East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 20, 1901, Image 1

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tonight nl TUserlay fsir and
I . e.elOrseonlStl
I. Ill
!"''". ,....ni,nt p."pl
ffl V r - - w
NO. 4121
i lome ami im me.
umI Fruits specialty
Biggesl lint' staple
mid fancy Groceries in
the city.
fc. R. Demott.
The Boston
Another Lot-10 dress lengths-of Foulard Silks in this morn
ing by express, There's no two alike. You'd better come
early and make your selection. They'll go like hot cakes.
Parsols. Umbrellas.
With the already here warm
weather the parasol and the
Motha li needi will multiply,
Children's parasols in all
colors at .'5c 35c, 511c to $ 1 25.
Women' 1 (ency peraoli in
hluck. white and poiort, with
5itli century frame jtj.50 to $i.
Carriagi pinole, dainty and
useful, $i to I3.
(iet our Prices on Silk Shirt
Busiest Store in Pendleton.
1 " ! t B 1 11 Pen
dleton, Morgan Wright
ai;l'e I ' re ersiltle handle l.ars
:lhinr Tackle
I Immi.uo jointed poles cjHc to MP
1 lo Jl . (5 ,
looks 34 1045, per doaen, Salmon
fa, loedera, etc.
InNuet Sets and rlsmiiKK ks.
New Goods Croipiet sets $1.24,
49i i 95 to 3 05 Hammocks
H to j3 oo Baeebeil goods,
Barbies. btcyclg Sundries.
ssocy lUhe and Novelties.
New Water Sets, colored or
lam glut, 65, , to $1.45, vases
loc u 9JC, Flower pots, glass
ware, laUl , dliilleu a ClmAm
m li
ruit leeerlei
Cold efcc ... - I? . t
t ..., I.. I Mil. ill
jHCnet ppwden ioc, raeeiite 5c,
qrcerioe IOC, Florida water ioc
r i 1 ertumea, hair tonics,
M 1 , . , , . ., ...... I
"UIU uuuu,
f" Mhoto trainee.
We ar -1 I - - ,.
ll . snowing an elegant line
Dl I. ,in v ....j .. 1 1 ..1.... 1 -i
( -J & nu mjiu iiiuie.u jmiuiu
rames, 1 p to $ 45 Latest sty fee
fl teeaonable in price.
Waekl) l-xuniuier agency,
Ladies Home Journal agency,
eta kton Incubator agency.
Witch Chains and Kings.
federicK No
Prettiness in
Wash Goods
With the warm days just Ooming Oil its time to be
Duty with the making of sumnu-r dresses. We we
ready with the largest and Lest shewing we heve ever
made. The ftowtfi of May show ctreely prettier
ooloringl than are on these dainty WMVillgf. Special
showing thin week.
ioc for Twill da Nord GingbMII should br 1212a v.ml.
10c for the celebrated eeyphi gjinghentSj always sold for
12 i-ac per yard.
20c for for Foulardine, t lit- wash yoods sensation of tin
season, sold everywhere for 25c a yard.
He for dimity cords, equal to any 10c dimity yon have ever
15c for Llama cloth, looks like French flannel, sold in New
York at 20c per yard,
50c for mercerized Fulards, a liip,li art novelty and as pretty
as silk, worth all of 65c a yard.
Many other materials, all priced reasonable.
Every woman likes to look well
She can, ly wearing
Centemeri Gloves
Sole Agents Tor
k I (?)
Kjd Gloves
W !
-,l, '
Bveil pair fit and guaranteed.
a0SJ'. 1 K ii--k
To make good bread use Byerf' Best Flour. It took Brut
premium at the Chicago World' fair over all compel i
tiou, aud give excellent aatifact ion wherever uiied.
Kvery sacs ih guarauteed. We have the be! MeeiB
Rolled Bailey, fcieed Rye aud Beardlea Barley.
I have jusl received a large ibipmeot
such a milk pans, nnlk cans, boilers
tea kettles, sauce pans, dippers and
backets, etc. Kvery piece is warrant
ed not to rust and is exelianp able at
any time for a new piece if it rusts.
See display In window.
T. C. TAYLOR, the Hardware Man.
& Hexter.
Women's Summer
Ribbed Union suits 50c, H5C $1
Women's Swiss rihbed Veatfi
5c, ioc, 12 1 2C, 15 20, 25, 35c.
Women's fine lisle veata, 35c,
50c and 75c.
Children and Misses
(iaue vests and union suits,
small i it s
New novelties in Belts.
New novelties in Neckwear.
Stops to Admin1 (be China
anl pretty porcelain and glass
ware displayed hy us is what
every housewife in Pen die to 11
does when near our store.
It you haven't seen the liar
gains in Chamber sets that we
are offering this week, drop in
and see t tic splendid values
that you can get for your
not to Rust
Turkey hns refund to permit type
writers in be ihipped Into tbel conn.
Socretarv Hay'n canal treaty drft
Iih been cent to the Knulich foreign
oflte e.
Thp gunboat OeaeoM ban been ot
dared to to af"it in the aafofoa
me, it 01 the ItOjOOf lawn.
Lleeti Kicbard Tonnley, u retired
ollicer of the navy, will Be court-niar-tilil
for alleged participation in the
Manila ooBwfieefy trenoTa,
Pettier Ainado, a Calholir jiriefit, ran
away from (iuadahijara, texic,. tak
lD f HHI.OlK) and n good lookinf girl,
lie has ereaaad the line into the t'nited
The Delf aetata will u apptelaed by
John a. Toole, it Horrent end Bat.
nerd MeElnlej. Daly, tba ad
nleiatrator, aatimetM tbe value ol the
estatp at ten millions.
The women's Natiomil Haptict Home
MicHion Society met in New York
Saturday. There are 1807 auxi 1 iariec
and during the L'4 yearn of ItOOXletMOO
over fl 0:!4,(HHI ban been raided.
It is now elattnod that tbe Qonld
Herrlnan Interaat, backed by Rocke
feller, control the I'nioti I'acific,
Southern Paeifle, Northern Tai-trie. and
are in on the control of the Burl legion.
Powder mi) Ih ui the cnaM are sup.
poaed to be fnrining a oombinattoii to
take in the I'acitic OOOat, Alaska, Brit
isli Columbia, Mexico ami OoOtral
Americii. It may be a part Of the gen
eral Kastern powder trust.
e e
Tin- Oolembia Hoetbern may build
carstiops at sbaniko.
The transport Scamlia will take sup
plies from BOB Francis, 'ii to Alaska.
Oregon City will raise ftiNH) to im
prove the mads leading from that
A large supply of
taken W Nome as
vaccine will
a preventive
Spokane's Stock Kxchailge is having
trouble, some members say ing that it
is run by a gang of boisllers.
Kd otto, a cattleman, was killed at
i iratigeviile, iiiaim, mi aturiav ny i
William Punkard, a saloon keeper. g
Sea lions are killing tboiisauds of
salmon and fishermen are likely to ask J
fur a bounty for the lion's killing.
Congressman .'. W. I'ordney. of
Miebigeo, has b00bt bhl,,Ho worth of
timber near Aberdeen, Wasbiiitfton.
Bdward Xeatiy, a iwiteboMB, waa I
fatally injured by being run over by
an engine at Kverett, Wash., onSatur
lav. Van, Oliver barrarks is assuming its
former activity through the recept
of room its lor tbe lath infantry regi
ments. Paeitli' College, Newberg, Willi from
State normal school. Monmouth, in
tin debate at Monnoetb on Saturday
.lames w ioataoleyi manager of the
Oregon Hop Uroarara' aaaoeletioO lias
foend a rented) lor hop lice, lie looks
for a large yield.
Mrs. Adeline . Orldlay i n
Saturday at ancoiiver, Wash. Whe
was 711 ' years obi and was born at
ItliHta, New York.
Natives of the Aleutian -lot- are
in a I ol relief. Their hunting trips
have faded and epidemics have cut off
many ol their people.
Mohair woo! ibippad from Mon
mouth east netlisl U4 to UK cents a
pound. The highest loral price 'll
Polk ooeety eei -- oeeta.
Oovereof Began and secretary of
state Sam .Nichols are having aipiarrel
over tbe appointment of a slate print-
lag export, Wlebola alnlnii tiie right
to appoint the man.
ACHE b only one form of the suffering result-
tog fruiu a diseased coudluou ol th
aeoaiUve womanly orgaiiiau. The only
way to cure tbe heauacne ia to cure the
diacaaes which cause it.
The use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre
scription haH been the mean of curing
thousands ot wosuea of headache, back
Ochs, female weaknesa and other forms
of disease i- aluu to women. It eelab
Msbca regularity, dries weakening dial on,
basis inflammation and ulceration and
sues bearing -down
l ibluk il ll were not lr your ' PavortU fit
assfcUoe I wuuld havt bu In mj grave.
srrttr Sir rMarla H Uaiducr. of Hcypl fly
south Co.. Mttta., boa u l had ptuo kit over
me. ium fcuili h druggiog feeling U Mcmrd 1
cowld aet do iuv bouse work. I bad to sit d.vra
ta Mih Hit aisai evcu la tbe year iSsf I
to flck I aid a, CMS w live sna prayed mauy
time Ibat God would take iuc Oae day I
Sought 1 woul'i writ to Dr Hie rot lu s If w
Oayt 1 rsseived nil auawer 1 dr. uled to trv bia
taSOKloa tfii'i t'.uuy I aw wen wuiuu. , umvw
ChetJa.1' no psin si all I uttd alwayt to
e beadalio prevtoat to the uioatal oen.xl
ad tucb puiu thai I would loll on the Sour iu
geoy. Tiut omrtlniea would occur ery two
Weak, aud I would Ue very wrak aftarward. I
waa is paiu all over My tett would tilp now
toe wlitu
ao ac
. and I could uot walk any
I, dletAUOt wllfc
II. ice botllet w(
bite of 'Coldcu
Ml belli II. L.alu I took 11
'fravoritc Poxriutlos' and tbr
Mede-cl Oicovcry
aud three Walt at Ioctof
Btllc. tad waa completely cured.
Or. Huw i l't lltru cumulate the liver.
Not lii
. - t , I ...... I i .. V . llHM
puii tiand iliesioi k of dry good located III Ibc
out. iiaa.-., im: -
u.iiiliw,.! lonii'r nloti roow of tie' U'M
biillding, kuov.ii as I be II H WSSSSl
dry di-patlweiil of tald
ttore. and lliat 1 liavu a.utuc.i all ooiiva
Holts due from 11 . II wcttci upon mc ecu oi
Iry gisMlt i .inlalii. O III mis ri,w iu .
boWSVtl cpo - oollos III "if piil'le cud I"
lie . redliom of II II Wtassl, Hial I ban nut
a ... .1 ., uub.im.. .ml mil In n.i lii.t'
.lahUlll. u aii'J "" -
ictpoiislble fur any ol'llgalions which Ibc a!d
II. rl wiktci may ' '"
lutliliig d.'pariiiiiiin 'f k.il.1 .tori' local. d In
aid bit'ldiue" and upon Main klratl. ml PSI
,'llaee and oullgallolit tiiicnniiiK iiioiii, iu ..it?
(Ill KiMI'lx llcj.ai I UM'iM .
utr store room oi kt:d bulldiiig .o.d kald ktoic
a e WS.
One Hundred Thousand
Are Out.
His Followers Will Win and Thai He
Apprehends Ht'll Resort lo
No Vlolenrf.
Washington, Mav 20. The great
strike of the machinists lor it nine
hour day was inaugurated throughout
the United States todny. Messages
from nil parts of the country sre being
received at the boadojoertan Of tbe In
ternational Machinists Association
here. They indicate that probablv
100,000 itre men out.
in St. Loeil Bed New Orleans, the
machinists were v icious without strik
ing. Very few found it necessary (
quit work iu Chicago.
It is predicted the largest stoppage
of work will ba OH the I'acitic coast,
tun Preaideat O'Oonnell oonfldnOtly
looks for the ship and iron interests
of that section to come to terms soon,
lie says he does not expect tbe strike
in any section will be of long dura
tion, and that there will btbHO disorder
hii i w lu re.
Cincinnati Tleup Complete.
Cincinnati, May IO(The tie-up
caused by the uirtcliinists' strike here
today is complete, painters, ma, binists.
helps, blacksmiths, and laborers went
out with the machinists. The men
cluim they will win the strike inside
of a few ,la s.
200 iii Indianapolis.
Indianapolis, May SO. - The ma
chinists' strike is Hot general here.
About two hundred men went out.
2000 In Nsw York.
Ne York, May 'jii.--Two iboeannd
machinists struck here this morning.
1000 in Milwaukee.
Milwaukee, Mav 20. --sixteen hun
dred machinists, quit work today, but
the molderi who were aeneetad to go
out win, them oontlneed work.
Kivt lirmt Attevlrd In Cliluago
CblcMO, May 2d. Duly five firms
were effected up lo noon by the nun
ebiniata' strike. About three hundred
struck, agreements liaving been signed
with many eu: ployees. The strike,
however, is expeeled to spread.
i u i , i , . i ' UonalDk Funtl to Souttlsh
Studsnts In Unlvsriltlsi
Kdinhurg, Mav 'i, --Andrew Carnegie
has given two million pounds to po)
the fees of all Scottish students at
Beoteh universities of Kdawborgi stun
drows, (ilasgow and Aberdeen. Fba
gifts are for his fellow countrymen
aiOBO, and do nut rmbraie Kngliab or
Colonial students.
A trust will Is const it uteil to admin
ister i he fnnd,
Usstli ot FaUl af eiillllpi Cannot Hs
Known Until Mie Is Found
Nrw York, Mav JO. Tba nivstery
or mund ing the deuth of rather
Phillips remains BOaolvod, 'be polio
are still seeking the mysli i loOJ
auburn haired Moman, who ms knoWH
a tba wife of Kirk sf.inb v, la whose
apart nieiits the Issly of the pfioof was
found. Without her teatireony win
U a hard matter to ch ar up the ins
till Mil I MA QOIN0 HOMI
Jaeatonvllla Soldlsrs Ars Belnu Willi
drawn No Strike liters.
Jacksonville, May BQ, the militia
kept here ilnea tba Bra li being e(tb
drawn. Only four companies and one
battery are now on duty. An under
standing has bean reached thai will
prOfOBi for the time btplig at least the
atrike lliat was feared today among
the laborers and sawmill opeiiil i v.-s
The alrike would have srrioiisly re
tarded the rebuilding ot the city.
Knglltii Vstsrai. Kills rtinlly in Bloody
London. May -U. Ills n.inil tin
balanced by the rigors of the campaign
in Booth Africa, Whelnc he had just
returned, vi rgt ant-Major (teeth last
night killed hur of bis children, lb'
tried to murder bin wile and baby, hot
tbe) .icaiod.
Huiuc n i Pselflsd.
Manila Ifg) ' '" I illpino gen
eral, I aciina and tbirty-onn ottlueri
ami 'iVi riflemen surrendered yesterday
t i it ue i a I I'liusloii Alter taking tin
i.atb of allegiance, they were liberated.
I iintloii save t at there is now not an
HMned inturgeiil in Itulm-an and only
thirty ol ritiemeii in Nerva Kelje,
Snicrlsaii soldier. Kilted.
.Manila. Mav -'ll. A roiiort hat
reached here that in a light between
rebels and a detachment 01 Americaui)
in Soetfa Ca atari aes nrovieaa, taro
Americans were killed and one a ddier
canfured. The troop are supposed I"
belong to tiie 7lh.
New York Mai It,
New York, May JO. hugar, raw, re
lining. tentrliuals, )M tett, -I U-.il' :
refined, cruahed, siwdered , 6tw ;
graiiulattai. !M; coffee, ft to 10 points
advance; No 7, spot, g .'i-H . rice,
domestic, 8t to ri'4 ; wool, unchanged.
Bosit Blow Up a Train.
ItOOdoii, May JO lloers have blown
nil an armored train at America Hiding
Maj. Heelli, of the South i.aiua
siiires, was kitlexi .
Rsportsd bv I I.. Rsy ft Co.. Pondletett,
l hlcago koaH ot Trsds and Nsw York
Stock laehengO Hroksrs.
New York, Mav 'JO. - Wheal started
strong tishtv. hut there was cou-ider-alile
for sale at the advance, and the
close was tbe same as Salurdav . New
York npened 7s :t-8 ami sold np to rt,
closing 7H'S. Chicago sold from 7L" .
t'. itg, ami closed 72 0, Liverpool
WHs up ft II. The visible supplv
showed a decrease for the week of l,
268, IHMI, compared with 1,0118,000 lor
same week last veitr.
the Argentine shipments lat week
were only 77il,(kki compare. I with 'J.
I'liS.tSSi for same week lust year, and
since l.inuarv I, to dale. 10,384,000,
agitiiist 48,810,000,
Stocks lower.
Money, . per cent .
Wheat I
Close Saturday, 7 "-H
Open today, 7s t 8,
Range today. 7 88 to n,
Close tndav , 7S'.. .
Stocks: Sugar, I in ; tobacco, I2.r'..,
steel, 4:; r-s; si. I'aui. 181; Atohlane,
77'4 ; N. IV . V, P., 100 1 Krie,
Whoal in , hlrsgu.
Chicago, Mav "il July
8 tV8.
w beat ,
Uuuon DreCfce Natk a tuntulsnce That
ttoth Prick.
Vienna, May 80 It ll re Ported here
that Qaean I'rugba, of Servia, has
made another attempt at suicide MS
a reenll of revelatione ooncerning her
bogus oonfinemeni she tried to shoot
bersell, hut an attendanee wrenched
the revolver out of her baud.
BaeeO In the Palacs.
Ilelgrade. Mav ', 1'hnre was it vio
lent scene iu the pa luce this morning,
when the cabinet advised King Alex
ander to divorce tin queen because of
the recent stoncx in, uectioli with
her aoeooohment. The king became
Irenaled, abuaed the mlniatere in
coarse language and swore he would
stand by tjuoeii llragha at any cost.
wiionioir Ktport or Paelgeetlea
Manila. Mav 80, t3oH, Wben.,n
who was in eommend of Northern
l.nson, has nfBoielly notified Oeneral
MaeArtbUr that the war iu that seel mil
in which iii mmanded is over an
the insurgent leaders have surrendered .
In I'rrparina to Stamp Out
rroin I hat Place.
Sinallpu x
pox scare
ol our
May 80. A genuine siuiill.
has struck our i ilv ami some
I pb are almost panic
report was spread MaturdaY
that the children ol l'iislii,a-ter I iitbens
were victims ol the ilrnul diseasi', and
three phyeieiani wee at mice called.
After eiamlnlng tiie rhlldren. they
said they wete not piepared to give any
definite opinion. Tney all itatad that
symptoms of smallpox existed, hill said
that III tbe initial stages of chick, i, pox
the same symptoms existed. Oil Satur
la) evening, Mr. I ni hens, to take
pie. .nit ions if In ' i hlldron had the
diseate, lo prevent its spread, moved
his postoflice to the collier of Third
ami Jefferson streets, and thoroughly
fumigated the mail. On Sunday morn
ing, the family nhveiolen uearanlined
the pnetofllue bnildlug nn Mam street
None of the children up to today
had bean eoeflned to bed, ami noth
log serious im anticipated.
outside oi iheee oases there are three
b, lines quarantined at preeent, ami the
pat hut ta Mrs. Kyle SlttDanlel, Mi
I. A. Siivdam, and a child ol Mr.
Alexander, ure rapidly recovering,
Ibe quarantine on the heme of J v.
lienrv, . raised Monday, Mis.
Ilenrv having fully reeoveied.
The public KbUOl was clotted hist
week ami all precautious are being
taken to slump out Ibe die .,-i
li K A N It I on., i Of I. U. O I-.
Ilia Ptndlslon OeloKSllon Will I.b.ivc
Tins kvtnliis.
T. I. Howard left this morning aud
the following named will leave on the
train this evening: Mr. mnl Mrs. It.
Aleaender, Mr. aedMre. il. J, Taylor,
Mr. and Mrs. John llailcv, jr , J I.
Sharon, K J. Murphl and 11 I',. Coon
They go to attend (lis meeting ol the
supreme bslge I. II, 1 1. f, ,,. Hil
preme eaoampmeal I U u, p. and the
upreme lodge oi Kebefcahi Mr.
Aieiaoder goea aa past grand master.
John liailey, jr, J. I Sharon and il.
J. Taylor are delegates from Kurefca
lodge, No. 88, j. r. Howard, R, J,
Murphv and li. K, Coon are deleaates
from integrity haige, N.. Ug Mrs,
John Haley, jr., and Mrs ! ,. ,,u,
der are dalagatiw representing Pauline
Rehekah bslge, ft, riiuy expect
to remain at llaker City until uesl
r riday oi S.ii urdav
w. .1. Heater, of Norn, brook, H, c.,
sas he sofferetl eittl piles lor 0 vears
lie tried mauy rtimedies wnh no reeull
until In- usmI lleWitt's VVittdi I Use I
Salve and tl,..t quickly cued him
Tal Iiiiuii A t hi,
L il. Shipp I .i Hie Mckay
Choice Creamery Butter
Great Fair Officially Opened
This Morning.
Vice Pieiigeil Roosffeli, Llfiilrntnt Gorcmor
IfOfUVl and Senator LodHf Gave Ad
.IrrvM'S III ht KlSTClWS
UuffeSo, May 80 Buffalo avekeead
this ni, ruing p, a realization of its
three vears' dream. The official BfOB1
ing and , led, call. hi of tbe I'an-Amen-can
exposition gates began at S o'clock
and thousands immediately sought en
trance. At noon the parade which had passed
through the principal streets reached
(l inoeltion grounds, and -.."ii there.
niter the dedicatory eiefeieas began.
Speeches were delivered h' Viee-rresi-
denl Roneevelt, Lieutenant Governor
Woodruff, Senator Lodge snl others.
t the dose ol the oefetnooioo, I2r
aerial guns were Brad,
Mooting at Hutrulo nn Wednidsy to
l H nn One.
Buffalo, May so, About one beedred
mid 8 ft) repreeentatlvee ol ratismi car
workers in the principal railroad cen
ters nl the country meet here on W,sl-
needav to plan a powerful Interne
tlonal OrganlfatiOO, which, when per
fected, would prove power iii the labor
world The mo at, it is said,
will have the indorsement ol Debt mid
i lompera,
It nn in t ,it ii I oiiktilutlon Thai May Ha
til ven.
Parle, Mav 80 Kappell, a news
papi i , this morning reports a Kussian
-I. id I.. in assaying that the czar con
templates giving Rnaaia a constitution.
A similar report was circiilaled about
two week" ago.
ll people only km w what we know
ai i Kodol Dyspepeia Cure it would
be used In neerlj oerv lineaehold, ss
there are lew pie who do Hot slide I
from a feeling of fullness after eating,
belch III . ilit ii I, nee. sour stomach or
water brash, caused by indigestion or
dyspepsia, preparation such as Kl I
I lyspepsia Cure, which, with no aid (mm
the stomach, will digeat vmir lood, cer
I it i ii I v can't brlp but do you good.
Tallman a Co.
Sayt Ha Was TurlursS.
I -lilt, led Sllcll palll from CUIUS i
could hardly walk, ' writes n Kobin
son. Illllahorough, ill , "hut Beek
leu's Aritlea Helve completely cured
I heiii. ' Vets like magic nn sprains,
ion es, cuts, sores, scalda, hiirns,
boill ulcers Perfect healer of skill
diseases aud pllei ore guaranteed bv
Tall teen A lo,
Mian Weoleey, a young woman who
.1- i ho-, li ,i l il I ill g el del of a I 'reah v -
t Tv of iii,. Cumberland oommleoiou
general BSseinbly may unseated. Op-
ujoiwuta claim that tin Doeatitetron
prohibits ii woman from holding such
ii position
An Old Bird
g' t'atighl with
, i, ill and u vvino
pgjrgoti 1 8 not
tempted with
oorarooti Irongtone
waio vvlnli tlii'V
Can Buy
Juhiieoii Brat1 Hng
M ini puroeltin lor
tin -ami' prlM tt
Owl Toil House.
Chsepeet plane leOaagae,