East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 18, 1901, Image 1

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iA Y r VrN NKrllll I
vi 1111 L. w i mm.M
pi"f, ,
I mluli' ,.i,, -milUt probably llr
-craTtHiJ fact. ;
- e3
NO. 4128
.mil ne me.
Legal line itaple
tii,. city.
L Demott.
sols. Umbrellas.
ih the airt'ul Uvrv warm
tr the parasol aiul the
.let nixi.lL Will . 'tiii
Jren s paraaola 1,1 a"
11 j; . iv. ;'H 11 .v. 2(.
mint- aim niiurs, Willi
:nuiry fratin 1 1 . 50 to $b.
I . 1 I
...1... 1 .... I .... . I.
; puis is, mini) ana
U to 3
ex m - - . .
r,v V.iU 111 1 BU-
iuii rai ' pi rr i I
K . m. If IILlli
lOlIltr-, I iw.Lc .Mr- j.
i ' n uol 1
t(M5 1 lozen. Salmon
,m m KB
W Croquet seuf i .24,
95 t0 j-t5 Hammocks
. 1 j 1
CM Surulrie. .
k . .
colored or
$1.45, vases
pots, glass
all kinds,
65c, to
ii' ,1.1
Cream 12c, Eastmans
j , dsaune sc,
ioc, riortda water ioc
muiei,, nair tonics.
Hlvu (JUUUS,
showing an elegant line
111 m.H ....l.i i .
h 45 Latest styles
nablt- m uric
fallWim agency,
HOBM Journal agency,
umuaior agency.
ericK No
Prettiness in
Wash Goods
With the warm days just coining on it time to he
husy with the making of summer dresses. VVY are
ready with the largest and hest shewing we have evr
made. The flowers of May show scarcely prettier
colorings than are on these dainty weaving. Special
showing this week.
ioc for Twill de Nord Ginghams should be 12 1-2 a yard
IOC for the celebrated cyphr ginghams, always sold for
12 i-2c per yard.
20c for for Foulardinc, the wash goods sensation of the
season, sold everywhere for 25c a yanl
8c for dimity cords, equal to any 10c dimity you have over
15c for Llama cloth, looks like French flannel, sold in New
York at 20c per yard,
50c for mercerized Fulards, a high art novelty and as pr tty
as silk, worth all of 65c a yard.
Many other materials, all priced reasonable.
he Boston
ther LotIO dress lenjrths-of Foulard
by express. There's no two alike.
v and make your selection. They'll
Every woman likes to look well.
She can, by wearing
Centemeri Gloves
Sole Agents for
Every pair tit and guaranteed.
mm m
Kid Gloves
Get our Prices on Silk Shirt
siest store in rendieton.
To make good broad use Byers' Beat Hour. It took first
premiuui at the Chicago world a Kair nut all compete
tiou, aud gives excellent satisfaction wherever used.
Kvery sack is guaranteed. We have the beat Hteam
Kolled Bailey, 8eed Bye aud Beardleaa Barley.
I have just received a large Hiiipmeiit
buch as milk paos, milk can, boilers
tea kettles, sauce pans, dippers and
buckets, etc. Every piece is warrant
ed not to rust and is exchangeable at
any time for a new piece if it rusts.
See display in window.
T. C. TAYLOR, the Hardware Man.
& Hexter.
Silks in this morn-
You'd better come
go like hot cakes.
Women's Summer
Ribbed I'nion suits5oc, N5C f 1
Women's Swiss ribbed vests
5c, ioc, 12 1 2c, 15 20, 25, 35c.
Women's fine lisle vests. 35c,
50c and 75c.
Children and Misses
Gaue vests and union suits,
small prices.
New novelties in Hells.
New novelties in Neckwear
Stops to Admire the China.
and pretty porcelain and glass
ware displayed by us is what
every housewife in Feiidleton
does when near our store.
If you haven't seen the bar
gains in Chamber sets that we
arc offering this week, drop in
and see the splendid values
that you can get for your
not to Rust
Ni'v .calami WMli to enter the An
'iii' (MtMtfMi
TIh iMdlBg mHnnfactnroni of carpetp
have fomuMl n trust.
hn). 1). QoldMi grandniHUr of
lilaho Manoni", dil llmroilay.
All the revolutionary ohtch in
Santo DoniBgO arc now prisoners.
diplomat ic relations have DOM re
newed between Mexico and Austria.
Field Marshal '.n Wahlcrsee, of the
Gorman army, will return to Kurope
in June.
1 lie total eclipse of the sun, which
will occur May 18, will lie visible only
in the other side of the earth.
The Voff Kev. Francis Paget, D, 1.,
doOB of Christ Church, Oxford, since
1SW1 has been appointed Kisliopof Ox
ford, in succession to the late Kev.
William Stubhe.
Robert 1'. Wausiaff, marine editor of
the Detroit I roe I'ress, died in Detroit
from Mborraiooil, He whp nnmarrietl
and M years of 0(0,
The Kritish newspapers continue a
crusade OgolBOl failure of Kngland to
Qondact a war or extend commerce as
well as America has done.
Btodents of Illinois university and
employes of a circus at Cbamiiane,
I II. .loiinht a pitched battle in which a
unrulier ol persons were hurt.
Francis T. llord, a prominent attor
ney of Indianapolis, was found dead
in bed Thursday morning. He had
been suffering from insomnia. Mr.
Hord studied law in the OfBfli of lien
jamin Harrison.
The Kev. Dr, Fra Hoyt Hyinaton,
MM of the foremost Congregational
clergymen in New F'.nglaud, died sud
denly at his Imine in Boston on Friday.
Or. Byington presided at the meetings
o( the Congregational Home Mission
ary Society, at Tremont Temple, Bos
Ma, on Thursday.
Kin; Rd word who was born Novem
ber t), IS41 has decided that his birth
day shall he celebrated May '.'4, each
year, thus perpetuating tha holiday
hitherto observed by all the public de
partments tjueeii S'ictoria's birthday
and give an impetus to the colonial
movement to observe the date as em
pire day.
Kev. William H. Connor, believed
to have been the oldest negro preacher
in the country, died at his honie in
New London, Conn., on Thursday,
lined 101 years. He was born in sla
very, but eseaned in 1H1. lie benan
preaching liefore 185(1, end thoinrh
never ordained, was at the head of the
negro religious society there and was
flootioootely known as Father Connor.
His powers were remarkably preserved
up to a short time ago.
SmalliMix at
-kaitway is positively
reisirted now bv
the .quarantine au-
shortage of water will cause the
early shutting down of Jacksonville
placers this spring.
Judge T. II. Veasy, ol Knterprise,
Wallowa cotTlity, died on I'liursdav,
May 16, He was the first county judge
and a pioneer settler.
The entire appropriation for OipOft
ing the books of the schisil land board
has been used up and therefore the
work ciunot be prosecutel further.
A. L. lirowu and J. I.. Watson were
chosen delegates to the supreme court
of Foresters, with instructions to in
duce the sending ol workers to Oregon
The most terrific hail sturm that
ever visited t'anwin C.ts p-Hed over
that place last Saturday afternooji at
half past I o'clock, continuing for
about half an hour with unabating
The fourteenth annual state conven
tion of the Christian FJndearorers is
in session at Salem, Father Clark,
the originator of the movement, ladug
present, ami 4U0 delegates from all
over Oregon.
Henry K. Tlioiupson, of the nrm of
i'liompaou & Sous, liurns, Harney
roiinu, has tiled a petition in bank
ruptcy iu the Cuited -tates court. Hia
liabilities amount to ftt,Mt.li
Assets, nothing.
A deed to the liouan.a mine, the fa
mous Baker county proertv, has !eeii
iiled there, sh..w ing that -si.tss) was
IBO rloe paid by the hlandani Oil,
instead of 1780.000) as has been com
monly MUOHm for several years.
To physical warnings wit'
ofttO jrevrnt uriioui
UIm - WW n Hir- ail
Mproaalvo lullurs aftn
Mtloi mum rial oo i
b IctiliiK ROOdOOsM dui
ucM, Dcrvuuu- wit)
physical "id weiital slug
rUanssa, uioiupt attna
Bon ohoulo l-- given ti
tin i onditioo "t digca
tivr and ootritive
lrui Nut all Ibot
lyntptooM will u at
onct or in any iii?IT
cast Imt any uiiv ol llu in
indicates a disordt r d
condition of tlu- RtOMaca
and otttr oi(ana of Uigv
BUM nd nun ition
A ir.,nipt cure of thes
C'oiul it ions will be tlti led
by Hit- timrly ut of
1'ino- Goloeo M lie il
piiMvcry. it koois.dii
eases it the blomai li' m l
Jim i organs of diu. liua
and nutritioOi perfectly
and pemoMttttf MiMf
dicav s, keemiiivlv ie-
in. i 1 1 '.in tin stomach,
luvs i hen oriciti hi a
diseav d condition of (lis
II. m and initiilion ' ' '.old l
Ol i
hi IkjI l).iovery" cuies IhrouKN ihe
sloiuacli diseases w inch have Ih. ir m Ig in
in a dias k d conditio of atom., ii . id
fa n i durahi-a of liver, lungs, h-ail .old
ot'e r uigans are cured by use of tin
0OVO " It conta.a- n alcohol IMMIhCJ
oiium cim'miuc or ol.'u i uaicutic. It la a
true u lu'jrrain e mtdMu.
Acceul no -ui.a! ' ii' loi "iioldeo M O
laaj uaxottiy " There la
"just aa good "
nothing is,
- I ., lot.tl .VO k ,'oul. I, .1 si, I Ii
writes Mi i i ol ikiiym.ui i.. nl.nl
Co . sio. "For Iwu vcti. 1 tncl uicdii'iui from
dcK-iois bat recslvua rrj balls is-mii I i.l
0eh .ii i airmail waa uoi ahUr to do i goSfl
day'a work t caiiliucacrsl niWrug In I'm r a
Lruldcu M h ii UUcoveri nal win u I ..jrl
t o. a bottle 1 aauld sfacp sod mm u .. iiu
tr.i- wuaOsrtulljr iniprorl I Haw Ukoi bvi
bull Its an I .i.n at ill tin pi n a "
Or firrcr s HI. aaaut Hrlli ts cut. coal-
atipation bv cuioili tie- cause. The y Ou
liot Ugct the pill habit
Launching of the Battleship
Occurred Today.
Ire. McKliley Wis Better Today, But of
Course Uotble to Participate Hn
Btrber Was Substituted.
Nan F'rancisiso, May IH. Mrs. Mc
kinley had a good night and is steadi
ly improving. She called for nourish
ment several times, and did not have
t he expected sinking tell during the
night. President McKinley also rested
well. He decided this morning to at
tend the launching.
Miss Mary Harber, of Canton, niece
of Mrs. McKinley, took the letter's
place in the launching ceremonies,
pressing the electric button that sent
the ship from the ways.
San Francisco, May 18. With the
sunshine this morning came the cheery
news that Mrs. McKinley continued to
improve. The streets, still decorated
in festive array and swarming with
crowds, regained its holiday appear
ance. At Bt4t, the president left the
Scott residence for the transuort dock.
As he was driven through the streets,
it whs noticed that his face had lost
tin- anxious look of the past few days
and wore a joyous expression. He was
greeted with hearty cheers.
Sun Francisco, May IS. -President
McKinley returned on the Slucuin, ar
riving at I o'clock. He will not par
take lurther in the festivities, but will
remain at home. Mrs. McKinley con
tinues to improve.
How the Big Machine Was Given is
tha Oeean.
San Francisco, May li, Shortly
after 10 o'clock this morning, Presi
dent Mi-Kinley aud his party arrived
at the hamlsoiiielv decorated transport
wharf and embarked on the president 's
llagship "Slocum," to witness the
culminating event id the long journey
and the child feature of the San Fran
cisco carnival of holidays, the launch
ing of the battleship Ohio, The
SkMOMi the flnOOf tug on the Pacillc
and one of the finest in the world, ex
ternally a moving mass of brilliant
colors With tin- white and gold interior
richly adorned with rarest ferns and
Ol ent cut llowers, is a llagship
worth v of the chief eiecutive of the
world 's greatest nation
As the Hlofuui left the wharf and
steamed slowly up the bay towards
the I'nion Iron Works, thi scene of the
launching, all the whistles of all the
vessels in i be harlsir screamed a
salute, and the thousands aboard the
innumerable craft that spriakled the
trotOTi sent up a noisy welcome.
Lying in the "great triangle," rid
ing easily at anchor, gay With Holler
ing Hags and streaming pODBOnti lay
the monster battleships of the White
Squadron, the Iowa, Hying the Hag of
Admiral Casey, ami the nuwly com
plotod Wisconsin.
Boomed a Grading.
CJlOM boot do. were the cruisers Phila
delphia and Adams, the swift OfM0j0
boat destroyer F'arragut, and the il.
Mi ( 'ii I loch , representing the revenue
As the presidential tlsajshiii passed
the great guns of war roarud forth a
riotous greeting, the six inchnrs thuii
during the national saluto of 2X guns,
a veritable cannonade that echoed
and revorlmrated among the hills of
distant shores and across the wa'ers of
Han Francisco hay until long alter the
president had arrived at his destina
tion. As the Slocum passed following the
load ol the day's event to witness the
plunge of their newer' and biggest
sister of battle into her natural ele
ment .
On the Slocum, were the presiden
tial party, lioveruor Nash, ol Ohio,
aud his staff and Miss In-shl.-r
Among the decorated veaacU fol
lowing in the wake of the presidential
.. i 1 . I. I A
liagsliiup was inn strainer ivesoiiiie
with the visiting Oh loans aboard
guests o( the Ohio society of Cali
forma. They too had traveled many a
dusty mile to view the lirtt dip mi
me deep of ih.- vessel that will carrv
abroad the ualuu aud fame of the
Huckcvc state.
or TUB
A BalllsthiK
Larger ana
Swltlsr Tban
the orsgon
Man Francisco, May la.-Ou the lHth
of May, 1HW, the first rivet was driven
in the keel of the Ohio at the Union
Iron Works, San Frauuisco, the great
plant that turn out the nuest battle
shins afloat. Work upou ner was
pushed rapidly, it being- the origiual
intention to have this newest and
lat st terror of the American navy take
her i .a 1. 1 lain i iduuge last HepttfuiLier
Karlv Aotumu not in. ding the con
struction surticieutly advaisued, a date
for tha launching waa set in Novem
ber. With) the winter came almost oar
tain intelligence that the nation's
c,iuf executive would honor with his
i ureaeuce me consuming oi toe iiiiun
sake of fiia native slate, and, at the
instance of the Ohio Koclety of Cali
fornia, with the approval of the navy
department, the launching waa delayed
until reliruarv, ami subsequently
again iioetpoued.
The veeeel that today hist felt the
thrill of life and leapt joyously to the
blue waters of Kan F'rauclavo bay, is
the greatest craft in the battleship of
uaiious. the largest, the aw if teat, the
formidable fighting machine
A few years ago the national heart,
palpitated wilh pride in BOO 001) BOO 00
of the world renowned performance nf
the Oregon, "The Mull dog of the
American navy," yet this newest ami
fairest of I'ncle Sam's war-like daugh
ters will eclipse both the Oregon and
her formidable sister of battle, the
Har Bqulpment.
The Ohio is 40 feet longer and four
feet broader than the Oregon, two
thousand tons heavier, ami three kinds
an hour faster. The splendid record of
the Oregon iu making her famous voy
age of III ,000 miles around Cape Horn
would have been lowered hv twenty
percent in time, hail Ihe Ohio bONMI
The main battery of the Ohio con
sists of four twelve-inch breech-loading
rifles and sixteen six inch rapid
lire guns. In the secondary battery are
six three-inch rapid lire guns, eight
six-ponmlers, six one-pounder, two
t hree-jMiiinder lield rapid tire guns,
and two Colts.
Her armour is eleven inches thick
at the top aud seven and a half inches
thick at the Isittom of the water line
belt. Above the main belt and on her
0 uorotf UOtOfl the armor is six inches
Although the citizens ol Ohio at the
instance of (iov. Nash have furnished
a magnificent silver service, at a cost
of ISO.OOO lor the new battleship, the
formal presentation will not ho :iade
until construction has been OOMplOtod
and the vesstd goon into commission.
The bill authorising the building of
the Ohio passed congress In IHtl,'.
Since then there have lieen ffoqOenl
alterations in her plans. Her exact
cost on this account will not be known
until the vessel is completed, but the
builders state that it will prohnhlv
amount to over lAOOO.lHKl.
of Workmen
Gold Tablat.
As the Slocum neared the I n ion
iron Works, Iving high upon the wavs
could he seen the massive hull of the
Ohio, a waving mass of colors.
The adjacent wharfs swarmed will
countless throngs and the nearby roofs
ami fences are black with oeopl
while adjoining streids and llebN wen
a mass ol pushing, shoving, squirming
On arrival at his destination, Proof
dent McKinlev was met hv a delegit
tinn of employes of the I'nion Iron
Works, who escorted him to the drv
dock which was tastefullv Is-dcckcd
with (lowers and bunting. Here he
was presented with a beau I i In 1 1 v en
graved gold plate, a souvenir of tbt
occasion, purchased by money raised
among the loon men assembled in tin
vardx, iu honor ol the event. In
few well chosen words, the president
thanked the donors and expressed his
appreciation of the labors of the ai dual
builders of the world's greatest ships
ol war.
They Strike Tonight
This is arobablv the last day tor
some time that these daJ I V comrades
iu labor will meet together to breath
action ami life into the mammoth es
tn 1 1 1 isliment, for tonight, iu pursuant')
ol notice served by their union a vein
ago, together with all the machinists
in all the machine works ol the UOtion,
these ttKxi umidoves will lav down
their b.oi ami quietly walk out, sink
ing for a nine hour dav with ten liotlTI
After being shown over the immense
plant, during which he freely ex
presses hia admiration of the many in
genioiiH mechanical contrivances, tin
president was escorted to the platform
where the launching took place, and
was a silent witness d the oereinout
hat placed upon the WHler the mag
uictiont lighting machine.
She Strikes he Walsr.
traced by the presence ol the
nation's chief executive and the gov
emors of seven sovereign stales and
territorioe, amid terrific boom and
roar of mammoth cannon miuglei
with the piercing shrieks ol stcan
whistles and sirens, amid fJoofoflilMj
ahoiits of countless Ihoilsands of spe. la
tors, her draiiry of national -olors
liuttariug In the bfOOOO, slowly, will
a tremor of heeitation, as if rcluctum
to leave the cradle of her birth, then
sedately, serenely, with gradual! v in
creasing siieed , the battleship tihio
moved majestically into the bay.
She dipped her keel into the watt
With a seeming joyous leap she glided
proudly lorward into the pathless limn
and took her place where navies lloat,
the newest and greatest i rail in ihe
battleships of nations l.'xultautly shu
rode upon the glad waves thai 00 H
surging up to meet her, the invliu ill In
avenger of her country's honor, pre
server of the peace of the world
Knocking Away the Blusks.
Hince early day, the busy sounds
of preparation had disturbed the morn
ing stillness while an army of men
cut away the t.i s Irom under the
gleaming red hull, as yet nameless
A few minutes before the BPUOiutOtl
time, the lust restraining blocks were
removed and the new bride of Ihe sea
was ready for her plunge.
The launching ceremonies were very
Simple, no ajechniak lug being allowed
U a k A K ING IHk HOT 1 LB.
Uethler Ihrlilens the k.nsler
oblu "Ohio."
As the huge hull lurched heavily
forward, Mias Helen Dobior, of 0ol
tiuibus, O , let go the rihlaiii and the
golden net, and Ihe christening Isdtle
of wine crashed in fiaginenls on the
steel amior, while the pretty spoiiscr
exclaimed: "I cl.r steu thee Ohio."
Hut the words were bait to the specta
tors III the shouts and mars following.
1 hough a band piavetl a national air
as the Ohio moved down the wavs, no
one could hear il, for pandemonium
had broken loose.
The navy was represented at the
launching by Hear-Admiral Casey
aud the captains of the various men
of-war: the army by Major (oineral
Ml. utter and his staff, the state of Oiiio
by Ooveruoi .Nash aud a looo visiting
Hoi kc.es, California and the adiacuiil
states by their chief executives aud
congressional delegations, while the
cheers of .kl, 000 Ohio born rtitixeus of
California ami a 100,000 Han Fran-
ciecan's mingled with the thunder ol
cannon jn a royal salute to the new
queen of the American navy.
The Oregon City I piscopal choroli
will celebrate its 50th anniversary on
May 20. 1
Reported by I L. Rnv fe I nnon.
thloago Rosrd or Trsilo and Ne
Stook axohsiiHs IrokOPI
New York, Mav ID BhwAl WM
strong again today, in, I t- , ,hjn ,.
at the high point of the day showing a
gain of one halt cent at Ne t y, .
a cent in Chicago. Liverpool clnaed t
lower, fV-lO',. New York opened at
"H, ami closed 7S o s. While tmtt
tlamage reports are conflicting, there
no doubt of Borioog Injury in south.
western stales
Stocks higher.
Money, d er cent.
OlOOB fOOtOfUo) . s I e
tM-n bslay, 79,
Kailge today. ,"s t,. ,'s , .,
Close today,
Stts'ks Sugar, I I i .
steel, 4," ag St. Pain
ti-. H7. N. P , iv,
. tobacco, JWi
I .
U. M I
Krie, :W'.
Wheat in t blotffa
Chicago, May l-i v. heal. 71
Ti 9m,
Nnw York Msrkst.
New York. Slav H, Miar. , ., r
fair, refining, centrifugals, M
test, 4 M-.VJ ; reilm d. , mshetl, ,
powdered, .'n , granulated, M coffee
Ul.. Ha 1
P 'o. i , on spur, ' i , S ; r
domest o, Am to ti'
4 ; wool unchanged.
Dutch Axtrououters llopoit Icon
Sumatra What fhO Dot
Amsterdam, Mav Is Mem ben i
the BBMfttlfld einetlltlon t to
Sumatra bv the batch gnvernmonl
ttdegraph that dnring 1 1 'ipse to.
day of the sun, it Wai portl lllj oh.
Bcored by eloodoi A inrcoasfnl ,i uto
granh was obtain, il of H r ,
with different refractor, and "i the
Spectra of Ihe corona and the , brotner
sohere. Attempts at astirellinU ,,t
the polariatiou nf light and I Ml
radial ion ol I ha corona a in in , ,
f ul .
Stanley's Attorney Make n ItatOMOBt
Hsgardlng Priest Hhtli'i.
New York, Mav 1 tt, rnoyi ft r
Kirk siiinhy, the Oolifornion held
here in collection w ltd the death ol
ialher Phillips, made ttateilienl
today to the effect the priest WMgUllty
of no immoral lint, and ilea rk
Slorod that no women were it. Mtanlet '
Hat when he arrived lliere with the
pi lest .
Convict Are
bin in ,t
to llsstn In a
Hi t von
Vienna, Mav Is aU ,,,
ing L'H dead in it . ,,,, t lat
slroyeil the town of I ol Imff,
henna, t'went , four Wiut II II
were locked iu the cells II r
prison, M ere llli.ible I . , I lie
w h i
low n
were burned alive Two hundred and
eighty houses were reduced M MllOB,
lift I hundred being lltllliell M
A Force Has tiossetl the Urange Hiver
and OticupiuU SOBOOfgi
Oraskwt, t'ape Colon v, Ma) ID
Another liner rani ol t ape Colon) ,
progresss. A force ol BiWM under
UoMmondoati Isoeltei aud Von Kuwnon
have crossed the Orange Ifiver into
Tape t'olony and ucctlpled berg
The strength of the force Is variously
est linatcd
Country Huuae Ostlroved.
Philadelphia, Ma, is Tho oountr)
home oi Thomas Wanuaniokoi at
Meadow bnsik was strm k bj lightning
this morning and doetroyed the loss
is half a million
llo nt w iliniK ttr itH It pit aacg OVwf)
Itody, oopociitlly tin latlioa ami childron.
This dohcioui tvittk it Uiondoid Ifotn riM
Ifuito and aronalii Bavora ft
stnla at
EUJcn .i.Ii 5 cwjM ill
rail kinivv you will net "uila" water that
wih quench Ihiral It ia cuoling, dolicioug
wholwacunoj, a ul, boal ol all, it is relroah'
ing Pun tv.iuti, than no, nth fruit
gyguM)i skillfull) drawa. bod Watur and
lie (it, till Sinla ,ts Ut pall, I l) IIS i III not
In- t,ii -.hurt id pofffjOCtion W I't'.t all
tin: ni l ili mk ,. Sin w iit ir) , Vanillai Kaap
berry, PtMapplci LouioQi OraoB0i !
al.su Qrapa Koli and Cot Kola
MBW UKINKS i ma" Ad, balboW
Mi , i, 1 i-alici i ', i iu ami nthera '
I'niii ayrujag with croam, I'liusopbatoai
hot n ,un smi.i, K i Cream with crushed
froiis in goaaon, GUcea, . ,, phusophatca,
IS, , etc
O a
Decision Has Been Retched
Witti Definiteness.
o Jb
t m. v Dtun.nd lYn Hours' Pay kr Nine
Hours' Work. Expoet Rg Tk
loocg or KlotlOft.
A ion, M it IH. Whon thu
es this evening signal
ti e lav's work, one hun
Ited ill ia, h mists throaRliout
lay down their
i ' not t,. lake them up aojOiO OBtll
their einploMTs shall mitt't the demand
tor a nine In nr working day Without
Imii in i s I'restdent O'Con
tiell of the Intermit tonal AoBochltion
oi i,ii iimisi". in 1 1 i ii iii innmloM tfoot
be expected n lies of vloleUBO, 0Z-
' tb" belief that the men will
walk out ipuetly and simply wait for
me In terma.
Hr'.cS l ayers sua BullOora SOMO
M k) IH, Trouble he
' k. en the in n I tvers anil tha Dollders
v i.is thrown nlnetesui
mil i t l work, continues.
ibis morning that no efforts
made to ettle the trouble
n, d thai none arc contemplated
I ding all over the city la pntOfi
CBlly at a standstill.
Union Men lio
Home and the
suUlora Do
i its same.
I Viol
Uuonv, Mav lkViet
uert'hetl upon the banners of'
lug employes ol the UniMC
i nm pa ii v liter eleven
ing, disorder and
strike has been Utile
ail end. I be imjsjrt
will tie sent homo,
I lire lie naud t rivi
i., re lor several dayi
I'., i t in s, ttlaiut
it a- ma le know II, tilt
II i , ars manned by o
guarded hv t he uiiliti
,h-iiirbaii, es I' I a
o t b, , oinpauy olHci
point demanded b
i'ouiiany, howevof.
priV l lege , if employii
union men. The U
from 17
n. -moot
lo i TI
Philailelphia, Ma;
ol a lively -t rugglo c
the creed in t,-lav
I'reelo tel tail 1 teiiero
tl Damns to lat I.
tlinosl every datOOJBi
was peooaexa
when the roll call coin
Majority and minoril
f VMmrta were
utbly, but dis
. resented to the as
, OmIoII and action
next Ihursdav.
nt over Unit!
( an
i Toy
send oon
vea. I li
Chaiai and Kings.