East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 29, 1901, Image 1

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Kslr Mlfkt.Thlnxltf iitul Prlila-.
cooler lonlsht with fnn; nttrmer
I'll .p..lai
S''" Vmis fact, x
NO. 4187
COM and so.- me.
.-r,..n Vjtgetablefl
a Hpt'ci.inN
bd Frmt
pigment line staple
the city.
R. Demott.
For Men
To contemplating buyers
Th well known line of "R. & W." hot weather apparel pre
sents unusual attraction and is here. The assortment is com
plete, catchy The goo. Is are well made in everv detail.
Fancy Flannel On tint; Suits of the celebrated "It ft W."
IDlke are tasteful, ill ess patterns. Handsome, stvlislt. per
fect fitting garment!, The correct thing for this season.
Out g suits ( f fancy flannel IJ 7.00 to i 2.00
!lue and Mai serge coats and vests 2.50 to 6.00
Allpac.a and si man coats, coats and vestl 1.50 to
Crush and linen suits 3 no to
Linen and cotton ulsters 1.25 to
Light weight spring and summer trousers 2.00 to
Don't let the first hot days find you unprepared.
3 50
b 00
Alexander & Hexter.
The stock of Dry Goods in the J add Building known uh bht
Wessei Drv Goods Stock
is a list of tempting
at h-euerick Nolf's
otion Bazaar.
UMile soap 2ilC
P&m seed ac
Mif blushes I ti
Jwlors creue natw.r ,..n
r r I" m I Ul
m' Florida water 10c
ink tc
01 toj, 5 antl
Hf to
tafc now i jc
tH drops io pound
"T'liVtir. l"k. "i
hIALc . .
slUlU,SU: , M,
wles matches ,,-
T" P"" C to 2c
Vit In , fc. -1
1 V4sS IOC to v .c
H Photo frames
"HUlll I.OU..I
tohacco 24c
es 10 to 69
1 Wl 1.2J I,, 4-, V.
u, . 10 sc.
"'knives ir .r, t, a
Wort'l40c her.- f..r
" lersels he. "J"
'tinwar. necessities
lite?' (!lil!SWa- "'Hi Wood-
Fle8(L., T"i -oi size 12
L. . V clock worth t. Ul
F" f t I H- I
VOII u......
i.l. "ram -t
hj , ' 'or
"ill- rn... .
lid;. , ,n)
, ill
hirtliday or
any purpose
:.!..! .... VP
-...mi HUH )
siiverwaro r... it
edericK Nolf
Mm lot
To niiike good bread ubo ByorH bHt Kluiir. It looa hrMt
priiiiuai at the UliicaKo World'B Fair overall aOBipetl'
tion, and given axwlleot aalinfaeli.n wlierevor unei.
Kvery nai'i in guaranteed. We have the lmnt Mean
Kolle.1 rlailev, So.il Rye and Ueardhwa Harley.
W. S. BYERS, Froprietor.
"See Dem Freezers
I have a lull line of
The Peerless Ice Cream Freezers
from one pint to Um inu'ts will froee croam
in from throe to flv miuutea; also have a full
line of fishing tackh', hainuu.. tjaj, t te. Sou toy
line het'ore buying
T. C. TAYLOR, the Hardware Man,
KiiHfMRiiH are again rioting in the
Bootbtra part Ol the empire.
Thi HHti.iual asmieiatinn of railmad
COnnlatloOwt will be changed into
an i nteriiFtional,
In me day, Monday, live steamer
bearing lii.r,OHO bags ol coffee arrived
in New Yerk harbor.
Turkey has decided t i rescind the
order prohibiting tyra-writers from
going into that country.
- The minimi civil service report shown
46,641 persons took the examinations
luring the past 12 months.
Telephones are very popular in
Havana, wbcre 2500 new ones are be- i
inn put in by tbe company.
Tht battleship Oregon will be re
paired when she return to the United
Mute from the I'hilippne.
Senator Teller, of Colorado, predicts'
HO victorv for Senator Tillman over
Senator Mchaurin in Soutb Carolina.
The slate of South Carolina erected
a monument on tbe battletield o(
Chicamaiibia am! it was dedicated on
('apt. C. W. King is on trial in the
1' ni ted States court of Alabama for
alleged acceptance of f'.HXX) for ap
proving interior work done for the gov
ernment .
Knglish people and papers are much
confused over contradictoty reports
reniveil there concerning the 1'nited
Stales siiireme court's decision in the
insular cases.
I. lent Oof. M. F. Allen and ,1. W.
. KetobOBB, member of the legiilat ore,
j Vermont, have been arrested, charged
with wrecking the Fanners' National
hank ol ergennes.
Clirlcx Vim Marshall, a Chinaman,
won the medal in oratory at Vandertiilt
university, Nashville, Tenn., on Mon
day. His subject was "Miracle of t he
Twentieth Century."
Oreat Fritain's (impost inn to limit
the Chine. indemnity to 4,50,0(H1,000
taels will prohahlv he accepted. It
is really the American plan, v it was
suggested by the United States before
K. V. Kossiter, viee-preadent, F.dar
Van F.tten, general superintendent, if
the New S'ork Central, and K. !ick-
inson, general manaiiur of the In ion
S'iiciiic, ere being C!!nsideref as candi
dates t" succeed Sam It. Callaway in
the presidency of (he Central.
It is discovered that young salmon
are leaving Wallowa lake lor (he occun
in large numbers.
The Mtiooal uuard of Oregon will
have a state encampment, probably,
at Kngcnc .lime 25 to .lull 15.
Mrs. Martraret Ireland, a pioneer of
linker City, died on Monday, Aired
77. She was a native of Pennsylvania.
Jobn lav cattlemen will form a pro
tective organhat ion to prevent further
stealing of stock, which has :. very
extensive of late.
The Portland barbers will prohahlv
not strike, tbe union having decided to
that affaoti Thev will, however, aee
that all laws and rules are enforced.
II. S. Mnlitt, citv treasurer of le
baaon. Ore , suicide. I on Monday, by
shooting himself with a revolver, lie
bad been in had health for aeveral
Ahloriu machinist!- retur-ed an otter j
by the ironworks to end the strike
there, the future terms to be deter
mined according as the striker WOU
or lost in other places.
H. 0 Hiatrmaniia Kaker City lawyer,
has been chatged with unprofessional
conduct in tauug unlaiUiful to a client
The grievance coin m it tee of the Oregon
liar association has tiled complaint
against him.
Cl. rks iii hecretary of State Dunbar's
ollice are now preparing to d ishurse the
fl'.'.tlJO appropriated by tbe legisla
ture to puv III to each voonteer in the
OF $315,000,000
State Department Gets Confir
mation of Report.
Mongols Ar Anxious to Gel Soldiery Off Their
Backs, Hence the Hurry on
Their Pari.
Wishintiton, May L"J The state de
)iartment has received c.mti rmation of
the rcp.-rt that China has issued an
edict agreeing to pav the demands of
the powers for an indemnity of MI5,
030,000. The reawm lor prompt aceep
tance of tliese (rnis is probably the
fai t that expenses of the allied forces
in China amount to $100, tHH) a day,
which China would have to pav for.
Raportad by I In Ray a Co., Pandlston,
Chicago Board or Trada and Naw Yck
Stock Kxchanga Brokart.
New Vork, Mav 29 The wheat mm
ket ma.ie a show ot strenth earlv to
day hut U(or the advance was lost and
the OlOM Mas the same us vesterdav
Liverpool came :(-.H hlgbai atter n
four day holiday. New York opened
'4 up 7U', and sold up (o SO I -H closing
70 -j. There will be no nrain or slock
markets tomorrow. Mecoratiou rJaj
Stocks tixiay all strong.
Monev 4 per cent.
Wheat :
Close yesterday 70'
Open tiwlav TO 1 ,
Hange today 70'.. to Q -.
Close today 7("tf .
Stocks: Sugar 144 :t-H ; tobacco 1:15' tf ;
steel 4ti; St. Paul UU', . Atchison
783 ; I' . P. 104 I Krie 41 ' ,
Wheat In San Franelico.
San Fiancisco, May 2. - Wheal, 101.
Wheat In Chicago.
Chicago, May 2. -Wheat, 7:I14 to
Mrs. Woodbury Charges Against
Mrs. Eddy
Amount 1 1 iimndid Is $1M),000 Irs. Eddy Is
rVrsonnl Rppresmiaiive of Good, Say
Hi' ChrUllan Scleotlsts.
New York Market.
New York, Mav 2'. Sugar, raw,
fair, refining, :('., ; centrifugals, INI
test, 4 B-Sf relined, crushiMl, 606 ',
powdered, 5tJ ; gr inul ile.l, 555 ; coffee,
No. 7, apot, ii :(-k rice, domestic, :t'u
to i.'4 ; wool, unci .I
Spanish Premier Will Have Majority In
Chamber of Deputies.
Madrid, May 2tt. As a result of the
parliamentary elections fMMOf Sagasla
will have a workable majority in the
new chamber of deputies. This is con
stituted, however, of various factions,
which would probably not co-operate
under am other chief than tb west
em head of the dynastic liberals. The
opposition, mainlv conservative, under
Silvela, will stiii lie large enough to
place an effective check titon the
efforts of the radical section of the
It remains to ls seen whether the
diatarbanoM In Bavratdooa, obiafly pro
moted bv anarchists, together with the
religionist, Of separatist movement ir.
Catalonia, which, during the last
month, has shown except nuial force,
will endanger the position of Sagasta,
who, in normal conditions, would un-I
doabtadljf conduct the government of
the regencv to its rapidly approaching 1
lor m 1 nat ion n the coming of age of
King Alfonso.
who would purity
P A 1 1. 1 A M N 1 .
1 HE
Chleago May Settle Strike for the
Entire Country.
Chicago, May 2H. A joint executive
conference between representatives ot
the machinists' and the National
Metal Traders' associations, to settle
local d itterenees, is lieing held bete t.
lav. t poo the action of the committee
may depend a settlement of the trouble
through. ml the t'nite.l States, as the
manufacturers have practically agreed
to stand by the local agreement as
effecting the entire eoiintrv. I'l.e nine-hour-day
is likely to be granted, but
trouble mav arise over the wage Maa
Hon, inemliers on each side of the com
mittee opposing the ten per cent in
. reaae.
Usaollne Tank (ieli Thlnai Off in Lively
Kooneville, M... May W.-The
freight Isial l.auriue was blown to
atoms bv an explosion of dynamite and
powder stored on hoar. I last night.
Considerable damage was done to ad
joining proMtrly winch resulted Irom
an explosion winch was felt for miles
around The explonion was caused b
tiie blowing up of a gasoline tank, the
llames reaching 2IiHI 1 . .11 1 1. 1 h of dvnu
panlth war of this state who received j mite, 10X1 kegs ol towiler, eight cases
or Dinner.
breakfast or supp.:r is always a
pleasure (o (hose who look OVI 1
(hi' many delicaciai that com
prise our stork of fancy groceries
Wa have the world's choicest
products in glaaa, tin and pack
ages, and put up by the lu st
methods for preservation Our
fresh arrivals of vegetables ami
strawberries are choice anil low
. 1 . . ,. 1 . 1
a MeM'Oua ''ami uiniorm ami wascuargeo
with the price ot a new one.
A clerk serving in the laat legisla
tire has sent iM-erelary ol Stale Ilun
bar 2. HO, (be value of some inks(ands,
erneif and stadoiiery he carried
away from tbl aapitOl alien the aeasioii
adjourned. He gave it as conscience
ucmey, having raaaotad taking the
articles, although it has leen the cus
tom of clerks and legislators to take
such things when they go home
hope others will
do as I did."
of fuses and about 1000 detonating
caps. Two men wre reported missing,
but they are now accounted for.
Plan Amendment Causes some Excite
ment In the Island.
Havana, May IB, Adoption of the
Flatt amendment cause! great excite
MM)) throughout the island. Poblio
sentiment regarding tbe acceptance of
tbe amendment is about equally
divided. Many houses and slorea are
covered with mourniii".
K 4&k
six years
with ovari
an trattbla,"
writes Mrs.
H Waite, of
Chicago, Ills.
( Lake View
M8aoi4tkMi I
could hardly
walk, and
when I had to
cough it felt
as though a
kuife was cut
ting tne. My
hands and feet
were cold all
the time. I
had such a tired feeling aud such
a poor appetite, aud wheu I went to
I bed I slept only about two hours at
a tune. I got a bottle of ' Favorite
I're.-x. i iptiou ' aud by the time I had
used two bottles I felt so much
beiici that I continued until I had
taken eight bottles of ' Favorite
Prescription ' aud one of ' Golden
j Mediial Discovery,' and now I am
v. well that my friends remark how
4 well I am looking. I go to bed now
and sleep till morning My appe
tite is splendid and that tired feel
ing hasleft me. I hope others
will do as 1 did give Dr. Fierce 'a
medicines a fair trial."
Ultlelaliy Admitted That Una Ixltts
. Claim ihre'i No Danger.
l.-.iei. e May .". 1 1 is officially
a. In, in. I today that a case of bubonic
plague exists here. The health officials
state that there is no danger of the
disbUKe spreading.
Added to the Romance.
Wichita, Kan., Mav 2W -At Nardil.,
Oklahoma, a party of young ladies ami
gentlemen went picuiciug and when u
picture was being made of the group
Miai Noru Wollrum asked Mlns lilshop
to point a ritie at tier to add to the
romance of the scene. The ritie was
discharged accidentally aud Miss
Wolfram was instautly killed.
Convicted of Praudi.
Manila, .May 2.- Herges ut ifarry
Wilson, convicted of commissary
frauds, was sentenced to three yearx
imprisonment. Tile court-marllal of
Mont. J'ownley for alleged connec
tion with the frauds began today.
Plague Ravaaloa Moo Koug.
Loudon, May 2. The progress of
the bubonic plague here, say the Hong
Kong correspondent of the Tiuiea, is
becoming aerious. t he death rate is
over .'10 daily.
General Knox's Marrow Escape.
Pretoria, May 2V. - It now develops
thai (JaoaraJ Knox was in the armored
train receutly blown up by (be Boers
near Krooustad. The general had a
narrow escape.
Exposition Building bun,..
Kaunas City. Mo., May 29. The ex
pjgitioo buildiug in this city burned
this afternoon, ft .tost (266,000 to build
and covert! a space of aeventeeu acre.
a7wTi 'taur is 1U.
Si. Paul. Mav 2tf. K. W. Wiuter,
formerly president of tbe Northern
I'ui iii. railroad, is dangerously ill in
An Attempt to Exclude Hiislnesi Men
Interested In the Government Sup
piles From the Body.
Iliidapest. May 20 M. Kolaman .!
S.ell, the lliiugariau premier, is mak
ing a siiprei tfort to puiifv parlia
ment. lie Iihs intrisluced a measure of
the most comprehensive character
I aimed at corrupt combinations between
ithe legislators ami public com punier.
doing business with the state. I hese
OOmbl DBt kMM have of late deielope.l
colossal frauds ami shaken the faith of
the Hungarian masses in the rectitude
of Jin lil la I ife.
When M. de S'el I took oJHm two
years ago he promised Count Albert
Apponyi, former leader of the national
party, that the law dellning the disith
ilitiesof members in the lower house
should he revised. In consequeOOl of
this and otner promises, A pony i and
his followers subsequently joined the
liberals. who are now the governmental
As the law stands a oandldett lor
parliament must choose lietweeii his
seat and for instance a seat on tin
board of a commercial or ladoitrial
com pan V doing business w ith the state.
This disability has recent I 1 11 in
terpreted in Hie Widest sense. The
Hungarian socialists maiia it Ibell
boaiaoai to aoaapila from tin llgtaol
directors of public lonipanies a eat.,
login- of memli. rs of parliament and to
denounce them to (lie lower house .is
d isqual ilied. The result has baM that
member after member has Immui un
seated, Ity tli. terms of the new disability
bill which waa for some months ui
the hands ..f a special committee, in
arblah the socialists were numerous!
represented almost every man ol husi
ness is practically excluded from the
lower house. If the allien. I men Is
r.-eoi n.led are .. 1 , . even maioi
(acturer, engineer. 1 l.ctriciau and
land owner, who m lis. if only once
industrial or arn niLural pro.ln.ts
from nis own warehouse, simp or es
tate, to the war ollice, will he in
eligible to parliament. Tne amend
ments would exclude a newspaer pro
prietor who DOblisbad ollicial adver
tisements, a lawyer, a memoi r of the
noar.i 01 a joint stock company, or a
bank director
A Portland Wedding.
Portland, May 20. - The marriage of
Miss Carrie l.an.-r to Kolomou Meant,
lailli of this city, will be solemuued
at 8::jO this ei. niiig at Hotel Portland.
Tiie gr.s.m wa.- a former r.-ntaurantuer,
and BOtll are prom m. oil m .). irl
s .ctety. Oier two linudre I iavilatioOl
were issued and Kabbi Wise oih.iat.d.
l.uests were present from many other
( it MM).
rairbanas for President.
Chicago May 2U Keiialor I air
banks, of Indiana, was formally an
nounced today as a candidate for presi
dent before tie republican national
convention of 1804, Harry N New,
republican national cooiioiiieeman
from Indiana, who armed in Chicago
last night, is authority (or Hie slate
meet that Indiana wi'l stand liehiml
rairbanks in his rnie lor the honor.
A Mammoth Saw Mill.
Astoria, Mai -A. H. Hamiiioud
president of tie' Ai loria . Columbia
river railroad, today purchasiul Mki
acres of laud at longue Point OS whirl
lie will er.et a mammoth saw mill
with a capacity of over a quarter of a
million I. tet p. r d..y Hammond Is
also BO US ideriag U" other sites on
which lie will erect mills.
In a Police
Host. in, Ma 18. Probably the most
remarkable libel case ever tried in
Massachusetts begun here this morn
ing. Mrs Josephine W Ihnry, a
resident and former devout follower of
the creed nl the Christian Scientists,
trnel Man I'.akcr Kddv for 1 180,080,
he declares that in an address sent to
the i brlatlaa belanoi church here In
si.; Mara various references to an BJfl
clean, lustful, murderous woman,
Mrs. Woodbury alleges that this ad-ilre--
ralsmd tO her. In the opening
stiitenient, the attorney for the plain
tiff declared that many Christian
Scientists believe that Mrs. K.ldy to
la1 the personal representative of good
Brnscl Wanted to Make Sure That He
Successfully Suicided
Home, Mav 80, The director of the
Santo Ntefttin prison has turned in an
offiolal report regradiug the death of
Brawl, slayer of King Humbert. The
rei irt says that llresct soaped the noose
with whir fa he strangled htmaelt, in
order to make the hanging sure.
Stopped Shortly In Canton Mrs. MeKln
ley Passed a l omtorlable Night
Chicago, May 20. - The presidential
train passed through Chicago earlv
this morning It stopped long enough
10 aud tub from one line to another
The train will slop at Canton for
twenty minutes I. slay.
Railroaders to Meet.
Chi.ago, Mav 88, The National As
sociation ..( Kallroad oonmiailoospi is
tube mi International organization
t tbe coi ling convention, which wilt
i.e h, id 1 Bail I ram isco, beginning
1 nne 1. .1 uropoastl 10 ohauga the
inline to tbe ntoraatiooal Aaaxwiatioa
of Itailroud coiuiiiissioners, and to in
cite Canada and Mexico to member
ship. The quest ,in was esteuslvely
dfaMtnaaOd among members of the
commission, representing :lll states.
who are gathered here preparatory to
starting for California.
An U..10 Burglary.
Fog tar is, (Ihlo, May 2M. The branch
bank ol the Merchanics HankiliK
company was burglar i.e.l this morning
and fto, (Mil stolen. I lie safe was coin
plelely wrecked. l ive loeii were ill
the job, ami made an cecal on a
Kred Paul) lor Mayor.
Walla Walla, May 88 i'et.tlona for
the noli, inal Ion of I red M I'auli for
mayor and Waller I. I'sdman for the
oihee of 11b asseasor were yesterday
circulated in this city. Other candi
dates are reported as being active.
lassa Hands
Vaaeoft, Ohio. Ma. 88 Praaldenl
M. k Inlay ruaa tins uioralaa to shake
I 1 1 .. Is. with the , rood at Ft. Wayne.
Mis IfeKillle) passed a couif. triable
Big Kire al Spokane
Spokane, May 21 -The Ureal
Northern coal chutes and cages at
Hillvard, with live . arc of coal, were
dostroyeo by nr. ih.. bate is ir.'.'i.ixxt
1 lilsl Haeu lo NsslgD.
New Vork. Mai 88, Williaui P.
Haiui, chief agent of the l iH ted
states secret sirvice bureau with head
quarters in this eft) has temlered hia
raaignatioa to take it.. 1 inne Hi nest.
Dr I It Mayl
vallis. was hurt).
i'V, who die.
d on Mondt
I at
Ot a Minister and His Son
A Norfolk, Va., dispau h sas: K
W. .Maiihews, formerly .1 miiiisI.i ...
tiie gosp. I, wag sent to jail here 1 ester
day af It moon for habitual diuuken
ns- The eu.-e encites universal syu.
palhy .
Matthews lOlugs ol a good fau ily
and about leu icars ago entered the
miuislry He 1 .arm. I un hi come
lished and Isaaulitul girl, aid on 111 -
OUai "f Ins htiliiaucy guined great
popular it v
About six years ago his Wife died
leaving a Gany Gov. .iiaiihews was
heartbroken and began to .It ink . He
lost the coulldenee ol the pe qdu .111.1
boou became a sireet lounger.
All this time ha has bet n devoted t.
hie child. They were constant COO!
pauious, frequently sleeping in the
street together The child, at till ti lal
of the father, clung around his i.e. i
and i. i - . i to Ije separated irom him
the little fellow seemed lo realise
tbe situation aud kept .rin.g out
"Papa will lie good pana will he
goi d. " A policeman tried to persuade
tbe eh. hi to go home, but the little
fellow i. Ins... I and father and child are
now occupyiug lbs same cull.
(i i VtUI m the leading Pendleton
men haul. I.y which a 4O0 Mar
tin Piano will tat given away ab
solutely free t. the organisation
or l.i.li voted the lllosl popular
fay Inn. ltd, IW01. The follow
ing merchants will issue laxllota
with each 86S purtliase:
1 I.i 1 ,.,.,l.n W .rututuu, Or. tl.Mk.la
I ItlllllUS Mini Skuas.
Iii... . .i Mi l uuias, Irrtixglsls
in. u.. House Uroeerjr, (17 V. gctiuck.)
I i ' 1m . lor, Hardware,
M A hi, lu: I .11 1.111,1c
( n v lluktry aud Qrocsry, (gu.lolpa
Mailiu proprietor.)
I" ,1.111,1. tee JiHthl J. KplKl.u
I'..,, r MM,.-,. '
i it Bakery, Orecery aud Crockery
w - b.twuiaa. PkoUajrepher.
Unvs 4 Pone Plauussuil Orgaua.
, i.i,, i .un. 4un n.nii.
Prsu. It kttaurul (Uu LaPoutsiu )
I . ,. ...... t,..l t rm f.Mlur
oik ami truistiis
... . un i, . i. .i.iii... i al Hi".
a MU-'oiuae Drug Slore where
the ballot N.s is afeo located...
Stockton incubator.