East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 29, 1901, Image 3

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yards Scotch lawn $1.00
spools Merrick's thread 2Bc
vards Val. laces ic pci .u.
nieces Broadhead Dress (ioods
Enclose 29c per yard.
leaver Bros. Dry Goods Co.
Winn, he BONBO-
'nit, nun wniic
I n-
Ttmulni ofOtttmii Out or
in. WV
I. M hlw Oil k.
N"" . . .. ,,. um Pendleton
Ml, ID
I1' . .1. .u.l (i.ltlllV of
kn. . .
i l
lent I live I lll.-r-
I ..,.1 VlllK.Ilt
tttlUHHIoil in in" "
branch lor the w.tlilg man,
k, die) At midnight."
uk,r nrr,Xje U iihiiik""""
,.,.. urt.cn. IV.nlletni, will
hrtrttli'm."'"" and watch
,rfr twrc who t' i "as-ir ,
r jickiM niwli- I mm in in in
wire-. Her- cini'' th.- link 'r
Huh ichniil trru. r.itiiH'lfi in i
.i i ..... r..u...i ... . tl...
, turn wrnt MM HH ii" I
III MM, WBlea i" "'
lS ul Hrnillt'Hiiri '"est "
.. . .... . i i ... i
1 n the lirii wan uii'v itiwi
nMiiiK to tin- K.nni ii-Hii ri
i rick it dead. How, when
mft uiw on the HuM next year,
Itrianuil nel'l ""ft, tlmee nugget
till erer to tin Hint in' ih
lull hr ilinl at uiKliiigiu on
in IVnJleloii, (roni heart lail-
Hilar! uv oter-eiertinn in a track
il Wrnck will prnti-nt that In- is
I too. ud lUkttr City will not yield
ml tittle l'?i 1 1 t . II will lie
'iieltiret tloiik' without Wvrick,
M he II, lor tin- itniHtriir
rain preterits' ghosts I mm
. in.l then uIimIm might make
tiit other lelloft in t:.e fOBBi
I Wvnck didn't faint, al-'
S Jim Wvrick ilnl. That Wvnrk
ban two atnl.'i-' - ami they ar
ad bye very lung shot, lite
City team will realize tiiia
kW u igauiat tlieWvrtcke in.
'Mf nld meet.
At val t Hotal I . ihii ton.
,1 I W il.li iik, I'nrtlan i .
,1 ,1 It tn on, Portland
i. G JanntQQ, Pofllaiiil,
W k (.lendenning, Portland,
il C IUh. Han FIWMiwM
i , S I ii'.'Um, BpokkMi
wm I Plobn, Portland,
w 1 1 Daavtr, Portland,
a p Kodiin, Portlaad,
it.irt Hehooaninkwr, BpotuuM,
Uho Mclii Ivory, Spoknno.
E B Qllli Bpokant),
V, R llurriH, SMikHtin.
L I TbroaO) (Jnioago,
Edward Hmitli, Hpokann.
(ion B BlokOKt Salt I.aku.
Aba Molatrnni, nity.
A Daap Mretary.
It in a nivHtorv vtliv wdiiioii
Iwckanim, iMMaflbOi iitrvoiiMiuMN,
lfMplawMMM iiinlanolnily , faint log n 1
.1 ,V HH)llM wIlHIl tllOIIHHIIllH IlltVC
pro?e)d tliat Klnctrir liittrM will
quickly euro tturli troulilon. "I Hiiffori'd
lor yttarN with kidnoy trOQbloa," writun
Mm Pbobt Obalroy, of Ptonoa( la..
"ami a laum lai'k naintMl uie an I
roll lit nut .It.-- iiiymtlf, hut Klertric
KitttirH wholly cnrml m, anil, ulthonith
7:: vnarx mil, I now am unlo to m all
my huiiatiwork. " It ovorroniKc conHti
pation, improvKH atipntilii, uvt por
rwrl boaltb. Only BOa at Tullmaii a
Oo,l' ilniK Htoriv
N. V. Pan-Amarlewn Tloketi.
Thu WaHhitiKton A OolBSbia Kivi r
railway, in connection with the North
urn 1'aillc. will hhII ticketa to the
"I'an-Ainurican espoaition ' ' at BaBalo,
on the tirNt untl thinl Tni-Hilny of each
month, Jont to OetobOTi incliiHive. at
rate of f7ti (or the KM Ml trip. TioBOtl
will he limiteil tu thirty iIhvn, continu
OI1H pHNHUge K"lltr Stop-.ner will he
allowed returning, within llinitl of
ticket. Kor lull Mrtieolan eall on,
filiche eiwoliitely anil Mr
h cared ley Mini Moki lea. A
I brrb drink ('iiren count I pa-
leal indigealioii, makeN you eat,
eork ao'l Iimiiiiv. SatiNfuction
Ulenl nr uimiev lai:k. L'o ceiitn
T04 Cautti Nlahl Alrm.
"One niKht ray brotbor'i baby
takun with croup," writeN Mm J, t:.
Miuler, of OrlttOliaOJI. K ., "il I 'I
it OOulil Htranl' hnfore we coulil ("t a
doctor, ho we ave n Hr. aliliir'a Ne
liiNcovury, which uavu quick relief
and periiiHiiimtiy cured it. We alwa.VN
kattp i in the houiw to pfOWOf our
children from croup and whooping
OOOgb, It Bflivd DM ol u ch runic hroiii
chial troutde that no other ruined v
would relieve." Iiifallihle (or coukIih.
culiii, throat anil lung troiihlea, 50c
and I. Trial bottlaei free at Talluittn
A Co. a.
I 50 rr til.
. . r . it iv.nfl u
J , . A ... . ......
' ul ol t.lu.'
lOtMei in mi
rim., .u.i Leauiflul la
in uuriii.ii' worth kiiil
no ri.lt ui bnvniK vuur
u. j.wtit) ot m, i o,ntiivly
Woodmen Unveiling and Ueeorwllon.
(iii TllOIWlaj May M), 10 a. in. the
Pendleton camp, Woodmen of tlw
World, will unveil the mnuuineiilH of
late neighborr) K. W. Ise and .1. W.
UuriiauM, and alao decorate the graven
I of late DObjbbort K. F. Settleriier,
Wm. M McBrooiu, N. II. loaOOf!
anil J. M. MuUoy I'urer.tH and rela
tive invited to he preaent.
mtatk or Ohio, Citv or TOLIOO )
Lucas Cuuhtv. i
Kittk J. I.'lieuuy maku. oalli ll.al lie i. tin
Miunir pMrtuur ol tflu llnu ol K J. OheOejr & Co.,
iIoiuk Luiliieui in the ult of Toledo, uouut)
u.l Mate ior.-Mii, anil iiii mui "rl" w"1 im
the aBB of Ooe liumlrml Oollare (or m. Ii icl
owi) cut- ol . .Uirl. lht cauuot Uv curel l.y
the UK o( Hull - ' 'itl.it rl. Cut
hworu tu uotoro in. ml ubaeribvil In uty
umaencu thu em ita ol Daaaatbar, a.
jeaAL. j1' im A y,. OWCAHUN
v. . Notary t'ubllc.
Hair. I'aiarrl. Cure i tuk.-ii uituruall) ami
tall litocii) on Um IUoo.I mi. I BIUOOUI ur(avae
ol III. ayau iu Ncml 101 lu.ll llloiiia... iroc.
t. J. ' ill.'- I. i A I'll., Toledo. Ohio
! Mold by ilrilMglaU. 7ic
iiair. ramiiy nia an vm "ai.
Utmsr and ODtician...
t4IWI0llae k Heater's
St. George
EVERY! 1 1 1 NG
THE M A i K li r
AFFORDS :::::::;
"day Dinner a Specialty.
PUNCH cook
Laatuart of EnMra Walla Walla Olt
trlol to Aiiamble In Dalaaated Body
for Three Daya,
Tomorrow, Tbsnday, evening the
Kpworth Lfita of the Walla WallH
diftriOt will WBOmblB in the twelf'li
annual convention at the TbODptOa:
atreet M. B, church. The Brtt aBMlon
will lye held at7::t() in the Bfoolog,
when Rev. Win. DBWBUB will lead a
on oervice of fifteen BlOOtOB, fol
lowed by welcniniiiH addreNWH hv .
a. i.oweii and Blborl t, Rodd; with
reaponmix by W. Urngu, M, D,. and
Rev. ('. B, DottOfl
On Friday.
Friday Bomlng will lie-in the hiiHi
neHH of the convention, after a devo
tional service of 15 mm - lead hv
Kev. Trevor Orton. Organization, read
ing of the minutes and appointment of
(invention coininitteoN will lollow.
after which these addrcNHcH will Ihi
given :
louilK People's Socjetien and Oivlc
KighteoiisuesN, " 1 i- Helen llililmrd.
"Personal Fitness fur Mercv and
Help Work." Mrs. Kate K. 0wB.
'Tfie Unnfrence t (ruaniaai ma. "
Kev. 0. W. Mmtaer.
In the afternoon the proiram will
call for a devotional service led h
M iss Cora White.
"Awakening of the Orient a Mia-
sionarv (Ipporlunitv.' address hi Mrs.
Id W. Foster.
' Kuts : How to iet I n and ( Mil . "
Mrs Marv Tarhot.
"The Model Hevotiotial Meeting,"
W. Oregg, M. D.
"Secret Power," flov. Win. Heweese.
At 7 ::) p. m., w. B. Armflold win
lead a song service, and ut K o'clock
Itishop Marl Cranston will preach on
In the Orient. Hishop ( ranston is
one of the most celebrated pulpit ora
tors in the Metliodisl c tin tiniti i. ui , and
his address will be the RMMl prominent
feature on the convention's prourani.
The Saturday Proaram
t or Baf nr. In v , t he
arraiiKcd :
:lkl Hevotional service, led hv
'I nun the Junior League to the
Church." Mrs. William DaWtMMO,
"Our KespoiiHiiiilitv for the l.iuuor
Trafflc." Mrs. K. B. Wilcox.
"Scope and Prolit of Literary Work,"
lajurjaa It. Mar.piis.
I :15 I.Wotioiial m'rvice, led by
lohu Collier.
Kepurts From district olliecra. (roni
ocal chapters, irom committees.
Flection of otlicers.
"The l.pworlhian a oul-Winsnir, "
Minn .Uilhel .littles.
'Ho' for San Francisco," Kev. O.
U Mintr.er.
7 :IW p. in . rinlig service.
HMKI -Sermon hv Kev. .!. W. H. Mil-
Sunday's Proceeding-!.
Sundav morning, there will he a
sunriie praver meeting, .vnss auie
Hall leader, Sundav school at Hi
lock, sermon at II o'clock: Junior
UaajfUa rahv ut L't.tO, led hy .Mrs.
Alice M. Hershev ;
Kev. J. C. Walker
League devotional
Blackburn leadi r .
ad hirtiea givn Xxtra
French Restaurant.
r IA i ANt NIUHT . . .
T0UT ANu UA1(Jt ,N nAUMw
I. Martin Leads.
K. Martin ie untitled to he culled
the leader in the grocery trade on ac
count o( bia loua eaiMtrieuce in the
busiuetai. Then as he buya in car lots
for cash he geta a trade and cash dis-
couiila which cue him his goods a
little cbeauer than other storea. Mar
tin give tins aaviug in hie buying
unce to bis cuslotuirs. I( you want
Cur bill of arooeriea get prices at other
stores and then Martin ran beat their
Playad Out.
Dull headache, pains in various
parus of the bmiy, sinking at the pit of
I tin- atomuch. loss of appetite, tever-
IffiUMfj. pimples or sores are all pom
tin- evidences of impure blood. Ni
inatuir how it became ... it must U
i.iiritiud in order to obtain good health
Acker's Blood Klixir has never failed
U' cure acrofuloua or syphilitic poisons
or ..ot other blood diseases It is cor
i.. ii.ii a wonderful remedy, and we sell
everv Isjttle on a ooaitive guarantee
For sale by Brock & McCmeas.
Olssolullon Notlaa.
Tl. tiriu of Hobbacb and Leathers
i... .imh..1vimI nartuership. Win.
lathers retiree and into
. .oiitiiiue the buameas
collect and pay allbjlll.
program is thus
sermon al I IN hv
7 p. in., Bpworto
serv ice, M iss Julia
i moii at H o'clock.
Alexander and J. H. Ralay Are
Present From Pendleton.
K. Alexander and J. 11. Kalcy, of
this city, went to Weston this BMM1I
lllg tube present at the annual meeting
( the board ol regents ot the I, astern
Oregon state u irnnii school to lie held
todav. "-tale Senator .1. W, Morrow,
il lleppner, J. W. Sen her, of La
i inutile; and I . A. ort n iitgton, sec
retary, of Portland, jollied the Pendle
ton members here. J. T. Wilding, un
architect of Portland, came up on the
train this morning, and will represent
Architect Lazarus at the hoard I
.a . . I t... .1 ..
ltlir. Mr l.aarus was secureo in n.e
regents as architect lor the new nor
mal eclusil btiildiug.aud was instructed
as to the wishes or ine regents, atier
which be made plans tu conloriu.
l'he building Is to cost about fti.Otlil,
so as to use up the appropriation and
not require the passage of a CMOiOMy
appropriation to cover egtra expense.
Theae plane will Ui inspect.' I and
passed upon by the regents ttslay . after
which tite construction of the building
will be hurrie I along.
In addition to toe business in con
liectlun with the new normal sclnsil
luiihluiir the regents will orgaiu.e tiy
the election of olllcors. (IHs is made
necessary by the fact that Messrs
Alexander and Kalev have iteen re-ap
,..ini.l as new members of the board
die faculty will lie elected, and other
oltlcials and employes selected, and
routine matters cleaned up.
and one-fealf inrhea in diameter, and
each throwing a stream 30 feet above
the surface. This water is heated to
SIS degrees Faronheit. It is the pur
pose of the owners to pipe the water to
the town and there un it for a
natatorium and for heating dwellings.
By conducting the water underground
for the distance of a half mile, it ia
believed that it will cool bnt little If
any during transit. Should Vale erer
heroin,. H ,ity, its hot water will he
invaluable, for the fuel problem for
heating purposes has been solved.
Arrangements are now lieing made for
construction of the pipe line.
Pendtston Man May Oat $30,000 for His
K. T. Oot, who has been in the
Oranite c tuntry, states that Winn
Jobuaon, of this town, has bonded his
plaier unties on Crane creek hi General
KObarta, for 30, 000, Roberts came
from Philadelphia, and has a force of
experts at work prospecting the
claims. They are sinking to lied rock
and are making scientific investigation
as to the value of the claims. Mr.
Johnson has owned the placers for
eleven vears, having taken out each
year a gisul cleanup of several thous
and dollars.
Mr, Cox says the district has con
siderable activity in both quartz and
placers, fully as much legitimate
mining lieing prosecuted as was going
on a vear ago.
The Climax mine, near (tranite, has
been sold from ll5,l)Oil, a bona fide
At the Buffalo mine, of which Mr.
UOI is manager, lour men are kept at
work, and tl.e indications are good AN
the Work progresses. Work is lieing
lone on the Monitor, owned hv the
same parties, wlmh s holding out
well as the tunnels go in. Over I MO
feet of tunnelling has been done. The
Hutlalo was originally discovered hv
the Beagle brothers, and was once
owned hv Pendleton men.
rhe Red llov mine has gone down
170 teet in the deep shaft thev are
sinking. It is expected that thev will
go down lAHH) feet. The sinking plant
installed is a big one, put in at con
Niderahle expense.
BOOM has gone and the teaming is
now In tig done hv the various mining
impanioSi Machinery is going in as
last as the condition of the roads
will permit. The weattlier is good and
favors the operations of tl miners in
everv part of the district,
At the Johnson placers, the activity
is great, and at the expiration of the
period the bond runs, the Penney!
valiia people will know perfectly what
is the value of the diggings.
Capital to Ba $40,000 Slock Held There
and In Baker City.
Baker City, Mav 28. A national
bank with capital stock of f 40. (Kit) is
Iming organised in Vale, Malheur
county. This town is the county seat
oi the county and has a populatiou of
100. During the past two years il has
grown rapidly, ami the nusiness in-
terests of the place demand hanking
facUtiw nearer than Caldwell where
such hiisiness has previously been
MM, Stockholders of the bank will
not all he residents oi vale aim au-
jaceni country, ae some of the capital
will be stihecritieu in Maker Idly.
M li. Hope, one of the leading busi
ness men ot ale, was in ttaker i n
todav making arrangements to estab
lish the bank. He said that it was an
assured fact, although further particu
lar- cuild not be given out at preseut.
Win, in the next sixty days, Mr. Hope
said. the hunk would b$ ready for busi
to. 000 Head to Ba Delivered on June 10
In aalheur.
Baker City, May M. -A large aale of
I f will be consummated in Malheur
county on June 10. That is the date
tixed for the delivery to one single
eastern firm 'if between lO.lkkl and
U, 000 head o tearlings and two-year-
olils. All ol tli.- st n k IS nil. line lor
the Fasteru market and will not isb
driven tt the Montana or Wyoming
range for latteuiag. It is in condition
at i lie present time immediately after
passing through the winter. Yearlings
are purchased bytheae buyers for J0
ami two-year olds $27. This price ie
one dollar cheaper than the aame
slock aold for t the aame mriod last
year. The mile will clean up moat of
the surplus beef in that aectiou of the
country and will leave but few from
the immediate district for the fall
market. Buyers are quite active iii
Malheur ami Harney counties and offer
tempting pricea.
Athena Team WMI Be Hara at 3 O'clock
The game of baseball which has been
looked forward to for weeks will take
place on the lower Alta street glOIBldl
commencing at 3 o'clock on Decoration
day, Thursday, May 30. The Athena
team will arrive at about 2 o'clock on
the mixed train. Manager Osburn says
be will bring a crowd of jierhaps 200
along with the club to "root." J. I,
Krause has been secured to umpire
the game, which assures impartial
decisions. The grounds are being put
in the best possible condition. A com
petent police force has been secured to
take charge and look after the order
and decorum for the Ilecoration day
game, and for the Sunday game, June
2, when Walla Walla will be here, for
the Boston Bloomer game on Monday.
Jnne 8; and for the game on Wednes
day, June 5, when the club will be
preaent from Blair col lege, Sikane.
The Batting Order.
Following is the batting order and
the fielding positions of the Pendle
ton Ixiva for the Hecoration dav game:
Dlrioh, 2h; Cox, ss. ; Meach, I. f. ;
Barlow, r. f. ; Hartman, lb.; Ptipuis,
c. f. ; Claude Penland. c. ; Ohapler,
p.; Clarence Penland, :th. Fletcher
and Murphy will be substitutes.
Printers Oraanlxa.
The printers of Pendleton met Ofj
the curb at the corner of Main and
Weld, street Tuesday evening and or
gan'ed a baseball club. C. A. Mask
rev was appointed managing editor ami
A I Card in captain and forelmss. The
printers have already received two
challenges, one from the barbers and
(he other (mm the bartenders. The
proposition from the harliers is the
first chunk of 0OD on the hook and
will he disposed of first. IV B. Balloj
is manager oi the barbers. The two
managers will set the date at the
earliest rsatsible moment. The barton
ders want to play the printers for fr2"
a side. This is looked upon hv the
printers ns a "nicklin" of easy money.
The game will be arranged unless the
challenge should lie withdrawn.
"Our little girl was BjMOMOloOR
from strangulation during a sudden and
terrible attack of croup. I quickly se
cured a bottle of One Minute Cough
Cure, giving her three doses. The croup
was mastered and our little darl ing
-I hlv recovered." So writes A. L.
Spafford, Chester, Mich. Talltnan A Oo.
"For atx year I win vlrllaa of aye-
prn.l. i,. M vt nst form I COOlll . l imtlilnc
mil tiiilk leas, and ut UBMM ? BtoeBMf - Id
not rrtaln and digest even that Lat TMarch
N'gti taking CAST A KKTS and einrr tin t. 1
hai' stradilv iwiprnved unlll I aon aa wen se i
-St was in my life. '
DAViplI Mt'BraT. raewara. '
15 Tailor
Made Suits
"VVc are tletcrtnint'il thai thott shall hr n, .lull rjayt it this stnrr."
Wash (ioods.
Biggeal linn in town act) display
I'lsaaant Palatable Potent Tail Good J0
Uood Neeor ateaen Weafcoa arOnaa loe btw
at.rii.f i ' ' i ... i ...... aaau.al !. Ill
lliu ti, I ME Tobacco Habit
Tha entire stock ol the
old Wiley B- Allen Music
Co. instruments to make
room tor a lari' ami com
plete line ol pianos, or
gans, small musical in
struments and sheet
music now on the road.
Call and see the stock.
You can save $ too to $ I 25
on a piano.
i'irstclass tuner in attendance
Wakefield & Failing,
Uolden ttulc Block,
Court Mi.- i
affections will readilv disappear
I law UI s W itch Ha.. I Sal vm.
vd a a(c lot of frog toga
Loouin, Prapriator.
ud will
Unci Destroy the Uaudrun uui-u,
Hair Grows Luxuriantly-
Any one can have nice hair if In
or she has nut dandruff, which causes
brittle, tlrv hair, (ailing hair and bald
ness. To cure dandruff It Is necessary
to kill the germ that causes it, and
that is just what Ncwhru's Herpicidi
doas. Cornelius drew. Col lax, wash.,
aava :
. ... - a . a I..1.I..
"tine bottle ol llerpicuie completely
cured me ol daudruff. which was very
think: and it baa slopped my hair
from tailing out." It makes hair soft
mid .'hsv un silk: delightful olor
and refreshing hair dressing. It wil
positively maxe hair grew ahuiidaiitlv
and kills the dandruff germ.
Lets n Balilat Heportad 10 Have Made
Another Purchase.
The Baker Cilv Herald prints the
following special from New York:
"Letaoli Balliut, the celebrated
Oregon and California mining king,
this morning startled the alow going
old town of Boston by the outright
purchase of the lioston Daily Newa u
morning paper). The figure wen not
learned but it will probably exceed a
quarter of a million. The title IvBI
been transferred perfect and unincum
bered. The News will be run in unison
with the Baker City Herald. Mr.
Bui I let was tendered an informal ban
quet at Young's hotel by prom ineiit
Boston buaineaa men last Kridav Ha
met many aubatantial men and formed
stroiig financial connections iii both
Boston ami New York. He starts weat
tomorrow. "
I 'end id.. I.
May 27.
If p.'Oj
u .ila knew what we
...1..1 iivs.-osi.t Cure it would
there Tre few people who do not sufle.
at"? i" I, o( (ullneaa after eating,
Mj hing defuimice, sour stoma, I. or
-Ji! b ash, caused by ind goat on o
Mhi M., fau uatou, Orcsoa
Il CJ. U "J xm I 1 vl
A ..ru.o.ratiou such as K.NlOl
hV-UUuw.wbiob.wltb BOatU trom
Tu'. aiouiaub. Will digest your loou,
tainly can't UaJp but do you goou.
i Tallwan k 0o.
Vale Has Ma tural Basouree rbat Will
Be InvaluaDle.
Baaer City, May 28 Recently a re
,,i.rLitlils Htruaui of hot water wm
truck within uue-half mile of Vale, in
Malheur couuly. A stream three and
one-half iuultea in diameter was struck
a year ago, winch spouted 33 feet
above the surface iHwiring a (low at
an elevatiou up the hill from winch
hot water could be piped to the town
of Vale, the owners of the property
bored further up. They now have two
wells uu the bill aide, each three
hv using
I k out for counterfeits. If you get
I ki Witt's you will get gjd results. It
is the uui'ck and positive cure for piles.
Tullmau tk Co.
m m m
Busy al Planing aid.
R. Forster, proprietor of the Pen
diet. ui planing mill and lutaber yard,
10 portl that he has a big slock on
bund, having received 12 carloads of
lUQlbof within the past week. He is
furnishing tl lumber tor a number of
house iu courae of coustructioii, and
has prospects tor contracts ot other
buildings iu coutemplatiou. lie al
ways has a big run ot busiueas during
the slimmer, making beatlerbeds and
water tanas (or the farmers of this
section, and his work iu that line has
giveu excellent satisfaction.
W. J. Baxter, of North Brook, N, 0.,
says he suffered With piles for 15 years
He tried Baaay remedies with 00 result
until he used HeWilt's Witch lla.el
Salve and that quickly cured him.
Tallmau iV Co.
And 1 will furnieh you all complete,
ready for uae, my 1W01 Model No. 7
superior in make, quality and power
to auy belt offered by other dealers for
winch they charge $40.00. ftatabl isliea
30 years. Write today for my latest
!,,.kn, "Health iu Nature" and
Mt.ngth ; IU Uae and Abuse by Men "
dealnr in
Wood and
Henry Kopittke
Black Hose with whiti
Black Hose drop -t i t
in miilll window.
Agcnta Buttcritk Paticrna.
DSMAND tOU 0SADI tTM ItM .t.-man.! for
gfadUStat Of tlM Normal IcBOOl durlnx tln pa.l
voir h,.. Im'. n inn. li Is'ion l the aupply Poalllona
wMli front nim in 7'..im jier inuttth.
BTATt CSaTiriOATaal ami iiii'i.nMAH am.
dcni. ate araparad Nm the state KxaMlaWtMeM au.t
taadll take MOM papan on graduation
Sinew Vra l.'tnir Hti,t ProlcMloniil l oiirsr Well
ecjnlppad rralalag Dapartoawil BaaaoM rami
(rem l m tu flfg par year Kail term iiprn. Hi'pt 17
I ... aaatlagOa ti lal 11 i ng lull liil.irniall.ui adilreae
P I. I AMI'IIBI.I., I'rn.l.l.nt
01 1 V III I I.Kit, Secretary.
Running, 1 'Iran
Ball Boarine
tltt me;.
They arc guartvitteed, and tee them.
Hansford & Thompson,
601 Main Street.
Hotel Pendleton
Under New ...n i ut
Strictly First-Class
Excellent Cnlsine.
livery lodern
H&r and KIHUrd Rooma
The Beat Hotel In
Van bran Bros.. Props.
Glie Us a Trlil,
Kates $2.00 a day
Special Rates by
Week or montb
ioadquArtera for Trtvellna Wan
Eastern Oregon.
Successors to J. E. Moore
WUo iteiattiuU a .launch, period ruiuilu
wUeel In hi eaorU 1. uu more eulhuataatn
about 1VU1
tbau are those ucu aud wotaeo who n 1. Iur
UKALTU AND ilk Am K r.
on auiualb ruaalua wueeui ul prareu wurlh,
fur oouifort aud aataty'. aake.
ataudard ooal
I .her or i .em's Koadeta $36.00
Lavliae or UsuU Eight Koadatar. $40.00
i. ei, is iu poaud Kurt 160.00
lilies or lieuU Cliaiulea $00 00
Ideals tf. W
1M.1 I u. .ill. ouulr
tWa 4Effl Ag
0naaajpjjsrr. IJNjaJ BsBBwawaw
DaaaUCXL, " 'XBaaaaaaaBB
Hotel SI. mi
ni l AhtVHAU, Prop
KleMintJy Furoi bed Steam Heated
i uripeau flan
I thick and a hall from depot.
Sample Mown In onnattlou
kNm kale
50c, 75c, $1 00
Tharaday of eaoh weak I will ba tl Ihe Kiral National Hank
office to receive leeled bida on tola of wool Noh. 6, m, L8 and
It, about 600 laeka, now atorod in the ndaMtiaant wam
bouae; alao about 800 iavoki of this yeen oflu, I riaervi
Am pivilegi ol rejecting any or all iiid. AdaVtai bm Pan
dlaton or Pilot W" k. Telephone Pendleton or ranch on
Bear Creek, J h- SITH.
A sure remedy for Ilia and in i tea
international I'oultry Kood keepa the haMM liealthy, ini.a grit aida dlgaaliou,
It , no u.eal gives strength to young chicks.
A claau, iuoltauaiva but uutntioue (ertiliaer for your lawn..
C. F. Colesworthy Pou,tr and Su p01
If you ride this season ride a CRESCENT
Oopt .
A. T.
Muascl Block,
For Health, Strength and
Pleasure Drink :::::::
Polydore Moens, Proprietor.