Don't Forget These Things That the Matfiiut Cash Store is Mil' inn Roods at the very bottom prices. That our stock is tod m and attractive; Cottle That we don't charge you anything for looking at our foods, and if you don't want to buy we still. CorteOUl treatment and dealing brings its reward THE MAGNET Clements ft Wilson. TURBDAY, MAY II, ll. HRAUKR AS A RKFOKNIKR. Tooag Mr. Braaat tiH mind i" tinn that raueH otui'h illMOWton. Ho ih tin' ladlfMaal who wollnd lata Patar Mmlfrnnoli'x aaloon ami t""k Is kllfor del n from the labia at obtati W. H. Qllnaora -i BondBfltlng roolatt BBablUng ffUMi Hraner hud IfitlOtHl ,,-t aolne iimiixv plux-iiitf at the -nine iranip, la the bhuik .loalnr. He niun-il tl.u. I,., ua more v t .1 k t r i I k tli.i' which hail Ixn taken (nun hi in liy 11 prow that wan illegal. Now, thnre are iiuniernn- leature- thin i. in-'.' hiuni and atotal bob aiiteration that an internal in to think We will aun"'"e thllt Mr. Hratier waa juatille.l in ink inn the money attain, inonev he liail lost while paaaUbaji that aa aatilad bj tba law. Thi in a iiii"itiii that may U contrary t" laot.aml MMfafOfl llloglaal, But, anyway, juat for the mike ul nriru ment, lt ii atruin tba teiwt- ol the loiiician t ilaaaai taaaaUiUMj aboal wliich we will all ajtrw, or, at any rate, the uioft of ii- will not dlapata what ia to follow. Hraner lout money, Inrauae he hail the nana laab of the man who aaai airainat a roulette game. The reHum- Maa i that Bmuhh kiiw aaaaMaaabla of tie gaaaa, He aa "apriai chicken." Ho hail wi the pUBB played, anil had plajrad it ami BIOb ably expect t plav it agatfl Ha play it again becaoae he hit" a love lei gamhline I ha' i ' tie "lake. I lux moneV on the Mil. Of the re, i or atmie other point in the circle, on Saturday ami watched the dealer whirl it amunil ai mulette deulera alwaya whirl tie thine when the player' money in before them Luck wan aiiahim him. Or. rather, (trailer merely ioit money hecan-e he liappenetl to be on an averai(e, and tlx average are alway against the plat, r in any name conducted hy a hanker (Itherwiae, men wnuhl nut he able to keep tin ir KamhlitiK place runtime anil pay their living BaprjMBB, .Sow, Krauer, following hi ill luck, act.d in a very un.portainaiil ike manner. He wa not "game.' He plaveil. He loaf Id then wanted hi money hack He wa arreited for taking f r . 1 1 I . Then he declared milcinnly, ami in mock hemic atyle, that henceforth gambling intiat pa from PUBallatoa. He would walk among the gambler with an avenging a word. Aiut what would he avenge'' The majesty of a law thai wu bfokaa ' The strength of the people1 will a- e. preel in regulary drawn Matin, ami disregarded a though never eiiaatwl None of tliene worthy thing". He would avenge merely the la.'' that he i. a.i hi..! to will, tiad hut and want.. I hi money hack. lOfjpaM Mr. Urauer hud won Would he than have proclaimed the law in. i-' bti enforced J Would he then have proceeded In cloae up gainer ai d bring alMiut a change 111 the local alatii ' No, of L'ourae, lie w. uhl not Why .' ItecauMe he wa hnn"ell an much a lawbreaker a- wa" the man who ran the game. If BfBOai g at I Bl to enforce the anti-gambling 1st U he aaoerta lie will, then be w'll U loiiig wiiat lie would not base done had he won, and what he doe" mer.-.v hecauw he i angry. It i likely that liratier will learn aome leoii in lOOtal economy. He will learn that, public opinion lack iug, lie may go about the town ami aaaerl ami do all nort oi thing", ami compel (be clewing of the game- lor the time being. Anyone could do thi". But, without public opinion bal 1 Inn. hi effort" will ben.- i van. . in a the airy dream of a trouble. I alee per. Tiie proof of all thi i the pre-.-. . of the game in PaadlatOB, H public opinion wanted them c I ore. I. tl,,y would cloau. They would jut a quick i fold their tent" and -1..1 awa an do the Arab when moving camp in n. plain of Arabia. PAT OF A PHKS1UUNT. Because Kuglaml pay" "everal mil lion dollar a year to upport her roa family argue nothing in favor of pav ing the nr. n, .lent of tile I lilted Mate a largely iaaiaaaad aalary. It i" ex ceedingly bad raaaaaioa i aitt aaah fact in arguing lor ucb an laaiaaaj iiere. fu fact, the comparatively Umall salary of the United Mai. -chief executive i a potent arkMiment in favor of reluciug the stiwmt oi the king of England and of all the uaoleao hanger on who compel the people of i.ugland to pay audi immeuiH' new and fre sh, up and MO, are your friends fair CASH STORE Court and Cottonwood uin to Itipport thoe who, in then' later veur-, are mere ligurr head and who aOBtrlbala not one iota to the strength nf the government or toward' the 'ettleiuellt oi perplexing piet Ions . If one will read the page of current blttory, going back to the entahlt'h inent of the American republic, he will dlaaaaai that tba Dattad state- ha- 1 11 "t dingly fortunate in the election of it president. Men of wi'doni, far seeing discernment and statesmanship have occupied the White Hoaaa, hook at it m the light of aa nased opinion and one will almost w ler that from the heat of excited ,.,,, have come such excellent result". The American people have sel dom made an error. Furthermore , the matter of salary, lim or "imill. ha not weighed very i . - much in determining tl oure o( event'. The ( nited State- i respected tbtaogboal tba world, tmlay, and even Kugiand i" learning omewhat pt the country that wa once her own. (The power ol the United Slate is un- ipiestioueil. The prestige of the preui- lent is as greal a that of any ruler who ask" hi paopll to pay him tin men"!' sum of monev to support him in shameful idleness and, often, ID profligacy ami vice. It cannot lie argued that the small salary of the president i responsible for tin-, but the fact that the olllce held fortl lucrative offer ha tended to attract to it men moved by patriotic motive- and hy pure love of. country. When men cannot serve their country excepting for pay tliev are not serving in a manner to call forth the best that is in them. A man leave a lucrative iiiiHineNs ami light" his coun try' battle for fl:i a month. He (ace death and suffers untold hardthip, all for less, perhaps, than he get in a day or two when at hi regular vo cation. I'ut that soldier on a basis of adeipiate pay, and you deatroy that which makes him great. And thi i largely true in the cave of the presi dent. THE LUXURY OF ROYALTY In spite of Mr. I.aboucbere and the Irish member- the house of common ha- again shown it entire willingne to DBJ (or the luxury of royalty. A civil list ot tfMO,000 wa carried b a v..le ol 'u. to and this doe" not include all the expense of a mon archical establishment. There are BMW demand- to ho met oiiUlde the king'- immediate household Huriuu the last vear of the late iieen'" reign the following turn were paid on account of the civil list annuities and residence of the royal family : lli'i KMlMtrV privy urf I iV'.mi ll !.! lie r IU4Jly'a llUUMflloM an. I r nr. a shew::. - lU.M" BxpeiiMMol bur Jiit'i homahotd 1 K .)l I". limy i ll.JUe I'lmpuroiiruii'il s.j. Keys! lutlscaa sikI Msi Un.rnuill. IiuUm' V,ia Koyal park i- i plaaaun i r i in IUmw Aninilli.- ie iu, un.. i ol n.y umil) IS-Oku Tout xr.' i.a" Thana aan direct aaatrlbotiaafi ami even the I mprer." liowager ol UaraUM! received X'n.UOn out of the Hritisl, paraw, while the Prinea ol Wale" had ami hi children nearly a iiiucb. Furthermore, aside from these central donation", the iiieen enjoyed the revenue of the Imi. Iin of l.anca ter am the I'rince oi W.ile. the revenue- f the Hucliy of Cornwall rbaaa rMldad t" tba baoaAetariok abonl 80,000 each in the year lfe." ' The total amount of the revenue" thus converted to the use" of royalty wa something over ll.lKW.UUU, ' but royalties BOBke high everywhere. In the list of expenditure- of the Kuian government we tiud the kqaivajaat ol nix and a half million act again! the imperial house, while it seem" that the empi'ior absorb" the revenue" from the crown domain, which contain more than u million HaBIB mile- ,.t ealtivatad laadi ami foret" besnie gold ami other mine. Thi revenue la -aid t. he vast, hut the amount is kept La die (l j like oft,thiok, (1,1 3 gloauy hair , . It I AT. m, U V their XW' I e. beaut) 1 ilh loo I I) -i vuit. All I . . . . III ., " Who m.-Ii ie iu,. )B.I y UK. Mum l I W luhu nidi will toon V ( co in uu v,l . 1 ) 1 lacl . auac, bt , V v nit lie .ien.1 ly trm at w,,rk u,.- vPaVV I ot It . N v ii nun luiiiuK'a. i or aii.l thin, Lrlulc hairShv l lUllAlMll.llllKj. If Gentlemen I- iiiHlly it- taliuthli ..r IB id. vaax a for Sale at all 'Irot-Clokk brag iOwVI absolutely secret, the domain" being treated a- the private property ot IM monarch. K.veti poverty-stricken Itnlv -upporls her mvaltie in stvle bv gill - ol nearlv three million, and the Austrian im perial household co.ts nearly two mil-j lion. Itv the side ol ucli figure- the sum expended upon presidents seem naall. The Praneb eaoaoHw tta too allowance" aggregating 181,000, and that is more than lour times the snlnry of I'resident Mckinley. The nalarv of the president ol the I'nited stnte of America should be at least 1100,00 1 and that of the vice premdent should bp advanced from .is. io Itacord'Hkralu. HOMR RRFLKCTIONS. Say the Cliieago American I Tin ami all other newspaners have pub lished ad, tearful accounts of the rJaatb ol fanfaj aatiaai called Frances Itavmond. The young woman turned 0B the iras and inhaled it until she died. She had written a sad farewell to a young man whom she thought she loved. Hhe had cattered around herself touching limitations, for instance: "Sorrow for past ill' doth re'tore.l frail man to bin Aral Innocence." She had dressed in her best, ami went out of the world convinced that she wa the victim ol man' harhm . of her own superior mental sen'itive nes and of the general had construc tion of the world and it laws. The reporter' sympathised with her. Fvervbislv must sympathise with her, ami iiope thai she ha found rest, or at least a chance to begin over again Hut as a warning to other- ami for the sake of accuracy, it is necessary to emnha'i.e tin fact The vming woman died close to a table, and on the table "were a half tilled champagne bottle and a bottie of whiskv." Those two bottle told the story of the suicide. Those bottle- Bad their brother" and sister which had preceded them on that or some other table gave the dull color to the world and the bopele--look to the future which drove the girl to suicide. The world is none t " easy, men are none too reliable, and they are certain ly ungrateful to the women who bear toon first and tolerate them afterward The wiole atmosphere of III, I- tllled with ling ami arrow that keen us dodging. Kill the tlrst thing to dodge is that whiskv bottle and that champagne bottle which were found on the table beside the deail girl . Spiffing Blood "i aan m Cough a f. at deiil and spit hi I ml my neighbor In I'ayion. .Ohio, where 51 liva, laid ijfgk . til I kwnpUoB, ul- thoUtfh tliev did Hot tell me so to my liire. lor fnr of BMUtbw mi' aekpoatlknt, I kept on roinrhine mid trvin,' iitUr ent -ort- of llleili. inc.- I. til nothing Mcmed to roaOO my trouble until I ml hold of u bottbj of A.-ker - Knirlish It. in,. ly. I prajrau for baalth all the nine, and my pfBf kfl were BUkWOfad a- 1000 us I bcKan tukine tin- DkMrTBtM Kog- b'h ejiHs'toraiit und I (uuc mi re- SOVaty 1 have toUl botMlndk Of nillcren, I roll! ooukI'. BaUl ami weak bum- that A kern hllKluih Ktinly Would cure tie 111 home of tlicin woirt try It. and It doe seem to me terrible wli n apyonk deliuer aiefy refuse to be cured There nutclu to be a law BoakoalUai oaaaompUrM to laba it Kven il tin y don care lor their own live-, the public s wellare -lioiil.l be con-i.l-en d I . .n't you think so too ? I lioM such a law will toon be cut. r, d (Signed) Mas, IbeaABBkoi auM i a. . suie,aiel i j u t Tl r" U 111, U "ill an i It ., i. to e . luhvl'musl M . l . M II U UUUktli Jt to, t'ruyiulvit, . u I art. : 1 ftv Hruck McCuuias. NOBMBa, " Pendleton Planing Mill and Lumber Yard Can sell cheaper than any lirni in the county lit caiisc the lni in lare qufMtttiaa. I it mi hf ot mill work their prices II you need any kind or call and e,et R. FORSTLR, Proprietor. Call up:'::::: No. 5 lor Wood, Coal, Brick and Sand. Heavy Hauling lupccial atiuliuu glvcu Ul ' ,. ,..,ta Laatz Bros. ALL THK NEWS' Tak, the Kan Orkgooian. UkUy Bj.oo a yaar by mail. Waokly, and bean. 'V cak ly fa.uo a vmi UaiupU vyy lr lea & Perrins The Original Worcestershire Sauce BIWASE OT IMITATIONS. Butlers, Chefs and Cooks pTOBOanee it the best Sauce; piquant ntid appetizing, it enriches all dlahea. The Navajo Coal and Petroleum Oil Company Ownaa ao acr.-s patantad lands and tjooacraapattolaom placai locations on Navap. Kiver. Arcl.iilot.i COUOty, Colorado, '31'"" fret of inmbai on the ground f4i00o cash noa in the troai ury. 500ooo iharaa non-aaaeaalbla itock la treaiury t" w used for davatopment work. Walla will i. drilled on the propaftj within lixty daya. Samples ol oil may In. seen at the hardware st ir, ol I C- Taylor. In order to battel proaoeute the work the cottipanj now offers for sale 110,000 shares ot BtOCM at 10c per Share (par value aoc). After-July i. toot, thecompany will wli ao stock afaleaa than 15. per slian No agents, bul above numbei of shares, 190,000, can he had at IOC per share by applying to anv ot tin uaderaigned incorporator- belon July ist. toot, un less sum it sold. T C. TAYLOR, C, Ii WADE, J H. BOBBINS, ROBT FORSTBR, J H, RALBY, F B CLOFTON, J. R, DICKSON. T. J. KIRK FOR BALI UR EXCIAN(it. A NKW HIX HOItHK POWBE UAH0 line tnklli'' siiU sll II Hurra compl'lv. lank -. ktatko, iiHticry mil klkktrln narafr, at j low brief, or wilt kiehkofe for koraooM J Owrk, ri-ii'Mrteii. OM s"i. PHYSICIANS. Pit. W. (i. fi.i.K HKKIi'K IN ' I 1 1 1 ' oulhlliiK OfBOk hour-, e U !' a Do; I to . p. m. Tabiphouc 77. K. W. V1NCKNT M. I. Or KICK ILKA il u( Kit. Nalinual Hank OBI. - hour- I i a. Bkl In p. m DM SMITH A IIKNnKliSOS. OKI I' K over t en. Helen ts not" Hank. lkMplMMM B rcsl'l. nee U'leplione H. H. (i AKKI Kl.l i M. I HOMK I A I'll tc I'hyalclan ami Hurc.fiu o91-'e In I. i t ' Hull.titui Telephone: OBlcv. bla k so; rv' iteucc. Mack ii lilT 1). J. il'FAI'h. RtM)M 17, AtWOOIA tlou block Tlephouc ki. rcl.luif wie phouc. black 11. OQTKOPATlilC rilYsiciANH l)R8. Kcyc- ,v koyc onice. one hl.H'k welt of Bkf ion Hior. DB. i.VNN K. III. A K I an.l MffOO 'tlscasc ai: opp Hotel, vor Water Hlt.'NIt ill OOkJMO. it. ivmlie VKTEKINARY SURUKONb. DB. J. UHBWtTk" VETKRINAIO -i Ii fcou. ura.lnale in lie Kuy.i' W'tcruiary nob K'lv. K'luihurith. Boatland Lata fotraranaoi vctarinarv luipccior for Vala .lutri.-t, H C Uon.oii. anian.l- oi ab kind irwatod on kcl emit), prlinipl.' Louatad kl Conniarclal table. rn.ictoi. nr.- Ivl -piioii-' mi li BANKS AND UrtOKKIIS. K1K8T NATIONAL HANK Or AIH1 I OregoL I'apltai. Au,uuu; turpl'i- air' . .:n lo.UUi) lulera' on tun ' .Ivpoaiu oca.- r fort. (ii am' iloneatu ca. hanyc i atlaaltOB rMOiapliy alien. 'eil n H 'lirv c. Alara pren ilant; T J Kirk, Tlce-prlileiit : K L Hai own. aaaBlori Mrs. k. 1. Barnclt, aoltuut BUBttT THK PABMBB'fe HANK ul WESTON vtetton i.reajou Uoes a Meueral batikn,. buaiueu Cuiiauife ixmahl aoU sol. I Col lection. run ii Ii) alien, le.l to Affir-n. HOI Mlcellellt ci.u lilt. , ale I so r. (srte.l ie. in llivestuiill.e tillllee ,.' . ft ....ei i . .... ,- oatuaia K i. praildkDt; uo Proetiale;, view prcnlcui ; I M litre.- I. K. KlllKorv. aatoiant caihler dltotflun 1, A llariuiai. M M John, T. J Prlca Ii ' Orao, J KUItfor" tioistrt lameaou, Ii, W froehatel HUHT NATIONAL HANK til PRNllLi ton Uaatikl, 9T0.0O nri . t- e.n rnai act ' general banking lunneaa Bicliaag, ami tolegraphi. Irauvler sol.l on OBfcaao lai Krauclsco, New York ami nnie (..iimi tae Notlhwakt inalu Urawn mi fJltiua. Jai at an.l Kuropc Make- oiictmus on raaaonabli erm- 1.,-vi Ankeny .rei.leni ; K Mat . rtaa-arval.lent i H ale cashier If ltert,v 4Ma'aiO eaahlHr WOOL FOR SALE. Tliiustlay of' muli wuuk I will le at the Pint Nutiona! Bank titlic' to raoeive aaaiad liils n Iota of woo Nos. 5, s. L9 and 17, about S00 -arks, qov ftoiad In the ndupandanl war. bouaa; alao about 800 laoki of thi yam ouu, 1 raaarvij tba privilage of rajuotinfl anv or all bid. Addreai rnu Pan dlaton or Pilot Rook. Telaphone Pandleton or ranoh on Baar Craak, j. ti. grilTH . .LEE'S LICE KILLER. . ft sure reiiieily lor Ufa) ami iiuttw. loU-rnational I'oultry Kissl kcc.s the bOBl haaltbjr, Blioa Rrit .i,l diaaaaiaa Hone meal jjivos gtroiiKil, to siiiik' ehiolu HONK M li A L A clean, inoffensive Intt nutritious ferti'iHr i.,r y,,r . C. F. Colesworthy Poultr3 am supply lCPoi MUST BE SOLD. The tuitirt' stuck of the old Wiley li. Allen Mum. Cu. instruments to make room fut .1 large ami com pitta Uaa Oi pianos, or gans, small musical in lint man ti tad 1 1 1 1 music now on the roatl Call and see the stock. Vou can save $iou to Si 25 on a piano. 1'irslclass tuner in attendance Wakefield & Failing, Uultlen Kulc Ulucfc, Court btrccl. TWaMMMMiwai Mm dot :an rHu I'KNIH.K TON BAVINOB BANK Hcii.Ii. leri orcfiiii iirinlist March I. ts- capital. k'.lX lnicfci allnwist uu tlm I pmlu Hicham.' b ueht sa.l vi1 on all prut, itnai pnuu, Bjfkcikl tukattsa iivcn t nollk' il. no VN I Kurnul . prrlitnt. J N loal ir,,,, ,,.t.r ; 1 I Morrl, caih'rr UKNTISTS. K. A. VAITOHAN, 0KKTI8T, 0FW0I in hi, 1. 1 H'lll.ltUf. A. L BBATIK, 1. I. H oKKICK OVKI eaviua Hank oas aUmiint.-rv-l I A.3IANN. HKSTI8T. IN AHHtM'l A lloi Hloi'k. ocr K H I'loptoti's ofllcc. AHCHITKITS AND UUILOHRS. t, r. Howard! awhitki r am hv pcruilviiileiil make compi le ami reliabl. plain l ir biill.lui(i In UM clt) or countrr Koum 17. lici t I m. tinw SHKKK a COLK, UONTK ACTOItH AN U butl'lcr KilUiialc- lurtmii.-l on ihort u ih k Jot' work .i iptctkltl i roapi xrvic IBopOB Hlurf tre-e'l. ntar Main ilrvl n a. may, contbactor and buihlei Klimati birnohe.l on all klinUoi max. ury. cement walks, atone walb. etc or OMk kafl kk Iwl at tie ti' ureKoman uflli e MISLKLL4NKUUS .0 TICKS IN POUKU THK 'in Mannal au l h 11 1 KOLLOWIMU UK iwvn lak. n aa ai loa .ihi a. the utplratloa u. igni ai-Mit hoi -. Hell brand, i 1. i. on lai lila, . aai tba it pnandk dad l I. ct.lllleCli .1 oil l.'lt Mat yuan o i . i araodad j .. tidal and an lichau hrau.l llklel lUIIII m UBATUUaM ' It Manhal, IN POUNI THK K ;.!. V 1 Ni liK art bad animal im aaaa takaa aa to tie I'liy Manbal au.l mil be .,l,l at the uapiraliou on bay maro bran. Id anchor I' oi J I' I, on leli -no Il.lei , about n )car old, wtlgul about Mil i-jumla Oale.l May 17, IW. I U HBATRM N 0U Martha) TO THh PUHLIL. II II II. II cl.illi i. ii ant, sill. I -leu Hal:. trs K. Y .li on Money to Loan tin city nroimrty at a low rate of interest. Qaj H. M laiil in iniintlilv install inelita M0 C0MMIS6I0MS. Will loan ou iuiproveil i.roperty or will furnish money to kjajy wjtn Will Is- (,lea(Kll lo nice K. ures oi ui'iuuf coxt t one BBlfBlaj k loan. any- FRANK B. CL0PI0N if,., y -, jiua o BfflUt Lading a Man In Uli Nose nmv,isi,;a.iht"t J Minislto laundrv work If the a.m. ' One eoadltloa, s wall as leoBini t Bl IMW, at all tunes. DoflKftlc Sicam l.umuiry. Qfegon Lumber Yard HOOD 0UTTKBB ('or barns and dwellings Ohaapaf than tin, Lumber, Lath Sliiiitilc'-.. BttikilnM -Wf, Vat Paper. I, mi. and Cent ot. MbulillitM" Plckei IMas'er. lirtck and HhhUi Screen !)'..-: WlouoWi S. -ti and UtMHti I crra Cotta I'ipc. Borie & Light, Prop'f Aha St , opf), Court llonae ou w (i(od Beer. When vim drink PILSNER BEER. GuaWftntaed nol to mum bofadaohe or dixitinofM Ask for It, Schultz Brewing Co. w. j, IKVKLL, laaaaaar. AND RETAIL lit.. Mil, I LUMBER DEALERS Var.l mi Weill, .strict 1 Ipaoalta Hunt Praifhl Oopof We ,re ,ri.,.,re. to flr,llsl ailVtlllllkt la tha laatbar lloa awl niu truaraatai Briaai ai 1.,. bj aaaa, II aot cii.aHr taaa ataara, wv bIbo carry u rfa 'uic, Viadoara aad Hooullna, 1 1'un BnataiplaUaa balldiajj will da uall lo - u baton plaatag thaii aaitaa, w- ilaa Barry Oaararlk aad Wf aaorl lu,,,,,.. ,,, I L. Ray & Co.. Hue au l mI St cUh. I Hon (in and ( train Ir . ai. or uu BVargiBk. New York Stock l:xcltaiife t"lcKo stock lAi-hnnge cataafa Hoaru 01 1 raw Cur, HtroaX, 'nillat..n, Otm, St. George Restaurant EVERY! iiim, SERVED l'HAT 1 'I E M KKIil 4PF0RDS: :::::: Sunda Dmner a Specially. QPW all NIGHT l'KLNCII COOK """,u,,u !uae CJMAb. bPLNULH I'm aria lor. Big Traine Animal Shows AT PENDLETO FRIDAY, MAY 2 SHOWS at 'J and S p. Oi III Ml II a. in. Perfonniiif ' as'MRGO' SamurftMaatl fai lias TSSSai- In UWTtNCt. 'SAiawrTAKr- mtM Trained hlephantsl Trained Zebra Trained Po Trained Zebus Trained Seals Trained' Every aci newt! Trained Ant W Trained' Bring the Knonnous Waterprooi PRICES LaaaMVatHF Janaaaaat T I Jbbw Bk. Ai 20 Funny lion Adults Children Hy JVUlo btreot.