k Don't Forget These Things That the Maijnct Cash Store is sell ing pootis at the very bottom prices. That our stock is new and fresh, up- to -d itr a;ul attractive; come and Me, That we don't charge you am thing for Imknt; at our goods, and if you don twain to buy we are your friends til Corteoua treatment and fair fisaling brings its reward THE HAQNET Clements 4 Wilson. -ATCBDAY. MAY I, lmu 0 CI1MCBS OF THfc WEKR tht "' i'ri,f- ''nw 1. II itilkert f r.ft Imp tm-n!' M Oiwcago teeol.ienal seminary, Clnraau. fI. i ! t-'-t tilled tlie ebair if New Tetrtfuarnt interpretation, and during the pa T' ' -" ' '" wort nf prdewtioii ln ",ie t',' t,.i.r,.ialitiat d exeireais. I' at not I fullr in terorewitb wbet Hit- trustees .f that lattit'it. ' recant as ir.m.rlaJ doaoM. belle! in which they regard ar paramount Tlx manner of ii ditwfteal appear all the more remarkable, in thi- light l lb la glow tn trtaaai la bin nereonal worth, hit cholaiabip ami hit n.-enty, a tnbuw piil Uf to trustees whent..ey tent. Prof. flPbjrt from hit lecture room - 1 ssiersd hi 'inaction with the Wmi nary: "Wt elaer on reenr.1 our sense oi tti, eminent abihtv ( I n.tuaaor Oil. hert in tat line ) wttiu he haw nia.le bi ova, bit reverent an t devout i ani-it, da onaffcrte.1 piety, hit eon- ekHMpilofattj t" the trotti aw it tiaw a k. - -" t. ...... ri... fn.M. a...' . i V"m " "" the aaaat and gra- n'liw tpirit whicl markadall hit reiat nt i witi. w'.ooWt. tut aaaociatee in the ntraadtlie biiar.i o! .Miitro . We 'ismoib-'.i ." '-"lit mile thete the- u duCK-al ae.-nt..era. 'that 1 roteaaor Met'iitoai.'rw. mat I roleeeor . ... ilaart BtiMi.l I r iiim vea' 'li."ha,f i he ar -i..-' if hit chair In li for him ling of the hiw wavw and all oa the apiaoda, tbe Haven Bagiatar, nl of tlie conter- al church, uiKervatmut : a layman tiiat it .; onaraclaf would partn-u- U intidera- Memplaie ttudy- the miiiittrv nrluence of tucti a an untold advan u u no were lucky W it. It would be uai ncationt of a man given over a, flippant inveati jiaing Kkeptii'itoi. that hit col-1 bim a eiiarac-1 not ileeervti, m a aaey. arbieh k Uitiy nave opaoad Mtkgja of lutincerity iatva u oJ tuwatdi lMfMi"l lutincerity euat paintiug him in jiibert done, i tmeut'' He bat ! trained nearly 40u , miuiatrv during ktianx uion li vdari I ni-vioi . li" are eer- m ii M' -arrytng the divme . 4f and . n: mankind. He ' prttm.".ijr rema ir that ii" one would I aagaaa is tack k otark without a i aiad'iag of apirtt to the pitch of on- U a wan: iud a wtinle aouled loyaltv ttt tl.e taat kal ire bim. " At a - lai atudnut of the Itible be bat pursued acieuttat BeHhiHlt in order to either ferify ar oorrts'l current tradition tlnu' igf. lie ;u found at a reault o( uia taquirie- wt. n il it now rein force.1 by bitter personal experience. Vital " Ml cnurch it divided into two paru. taauf abiati would forever mad the blbktbl the light of tne past. While ifesotbe- would read the bible also a, (fja tf,,t arbieh the living God givee nfhc prvaaul." He goaioo to My tbat bit "eon vie-1 tlou and tuna! :i are with tl.oae win exalt tkaaible far an ive all traditions and ciaabu! man, and who seek to lalarpagi the bade in the modern sclent ifk air,l " Ho- whole at' tude l one alt map who accepts Christ ae"theia1! tina: revelation of Uod." laalaiinw that it it to Him tbat it m fc. doty to appeal. a right tiftv tears CTtma wkaa 1 tweauea gat oi tne biabt ago, died tlie lH-st know ledge mat day, may be wrong y standard which due later become obsolete. n 'i ouar 0r the only w inch Q vidnals i Christ d of doctrine and life fwt'tgiiiie either tor indi fMUtutious, is tbe living oulv hereev to ta- leared is lallingltWili r,,u. t only loayfc, ha desired it . rait) U I 'It acinar ' I rsaaaas wiiah a devout, n.'iitt and BBfaate a .I... (s-t.n l.iy Iwlinr. t; n doubt at to what a tlteol.jgiau deal res. Tier eattm-. mm ..ere the alls- IS E aa aaj Imnetitad by nit execution since jus much learning aud piety are with drawn It ku,'kt ear) much at i! dead weight uf tbe commonplace in this inetanoe bore do w n tbe true and ex- aaMtw' ll du.au'1 hurt t.iiU.rt, hut how k at j barab? T ue hiur uf tne president of tbe 1'uitnd Mate the priucipal uiembert of hlw cahtnut, disliuguished state man oi the aduiinietratinu, Ohio's gov ernor, alafl, aud ..-ougroesiouai deleja tian ; a week 'a nntoitainment by a great : stale ue4ed for boo ud leas boapiUlit the weaving uf a carpet of roeee from VeutaM to 3an Francisco, tne imiuer- vH a ujiliiuu people in the wi itwtifw idoaauma from an . tluworiug plants CASH STORE Court and Cottonwood the trantfer of the teat of OVernineilt an Wellington to a OoM eHj the Itieaw of tle president's will I went near to death ; all this appealed to the attute teleifranti adtlM (fvat New York Tribune, which HafNMM i.reelv made a part of the nation'a hi tory. at worthy the following RMBZB ficent rvMirt to tlie daily edition ,. thai journal : NmtH Harhara, Calif.. Mm Preti'i-iit MrK'nler ami tii party ar rived here thit morning at i . n k. ii t.-r a .I.-. 'gt.tiM i Lot A navies. Everywhere the great e1 enthtisissin wee mahif.-wte.i. a V'en tura the president witw takei if ai hoiir't drive. An immente crown gn-. t.- 1 -at Santa Harhara Pret lei . k i few in answer to repeated cat it. wai a u ord. The nartv atarted for !' V afternoon IlMlM heelertiers are eafj busy, in deed, and find little time tor paying attention to ao trivial a matter at half a continent and ltt interests The urpBt West Not even .the temiMrar . limiting oi tne president and tin- 1 rai tical removal of the White House from Watt.ingt in ennVee t in- taking note ot wettem happen 'in: An la-tern nepar int.-rvi. QQOibai f prominent men on the . . , tin wtth. i iiurrv.anu ontaiii.-.. ,.,...,. "- " -i- " - The tenor of Mr. Hurt remarkt was 'Mi?ar in niev of itt hartn.ii WM antiarttntlv niin-h wroiu-ht in llll ml .11' Ml VI1'., 'M ,111'T were on tbe other tiih' oi the big hattle. Thia waa what he Midi Thit hat been tern hie wees Ther. are tome men in thit couutr ! n.o-t aettle with their couacienrew. and th' are galMM to what they arill fat want aa money taken aw Daooaj wai taken yeatardav. There arill he n pocket in niy tbroml Than are MM who have come to WtM that B 'in ) can do anything in thit country If we have rearhed that point, that in moat be thorn by law of it power i. do barm. And, in my apiaioo, ih eventt of yaatarday will do ma bring aboat lagialatimi that arill niuk them impoaaible in the tatara Then another prominent man wat aeon. He praaented the opposite view aa to Mr. Hill't relation with the financial oparatiune: Clarence 8. Iarrow I d not enough of Mr. Hill'w raoord loci tut poae at a lamb. Uut I know i of tbe atoM exchange to fail u aw where he bat auv ground of iron , Mr Bill and hit couiiuti.i n- wei gageti in a gigaiil li 'a alave and exploit the people f r tne own personal profit. If hi nimiu'i turned around and triewl to azpii Hill, where it be any Mi tlie ieople? Hoar are oil any mure diabooorahie or blamew irti than be waa in tbe tirtt pjajaa? 1 r gar. I tne action of tin- im-n w i. nered Northern I'ai u.i stock an: i in- the price opto f litm at not a w: worae than the pertectly reguiu- of a man who huyr ti.e corner IMM aim Madiaoa l..r imuanee, and tixea hit MM pari) fur it. Then another, Jankin Lloyd Jonen, pastor of A.i wmiuIs Church, Chicago: I do nor kn ra Mr. Hill's personal record nor the merits of bit dispute w itn the man whom he accuses "' '.rw.f 1 - do uut ane where any plst biame be laid by Mr. Hill on any ot tbe atai who tecolated with l.liu in M Ln leas be stands iu the attunh gamhUr accnaiug those wn played with him of .heating at tar I don't awe that he has anv Bafil in hit cute. For the Hlm i market I huge gamhiug game. The mun who goes iuto it takes bit own risk. The stuck market it worse than hor. ing The element of rhau.e ntere into it even more than iu horse raring I have no sympathy for Mr Hill. Mr. Hill was supported k) HMM to men : .1 sines H f organ, pretiden tbe First National Bank, of Obieai ' A avu axtsr aal Uysr af saitar- facaia D ' niru tht interior ttlrsalt "b" asaras ta laurai. iaysr. C " aurk ta raat ol ta hair MfAaj bait- NEWBRO'S HERPICIDE Daatroya those paraaltic terms; and it la the only hair preparation that doee. Deatcoy tne you rwaaove the aflacl " m sin ir MtMSTs. : hfcittfcy Hair A EE bir. Xws tat gana taat ctaakv aeaaaa aat sat at Mas rwt ef Om aair aatkiag aaa4- ! mtt cawww.ni know Mr. Hill He ta h man nf lioimr, mi trhon wore I om depend I ln not (rut i tiiki' Bidet iii this Haiti between tin- ir.lerewis lik.h!lhc lor the c.i ilitrol of the Northern l'aeihc I do not know the details oi the trouble, hut Mr.-Mill iw a man whose w..rd nuit lie reo panted, 0, Klaagbrer, nf AwO. slaughter Co , Ohicago Mr. fiill it right. In all my thirty-five veart' experiem-e I have never seen to treacherous a deed as that of the Bon reaaonalble for the tmnhh Tkaraday, if Judge Lyiteb could gt't than the MMltty would be the BttOf for it. 1 believe, with Mr. Hill, that if money ran work aneh evil its power should be curtailed. Some meuii" should he taken to prevent a reettt' on . f tne panus I have more than !iiy "hare of mon-y 1 Mapaot, but I i. ii' ready ami willing to have it divided up if tuch evil ci.n he workul with u. I bava aetaf n realimi itt poh"r to d. rtm) So there on have it. You may take your oboiat without pgj nig any money. JUDntMkKT. MR. UMPIRg. The following leader appeared on tbe etiiloriai putte ot the iortiand lire gonian oi rbureday, May IT. aadof the caption "The I acts hi-"lit Mrs. Kc kililey. and o.c4i lonetl roiisiderahle oommanl . The president ol the I'nitei! states has been obliged koabaadoa hit pro-siw-i visit to Oreyoii ami nthaf states on account ol the illness ul his wit. . EM ooarea, Ua praaidaol of the OmNmI States ei, i.not he eliM'Ctevl to dn other- aim tbaa abaadoa his pa hi it tour when he iw accompanied by a wife who bee m - - - naif tick, of even tick enough to demand as a matter of per nui - ton. i.:- i.rcselice a? tier heii- snte. rbe allaati sn i one ui diMppninf llieht to tin peopie Ol lregon, Win made caraful preparation to give had i tin n:ak dai an. can elidnrai n I and it i art! I for a woman to Mtht i I int. Btate ll' IS invalid ! "i the vei as a ioiii doet and l anion, the w if in em- ! 'arrestment to tbe BMaidaat, i dential tart. tiotiary , - rangein.'iiis for nature of the the public ; hut w hen tiompanlarl ty a preei aveis a a pajUll Inm -r 'ite ami all the ar- lis reception, with the .in. In ueremooiaa at ' w lib his excursion ..- not goad judg of the preeident to trip to tbe probable ra nation, to the by tak- fe w it li hi u. and M on the part of Mrs. '. president 'l urtailmeiit and her b I- the severe trial Dg loiirney. A a trip thonld ttart from all prolMtble at . ui Id providswl ei idad n accept and 1 It w e.c Iliew ami I rout.', and allowt ed Udorehand and ihiuitsion to hit ear ill ot men- .. in Died nek o tin hi par iuhl ' .! preeidi retarv Dm r , wUtlCe for i tit tl ppr VI eX- the puhllc haw ii let the liircum- iroin ise1 ecante nf tnat he under eseiting ttnpftwl r suet, a ; The out and ,uj i art at ing cam man or for . , rrss- nr ot unio, or Middle West iu a "" " i-aw-j.s aa. m Money to Loan I t. ri'- pmirtv at a low rat.- of interest. I an la- r--I aid m moaihljr install-im-iit - NO COMMISSIONS. Will loan on luinrovasi jroajriy or will furnish money to build with Will Iw ('leased in give rig-ur-s ol uctual iut to any one needing a loan RANK li. CLOPTON 6uu Mam Street. aaar awwwamwai . j i aa r ia w waj W ' aa aaMaaaaas- aaBaakaai MAYOR DORAN l:licrieiifos the lovigeratiflg Effects PaiBe's i tierv Cotuprand. lion. F. It. Ikiraii who bat heeii sev eral tim.s honored by the cittlent of St. f'aui by re-election at mayor, not MM many of the characteristics that g" to niake the reputation of a "sound man." and it the last iperton in the world to publicly indorse anything of which he bM not fnllv mfnrnieil him alt. Mayor DoMM de. ided t take I'ame's r . . T' tKitind this tprirtg. having heart) nitich of itt wonderlni ett. acv r im nbyatciaaa, naigbbaw ami inti- m Ate friend. He was not d Itappointed. His agpariaBOe with this great remedy waa ao gratifying that a few dayt ago he sen! the proprietor a tettiniouial which adds conclusive nr.sif to the MMMMl of tdivsiciant that, of all the prion remedies that can iw had. I'aine'w tvlery coinponnd stands far above all others iu honest and great result!: March U, 1901. 'ar Sirs I am convinced that - lie, sick r well. Heeds to take a .i ng 'einedy. and for that luroee I baliave nothing can eijual Paine't i ".. rv coiiipouiid . 1 couiiuend it ( cially to the nervously afflicted. Very trnl v vours. W. H. IkiRAN. The Navajo Coal and Petroleum Oil Company Ovmn 7iJ acres patented anJsand 1500 acres petroleum placer locations on Navajo River. Archuleta county. Colorado. 15.000 icet of lumbw on the grounds. 4,000 cash now in the treas ury 500.000 shares rron-assessiole stock in treasury to be used for development work. Wells will be drilled on the property within sixty days. Samples of oil may b seen at the hardware store of T C Taylot In order to better prosecute the work the company now offers for sale 1 30.000 shares of stock at 10c per Share par value tot). Aft :r July 1. f0t, the company will sell no s: 1 1 ' . .s than 15c per xliarc No agents, but above number ot rhltrttj 120.000, can be had at 10c per share by applying to an of the un b-rsigned incorporators before July 1st, loot, un less suui.cr aold. T C I AVLOR, C. B WADE, ROBT PORSTKR, J H. KALEV. J K DICKSON T Frazer Opera House One night only. Tuesday. HI Ay 21 a l: V,l. PlaiST ' K l Sa) jaw d Hal PAVORITI i.imi.i:as W- HARRY CORSON CLARKE , wty .IN HIS i rHK A I KST JUT WHAT DID TOMKINS DO? A CAPITAL COMEDY OF CHARACTER f'KIITY olKLfc BTTNVlMi t.'iWNM I ATlll V 11 1 !( PI.A8IN0 SPIil ALTIEli at eeoBTI.so OOHPAHY Of CM HI'aL Xlu'BLLBM X ti.ioun in Kirllaud (or Bcluru KDgagautuui oi Uki W.ek. 1 nets J5C, 50c, 75c, t, Seatt. HOW DO YOU The new store can never be known unlets It advertises. t 11 OF ST. PAUL. Itecauwe a man it growing old he neetl not M an invalid, old age isn't a dieeaae. A man at titty should lie well, and many at seventy are as welt at ever in their Uvea. But at age comet on the hlood uee.lt to Iw rid of rbeumatitm and the muacle.of nenralgia: the nerves needs feeding ami the brain nourithinetii I'aine's celerv compound it fisai for the brain and nerves. It huiljs up the strength of the h sly. The saddest ignorance is for a sick person not to know the remedy that will make him Well. Fortunately, lew ieople have failed t" hear of the reinarkahle cure. Irom the use of I'aine's celery com pound. For rheumatism, neuralgia, impure hlood, nervous diseases and kindred trouble, it it a positive cure. Tbe exerim-utal efforts of scores and auorae of so. called spring remedies with which the market it constantly recruited are In startling contrast witb the thoroughly scient tic way in which I'aine's celery compound re ttores health and vigor to the worn-out blood and nerevs New strength. MfJ life, new health come from itt use especially is this true in the spring. J H. KOBBINS. F B CLOPTON. KIRK. on sale at Tallinan s Uruy Store expect people to know what you have to tell l( you don't t a. I r 1 mmmmm I tTX r" T I W BC I la.Baw. f I BatVt) l cadinj: a Man Ntisc mm mitleod him wunetimet. laatata that lead- t man hut to the our our will nr btnndry Ii the fanitieww baaaty oi artistic laiimlrv work, that he iiiimi Kiwi . iniww letilink' 'lie. ex uiwite laandn work is the MM l I ii ...I. I i.n.f in tins line. of We .I., up whirls, ..liars, ouffw and tind-r Hraar in a manner tbat leeri wi " tine aaiiditioa t well aw writing a lmwhI as new . at all t mew. lomcstik Slcam l.anndn. You get (iood Beer.. Whf n you drink PILSNER BEER. HIBieMltffKI ruusf bukl dica ih'hs nt ache to or A-k for it. Schultz Brewing Co. Oregon Lumber Yard WOOD 8DTTB For harm tnd dwell mgt riietHwr than tin. Lumber, Unh. Shingles, riuildinK Hnper. Tar Puper. 1. 1 tne and Cement. MouidiDkMi. Pickets Plaster. Brick and Sand, Screen DootatA Windows S.i-.h and DoOCaNi 1 erra dtta Pipe. Borie & Light, Propc Alta St , onp. ('"urt llnae i C SHAW k CO. W. .!. SKWKI.I., Manager. WHOLESALE AMI DETAIL LUMBER DEALERS Yard un Wehh Street 0laaille limit Freight Iteisit We are rearel to furnish anything in the lumber line and ran guarantee nrirus u U- at ulieac, if not rhea-r tiiau other. We alto carry a large :me of I '.sirs. Windows aud Mouldiug. Partita? eoiiteiuiilatiug huihlmg will do well to swe us Udnre placing their orders. We alto carry Casea. Ksi Kir w.sal I'h'.nn Mam I Lt Kay & Co., Rur and sail Stock , Bonds and Grain lor rasb or 00 stargins New York .Stock hachange. Chicago Stock Exchange. Chicago Hoard ol Trade. Cuurt Strat. I '...I'vi. ... , a Hrench Restaurant.. BhVKT MXALB IN TMI CITY t'PES UAV AM; MUHT . . . TBUI 1 ASH i.AMK IN SB A AON . Juit keceived a nice lot ol Irug'a lege Uut Lai ontaluc. Proprietor . wittier bulldlnx. Main si . I'audleton Uraaoo Farmers Custom Mill Fred W altera, Proprietor. (.apaelij. IW barrels s day. flour IWaaaMBM lor wbaat flour, Mil. Pwat. t'bopuad toed etc.. alwart ou baud Old Ul fin UK HUH CAM usu. 00 tBtlses. walls, or for w raiiping uuruueea Old uewauauerw to large buudlas ul oua Uuudred Newspapers e b at M. ' eul a buudic ai Ilia BASI OBBOOsilAtl OfPlCK. leudU b the Oragou Pendleton Planing Mill and Lumber Yard Can Bftll rheaprr than any 9m in the county bacatlM they buy in large quantities. If you need latabtf or any kind or mill work rail ami pet I In ir pfiCM R, FORSTER, - Proprietor. PIANOS ORGANS All gocnls en haml la be solil .it the lowest possi prices. Thew roodl were in the storr pteviotil to M;iy tst ami consequently krere "f the lin-ts i lan stock N a kc field & ! ailing, Suci eMorn to I'.ritcs -V Ia:n fOB SALE fl B tXlHwNGE. A NKM IX HOgai POVTKI UAtO line t-iiginr aud all tttturst soaastaa. lank. tiibiiiK lattlerr ami . ..in. Sharker at a low af I .'li ! .. .it a ill i-xi'liwilg. l..r urnsiWKi j . ..., m ' 'rvsmi rHYSHIANS i'K W. U. t.LK. OKKlfE IS .Till outlrlint oBce hours, it to !J a . 1 to I 1 m Teli'pboDc TT V. W, VINCINT. at. 1). OFK1CS REAR ot First Salmnsi Bank offlrv noi.rt 10 to L a m . 1 to 3 p m UKs. SMITH HKSI'KKnoS. oKKICK ... . ret '.ifton Hini liwnk Isitpbrmsti rcsiJvUee U'lrph.mr I H. 8. l.ARKItl.ir M.! Ho.MK I a ! H Ic PliTwicisr suit Surgeon OfBr In Jurti" Huuauif take m ottee ina k to. rest ilsaes blat'k H DR. D.J. U'fAVL, K'HiM IT, A.snoi'lA tlou bus k Triephous Mj rew, teu.-e n .r pbouc b.s.'k 16I oSTIad'ATHli PHYKUlASfi! DRB. k. yew a ki'.n urtii. uur Inm k Wsst ul Hi'w lou rilurr DB l.YSN K. HLARKPUkK. i HKOXU aud nerv.iu illsnaaM aud Jiweawsi ol womvu t'l'l Ihiurl. ror. Water aud Main M I'eDdlv ion era. VETERINARY SURGK0N&. DR.J. HRI8TIR VETERINARY -I K gson iirad .' E'hnha tarmr 1 11 tti. l;.'a v , n-.nart ri'l Hroitan.1 hate (otcraiusut tor far Vslr dmrirt, ft. C. "Ik.. s.ikIw treated on tel. .'iitim prin- I".. UblW t Sll h.'I'iL. Localso ai I'omuisrola! rr. Itt.- piniut' Mi.in It. URNT1STS. E. A. a: 1. has ID Judd Buiiillug fCNTI8T. orrici a. l. kkatik. d. i. h. oKrms tvki a7 . Hank ia a.lminiwterwl K. A. MASS HKNT1HT IS ASStMtlA Win B." k out r B '"iopion orBor ARIHITBCTS AND SUILDiaS. I . r H"W Akl'. AK( HI 1 K' I AM' (jt piriuu-U'lrir. roaksw ivaplsts aad taUafalt Naat t r bninhusa 10 tht cllr or uouutrr kooai 1: Judd buildioa bUEEK a COLE, 00KTR4CT0RI AUD EaliataU', turu.i.. u ob abort ao Ilea Jo werk a tasclaUl 1 r..ai.t werrte si.'.p in. H.ua wtroi aaar Main wirsal i' a. may, contractor ash tUlldel Lahuatas luruiabvd on all kinds ul uiaaoiir. irnwui aalkw wuur walU. tr Or axel ran tx i at ihr Kaai ..reguaiaa oOtr BAB RS AMD BROKERS. MKHI SATIONAL RANEUK ATHKNA OregoL 1 apnal Itu.lkA' surplus aud pronu ..oi Uilarvat op lim druoaiu Wall In l"rigu au" doDinatii in hauar o..m'Uou pi.inipt y aiwedad ... HourrT. Adam pras al.-ui T. J Kirk. sioa praidnt . B. L. Bar liar. Mr. X l. Barncil, attlstain aauier THt 'KMLKTUN BAVINog HANK r-eudlelim Ore,,u Orgauiaed Mart b 1 laaf ap.lal tW'.UUL .nureal allowed oa Una d. puaiu Kxcuaus UuigBl aud aoid ou all unu I iua: poinu Hpe. i; fll TIBa 1 van U iwlie. nous W. J, ruroith, nreeidenl, J. K lo: rloa-prai dai 1 . 1 J Moria caabler riU r A KM I K bANK Or WaWTON Weakuu (reuu Uoas a geueral batitiu. buainea. B. uaue bouabl aud sold tn.1 ie, i.uu. prouiuiit alieudeJ n Affairs iu moti hi ' "lid.ti'.n aud a. rr uur led ala.li I" n veaiigatiim eoiouiiiiee ol reaponatblaeiUatai im.ers k Jameaou. ureaideo'. . t.eo W roebtUU .TIC pretideut r M furoe uaabier i aliujore. aawi.iaut oathler, dlreeiort O A. Uariman M M Jobut T. i. frii ti I rnaTalltl. KlUor" h0,r' Jamsson. U. W MUST NATION AI. HA N K OF PRMUL uu. Capital tW.IW); aurulus leo.ajb Tran. "f keuera. uuiklua Cu.lu. aw kel.au. and Mlegraubi. iraualer. wild un Clileaau Ban KrauL-isop. New Yort aud uriuulual uuiu'is in .." Si.rii.-eat hralu hraau on lu. Jau aud Buroue Make, ool.ecllou 011 rwuonaL.r terms Uti Aukens prasldeut . V K Matlock elea-pfasidui i B a adc niei u I 1 (juerutsj assuiiani oatbltr ISCKLLANBOUS BOTICRS. N ?T14 1 ' ' ' "Sl KAlToRB NoTlCX IB Berebj jlstii laai .be street coanuituar ol tbs wimiu n . ..ui, ll o ti oil, o( Kudlotou will rscjiv. bid. loi tne iiuu.beni.g u tat Uouae. aud lot ..guw lor tbs .treat Iu tbe t 110? Heudlel.il. Hid, 10 .late tbe price tor JL.J I'lauuflbe numbers 01. tbe aoutea and Iba .11.. ou tbe .usetcuriajr. bidder, will be r" quirl to hirulab aaeipia. ol uubUss aud tlgM ll.ui .ud .cller. Ui Tot Tea. t A lUlbe. 11. leustb or -jelelu -TtaWj.1 thl "" Br uder of the hltoel 1 011. lullute A I Ma'. J t HtAM 'kacurdar haled at l eudleloii, Ore , May w I.N Kl Nii-IHt. I-.. I.l.o W I NO Dg. ..riUe.l an I.. ..I. , . .,', y.:, . Maen up b) tb one roi... i...",jr zr.r.:.Tr"r- akoot. year. 1, branded L k oi liT bio iuui uu left ui,.. " U1P' ?tlV!L?ll!,i u7W.Iunda. bouide, BiaaBw7eaaxiwa uuMt , i i 8 . "UUU1 rears old. breaded . beta P on right .nouldar aad an lu liau braad ltb quarter circle ou lall biu hed Ma; 1 itul ' ' M IlkA IIIM A.N. City Ma.il.ai l-E2vEr?! WLuiwmu dr. ,.. iw . . 1 . "V laseu up b tbe of In XavXl?d U ,oU1 lU "W'al ou ui ieu uay. lor i-oau aud expeiuMS : i.l."", 7?V. lu'.c '""" sm i.ur ui J ! L on xwaat'' abua,6' 'ai -UtVt haled May 17, tail i at UBA1UMAB. Clly kUltaal. ilAnnin d nA aValal taT Ilia mi u iv 1 l nvnnoai Big I A 1 1 un s si ww a 1 Ann bUois A I I w , k . fc at a . rw 1 1 r result FRIDA aaxBxl aaxaaaa m aawaw. MAY 1 wiv 11 h SHOWS it u fi-l Q . a l .aar unu f 1 1 1 r II a. m. rerinrmii! Animals A. I A k wuasruia 'ateaVt-i aar trevH aVaawaaraV aalaafTf xd-JdBT .of Wrint THI Haw- ailT 'IBTK aay - 1 ...M...i 1 iinriM I I UlIKU nii" WWW 1 In. a m i . it r 'ill 111 1 1 .1. Trained n. L 11 11 n 1 ill a-uruuu uu as Trained Zebus Trained Trained Everv act new eV . . . aa 1 1 uniiu Trained 1 1 -I II 11 1 11 y likv awe Ball BBBWV I ltt B t I EnoniH)U Wiiterprmi PRICES .A H ll 11 1 111 1 nmn v 1 ui : 1 k r r vuv ill tii iii t 1 V i l aw aw I II mi xWV3 r a 1 ataataataaBraar axlxlaKr Sxvl.:.- 1 aeatetarY Wi aw aw a aaaaaaw Adult Children r