la i. .'! Ml
DI llie Dsliirtl tool l naleavl of tBehiUf Slel
llaiurliuii II nur hoa tv nut mil? bead
sale mrtl. k'slll I. at rmiuire 00 lir. skint i
TUo) not unl) look well but wear well Mian-
aseati tor iIk - otebraleit Uaaiaiar atiuv lor
Pendleton Shoe Co.,
occurred Wadnaiday Bvaolnu al th
Horn ot laaorea Robfelni.
The marriatic ol Miss Minnie Haw
ami Harry Bilhv incurred on Wednes
day evening. .Ma M, at I o'clock, at
the resldeine of Mr. ami Mrs deorifc
' A. Kobbiui, iu North I'eudlelon. A
mall party of relatives and friends
were present, the ceremony I, emu, per
formed by Kev. John Cren. pastor of
the M. .. church Mr. and Mia. Hixby
have lione to in iisekeeplUK in the
home preparcl ad)oinUk that of Mr.
Bobbins on tiartield street.
A I 'U i InlrtV LtU-st MMelllhleil tO
nilnaai tie- ntlnpa. The home was
.-at 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 tlecorateii lor the occasion.
Mis Haiel Hamblen, lieice of the
bride, acteil as maid of hoi. or, and
welcomed the tfituat- in a very pretty
manner. At U o'clock. Kev .lobn
Dton perlorme I the lereuiony , the nn-
Btoael ee riny lawiai balan u,i. the
bride and groom staudiiiK under an
arebwa.. composed of roses and cMrua
tiooa. Tin- ceremony was followed hy
a oedklint supper .itler which Mr. and
Mr- Itixby left lor their new home,
where they i-enin houacUeiipin at
ome. Mrs. Hi x Uy is a sister of Mm
lieorn Robbioe, Mre. Uaotfi Hamblen
and MM Haw , ol kbio city.
Tna llaanM -v.- sprinlciad.
Now that the main husmeas and
residence streets of 1 endleton are being
priiikied ami otherwise improved, MM
blejreh la Panilleton will baaooM
more popul.ir than ever before At the
Crescent aueiii v iii the Kast l rekjoui.in
building a Kuarauteed wheel can la
obtained lor frjg.go tne 1801 Orooaaol
for ladie- or gentlemen fur fjfi, and
girls' or bojia1 wheels for L'U', eas
pnynMnW ami no nueriMt.
lutpeelaU tne lompan
lUker City. Mav :iU. Colonel lames
Jackson inspector general of the lire
gun National iniard. inspected the
local company here laat evening. Col-
oool lack son atrougly urged earlv
, 'in plot Ion of the new rifle range
emphasizing the uei-eaaity of tins part
of a soldier's instruction.
H. V. Milieu, proprietor of
Athena hotel, came down with
haehall boys this afternoon.
Dr. and Mrs. ,1. I). I'lamomlou W0T0
among those present at the baseball
game this afternoon from Athena.
.1. J. Worcester, the milling man.
formerly of I'emlleton, now operating
in tirant county, is in this city on a
"Had' Clarke, who pitched for Col
fax in the game ot haseliali here a
couple ol weeks ago. has signed with a
league III the middle states.
K. 8. Ivanhoe and J, W. Cherry
have binned a partnership at I. a
(i ramie for the practice ot law. Mr.
Cherry came recently from ( tub
Kev. F. L. Forties and family have
returned from I'ortlaud, where thev
attended the funeral ol the daughter
of bis brother, the Kev. W. ). Forties, j
(ins Teiltscb, a popular clerk of the'
Cleaver Brothers firy (ussls conpa.iy, 1
left I'emlleton for rian hranciscn Wed-;
neaday nignt, He will go on the rood
for a han Francisco firm.
F.d ilentley was hurt by being run
against nv an engine while empiovei!
in the O. K. N. yards at DaMlillanl
s o'clock this morning lie sustain.-. I
some hail bruises hut Is n l,eev,il
to la dangeroualv injured He will
arrive in Pendleton at . . I.i this even
H. W, Mane, general secretary ol
the Young Men's t'hristan Assocatiou,
will be in I'emlleton next luesdav .to
.outer With lliose lllteresleil in the
work of the aaeoeiatiou in I'eudietou.
regarding the ttiml rai-eii nen- -un..-
months ago lor the conatruction ot a
building and the organuation of a
branch in I'emlleton.
Word received from F I'. Kouud.
wbo is in Ht. Vincent 'a hopsKal, I'ort
laud, is to the effect that his condition
is not as giMsi as could have been
wished ami as was exitected shortlv
after the second operation. IboN are
ymptoms ol i.i, siiaoniug. He may
be hack in I'emlleton bv next unda
eiirge v imwrie oi i.ake horeat
university, Illinois, has accepted
position of teacher of languages
the Pondlotoa academy (or toe ensuing
year. He will MMaaafl the Ke . W.
H Hlaknaj, Who resigned to take the
pastorate ol the I'reshvterian eburell
at Elgin, Other selections will he
uiaile by Prinaipnl horlwa and an
nounced ialel .
Miss Leila McK.in arrived Wednes
day evening i rm, i Portland lo be
present at the I ecurat ion ,la exercia,
The grave ol her lather, the lau.our
Indian war veteran, Hr. McKay, in
Olne) cemetery, is among IboOM de
corated tislay. After viaiting in Pen
dtatou for a abort time Mis- MeKav
will g,. to Walla Walla to reman, a
week or ao.
(rant Horn ia in I'emlleton today
from Ins ranch on hast Kirch erred
He has U'UUO iiead of (beep ami Dong
Kelts has -Us".), which they shea re, I m
the same corral with the -ami til arer-,
mushing up on aturday, May 16, Mr
Horn's she.ip sheared ,sL... pmind- 00
an average, while Iboaa ol -Mr. belts
went n 2 pounds. The latter baa al
ready sold his wool at 10 V per pound.
Mr. Horn baa received the same kind
of an offer, hut thinks m- ran gut 11.
I). A. RJrCHARD'S tAklitk
DeWltVi Little l.ariy Riaarr wnnli
the ren ot'-t parts nl the bowel-and ro
move i iii i,ur 1 1 il-- speedily with no die
comfort. I hey are famous for their elh
cacy. Bae) to take Never gripe. Tall'
man V Co.
There will la no sewer- in llaker
City this vear It i- reliable stated
that ti !tj ronnel nl not tone the
-ewer .piestlon unless petitioned by a
sutlicient numia-r ol property owner- to
,o so.
The iwelleat line of oxfordi
ami llippen in town fan In
by visiting our itore,
We liu e t hem i n
Blacks and
Patent kid.
kemcmber this is the last
week we rive a discount
of 2- per cent.
The IVo)kk WarclioUaSf
sin u g rORE
fitthks or PMff
7it) Mam Sir;i't. Pnodlnton, Or
v have told you fabout
m r pvat porohfMS of
Johnson Broo iemipor
celftin and dow we offer
a l(K)-)ii'(!e 1 inner net
For Saturday
only tit $5a98. Renierji'
bor Johnson Bros, make
thf finest Mmi'Doroeltin
ami have the Largest fac
tory in the world
1 hla Is the 1 1 1 1 i liargain
we have ever ollerrd.
Owl Tea House.
rolls cres- Mts-r lbc.
i tna tin (oUowiag bargain
i i tm
il the desire
has an rvt
a eultivsted tasti.-.
bet lespiiKj rooisii
ni fverv wmihin ui.
In the I ,.,, t, . ,i .. I . i
""iiiiii ana a
t;an fit up
room Iruiii our aiaboratc stock from
the plainnst to the highsst grades
iiinl at prn its that art' right.
MATTINGS at rc-duccd prices bf
cauae of overstock. Carpets. Rns;
Window Shadcts, Curtain poles, bah,
i i s. no carts, mirrors, pictures, etc
- Trr
d YV
Special Sale for one week
hutr- at actual cost ranging fron
strt'ot huts and naihrn from L'V
S t A l I
our gooi ami tr i iir pnees ie-'vtii-rt'.
We also wish to in-
oraase our lales on ladies shirt wainte ami can
quoti very low prioeti for a short time. Don't
forgel The Fair's fnsrantsfl money hack if
goods an not satisfactory
All trimmef
90o to M.88.
to $1.80. Bet
fore buying i
eti & Tarbft Props, DDsenbern BoOte Main SM
iol 1 sores
A 1 wlu-at land.
A l wheat land.
2 l"ts Well located
l lot lower Webb i
1--J.V .
t reel .'.( i.
i- V-.', .;:
The Ulories of Spring
I IIC ..t llllllll UI SUIIllllL'I, ill
shown in the riiK and mattnc
t autit-s wi- display tit coverm.
i n nni doors durum the warnw
months, Nothing more cleanly.
nun, ... i.. . ui luuici can m iuu...
that the mattings we art showing
Rllgl from 75c up tO 40
Mattings as low as 15c.
I tiilertaking a Specialty.
Jesse Failing.
Mum street near BriJf".
Spring Troubles...
IaOBs of appetite
toiiiaeh ailments,
and 1 tlter Eruptious
are uotue of them.
Corrects all of thette
inaki'.- the hlood pure.
UMUiing OrugglaUa
snatch or Hli Lir ion' t th Alh.ua
AMMNM, .U M. - Iiwl t in
ilBiicejin tins city ut p. in.
aSfi 'Uy -'., IMOl ).iru, A.
ur,ls, U(el 7. yuera.
Mr. Kicharila wa- Kirn at Weatlier
fonl. Qaneaae county, Xem- York.,
Daaatnbai ISSS, At the age of mfm
years, he anilnratad with ina pn rente
(roai liiiffHlo, New York, to I'rairie
da Oh inn, SMs., uoihk nv ti- mty m
the ,reat Ijikes ami dncaim. At ti...
ag of Ti yuars, lie Ma.- aaiaad with
tile gold fever ami caine I,, CalliirniH
whert hu remained f,r ae.ven vears. in
IS57, be left t'alilori ia ami ' lravele.1
iverUuil 0 I'ortUiul. Oh.. l-r. ka
reaialaad dnrlna the winter, ami lin n
left for rba lali. -. wliere he .-naiair.-il
in Kae livery uuines. Tiriaa ol tins
he next enuaued m Ireiuhliiiu Ua..i.
The DelltM. Ure.. and I nita
Idaho. "
Oil tile niklilt a if lnaii.i "I Is,.! 1...
w.a - 1 iroui ami run oror liv nil
heavily loaded freight wagon, and n
ceived injuries in hia epine which
crippled hiui for li(e. B t. (a
lil, he located on a farm at the
uioutu of McKav creek, where In r.
aunued until 18.H., when he reun.vc.i
to a farm on Wild liuree oreok on
list nt town and
1 heap.
Locust Hill Rabbitry
and Poultry Yards
Pedigreed lleigian Meres
and pure bred I owls.
Hares, aj 01) Hr ,.nr M ,.ai!h.
Iiarre.1, Ball, ami White I'lyin
OUtll Hocks -Kus H.r 15,
:i sittinifs oi 00 j kn .,,,,.
Harreil ko i eggs at tlM is-r
li,MM- ami Singh- Couih Kn.sl,.
Isiaml His, .u,tf. L. kj (H.r j
S sittings lor no
Visitors wel,, one Fr further
information address
Ul'Y W. W A 1 1 K ,
1 iregnn
' 1
Retail and ton lots.
T sphone your ofrkn Main I. Main -57 or Main 83,
OF bail th. driver f tht hlaek team
"lie is the Ice Man."
VanOrsdall & Ross.
1 m ,1.
1 inn.
Bt llriiaui,,.
lo ' U'l 1 . .... 1 ' ' '
1 o, u,ar ..,.'.!: .. .
Nerve Waste."
'ue of the mint helpful i,,.,. on nerte
neafenwaeei aawd i. h.h; enUUed "Nerv.
WajiK," b) Ur. aawjir of san Krmu in.,. ,,
ii. ita ina ifeenaiad rati aerk tt ia anai
lerteaeedaad leaaiaala piijraioui, a la )-
alle contr i.i lo Ujg ! aiim ol ulac loa. hllif
winch prevalla on Ihi- iBIaiertlnt Mljeet I'
aUmiiOa in carafully iuu.i.K-rt.1 .mil praclual
auTKc an, 1 int. lie IWO graal uicrlu of
uom ami aiiu.-nly.
II I. fii.lorn-,1 b. Isilii ti I r.;ligii.u an
eevular preat. TSt 1'klnayi iilranoe "A
peruaal ol the IsjoV .mil lue appln tin of lla
piim iplaa will pin health, nop. tad bturi into
IhouaauJa ol livo Iha: ,rc Bua auflcnug
through uarvuua Impsr ,,-ni."
The botik is 11.0' by nl poalpaitl.
line tlf Ihe meal lillei. -lllia; rl,plera Cliapler
XX, uu N.rviuaa an.i Nerve Tonn-a haa been
pnuleil teparalel) a- uipl oliaplan, and
will beaaul loi a l.lrt.-aa lor .lamp b lh.
puhlUhara, lilt fAtilPll PUSlalSMUM CO.,
box ante, baui ti .,
The Columbia
Lodin Mouse
A Ooud Farmer
know. ll. t th- , ...
uliuation i( i,e Deajda is.ti'n'n.T' '.""""ifh
hlui lor hi- labor. We , n i ' ' ? l" ,l'l?
uuamlarN II you are in ihi,i , ' ' , "'
the oe.i luiprovl impl.-iii.-ui. u , ,"''
ayielaaiitCkel rjtl.lui ii'ii,",, u
For Rigs
Ko Fishing
Soon be
Harvest Time
Come in and see
Pay stock of dishes
Kranitewart, tin
ware and cooking
iitc-nsils. big lot
ol camping outfits
Court Sire-
Farmers Custom
Fred Walters, Hroprleter.
a call
''r l a Mb t Mkj
lnliuu Mam ?u
"'VIN Uki1(l
l'KH). 110 barrel. ila)
riourexcbaBgaMi lor wheal
floui. Mill Vwa.1, Chopped feed
ou haurl.
OaUy Beet Oregonian. Jokv
carrier, only 13 cent e week.