East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 24, 1901, Image 4

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    FRIDAY, MAY IN, 101
For Babies
Received by nxprcss a
lint of blM ihCMS, also a
line of patent kitl shoes
with ri-d suede kid tops.
Xhe prattiMl i;ii) ihon
in tin- city also
QUI Strings
for ladies' shoes: i h B
latest tiling out.
1'rart it'al lioot anil BIlOC M' li.
Hwwt iTi'iiui. Mutton'"
lw cream, any flavor, IhittonV
New invoire of dishes at llmvl. v -
Hoilwl liani for Itin.hi- al il.il"V
liny your window shades at
Hran, olmrtM, chop, harlev ami feed
at I law ley 'a.
Have your picture framed
stylet, at Murphy 'h.
All kinds of gloves, Indian and fat"
tory made at llawloyV
New taifM in wall paM'r at
Murphy'H paint store.
At Kader'a furniture store i- the
llneiit line ef rutin ami mattiuu.
Automatic refrigerators ami water
cooler at Hailer's furniture store.
Window shades, curtain iles, niir
rora, etc., at Uader's furniture store.
Finest haniH aul hir.l on the market.
Home product; try it, its Kiiaranteetl.
Hchwarx A tireulich.
OreMcent bicycler on the installment
plan at the Cresrent ag v in the ka-i
Orenonian huihliiiK. payments $1 a
week, no interest.
You are much more liable to disease
when your liver and howela da not act
properly. OeWltt's Little Karl y Itisers
rmovi caune ol ill sea He. I'allmuu A t'o.
Mere in a chance ol a III. 'tine I..
make flUOt) liiiuniiK on the Baeyele
crank liaii(er. The cold cash awaits
you. Call ami see them at Withe,
A suite of rooms in the K,ast Oft
Cnian building, hot ami cold wai.-r
throom, for ll a month .hiring tie'
-ommer. Apply at the Kant Orefloalaa
Hilk waists, new one just in. See
them at Cleaver llros. lrv (iotxls Oo
Worth $H and l, to he sohl at M ami
$rt.7. Aak about them at ("leaver
liros. lrv UOOdl Co.
W. J. Maxtor, of North Itrook. R . 0.,
ha vm be siifferisl with piles tor I
lie trie.1 inanv remedies with Iln r. -ull
until lie lined HeWitt'x Witch llael
Salve ami that quickly cur.-.l bim.
Tallnian A Oo.
Do you remember that a piano is
Iw (iiven away abaolutHly fr B Mon
day, June :f, at 1 . in and that the
Peoples Warehouse ipves u oie
said piano (or each .'.' purchae.' iiiiK
a (ew thousand votes let ami Mi) I
few days left in which to vote them.
"Our little girl was um MlOM
from strangulation during a sudden and
terrible atUck of croup. I iiiickly se
cured a bottle of One Minnie OoOgh
Cure, giving her tbreedoaea Hie . r.. up
was maatered and our little iMrllMi
Meellly recovered." So writeM A I.
SHtflonl, Cheater, Mich. Tallinn A Co
June BMfJMiRMi periodicals. Nolf's.
Oldest place and ts-st tamales, at l.e
II.iv'h. cor. Court and Oarden streets.
N. Herkelev has IDtM verv desirable
town Bod "mtry property lor dale on
easy terms.
New, new, arrived thin morning
direct from New York. See them at
Cleaver Hron. Ilry Woods Co.
A match at live pigeons in being shot
thin afternoon bv some of the member.
Oi the I'cndleton Sportsmen's associa
tion. Remember I have a better stock of
oil, axle-urease, rope, belting and all
other harvest supplies than ever he
fore. Pi Sones, Helix.
Bingham Springs is now otien for the
season. Kxriirsion rates on (). R.
N. lines. Address. Manager Bingham
Springs, QlbbOBi Oregon.
Kit la nff, um will readilv disappear
hv using DeWltVl Witch HNMl Salve.
Uk 001 for e.piinterfeits. If you get
DeWltt'l vou will get g'ssl results. It
is the quick ami positive cure for piles.
Tall man .V Oo,
A romm i tt if ladies to raise money
for the organ fund of the Presbyterian
church will serve ice cream and lemon)
da .in um Rroandi of the High school
field exercises. Monday, Mav '.'7. All
srbeol children, 10 cents, others Ifi
"I have lieen suffering from deepen
sia lor tbe past 111 years and have been
DOtibla alter trying all preparations and
phyifaiMM In g''1 any relief. After tak
ing one buttle. d K.slol Myspejisia (lure
I found relief ami am now in Is-tt. r
health than I have Imhjii for 21) years. I
iann.it praise K nihil lyspsia Cure tisi
highly." writes Mrs, C. W. Roberts,
North' Creek, Ark. Tall man A Co.
- -
Atlionn Raisball Club Will Ha Aeeom
panlad With a Bran Band.
ri... imi l,ii, Hume uf Imseliall will
hi- ... -
ii r in Pendlaton on Doooratlon iiay.
Thursday May -V), comii nig ai
liSO. Tbe time for commencement is
placed late iii the afternoon in order
baeoonnooaM the trillion who will
lie here Irom Athena, Weston and
Adams. A secirtl train will I ring the
visitors to Pendleton, arriving here at
I boat I 00. It will leave upon its re
turn trip at about ::). The eart
ti of arrival and departure of the
(rain has not been made public by UM
railroad OOmpanv. The Athena base
ball team wilt Is. accompanied by the
brass band and from 2IH to other
ipaetatOM. This is a game that is be.
ing 1. .oked forward to with great pleas
ure, as it Is believed it will be a great
one irom start to finish.
Uaiaball Nolan.
John I. sberpstein s aggregation of
Walla Walla liasehall players are
Mbedoled la play on Um Pandletoo
groondi on Bandaj , June H, Pvadiaion
players are in a good humor to defeat
Walla Walla as badlv as possible.
Ooltaa dafaalad Daytoa at Dayton oo
(rnlav, Mav 17, bv a scute of M to
Daytaa sent to Walla Walla ami had
Lyons come over to pitch the game,
bol he got drunk, according to the
liavton nasM and didn't nla go.nl
ball. "Dad' Clark pitched for Colfax,
and made such a favorable impression
that he was induced to sign and re
main as a member of the Dayton club.
The Pendleton baseball club will
leave on .Monday, June ID, for llepp
ner, to play the club of that citv on
Tuesdav, JOM 11, the opening date of
tfie firemen's tournament.
A practice game will lie played on
the local grounds on next Sunday. A
picked nine will endeavor to entertain
the lirst nine.
The harls-rs and printers are just
aching to get at each other in a base
ball game.
iltuH o mini ATHLBTKS.
List or Those Who Will Compete In
liinitt on Holiday. May 27.
Kroni the Pendleton high sclnsil the
following will ooaipata in the different
events on Held dav, Monday, May 27:
lisiyard dash- J. Wynck'W. Wyrick,
Moorhouse and Met arty.
fJO Tarda J. Wyrick, Hessian W.
Wvrick McCart.
140 yards .1. Wyrick. Hessian W.
Wvrick, MeCarty and Dupnis.
.vmi yard runs Dupuis and Bonn.
JJii vard burdlee Hessian, Misir-
boaai ami Otaaia,
120 yard hurdles Hessian. Moor
house. Croniu.
Pole vault Cronin and Peterson.
Bunning high jump Croniu and
Bunning broad jump Hessian and
l ( roiim.
Mile walk--Arnspiger, Renn, Bost
wick. Ilai er throw and shot put
( room.
Bicycle race Jay, Taylor and Bob-bins.
aaoea of Ute moat deairanle styles and
snapen adorn I be windows ami ibelves
of our store. Its a moral certainty
that we MM pitMtse you as lo tti BOai
fort aud fashion. We have made
every precaution for spring and sum
mer, and await your ruit with perfect
confidence of our ability to suit you.
Pendleton Shoe Co.,
in, i . for Street Sprinkling.
Bids will be received for sprinkling
the streets of Pendleton, bidder to
furnish the team, harness and driver.
Partiaalat can U' obtained at the city
recorder's llice. Bids will be received
until ataaday, May It, ioui, at aaon,
The right la reserved to reject any
and all bids.
Woodmen Allentleo.
Nourself ami family are requested to
be present at the memorial ceremony
to lie held at the court house Sunday,
Mav M. at IlilO a. ui.
Marion county is tbe heaviest pro
ducer ol hutiH of Oremui. her nroduct
Isdng quoted at -D.UOO bales Lane,
ClaaianMai Polk ami Yaahtll oooa
tied each produced 10,000 bales. Wash
ington coiintv with 7000, Linn coontv
with ..Mm and Beutou with 3000,
1 make up the remainder ol the list,
v apt 9JJU0 baiea which were raiset in
other counties in different parts of the
Spring Troubles...
pQII tl ADMliet.
Stomach uiliimnts,
and I Kher ErUptiOQl
urc some of them.
(n rents all of theue
makes the hlood pure.
Leading UruggiaU.f
Commeneement Rxerelisi st the Pres
byterian Chureh on Thursday
Miss Krieda Roeech received her di
ploma from President I L. Korbe-. of
the Pendleton acailemv. on TbUrarJa
evening evidencing that she had mm
Dieted the four years classical curse Ol
that institution The mnimeneamenl
ManlaM were held In the Praabytwlari
church. Miss Roesch read a wel
written easav on "Classic Myths and
... i... i...... rnxnlt ini the earnest con-
.?! VIIIOIOM , iw...n - -
gratulatinii" of her friends for UM very
engaging anil enarnong un "
reading, sue uiseueeeu ui j wm -gaily
and showed their relation to the
religions balMfl of the earlier peoples.
Miss Boescli has achieved a succcess in
lier class work that is flattering to her
and creditable to the acailemv. BIM
Iium tak-n the four vears ol I. aim, sun
tlllallm l.,r (ireek two and olie-lialf
-i -
,,..u- ol Merman aim iw M-nr- ...
rreneb, , , .
Uev. J, R Wilson, I). I., principal
of Portland academy, gave an addres
iu which he treated the academy idea
latradleilnetlon to the higbMhool.
showing the points of differei BOit
the advantagi'M nl Hie acaueinic liver
tbe public Ii iul sclusii course, as ne
views them. He UMOhed Upon Hie
rigid text-t u raqalrasMnti ol the
public icinsd system, and also gave a
strong defense of tin ni.i oi uie
classics, coiiteinllilg that tliev lurniso
mental training and discipline ami
cultivate the mind at do no other
oranches of study.
The rbiircb was dec raled prettiK D)
a committee of students, tile ligures
" Ml "heing done in red flowers on
the wall, and vellow roses laung strung
at the base of the platform, while cut
flowers and greens were profuseU used
in creating a pretty effect throughout
the ilei orations.
The academv chorus of young ladies
ad men sang the "Soldiers' OfaoriM"
in beuinuiiiL' the evening's cvr. lltM,
and closed the program with ii farewell
. ..... . i hi, . i . ,,
Kobert S.Pon.l sang ine i urn n,
Mrs. J. B. Dickson accompanying on
the piano, and J, B. Lathfop rang
"Anchored," Mr. Pond ai Minipanving.
Rev. Rolsrt J. Divcn, pastor of the
Preshvterian church, invoked ilivlM
blessing on tbe occasion. Rev. f, L
Korlsse, presiding, presented the di-
,.. ,.. It, I, In of the
academv s work and proswctl.aad said
that already :imi la cash had D
secureil as a nucleus of the hinhling
fund, that he hoped in time would
grow into a sum siltlicient to warrant
II rectlon ol bull. ling- woriliv in-'
Certificates were given to Nancy
Killlev, Winnie Haiisconi, Kbanor
Hollerman, Mav Matthews and l(os
Carnev, who had i pleted the one
vear coinineicial course. Mn
Henrietta Leach had previously re
cieved her certificate and gone to
Joseph, Wallowa county, to accepi a
BMltion as bookkeeper for Wurxweiler
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Roesch and Mi--Roesch
Bin a reception this evi ig
at their Lewis street home for the
academy students and lacull .
Mrs. J A. Drake, has arrived at
tier former home, Dresden, Canadi..
anil is enjoying a visit with obltnne
R. Alexander, past grand, returned
this morning from attendance ai the
grand encampment and grand lodge. In
ihqamdeiit Order ol Old Kellows, at
Baker City.
Theislore K. Howard returned tins
morning Irom Baker City, where be
attended the grand encampment. In
dependent Order of Odd fellows and
was elected grand senior warden.
Jester Lewis, the famous center rush
of the Pendleton 'isittutll team, who is
now center rush on a larm sooth of
Pendleton, spent a few hours in town
Thursday afternoon and evening.
Herkelev Hailey, who has for a long
time had charge ol the l ast Oregonian
delivery routes, will commence to ride
the range on Saturday, May 2!, lor
Charles Isaac, whose cattle are on the
hills south of Mcacham.
A. L knight, the warehouse man,
expects to go to La (iraude on Hil
das with the members of the Pendle
ton Sportsmen's assts-iation who are
going over lo shoot a match with tbe
Klgin ami lai Utaada boy.
Miss Short arrived on the tram this
morning from her home at Louisville,
KenlucKy and will be the guest for
several weeks of MlSn Oaitber supor
intcudcni oi the governiueiit Indian
school at the Liuatilla agannj
Jess A I low ay has practicallv re
covered from an atla:k oi smallpox
and will be released from quarantine
restrictions within a couple of days.
He Ii4s Iteeli Clll off intercourse with
the outside world for more than two
U. B. Hall, deputy county clerk, re
ceived a letter this morning from his
wife, written at Portland, OOBtaiaiBg
graliiynig news. Mrs. Hall went to the
metropolis seveial days ago, taking
her daughter Viola, aged 1-t months,
with her. The right eye ol the child
was affected, causing apprehension. An
operation was pcrluriiicd at the Uond
Samaritan hospital on Thursday,
which was siicceeaiul. Pus had (orUMo
upon tbe oalaida coatiug of u,.- right
eyeliall, which was removed by the
surgeon. He states that the child will
not lose her sight, but will be all
right within two month.-.
Wesley V Madock arrived in Pen
dleton this morning after having spent
i about four years in Alaska. Ills bODM
is Juneau. IDs bealth.has uot U-eii as
good as he oould have wished, and be
will spend a isirtion of his vacation ut
ladiuian springs, lie spent a couple of
days at Portland as he relumed. Mr.
and Mrs. W. V. Matlock ielt on the
train lor Alaska Thursday night, via
I'ortlaiid, aud they therefore must
have passed the train ui which their
sou was, at the Willows. They did not
know he was oh the way to 1'uiidl. l. n
ami be did not know they were going
to Alaska en eoou, hence the failure
to meet.
If people only knew what we know
about hudol Dyspepsia Cure it would
bo used in marly every household, as
there are few people who do not siifioi
from a feeling of fullness alter eating
lielching, flatulence, sour stomach or
water brash, caused by indigestion or
dyspepsia. A preparation such as k..i
Dyspepsia Cure, which, with no aid Irom
the stomach, will digeat your tood, cer
tainly can't help but do you good.
Tallnian cV Co.
- G - o w
Comet Bead OrgaaUatloa.
An effort is beiug made to reorganise
Um I'cndleton curaet band, ami there
la overy prospect of euccos I he lirst
meeting was held last night. Kverv
member ol the old baud and all others
who ere coapuieut to play au mstru
uajmt are requested to meet on Satur-
Prsl-mlnsrv NW
Will He Hsld IR th Opsrs
The (ol lai fnS
Mehj ' llri.lge a h, ' ,
la'tf SM ;;;;.
w K Potwlna, R. B. vv.(;
. .nnVher and J. K Lat'irop j tWO MR-,
by Mi-s Jennie B. I:,'rt,"j
District v S tonvsntlon.
dittriOl s.indav Kl I co.ivciiti'.h
" .. .i l ... II. ; . ..M ThlirdiU , deb'
., was oeio .. - - .,. ,,l
. l m. .. irim ,1 'no'" i
ma store ow in ii oy on --- , H ,lt i mm ,
. . -i ...i i. Mine
onnntr. inciomna hj '"";
. to I .. V.hliii-. Lev. Mr
"'v:, ,,r ' : ;. ' v Mr Paine. .1
Weston. Bev. R. W. King, 'r- -
Uwell, ami Mr. and Mr-. I K. ' . '
land, ol Pandleton. Those from Bus
,.ltv drove In from Hall Uita loronoon,
tnd raporl thai the raaMoa a- a
suet fis 111 all .e-p.il'.
dae awaalna at I o'eloek, at the ofB A I
of Dr. C. J. Wbilaker The luemls'rs
..in ..,,i,.r into un aureemnnl to "tav In
gefh-r a a band tor a certain length
of time. This will insure a good Hand,
ns IMf will practice together iiiduslri-
ouslv ami work for ti ramnn good
It will be on business principle,
those who drop oillwill forfeii Ih.ir
interes to the funds and rttl l?P"
ertv of the organization. J, A '
son, one of the best band matters, in
the Piicitlc Northwest, w ill lead and
instruct the band .
Munelo, Indlsna. Furnlshrs Somettilna
Now In ThU Line.
The most unique scheme on record
has just been launched here ny ten
vouiig men, who have OrgaaitarJ them-selve-
into a club to restrict the
"going with girls," savs the Chlcano
American. The scheme is to corner
the girl market Phillip ha- corn
ered the corn market and a Chicago
man has gone him one baltOf hv start
ing I WiMBte to corner the tramp mar
ket, tint thin is the lirst time in tin
world's blllory when un attempt was
... I.. In snrnsl nil the Ltirls.
tit i.iiii., tt,
These ten society young men met MM
.tit.-, ,,".,1, ...
their number mid one iilggesfsil tnai
a bachelor's club be formed. Thev
said thev had b "shaken" bv their
sweethearts anil II the rest of their
number would agree thev would then
ami there rel ice girl societv. Thi
did not meet with Iho approval nl
some of tbe jrminn men, wnoan iweet
hearl had btMH more fuitlifnl. Alter
heated tontrovi'rsy the two (actions
compromised and the following rule
was adoted :
"Kadi member of tins eloh ill la
allowed lo go with the same girl Mtl
once within a period ill two i thl or
six time- a vear. lie mav have as
inanv girls s hOOMP, hut during
the two m on thl inil-t go with R new
one each time lie desires girl companv.
No member will lie allowed to niarrv
within two vear- alter be i inifiated "
Now it i- the git Is' time to get re
venge an I they threiitened lo have it.
Tliev will hand tocethcr ami emlaatoi
tn bnyeotl tijo mi ichara nl Ihe club.
When' a iiicmber the club comes
around to make l hi inoiitbly call
he will meet aril i a cold reeontion,
Tin- out. mm i- h iai watched i'li ili
lerct and tie "iris rarrv out their
threats the ).nig linn srlll idtber
ban lo form a real bachelors' club or
Proposes to Keep at It and Pull Bfl the
Southampton, May '.'I - At a eoiifcr-
en f his constructors and adviaon
field Thursday afternoon Sir Thomas
l.iptun told the gentlemen that he was
determined to gn ahead with Shamrock
II and left it to tl i to decide how
Isest this could In' done, lie h.nl a
long discussion w ith Mr. Watson, the
designer of the 1 1 u 1 1 1 r. k 11.; Bal-.
the sailmak.'r. Wand, the manager
for the Denayij the builders of the
yacht: ("apt. svcainore. her skipper
ami it was agreed to cable the New
York Yacht club asking that the date
of the contest he ostpousd until the
lirst week in October in order to allow
for the necessarv repair-.
This extension will give the Denny I
am! Batsev.time lo do their part of the
work. It was decided to lose no time,
hut ti go a I lead under lull pressure
while awaiting the replv from the New
York Yacht club as to whether the
pOatpOQaaMOl WOOld be granted.
Excursion Sieamec lloaohed.
i igdeiiburg, N. Y., Mav '.'I. The
steamer Kmpire State, with I0W hun
dred excursionists aboard, was beached
this morning near Brockvillc, Out., to
nre vent her sinking. A heavy sea was
beading through her portholes, extin
guishing fires ami almost hooding the
hold. All the passengers escapist III
... . IT
THE praZI-R Ton"11
studknts wiu
fcT .list STORr
W have the largi nd fine itook of dre88
rondf in Pendleton. Fw the nexl ten davswe
wi ! Blaih price. ColM and take adyant
alie of our biu cut prices. Follow the crowd
We have I lovelv line of wash fabrics from the
cheapest to the best, all included in sale.
... .,4:11 ceiinur SHOES cheaper than
WL Jtlt mi" - - '"Til
Dasl 1111111K for Least fnonev
r my ai f .IzWl a e,fc A M J. Jn,
aem la pnwpr. rait" T-s-L .-,w"i 'mwmni.
t bbbttj nnt im t o..m ntt at m mm. 11 r sa iinn
Wtt in L.icutvit Ln.at ' aaaaaaaadta "?lero
if.--'' "
AUdrtjs. oianop "emeuy -u
LJ, Willi 9 Bjejeaaaa 1 w
Talk ai nt your pretty
hoee, ladies, ymi should stop
in and f ast your eve- u our
Patent Kid
and Welts
16 different itylea, V
aivlns a ditcounl of
- keieeiiae"
ifl thr desirr nf Bvety woman
haft an eya t the beautHaj
ii i ultivatr tastr. She can
I,. , I,.,, i , i ii i. rtiiiin it irl, a. ai
- , r, - , , mi .
roam from out elaborate stock
tin plainest to the highest
and .it price that are right.
MAI TINGS ut reduced prices
cause il nverHtor.k. (larpets,
Window Shadea, Curtain poles,
pelie. i'(i carta, imrrnrs mrtnnt
w " - e . - - , j ..,, -
off, tuu, whiofa neani yon
lave 27 oente oo every dollar's
you buy.
rtie Peoples Warehouse
Undertakini Parton in Rear,
at..: i ii'-ul
Store 711 Main SinMit.
Isn't oaught with
ohafl and a wistt
penon in not
t c in t e d willi
oomrooo Ironetime
wiirn abeu they
Can Buy
J oh neon Bros' Am
MUtUpofcelaln for
the -aim- prioe at
Owl Tea House.
Ohaepaet alaaa la Oeaeon,
Stton be
Harvest Time
Cone in Mid iae
njiy stm k ol ilishi s.
grenitaweMi tin
ware ted 1 ooking
UtlMISlls. Bg lot
ui cenipiag outfits
The Columbia
Lodging House
BAR IN ( N Kn it i.
BET. A 1. 1 A A WIlltltKIH
Court street
St. George
T 1 1 B M IRKB i
SiHidax Dinner a Specialty
open ALL N1QHT
laaeean tad t'srues giwa; aurs
Ask your Grocer
for Ukiah
Creamery Butter
Its guaranteed full freight
Try a "roll and help home
industry Ukiah fivainory
Butter is made by Uillie M
Reynoldi, the beet boiler
inuki-r in i In statu.
fgenl I'kiali Crc.oimry.
Locust Hill Rabbitry
and Poultry Yards
Ftdigfaag lielian rtarea
and pure bretl I .
llarnH. fi tal .r i.ir, $
HarriMl. Huff, anil Wlni.
oiitli KiK'kH Kkum li'.im
-it tin.-- fur i,ri mi uiy.
Barred Kook it, at $1.
Bom ami sinu. Ooaab
lslaml Bada Kgs il'.ui
H sittuias fur iA lkl
Visitoe wel,- , mi, Kr lurther
inforuiation a.hlruss
per 1ft,
.tl unr
A Good Farmer
knows llisl ilif wurei of nu. t'ts- it, tliuroufli
. uliustiuii If lie ihhsI it Uuitiiiii i-rop to rcpsy
liflu lur ills tsbur Wu i'u lieli vuti um ut s
lusinlsrv II you re In .foiili' s In watch sre
tltr- iMikt llllrt.VS.l lUipl.'lll.'llts i. .Itf kt'tfj. nil
ui'ttsUu- iluuk ul evurylbiiig in Ibis llae.
remtli-tou, OruKon.
Pendleton Ukiah Stage Line
riuetua et Caraey, Crop's.
Uavu I'eiiilletou even .lay t 7 o'.-lock
Mcj.pt Banday, for Pilot Book, Nv,
Bidga, Alha ami Ukiah. lXMi ke!
oooiBMidatioaa, lasonahk- (reiuht ami
passenger rales.
1'ity olhce at Talliuaii A Uo's ilrutf
Best Babbitt Metal
Pr line shafting and all
heatings of machinery
of the mill or factory it
cannot he surpassed : : :
Made from Type Metal
East Oregonian Office, Pendleton, or.
At lowest tales
liaat Oregonian Building,
Pendleton, Oregon.
Notary aflw
Order ol us and save
Orders for Kubber
also solicited.
I AIM tlKMfllvi'"-
All 11, L. UV1VM
A Oregonian. Daily s
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Weeklv a on m. vear. oT