East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 28, 1901, Image 4

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    TOKBDAY, M AY 2s. 1801.
For Babies
Kr.coived hv express .1
liiif of blue shoes, also .1
lim- of patent kid
with red BUOdfJ kid
Tin- ptettiest babj
in the city
. . .dsn
Oil t Strings
for ladies' shoes;
lattst tiling out.
t h
I'ractiaal Hoot ami tl' Mm.
H R K V I T I K S .
Hweet cream. Mutton's.
Ice cream , any llnvor, Dtttton'a.
NterliriK ailver novel t ios. Noll1".
New invoice of dialie at Hatrlojf
Kniltxl ham for Inn. lion at Huwley
Hay your window aliadea
One seeonil-lianil aide fir aide
Hran, shortn, chop, barter ami i I
at Ha winy 'a.
A few racvele ami Crawford hicvlen
Ml at WitlnVe.
danleii horn- at all price iin.l Kihir 111
tee.l at Will V
loniMt lints, BOo U ll.Ni Cleaver
Hmw. I r GOOOI Oo
Aak tn eee our Ma hoc k h, Cleaver
lima. I try Honda Co.
ThoinpMon glove llttiii MrSStS. All
Itylw, Cleaver Urns. Irv Qoodt Co.
Wanted A competent K r I to do
(00011 housework. in.iiire at thin
N. Berkeley lias norno vorv deairahle
town ami roiintry property lor Male on
oai v terms.
"The Criai," Iiv WlOttOfl Clinreli-
III. author of Kichard (Marvel, for nalo
itt Tallmati A (To. .
Tin' bafteodefl of I'on.llefnn havi
challenged the prlntera fur a Rama of
f - ' i- for I jo a i 1 .
Albany enlletfe won from Monmouth
-1 it' normal nclinnl at Alhanv, Hfi to
'J7 tmlnta, in the Hold n 1
Tho Unhee rhaptor, Order of the
KiiKtern Star, will meet thin evening at
MMonie temple at K o'clock. There
will he work in the dereex
The work of Tel. 1 Wehh street has
hi'Kun, men and team- cnifHKcd in
carrying out the contract haviiiK com
menced at the eat end where Weldi
joitiH Court "treet ,
The shower of rain early thia morn
intf ha" frenheneil .it i, r and
BOOlad the air. I'eiidlelon people are
jil't now enioyiiiK audi weather an
romancer" write ahout in the novels.
Under a recent ordinance every one
ha" to iiumhor his place of holiness or
hia residence. Maple Hros., KM Court
"treet, ran anpplv RBSlbefl on hrasa,
aluminum and nirkle at very low
Hchoo I has emltil or the year, Your
ilniilf Mors now have time to devote
to music. Wakeliehl .'. 1 Ohi,.-. at
their warerooms in the (iolden Hid
hotel, will aell or rent vou a llrat
class piano.
The 17. of (. won from the Mult
nomah cluh at I'ortlaml in the Heh
1 t. hi to 4x noints on Saturday, the
lirst tune the BOIleglMI ever won from
the cluh. Heater was the Iwst winner
for Kiitfenc.
The hanks of I'endleton will le
i'IimuhI on hecoration dav. Tin' stores
general I v will he cloned from 'J to ft
o'clock. That will affiinl many an op
portantty of witnessing the .Wlieim
rendleton haseh.dl game who wouhl
tiot otherwise have tl pportuuitv.
framed ; latest
Have your pictures
styles at Murphy 'a.
All kinds of ((loves, Indian and
tory made at tlawley s.
New iImsikiis in wall paier
Murphy's paMit store
At Itader'a furniture store is the
Hnest line i f m ' ami imittinu.
Automatic ref ritferalors ami water
cisiI.t at Hailer's furniture store.
Window shades, curtain pole, mir
rors, etc., at Hailer's fofnlMN store.
Oldest place ami liest tainales. at l.e
Hoy's, cor. Court and (iarden et r. . 1
Hear the new l..nlwio puim at tie
oM-ra limine durum the llli(li aehool
Kuiuit hams ami iiir.l on the markii.
Home ptodMti try It, its Kuaranleed.
Hchwara & (treulich.
Creacent hicvelns on the installment
plan at the Creseont aenc in the Kasi
oretfnniaii huddiou, pavmenta $1 a
'Hnk, no interest
Kemeinl.er 1 have a Is'tter stork "I
oil, axle-grease, rope, helling ami all
other harvest supplies than ever !
lure I'. Sines, Helix.
A miito of rooms in the Kast Ore-
Gtnian hull. ling hot anal OOld ivah r.
tthrisiui, (or $11 a month during the
summer. Apply at the l-.a-i Uragonfaui
l)o you reineinlx-r that a piano ia to
I". given away ahsolutuly free on Mon
day, June :i, at I p. tu. ami that the
I'eoples Warehouse givoa a vote on
mid piano (or each 26c purchase'.' Only
a few thousand vies let and only a
(ew days felt in which to vote them.
Halles Chronicle: II. C. Hoosr in
forms the Antelope Herald that III the
recent Hakeoven horse-rnle out of
alsut UStkl head gathered only two
mauicy horaos worn found outside of the
rinu Hollow country. I nose two
horse- were liroiiiiht over from the
reservation, and as aoon as it was dis
covered that they were mangy they
were dipped. In the I'uie Hollow coun
try there are a (ew caaes of mange, hut
every precaution is being taken to keep
it (mm apreadiug.
Thata Will Initrue'. In tha
Publlo School!.
The teaching fori, of the Pendleton
ptlblla achimls will Ih almost as it has
Iiihmi for the past year. The school
hoard of the diatrict, '.Pendleton dis
trict is No. fl , has given out Hi
muiies. wh ich are these :
K. It. Conklin, principal HovConk
In.. .Ion Heir. isiur.i lleatli
Carrie l.pplo, Hozene Kpple, Marv
Uitner, Era Wood, Margaret Leonard
.11: w.va . .
.tuuie Mciniosn, bailie naiim. ,nva
l.ane, Klala rolaotn, i.va flMW
tirace ( IlllUm,
.MIS" Kate lowne reslglnsl some
turn- ago. Miss Celestine Missrhoiise
did not apply lor re-election. Miss
ial resigned last winter.
Some changes are to be made hv
Principal Conklin as to Hie arrange
incut of the teachers and the rooms
such changes Isdng the result id tl
vear s experience ami calculati-d to in
crease the elli doncv of the sclnsils
Bldi for Slsaat SprlnkllnK Wara Upanad
on Monday.
I. eon Cohen, l.ec Teiitsch and C. S
la. kson, the citiiens committee win
are going to ".' that the streets o
rendlelon are kept Ins- In. m dust this
"iimmer, i-m-d and inspected tin
hids for doing the work on Monday
.nay . , ai noon. I'.ieven nnls wen
re ved. After due del i borat ion the
hid of Walter s. Wells was judged ti
lie the best and a contract was entered
into with him for $ MJ vcr mouth
I he coamiittei wil I .i r i, iT r We-
with water from the citv mains and
place the two new sprinkling carts al
his service He will birniah one cart,
the one he has Isseu using on the
streets lor years, and in addition will
funnel his own teams, drivers and
harness. The work is to ls commenced
at once, and the streets will ls kent
innroiigniv wet ilnwn. partnulai at
tentinn Isuug iiaid to weal Jackson
s) raw and the west Hirtious of Court,
lta ami Wehh streets
Plan ll to Have O. R. Ballon
the Dliolay at
W. H. Wehrnng. of Hillshoro, state
senator and president of the Oregon
slate hoard of agriciiltun , and M. I).
Wisdom, secretary of the same organ
isation, spent Uondayt May 17, In Pen
dleton, where tho were guest ..I the
Hotel St. OaorpBi An effort is being
made to have the counties of Kasterr
Oregon have a bettor mprMantation at
the state fair tO DO held at Salem on
September HSft, I (KM , than thev have
had in previous vears. Messrs. Wei
rung and Wisdom are traveling through
this section with that object in view
Thev went from here to lleppner, and
wilf afterwards go to Sherman and
Wasco counties. At some future itimi
thev will come hack to Kaatorn Oregon
and go to Union, Itaker, Malheur,
Orant and Harney counties After dis
cussing the matter with a DBmbOf of
I'eiiilleton business men, it was de
cided that O. It. Italloii, of Milton,
was the proper man to 1st induced to
go ahead with the work of arranging
the exhibit and making such a one as
I'matilla coiintv can make, and take
barge of its arrangement at the
State fair. The management offer" the
following prir.es:
The Prices Offered.
County exhibit -Host exhibit of ugri
nltural and horticultural pnsluct"
from any one county in this state,
varietv ami onalitv to be considered .
and to Is- the prisluct of WW First,
rtOO: second, 2ft0; third, f'.INI; fourth,
1180; fifth, f
As an evidence of gissl faith, the
Pendleton business men guaranteeil
that :IOO would lie raised iii Pendle
ton o he placed at the disposal of Mr.
Mallon to he used in collecting the
county exhibit and paying tl x-
penses incident to its arrangement,
getting it to and from Salem, etc,
Thir offer was considered fair, not to
say generous, hv Messrs. Wolirum and
Wisdom, l'hov talkisl with Mr. Hal Ion
quite a while over the telephone, and
he gave his quasi approval of the
scheme, and after consultation with
his daughter, who assists him in his
work, will give a deliuite answer. It
is almost safe to sav that Mr. Halh.n
will go ahead with the work His ex
hibits are alwavs well arranged and
attract favorabh inmeiit.
men once employed hv that road and
ROW OWQpyiOf Iniisirlant positions on
ot her roads :
"Con" Shields, recentlv vice presi
dent of the S f, ,v N. , a Oreat North
cm branch lure, and assistant general
rupatlntandvnl ol tha (Irani Northern,
is now general manager ol a Cape
Mreton island n ad with a smarv of
IK,(MH) per annum A. f Mohler,
president ol the Oregon Kailwav
Navigation BOOlpany j J, l. Karrell,
ptesident of the Pa.'itlc coast comianv,
which controls railroads in Washing
ton and California, steamship lines
and coal mines; President W. II. New
man of the Lake Shore rosd: Hussell
Harding, vice president and general
manager of tha Mlaaonrl Pacific: 3, 1
M. Itarr, prtMtdenl of tha Benboanl
Air Line: C. II. Warr. n. vice presi
dent of the .l.-rsev Central: P. P.
Shelhy. president of the Parilic A
Ida!.. Northern: F. II. Hritton, vice
president, and C W BoWfWIi general
snperinteinlent o( the St Lnnll South
western : .1. M. Kgan, president of the
Central ot Oeorgia railroad; W. W.
Finley, vice president ol the Southern
the ItufT.ihi
shoes ol the moat deairaule stylus and
shapes adorn (lie windows and ,-helvos
o( our store. Its a moral certainly
that we can please you as to lit. com
(ort and fashion. We have made
every precaution for spring and sum
mer, and await your visit with parlaef
oautideuce of our ability to suit you.
Pendleton Shoe Co.,
Arrivals at Hotel Pendlslon.
Wl BOH Athletic team C K
Nelson, Pinkerton, Hadd-dcv ,
Hrvson. Marsh. Ileenor, .1 N
s.ott, w s.ott, Bnnniator, w.u-
den, Waterman, .lames Head,
John Head, Winn, Kly, Wcssls,
H A liarrett, Athena.
Jnllna L Haasan Fraucist'o.
W Whitmore, Chicago.
II S Simon, Portland
J A Ckttka, San Franciaco.
I A Cool;. Philadelphia.
C II Webster. Louisville.
.1 1 1 s' tvdeu.
W F Warrell.
J T Zook.
1' 1 1 Wetherhv, lloston.
P S Olson, Ionia.
P It tiarretson, St Paul.
H Hankofsky, San Franciaco.
I. Hergemn, San Franciaco.
C F; Rooaavnlti city.
B . Kennedy, city.
ii Wharton, Portland.
ieo t tevens, Spokane.
J C HouU, Salt Uko.
Hr Howe, salt latin.
.1 A Allison, Portland.
I W Onaon, Portland.
JW .1 Ciilligan. New York.
.aHJ. -I Hall, sp,,kane
II W 1 Pliiladeli.hia.
A W Kin and wife.
II I. Sisler. Portland.
'Corkle. Portlami.
las hi 01 My, Portland
w n loiiugmau, lortland.
I I! Couiail, Portland.
. s .1 F'roiilu.an.
Alleged Crime Was committed Sunday
John Whitnev, the tough man from
Texas, had his prel im mars hearing he
fore Justice Fitr. derald .Monday alter
008 on the charge of assault with a
dangerous weapon and was hound over
to answer to the circuit court. He
waivisl examination to the charge of
assault and robbery and was DOOfld
over on that also to the circuit court
Mr. Whitnev was represented hv II.
V.. Collier. The circumstances of the
alleged crimes were published in the
I. ant Oregon lan on May 27. The one
up.. i which he stissi examinatioii was
lloldiiig up three men Hiiuday evening
in the rear ol John Haniain's saloon
at the siiut of a revolver, and trying
to obtain money from them. He
claimed that he was drunk at the time
and did It just for a joke. Justice
F'it Oerald was so obtuse and lacking
in humor that he couldn't see the
Another case tgjota tha justice Mon
day afternoon was that of Qnona
iilllette i harge.1 w ith assault in-' mh
iill, the Chinese cook employed hv
Ieo Cohen. The iinlg. gave the de
fendant some gissl advise, lined him le
arn! costs, gg,f all told, and let him
go. there were a nuinher ol hov- in
party Sunday aftermsin when the I
trouble occurred, povs who assault
Cliiuameii in pMinlleton contrarv to!
the statutes Will he Mluishcd. i- ti ..-
edict issiltil b the instice.
sarlni Tor
A tpnolnl scrie- of pnttagja if impa in
honor of the Pan-, inerjian exposition
at Bnltalo. were rilatrirmtad by tho
postollice dannrttnonl of Hie government
to all poatolncni in the Dnitod Htataa
on May I.
The stamt'S are of nnlfl rm dinieti-
sioii", inii.un ot an inch, ami rep
resent different (onus of inoih rn trans-
i.orlation methods. The borders take
the colors of the regular series of the
same denomination- of stamps now in
use. The words "t ommi niorative
-eric". 1901," and "United States of
America," appear in the Doner bordei
alsive the vignette; the legend ill thi
ll lie below it designates some particu
lar feature of transportation appear
ing in the illustration. The line al
the bottom indicates the value of the
stamp by Human capital letters ami
Arabic numerals.
All of the BOntral illustrations am
from photograph II the objects rep
resented appear h iv, aid are printed
in black.
I be om--cent stamp represent-team-
hoat travel desi. ated bv a side-wheel
lake steamer with one funnel, o( the
atyle general used on the (treat Lakes
of t. dav.
Tlie two-cent stamp represent- rail
way travel bv a train of four cars ami
angjino Ol modern pattern.
On tha four-cent stamp is a picture
of 'he automobile of the closed coach
order with two men on the box ami a
portion of the I ill..' Mates caiiitol ill
the background. For this illustration
a photngraph of om-of ti..' Baltimore
.V Ohio automobiles, taken in front of
the congressional library at Washing
ton, with the 'CApitol In the back
ground. Wlls selected. I'de HaltlllH.ro
e. Ohio wiis tiie Hrst railroad to man
orate Mill method ol transportation
in connection with its train service.
He Wa the First County turk and
Uwned the Land Up til Wl.leli Middle
ton Wat U illl.
Harwin A. Hi. 'hards died Ml
home at Athena, 00 Monday. Ma. di
ag.d about 7.1 year-. V, hen I matil a
coiintv wa- cut ol! irmn asi o . ......
bv act ot the leilalur Itei "
li. Hill was appointed ciiiitv clerk,
hut he never iU.ll I In d .appa r.n 1 1 J , I'T.
at the Hrst meatliia ol the i ountl coon
held mi April :;, I '.:;. the reenrdi Mion
Uarwin A. Riehardi as tha Ural 1 1 my
clerk. The MOOfld meeting ol Iho
county court was a ipaotal 0BJ8
May 17, 1863, at which Mr Riehardi
u. i 1 1 runt-1 1 1 :t.H eanfi to a dav from tna
i date of ins Jaath on Monday.
Owned tha Site ot Mlddleton.
During the earlv vears ol this
COOnty, Mar-hall's nation M a
couple ol mile" down the river (rum
ll...... I'.....Ii, ton now stands. Welcome
Mltonall and Darwin -- Rlthafdi
owned the townsite there which WBI
i called Midi. i. ton Tha) tranaiarrad
the property 01 warrant ileetl to J. !
Martin, J, Sivilt and J. U. JohOBOIl
on .March .0. I ..'. re-erving lof -
block 7. This instrument wn- recorded
ill deed book A. page 17b.
Rsildad at Athena.
Mr. Riehardi served nut one term a-
ci ty elerk, Ha shortly iltai th l
inovei'l to where Ath'Mia i- now located,
and for year- owned the stage station,
an old land mark. The old stage ham
has been torn dn rn hut recently. Mr
Rtenanl ownnl ing phmk gn re and a
great deal of I 'her real aetata along
the river in tl. edge ot Athena, and
ooranled a sightly nildanee only a faa
blocks Iron toe bnilneai center ol tha
k have
L'i KM
will slush
Qg4 of I tur
we ItftVn si
1111(1 IIIU'Sl stuck (d rlasM.
or llic nt'xM ten ava ....
. . . .-vD we
i lie Arm i
pri . ( lome and take advant
ir biu cut prices. Koilow the crowd
a a - II 1 11.
to cue iicei. nu ii(!iuru(i m
We arc still seWn SHOES cheaper than
Best (mods for Least Money.
.li. tit
eii vslriim. win
IL I .... M Htl ll.kaul
I ml . S. . ...... 1...K...'
I lotus i in.' io 1. 1 us T .. ... . i. mml&
nt iln
I r. I .' Pt
I.' r "Mi .-I ill .'IMS -."I I'll RPWreHIJ
I' tins in III- Hefc N. llllllill
I ....... " .
It ..,.. -.sit ii.xi'hv tl iv or I'lirliL. I'r
:. , ii Miwrnmierrliii'iv sn l nil th" Iwrrers r ini?Nii.'ney,
II v. r. l'i" k .. 1 n.--- anil . i o.-iry omaua 01 an impurities.
, . iif i itr.l hv IWinrslslxsMnsnOnprrrentare tronhlsct with
i is .. k . i r.i 1 1" ' i" win. ..hi -ii iiperniliiii. anui IiiUim... u
r .1 ' i i im! i uctv isiiuiuicilt curu. luj
irei.l.ir m.'l li'iimniiniiis,
i ii. iioi eoe, "an rnuiruooeliaL
. up . cTh, f'KVitl.RTflv
I- nml i .r"
f .r KUKI"
i.f IIV
m nu im
I, vl i v
To ttuJy
.New Vork, May JH.
ing taken In London,
line s correspoiiileiit
Walls Walla'i Team for the Heppuer
Walla Walla. Ma M. The local
sprinters wlm will present Walla
nallaat the coming 'men's toiirna
inent at lleppner, Ore., Jnna II, 11'
ami IS, bava i a . i . am, Oapt, Knnii
has been in doubt fol sum,, time as to
just who of the man v anpl Inanta armald
i.e accc i.ii .ii.ii all wishing to enter
were given Uu opporl uuitv to d,.pl.iv
their lleetlless hi -I evening. As a re
sult the following were chosen:
K. Frank, Prod Bowman, Charles
I'urris. Nat Hart, lav l.egmw. i.
I. oreen, m. .1. I'a I mar, lloorga
0'Noll, I'M Mivder, Walter ItaKaV,
Kred Aiildn, II K. Ward, W. A.
Hesler, W. A Colby, Krancis Old- and
Uoy llaaacoek.
Interest is be.
-.iv- the Trill
in the news that
the I ' ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 oi ( ai ad.i lino die at. h'd
a rapfoaentatlva to - uti. Alrioa to
study the trade capabilities ol that
country or It ti a view ol oanlnf up ami
antaniofing the market- for Canadian
prodnata there .then the opartnjnit)
oi i on for dolus
HsvleweU Troops.
Sydney. Ma H I lie Dokl
Ihlchess of t'oruwall leviewed
thousand troop- here today.
' , 'i. .
Spring Troubles...
lOHH of ;ll)l'tit43.
Btomtoh iilmtnii,
nhur Bruptioni
are stnuie of them.
( iomoti all of tlioHw
lnuktiH (he hltMKl pur.
Loading Orugglata.
Kev. W. B. I'olwiue has
lleppner to conduct service
in Weston on Moudev.
aron Isaacs, a cattleman from
iiimt McKay creek country, is a
or in reii'lletoii t.slav on husines-
.Miss I .in. i Carlson has returned to
I'endleton, after having lieeii in l aw
mi and .Spokane lur several months.
Misses Charlotte Haumeister and
Malwlle Hunt of Walla Walla, have
K to eruiont to visit during the
Clark WiskI, of the Weston l.eadei
watciied the liehl dav sports on Mon-
lay alternoon and returned home tins
indue B. a. Lownll wilt aoava as one
Hie Hire.- judges at the inter-slale
ratorical contest at Walla Walla on
luesdav night.
Wealey N. Matlock has visit.il bis
grandparents in Athena, and c.ime
ilnwn to rendh ton Monday evening, j
He will remain here I or sever. ihi'.
Mort Me.n h ha- returned Irom llepp
ner, where he pitched winning ball
against the Arlington team "ii Mindav.
Arli'itfton only made two sale hits gfl
bis delivery.
Clarence Pen land will arrive home
Wednesday evening at :i o'clock He
is playing as a meinlier of the Athena
liamdiall team anainut I oliav this
lav afternoon.
H. W. Monica I was a guest of Hie
Hotel I'eiiilleton on Monda mid uu.
nessed a numlier ol the athletic con
tests in the alternoon, returning:
liouji. in the eveiiiiiv.
Miss Kthel I'arsons leit on "
tor II., ire. where alie will remain ilur.
lug Hie siiiuiuer an a guest of l is
Mabel I'erkius, who was Mis. 'ar
aoii's guest laat slimmer.
Archie Mclntyre, well known in
I end, . ton and Athena, was married
recently in the valley, ami is now
with Ids bride on a visit to his rela
tives at the family home between Pen
dleton and Athena.
Hrockwell Matter, of Portland, lorm
erly with the Athena .Mercantile ,m
pain , accom pan nil l.v his father and
sisters, all of Portlami, will
the metropolis on oaturdav
morniiig, June 1. for u visit t.. n,:.
K.itlalo exnositioii. I'l,.... lil .......
through Pemllctoi, at fiilfi on ihoh,,v
Dal leu Chronicle: Mike Manning
Hie well known wool buyer for
Hallowed A Donald of Uoston, in
fOfMal Hie Chronicle that he bought
. . , t'""1 m Antelope
naawo and .m. u,..i...g ooontr ami
I he Dalles, in tho neighborlussl i
t.OOO.OOil . .i.i.ls of wool, at prici -averaging-
about U cents a pound.
former Umployes Now In Good Hoal
Uoua With Uttier HoaU..
.P(arnuy, the t.reat Northern has
great acli., ur the education
Punished Dodekaba.
Paris, Mav n, A I itive foi
Iftoen hand red Bmoali Iroous sent
against Kinc Do 'ekal a in KoOlhern
Senegal. Africa, has been successful.
King Dodekaba ami most of In- fol
lower- were kllleil, ami the heir to lh
throi.e, a- well as the remnant of tin
arm?, captured, after a struggle of tWl
rj hftve lultl you tbout
our great purobaM of
Johnson Broi ntni'Dor
((lain ami now we oiler
a loo pieoe dinner tel
For Saturday
only ai $6.tt8. Remem
ber Johnson Bros, make
the finest emi-poroelain
ami have the largest fa -tory
in (lie wurlti
Hits i- th. in mi .-.I liargaiu
era hnva avaa oiierrd.
Owl Tea House.
:i mils cres' paper lite.
I u
till' IlllloWttl
i so ions A i wheat land.
820 acres
SjV VV"is J
' "T .
o if i 's ' in i .
i s, ,lt'3j. 7
"'illl- (II CVI'rV U'nn.,
-- i .'.nan
eys to the bnaatifnJ
is the ilrsirc (if
hsi .in
g cultivated tasic. She can
i in i .i i iiiif; morn, parlor or dii
room Irmn our sutbontts stock
1 iht plainest tu the bisjheei i
and at prices that arc right,
MATTINGS at reduced prsst
i Btiae ol OVen tOOX. Carpets, i
Window Shades, (airtatn poles,
cabSi go carts, mitror-., pictures,
. . M i. .Ill i llo, I
Main and Webb bus
A Special Sale for one week on MM
All trimmed liatial aelual 'ohi ranging from
9 v to $4 HH Btrt d hats ami sailors from 2.V
in ll.fiu, H in goods and gel our prioubs.
fore buying elsewhere. We alio wish to b
oreaee our alc on ladies shin waists ami can
uote very low prices for a short time. Don't
forgel The Fair- juaraiittt' moftfjsf hack if
goods are DO! satisfactory
I l).itii..tt C T....I . ll.. . I. I it i a
ininni a i.iiiin, mils. it'itT, MMhl MM I!
roiri cv , - :
Mliual land
S lots Wi'll located
l Io' lower Wei,!, itreel
i he swelleei one of uxfordi
and slippers in town can be
seen by viailing our stoic
e have them in
of railroad manager ami blah ofliciaU
aa ia aliuwu by th. folluwiug ut 0j
Blacks and
Patent kid.
Remember this is the last
week we give a discount
of 27 per cent
The Peoples Warehouse
fit Mam Struct. I 'eiidloton, Or.
"Nerve Waste."
(in- n( ttic mod ti.lprul l-sjk. 011 ti.'rve
naasoeeierei iuc.i i n,i eauileii "Nerve
vraHu, b) Dr.eeoyef tun rranelaae, m
in ll. nun IftottMii l Till, work ol mi nei
aalaaaeleaS leoajaMe phyalataa i- in rw
able aaaifaat la toe teat aum el iuIm leaahlaa
alah owvaUaaa HUa laiereaUiia NkteM 11
atoaaSsfei evetoily eaiuMeiwil ud afeeilceJ
a4vloe, an 1 baa tea o, xir.u uiern. al .1..
Seai aad atacenti.
il 1. U'toi,-.l tty bolh tho religion, tut
w ... v. 1 1 iii.-Mg.. .'iviue .a: "A
iwrttMi oi ike issit mi, 1 n,,. aiiDiieaUoa oi a,
oitaeieM win pot health, iioo,- aad iien mi.,
lliouMiei. ot lue. mi m llow .utrvriug
tbrounii aei roaa Iweariewit "
Hi. Usjk ii n o. by mail , . sti .1,1
ouuot the await UnareaUug ebaatera eiipir
at, 011 MervtUaa ami Neivu toiiu. lou been
arteeal aaeemaly ea a umpi, thifitr. aad
will ha fiu (o any laalaaai lor aienip b) ttie
fUblialior., i 1IK CACIfli I t BUUHINU CO.,
bua -j. . Man kmuciaoo
Also a Inn
count) property
list 111
town .on!
- lOEa,.
Kctail and ton lots.
elephono your orders Main I,
or hail the driver of th
57 or Main H3,
He is the Ice Man."
VanOrsdall & Rem
Locust Hill kabbitn
and Poultry Yards
I'edlitreed ltelK1,, herea
autl pure bretl l ua Im.
gem, 00 pat pair, ;i a,.,
Bsmd, Huff, and Win,;. pRS;
...in, Rooki 12.00 nor'
I ajttiiisa for Si mi; tK , '.
Harre.1 itoat Ojp at 1J0 ,M.r
Beat and s,nKi,. Obeab BJaeSa
lalaud Roda Kae SS.OO per IS
t aittiiiKH for 5.U0.
Vioitore welcome. K.,r further
lafsnhsUos sdaraai
til'V W. WADK,
I'eu.iietoi,, Otmm
1 lie new store
known unless
OXpeOl people to know
yuu have to sell If you 1
tin never he
It advertises.
The Columbia
Lodjring House
All IN ( ONNKt I (
alt a a WKhti mm
I . X.
Soon be
Harvest Tim
Come in and see
Biy stock ol dishes
urunituware, tin
ware and COOklSf
utensils Hit? Ul
ot oesoptng '",'lts
Court :
A Good Farnior
knows iiiai iba aaerei ,.1
..... ,,,,,, 1 , M M
liliu lor in- Ubo, Wa van 1,, o
luaielarv If ion .r., ,,, i . . V1''1
III.' LmJII ll.,,,r,,...l , "
u..i.si-,.. .... ' "y" ' "'III'
s ui UI'Tl , ,m ,. ,l. .. '
ww iioa
' W llioroiigt,
rep (,, raeai
)"H OIU ot ll
1" Hlll.'li sr..
AIA I 1 t . , ,,r f"r ssb
1 K IvJlVf teleil.oiu M
ST () la? A O f '"
For Rig
I o go Fishing
u'ly Kaat Oi. . ..
1., make a c
Main 79.
Farmers Custom
Fred WalUra, PreprW
si,.i,, itu barrtila a dar
Klour uaulikuvtMl lor wbeal
iv .no um v 111 is,. 1 rued. aH"
on baas
The laat Oregooian ia
gon'a repreaentative paper.
t III. fieonl. innwilll It afl
heir liberal uiiiunut, Itiaw
I uir bi
I Btfbfa
I "Kvc
) hook
P Sliret
Me m
it t
K)' niei,
; HUceea
SM miJ
let m
th) km-
11 W(
toss t
iBSe la
Wsak c
1 mwari
1 "olett,
ve coi
hot lor
lam- uieiiiuoa ol tbia eeeuea.