East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 21, 1901, Image 3

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for Spring and Summer.
len s Outside Shirts, ench
50c, 75c. $1 00.
Cleaver Bros. Dry Goods Co.
AT,UDlUdy Thrown From I Hon.
Him rudtniw Dunn, who rwld on
. .inner h'kav creek a "
,1... ,.,..i, t uvc Horn.
... iu, ,1 MrnillH B' l l'tclll "II nuiuinv
1 n U Ulllt ifl'lUCK WHIM'
iirn '-n. ... 1
..I .,,111111 M l' llltl I I"
i.ae.t the Mi Kav -iitiniiv scnnoi,
i .1.... ,i wu- nviT wiTf muiic timi
in Mimrt .! iss 1 Minn
iw . . , ...
..1 , v urn .. over 111
r r , . -
...I .I.Orlllll the llllllfll lit H trw.
. ...,.L- l,..r n'lli BLMIIIMl lllllltlll'r
m oak too did Ml "nil was
nve.l M the ground iOWOWBI.
MkiU Ixith stirrup stniis were
imkn. releasing her 1001, it she
.11 1 k...... .Ir i.l utiil trnhiili v
m. i 4JI... .. ... 1,,,. 1. 1. It, rule In 1 1 1 1 1
. 1.......1...... lull lr 1 11 1 1 ir fill t 1(111
1 uuieriia' ".
Ktivdl ilny nut considered to
'. . I. (..,.! ... IU
III lllllllfl ' IIIHII III'- ' ' '
... .I.U..I.1.T n! ti I . 'nun. whn
- ,1... ...ll I............. ll.U I ' IktMk 1, .
I 1 .1:1111111 n iirniuritiir, '"""'H
(tor I law IihihI nl cattle in the
DDtm r 1 mi-.
IT! OF 'Win, ' II 1 l I IH.KI." I
UvtOorxn 1
tiiuk J. I'lienri iinik, until tlirii hi' l thr
IWf atrtni'r m Hit firm ( I .1 Cheney A Co.,
i. i. , i u,'.- in tin ell) ( ToMiii enmity
lMMMfM.Ili Ml Ib.l Mid linn will pay
iimoI'Hk' Hundred Pollen for eeitli and
prpwuf fsisrrh that .-annul In- cured by
SB ul 11.11 catarrh ure.
urn l before nu' met Mihafrlhed In my
nrc.-'ii. r tl th tlx ol IS'eumber, A.
Iiu . , if hi viuuv
Noi.fl I'll lit ti' .
Hill'i I'.l.rrli i nr.- i lakes iiitorualli .ml
i ' , , , -mi in' i, n mi - nu ir
i'iiUMn Sen.i inr i. -tiiii-iiiiiil'. Iri'i
r J illKNK A in. I In Ohio.
J I k, .lml.l. 7I-
Eh r.uiiT RoiMt nu- aatt,
HO MAS AKMi k' V k )
Alfitna Man H.t a Runaway
MM Mai I'" -On Friday alter-
II. Ml 1 III 111) aw I .irmir n uu ilrir nm
fjflk f I I U I i I. . I II . .
JliBB.ni lMrilllt rui I ui it triii.
I WIN! W.llfM J h A i ( 'nlkf ,
. .. . , ,. ,,,, i mi linn ,
l . i ... . e
''- n.i . i" Kt- nm, ,iir.
Ill I. I Ml Mil lllll'tlll.
Kri'h In mil tin- iniiirfil man ami
i" i'.ti ii II- I 111 III' Hill' in
i lllfll Ulnl In, ,li, I filial Mr I!.. r.i..r
It .1 L'.l. . Ill lllu ...... . . I.1..1.
i n " iiiM-i , ill WIIIUII
... iinen.nn In lakf livi' HtltCllttM.
nu tootli hail knnrki'il nut ami
liin Kiiin wan terribly laiwrateil. He n
rn.tiiiK h. eanily an ran tin expected
at hifl home, where he wan taken in
I the even inn.
1 1
1 . I
i wltU rae .vi'iytliiut
, ... i .ml ticuutfful In
1 " inlut in luiriuiic wortn ami
! 'iMkl".',' . u" ,",k. ln buyiu- you'
Hi.u.t4i Mgoodaai rtiiirewnied.
Jeweler and Optician..,
S' dour in A,, Xllllljr)r 4 HexUr'
I Itf.ll.iilnii 71
r- i mm i
Wood and
UU, ...... ..
w-! i oin nt I f,,, Kl ,
r'rU'l Imiiui.,,... i,?',.
Wood uloe .no dry.
Office rmir ul (U.I. m l.
"for New natugtrmaiit.
J w Bancroft, Prop.
Mil, I .1 l,. . ... .
Iliri i.f ; .' " lr nay, Monti ax.
u ff" 1 lUB mouth.
nt Hoiol a, (be oily lor KamlllM.
10 ui. Kroe lainpln room.,
"'win, Hijhu .ml dluaui boat.
Flru nrool bulldlna.
vu I . . . . ... .
111 . .
The Improv.mant Will Coat th. City
About 01460
It in nwlorltood thai trie rutitriict Inr
thr oradiii and (traveling Ol Wehb
I atreet will he let at the council nieel
IMJ on Wt'dnt'Hdav VOftlBgi May to
Q, A. S in i tli . he heiiiK the Inweat and
heat bidder. The uiemherw of the
i niiiicil committee on atreet. are .at
i.fled with the contract that can be
made with Mr. Smith, but believed
I that it would he better tn have the
I council make ttie arranneniente in
opon Meiaion. Cbarlei. A. Frar.ier, Kd
hwitr.ler and Pr. H. J. Hummervilli'
i'innMini' the Hirni't committee, and they
I will have the contract ready (or rati
fication. Webb Htreet in to be graded
and graveled from the ea.t Hide of
Mate Ntreet in Kant I'ntulirtoii to a
point about half a block went of ak
Htreet, where the (). U. i: N. railroad
crnHMeH Webb Htreet. The diHtance bO
tweeu the termini in 6M0 feet, over
lilockn in leiidth, or ahotil oneOndotM
llltli milen. It in cloudy eft i mated
thai tin- improvement will coat the
city U50.
Working 24 Houri a Day.
There', no reHt for thorn- tirelean
little worker- -Pr. KillK'n New Life
Pillti Million, are alwaya buHv, cur
niK torpid liver, jaundice, billOOOBOM
fever ami KgtM, Tltev Initiixli Hick head-
hcIic, drive out molarii Never gripe
or wen k.ti -mull. tii-t- nice, work
woiih ira, Try tbom, He at IoIIbmui I
n.ar Park. Md.. the Hon Dolinhtrul
Summer Re.ort ol the Alleirhenl.S.
wept by niouiitain brO00M( MOO feet
above Hen level A Iihi il lltel V without
ehatuM "i Bn Iron nil principal oitlo.
via I n 1 1 1 more a Ohio railroad. Every
modern convenience. Kooiiih en nil ite
'with private liiitli-. Klectric lightn,
. long dinlance telephone, elevator.
Tnrkiah bailin, wiiuniMj mmoIMi goii
linkx, lenniH court", hOMIIMj alley.,
DIMJillfloont drivrHi lOMipMli livery
nrvieo. Annaiailia Naval academy
Imiul lintel reiniiiieied w ith additional
eiMVttlliM ' '. All cottage, have tieen
iHki'ii i n i lie tmaaon. Open from June
' 22 in September in
For rate, and information, addre.a
W Harwell, manager, care Queen
k'ity Hotel, Cumberland, Mil., until
June I. After that time, Peer Park,
(iarrett county, Md.
R Martin Lead..
K. Martin ia entitled to be called
the leader in the grOMtff trade on ac
count ill bio long experience in the
liiiHineaa. Then uu he buy. in car loth
' for caHti he get. a trade and ca.h dio
oonnti wbieb in bin bM pjodi
I tttle cbeaiier tnan other Htorea. Mar
tin given tb ii- aaviug in hia buying
priot tn lii- MMMMMIOi If you want a
Inti lull of ernreriiiH net liriceH Ut Other
utorei- afrd then Martin can litt their
ay. He Wai Tortured.
1 Hiiffered MMh pain from corn. 1
could barillv walk," writoH H. Koliin
.on. H illaboroiigli. III., "nut buck
len'. Arnica Salve completely cured
them. ' ActH like magic on apraniH,
brui.eH, cut., aoree, acald., bWMi
bolla, ulcer.. I'erlect healer of akin
diOMMMJ uiul pile.. Cure guaranteed by
Tall man A Co.
Dlioluiion Notlee.
The fir in ol tiodecke A Kirk man ia
tii.- dav dia.nl veil by mutual eminent,
K.J. Kirkmaii roUlOO and Win. Qo.
dveke cunt tuner the buaineaa, will
iay all debt, of the tirui and collect
all bill.. Paled Pendletun, Or., May
IK, IU01.
A auite of rooma in the Eaat Ore
gonian building, hot and cold water,
bathroom, (or (11 a mouth during the
Hmmor. Apply at ttie F;ant Oregonian
""11 I IV
Ul V
Veil II Wmlil Ha a lUillef to Turn Hklm
roni i.. k i .... .i by Vl'TlVUKA.
I ii.i.l a brutklnK out M ovur uiy back.
The llehlng wu ulniunl uiiboaruhle, and at
Ome. t "' it Unit u would io a reUel u. uir
Ui. ikln eft mv back. I Irlud ilut-km' ure
0 1111111111", uud mm i.ii rouiedli'., wlllmul
ceii i ell.' i I road in l i in i ha ruiue-
dlux in Uu ladiauapoll eui4 AlUir Uuve
uei ll.lluiif, in bie k iUll UcIiIiik, und b) Hi.
Uine UK box Ul l 1 11. I ill ItnUlielil - halt
..,,1 Uic bluakll.v .,lll li .il nil illMlprHMIIltd.
.i li i IIOM
iMl) Luruull An., luiltuuupulln, lii. I
i .id. Maleroal aud ttjMgMj. VV
i lor Kvi Huuior, cuuiiiUim of COTI
ITiI Hoie rtic '. I" oUeni. ih. ikm of erul
iicnmi (Mauaenl (tat ), IUy
lichluK lluuion," Int..
Slindird nnndr lor flletl
Uonorrhuii mid Hunninyi
IN 48 HOURS. CurM am
in, .ad bi.uu.. liooiilM
. M. Stone Whipped a Oully at Walla
The fact that A. M. Stone wat a
3oe.t ol the Hotel Pendleton on Mon
ay brought to mind the happening o(
two week. ago. Mr. Stone in the
traveling representative of a San Fran
ciaco tirm which sella the Smith-Premier
typewriter, and it getting a large
amount of free advertising, on account
of hie ability as a boxer. The feat
which brought him glory occurred in
Walla Walia on Sunday morning, May
t. He was standing watching two dogs
fighting, and qoite a crowd congre
gated. Mr. Stone remarked to a friend
near that one of the dogs, describing
it, was getting the worst of the right.
The owner of the dog, whn is a large
and fierce barber, overheard the re
mark and took exception to it. He
called Mr. Stone to task and thev dis
cussed the matter at full length.' Mr.
Stone was polite and explained that
he had meant no offense by his re
mark, but had simply expressed his
opinion as to the merits of the fight
ing anintalM.
The barber was not satisfied and
talked saucily and insultingly. Stone
kept bis temH'r and tried to settle the
trouble, hut OOOld Hot, as the barber
wan siMiil inir for a Kirlit. .ml finallv
attacked him with his fists. He haa
quite a local reputation as a slugger
and bully, but he did not know Stone.
As the barber advanced threateningly
Stone retreated gracefully, but slowly.
When the harher got near enough
Stone "biffed" him one and knocked
him to the sidewalk. The barber got
up and tried it again. Tlie second and
till V. I t.illlf Sf.nilf, Linn L,..l him ihiu'lt
and that was enough for the barber
who realized that Tie was up against
the real thing. Stone is a member of
the Olympi.) Athletic club and spars
Icr the (tin of il. His defeat of the
Walla Wallah fully pleased the siavta
tors. He was arrested, taken before
the municipal judge and lined $1, but
his Iriends wouldn't even let him pay
that nominal fine. They chipped in
raised the amount in nickels and dimes
so that as many as possible could be
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 ii ui . ui i i 1 1 ui i i in Lite
Matters of Personal Import and Social
Athena. May 20. Miss lvah I'allen
der, who has been taUins a course of
nursing in the Oood Samaritan hospi
tal at Portland, came borne Friday to
visit her mother, Mrs. F'lla fallen, I r.
for a month. Miss Calletider is much
pleased with the work, and will in six
months receive her certificate.
The citv council haa ordered the
grading on Main street to be continued
on from First street, where it was
their intention to slop the grade to the
O. K. AN. Go.'atrack. This tuiHalways
been in the wet Heasnn a bail piece of
road, being of soft, npongy clay, that
in alwavH (eared by neoplc wiio are
compelled to load their wagons
Mr. and Mrs LaOOil Hergevin visited
relatives in Pendleton Saturday and
Mr. William Willaby leaves (or New
port, Wash., tomorrow, and will visit
th ie summer w ith his daughter, Mm.
I rank Knowlton.
Alex Find ley, who lives seven miles
west of this city, on Saturday purchased
I ri mi the Athens Mercantile company,
a large J. I. Case separator and ID
horse power engine.
Mrs. Alplm WihhI, Miss Lilv
O'Harra and Fid WikmI of Weston, were
in this city Sunday.
F. P. Francis left this morning for
Pomeroy, Wash. .where he has accepted
a situation tempering brick in the yard
JejMM Baling, of Pendleton, spent
Bandy 'u this city with his faaiily.
,1. C. Stauiier win- a Pendleton visit
I nday.
Gay Glari of Pendleton paid Athena
a visit Saturday
Lao Mitchell transacted Imsine. at
w.i la Wai la Friday,
Newt Morgan, Allien PlOP hotel, lid
Kidernnur and Ouy F leenor.of We.tou,
were Athena visitors F'r day.
Louis Hubert who had just returned
(rom Walla Walla, where be was
under treatment (or heart diaeaae lor
the pant three weeks, went to Walla
Walla again Friday. Mr Hubert is
not very rapidly recovering good
Mavor William Blair and Harvey
Martin ol Weston, paid Athena a
business not SaturdaN .
Kev, Melford W. Smith, pastor of
the Christian church of this oil"'
building a nice residence on the corner
of Jefferson street and Hunt Ave
arbiobi when completed, will be ot
DOpiod by himself and family.
(i. W. Hradlev, leorge (iro.s and
William Mcliride, delegates of Wild
Horae lodge No. TA I. 0. O. F'., and
Mr- I 0 Siauiier Mrs William
McHnde and Mrs. A. K. Swaggart .dele
gates for the Kebekahs.left last eveulng
for tiaker City to attend the grand
lodge. Mrs. B. L. Harnett and . M.
.huk aliei went to attend the session.
Mention and Local
Recently Chronicled.
I.i ho, Mav 21. Horn, to Mr at. I
Mrs. C. J. (iullllurd. WednesUay, the
ltith, a girl.
Perry liould, of Peiidletoii. was in
Bflhfl on business aturdav aud spent
the dav.
Ilvurluml l.uliM No 1 O O. F. .
received an official visit from (irand
Master Jas. W. Welsh, of Astoria, on
Saturday evening, the 18lb. Mrs
Welsh accompanied him. A large at
tendance of Odd Fellow, aud Hebekahs
was present, and a very eniovablt
meeting was beld. ti, M Welsh gave
an intereatiiik! talk on the history of
the order and his experiences in
iralernal wora.
Fred F'reudig and family from Mil
ton are visiting their friends at Bobo
Mr. FreuUig left Kclio over a year ago
to make I. is home at Milton to engage
in fruit growing.
L. Mcbee, of butter creek, was
taken ill laat week, aud weut to Pen
diet. hi for medical attendance.
Henry tialken, the trapper, has re
turued from Peudletou with health
much improved. He baa been confined
at Pr. Smith's lioapital with typhoid
Mr. Harrv Sitlou and lamily are
residents of Kcho attain, having moved
from Yakima the latter part of the
week. Thev have moved in the J. H
Youiia house, which ihey rooeutiy pur
h, I. u lei Miller, of Foeter. went to
Portland ou buaineaa.
The Echo public ecbool will cloas
Friday, the 24th. Cloaiug exerciae.
ill be given at the M. K. cburcb ou
the aaiiie evening.
Mr and Mr.. I. . -t.-i of iilr
are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Kipper, ofl
this town.
The Pickey boys are completely re
novating their house, painting, paper
ing, etc.
Millwrights are busy installing new
machinery in Mr. KoonU' nouriug
Henry Miller haa returued to town
from the Autoite Vey ranch, lie baa
been foreman for Mr. Vey in his
lambing and shearing.
W. W. Whitworth and ('has. H.
Miller are delegates to (irand Lodge of
Odd Fellows to be held at Baker City,
May 2. Mrs. Kl va F'.lder is delegate to
the Kebekah lodge held at the same
A man in a small town in New
Jersey recently found a burled treasure
in his yard which no doubt had been
left there by one of Captain Kidd's fa
mous crew. A fortunate find indeed
and sufficient to enable him to live
happily the rest of his days provided
of course he has good health. To ob
tain good health there is no medicine
like Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. It
sets things right in the stomach and
regulates the bowels. If yon are ner
vous and worn out yon should try it
It will brace yon up. It is a splendid
tonic and will cure all stomach liver
and kidney disorders. Give it a trial
and you will not he disappointed, but
be sure to get the genuine.
Grand Bnsampment Today and Orand
Lodge Wednesday.
John H. Lawrof, grand conductor of
the grand lodge o( Independent Order
of Odd Fellows, and J. L. Sharon,
delegate from Kttreka lodge, No. :i2,
will leave on the train at ":2fi this
evening for Baker City, where the
grand encampment and grand lodge are
in session, also the grand lodge of Re
bekahs. E. B. Coman and O. S.
Youngtnan state that about BO dele
gates came up from Portland ou the
train last night on their way to Baker
City. They were from Portland and
other cities ol the western part i the
state, those from the east of Portland
having gone on yesterdav. T. F, How
ard, who left for Baker City Monday
morning, is an Offloor of the supreme
encampment. The grand lodge will be
in session for three days, Wednesday.
Thursday and F'riday.
That a remedy cures is the wonis of
kboOf who've tried it.
How often il it said, "I can't sleep,
my system is run down, my difOOtloa rl
had, or I've rheumatism or kidney
trouble'."' Reports of cures by my
Dr. Sanden's Belt
Pour in bv every mail. Then show
it to be tlie greatest remedy for all
pains and weaknesses, and if every
sufferer nsed this treatment there
wouldn't bean ailing man or woman
todav. Write for mv interesting hook
,froe and see the cures I've made.
Dept. A. Kuaael Block,
Soon be
Harvest Time
Conic in and see
my stock o( dishes
uratiitcware, tin
ware and COOkiBf
utensils. Hitf lot
o( camping outfits
Court .St reel
The Dead
..French Restaurant..
MKSl Mill.- IN I UK CI I Y
Just Received a nice lot of Irog'a lage
Oua LaFontalne, Proprietor.
Mwllalur buiIduiK, Main St.. Pendleton. Oreson
Nerve Waste.
Hue of i In- uioit li.lutul bouki ou nerve
wuakiiuiui ever luuud U that entitled "Nerve
Weete," ey li. Saryer ol aau fr.uclwso, uow
lu u. dltb lauuiaud. TbU work of uu eipei
.rl.uod end reputable physician li in ngree
able . oiiun.i u tbe Tail suui of lauw lemcbluf
wblvb prevails on lOU luUireetlu. lubjeul. It
abouude lu I'.relully couildervd mid iuii
advice, aud baa tbe two great uieriu of eii
doui aud .lucuri ly.
It Is eudorid by both the reilk'lui aud
eeeular piuu Tbe t'bluiifo Advauue isyi: "A
pervMl of tbe oook aud the apiln ailou of u
prluclplei will put health, hope aud heart Into
Uioiumudi of Uvea thai are uu luderiiuj
through uerwui liuparuiueut."
The book li i. On by luall po4pald
in,, ul the most lulereitlus vhapten chapter
ax, ou Nervine, aud Nerve luulc ha. beeu
priuted tepar.lely u a sample ohaplei, aud
will be aeul to auy address fur ii.uif by the
publlihers, TUK I At UU I'UBLidHlNu CO.,
bill Ate.tkvu f rauclaou
n i aatssyj
is the desire iff everv WOHItfl who
has an eye to the bttUtiftll and a
a cultivated taste. She can lit up
her sleeping room, parlor or dining
room from our elaborate stock from
'the plainest to the highest grades
and at price that are tiht.
MATTINGS .it reduced price In
mum o( ovorttocki Ctfpttti Rngt,
Window Shadta, Curtain poles, btb
cahs, (jo Ctrtg, mirrors, pictures, etc.
o - - .I
Undertaking I'lirlots in Kc.tr.
Main md Wlbb Street.
... Several Reasons ...
Why it pays to Nttd votu orders to us
and buy from us :
I We are the only pgOJIlO in Pendle
ton in the Saddlery baainoM that have
no rent to pay.
f, We oarry the largest toek In
BaBtertl Oregon.
: We are the only Paddlory house
In Pendleton that n it eniphiyeil Isiys
I WO have Btrlctl) 'tie price' ami the
good- are marked In plain figures.
f our sim k is always Trash and
styles the latest.
. We have an estahlisheil reputation
for reliable work.
7 If our goodl are not a-repre-ented
the monoy will be ehoorfnlly rofnndod.
S. We never in i .represent gotsls to
make a ale.
!. We give yon gihn mirk, low prices
and prompt attention.
harness and .Saddlery.
bis Vitamer, the prsacrlpUon of Bfamoiii rroit. h phi tarlnrt will quickly curs yen ef nil
nervouaqr ill., iwn i.f tb. .enerative uritsiii, sis'h a. I.o.i Wanliooil. I nis,
I-.liia In llirllarkkrinlnitl I lulnliina. H.rinlK l.h,lli II li . '
I Slam lu Witrr. I, .. -. I ,. llralna. ,....... i. nml 1 oiial I pnl Ion.
Illtepfl all I., sue. bv dav or n IfTliU l'r, viMit.liilckni'.ai'f iliM'hnrif , i lilrli If net check I'd
tsadi to riiMTiiiainrrtiii'ii inrl .11 the luirrer. ef iniiMitf rrv. 1 I Pl ItKN Bcleanw. the
hi. r, the Kidneys and u.c miliary nrguns ul all iniiuirlilva. II 11 lit;. t: rticiiK'hiiw
At lowest rat-
anil mioremt n. ik erunn.
Th.reaaon milTf nr .r t cured bv lvtntpHsrllr(lrrrp'ta, fninlilid Willi fmatnlllla.
CcPIPKNH the nniy known remedy toi ire without sn operation, ' i. .nm i .... A written
giiarnntei! given and mom I returned If tlsixes d irnuui i llivt a h riuiuient cure. II. w a tui.il tor I Ml
6 mull. Sen,) f,,r rnss rfn iilur nml tctltiuuiUila,
Address li VOX. SIS. lilt INK to., p. u. Box arm. Han Prancrtuie CaL
Wll 1 A 1 . K BY TAI.I.M A N a4 ' llltl'HHI- M, ' S i ' i I'll V. Mil KIJON
T in.xrz. lLo-vvers
Kasy Running, Clen Cutting.
Mall Bearing
They an- guaranteed, ('all ami see them.
Hansford & Thompson ,
HOI Main Street.
I ist Orcgonlan Building,
Pendleton, Oregon.
Hotel Pendleton
Ttv far to EvpoeH lot
tirte rnmlff ihr (toM
Mrtlal to
OeSI mcilal. ,
al.e i". .n'l.il .1
ml w... i.u r.e
I I'" i" IS'"
Si. el by JOHN SCIIMinr
The l ouvre Saloon
Strictly First-Class
Eicelltnt Cuisine.
Every Modern
Under New rigMMgeilM nt
mWamamummW " it- 1 .dtBBM.1 k fcdjBBHBBBBi
aj' Y . AmmbmV bobm
m aJAUxJtallW BBBBUBBte.sJllfiJ
Give Us a Trial.
Rates $2 00 a day
Kwiu i ll Hstsc hv
Week or raon CROWNliK & SON.
I I I I 1-llilN K MAIN I.
Bar find Kllllard dooms. Headquarters for Traveling Vol
The Kest Hotel In bastern Oregon.
Van Dran Bros.. Props. Successors to J. B. Huuif
The (ilorics of Spring
I he garniture ol summei, gro
shown 111 the rut; ami matting
beautiaa wo diaplay ht covaring
lor yotu AoorB during tin warrnai
nonthg Nothing rnore cleanly,
mure daint) oi i ooUll can In- found
lion the mattingi wt ara ghowingi
Kic;s lioill 51 Up to J.pi
1 M ti .: .I-, low ,is 1 y
tlndcrtaklng a Specialty.
dealer in
L Jesse Failing.
Unr-"l--rhL - Mam street , t Bridg
Hii si. cm f
J 7D i
Wood and
Henry Kopittke
Kleaotly Furnisbed Sleaai Heated
I European t'lan
lilock and a half from depot .
sample Mount In connection
Koom kaic
iSUc. 7.X, M INi
The Columbia
Lodging Mouse
OAK IN t ON N i:i "I ION
I . SCHI MIM', Prop.
is 1 hisourl;xpcriencc?
wi.o at in 1 1 1 1 1 a tfaifffg, r iic i laaaiiiB
nt, tii in in. .pun i uu atora no,
uboui CSJl
than ui ? UjOM BOd wouieii who ride lot
HgatiTN a IB i-i.KA.siKK
Da lieMlh lioiulliK vvhtail. 11 pfoVUM woi Ih
for . uiiifurt ..ud iafet ' lake.
Mtaudaid Kaubler. coat
l.a.li, - j Oi'iit'i. Koa.lrter I . "0
1 ... 1 1 . .. 1.....1.. 1 ,,,.1 .1.1. . ii.iisi
n . Ill ' "' ' -
l urtmr LlKinm yiiiijOent. 111 isiiimi Kai.i 1 . i
I allllCra V.UMOII1 ,T,l".Hd.eeor'.eiilr I halnlerr .aj OH
Ideal. I JO, :'-', fit,
Wbeu you waul your cai riagc lioiu the repaii
ins .hop ai thu appolutud tfine Ibal you sau'l
geTltf When you want woi 1 doas ptroufi I)
and eflleluuilv take It 10 a rcpaher with a
rupuialluu for prouiptuea. and rcll.ibihiy like
I-red Walter., H.oprleto.
Oapaolly, Ltd barrel, e day.
fleer etck.n.ed lor waeat.
flour, Mill reed, chopped feed,
o band
etc.. aJ.ayi
AgjgiiU I'niMUlia on 111 jr.
r. I. I ii um , 1 4-m
Locust Hill Rabbitry
and Poultry Yards
IV-dlgrced lielglan rtarea
and pure bred I owla.
H.10 1. I 1 BO per pan, 1 1 each.
Ilarred, Muff, and White Plym
outh Km an I gg" g-. al per Ih,
1 littlooa i"i i''i; also ggggg
Burn l Bat Bgp at l JO per
I tone and Single Comb lOnaie
Island Kisls Kgg. ga.iMJ per 16,
3 mil tugs lor i hi
'uiili,rr OalooatO, for further
lafornatioa address
PeudleUin, Oregon
For kigs
To go Fishing
or for a cab to make a call
telephone Main 7g.
11 ON I hill,
Depot Stable.
For Health. Strength and
Pleasure Drink
Polydore Moens. Proprietor.
IB If.