555 DAILY EVENING EDITION ieeeeeee EASTERN OREGON WEATHER. Fir iimiuiit rborwUy tad rrM rmitrt tmitehf with lroU warmer rhurtday, teeeeeeea,eee PENDLETON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OltEHON. THURSDAY, MAY 80, 1901, NO. 4138 14. !88 t- le 5 ! x . Ns. ,. MM I lei ces rot '.vone tOCERIES. . GETABLES Tome and w me. Fr,,l, Vgetblei Fruits a specially Biggest line lUple I fancy Groceries in 1. ziifl in uk v and III ug g it IroJ ttm K' ... Ii tub , etc R. Demott. Some Summer Suggestions For Men To contemplating buyers The well known line of "K. & W." hot weather apparel pre sents unusual attraction and is here. The assortment is com plete, catchy The jooils are well maile in evcrv detail. Fancy Flannel Outing Suits of the rclehrate.l "R, A W." make are tasteful, dreai) p itti rns. 1 1 andsonie. stlish, pet feet fitting irartneiits 1 'he eotTtCt thing lor tins season. Outing suits of fancy flannel 57.00 to 5i 2.00 Uliic ami hlack serge coats and vests 2.50 to 6.00 Allpacaaud Sicilian coats, coats and vest.-. 1.50 to Clash and linen suits 3.00 to Linen and cotton ulsters, . 1 . 25 to Light weight spring and summer trousers 2.00 to 3-5 5.OO 4 5 t) CIO Don't let the firt I lot days find you unprepared. Alexander & Hexter. treetj The took of I ry Groodi in tbo Judd Building known as (ho Wessel Dry Goods Stock WILL BE CLOSED OUT AT ONCE. SALE BEGINS WEDNESDAY, MAY 27th. (TOMORROW) STRICTLY CASH PRICES. is a list of tempting at Frederick Nolf's ion Bazaar. Utile SOat) 2',.r I lt brtuhei : y fwwi crepe papei ioc roll Inun't Pi,,.:. i.. wwi new ioc i CC Kinds of toS c and ,,, nocks 7ic to i f c tls now 15c ' KUni limn.. . . thai knife I5, ,c7n Lianye" tMl)acto 24c fcttaatjc 19c ami 23c ,ck"Kes matches c. PJ IWs 5c to 25L " m 10 3.65 1 VieS kaj, . av. nictal iil.t.. 1. ..V . - Inl, r-"iv iiulue.s u, to OQ 9i aape, , M -..1, . - r,5,ut' cml)s 5, to 4ck Ui L 1 1 1 lu 5l tnm , ni,,,'r alond rK erMo, 23e JttteholdamooUic WhoifnMili ire ' taMw" "d WOOd- IlvioU,, ,fL alul 101 ten S f y clock worth 4, here lu!d you ,., it,.- . " K'lt or fur i -u Choosing SoautkinQ Toothtonu for Dinner. hreakfast or supper is always a pleasure tO those who look over the many delicacies that com prise our stock of fancy gro cries We have the world's choicest products in glass, tin and pack agaai and put up hy the best methods for preseivation Our ff9ab arrivals of vegetables and sliaw hemes are choice- and low prici d. C. ROHRMAN. hirtliday or illlV niiriiosp j 1 l It in .11 " lain in si v, , y I ,.,c "a,e. iancy goods oaataatij edericK Nolf BYEKS BEST FLOUR To iiiak.- ifoiHl lird uh Byvr' BmI Flour, ft took tirM preniani at tin- Ohlosgo World's Fair overall oonpeti yon 1 end glvet esoel lent HtliUMtloa ybmefer tetdi Kvry hiick in .1.0.0 1 -A. Wn have t lie Imnt HU'aiu Kollt'xl Bailnv, SvJ Kvti and Una n I hut Barley. PENDLETON ROLLER MILLS W. S. BYER8, Proprietor. "See Dem Freezers 1 have a full line of The Peerless Ice Cream Freezers from QUO pint to ten quarts, will freeze IfftM in bom tbrOf to five minutes; alo have a full line of llhillg tackle, hammocks, etc. See my line before baying T. C. TAYLOR, the Hardware Man. BANTOW, FLORIDA MUCH STIRRED OYER GRIME - O- Armed Men Walk the Str of the Town. UENKRAL NEWS. ' The Bpenlah tleotioM to tin ont' baft matted kppMtinwteW In Iba return -nf l.'O in in intonal i'nts nd thirty DienibMl f nt BMOlltkMIt , sir ThonM Lipton hK desided to tend 1 1 Bhemroek I. to Aperies with tho ohal leneor in order that he may oontlnat the t r in 1 Men ri(tiit up to Um i date of the cup raretc MeWetl OreiB, who lant March wan appointed Mcrelnrv ol the Onltod States legation to i inateniala, died in LoallfillO, Ky., nn I'uesdny. He I never able for his ost nfter reeeivinif : the appointment. An to tin opinion of the mipreme court in the insular OMN. the decinion in the DmIIbm bub. if tallowed In the Philippines, and ,1 Ii -o Miamed H GREAT EXCITEMENT PREVAILS TODAY "" rtw torneil In nn win ne. initfiu resnn in (iiiiik an extra MMlon ol i'oii(resM. In Leiington, Ky., the funeral of Mro. LIU Breckinridge, wite Ol At torney General Robert J, Breekin riilLti'. us held at the home of Colonel W. Oi Pi Breckinridge. (4overnor BerkliMin and ether Htate otlicers were present The deoieion ol the United states supreme eourt at Washington 5iistain in the supreme court of Colorado, MttlM the iiiestion of ownership of ail Index and veins found within the boundaries ol lenallv Mtabllebod min i n uc elaiins. The court holds that the locator f a mlttiM claim holds ill veins apexinc the boundary of his claim, without respect to croon or parallel veins. In peeklni ol the Ooem d'lAene mining tranbte,Pieeidenl Bojreei of tin- Western Federation, sail that the proprietors were bleeklletlttg men and that miners now had to et a permit in order to go to work. He deelered that system was an outrage OB Ameri can liiiertv and sld that blacklisting men for labor troubles was worse than a relic of tln middle ages. To HMOt thin method on the part of some em ployers Bovce advocated a more pro gressive policy in organising the different unions of the body Rfllatlvs ol Rochelle Musi l av, Towu, But Negroes Generally Will Not Be Molested. PACIFIC NORTHWBSr NKWS. " '02 Webfoot" is the name of the Junior snnnel issued this year for the Bret time at the V, ol 0, The (ireat Northern coal chutes and cages at llilliard, Wash. j ith livecars "I coal, were destroyed by lire luesilay morningi Loss, $tS6,O0Oi A fatal accident occurred on one of Congressman fongne's ranches, two miles south of Uifleboro. The I9yaar old son of Mr, Krebs, a tenant, wdnle drlftng a large laml roller, acciileli tally fell in tr nit of the log, and was loetently killed, the roller passing over his body . Wool has dropped in the Oorvailli market from I9to 1.' cents per pound. One tirm has bought liO.lKHi pounds, ol which about 20,000 ponndj have DOM del leeiedi A lariner w ho has. liiUO lleeces, said to be about the best wool in the county, last week retimed an otter of LSI cents, asking 1 A, B. Hammond, president of the Astoria A Columbia river railroad purchased iuu acres ot land at Tongue Poiot, "ii which he will erect a mam moth sawmill with a capacity of over a OSSrtOf of a million feet of lumber pM day. Usmmood ll slso considering two OtOei sites 011 which hi will erect mill. jgnfc The steamship City ol -eattle arrived irom kaw'w y in Portland Tuesday morning with ,rsi passengers. On Fri day morning the only obstruction to tree nav Igstion on the 1 'ik n river U)twMtn Lake Bennett and UewiOB, was an ice jam which stopped the steamers al Hell date. It was tlioiitit the river would tie dear by Sunday. Hie water is still low, ami at several places bo shallow as to almost prevent navigation. L. L. Bales, private mail carrier, arrived Tuesday morning from Cape Nome, idler If.', days' traveling, mak ing the 00 11 kei record in the history of winter traveling from the far North ern gold camps. .Mr. Hales lell Nome at 1' o'clock 111 the alieruooii ol April i, traveling by dog sleds down the OOSSl to Bristol bay, where he caught the steamer Ibspabh for Astoria, Or. He was retained eight days between .Nome and Bristol bsT, waiting for mail, aid lost nine nays ai orison Bay awaiting the departure ol the steamer. Ban tOW, FIs., May Hit. Incitement over the crime of Fred Lochelle ami his burning at the stake by a mob last night continues today. Hundreds of armed men are in the city. The negroes are terribly frightened, hut have been assured they will not be harmed. All of Kodielle's relatives will he forced to leave the place. The lire around the stake hum! for hours At midnight, nothing was left save a pile of bones, some of these were gathered up as relics. Ttti or th Grime, Bantow, Fa., May ill). A vast throng of 1 pie last night witnessed the burning at the stake of Fred Kochee, the negro who outraged and iniirdereil Mrs. Kena Taggart, a white woman of this city. The crime was committed within bill vards of the princinal biisi ness street of the city ami to the exact spot where the deed was done tin struggling, wriggling w retell was draggml !v the imwliug mob. I hen the negro was hound to a staki ami a can ot kerosene procured. It was but a few moments until i was writhing in agony as the ilium scorched and blistered his shrinking tlcsb. o one showed the least coin " -I A, ..I .,. I poociioii ior me viciiin as lie slowly succumbed to the ravages of the lire and even the sickening smell of scorched tlesh did not deter the specta tors In m crowding -loser to witness the last shudders of the dying man mis crime nas one oi itie most re- volting in the history of this portion I At. . al ' "i Tin1 niiimrv . fVrm-NA MEMORIAL SUNDAY Brerei to II t)eoratd bv U. A. R., Rstiakaht and Odd Peliowi. Vthena, May ;tt). On Snndav, Jane Wild Horse lodge, I. O. O. F. No. 7M, the Kebekahs, and iiettybnrg I POM, No. gf G, A. K., w ill meet at 1 the Odd Fellow's hall at 'J o'clock. and 1 inarch to the At iiena cemetery , where they Will decorate tin' graves of their I honored dead. J, C. Stamper, noble grand, w ishes a full attendance of No. 7::, and also extends an invitation to all visiting nu mbers of the order to participate in Ibis beautiful ceremony. t h o clock esterilav afternoon, an t he ile- partment promptly responded. It was discovered that the smoke house in the rear of the ritv meal market, which is a small OormgStod iron building, was or, tlfc inside. Two streams of water soon extinguished the Maine The damage was found to he slight. Lester Swagart, of Pendleton, visited relatives in this city Hundav. Will Wells transacted business at Pendleton Monday. John Kcharl hut Monday evening lor Hot l ake, JJnloa countv, where he will stiiv for a lew weeks. His many friends hope that be will return en joy ing good In-Hit Ii . W. I'. Willaby was a I'einl leton visi tor Mondey ItM hand gSTS a delightlul open air concert Monday evening, which was thoroughly enpived by a large number of our people. Mayor W. .1. Wilkinson is this week OOnfllKil to his home by sickness. William Kstcs, of this city, this week sold to W. S. I ifner Bill acres on Camas I'rairie for I H. Mrs. DonoVSn left 1 lesilav for Pen dleton, Where she lm been engaged to nurse Mrs. Florence Vllowav, who is confined to her home hv illness. .1. M. Mom , lormerlv an Athena business man now of Oro Finn, Idaho, is in this city today transacting busi ness. Mrs. Ira Kemp and her two daught ers, left Wednesday for Colton, Wash , for a month's visit with Mrs. Kemp's mother. .1. II. Ullemen transacted business in Pendleton Wednesday. Mrs. F. B. Boyd and daughter, Miss Cecile, visited relatives in Weston Wednesday. Louis Bergevin was a Pendleton visi tor Wednesday. Bi Maloney, of Pendleton, is visit ing relatives In this city today. TWO ITALIANS WOULD KILL KING ALFONSO O Anarchists Are En Route to Barcelona. -o THEY ARE REGICIDES. IP POSSIBLE Police Are Wtii inns' Trains and Boats and (ireal lltttuMM Prevails In Old Castile. 90, Barcelona dis- If eemiri U pbjreletlly mlera4 and meoteli) unhuppv, the child kh nMrt, will, in face and form, aa well aa in diajse-.tion r-tli . t her wn condi tion. Every woman who auticipatoa niotberhooii ought 10 think of tbu and be a fairy godiuothci to her own child, endowing it with health, beauty, and a ippy disposition. The uu-iiial misery of the proapecfcWe BKither is 111 general the leault of her pbyaical cuuUilion. bhe la nervoua, her atipctiie luiia, sue Cauuot ill D 1 ' atort hei sppetitoi quiet her BOfVBJ and give hn li rp and she lm omea a new woman. "It ha made a new woman ot me," ia the const. oil tea timouy ot woiueu who have uocd Dr. Pierce's l .nonte Preacriptiou. It Ireneoilfset the nervea, encourage the appetil, and induce n lr Uug sleep. It rttib- 1 1 alic regularity,! driea weakeuiugl draiua, heals 111- tlauimaUoii and uU eratlou female weakness. LiuHug Ihi iei iu..i,ili u-,i I Its.ki i in ward tu atabrruky i cuuld i, krrp n.oO.iuw h my Sum.. '1 srrilea Ifn 11 1 Aaeraua Soutti Brtlain, N.w llnvco Cu . Couu " w o weak that I w. in tu bed ou tbr akth uf June sua Brver aot up oil thr firtt f Auaust J ou I diUticui due tun i.ui well luilr Uucfit I rrad about lusuv I" iux li'ier l by usauw -,ui mt h clue mi 1 tuourflit I wuuio gtvr 11 a irun nu lu Uir y.H.1 tj.i Hi rtc i null -11 tuber, mul I b.l nlcr IT "tSV and cures Ultkr bsly 1 ur lu Nu IV MU IU February fulluwiiw My baby weiabd Mil ebbt uukiod- 1 vu oaly ill fui sbuulun bow Sad got kiuUK ill. on JurlUK culiuuciucut W up id dissrd uu lb. ribtk day I ufvi-r bad tb a t"i with mt si all iiul Ibr uurat UM orlwu frUu.ln My fncuJ. Ihuuht I u kick a aery aburt i ihia uuikc. my aeiuud cbi .1 Wltb tin bii out I ilid uut luke favurlur fie acriuiiuu.' Tlir little uu, lived lust abuul I wu muutha sud she waa kick all tbe Unit I ni Lta baby U a uluuiu and bcallby aa nay uulbei Suld wiab Da incu, felleU viacc OaesWtpStsOaV QHASTLY PINO OF BODIES inirty-Utie Babisi Had Bssn Ulipuasd ot In a Cellar. iiirmiiigiiam, .viay ill. the greate-t excitement prevails bere over the tiinl UK oi iiiiriv-one ueau lullnes In a cellar in Newtown row. They wen ai.. a i- i ' . neaiiv arranifeo in imxes ami were in various stages of decomposition. I lie willow 111 wb cellar the corpses were found has Is-cii arrested on a charge of murder. Found Mauuled Body. V ..... yA.i. , i i . .um i oik, .i,ay i ne noiiy ol a nude man, his throat cut, ham l i , ac i ... nawawu. on aim uurertKJ Willi cuts was tound on the shore at Brighton I lead this morning. I here is nothing about Hie DOay 10 givea clew to the identity. I RAIN REACHED CAPITAL fiskident li Aaaln al Hums Willi Hit Invalid Wife. WMUington, May .0 I he presidio tial stsscial train arnvtsl here tin morningon schedule tune. I he home coining of the chief executive was un marked by any popular demonstration, on account 01 Mrs Mi K uiley 's health lea otticials were present to greet the presnieni aiel members ol the cabinet .Mrs. .McKinley sbows the cited ol her serious illness, and hail to Is- care hilly assisted to ber carriage, willed was driviin directly to the Whit I louse. Kscelved Callsrk. Washington, Hay 10, the president receive. I several callers alter he hail re looted the stains ol travel from his lace secretary K'sit spent half an Hour Willi i, in., inn matters of state were not discussed. ATTACK SHIT1SH POLICY. Kn.llkli Aulliur Tlilnkk His Nation Has Bssn Hoodwlnksd. London, May to. l-nderick Harri son, the British author and historian makes a vicious attack on the British south African policy in the ao wspspsn mis morning. Alter sis-ak nig ol the insane lo'ly and degrading pel ley el mini i. .lining 111 nouin .iirica, u continues : I' ron, the first, tbe nation has been hoods inked hv an elalsirale la OTIC of calumny and falsehosJ. Ac counts of the Biir conspiracy to drive us out of Africa were mere promoti r's isles payalile in gold " I Inn, promoters, HaTison charges, ijouglit uj, the press and politicians. ami inaue Mr Alfred M liner tuelr tis,i Ile concludes by saying that Briliaiis are being biiin 1 1 laled and made tin langbing stock ol tbe world, and he predicts aventual victory for the Bjsrs. Bosra and giigllsh. Potaeheistrum, TrseavseL May M, A lorce of Boers (Mice attacked a Brit- Isb convey near v ei.lnrailorii on Naliir- day. Jbe Boers lost loertoeu killesl ami wounded. The Boers fought deHiralely, but failed to get any ( me wagons, tlireu ol wfiicli were burned by ttiS British to prevent them iron, tailing into the enemy s hamis Huklaiid Mlselsd. Paris, Mav iiu Kdiiioiid Koataud, j the i. i. I author, lias been eleclesl n.i-mhcr ol the Koyal Academy by a majority of seventeen. It was thought tbe olO.ooltli.il would ik- siii cesslul In i , . . . securiug ins Ueleal. ihs Oraeaa Maiist t urps. Baker City, .May :o P rat idea I l.yle, of the Oregon Women 's Belief Corps, is in Baker to organ ue a loial branch of tbe order, which is to be known as Joe Hooker post No. 31. I be meeting will lie held this evening, when at least o charter meiuliers will appear The least in quantity and mfst in quality descrilais IeWitt's Little Early Risers, the famous pills for cuistina tiou and liver complaint. Tali man .Uu. II WAS Senator TAI.KKD TO l)K A TH. Hlvar and Miiclisll Talks of Harbor BUI. Betof John B Mitchell has re. turned home to Portland, coming via Han r rsneleoOi lie has resoeerwulfrnm his recent sickness ami is in line heslthi He said to a reporter' ''I regret my illness very much as it prevented me Irom giving mv set annul (at lent ion , Is. (ore the various departments, tomatters in which the city of Portland and the state of lire gOH are vitally interested. We all re gretted very much the ded al of the river and harbor hill. This defeat, however, is in no manner chargeable to Oregon's delegation in congress. The bill was simply talked to death umler a pernicious system that prevails in the senate, against which 1 always have contended and always shall, ami by which one BUM physically able has it m it li in bis power to defeat anv measure tbat mav come up during the last week of the session. It shall be mv purpose, in conjunction with mv colleagues in the senate and house, to secure at the coming session the earliest pOSSl Ne act Ion llsiu I be river and harbor bill, and we shall hone that in this hill Oregon's interests will be fully and fairly nrotncteil "The river ami harbor committee f i he house of representatives, or at bast a maturity of its members, are making a lour ot the I uitcd states, and will prcsciitlv visit Oregon. I am sure that our representative Bodies. the chamber of commerce, board ot trade and kindred organisations will sen b, it tbal limy are proper v enter tained ami given full opportunity to examine personally i,ur rivers ami har- iiurs i am not advised as b. tin- exact late of their arrival, but Ihev will probably reach Portland about the in i i lb- of next month . ' ' Senator Mitchell expresses himself as being glad to get hack to Oregon lb- aill remain Indefinitely, or per- haps until a short time before the opening of the next session Of OOngTOSS, Itesidenls ol Polk county contem plate tin- organisation el a stock com. pauy for the pursiae ol proepsstlug tin- polk county hills and vsllsyi lor ..ii Indications of oil and coal are plentiful. Paris, Mav patch savs : "The police here are advised that two Italian anarchists are en route to snain determined to kill King Alfonso. The authorities are searching all trains ami boats lor the noald'bs regicides. (Ires tost sscitemenl prevails. STIRRED UP AT HONOLULU Jury Investigating Hrlbery Charaes si-urns in Mnan Htiilneis. Honolulu, May IS, via Han Fran cisco, Mav til. The special grand lurv called to investigate the bribery charges in the legislature raised the biggest sensation here since the days of the revolution Many government otticials were called as witnesses. Hole told what he knew, but the other otticials refused to testify on the ground of "privileged information." Lawyer Thurston who also refused, ess committed lor metompt. Waiter Q, smith, editor ol the Advertiser was indicated lor perjury. He refused to give the name of the corporal ion said to have lieoii solicited for brilies Both men are In it ll out Is st 1 1 1 III session . ii hail. The jury A (i. A. K. PARADE PRECEDED Washlnwlioi Has Pleasant Ueaoratlon Osy Weather Washington. May :iu Memorial day dawned fair and cl rv and the smile of the sun brightened the holiday attire of the capitol. the prim pal exercises were at the Arlington national cemetery. Preceding the llevHirStion of graves, there was a persde by . . A . K. veterans. today's Baseball Maores. Philadelphia, May ;UI.- Philadel phia, ii I Cincinnati, I. Detroit -Detroit, . Baltimore, B). Milwsnkse Milwaukee. ..Washing ton, , New York New tork, .'i . t. Lonii, I. Boston Boston, Si Chicago, 4. Brooklyn Brooklyn, S; Pittsburg, i. Cleveland Cleveland, I ; Philadel phia, '! Chicago Chicago, l Boston, :l. K. uf P. Lodge. Baker City, May IS), -lireud Vice Chancellor I H Vitkeii, of llnntilig IOU has announced that he would in stitute a new Knights of Pythias lodge at Riehlend In Eagle valley, -tH miles irom this place, mi June I This Is the tilth K. of P. lodge Institute,! by Oraml Vies Chancellor Aitkin during the past live months in Kaslern Ore g and indicates the healthy growth ..I the order in this part of the state An llliiiou Bank durglary. Danville, Ills . May lu The Col lision bank was broken into last night and robbed ol HJ0, llurlgars stacked sai ks of Hoar ell srraisd the safe pi deaden the noise of the explosion. htm uors Cseeterfstltag, t he secret service has uueartliral an Other band of counterfeiters and sei u red a large qoeetity of bogtM bills, which ar uj i leverly HSSOUtedthnl the average person would never susaa'l them nl being spurious Things of great value are always selected by counterfeiters lor imitation, notably the celebrated Hosteller's Stomach Bitters, which has manv imitators but uu cipials foi indigestion, dvsHpsia, con stipatioii, nervousnesi and general debility I be 111 t teis set th lugs right in tbe stomach, and when the stomach is in gisai order ll maksgiMsl bpsal and plenty of it. In Ibis manlier the Bitters get at tln seat "I strength ami vitality, and rsStOfe vigor to the weak and debilitated Beware of coun- lerfsits w ben bni mg. A Strong Woman Iiyam en , . b.oa, Aug. U, law My wltu raa an a tut tnise "mi Wu in ad vvarylbii.a eltkuul rsilaf ai.d auui muoS uuiuay My vtfs Irnd Wu... of i ardul aud hur bullluk iiure.il bai hlei lu..k tan luurs U.Uias, ka ring li would kavs Iti a. - rk bard duriag tbu bay nari aal eb. aituuilad l all l. t li use ttuld duliua and kafcdad aud uukuadvd all Ika bay. Tblk lucdli on sata bwr air. ngtb Vot uiarly .l, w u i un.d suit ouuld bardly g it a'., ill b .1 -I" baa baeu taklDf Wlas ,. l-ar.fli.i ,.... fi.ls b. tt. r and all. .user itiau v umkviiAir.k Juw ibi.ii au ,uara uf Mr, t iktahal.r had Irktd vryU.MS dulns hsr Ihrsc yait mkncu and lisd kpcai ionkf (rabls mSSSI shc weak and tould hardly abuut lur Hirtc ycart Iwlore n tuul WINE CARDll New. a tar taking IK WiM ul CarUui, rnks csa work wli hsr hu.baiwJ m Ova hay ftsld. That b hard wtsrk. but u U set as uxiurleuj k a wuniaa't hsalth as lahur in tiorsj, fikctortsk sas) elflts whsrs Ihoussnds ol sirls arx kloatly , fined year sJUr yea With Uvs aid f ws. el l ani.j. a nuiiiaii tan do any reatunabi work and enkuy sood health. 1h heslOi in- Win of Csrdul brinli maass s woman vijoroua lu body and mind Freed Irom tltoae terrible dsvuUlifis, pal at a womaa grow well and etroag mat o ally Wine ul ( ardui regulsUi Ills disordered nieiuiruetlon sad carat tsocurrhoes, falling of the womb and psrlodlcsl paUU la the head and back cauked by undlni or tilling s long tuns In the him petition- I heJfuid t Bltik Draught putt the howclt. tlomsmh, Hvsr, ksdatyt sad blood la pro par tliap. Orcally unnated ttrcnslh and cadurame it th aalursi retell atee cat are . ur.tl quickly. All drusjUU tell $1 00 bottku of WMyt ef UesW sad 25 csiU patkagtt of Thcdf uiat Blatk Uraughi. im i Stockton incubator.