East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 21, 1901, Image 4

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    TCKSDAV. MW SI, l'"H
Styles of
Wc arc howingi
t st A pat:nt calf witli the new
Clan heel, new plain tot.
anil--A French kil with full Lotlif
linel. hand tunu:l sole.
3rd- A cloth top French kid, hind
turned shot..
These three thOM ire the III .it
i:st, dressiest shoes tins season,
('all and see them even if you
have a new pair. The) will make
your eyes Klad.
Practical Mont ami HIum. Km,
Swwt HMii Deftoe '
Ice cream, any fluvnr, IlnttnnV
Hammocks, 74e tn f:i.l. Nolf'a.
Nm invoice of lixnH at Haw lev'.
Hoiled ham for louche- at llnwley'
Hiiy your window ahadc- .it
Itrau, aliurta, chop, barlev ami feed
at llnwlevV
HavH your picture Iraim-d . lateal
tylM at Murpliy'a.
All kintla of ulnveH, Imlian ami far
lory made at llnwlev's.
New dwaitiiiM in wall paper )
Murphy'H paint more
Ailtomatii refrigerator ami water
cooler at Hadnr'a furniture "tore.
Wimlnw ahad,-. en r lit 1 n pole-, mir
rora, hU:,, at HailerV liirnitnre BiOfe,
Ohloet plan ami Im t tamalca, at l.r
Kov'm. cor. Court ami QatdefJ Mnell
N. IWrkeli'y ln annie very dc-iranle
town ami Man try properly for mm on
nav triioi.
KuiHHt IhUM ami lard OR tin- market.
Home product; try it itr- guaranteed,
Hehwnr A tireiilich
Now, 111a, arrived thin morning
ilirert from Now York. See them at
Claavor lima. Dry OeeaJa Uo.
(Ireai'ent bli'veie- 1:11 the installment
plan at llie Creielit a. n, 11 lie' I. .1-1
1 ireicni ian building, payment tl a
wwk, no interent.
I, in. mii her I have a hcttcr atork "f
oil, axlt-greau, ropo, bolting ami all
othor harveat mipplie than ever he
ior. p. leaea, iioiix.
Hinghatn Spring i" mm open lor the
eoaeon. Kicuraion ratea 011 O. It. tV
N. lined. Addre, .Manager llingham
hpringa, (iiblHin, Oregon.
Here ih a I'hanre ol a lifetime to
make ainno figuring en the Raeyela
crank hanger. 1'he cold .-.el, jw.iii
you. Call ami Hi them at WitheeV
Silk wainth. new one juat in See
them at Cleaver Hro I'rv 1 1- Cn.
Worth h ami , to Da MM at M ami
t).7o. Aek about them at Cleaver
liriai. I)rv tioodx Co
If yon want to ee the Immi line 01
hoo in I'emlletoh. for ipiulitv ami
prico, we ran allow them to you Our
apring etocka are the Im-hI ever .
liv any one in the rity. Alexamler a
He tar.
Mi 1 ii'. wen A Hi'mw Hrotner- Kent
in a .".ei of hotter mi .M. aulas (rem
their lamoiiH I'kiali rrea r .alio it l
now to i.e ohtaineil at tin- remlleton
grocery .tore. It 1- rlunre Ak lor
it, take no other, ax oven roll m guar
anteed .1. M. Knce i the I'cudTetOtl
agent for tin (anion I'kiah product
the in tin- -l.il'
New neckwear ami auapcndcTa at the
big ItoHton Store.
New awcatcr ami fancy hosiery at
the hit; II iHtmi Store.
At Hader'a furniture More in the
Baetf line f rug ami matting.
ew handkerchlefi ami next the
akin oinlerwear at the Itoaton Store.
Milton Ragle! .Milton delegate to
the Pendleton Sunday BttrOOl BOO fen
llofl are hind in their praiae of the auc
OOai of the meeting and the treatment
received at the hand of the people ol
the ronntv eat .
Milton Ragle) Tin1 hoard of director
met leal nlghi at tha prlnalpel'a offloa
111 tin' public i'hool room ami em
ployed tearher for the dialling achool
year. Thnae einploved are T. C. Salt,
principal; laiy Wilann, Myrtle
ncrogcii Nettie Black baro. Rather
Whitiner. Mae Littleton. V. Tear!
Hunter. Ada I'ierre, Marguerite Iron.
Miltor, Raglei Joa Waal ha a new
aatODiohile. He will ue it to i-otne to
town after hi tlniial allowance ol
"Kentucky Smile" or to uncertain the
lataat Dnlitical and war new. .Joe'
maohlni t alauan a duplicate of .). L.
1.1. 1111' roedlteT ami i capahle of mak
ing a good 10 mile an hour over ordi
nary mad. The time la not far ilix
taut when tin' horelcx carriage will
he a common in Milton a are now
I leppner iiuettc : .Hiu Keeney and
Inui Matlock xtartcd ToeMlay morn
ing on the pring roundup, ami will
, join with a number of other owner in
rounding up the imre ranging Mouth
from Willow covering an area of about
40 aq Urn mllee, Mr, Keeney nay that
there are in the neighlrhooil of 101
beraai to he rnondea up ami the num-
txr helongmg to . Matlock A Keeney are
to be driven into Heppner ami loaded
for ihlpataal to an Omaha linn to
whom the tork ha been old.
BKTTKR lllil. l THIS Nil r It K
Or the aanhal Will Uat You. ir You
Don't Look Out.
City Marbal lleathinan ha can-e,
the printing of notice that will tern
to make the town cleaner, when om
the order are oheved. Marbal
HeHtbman' notice ir ,f inllow:
"Anv throwing or placing upon tin
treet or widewaK- anv hottle, brokei
gla, piece "I 1r.11 ..r other metal, or
anv ilhtaiire that inav ne llalih- ti
caile inpirv to anv peroii or propertv,
aver) throwing or placing or dei'iilting
upon anv treet or Hide walk anv
sweeping- from any more or building
or tin1 content ol anv cuplilor., or
tin- promicuoii .uterine of hand
bill ami other paper, or any tub'
Item or material OUODSlVO to the evi
or that caue uiiwholnaome odor or
-meil- 111 anv treei or alley," 1 in
direel lolatim. ol onlinauce No. U:ill
paed bv the common council uf tin
elt ol I'ellillet. : I I'hniarv H. 1H1IU,
and any violation of anie i puuixli
alih' in a line ol not le than fa or
more than B0
.li HIS M . II I.A I'll MAN ,
Citv Marbal.
Hnnilniiillloi ami Oxrord Huokt That
Shaarad 27 Pound.
W I- Ted Miuard tate that never
111 hi" exiH'rienci' ot Hovcrul vear a a
bearer in California, Montana ami
iregun ha lie had tne pleaxure of
"bi-aring a lot of In. mm or any other
nuiulier of Nheep where the lot wax ax
even ami the yield of wixil no large
proport innately a that taken from the
Hock ol .lame Darken, of liarnhart
-talioii. a lew mile below Pendleton
on the I'matilla river. Kor H day I'.1
-hearer were buxv from morning until
lata at night ohcariiig thoxe line large
Ramboolflel ami uxford ibeap. Pram
the in.tkNI nheep were real lied l.'i'.mm
pound of long taple line wool. It
wa nothing iulreiuent to lieer a
beat vicldiug '.'7 t m xi ii I h ol the tiueit of
wool ami vearling" would prixluct 17
pound of their long coat to gladden
tin heart ot their owner.
allot) uf the moat dexiranle trial ami
ahape adorn tne w indow ami ahelvea
of our more. lti a nmrai aaHaiat)
that we can pleaae you ax to lit, cm
fort and fashion. We hav.- made
every precaution for apring and mine
nier, anil await your viit with perl. 1 t
contideiice of our ability to mill u
Pendleton Shoe Co.,
II. (' Mean, of I matilla, ient
Monday in I'l'inlleion and tixik the
train for home tin morning.
.1. Iii) 1'irkxon ha recovered from
the 1 fleet of a hachall accident ami I
again anle 1,1 be at hi ottOB,
Mr. William Qatbeman, of Koater,
wa a gueal of Mr. John II. llryant 011
Monday, and returned home on tin
morning' train.
Kdwiu V. Chapler, the pitcher of the
I'endielou baball team, ha aiceih,
.1 ""ltlon with Ih'UiipMii ,V IMipui,
proprleton ot the Wblta rioaeo graoery.
Charle I Hick ha rold Hi
Arlington Indrpeodeol to .1. M. 1 1, 1,
ot the Uecoril, ami the puhllcatioii uf
the ludepeiideia will Ix- dmroiitinueil.
I onntr A-f"r ticorge Kiuaii will
h ave on V ediicHilav for Haker Citv.
lb' wa.- grand representative lat vear
ami will attend the meeting uf tin
grand hlgc, Independent tinier of Odd
Mia Mabel I'uttle. 01 Sumuierville
I I 11 inn 1 it v , will arrive on the train
from tin oaat tonight ami will be la
i I'l'iiilleton for a couple uf wteko, the
gueat ol the Mie Cora and tuace
I rawfurd, of Weat Cuiirl atreel.
V. (nlliaui ha been an lumate ol
the iii.ul Samaritan hupaital at I'orl
land lor several week, but baa 1111
pitlted 111 health, la now out of the
boalptal, and will return to hi home
oa Baal Birefa creek ibortly, lie haa
! been having trouble with III lieart
land kidney. Mr dillum wax aaaeaaur
ol I'matilla eOMtf for four year roue
mencing July 1, la.M, and i well and
la tore 01) IuwmvBi
Moki tea p...-itively cure ick
headache, indigeatiofl ami conati na
tion. A ilelightlill herb drink. lie-
inovea all eruiition of the km nan. I
duuiuM a perfect complexion, or inom-v
refunded' Jar and aOc. 1'ur aale by
lin k i McCoinaa.
A Bamjiiat Wa Served by the Rath
bone Slateri.
The regular meeting of haninn lodge,
No. 4, Knight ot I'ythia. held on
Mondav evening, May ID, wa both
plenaant ami rurpriing. Reveral can-
didate were nr nt for initial inn and
the rank were duly conferred. About
00 Knight were pr'eaent. In the mulxt
of the initiatory Work, a thin dernu
knock wa beard' at the eaxt portal.
An investigation dlaaloaad the (act that
Katbhone Sinter to tha DOBlber of
about 411 bad effected an entrance to
that part of the caMle and hail ore
pared a dallalOtM lunch. ulad, aml-
etebaa and eoflaaa belaa the prinolpal
featurea. That part of the affair wa
made particular enjoyable by the
fact that the team of Knight giving
the work were at the banquet clad in
their grotPiiie apparel, making it
ItnpoeeTbll for ai.tne of them to I.
reoogfllied except by thoaa to whom
tbev were beat known. They who
know aav that pome of the COfltUDiei ol
the working team of a Knight of
I'vthia lodge are omething to make
n paraon thedder if In anv degree in-
I'lineil towanl an eatbeticiam.
Soldlere Reeelve Medals.
Muring the evening came the preoon
tatlOO of four medal given by the
grand lodge of OregUII of the Knitrht
of I'ythia to all the Knight in the
"late who were mcMiber of the l-eciuid
t In gon during the Philippine cam
paign. The following iiameil BMBlben
of liainoit lodge are mclmli'il in that
I let 1 Charle J, l'i'rguoii, liniigla
(Henii. (oorge A. Iliirtman, jr., audi
Tlinma Jordan. The rtral three were
nraeont and received their niechil. Mr. 1
Ionian, not iM-ing there, will receive
btenaeoel formally at a later dale,
The medal are of oxvdi.ed xilver,
haadannn la dealga. The bar at toe
lop reprexent a catle. with the 1 u
tomarv tower on the corner. Pendent
i" a Maltec cro, with an addition of
four atar point, three representing tne
cavalry, infantry and artillery branches
if the armv, and the other tile navv.
NOT One Week Only,
No Complaints Hava Recently Been
Piled at Washington.
I he imlian tiureaii at v ah ington ,
D. C, when it attention wa- sailed
to the fad that the ritiien of Wallowa
county. Oregon, were helng moleeted
bv Imlian from the I'matilla, Col-villi-
ami I.apwai rexervat inn, ceui
munirateil with the reapective Imlian
agent. Inaalrtag a to the true state
of affair" and directing them to correct
any irregularitiea ami tn prevent
further interference on the part of
these Indian. Charle" Wilkin-, agent
at the Umatilla reservation, staled
that there wa no cause for complaint
from the I'matilla Imlian, a tbev
diil not wander awav and OOBIBlll de
predation. H i mated at Washing
ton, however, that if the Indian are
at fault, their wrongdoing", will U
arreated ami order will he restored
It is the intention of the Imlian
bureau to keep all Indian- on their
reservations ami not to allow anv in-
terlerem e with "ettler-. lie fact that
1,0 mcht complaint have been lodged
with the ili'partuii'iit i- taken to mean
that cm. I it .011 - have changed fur the
better, ami that the Indian have re
turned to their own 1. Ii,
Will Be Held In Kranei Opora Houie
Friday and Will He Free.
The closing exercise of the public
boo I will be free to all who wish to
attend. Principal ( onklin toilav an
uouiired the program for the closing
exercise ot the puPlir scbixil-
rrnlav evening, at the rraer opera
Inui', lilcrarv exercises bv the das
f Pxr.', grailuat ing next vear. Mi-
l.aVelle Mi orhollsr will review Itaeir
bridge of the Boda," and Miss
Kilitb Knple a review ot "Iten II ,
A ilehate w ill take place over the que
tion a to waaiaar luraai Whitman
saved ( Iregoii. Hesse Kn-b ami 'Ion
Milarkey taking the atlirmative ami
negative reaiiectivelv .
Kthel Kimball will give a ,aranhr.i-o
d ( iweu Mereilllli' "l.ucilc. "
Music mid club drill bv a dae- of
young ladie.
SHi: hll.l.lil) JAMES AVERS F
BUT until June 2nd,
We will sell ALL of our Ladies Shoes, laee and
button Boots, as well as OXFORDS
at 27 per cent, o
of our regular price, and voifll find them marked 111 plain figures
Remember this is NOT for one week only, it is for two weeks. No;
about shoe quality we want to say this, no matter whose name isonthi
shoe, THE PEOPLES WaKKHOI Si; stands behind even shoe theyseU
We guarantee that for the same price, we sell you a BETTES shoe thai
any other shoe store in Pendleton, O we will sell you the same qualitj
tor less money than any other shoe store in Pendleton.
P. S. We except NO shoe from this price reduction, they All go.
Today (o
Mrs. J C. Bonine Conteued
Hie Deed
Waib ingti in, Ma II. Mm .1 C
Hiniini.. win- nf a Iran. 11111; man m
Mi.nihiv cnnlcaacil thai -I,,. n,
m&m I ,
-i.nii 111 .lainea vf', in n-.-
eflaa'a clrk lounil abut In dcall. in Iiih
r in 111 lint, . I Ki-mncrc Uat week
CI... ..I.) .1... I. ..I Alt
.-in- .mii imu Kim,, in ni rnoni im
11 alatnincnt Unit be Ml liok, ai'd llial
wiiiic uiaw. Avrcc tried ,. uanh
1. 1 .. ,1... a 1 , . .
uei. in uie airiiugie, .ne acueil a
piatnl ami kie,i him heraell
Mr llniiinc wan hchl tu the urainl
a. a 11 a. .
jury iiy ill eOfQQOTI pirv tmlay
to tourer
J. f Morgan and Louoet
Aneiu 11.
HM Yurk. .Mav , Mgmm r,,
I arn- thai l.mihet and J, Pierponl
.ilnrgin will have a c.inlereiice
ha- -larlcd a livelv run uf I an. in.. 1
ana. g.ii.-i(i . r.' 111 .1 , r. dil. d
"'ore he aailed with III,' llur
ilenigiin mi the canal. .MurLfui. unl
Ilia mil 1, nlted re,nircew cold .
plete tbi' canal in a lew vear-. elalna
him c.imniand ,it ,,ne ,il the ir.Mi.-.i
maritime biglmayn in the world, and
proving one of iniincum- value to hi-
tranai,irtat i .ii industry.
Ctileaeo belt Olympian oamet
I'aria, .Mav il Tl le llltern:il imnil
platp4an game (,)r i.mt ,.r,' ufllciil-
lv awardeit t. Chicagu t,ala .
Spring Troubles...
Hither Cleveland III.
Prlneetoa. N. .1.. IIm ii. i-.ii,..r
CleveUnd'a onditioli ix "unchanged to-dav.
Btointoh tilnitieli,
and )l her Krupt ions
ill Home ol' thoin.
SARSAPARII I A Oo? a11 of tht
oiijir.AiLL mAkMth blood pan,
Leedioj; Uruxfiete.
An Old Bird
Isn't OMIghl witii
clnitT uiul a wi;f
Mraon is not
1 1' ni )) v ( with
coiinnon iroUHtuud
ware wlam ihey
Can Buy
Johnaou Bixw1 Rot
Bemi-jiortvlain lor
tin- anif price at
Owl Tea House.
Oheapeat place in Oruoa.
Women's Shoes
In Tn, Ox-blood, Ruisett and Blade, in widthi
froni an n in i ngilt from 21 I" B,
Oxfords and Slippers
In all the new aiylet, turnn and wilts, all
and si We'll ! (.dad in ihow then
whetlier you oome to buy or to look.
t' you,
Misses and Children's
Tan, blaok
rxfordu ai.
lUHHet , Slil lll'j
high booui,
wew, uiul ii. i.ici-
Men's and Boy's Shoes.
BveVy Kind of Leather, every ihape in laoa,
groM, button, thin lolei or heavy soles.
All at
per cent off.
Shoe store 716 Main Street.
4 45
1QC t
BM 2
X .
ol fan
and n
V ';
Shoe store 716 Main Street