East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 30, 1901, Image 3

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yards Scotch lawn $1.00
spools Merrick's thread 2Rc
.2000 yards val. laces ie pei yam.
Rroadhead Dress Goods
leaver Bros. Dry Goods Co.
u tn Maid in Many
i (Uker Citv .,irtPt-r. hhv: M-vera,
KXTS the Bornl K'ver
U"' . .....r.,. roll 1,1 .
n.itiiitH I II 1 " "it .
1 r ....IIO,., Ulllll.t III
nth the iMirpwi" , ' . ...
timk csrnw" " - i i
mil iil tbrai tit praBwpit
Icsrlosil, nci -
,i in.ni AH HI'VMrUI orilimn
iuiii"" ' i
MUtA in the rounii-ii., .
If o... ti,..v will Minn. lr
.. n..t t IrlTf ItllS I II I 11 11" Vl7-
Clll I""' '
Jforcaralrv tni'Sfs. I.hmi Hiiiimirr
Ull le number war shipel
o' lUli-r county lor me nvnr i
uli,lini iiwuv iixii r I
, Ulir .ii... r- . .
Thu iprintt tin- U"vr t'tit noes
mdj in be in nu ll hhhcI of horses,
i .r, i iilt iiliinit fur other
Tl... l.t..l. .trii'it rt.n it If. Ilir
in Onislm muI OUMT ..nuuie
. i . .... i Ik
Hi poinlr opens thai mariiei mr me
.ln" Willi B IHir mark-in ui
;ftr itiipumnt. Horses here are
.1 .1... U. ....... . I lal.m,
itr nun in no minis ,nn.iet.
. . ,i to" "u l n u i,ni 1 fur
- Unci. l an aiirtinn sale held a
X(il. WllMII IllirseH were SOld
the miner from $: to $&(.
M KMi- BBS I tlif iiiaierimiy
, far the stllnc L'lais of stock
bofON tin train pulleil into the Mtatinn
ad OOald not be very tar away. A
bund car at the station wan at once
LMUUMtl anil Kent hark over the roail
in g,uMt nf M missinK OhIM w hich
wan f. miiil about a mile back lyin by
the niile of the track with ill MM
resting upon the rail ami none the
wi.rHe for it fall from the swiftly
moving train that wan speeding at the
pace of Jo mi Inn an hour. Mow the
child ecHiMiped from HerioiiM injury or
death in a mystery to all. The chili,!
wbm restored to itH parentH who were
very thankful at its narrow escape.
They will in the future no doubt keep
a more vigilant eye upon their child
ren while on a moving train.
Dfbata Will Take Plae at the Frazcr
Tuetaay Evening. June 4.
A challenge to debate lMMlied by .
S. W. Sherwood, of the Mtate of WaHh
iugtnn, a miniater of the I'nited Hreth
ren church, ban Imwii accepted by W.
T. Hrown, of California, flie debate
i to take place at the Kraer on TueM
dav evening, June -I. The subject is,
"KeMolved, that the teach ingM of the
Hible have done more tor the liuman
race than have the teaching- of in
fidels." No admission will be charged
and everyone is cordially invited to
niuie out and bear the d iMCUssioti. The
fact that the debate will take place
will tie further announced from the
I'endletou pulpits next Sunday.
Law C'ul'MTV . i
i I ClM0)r nuki'r oath Hint lie U Hie
ptrlntrof tb rtrm ul K J riiunuy dt Co.,
Whm In the city ol MMa rouiily
ii... ...h.ui. j,i..fi..(t K.i.l Urn. Mil Hal
DO! our lluililr.'.t l llnr lii! I'm h Hll'l
ufoi aurrn iiiai ' kiiiiiii im I'ureu u
. lu. i,t.. Curi-
m lu lielor au unit uImitUmmI In my
wuue lhi ai in. ul tiuiuuilxir, A.
1 1. lay,
l vi- i.l 1 I -. . .
Ctitrrli I'uri- m uki'ii iniiTimlly mnl
. r it, . I . I in i tin. lit iiiii' i,,p mi imi , n
in-iniriu Sen,! lor ii-ttiiiiuiiiiiis (run.
1. 1. CHUNKY A CO.. Tule.lu. oulu.
-.1 b) .IruMKue :
. ftuil) PIIUrr llii' lient.
' Wooltrtul Hope Krom Death Near
Uurkee Station.
Wben wneeuKer train No. i, arrived 1
M larkee ytntwriluv it was discovered
tkt t child eome mix nr seven vears of j
l odooginn to a l ermaii family was
in. the Luiirande Chronicle
Tbrrlillil k . .!..,.
A Deep Myitery.
It is a mystery why women endure
backache, heailache, MttrMMMbj
leeplessuesH, melancholy , faint tug mid
duty HHtlls when thousands huve
proved that Klectric Hitlers will
?Uickly cure such troubles. "I NlStn
or years with kidney IrtWblM," w rite
Mra. Fbebe Chelrey, of l'eterson, la.,
"and a lame hack pained uie ao I
could not dress tnyaelf, but Klectric
Hitters wholly cured me, and, although
78 years old, 1 now am able to do all
my housework. " It overcomes const i
patiou, improves uppetiic, gives per
led health. Only BOfl at Tallmau t
Oo.l' drug store.
N. P. Pan-American Tlekett.
The Washington At Columbia Uiver
railway, in connection with the North
eru I'aiiic, will eell tickets to the
"I'an-American exposition' ' at Buffalo,
on the Aral and third Tuesday of each
month, June to Octotsar, inclusive, ut
rate of 970 for the round trip. Tickets
will be limited to thirty days, contiiui
ous pussage going. Stop-over will be
allowed returning, within limits of
ticket. For full particulars call on,
i-2 Shearlnx
Wool Here
uiSEif ,n '"' mi everything
u, - . rli'ii kiiu 1,,-miiiin
"" 'ijle. n..l- ,t Uenutllul ID
lu'rlnaic wurlh ami
;i run ae ri,k U buying your
55JJMo' Jewelry uf ute nt I poelllvely
I1, lutrmiiei' nuuU en rupruMiilea
Jcweler and Optician..,
duor to Alexamler & Hexter'g
St. George
AFFORDS::: ::::;
Suday Dinner a Specialty.
'RINCH cook
NWJ MMk, g.veuUlr.
'French Restaurant
"?KS f.i v". i1? T 01TY
r "A ANU NIUUT . . .
Tot Cauiet Night Alarm.
"Oue uiitbt in v brother's hahv was
taken with croup," writes Mrs. J. 0.
i Snider, of Crittenden, Ky., "itaeemeil
it would strangle liefore we could get a
doctor, so we gave it lr. KIMJ'I
I'iscoverv. which ave ouick relml
and permiiueiitly cured it. We always
keen it in the house to protect our
children from croup and whooping
cough. It cured me of a chronic hroiii-
chial trouble that no other remedy
would relieve." Infallible for coughs,
colds, throat and lung troubles, ,"n)c
and 11. Trial bottles free at Tal Iman
iV Co. a.
R. Martin Leadi.
K. Martin is entitled to be called
the leader in the k nicer v trade on ac
count of his long experience in the
business. Then as he bins m cur lots
for cash he nets a trade and cash dis
counts which give bun hie gooda
little cheaper tnan other stores. Mar
tin give tins eaviug in his buying
price to bis custom ra. If you want a
big bill uf groceries get prices ut other
stores aud then Martiu can bent their
Railroad Building.
The railroad from Weieer toward the
Seven Devils lias been completed and
trains are running for a distance of on
mil km The rest of the wav. about MO
1 miles, the trio has to be made by
couch. I he construction lone lias been
ordered to the front anil the mad luto
the seven Devils will be completed
this summer, (iround is about to be
broke at Weieer for the erection of
smeltei .
Hvivcd . -I.. ... . .
...v av. ui nu a m(t
U LaFuuLalna "
Tfcell I
" iubi., k-eudlelou. Uragou
Wool Ha Sold Up to 10
is Well Along Little
Not Worth 9
I'endletou, May :). There has MM
mi nmrktvl chiinge in the wheut umrket
during the past week. Ked chaff nd
club. No. I, are quoted at -tsc bf M
porters at outside warehouses, witii the
mills offering a half a cent more.
Wheal delivered at the mill is w,,rtli
50c. Indication are lor lower rather
than a higher price.
Local Produce Market.
PmdlttM dealers are paying the fol
lowing price for ranch and farm pro
duce I
Batter, -' to 0c kt roll.
K.ggs l.'ic per dot.
Turkeys Alive, 12c pr pound,
lieese fll' per dor.en.
PmcIM ft.M st dozen. .
Chickens -::. ."si o 4."0 per dOMM).
Potatoes "Ml to J jier suck.
Straw tyerries Walla Walla, three
1 Mixes for 25c.
Loeal Wool Market.
retidletnn, May BO.'TM shearing
season is well along and sheepmen
have their wool where they can sell or
hold as they think lsst. There have
DMMj numerous sales niAde at lO'oc for
giswl wool such as is generallv shorn
troin the sheep in this country. There
i very little in this market that is not
orth H'.jc per pound. Some owners ol
ool have been offered Id ...c, hut have
taken the otters under advisement.
Wheat In Portland.
Port land, Mav :U. The Commercial
Review in its issue today savs: Under
the inlluence of steady foreign advices
our market has ruled -tetnlv to a uniet
usincss. Wheat is coming forward
Uite freely from the interior on old
infracts, tint very little new transac
tions are being reported. Some sale-
are daily reported at ligures above rul
ing prices here, but mostly tor choice
lots. The export requirements for
this season are uliout satisfied. Kxist-
lug business is mostly for luly and
ngust loading aud lor some milling
account. With three vessels here in
tort loading and about lour or live
more shortly to arrive, the season ,,:
Miiio will be finished. The scarcity of
tterings by interior holders has no
effect as regurds values, for shi pliers
will only work business when sellers
are willing to meet the market. AO
holders find no comfort in quotations,
thev are slow sellers, and as above in-
misled, trading is of very small pro
portions. Prices are for club . to ieV
hlllestem, to liJc per liushel. 1 here
has been considerable old valley wheat
sold the past fortnight, some three
vears in the warehouse, at prices of
ahiut Mc per bushel here in Portland.
'here is still tullv 200, ts.K.1 bushels of
alley wheat held by lariuers.but thev
will not sell at ruling figures, i rop
advices are ol the best inmi all sections
the stales of Oregon and Washing
ton, and timely rains have been very
beneficial to the growing crops. Some
talk of flies is being indulged III, but
when properly investigated we liml
these reports all a "myth" except in
parts of Washington county, where the
bottom land fields are turning vellow.
l'he damage has been vcrv -light
Wheal in San Francisco.
San Francisco, May B0 --The San
Francisco spot market bus been slow
and weak. Foreign advices have not
been conducive to eucuiruitc buying.
aud exporters are indifferent about do
ing anything lurther in the shippiug
ine beyond cleaning up old business
and getting ready for the line season,
whicli is onlv one month on. 1 bere
are u number ,1 vessciM lu re in pori
thut will finish the next thirty days to
bring the shipments up to a fair pro
portion. Ihere are also a number in
iorl engaged tor the new-crop loading.
Wheat otter nigs have not been what
ould be termed liberal, but were in
excess o! requirements, anil prices
within the range of usic ier centaL
Produce F.xchange transactions were
verv light and weak at limes. Crop
pr iu peel c ml nine very highly ssikeli
of. i'he late rains have lieeii very
beiiehcial to the growing crops, and
and reports state that the crop is el
Killed to be the largest lu (our years
Wool In Portland.
Portland. Mav .To Wool Valley, 11
to 13c; Eastern Oregon, i to lie, urn
hair, 20 to 21c tier pound.
Wool lu San hranelseo.
an Francisco, May :0. Wool-
Spring Nevada, 10 to 12c; F.ustern Ore
(foil luto 13c: Vallev Oregon. 14 to
MM 7 . , . A r.
15c: mountain lamb, i to ; nan
loauiiin plains, (i to 7c, llumlsilt ami
Mendocino, W to 10c.
Wool in Bu.loli.
Boston. Mav .0. Ihere wa little
business doing lu the wool market here
this week, aud the demand cuiitllitles
unslerale. What ules were male wen
at lormer nrn-er lerrilorv wools con
finite to head the list of sales. Fine
medium and line staple is selling at 40
to 42c on the scoured basis, while the
strictly staple article is quote. I at 44 to
Fleece wool .ire also slow, and prices
are nominal. Territory, scoured basis:
Montana, ti e medium and hue, II to
14c; scoured, 42 to 43c : staple, 45 to
4tic. Utah, Wyoming and Idabo fine
medium and tine, 12 to 13c . scoured, 40
to 42c ; alaple, 41 to 45c; Australian,
scoured basis, ssit prices combing su
perfine, 71 to 72c; good, bo to uc
average, bo to bc.
Kakiern Livestock.
Chicago, May 30. -Cattle -Steady
weak; good to prime steers, $5.25 to
5.95; poor to medium, 4.i40 to $5.20 ;
stcK kers aud feeders, $3 to $5.10; cows
aud heifers, $3 to $5 ; cauuers, It.tf
Ui 13: bulls. :; to 44 to; calves, 14 to
$41.25; Texas steers, $rl.25 to $6.40
bulls, $2.75 to $::.U0.
Hogs -Opened strong to 6c higher
closing easier. Mixed and butchers
$6.0 to $5.00; gol to chuice heavv
45.80 to 15.05: rough heavy, $5.05 to
$5.75; light, $5.00 to $6.85; bulk o
sales, $5.80 to $5.87!li.
8heep Steady ; g'sod tochoice weth
aM.fU.fM) to 44. 55. fair to chuice mixed
$4.10 to to $4.30; Western sheep, $4.35
to 44.55: Texas sheep, $4 0 to $4. bo
native lambs. 44 to $5.46; Western
2tuibs, $5 to $5.b5.
and upwards, 14 to 15c; dry kip, No.
I. 6 kg Ifl poaBtfot 14 to 15c pi'r pound;
dry calf No. 1, sound steers, tK) pounds
and over, 7 to 8c; do, 50 to m pounds,
7 to 7',,c; do under 00 pounds, H1 to
7c. kip, 10 to :to pounds, rl to 7c; do
veal, 10 to 40 pounds, 7c; do, calf,
under 10 pounds, 7 to ftc ; green un
salted lc per pound less; culls .hulls,
stags, mothoaten, badly cut, scored,
hair-slipped, weather-beaten or grub
y one-tliird less.
Mitt Kate M.
Downey and L. P
Mi-" Katherine M. Downey and 1..
P. PtOMtll were uniteil in marriage at
Kepnblic, Wash., on Monday, May 27.
Kev. 1'r. Caldi, of the Roman Catholic
church, performed the ceremony. The
bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Donttl DOW My. Of this city, and has
li-en a teacher in the Pendleton public
schools ap to a month ago, when she
resigned her position. She is an ac
complished young lady with many
friends. The groom is the superinten
dent ,d one of tbe departments in the
famous Republic mine and is highly
esteemed both bv his superiors and
fellow workinen Mr. and Mrs. IV
Castle will make their home at Re
public. The best wishes of a large
circle ol friends are extended to the
young couple.
John Day Teople Organize for That
Cattlemen along the John Pay river
are perfecting organ i.at ions for pro
tOCting theniseles against thieves, says
a correspondent of the Portland Kven
ing Telegram. Poring the past year
an orgati iat ion was maintained in the
Upper John Day and Hurnt river dis
tricts, and now it is proposed to
irgHiiuc down about the middle ol the
stream to co-operate w it hB stockmen
further up. Much loss has been sus
tained by cattlemen having stock on
the range, and it is lielicved that sys
tematic gangs buve operated. Bjf driv
ing stock from one section to another,
and acting in a sort of relay system,
it is thought that much stock has hcc;i
taken from the country without attract
ing attention until the owner missed
his animals.
Die purpose ol the o rganiftation is
to prevent these thefts, and it is also
nnder-foid that mutual protection in
more general sense is OOMMlBPlOtOB.
l", millets over ranges are always on
lu t ween cattle and sheep interests.
SI p drive cattle, and where cattle
wners find their domain being in
vaded, thev resent the intrusion bitter-
v. A tight against sheep owners, like
the object of the organisation on Hull v
Creek, is not one of the avowed pur
poses of organizing on the John Day,
hut those informed state that cattle
men tim! there is strength in uniiy,
and bv concerted action they hope to
preserve their ranges H better advantage.
Olan Bushee and Four Assistants Will
c.ive an Bxhlbltlon of Daredevil
Tbe F.lks purple show at Fort I and
will take place on .lone 14 and 15.
The committee of arrangements ban
been negotiating for several weeks
With Pendleton Flks with the object
of having Kastern Oregon represented
bv a company of mounted cowboys, to
give an exhibition of daredevil riding
such as was seen here on thai morning
last Septemlwr whett the Portland
members ot the boanl of trade arrived
in force to attend the Pendleton street
fair and harvest carnival. The c m
mittee was referred to lilen Hushee as
being the most suitable person to take
charge of the cowboy exhibition.
Plve Will Oe.
QlM Hnshee has secured four cow
boys in addition to himself to go to
Portland and give them the exhibi
tion they want. The names of bis tour
heliiersjare as follows f Frank Farhart,
(iilhert Minthorn, R. Hrown and
Wild Hill. The last mentioned is an
Indian who has won fame on the
reservation by his riding. Me--rs.
I'arbarf and Hrown stand at the head
of the class when it comes to riding
bucking bronchos. i illicit Minthorn
it the Indian who made himself
famous by chasing an escaping hobo
recently, and catching him for Othcer
Scheer after a wild race for liberty.
Transportation Is Ready.
The committee of Portland F'lks
has made all arrangements for trans
Hirtation of men and horses. F'.ach
rider will have a horse, saddle, bridle.
etc., with which he is laminar, aim 11
the Pendleton aggregation don't give
an exhibition of riding that will please
the Portlanders it won't lie their fault.
It will he on a par with the riding to
be seen in Huffalo Hill's wild and
woollv west show.
i ,
If you went something
new and different from the
ordinary run of clothes,
come in snd try on the new
Hart, Scbaffntr it Man
They're the kind adver
tised in the leading maga
tlnes snd worn by good
dressers varywbartb
Arrivals at Hotel Pondimon.
I r I F Wish), Condon .
.1 JA Allison, Portland.
.1 W Cason, Portland .
W I Furnish, city.
Sutton Cam, San Francisco.
A Sank, Port) Midi
i K Wharton, Portland.
!( Linen, New York.
W II I'atton, Spokane.
I F.isielder, Portland.
I P Newell, Portland.
K Conner, Portland.
F A Pennington, Spokane.
W Uaggete, Minneapolis.
II .1 Schaffer, Seattle.
II H Roes.
L Wimberly and wife, Roseburg.
W fj BacdaP. jr, San Francisco.
W C Winks, Portland.
C I Blliutl, Atchison.
Frank Q Hull, Milton.
K Merz, Portland.
H N iiraham.
m m m
on for Europe.
Mayor Jacob Hit, of Walla Walla
was in Pendleton on Wednesday, May
2o. accompanied bv his entire family,
consisting of Mrs. HeU and five child
ren. 1 he mayor went up to At'iena on
the evening train. Mrs. Betx, Misa
Katherine, Master Jacob, ji., Mias
Kleanora, Master Harry, and Master
Teddv left on the l I. nag o-Portlainl
special at 5:25 for New lork, from
whence they sail for Kurope to lie
awav all the way from six mouths tf a
year, which time will lie spent princi
pally in visiting in southern (ieruiany.
Mr. Rett is looking after the erection
of a brlM building at Athena, but may
find time next fall to take a trip to
Kurope to b.- gone six weeks or such a
f or hale.
on.- ten fisit header, three header
lieds, one fourteen horse Pitts im
proved siwer almost new. Call or
J. I, l.ll.l'AU F.N, Adams.
Depositors of Uilbert Hro.' Imnk,
recently failed in Salem, will look
into the question as to how the bank
was wrecked.
And 1 will furnish you all oompiet.
ready for use, uiy lt0l Model No. 7
superior in make, quality and power
to anv belt offered by other dealers for
which they charge $40.00. Established
30 years. Write today for my latent
books, "Health HI Nature" and
"strength; Its Use and Abuae by Men.
kuci Block,
Omaha. Mav 30. -Cattle-Market,
beat stead v. others slow; native beef
steers. $4.40 to 15 60 ; Western steers,
44 to 44.80: Texas steers. $3.60 to
$4.40; cows aud heifers, $3. bo to $4.o0 ;
canners. 42 to 13.50; stockers and
leedors. $3.26 to $6.10; calves $3.50 to
46.76: bulls aud stags, $2.80 to $4. 10.
Hum Market shade lower ; heavy
a'. H., to 45.72U: mixed. $5.00 to
$6 0; light, $5.00 to $6.62; bulk
of sales, 45 liO to $5.25.
Sheep -Market steady; yearlings,
$1.20 to $4.o6; wethers. $3.80 to $4.20;
oommoo and stock sheep, $3 to $3.75;
lambs, $4.50 to $5.00.
kins aud Hides.
Portlaud, May 30.-Sbeepakins-
v,.. .riii,.,- l.'i to 20c: abort wool, -0 u
36c; medium wool, 30 to 60c ; long
I rill l.t SI ru..'h
no.'. , w . r ,
Hides Dry bides, No. 1, 10 pounds j
The Boston Store
!; fit
Woman's Work
i-n iiii- "ii ii y's It there M any .train M
wlii-ii .ewins Mm -ii" .i.l milusll bi a le.i Mini
.ecnri' a Ntlr of ii UkHMgH which will reetors the
sl4lll le linl llial ciilllUIIIIII IIIIII'IHISC 1,1,11 til
p., nml iillhitiiMis may result. Ila.mg a laigc
noti of
Fiyeglasses and Hpeotacles.
can ill all onllimrv cawe In a few isMinle.
ami at small i iisl. Wlii'is there ar inpllia
II, his we make Ui OHMI .
Htsn Dig Byu, court HI , PeuiHuUiii, or.
Tin.' entirt" stuck of the
oll Wiloy U Alb ti Mutii
Co. instriinunts tO iiiiikf
room lor a lart-' ami torn
plot lux ( pianos, or
Hans, small musical in
strimifiits ami s ) c t
hiiimic now on the road
Call and BM tho stock.
You can save f loo to $ i 35
on a piano.
.'irslclass tiiiu r in iitti iulaiu
Wakefield & Failing,
Uoldcn Kule Block,
Court Street.
NORMAL SCHOOL, Monmouth, Ore.
gfadoalas et la Nenaal Betaaaf .1 n ri ng Hki ts.t
venr h asea t beyeRd Um i.i y roaitinns
tlh I rem I si 44 ni IT'. i, r BkMIki
TATI I'KR I IHi'A I s IMl bll'l.oMAS Slu-
i.ii1- his ere pa red mm Mm Hats Kxnminaiien. sail
rcHilll) take .Isle t.Mr. on t; - i ,.o ...n
BeNNMJ teaOessli .u,i t-r . .1 . i.o 1 OBMfM Well
ftMB i 11 1" $t1t fm raai Ken kwrj wftttttn n
ler eatakajt Mtalejejf. hall iaj4avejaj4M ,iiir
i' I. 1 mi mil.. HrasJOaat,
or J It. V III I I KK. Svcielsry.
Kasy Running, Clean Outting.
I. all Beftring
They wre guaranteed, Call and sec them.
Hansford & Thompson,
(01 Main Street.
Hotel Pendleton
Under New rianagement
(lualcr in
Wood and
Henry Kopittke
Strictly Mma
Kxcellent Coisine.
Kvery Modern
Bafaatf I ' JbbIbBb
kW An I BBLBef eL B otfflLeV-H
I H C I m
Giro Us 1 Trill.
Rates $2.00 1 day
Special Rates by
Week or mootb
Ror and Kllllard liooms Meadquarleri for Trovtllng Ma
The.Keil Hotel In CaBlern Oregon.
Van Uraii Bros., Props. Successors to J. E. Moore
W. L. Douglass Shoe.
The Dead Advetc;
Who 'IuuuoiiW uleiiiii b. porteet raanln
wheel lu hli seurU 1. no were ealbu.lwti'
uli.iei 1 mil
Ut.ii .( ttioee weu mut wuuiau wbo o n lur
Maoelh runuluif wbeel ol proreu no, Hi,
in Hjl I KlnKdOlly Furuhtiod
steaiu Heated
l.urupean Hlau .
llTfVl ""I a hall Iruoa J. pot
Sample Mount In tunnettluii
Koom Kate
5(k. $1.00
Thuredaj ol uaoli week 1 will beat tlie F1n( Netlonal Hank
oftioe to reoeive lealed bidi on lota wool Noa 6, s, 18 uud
17, about 600 acki uow itored lu the ndepetuleiit wam
bouae; adao about '!! uokj of ihii .vara rli. I Nterve
the privilegti of rejoetinig any or all iiil. AdtviM Pen
diotoii or Pilot Rook. Telephone Pendleton or ranch on
Bear Crei b
J I srilTM.
imi oe 111 runuluic
Br couilorl .o.J ..l.i' ulii.
Hleudaid KaaabUrs ouel
Ijadies or (ieut's Koadatar $3o.u0
I .u.l ion or i.oiiu Llgbl HueaiaUir $4U.UD
lieuts IV uouutl Katur 4fi0.il
ljdie or Oolite Oljaiiilaaa 4U IU
Ideals $20, $., i
Aseul i m.iai. rouul,
readleiou, Oieoii
A sura remedy for lica and mite.
Ifiteruetioual I'oultry faui keeiie the hene healthy, uiica grit aide dujeatlmi,
lloiiu meal gives slreiigth Ut young chick.
HONK Ml'. Al.
A clean, inoffensive hut nutritious fertiliser fur youi lawns.
C. F. Colesworthy PouUry d supply Depot-
For Health. Strength and
Pleasure Drink :::::::
Polydore Moens, Proprietor.
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