East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 22, 1901, Image 3

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of Spring and Summer.
Hen's Outside Shirts, each
50c, 75C. $100.
leaver Bros. Dry Goods Co.
-l.vixIIAV. MAI .1. "'
n r 1
... .., mini v m 1 1.1
gtlTON " mi, a
Ppolrim WIH 'n1 0v,r Num"
,ir trOtyi and Win Rm
DlfTirint F.alur.i.
, M0M W ti' twwta ,,inri"
,, V cloiiny Qi tbl I'eii.lleton
n, mm 1 win ... .
' ..... Kn.lHv. Mhv '-'4. Will m
uaiv olwhiBil I hi- program
-- .1 I'r.mr .in. IlllllH)'
- ...
friilv evening, May in, 10 wuicii
tai 'flii tlH "XMifa, were
i..i.i ... th k.uki 1 tramnun rue-
nfiimK. Tee ooatlDiwtion i ine
.... 1 1. ik.. ..v.inl iIiivh in as ifol-
Situriiy Ivmlng, May 26.
Mlunlav evening, Mhv Will
tin' drama. "The MhmIc of the
" 11 wliiili Wnceii Ceres will
' . . ..II ..... Ml i...
u.l liiiniHK'' rendered liv th' sea-
oi Mm year, Mini by tne Month of
diff-rent season. TliiK will be
.. I . .. ......... I.., ...... ., , ..II
41 rtll-l , ...-.. " ' ...... mmmw
J I .1- ... I...
Itflul) III' 1,1 " '"Ulr, "Mi im
1 1 ......... I.. M.l.
ill occur thf May liuir,
ullier leiiturei, 1 in-1 111 1 inn good
Ml 0y. Monday , May 27.
trick teams "i thf linker City
kIiimiI, Eastern Oregon normal
1 . 1 if .. ... 1 11 11.
1 dboui team ill com pete (or the
rui i'iiilil"liiittn 1 1 1 I hi' I i'iiiii
1 ti. . ...I 1
J . 1 a J . I . . 1. 1
ti. .-hut u r.ut"- n.ivc nt'i'i
m over urn 11. t . rai ruati
It btjllHVeil Unit linker Citv
lir rcprHMntml lo 1 delegation of
tlt In or .x i-in 1 of cnurac
ruDii' iIdwii strung, flit' ilari
m.-' ail! takr place i
rWajar-flluiplon ran- trunk on
IWftli milr nf Mi. I'liltttilllt "lit'
it nf rVntllatOO. Tlit' port
ruaiiiirii.i' hi I :tn 11. in. mid thtt
m Mil. u, 1 111 ininifi w 11
'tlian 5 nV'lut k. A niinilirr of tlir
III lull.. i.U. .. .. 1 .1..
I evening.
upir.tu Boidiy Kv.iilng.
....... ... I 'lll ml ,
-MU of "I'lif Keefiic of Little
KltKbMMj Will he g I Veil ill tlltt
' upara .lion-. A1I111 ihmihii M
lor reserved h-hi- Tin- tl.iae.ii
hi ......... .1.1 I ...
wn- , 1.1 nun in..
"uiiju ur mi voices ar- all iroiu
I'eutllettiii public school.
Boy uymna.t..
"""! evening, Aluv 2Y, tlltt
given tti.tirnlv lit 1 In. 1, ..v. ..
tnMMjN High Mbool. It is what
0"n tlir ragaUr minimi gvni
imui mul phyMttaal UOltUI lertmn.
ij will Inoluda utab winging,
NlaMKiBw, poaing, tumbling,
"Wl nf human pyratnldt, tie.
It noil (!,, ,.l(lri.M W1) lM, ,n.
mm to vary tl. ,'lmra.itar of tlir
'Ph i lanam. .
, --rno ai d ruiiponaa.
iTOr iatit,. IM. ti. vt lrili of tlu-
" .".till. .. rn.it 1... ....I.I,..
ui MII1111, r 11 1, In. II tliu
n. , . - - . -" .
"''I-.' 1 -en f St. Joaupli'rj
. ,, , " 1 honor of Mibh
1 Rwroiuhi will 1. 1 ....
"t Octobur. Mi. H,i .1.. 1.0-
umii . l. m
r- ,v. . .,,i,.M ... ..... .1: ...
Sff ' institution ami l,r
"ti 11 iUl.h (.
ujtjriL r ... i.i..i. . :
. ""Ul UMr : ......
'be lei,,,.,! :,, . .
' "in I'ltiHi. rim 11 put ui
rue ik'IiimiI work wlii.tli it -...
1 1 1 1 1, 1 1 1 11 1 to Pthiblt will lat kupt un
til mixt OctobWi
A lawn party will ti fiVM on tin
aftttrtioon of tlm cloaiiiK tlay, to wliirli
tlir paplll ant invitt'il.
I In rill) va ation. (ivwry nffort will bt
mailt' to put the liuiltlini; in Ricb a
OOndltion aa to take all fitar of BOB
taioii hvhii from tlir mont timid. I In
lioardnrn to IM iiiunlinr of fnrty-fivt'
who OOOOpy the (lonvtttit tiuiltliiitf arr
wttll, tlioatt liaviiiK liail the prtVtlillDg
airklitjHH having httnrlitttil )v it ratlirr
than othttrwiHt). In apite of tlir inaiiy
(Irawharka uauaad by nl- the
Nrbool year baa provrtl to btt a very
OtSMtirai one.
Htatk 0 Ohiii, City or 1 iii.kihi (
I,rr t'oi'NTV
KfRiik J llhttliry umk'
I until tint' lit' Iti the
n'limr iiitrtiirt nl thr linn ttl K J t'hriiry iV I'o
1 1 1 1 11 K uiiintt In tlir t'lty f Tiilrilti uuty
! nin 1 atatr ttlort-Mlil. and Unit will linn will pay
tin miiii ui (lur lluinlri'il I ml lit m tnr Ban ami
Ytffl .I....' CatNrrli thai l allimt hr rurvil by
thr tint' u( Hall'" Catarrh Curu.
Mwiirn to bulorr inr ami mihnrrllt'il In my
- prttautirv tlilit mil ilat nl 1 it.i.. t. ,
I J A. W. (H.KAHt)N.
Ntttary I'nbllti.
Ilall'i. Catarrh Curt In takon liilrrually ami
nrli. ilirri'tly tin thr hliintl ami lliurtiun mirlarm
of thr lyititin. Homl for Imtlniiiiilaln. (rtte.
P. J. CHUNKY Ji UO., Tolado, Ohio.
H0I1I liy ilrtigKlHit, 7oo.
llall'n'KaiulTy I'llln arr tlir Intnl.
Arrival! at Hotai Pandl-lon.
Chan II Bun, --an Krani'iaro.
tftUBM .1 MfNatnitti, San PnUMlaoO.
W W A I our Hon, Portland.
A KinK w 1 1 hi in, Port I Mod,
Ed illlnnrt , 1 llllltlllt
.1 .1 HurtiN, PofllMMd
T w JmmoMi PortlMndi
Win li RolMB, KaiiHitH Citv.
A I Hall. Spokaiit
Ham I .or, Spokant'.
- II AtkitiN, Milton.
John E l.aibrop. t'ily.
H SiiiHlit'iinttr. OhiOMgO.
Max Sit!inl Chiraun
0 M Neil.
Hrari Konrad, BoitM
1 B Mt .Million, PortlMod.
H l; Erdgtrton, Sratilr
.1 A llookt', San Krant iMi o.
( ' I' Krt'trh r . RmM 'i ork.
K P Wiliur. Milttaukttt'
(' 1, iJoWtMMTi BhOMMMMi
.lot, 11 T BfOO(t( St Joe.
I l' . ui. ii.', u I'm. una.
MM W .1 Wi Ik in-" , Athena.
HmmmI OImMP. Athena.
(' K I, Mli', Shaniko, Or.
.1 .1 ( Inland, Portland.
A T suiilherM, city.
s A Soule, Portland.
W h 1 .lend inn inn, I'ortlaml.
W I ) Watann.
(' (.'rauatou, i itv
Worklns 24 Hours a Day.
There' nu reat for tbtate tireleah
little worker -I)r. kiug'a New Life
Pilla. MUllotM are alwaya bWUf, vur
111K torpitl liver, jauntlme, blllOMiniMI
lever um I unlit'. TtlMI NtBllh Hirk bead
urhr. tlrivt tint niulitriu. .Never gripe
or weaken Small, taHtr nice, wnrk
wontlern. Try tht-in. gfifl at rulliniin A
WV! lltai will. m. .nklu
L v.. "1 imrtiuir worth anil
.nlock,., '" ,rl,k 1,1 buylni your
iL'lry of tar ai 1 poililvoly
v ufi'iiL'.i go...U an rttpreauinod
er and Optician.
door loAlewudor
& I I. a lo, r
0ar Park. Hd.. th Moit Uallchtrul
km ui Runorl or the Allaahanlas.
Swop! by mountain brMMMM, USOi lert
boVfl ttt'ti level. Ahwilutely vilthiiut
chaiiK1' Ml OMN IfOlli all priDOiMl oititM
via Hull iiimrt' A Ohio railroud. EVMf J
inotlern conven ieucr. K U en auite
with private baths, RUotrlc llgbu,
Ituikt diatauce telephone, elevator,
,Turkiah batlm, BwiMUMLlg poola, gull
linka, tenuia euurta, buwlitig alleya,
uiaguitlceut driven, complete livery
I aervice. Aiiiiapulia Naval acatlemv
bantl Hotel remodeled w ith additional
. conven loucea All coltua'eri have been
taken fur tin IMtMOn, OpN Irmu June
gj to Sepleliihttr M.
I or ratea ami informutioii, addrraa
W. Bi liurvntll, manager, uare Queen
City Hotel, Uumberlaud, Mil , until
Juuel. After that time, Heer Park
, Ciarretl cou;.ly, Mil.
R Martin Ln.ui
H. Mariiu ia entitled to be called
i tbe leader in the grocery trade on ar
1 count of bia luug experience ill tbe
buaiueaa. Then an he buya in car loth
toi . anli be get a trade and caab din
count which give him hi ifuudei a
little cheaper than other utorea. Mur
; tin give thin aaviug in hi buy nig
Crice to hi tiuatoint r . If yuu want a
ia bill uf uroceriea ttet uricea at other
Htorett and then Martiu can bent their
Say Ha Wa Torlurd.
I aurfered auch pain from corn I
could hardly walk," write H. Kobin
aou, H i I laburuugh , HI., "uut Buck
len'u Arnica Halve cumpletely curetl
thein." Act like magic un Hpraiu,
bruiaea, cuta, aurea, acald, burn,
U.ilH, ulcera. Perfect healer of tikin
tliaeaae anil pile. Cure guaranteed by
Talluian .V Co.
Dliolutlon NoUoa-
The tirui of Ciodecke tit Kirkman i
thiM dav diaaulved by mutual KMMMMt,
K J Kirkinau retire and Wui. Uo
decke coutiuuea the buaineaa, will
pay all debt of the nrm aud collect
all bit la. Dated Pendleton, Or., May
18' 1901 ' WM. OODECKK.
Moki tea poaltively curew lifll
headache, indigeMtioii and conatipa
tion. A delightful herb drink. Re
move all eruption of the kin, pro
due ina a uerfetvt complexion, or money
refunded ' and 60c. Eor aale by
brock A McCuinua.
Voluntary Subterlptloni Balna Mada by
tha Butlnaii Man and Contldsrabla
Bnthuilaim Shown.
The eiitliUNiaam for uo.nl tmK ama
teur baaeball wnn IIBjVtr gWtMF limn
at prenent IbratMjhoat tlir Inland Em
pire, and flic pttMpMCtl for the tourna
ment in Pendleton Ml .Inlv 4, 5, ami 11,
re excellent. The orilnl intention
to have four (MOM OOmpetC for tlm
prltMM if Mllwrad in im good. Tne
Fontanel liia, nf Portland, um billed
to appear nl Wallu Walla on Tlinr-ilav,
July 4, which HmlnatMl thr Wulla
Walla team from ronflitlrration in ar
ranging the urogram a far an the
Eourtb of July loornameiil pnrHiH ure
comerncd. The Walla Wulla team
anil the Fontanel lap mav bg inbtidliad
to come to Pendleton to plav an ex
hibition game on July : and 8,
Probabls Contain.
The anhject of a baaeball l urnament
WM dlMOMOd With Malinger ( InImi rn ,
('uptain (ieorgc Brown and in fact all
tin. gMfltbtfl of the Atbena rlub, and
it met with a favorable reception.
Manager Outturn aignitied anient to
having hi team mane one of the four,
if the feHina aa heretofore aiinonncrd
in tbe East Oregonian ucm named
into execution, tow it, pay each VilltiHf
team f 100 or auch a matter and offer
three goiKt nrir.ea in addition id about
floO, f 100 and A0. That would make
it an object for the team to come down
to play good ball, ami not feel a
though it Iran WMti" III tune. I,a
Orandt' i counted on uh the MJCOOd
team, but negot IgttOM have not reached
a climax. Ileppner, it in thought will
make the third team, while the Pen
dleton b.iva of courae will tnuki' the
fourth. l i,.' manager of the Ileppner
team wrote 10 the Pendleton manager
10 day ago atiking that the club of thin
town come there for a name on Turn-
tlay, June II, tbe MMiOM day of the
nreiuen h loiirnameni. ami tne invita
tion ha been MMMpted, That will
cement the good feeling between the
tWfl teMBM aii'l w ill probably renult in
Ileppner feeling HOUlt'W hat under
ohligalioiiN to PeodletOO) ao that the
club from there will come over to win
if poHHihle and nae lat in making the
tournament a tUOOBMi a reciiirocal Ml
for the effort of the Pendleton team in
making the Hromeii' tournament in
terfiling. aaxt Sunday'i Game.
An effort i lieing inatle to have the
I. a Oramle team in Pendleton for a
game 011 xunlay, May M It i dMOMMl
that Iblt would he a good thing if it
can he arranged, an it ban been nrvrrul
year aince the two citie have been
oppoNt'tl to each other on the .1 uilii.'inl,
and it would give them both practice,
which 1 denirahle. The telephone wan
brouitht into requiaition thii morning,
but Manager Murphy 01 l.a (inutile
could not atate p.nitively that bin
team MMlId OOBMJ If will he kMOWH bv
Wedneatlay whether or not the game
in a go.
Pendlelon'n Mat. agar.
M. A. I.. 1 In. 1 milage of the Pen
dlelon baaehall club, ha been con
lined to hi home lor a week with a
very mild cane of tbe amallpox. He
1 not really QOMIMliMdi but will be
perteitly well within a lew tlay. He
will la1 hut'k at hi place of bunine
bv Saturday, May 25, by which time
all danger of catching the .1 meant- from
him will have panned.
Mouay tor Tournaniuiu.
Two more buinen men tulled at the
Eant (ireg.iiiian on Momlay and aid
they would la- ai generoim an I he one
referred to the other tlay ulid would
each give 5tl lor a fund for u Fourth
of July celebration, no matter wnat
form it might take, although a hae
ball tournament, to their mind, wan a
good think'. Another Pendleton buni
nenn man naid he would give fnl lor a
htiNfhull tournament to take pJlM on
July 4. ft and H. That Hiaket. ISUO In
four nil liner 1 it 1. inn, and It in believed
tbut 11000 will he amply nutlicient to
carry the celebration to complete auc
cen. sprinki.lks" Have arkiveo
ItMMU or Peiidlemn Will boon Ha Well
Wat Uown.
The two Htreet nprinkliiig cart or
dered by tbe city council of Pendleton
Irom the stmlebaker Brothem' man 11
factory at South Bond, Intl., were
brought in on a freight train on Tuen
day aftcruiHin and unloadetl at the .
R. ii N. depot. Each tank ban a
capacity of tRHI gallolln. They cont
8&tt each laid down at tin- Pendle
ton freight depot. It in believed tbut
it will la' necennary to purcliaaj the
aprinkler owned by Walter Wei In,
which, with the two new one, will
be autlicieilt to keep the utreetn el Pen
dlotOU well wet down and (re Iroiu
Thra-Mdd Affair.
Tbe prinkliug Oi the Htreet i a
tbroe-aiiled uffair. Pb oitf OOMMOil
expieanetla w illmgue to buy the carta
tor MUCh line 1 lie water l ollilHMOl! l
im 11 inn the water a it abare vf the
acbeine. Third come the expenae of
nettina: tbe water unto the alreeU t'
lay the dunt. A coiumittee of buineH
men t ireulattnl a nubHcriptiuu puper
and a huiii autlii it nt to pay tbe ex
pttuae for the aeaaou wa rained
Tin committee of t itueim will hav
charge of the mutter. The apriukliug
curtn will lat turned over to tbe com
mittee during tbe aumuier BMMltbl
The coiumittee will let the loiitrac t
(or tbe apiiulking ol the atreet, and
the council will not be bothered with
it thin year. Next year, however, it
ia thought that the whole thing will be
111 the charge ol the council and the
expeuau of Hfirinkllng the alroetn will
he naid tor out ot the puhlu treaaury
Coiiiu'iliiien ami buninea men. alike
have expreaaed tbe opinion that that
would be the proncr wav.
Quite a number of atandpiiten will be
placed in poHitloii at Hiutuhle plaui -
It will then he pon.ni hie for the driven
to haul the carta into iiroper poaitioii
beneath the alandpipe aud nil tbe
tank in a few aecond a ofteii a net
The cart will be brought into active
aerivce juat a aoon a poiltle, whoh
uieuiin win. 10 a lew day.
If people only knew what we know
about Kodol Dyapepaia Cure it wouhl
he uaed in nearly every household an
there are few people who do not uuttoi
from a fee line of fulluea after eating,
belching, flatulence, aour atouiach or
water braab, cauaeti by indigent um or
dvapepaia. A preparation Much a Kmloi
liVBiieiiala l;ure, which, witn 110 aiu iroiu
tbe atouiach, will digeat your tn.nl, cer
tainly can't help but do you good.
lull man tV Co.
7 o'clock laat evening. Officer Scheer
wa taking a couple of hobo to the
city jail, when one broke and ran. Mr.
Si'heet, of cnurae, was hand irappml
and could not follow on account of
liBving to take care of the one Mill in
bll OMtody, ao be called unon nil
beri Minthorn, an Indian, to aaaiat
blBI, Mr. Minthorn wa on horaehack.
The holm ran from near the citv jail
on Oot ton Wood street to Alta ami
turned east. He again turned at
thf Church of the Redeemer ami ran
1011th, then jumped over the fence in
the rear ol the hotiae occupied hv
lames A, Howard. Mr. Minthorn dis
mounted and followed the bolto with
that "keen genae of scent and dogged
pernistency which have characterized
the aboriginal from the earliest riod
of American hiatorv."
The hobo was finally aecuretl and
marched back in by the Indian. The
hobo, after having laxm recaptured,
pleaded with the Indian to in- al lowed
t" go, hut Mr. Minthorn said no he
bad been called upon by the police
man to aaaiat and had to do it. or he
himself would come under tbe ban of
the law. The hobo aavagely and with
an air ol disgust muttered, "arrested
by a Siwash what would my ricb rela
tives and society friend back East
think of me if tbev could see hip now.
in captivity ami in charge of lowly Lo?"
l ater in the evening the third hobo
was captured. They got out this morn
ing on promise to leave the city.
Tbev Matted or Lit '.ramie.
Biology Ha Proved That Dandruff U
tauiad by a Girrn.
Science is doing wonders these days
in 1 In iiie an well a in mechanic.
!"ince Adam delved, the human race
has been troubled with dandruff, for
winch no hair preparation has hereto
fore proved a successful cure until
Newbro'l Herpielde a put on the mar
ket It la g scientific preparation that
kills the germ that makes dandruff or
scurf bv digging into the sculp to got
at the root of the hair, where it saps
the vitality f causing itching scalp,
falling hair and finally baldness.
Without dandruff hair must grow lux
uriantly. Herpicide at all druggists,
it 11 the only destroyer of dandruff
Soma or tha Good Thlngi Don by lh
The 111er1ran Mm. lay School I 11 ion
send out the following:
Millions of di liars have heen given
in the past vear to provide libraries
for some of the largest anil richest
cities of our country The country dig
trirtn are far more destitote of litera
ture, ami generally quite unable to
purchase it. The American Hunday
School Union conduct it publication
work, not for money making, hut for
the widest UNi'fulne, and propose
that appeal la made to enable the
nonets to distribute its literature in
larger amount ami at lower rates to the
needv. Appeal come for a thousand
lihraries, which would be wisely placed
n a thotiaml rural conimiinitie in
the Southern tales. Tbeae wouhl cost
from 110 to rn each. Aa many more
such libraries could In? wieely used in
rural communities in the Southwestern
and Western states and on the Pari tic
const .
While H74 new Sunday schools were
organized the past year, i were re
organ icd. and '.ML'! visited and aided.
The missionaries numbered of
wiiotn lilt were al work during the
whole year. The hopeful convenion
reported iiiimhered "HH'J, ami the
churches organized from the I'liion'
s.liiinls iiuiulared 10., of different
ilenoui inatioiin. The amount received
for uiiMiouary work was 1 nil.
W a
Acker's dyspepsia tnUeta ure sold
una Kisitive guarantee. Cures heart
burn, raising nf the fissl, distres
after eating or liny form of d vsH'pnia.
One little tablet gives immediate re
lief. Ho and Ho. For aale by Brm k
A; M.'Collian
Sliu urowari Taka Nolle!
Beautiful home in I'ortlaml,
furnished or iiiitiirnmhed, to exchange
lot gbewp, regular snap for 4fl00,
Write 1 ittdiatelv MJf call.
481 Pacific St., Portland, Ore.
Skin affect ions will readily disappear
by using HeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve.
Look uut for counterfeit. If vou get
1 1. 'Witt's you will get gissj result. It
is the uuick ami positive cure for pile.
I 11 . 11 ui 1. dt Co.
rha t'oliiinbia Kiver Salmon Pack
er' aociation have :tO,OtX) caaea of
last year's pack on hand uonold
I lisagreemeiit among the director haa
arisen as to the relation with the
salmon trust.
On Got Away for a Pw Mluulei But
Wa Reaplurd.
Hobo have made their appearance
in PeodletOO. and throe of them were
glad to make their dieappouruuece at
it ..'chick thin morning when nrougbl
up before Kecorder iteaui. At aooui Ibwiialrr uuuaiug, Maiu oi.. ratuiuu, oraguu
DeWitt'a Little Early Kiaer aeandi
the remotest part of the bowel and re
move impiiritic gpeedily with no di
comfort. They are famo m for their ehV
cacy. Easy to take. Never griat. Tall
man Co.
QorarnOf Oeer had a conversation
with President McK inlay, who ex
pressed great regret that he cannot
now visit Oregon. He ay he will
come later.
Vou are much more liable to diitoaae
when your liver and bowel do pot act
properly. DeWitt's Little Early Kiaer
rem. ne i ailne of dineaae. Tal I iiiau iV Co
That a remedy cure i the word of
I In.ae who've tried it.
How often i it said, "I can't i.leep,
Uiy system is run 1 my digestion's
bail, or I've rheumatiaiu or kidney
trouble'.'" Kepjrts of cure by my
Dr. Sanden's Belt
I our 111 bv every mail. Tbene show
it lo be tlie grealeat remedy for all
tan ns and weakneaaes, and if every
sufferer Used this treatment there
wouldn't be an ailing man or woman
today. Write for my interesting book
i. e . and see the cure I've made.
DK. A. T. SANDfcN.
Dept. A. koaacl Block,
..French Restaurant..
oeKN PAY AMI MUH I . . .
Juat Ktitcitnl a ulcc lot ol Irwg'a toga
(Jua t.al ouLalu, Frwprtotor.
1 : .v-
..... '.
is the ilcstrc of every woman who
hit 8H nyfl tO the beautiful anil a
a Cultivated taste. She can fit lip
In 1 llonping room, parlor or tlining
rdom from our elaborate stock from
the plainest to the highest grade
ami at prices that arc right
MATTINGS ai reduced pure-, be
1 anse of overstock. Carpets, RnRB,
Window Shadea, Curtain poles, bab)
cabs, gt t atts, mitrors, pictures, ttl
PmlertakinR Parlors in Hear.
Main ami Webb Street I
... Several Reasons ...
Why it pay to semi vmii order to tig
ami buy from u :
1 We are the only DOODll in Pendle
ton in the Saddlery business that have
HO rent to pnv.
2. We carry the largest stock in
Eastern Oregon.
:t. We are the only addlery lioiiae
In Pendleton that never employed larva
4, We have strictly one price ami the
gtaal are marked in plain ligiire.
rt. Our stock is always freh and
atyle the Intest.
K. We have an eslnH 1 shed reputation
for reliable work.
7. If our gmnl are not as represented
the money will be cheerfully refunded,
H. We never in i represent grssl to
make a sale.
i We give yon goml nrk, low price
ami prompt attention.
Harnea and 5addlery.
Mnrmnn llahnna 1 1 1 at hat e n In
Churi'h thui t'ti i n. iNisuiit iy mrra the and tii in tUl nml V'HiniT aiiini; frxn fti. . u I
r JO )'tl bv the) JeAilr-M the M
-a in tiltj tml "tnw miviii; froin
nf tUaNie. dmintum, rtctlttl, r cifM - onoamtf. Ours low Miinnooo, im
potf ocr, Lost Power, Ni8ht-LoM. iprmtorrhoH "o"'" rES
OOnetlaatlon. at.,n Quicaneaa or me- Bii 1 1 ennrae, biqui "-'
Twltchlntof Bynlldi. 1 ' " """: "'. " m '"i"" "if" " e "r ".' '"
Al lowest rates
fWT fun. imfl. Ifc-nr ft
canjant. StlmiiUnn the hraln and nrrvr mi Im
0 nwncy rrlundcali lth ft bolca. Circular frrtx,
Add rose, Bishop Remedy Co., Ban Francisco, Oal. . IV. I I I I IV Ox ' .
COH 1 i I ,K HV TI,I,MN At 1 .0 . 1 - 1 - I'KVitl.l I'ON, nitKllill
Kasy Running, I lean Cutting.
Hall Hearing
They arc guarftntoed, Call Rtid so them.
Hansford & Thompson,
601 Main Street.
I:aat Oregonian Hulldlng.
Pendleton, Oregon.
Hotel Pendleton
Under New nana rt nu ot
1 .A.
Strictlv Plrst-Cla f A. .jiiHi flal Give Us a Trial.
Excellent Cuisine.
Thr fartc ftapol(im
.. ''- i.- h. Gold
MedaJ Awanf lo
OuM giMM aaaa
al.il i..r.tr,l nl
N. - Orlran. IHAJ
Every Modern
1 ! 1 ai.ati laaia
Rates $2 00 a daj
Special Kates b;
Week or tnontb
The Louvre Saloon
Bar and Billiard Rooma Headquartera for Traveling Men
The Kest Hotel In Eastern Oregon.
Van Dran Bros., Props. Successors to J. E. Moore
The Olofitl of Spring
The Rafttitim Ol summer, ate
shown in tin: rut; ami matting
beauties we display III covering
for your Moors timing, the warmer
mouths. Nothing; more cleanly,
more dainty or i uoler can be foiiml
that the mailings we ait- showing.
Kugs from 75c up to t.u
M.ittinga us low as 15':.
Undertaking a Specialty.
Jesse Failing.
Main street near llrul .
1 !WTiaTfr I a
Hotel SL nrp
hltftantiy Furoisbed Steam Heated
l.uropcau Hlan
Block and a half from depot.
Sample Kooin In connection
ktNim Kate
Mk , 7.x , $1.00
Is ibis your Experience?
Wlinii yuu asm yoUf . arriagu fruiu (lit- rapali
II,. .1,.,., .1 I llM HI.IMllllllWt I fill .1 II, Ml Villi Can't
gtitiir W'tivn you aaul work doei pruiuiiiiy
aud . m. 1. inn lak. It lo a tupalrar whli u
tapulaliull fur piuuipluua. aii'l reliability lis.
Farmers Custom Mill
Free" WaJMrs, froprimtor.
.,,. 1 1 HO i,. a day.
Klour ii tiaugtMi lor wlual.
riour, Mill ITead, Uttopaed rMd. Ma., alwayi
on band
WliO .tatu.iii'U a .lauui'li, hiiImi ruiiulug
wheel In In. lperl i. i"i itiuiu autbu.la.IK
abuul 1'JOl
tliau are Uiuj uiei, mnl woiuvu wiio ride lur
11 (1.1 II (Nil Pl.KAal KK
uu kiiiuet Ii ruaalOJf lieel. ul urev.u wuitti,
lur . uiulurl .nid .afriy'. Mike.
Biaieli.nl Kaiauler. mil
l.atliu. or Oenl'l Hoadator .1ft.00
l.a. In.- or (ieiil l.iglit Hiaiilatur 140.00
(enta IW pound liar. 1 HI ill
Ludiea or limits ('hainlenn O0.0t)
Ideal 2U, 0), l-'ft
Agaul Cuiatiila Cuuuty,
I'eudltU'U, Oroguu
dealer in
Wood and
Henry Kopittke
The Columbia
l odging House
P. X. SCHEMPP, Prop.
Locust Hill Kabbitry
and Poultry Yards
I'i digtcrd Belgian Hare
and pure bred I owl.
Harae, B 00 pm pair, Majk
Barred, Buff, and White flyui-
h Hoi ks Kggs IHJ per r,
I littinfa for $o 00 1 alo aiiiin
Barred H.,. a egg at l.bt) pet
Hoae and single Oomk Bluale
Inland Botla Kggat.UOper 16,
I lit) ingi for fo.OO.
Visitor welcouie For further
information addrea
1 1 1 1 Y W. WADK,
Beudlotou, Orogou
For Klg5
To go Flatting
or for a cab to make a call
telephone Maiu 70.
Depot Stable.
For Health, Strength and
Pleasure Drink :::::::
Polydore Moens, Proprietor.