East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 24, 1901, Image 1

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f lolllsllt
I Llr
mill -routiUt prilimljr
ev ,
NO. 4188
I Hpv
W" ,m- ok THI5 FACT. sVa,,eS 1
,.,,. ami hit ni".
fnnh Vegetable
I'niiis a specialty
&NMg line staple
aiiilfsnoyl.r ,,,'s m
in UM '
i. R. Demott.
The Boston
! "Facts are Cheils that Winna Ding."
It's a FACT we are showing the largest assortment of Ladies'
Fancy Hosiery EVER SHOWN IN PENDLETON, a showing
worthy of a city ten times the size of ours. Dozens of designs
and patterns and various different grades from 25c to $2 pair.
Infants' Hose in white, Mack, red and blue.
Ladies' Black Hose in black, Mack with white
log, Mark laer stripe, Mack lisle. Muck silk, 5(
W e sell the best 26c Ladies' hose on earth.
boys and (mis'
all si.ds and
Higges' Hose. Pine
There's positively nothing in wantable, serviceable, uptodate
hosiecy for ladies, misses and children that we can't supply
you with. Take peep at our show window.
Pendleton's Big Busy Store.
Pj? 1 "' Bicyi It in Pen
Wmv .11... I .....
.-i'n. .Mi.iu.in a Wrie it
ftttaatitea, reveraihle handle liars
sftfetj Tickle
I' in, i..
ees Minted palas
ijSc 10
$ ,95,
45. bask, 'ts tiil 111
I ' V "4.V (Ml iloUB.
mdtn, etc.
et mi NaaMMafcSi
(lOO.Is ( ,,,,., s,.,s, OA
J'. US to Si lie Ua .....I,..
ij to
ww . . iiiwm
Ifoy U Ma ball nomls,
bicycle Sundries.
tf Dishes and Novelties.
WStet Sat.
colored or
fi.45, vases
pots, glass
all kinds.
ua Ilaai, 65c, to
S,c, Flower
Isacv .l.t,..o
t Sundries
lac, Eastman's
, v asaline sc.
tc,et powders
cernu u
1' lorida a iIim I..,
Pt 21,
rertutnes. hair
4 1 1
vairsated goods.
"Mo I r.,e8.
Wl are ch...:
1 fan -""wuig an
elegent line
miLV II 1 .... 1 . . w .
SI" .111(1 IM) 1 ,,.,,. ,. ..,
,1 ., ' . , " 45 Latest styles
rtonabk in price
eet1 Examiner agency,
J-adi HomeJournaJ agency,
Stock Incubatof umuv.
redericK No
We have No 37 in Mack. drah. pink and blue.
We sell No. 397 for Si. 25 and it has no equal
We have R, ami G. Corsets to tit any form
R and (i Corsets range in price from ft. 00 to $3.00.
Alexander & Hexter.
Hose. Stockings
all weightn, 5c, 10.
lore for
c, 20c,
elastic liale hose, usually told
To make ifotxl broad use ll 1 11
premium m the UhioaKo World's 1-air ovor all aoupeti'
Uon, and k'v esoelleot MHtiMfa.-iinii eheiever .i"-i
Kvory Httcl iw giiariintowl. We baVf llio Imnt Su-iini
Uulle.1 Bailoy, KwiJ Kye and Beard lust) Barley.
- w . . ...
W. S. BVi:RS, Proprietor.
I have just received a large shipment
such aa milk panB, uiilk cans, boilors
tea kettles, aatu;e pans, dippers and
buckets, etO. Every piece is warrant
ed not to rust and is exchangeable at
i a 2a . .. .1
tune tor a new
See display in
T. C. TAYLOR, the
We Sell
R. A G. Corsets.
livery woman knows what tin R,
and G. Corset is. It is the corset of
comfort witli the esseni c of style; it
is the only corset that will not, can
not and does not Stretch. If you
buy an R. and (i Corset that does
stretch, or proves unsatisfactory in
any way, hrin it hack to us and we
will give you a new one or your
money hack.
We have in stock the famous
number 307. modetetely straight
Iront, which is popular with most
women who do not demand an
extreme straight hunt ThOM who
do will find it in the Straight front
shown in the above illustration.
lack rib
I ,50 pair.
the young
85c, .'")(.
for 86c pair, 26c
( Hooting jom iking iuiiiitsDinv
fm biinin .
breelffaal or suppai ii always
pleasure to tboaa who lik over
the many delicaciea tliat com
priae oui itot M oi (am y groceriea
We neve the world s ehoiceel
prodttcts in glass, tie anu pack
agaa, i 1 put up by the iet
nit.tlioils lir preservation Unr
fresh art ivals of vegetables and
Btrawberrteo ate ehotos and low
pn ed
Boat Flour. It took hrsl
not to Rust
piece 11 11 iubu.
Hardware Man.
foarteen peoelt wero droweed in the
Tetin."MiM llo.xlu.
The tight - Hi hi r movement i" rapidly
HpreH.line ihroagheet KimKia.
rba rendition of the Bpeaith pley
"Blectnre" oaesss a riot la Lines,
I'. Til.
Marthinae WeMeli Pofotorlee, tlrot
preiideal South African Repeblle,
if dead.
Tht Venweeli
tine 1 Vrn7.ii, and
revolutionist. Oelet
(ol lower lmv li(Mn
taken primmer.
Tin" volcano of Keloati, on Inland
of .lava, in in eruption, lava thrcaten
intr many offer plantation!!.
I.I iininr Obane tian decided to lake
energetic action a,raint the DOIOfl
ebefefW th.'v are oranixed.
The dleeaM that oaeeed esGoveraos
Teuuer'i death In springflehl, iilf.,1
wax rheuniatifiin of the heart.
The eciiHtis of Scotland iut com- i
pitted ihoWl a population of 4,47 1 ,477 ,
an InerfaM of 44,:tll in ten vear.
The general ptrike in San f'rancieco
itinOM, except that carriage uiakerx
llMVe nettled and returned to work.
A new steamer line ic to be put on
between Hayti an the I'nited States, if
Mm Heytien fofernineat can weefi
The Canadian iMverntnent ha col
I acted royalty on Klondike pleoer
minei np to iirt .f jreat ..f lt.0w.lMj
for l!HK), iiml more than 4.000,(KHl
since IMS.
The Chicago lalo.r conference to he
bold in a few ilayn promises to result
in the formation of lahor OMMiBatiotM
ii?- comprehensive are the hii indus
trial trusts.
Kaiser WilbellB has part ml 1 v for
given Adolph von ltruenin, who was
dismissed from the OeNMfl diplomatic
coris beSaett the emperor disliked his
marriaite to Mrs. Mari.m Trent Mc
Kav, an American widow.
I red M. 1 ot son, postmaster at
Walterville, Ore., died 00 Thursday at
his home from la grippe.
A Ioiik distance telephone line tie
tweeii nOgeaO and Jasper has heen
completed au.i communication estah
I islied .
Ii. it. OaytOB. cdored editor of the
Seattle Kepuhl lean, is on trial there
for alleged criminal libel of the chief
of police.
Prof, Arthur K, Hernays, of Alhany
college, lias iieen apisdnted pr.dessor
of modern languages at Bishop SOOM
-AUiauv oltiMOl held a mash ine. lnig
on Wednesday to discuss plans 'or
maintaining UM steel bfl 1(I' t that
point free from tolls.
The students at the OieeM deal
mute wbool had a picnic at tiie state
tairgriiiindHoii Wednesday, at which
was held a tield day contest.
i'ortlaud s V. M. C. A. will attempt
to secure the national juhile- for ltsj:l.
Delegates and an exhibit will go to
Boston in June to work for that ob
ject. The two Odd KeUows Uslges ol
Salem will lay the corner stone of the
new federal huildiug thereon June I.
It was originally planned that Presi
dent McKinley lay the corner stone.
The steamer Willamette, that went
on the rocks a lew weeks ail" imari
I'n mil, B. C, has ls-eii floated and is
Iving in shallow water, awaiting re
pair wneii the machinists' strike is
over at Seattle.
Koss Widdihuld, Who went to
PlaOMItla. California, two weeks ago,
in search of his flder brother, whom be
claimed was detained at the house d
a I'lacfiitia spirlualist, has . .p '
and the police are huntiug high and
low (or 1 1 1 tn .
WOMB an: vaaUy
more pattest
men. It i- m.iihIv uelicuble tUai a
woman. s,ull-i mif past
all tell
lag, cau
aT stoop
attend tu buMiieM, and uend am
with a back whose ach 11 HUOUf,
'. And
be von d all this she smile aa she bends
and stoops about her customer. A man
nnbt swallow dove au oath or keep
back a groan, bin his face would be like
a theaaercloud, .mil hu voice acarcely
disguise his iii nation.
For omen who sufier from backache,
bearing -down p.nus, or other pains due to
v nlj die aaee, there u no other tned
liiue equal to i Pierce! Pavonte Pre
scription. It regulatas the womanly
fun. uojui.. drias weakening drains, heats
inflammation and ulceration and cures
female weakness.
There t no ah ohol in Favorite l're
SjcriptiOB11 and it entirely tree flOOl
opium, OOCeiea and all otlier narcotn
A vegetable prcoaration, it cannot dia-
SLgree with the weakest condition
"I wish to
your ii. i -ii
writes Mrs
hultuo Cu-.
thitnk you for thr uixxt
clue have duur in. "
Mm Btowo, of Caatoo
Ilk). "1 wu troublrd
SKIiuilr wtikusa sud
m& with several dlffcrcut
tors Thry did uol
hclo axe, ludesd, 1 got
all the time I had ul
Mtioti ud duiplac. il. t nt
i oc
tet in to
the ulcru w'ImI I tut-
kufl.id uo
KUi tun tell
I had Mavy,
bcariug down
paiut. sad
I WS lil
niy hck
kill UM.
I HlftG
JOff Bve bt
tic of ' Favor
SU PTCacrietioi.
three of 'Gulden Medical Du-
coeery, I am lecliog well
a ever. It h&a Ucn almost two year aad 1
have had in, .urn of the trouble. My frieuds
tail turn I don't luufc though I rear wa sick.
Dr. Fitnr n fkaauut FeilaU cure
and tu
Farmers Custom Mill
Pre Walters, Froartetor
tTsparllr lt0 barrels dar
rtour esuhaiisod lor wbaai.
KK.ur Mill ITaart. iboppad food.
on snrt.
i ays
For kijc
To go Fishing
or for a cab to make a call
telephone Main 70.
r ' ' J
X I VI 11
SUA IN i k Alt.
Depot Stable
Presbyterians Eagerly Discuss
the Revision.
- -o -
He Sijs tbe Westminster Confession Is
entitle rocument and Not lor
Popular Purposes.
I Sri
Philadelphia, May M. From the
esgerness with which the commission
ers of the PreoOyterlee general nsoasn
hlv renewed consideration of the creed
revision qOOOtlon today, it appear"
doubtful II tbe vote will l- reached he
foie tomorrow noon. Been then, tbe
Veti will simply he iioti the question
as to whether or not the entire subject
shall ls dismissed.
Judge Humphrey opeoed the debeto
this mom I DC, lie statisl that be was
in favor of revision, but was opposed
to a new creed.
Dr. Kennedy followed with a long
speech in which the upheld Dr.
Maker's motion to dismiss the subject.
The Westminister Confession of Faith,
he argued, was a scientific document
and never was made for popular pur
poses or iinderstissl by the mass ot
Attempts to t Ircumnavlrsts the Ulobe
Now Being Mads.
l'aris, May J4.-.lules Verne, the
author, oue of whose stories is "Around
the World in Highly Days," in an in
ten lew I nlay regarding the effort now
making for a record trip around the
wisrld, Niu I Ihut the tour would be per
formed in Irom Mi to 34 days, if perfect
connections were made.
Obioafo, May M. The Obleego
Ainerican. the New York Journal and
the San Francisco F.saintiier, the three
Hearst newspapers, have started each
a high school boy on a trip around the
world, via the train. Siberian railway
and tbe various rail ami steamer
routes, each ttoy to attempt to make
the joiirnev in less time than the
others. The Kxamiuer und Journal
Imivs are en route west, the American
Isiy heiua alone and hound eaat. A
ii ii in tx-r oi other journals are preparing
to make the same tests, to demonstrate
how QOickly one can now traverse the
lobe via the railway that Ktiasia
ban ponoi rooted across the SlberieB
waster. to the eastern side of tin
Asiatic i ontinent.
Maehinlitt Confident or Saeeess Con
raranes at San Francisco.
Washington, May 4. President
O'Connell, oi the macbiaiete1 union,
announced this morning that tin
strikers cant i line to gain at every
poial It wax eliected that a con
lereiire Iwtween lie- ma. himsts and tin
I nion Iron Works' oflicials would Iw
held in San Franciseo Piday.
Twenty 'Frisco Shops at Work.
San Francisco, May SI Twenty
small boH are una empioyiug union
men. It is believed the Fast will de
termine the issue here.
Tunnel Men in New York.
New York, May 24. I ive thousand
men employed on the rapid transit
tenet een! on Mnk t.niay for in
OfeOOOd wag.h. Vork is pra.li.alK
01 ponded Noeeaiee men are being
ebetitOtedi and reserve, are called
out Sea prevent trouble.
IMS Faopla Homaiass in Tsnnsttea 14
Wr Drowned.
Knoiville, Tenn., May 24. The
lee Be see river reat bed lwt at
this place Thursday alteraooe and
then la-gau to fall. The oei oi ii'e
thus far rei orted is 14.
A special to the Journal and Tribune
Irom Fl itabethtown, ieiin , a hern the
IIimxI was felt Willi terrible lorce, says:
''The relief committee reports atioul
HO pereOM IN town ami lOUO in the
Mo hyuii less because ol Tilesilav'ii
wile or a Diplomat Accused or Looting
in China.
Puns, May 'ii . A I'ekm dispatch
declares that tbe .. lest lull ol hail con
tinues to agitate diplomatic circle.-.
Krieuds of I ady Mcllouald, wife of the
British ambassador, who wa charged
will, looting, assert that liks wife of
an Aaterieai diploOUl aided by an
A marl, an soldier was guilty of looting
The charge is likely localise trouble.
It ii egpeeted that Ihe hustiand of the
MeUred lady will demaud retraction
She Would be oj Today Had Sha
Fondoii, May 24. -Today n- tlie an-
nivernarv oi tjueen utoria's birthday
and it is beiusr obaerveti in London
aud al VViudnor aa a sort of memorial
day for the tjueeu.
ihmailpoa Asaeaa holdlsrs.
Foiidou, May 24. A dispatch Irotn
Jaku save lieneral Chaffee was told
aa be was about to leave t'ekiu that
there were two cases of smallpox
auioug the Indian troops uor in cauip
at Toug-ku, where the Americans were
to proceed to board .heir transports.
General Chaffee is now awaiting de
velopuienta, iu the event of beliig
held by quarantine he will probably
move up the Pei-ho river for two
Imprisonment tor Ufa.
Han Fraucisco, May 24 iilasn
sentenced to lite imnrieouuieul
Judge Dunn this morning, lor the mur
iur- T
der of Trewbella laat February.
Reported by I L. Ray a Co., Pendleton,
i Mr s. Board of Trade and New York
Stork txehange Brokers.
New York, May 24.- The wheat mar
ket was lifeless today, and prices held
within a half cent range all day.
There have been quite general rain
the past few .lavs in the Northwe-t,
which relieves the drought ltttetlon
Liverpool cloned ') II. New York
,.!,,., I 7H 7-8 and closed, TH1, after
sell ing down to rs :i-H.
Btis'ks higher
Money, I per cent.
Close yesterday, 7".
Open tislay, 7.H 7X.
Range t.slay, 7S 81 to 7W.
Close tedajr,
Stiaks: Sugar, 14H; tobacco, I'M;
ateel, 44'4 ; St. Pant, lJ 7t Atehl
aon, 77 7-M; V. P., lrtt1 ; Krie. 41V
Or. Dowle. Deacon Judd and Two
Nurses Arrested at Last.
Chicago. May 24. lr. DeWlOt hen. I
of ion. win. renelaed in hiding all
night to avoid arrest on a coroner's
jury verdict holding him, lleaOOtl Jmld
ami two second DnrtOO, criminally re
pontibli for the death Ol Mrs. ,1ml. I,
for whom they refused to cull inc. In ul
altendiince while she was in "hi Id
birth, surrendered 1 1 1 i h nomingi Ml"l
were placed under flO.lHH) lionds. !'he
Mini" bail is asked of Judd. The nurses
were released on f.MXXl bonds each.
Murder and Sulelde.
Kev West. Ha., May 24. F.dgar
Baoefeoeh, an aetor, shot ami killed
Ines Leonard, an actress, und then
killed himself in the woman's room
early this morning I hex- were engaged
to he married. The cause of the
tragedy is a mvstcry.
May Try the Experiment or Munelpal
Iiavton, Mav 24. I in June t the POO
pie of this city will hold a leeelel elec
tion to decide whether or not tbev will
issue bonds in the sum of :tn,SH) to
either buy the old electric light plant
or put in a new one. The proposed
Isinds are to draw not over per cent
interest, ami he paid in InatOllOlOntl
flmSI per Mat for the Iiml live yearn,
I: 00 per lear (of the next Iim miith,
and S00(j p r year thereafter, until
all are paid. A np. . ml levy of not
over two iiiiIIh is also provided for.
A Uovarnnient Collier to Voyage 46
ooo Miles.
Norfolk, Ve., May 24. -The govern
ment collier Nero ih undergoing re
pairs here, preparatory to a voyage ..I
I i, IKK) mile, nearly twice the circiiln-
ferenre of ll artli. Hot OOefH W'll
he from Norfolk to I'inchil intpie Pay,
Lower California, thence to San I run-
oleeOi HoeolelOi Qeesvj Manila, Mong
Kong, and back t Norfolk via the
Sues canal .
The People in London Kvlrca a Weak
War Spirit.
Loiidon, May 24. Sir Alfred Milner
was received here by the lord mayor
ami a representative of the king, she
greeting biro was unusually BOOl,
showing that Ihe war feeling in not
ntn.iig witli the people,
Warmer In Southampton.
Southampton, May 24. -hir Alfred
M liner, governor of the Orange RifOI
Colony ami ol the I'ranHvaal, arrived
tmlay from Hoiith Africa on a leave of
tboeaoo. it" ' el vee au eiithtitleatli
recept ion.
Woman's Work
in preparing appetizing and
wholesome food is lightened by
this famous baking powder
Absolutely pure. It adds
healthful qualities to the food.
Baking Powder
The"Royai Baker and i'ststry
Cook" most practical and
valuable of cook Ixxikb'
free to every patron. St ad
kill addcaa by postui card.
aovai. wax use eowoaa oo.,
The Party to Go East at
Slow Rate.
Rsceptlons iv Loyal Lion, Sods and Dttiftb
i its of thr Kevolutloa tod i
School Review Today
sin Prenciaoo, Mav M. The preab
ilentiiil party is slatml to leave this
city tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock.
President Mckinley hrcnkfnHted with
Iiih niece, Mi-h Borbor, thn. morning,
lie received the cnnulitr corps at main,
attended it rcicptiotl at 1 tSO p. in. at
the filiate hotel given by the Sons
and IhtughtcrH ol the Itevolution and
the Loyal Legion. At ItM p. m. the
preeidenl eentlo Oakland to review
the s. h.M.I children.
Mrs. MeKlnloy lidoiaf well, it is
believed that the trip hack to Washing
ton will be made at a slosr rate.
Uaneral Brooks tails ror Reports from
All Commandants.
New Y..rk, May '.'!. The rimes says :
i.en Brooke baa tool an order ta all
commandants ..I posts in the depart
ment of the eiiNl to send lo him on
September i u romplete report of the
reanlta which have anaeed oa the ahoi .
tlon of ihe army oentoae Ofllean say
that theaa reports will show Istyond
avail that i utein perauce has largely
I mitt aaod under the new regime and
it prod lo ted that the neit congress
will give xerioiiM consideration to tlie
real altoetioa aa it has developed)
Seven privates ahsiutt without leave
Irom l ort Ltluin tlloM, have just been
locked up iii the military prison at
QOVOf MM1 a inlaml mIucIi in the head
I) tMrteri of the department. They dia
attpeered from their peat immediately
utter pay day of this month and their
trouble an- attributed i.v ofltoata to
tbe abolition of canteens. A reporter
Interviewed a number of ooBoora at
Uovernor'i island and evefyeee wa
Mtylngl "I told vou so," alien the
cases of Kurt Shuridan, Kort Huelliug
and Kort Lthan Allen were aaJUg to
lllilld. The ollicers here regard it aa a
matter of a short time when the
public sentiment of the nation will
demand the re entahl ishuient uf tbe
Lollleay Hands Burled by an Bsplotlon
in Wales.
London, May 24. A dispatch from
eeneamith, Wulen, nays that one hun
dred ami lllty men are imprisoned by
an eiplosi.ui in a colliery at that place
bslay. I i real eicltement prevails
among tbe relatives of the enlomlal
men. Three ImiiIics were rmovertxl
early in tbe day.
Highlanders Meal the Boerr.
Oapa down, May M TbO Highland
light Infentrj aurpriaad a Boer laager
near llradford, and, in the lighting
which ensued, twelve l!..er were
killed, thirteen Injared ami twelve
Light Biscuit
Delicious Cake
Dainty Pastries
Fine Puddings
There are cheap baking powders,
made from alum, but mey are c
ceedintfl) huimiul to hcaJUi
aatri-e'm -d cautery MJj"
add a ilaneerous element tu loon.
tea watiaat t
Wlc" Chains and Kings.