DAILY EVENING EDITION S 4 eeef EASTERN OREGON WEATHER nnlshl fslr; Mimnsv Inrceatlns. I'loiidhiPM with '. thnmlrr t' o THI5FACT t eeeee PKNDLKTON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OttEOON, SATURDAY, MAY 25, 1901. NO. 4134 14. I Lv Bi bV wC -BB .agar J W 1 ft M 1.1 (OCERIES. ID GETABLES Qom md wo m". ptph Vgotabl .niits i gpocialty DiggeHl lin'H'ft"! i 1 1 WnWI ice in ill (lit1 !')' R. Demo It. We Sell R. & G. Corsets. Kvcry woman knows what tlx R and G. Corset is. It is the corsi t of comfort with the essence of style; it is the only corset that will not, ban not and docs not stretch. If yon buy an R. and G. Corset that does stretch, or proves unsatisfactory in any way, bring it batffe to us and we will give you a new one or your money back. Wc have in stock the famous number 397, modeiatelv straight tiont, which is popular with most women who do not demand an extreme straight front. 1 hoss who do will find it in the straight front shown in the above illustration. We have No 397 m black, drab, pink and blur Wc sell No. 397 for $1.25 and it has no equal We have R. and G. Corsets to fit any form. R. and G. Corsets range in price from Jti.oo to $3.00. Alexander & Hexter. he Boston Store "Facts are Cheils that Winna Ding." fs a FACT we are showing the largest assortment of Ladies' mcv Hosiery EVER SHOWN IN PENDLETON, a showing irthy of a city ten times the size of ours. Dozens of designs patterns and various different grades from 25c to $2 pair. Infants' Hose in white, Muck, nod ami blue. Ladies' Black Hose in black, black with white feet, black rib leg, black lace stripe, Mack lisle, Mack Hilk, fte to 1.60 pair. We sell the best 2fc Ladies' hose on earth. Boys' and Girls' Hose, stocking galort for the young folks all sizes and all weights, 5c, 10c, 15c, 9Qo, $00, :55c Misses' Hose. Finediwtie lisle hose, usually sold far 35c pair, 25c leres positively nothing in wantable, serviceable, uptodate siery for ladies, misses and children that we can't supply hi with. Take peep at our show window. endleton's Big Busy Store. i a list of tempting ai rrederick Nolf'c on Bazaar. (J5 24c Nile suap 2iC , ir brushes 1 ic BMM 1,. , , 11 ? S J-lorid,, water mr proles 5, teds of toys sc and inr kliu-L. ' r 74r 10 3 Pvels now 15, ilrup.-, km ,,,,,,,,4 cler knil- is, 'Evn Clianwe" ii, b ni.isn m and 2c r P" 5c to j5c Jic to lt.6: v mt oc to i..c Icum : 4U lu Vi4 l.. 3-65 uUtV Dint ,,. L "o's cueumbar ami qi-j Est !tHUlehoilalw,i. ..uionia isc lanterns c- .... J EL" lc' 5c and ioc each oi(l cream in,-.:. n ... -1 . r. I mrL ... .1 ( 'housing Something Toothsome for Jnner. breakfast or supper is always a pleasure to those who look over the many delicac ies that I MD prise our stock of fancy groceries We have the world's choicest products in glass, tin and pack ages, and put up by the best methods for preservation Our fresh arrivals of vegetables and strawberries are choice and low priced. C. ROHRMAN. 4. Ifl here you wain a "li L'lft I - " - ui 1 1 T a,,,, Vt C0.K, V I'U.pOSC etc ,waru- Un birthday or y goods ericK Nolf BYERS BEST FLOUR To wake good bread uau Byero' Boat Flour. It took Brut premium at the Oliicatco Wurld'v Fair ovorall ooinpeti tiou, aod givtM asotilleut natutfittaiuu wlitirevur uwxl. Kvxrv sack i guarauleod. We have Uie beat HUiain Kolled Bailey, Meed Bye and Beardleaa Barley. PENDLETON ROLLER MILLS W. S. BYKKS, Proprietor. Warranted not to Rust have juat reoeived a laiK' ebipiuout L1SK X TINWARE such aa milk pna, milk eana, boilers tea kettles, aauce pans, dippers and buofcita, etc Kvery piece ie warrant ed uot to rubt and is exchangeable at time lor a new piece 11 iv iub. See display in window. any GRNBRAL NEWS. King Kdwanl han elevatl Sir Alffod Milner to the Merage. President Roca, of Pern, will viU thn Pan-Amoriran espoaitfoti at UnfTolo. Secretary Root hat orderwf the for mation of five additional infantry regl- ii.pnts. The joint high cnmmiiudoii will ait again to attempt to solve the Alaska boundary problem. John W. linten asserts that steel trust preferred xhares are abont the best thinx on the market, being good f r 7 per oent per annum. The offlf iall of the Ottoman embassy al I'Hrin have telegrapl)ed Uie sultan at CoiiKtantinnple that they w ill leave their potti unless paid their aalariet. A party of Knited Statu and One diau engineers will survey the tioun ilarv Mm frmn the roast to the Rorky nonntalni to ioob ratal y defloe the line now in plaees in dinpute. Captuin Hall, obalgejJ with cowar dice Ix'hrre the wall of Pekin, ban been fully exonerated. Admiral Remay cleared Hall, notwithstanding Minister Conger made the accusation. Oiiatav II. Schwab, general manager of the North (iertnan Lloyd Steamship Co., adds another to the maay asser tion! that Knropeans will join in right ing the commercial progress of the I'nileil vtt,. (German ollirials den) that Count von Waldorsee refused to leave Pekin until the ChintiHo court rettimed. They tsaert that he will leave on May 31 (or Japan, and return home via the United States or Shanghai. It is rumored that Ueorge R. Corte I you, private secretary of the presi dent, will lie oatmater-generai, vice Postmaster (ieneral Smith, who will resign. Cortelyon would not discuss the report, and the presidential party in San Francisco denied that Smith was about to leave the cabinet. PACIFC NORTHWEST NEWS. The Hallea Hriving association gave a meet on Thursday ou the half-mile track. Marion county's assessor will raise values this year K per cent. The as sessed valuation in 1900 was $7 , 1 -1 , 781 . The Ohio congressional delegation has visited Taeoma and Seattle. In each city they were given fine recep tions. W. Hyde Stalker has resigned the principalship of the Baker City public schools, and will go into the insurance business. 11. T. Bruce and Bay Gilbert, prominent Saleinltes, have been ar retted for alleged criminalasaault on a Itl-year-old daughter of A. II. Damon. A verdict of murder in the first de gree was returned by jury in the Ham ilton caae at New Wbetoom, juat 16 minutes after being sent from the court room. John Consadine, of Seattle, swore ss a witness in the H. R. Cayton crim inal libel case, that Chief of Police Moredith when a detective came to Cnusadine's saloon and accepted bribes from sure-thing men, gamblers, thugs, footpads. Correspoudence dated May 12 aaaerta that, notwithstanding reports to the contrary, the Yukon was not open on thai duff I'clow Lake LeBarge. Large amounts of freight had passed down as far as LcBarge, ami was awaiting the river's oeuiug, expected every day. Weston Leader: The While Houae shIo ui at Weston wa burglarised Mon day night, so 1 1 me between lit :30 0ol 'k and 1 he early morning hours. The thieves pried open the shutters at the east side of tile building, where concealment was afforded, broke a pane of glass, and entered through the uperture thus obtained. Heppuur Times: I he Isutrd of di rectors of the Heppner school district had a meeting last Monday night, and eh 1 led the following teachers for next year's term: Principal, Prof. D. V. S. Reid ; assistant principal. Miss May Ha i ley, Mrs. Kate Sleeves, Miss Ktliul Reid, Mrs. Mollis Johnson, Miss Mary liarkar, Miss Grace Tillard. Tho Happy Home Heptanes mast ha fowaded 00 health. Where there is Ul - health there will surely be unimppiiissa The hapotucse of uiauy a boiue naa received its down fall at the table, spread with rich and dainty foods. The fust symptoms of diassast of the stomach arc ignored as bring disagreeable bat not dangerous. Presently dyspepsia or some other form of disease fastens on the stomach. At any stage Dr. Pierce's Golden Med ical Discovery will cars rlisesace ot thn sjjsjgyjsji and other oqpaaa Of digestion and nutrition. But the curs is quicker if the "Dtttoovery is used lu thn curlier stages of disease, inv sviuDtama of die use "Golden Medical Discovery be cured. 1 feci thi I woeM se 4 .. ... it 1 AM not aaaa warn esse writes Mrs. Oavtf W, Oislss. aukuu Cu , Miss. iaeaswte aiecsrtee wits IUC. suui u aailliait well at Uk 1 Meaicel If you have BMW ss my ; uutisotiuu nvernsana inst 1 ass sjisesiis vuiuiiwiKCSl te ass or. raie'i Otaasa 1 uujir sea 'Wsssssi svusst' sa (ooteeTs8sssS I staasna 10 saw aiskaej Vt. A HOLY WAR IS IMMINENT IN MOROCCO A is at Hand Rattier Suddenly. FRENCH CRUISERS ORDERED THERE o Ctrryiatf o( tbe Grsss and M FI141, Omlooas Stuns, Art l Prelude ti Paris, May 2ft. The Moroccan crisis has suddenly become acute. Tho French cruisers Cbansy and Iu Chayla have heeii ordered to the ooaat of Mor oeoo because the sultan has failed to explain tbe allegation that he Is incit ing an Algerian revolt. What is con sidered an ominous sign is that bands of Arabs in Algeria are onrrying green flags and in remote districts tbe red llsg hss been seen. The natives state that tbe carrying of the two flags are a prelude to a boly war. QOV. J. R. TANNER'S FUNERAL Proratsss to Is the Largeat Except Lincoln's. Springfield, Ills., May 25. Ei-Oov-ernor Tanner's remains will he re moved from bis residence to the state house at 6 o'clcok Kunday morning. At 8 o'clock tbe laiblic will be ad mitted. The funeral procession will start at 1:30 lu tbe afternoon. The caxket Is to lie borne to the cethedral and the cemetery by six sergeants of infsntry. Many people are pouring into the city to attend tbe funeral, which promisee to be the largest in the his tory of the city since Abraham Lin coln's funeral. Tbe proceasion is to be made up of (4overnor Yates and his staff, a platiKMi of polias. relatives and distinguished guests, militia and civic orders. bout very vcr swr. yasrs." Dr. Pierce's Adviser, paper receipt at n a ueue of mailing si 1L V. Iteicc, BufW t V. T. C. TAYLOR, the Hardware Man. Tbs Bast Oregotues is lUstcrn Ola- goo's rsprsaeotasrvs paper. It ee4a, as the poofse appreciate It aod show k by bow liberal patronage It in the adeeo ieiag o4iusB of Una anstlosv TWENTY-FIVE MINERS KILLED Calamity Tbat Befell Workers la a osrmen Properly. Herliu, May 25. Eleven were killed in an explosion in tiie Prince Plues mine near Waldenburg today. Berlin. May '.- Later reporta place the number killed in the Pleas mine at 26. London, May if. Fifteen hodios have been so far recovered from the Henghenith colliery. No hope Is en tertained that any of the entomlnsl men will survive. SPANISH AGAINST BUFFALO Thslr Papers Urge Campalga to Uodsr ssles lbs Palp. Madrid, May 2.r. rbe newspapers here have begun a campaign againi-t tbe Pan-Aiiiericau exposition at Buffalo They bmv the exposition is planne to uiHiermliie Hpenish inatitu tions in South Ameriua, and to prepare tlie way for Yankeeisiug the entire continent. They urge the South Ameri can republics to Ijoycolt it. LODGE AQAINST TREATY Will Work to Abrogate tbe Clayton ulwer t (invention. WashingUin, May 25. - It is said thai Senator Lodge, who probably will be chairman of the committee on foreigu relations, intends to work daring the next session of congress for complete abrogation of the Clay ton-ltulwer treaty. He will attemp to secure leg islation audi aa will give Iha United States unqualified control of the pro posed Isthmian canal. BELIEVED FEW ARE ALIVE aoiomaee ninors le Wsles -Dead end MIssIbh. 77. London, May I5.- -A dispatch from -eiigiieimb, where one hundred and bfiy miners are repurtssJ to have been entombed yesterday in a colliery, says there is small hope tbat many of those still in the mine are alive. The dead and missing are ulaced at 77. Moetta Belle sold. ( imago, May 26. A special to the Tribune from Lexington, Ky., sars: It u hard OrOfcnr bas bought of Col. W. 8. Harnee' Melbourne stud here Uie noted thoroughbred mare, Ronita Helle. 1" years old, bv Falsetto Dam Bonita. bv Lctinaion and bar oolt, Uau Inuxtirial. bv Jim (lore, which bas Imhmi lately eutered in the Knalirh Stakes. The price paid was IIH.UIO Dsssrtlon Is alleged. New York, May 26 - A special from Wasbiugton to the Herald says tbat Mgs Kstiier BartleU Clarke, who has be ,n called tbe "violet bride," tiled s uetitKjn in tbe eupreiue court of the District of Columbia recently for di vorce from her husband, James King Clarke, of Pittsburg, alleging deevr- u3. A Wlesoastn Burglary. Milwaukee. May 26. -Tbe First National bank of Mineral Soring, was liurttlarisad and between 120,000 and aan nisi takn this moruiua. Tbe vaol waa aailv lureed. and tbe safe which 1 1 - - -1 1 hlMu iiimu with dyne oiiLa. A n i mm is aooariue. tbe surround- log eountry Labrador Is tee Beeed. . Johns, K Ma? .-ltoatrts IrtMU lb sua 1 1 oi oeiie w a vest bodv of ios is packed agaiuet tk. fhraifor eueet.ureveotiwi all pros saw of abiusiua ifl thnt region. It is also reported tbat icebergs are sweep in; south along tbe spate ru seaboard oi New Vouudiend Mrs. CbaaTee WIU New York, May 26. Mrs Ohaffoe, wifs of Ueuorai Chajffee and her daughter, Miss Helen, have left lor elan Franoiauo. They will anil from there for Manila on a government transport. THE NEW YORK MARKET Hspsrtsd by I L. lag a) Co., Pendlaten. Chicago Board or Trade and Now York Sleek sxohsnss Brokers. New York, May There was noth ing doing in wheat today, Liverpool being closed until Wednesday next. New York and Chicago closed practi cally the same as yesterday, and only had a ijuarter cent range all day. The export shipments for the week are 4,7WO,000, compared with .t.tWO.OOO for same week laat year, and Argentine shipment A40.000 against 2,24.,0OO. Wheat: Close yesterday, 784. Open today, 78 5-8. Hang today, 78',, to 78. Close today,' 78 6-8. Mocks: Sugsr. 147S, tobacco, Iff steel, 44; St. Paul, Atchlion. 77; N. P., 200: V. P., 11X13-8; K.rie, 41 18. DR. M KIBBEN DEPRECATES DISSENSION -o Boors and Bngllsh Hlx Up Pretoria, Mar 25. One hundred Boers today attacked a patrol of twenty British who were occupying farm bouses. The Koers were re pulsed, losing fifteen killed and seventeen wounded. One of the Brit ish Was wounded DOES NOT FOLLOW FLAG SUPRgMB COUBT TO BBNDBB IMPORT. ANT DSCISI0N. ost Important Blnse the Republic's Bstabllsbmsnt to Be Handed Down on Monday. Chicago, May 25.- A special to the Record -Herald from Washington, D. C, smva: The decision of tbe BBBtwBM court is that tlie constitution does not follow the flag. This decision the most important tbst preat tribunal has ever made, will he handed down next Mon day. Tbe decision is in favor of the fovernment, hut hy a divided bench, 'here will lie at least five individual opinions, hut some of these are con. mi i ring opinions expiesslng tlie views of tbe writers more fully and particularly than is done in the opinion of the ma jorily. THE FIELD SPORTS MONDAY Tesms Will Compote ' From Baker. Union. Weston sad Pendlston. Next Monday, Msy 27, will be inter scholastic field day, and the meeting will be held on the Blmpson-Perlnger race trie k one mile east of Pendleton. There are 14 events listed on the card and the program will commence at 2 o'clock in tbe afternoon and close Bt 5. Heveral events will occur si mill -tsneously, so as to avoid stretching ths program to an un necessary and tedious length. Horsey Hill, of Walla Walla, will officiate as referee, and Mr. Cameron, of Union, as starter. Both of these gentleman have bad con siderable experience in their respective positions The medals for the first ami second prixea in each event, and the Tribuue cup, tlie team tropbv, are on exhibition in the window of I.. Iltiii siker's jewlery store. It Is estimated tbat there will be 60 contestants. Ml beams will be present, from Baker City, I'n ion, Weston end Pendleton. Information was received today Irum Baker City that the fast sprinter of the team who was depended up o to win about BQ points, had injured himself and would not bw able to oomiete. It is said that while engaged in fencing his appouent stuck him in the knee with the weapou, and cot him severely. The Baker City and 1'iiion teams are expected to arrive on tbe train Mondav morning, while the Weston iioys will drive dowa Monday fore noon . The managers are making arrange ments to have the eveats take place with a rush, so that sptclator will always have something Interesting to atch, and there will lie no delay. Normal Traek Team Dsrsatsd. The Weston Leader says that the track team of the Hasten Oregon slate normal scIhmi! went down to defeat be fore the well-trained athletes of Whit man academy in the three-cornered meet at the Walla Walla racetrack Saturday afternoon, Mav 1. The Walla Walla High school I earn also scoured more points than tbe normal boys, the -cor., being Whitman 87, W. W. II H 41, and K. 0, I. N. 8. SS. On next Monday, May '21, the track learn of the K. O. H. N. S. will compete at Pendleton with I lie track teams from the high school" ol Pendleton, i nloii and Baker City for the Tribune cup. "Oil! That God Will Give Us Unity!" o- WiS HIS PETITION WHILE SPEAKING o - Prof. Stewart Safs lb CrtJdil CbtBftM lust Surely Cni, Sometime biter, If NOI Not. Philsdelphia, May 15, There seems little or no possibility of the Preshvtor isn general assembly concluding its sessions liofore Tuesday of next wees Prior to this morning's debate, It was announced that ten hours work would follow the revision problem. Today's disenssion was on tbe amendment which calls for the adoption of a min ority report, which is against revision. Or. MeKihben, of Cincinnati, one of tbe i embers of the revision committee who signed the minority report, was the first speaker. IV. McKihhen's argument was hssed on the promise that the ma jority report, asking for s new creedal statement, in effect would change the fundamental stand of the church. The sNaker deprecated all talk of disrup tion in the churcb. In conclusion, with uplifted hands, he made a brief but impressive prayer, "Oh ! Thnt (kal will bring us unity." Prof. Oeorge Stewart aeml tank the floor in sdvncauy ol th majority re port. Tbe movement far a change of creed will continue, be predicted, until at some time, if not el the present assembly, it will place the church upon a satisfactory basis. Prior to sdjourainent, a standing vote was taken on the Uestlnn of tbe elimination ot clause "II" in the ma jorlty report, resulting In another victory for the revisionists, 2S4 in Isvnr, 271 against. Indications are that the majority reiairt in favor of revision will ultimately be adopted. TMR INVALID Q0BI H0B. Prasldsntlsl Party Lo.t fan Praaslsso Today Promptly at W o'chwk this morning, President McKinley, Mrs. McKiuley and Dr. Kixey entered a carriage at the Kcott house and drove slowly to the ferry deait, escorted by mounted Milicumun. The carriage waa dosed and tlie curtains lowered. An immense crowd lined the drive. There was no cheering and everyrxsiy was sympathe tic. At 10 o'clock the laiat left the city, and the party regrullully bade good bye. There was only s salute of 21 guns hy the Pensacoia, as it passed the training station. The trains will go slowly lo the east. A Tsnnessss Storm Nsshville, Trim., Msy 26. A storm passed over Tennessee last night doing heavy damage in seversl counties. Telegraph and telephone wires, 0 inn lies, houses, barns and fences rere blown down. So far as reported, no lives were hwt. Many Bobberies la laiea. Salem. May 26. -The stores of M. T. Bineman. Hteiner and Co., A. M. Kppley, Jas. Mcoolre and Allen and Bowemog, on state street, were en tered and robbed last night of small amounts of money and giaais. Will snoot at La Urands. A party ol Pendleton shooters will leave for l.a (trends Sunday morning, May 2b, and return mi the night train. The object of their journey is to shoot a friendly match with the La (iraude and Klgin hoys. The new maugatraii at l a '.I aide will Imi given a thorough trial Tbnee who willgo I mm i'eudfe l0n srethe following: H. J. -tillman. K. W. Waite, t'harles J. Hamilton and others. Otto Turner will go if be can get away and V W ggf will go In certain contingency. A. I. Stlllman. ho Is attending court at Hums, will go if he gets Lack in time, or stop over If be should happen to through on Miuday's train. The loast in uiianlitv and wont in uualily deneflbM IWitl's Little Karly Risers, the famous pills for ouusllpa tionnnd liver complaint. TallmanACo. Bed Bug Destroyer KOKI'IM'.N S BBP IIVG I'I'.Sl KOYKK IS A SI HI: THING POM m:i BUOi and OTMBN lNSiii. is Nun poisonous to butfMfl kWVt Ntl stilln ami ex IgrmiottfM bed Ioiks, epekroaches, moths ami insecta of all kinda 20 OEMT8 LAR6E BOTTLE Uon't wait until you are troubled with tuiga nd m sects, Inn use il bb n preventative . . . . , Any preparation that we manufacture ia guarnntesdao an oiiiplish what it proline l'h.r name of A. C Koeppcii & BfOf on the label ol any preparation oiuiiig from their lalmratory is the positive guarantee of purity of material and scientific accuracy in inaiup ulation K0EPPE.VS PHARMACY Jht FoptiUr Priud Drug Slort m Otmi Stockton incubntor L