East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 15, 1901, Image 3

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Spring ana summer.
10LFAX 11 v
a scons or
Hen's Outiidc Shirts, each
50c, 75C $1.00.
D a"0
Itnf 'rom
, ti
! merrial clnb to organise, if possible,
a lectnre ass-? iatina T4ie object oi
' the ae.-iatica would be an irftiff a
wriM of h-ctnras and niOSKul uOter-
tainmcntt bv the let talent in t!i
I'm tail Hutw. at intervals ttan-urhoat
the. crnaitia! fall atid winter. At thf
imtin a ifrat deal l interest are! en
thusiasm wan manifest, am) the prated
mill verv like V fii. r I
The organisation ill be iierfected,
1 as i usual in such eases, bv the elec
c jnr. 1 tion of par ha pa seven director. 1 hese
" "tm"k 111 J Zw Zr omr.Wlll proi. for the sale of
(...law B large membership, and. whan the proper
rtal -, J" Vere rd. sre iworfd will negotiate with
It " Ul hat ur. ,,,r ,, deairl talent
.......... 1! the I- IT ai
1 at anv other " iur
While prices have D t
nisrkei ' MMtiHH
to. thus wbo keep i
lib it (eel there if all up-
naaactinbf of the latter
k were the lollowjtBgl
present ins P.iseman P.rra.
inliaaed the John ery
J- U. 1-r I n ill.- V
avaaBi " . . .
I ; K I 1 KolN'riS IU.UW
i.r Win mar., Hemes 4
ajad Uie deal and
0 punnds. and that of
UUKK) pounds,
ihlsti'l. f"r Ktwhland,
1 num'wr ol cllpa
UK ut ,V I!. L lKlDl
lirture bureaus
It i thousht that uu less than live aud
as many a seven entertainments may
1 be secorad. The admisi.n price to
:any one of thaw, eingly. woold be n.t
lea than oaadulitr, but by securing
j tbem tagatber aeeeon ticket! can prut
ahlv fa-furnished for 12 SO. To do thin
it 1 ft uit mnat be arranged lo include
1 aevaral neiahhorina: towns, anil if the
association ia furaiM, negotiation a ill
be niaile toward this and
The asaoriatlon will not be a money
making achenie on the part of any one.
and there will be 110 coDHhU-raKie cur
nine tn matter how great the Mile of
ticket. If there In a much a it
will be need to aaeure another enter
id ranged from to
can 1
ft natti ilia- be ! the
f ' .' 1 ' 1 ; .V Co..
a iut vity of Toir ln. oiuntjr
it, ana UMtiaAMi nrio M par
lata irrt ll.af lor mmU and
mtI ttat aanaoi l- arl or
urra Ciier
v mt tail mtMcriOt'.l In my
1 lhi4(h la)r 01 iNn-euilM'r, A.
A W i.I.f.AS'iN.
Nalari fublic.
t irrtwllj aul
;SKV at'" T
1, The
to arr lite ik.'.-
Naw Sciantina Dandrull Treatment
Reeotnended kjr a Phrslelan.
Mra. Marv C. Crawford. (akalale
Wanh. : Herplente mired om rarfectly
of ilaudriir and laiuuk.' ta:r
Ir.. K. .1. It.-r.lU . ObatnMwn,
III "I uited Herriride f.r dandmff
aud falling hair, and I aiu we
aattafled with tin- eeuit."
All B. Kellx. Deaalero atreet,
San Frem-ieco: "llerniciile out a new
growth of hair on uiy head. Borpieid
doea more than ia claimed.
Harnictde kills the dandruff germ
. "IiMatro titu cauee. vou remove th
flet" -dandruff. faflinir hair and
"'" ! Qnally haldtieff t all drilggiaU.
rri bh a im urink
ovei for 11, ang
u Utbtr To wot.
it. at 1
n uiaaaalwl ,
11 . change n
ould M to .TV . , 1
.tiiiiri imii 114 vinn eowaaj
n that
The La
1 rande
. .... Hi; ijueiuaa mad
"n : ' he city met Tuea-
come afu r your
it honv- to vou wf
Dear Para. an., the aloal Oelightlul
Summer laaort of the All, hoolet.
Saept by mountain LtreeuM. 'J80U feet
Hrv level A 'tool Ulel V Wltnout
of car ir in all prini ipal cltitJa
. 1 1 -.1 r ...
via lialtimore a tiniu rauroao. every
modem c.nv( nleiice. Kooinii en BUIte
'with private hath. Klectric light,
lona diatance telephone, elevator,
Turkiah bathe, ewimmilal DOOl. Kolt
link, tennia coarta, howling alleye,
luatfiiirioant drivea. complete livery
aarrioti Aunaoolin Naval academy
.and Dotal remodeled with additional
11111 ven leucea All 'i 1 have beeii
taken lor the aeaw.u Hiii from June
it to HeoUonlwr 30.
Kor rata aud information, addree
W. K Burwell, mauager, care Vjunen
Citv Hotel. Cumberland. M l . until
. . L . l I . I.. ...
Jane i. Alter uiaa lime, ieei i aia,
oarrett county, Md.
en its
A (Iranian a Cloia Call
"I atuck to 111 v engine, although
every mint ached and every nerve waa
racked a ltd nam," write" V. W. nel
iamv. a locomotive lireuian, of Bur
Uugton, Iowa, "I waa weak aud pale,
wiiuout an aiiuetiie and all run .loan
Am I waa about to give up, I got a
1 bottle of Klectric Bitten and, after
itaklna U. I felt aa well ae 1 ever Unl
ia gay life." Weak, sickly, ran down
we'll fix it so it I paaple always gala near life, strength
lfii 1 aftitfi viirnr irinii inn 1 ustr 1 a 11 rin
Katialacti'.n guaranteed by I'allmau Jt
a kiiatutii. tjo. rrice ou cenu.
ttora Than 1000 Spee later War
Pretent sheetaat Oaats iver
Played In Pendleton.
The Larvhall aeaaon of 1901 wan inan-
garate) in Pendleton on Tuesday after
noon. May M, with ureal eclat, more
than 1000 snavtators being nreaent to
watch IVim! leton defeat Colfax by a
"ore of 5 to 3. The grounds are oiilv
in fair condition, which is undoubted'-
V the re Ron for nte of the liunr,w in
h. error column The grandstand was
tilled with ladies and gentlemen, the
bleacher back of home base were
crowded, and many watched the game
(Pom the shade of the trees back of
first base.
.lack Baker Urt,.l in to unit. ire. hut
at the end of the third inning rasigued
41 account of the uncomplimentary
language in a low tone) hv the
plii her ol the vidilina team, and J,
h. hrause umpired the rest of the
It started off as though the score were
going to run up, but after the firrt
T 1 I iL . . S , . . ft
inning 00111 learns sieaoieu oown ana
turned it into a prettv contest.
Iad Clark, of Spokane, who pitched
for the Des Moines team in 1S(I7, and
who for five years was on the Nea
York National league team salary list.
pitidisl for Colfax and held the home
team down to lour sale bits, one a
double bv I inch, the first man up.
The visilini! ti rat and third bsnemen
and short stop were playing out of lock
and to their errors niav be attribute!
to a great extent, the (act that victory
1- roost 1 nt; Ho both (net tirml v clutch
ing the Pendleton banner. Chapler
made bis Orxt appearance in A Pendle
ton uniform and created a favorable
impression. He kept the sluggers from
Colfax down to bve afe hits, and in
tlie eighth and ninth innings pitched
hlmstdf and learn ont of two precarious
situations. He gave K.lwanls, the first
man up for I tie yieiUira, a base on
halls, and he afterwards scored, hut
after that it was off with the Colfax
bovs and thev had to be satisfied with
sawing the air or making punk bits
which acre gobbled with a relish bv
the Pendleton intield, and wliioh
caused them to ask (or mora of the
tame kind ii puddiug.
rtie stara and airiiwn aaveo irom Uie
riagDole above the gran.lMlMinl and to
that same pole it is hoped the Psndla
ton club will nail ttse banner em
blematic o( the haselail! ohaiupionsh!)
I the Inland Kmpire for the year :wi
Mow the Run War Hade.
Colt si nude threw run, a follows
Kdwards walked to first on four balls
Bradburv went out, Chapler to Hart-
11, an, r..liirls going to secoml , Kiplev
nailed and Kdwards trotted home
Kiplev at t muted to steal second
l laud.- I'enland threw Pi I'lricb, wlio
was run into hv Ripley, the bal
rolling out into center field and getting
past Hetcher. Kiplev scoring; Mc
Cotanaoa struck nut and Brsniwell
kmsjkeil a tly to Clarence i'enland
K.r one brief moment tlKise two tallies
ooke.l verv large. Pendlebiu hurried
hI 'tie I even the sc. r.- I'lricb starteii
the fun iu the first inning with a two
Itagger t , left, the only one of the
game; he went on to thud uu Col'
-a mice, and scored a hen Bramwell
fumbled Mearh's grounds; Meach stole
seoobd. Harimau walked to hrat.
M - going to third, then home
wlien Chapter knocked the hall U
Mix, who handled it slowly and failel
to catch Meach at the plate, t larence
I'enland struck out, and Peudletou's
two runs looked a little bit larger tban
t. afj of Colfax.
Colfax made no other score until in
the eighth inning. huch reached first
m a tint one which gave l Inch a
chau e or an error, but was caught a
ew seioiidl aaartnriaa to steal second,
I'enland to Ulrica ; Yates struck out:
k . pley, wlio had taken tb place of
Mix, kuocked one to C01, who, in
order to lr .bilging, fnmbled , Clark
safe hit sent N. Kiplev U third, Clark
takitia second on the play ; towards
gfiucieu a low liner u rigru itiu n
Harlow (iropped after a hard run, V
id pley scoring. Bradbury knocked ote
to Clarence t'euiHiil who threw to
Hartmau. closing the inning. That
, all the rana uuaplar thought it
bat to give Colfax, as the eoore was
lose eieoogh, although a base hit by a
Cikliax plaver at the proper time
would haw tied the acora. The poor
laxae running of Colfax in the ninth
was something conspicuous.
Pendleton made one wore run in the
ooud inning, Ketc!. cr reaching first
W ft. . . . 1 1
on an error oy nci. incneon, stole
ond, third on a sacrifice and home
m anotlier error by McCtitcheon
lis tlie loiirth f'tiirence fenland went
to first through an error by liramwell,
le second, and home on Kletcber
uTettv hit to right. Pendleton's tilth
d last run was made iu the aeventl
On reachml first on an error by Mc-
Oiich rom ti rat to thirtl on Clark
error, and home on Bram well's fumble
of Meach's grounder.
To lb Players.
and arrarifamehU fol the githie srtriw
Ton are tba right man for the place
To liinvtora Stillman and Tents Ii :
Wasn't it a daisy? What more cnhl
von expect for an opening game, choice
weathar, hi attendaiM'a and a victory T
It waa certainly auspicious.
Summary of Oaraa.
Otillax AB R
fiawards. c XI
Bra.lr.ury. 1 4 0
Ripley, ft, cf I
Mct'ntrneoa. lr . . x
!trmw-ll. lb A
Schoh, ri i
Tats. It 4
Mlv, at
Clark, p
Total at
Prndlrlon AB
I'lricb, tb . 4
rax. m
HartSian. in . . S
( hapler. a 4
rsnfan.t. Clarenre, H. .4
Barlow, rt
rtetcher. rt .... 4
IVnlaad. I'lsa.le. e
a i
Total M 4 r
Two base hita Dlrich; baaec stolen
-bv Pendleton. 8: by OoHax, 3; bases
on halls -off Clark, 1 ; off Chapler. U;
strnck outby Clark, fi; by Chapler,
10: nasand ball TenTand. Time of
gama, 1 hour and 15 mi notes umpires
lack Raker and J. K. K ran ae . scorers
-for Colfax, Claud Renfrew; for Pen
Union. Charles A. Maakrey.
By Inning..
1 Hit ( f 1
pniiai tnaoia
Pen lletoo ..2IP1Plux
ng in
Judis S. A. Lowell Will Addrati
aatlni Thursday leaning.
Judge Stephen A. Lowell will leayc
on the train for Portland tonight so
to le present on Thursday even in
the palatial apartments of the
varsity rlnb in the Failing building
where will he held a meeting of the
Sons of the American Revolution, of
which society he Is an honored mem
bar. Upon that occasion Mr. Lowell
will deliver an historical address on
"Tim (ieora-e Roaers Clark Fxpcd!
tion." Hon. George H. Williams If,
president of tlie society and will da
iirer an address, and the members of
tlie t'niversitv club will be present s
Judge Lowell will not remain a
great while in Portland, as he has to
ha in Pendleton on Mav 22 to deliver
an address at toe Presbyterian chun h
in the student's lecture course, and
thereafter, on Prldav evening, the
24th, be will delicer the address to th
graduating class of Columbia College
at Milton.
5,000 Pair Shoes.
Women's. Misaca, Hoys', QhtldtWl and In
fnnw' Shops at rcdVOCti prices.
Tan Slioc; worth tx.oo BarHun .trice $2,17
a. 50 M " 1.70,
1.00 " 1.47
" 5.00 " " . 3.15
Misses ' a. 50. " " 1.65
H " a.oo " " t.47
... t .90 " 140
jt6j .1 -I 1 . 25
Children's " a.oo " " t 48
.. 1. 1 6j . , 15
' " r.50 SI . , t, 1 j
n . , AO i.ij
" M 1. as " "
Kt ' " .88
.. at t.oo " " .73
' .85 " .bo
Infants' shoes Qi rt'Kitlar price to liarRain
price in such variety and at such big redm UOQI
that ou'il baVw to them. We can't Ml
about 'cm.
Tailormade Suits.
KcRnUriy sold for Jto.no L3argain price t
., i. I4JO
" 15.00 "
M , 16.50 "
19 OO "
11 ao.oo "
t . aa jo ii
h it 25.00 M
7 '17
o ,98
17 ..JO
19 90
100 pair Ecru Lace Curtains
Lace Ciutains worth .75 H.trffain price 10
Hi. to
a. 58
3 J8
J l)7
(loot! Linen Hock Towels
Always sold lor ioc, Marram price 13c.
Table Linen half Bleached
Splendid Valuo for .75 Bargain price 48c
" 1.00 " 77c
.50 33c
5000 yards Fancy Dress (joods
(iools worth 50c. 65c and 75c, Bargain
price 37c.
" f 1 .00
m Mi t.y
" a.oo
. a. 50
" " 5.00
,6,ap. .
Parsol.s and Sunshades
Hv Way of introduction 61 our spring stork all
new fresh goods. BARGAIN PRICE dis
coital id par rent
Foulard Silks, regular price $1, 15, ft. 00, 69c;
Bargain prici sH . 78c, 47c.
men's Unlaundered White Shirts
What we have left ol the Surprise Sale lot
will close Ml me pru e, siH to 17 Lot ot
GOli Shirts, snlt boaORM, culls to match, to be
worn, with sott collara, nearly all sizes, tor
Monday to Thursday, 501 ra. h
Walla Walla thlst of Police Somi-
en Hr.
Chief of Polioa Jake Kanfftnan (
Vfalia Walla wa iu town on Tuewlsv
ewnina, looking for a man rb -wfcntad
for participatinir in veral
Ittntlaries in that citv. He found tlie
Mian for whom lie) nought bat fouml
also that he aa not the man be really
wanual, and so tarneri him loose, after
imk. UK a careful examination at the
berifl's office ) the suspect.
It aupears that a iiumiier t tmru-
arie bave ixvurrwl in Walla Walla
lariua a few dav paat, and tbe police
apartment ha detartniuwl that the
awn ot Walla Walla shall t.e rm 01
be criminals who are infesting the
One of the burglarie was oomTiutteu
at Sunday while a ball game wa
p progress at the ball park, one of the
Oolfas plavers suffering a lists of
taken from hi room at the Palace
Also un unday afteru.Kjii. the resi-
dance of Dr. Y. 0. Rlalock was eu-
tered bv burglars and articles to tbe
value of 1100 were Ukan. Tbe ai lual
enlnrits have not vet been determined.
although the authorities arrested Ave
men as ieiug concerned m the crime.
Tlie men arrasteil are : William Web
ber, Rvan, Howard aud Radu.an.
three m.n release! from the etate peni-
tantiarv last week where they arvrl
trr n- f ,1 torglar. ar.i rtaBk esu
Wei. bar wa relaaaad S g 9 a
1 mm mi clan
to Aleiander & Hextar's
Ciermanv's governue'iil dta laree Uiat
a concert of European powers againxt
tba ouuiiuarvial iniwaal uf tbe United
Stataa ia cbiiuoriual and no aucb nego-
tiatioua will be attempted. However,
Kagliab uewapapara are priutiug daily
article aavocaiiug sucu a mm-un-
1 R A G E.
Acker s hugiutti ri-m.-dv will stop a
, cough at any time, and will cure lb
Vftorst cold iu twelve hours, or luntev
. ft . . w
relanaed. a eta. ami m cis. ror aaie
by brock 4 ItcComa.
V 1 1 1 a
siaeuo.s a main
r in
1 . a
oou and
S aa .
nil 1 1
rv Knnlttkp
toat cauic
Haa no equal for the cure ol
Ph valval Debil
ity, Exhausted Vitality, Vari-Jit
c.ucole. rreuiature Decline,
Iiat4 of Meuiorv. Waatini;, etc
which haa been bmugbt
about bv eariv indibcreUona
or later exoeeaaM.
SlAHUaiiaXi rUlHTY VSaltn
a ..I. aadh kr aar Lalast booaa llaam ia
' aaa "lHnaiP . iia vwe auu
Mr Clarence I'enland: Your rtx ord
of lao puiout and live aasiats u.aUir
ally aasisUaJ in winning tbe game It
aa an exhibitiuu of third base play
waiea should eutille y-a to credit 11
any country.
Mr Chapter: You pitcbeil a credi
table game ajtd made uuraslf popular
lb th- Pendleton liaseball public,
V in mav aeiid for your family aa
aeltle hwre, if you wish. Part of tbe
town is already y..ur
Mr lined 1 our two-base hit on
the juuipoff indicate that you under
-tand Uie game, aud do not believe in
iiiltliug otf till UiS Hell gain a list vou
should do nrst tune up. It gave al
tlie player and spectators coulideuce
Captain llartmaii : our ruauuei uf
holding down first base is tbe subject
of much lav. liable talk when vou are
not around to hear. Keep it up, and
you will gat numerous bouquets daring
the wesson
Mr. Claude Pen land : Your catching
and throwing to baas ticvaiad tlie
crowd. You play tbe gauie aud inspire
coo tide uce.
Mr. Barlow: Your catch of that line
rtv in ritfbt field wa a graceful act
aud added to vour popularity. Your
friends have decided that you are all
r lathi.
Mr. Cox: Yuu play abortatop to beat
the baud, aud are a lower ol atreugtli
You can abuw the v tailors bow live
i-ueition ehould be played.
Mr Meach; You cauabl that tly
out lulo left Bald buaaiug
Hhowed ttsat waa are m
m atast to Dutsa J
auu't be uaceaaary for you to dro a fly
during the stMasun if yoa only thiuk eu.
Mr. Fletcher: When vou caught that
sky-scraper in . ei.lor tield tbe plsy was
complimented, bat wtsaa you wade
(bat preitv Uu to rig hi mud, jaal when
it was neeiied, your stork want up like
Northern facile abaras on tba a
chauga last week. It sa prououaced
b experU to be prettv work.
Mauager M A. Kader It ia too bad
tbat yoa bad to watch tba game
through asarglaaa. Yoa. base doue
aaacu to make baseball popolsr ia
Pauidiclou. a ttss grwuiuts, graudataad
H Martin Lad.
K. l.irlin if entithxl to lie called!
tbe leader in the grocery trade 00 ac- j
count of hi long experienoe iu the
business. Then aa he nnys in car lots
for eaah be gets a trade and raah dls- ,
rsMints which give him his good a
little cheaper than other stores. Mur-
.. .1 I C I 1 1 1
tin give tills saving in ma uuyuig
price to his cnstotnrr. If yon want a
big hill of groceries get prices al other
stores and then Martin can hent.their
White riediclnc Chief King of Cures
In the City.
,. I ,
saiaa Who Will Bs Hsrs In
Did remains DaT"
Tbe critics everywhere are aaani-
inoua in ueaknik' 111 ingn praise 01
Harrv (Virs-in Clarki-'n new come-lv
cJiaracter 'What Id IomkniH Un
bicb will lie prosenteM in Pendleton
on May II, Tbe play, they say, if far
fnnnier and better iu every way man
"What Happened to Jones." in which
the young comedian has made mucn
(save and more money in tlie past
thro season. The company i made
up of competent and experienced eaat-
ro people The women wear very
stunning gowua. aud are youug ami
lieautiful , the men wiioiiy capaoie lor
the role they assume; the mount lug
and netting- new and handsome, and
Clarke hiroaelf in hi element I in one
of hi most effective make-up as tb
sporty old Col. Tomkins. Of hi por
trayal, a southern California newspaper
speaks aa follows in plain term which
carry authority :
Harry Corson Clarke s euai um -ot
of hi role is a dint in. t creation It m
a uparb tmmWm portrayal, clearly
coacwlvtad, couacientiously aet forth, re
plete with well -hand led light and
bade, arttaln, comiiataut and satisfy
ing. Mr. Clarke's makeup 1 parleart.
Uls own ueraouality is entirely sub-
ord mated to Uat af tb utiaractar. and
tbe portrayal la its eatirety ta aa cooi
plate a piece of dramatic representation
as tba moat esauting critic caaaM in
reason demand."
T a TTT-o llavo-W-eXS
Many Running, XJliuan Outting.
Hall Bearing
They are guaranteed. Call and MM tlicin.
Hansford & Thompson,
601 Main Street.
1 11 rics uf Spring
The garniture "I summer, are
ihowtl in the rut; ami matting
iiciiitit s vye diaplay ht CQVeriog
(or your flours during, the warmer
months. Nothing more cleanly,
more .liuntvor cooler can he lonmt
that the mattrn(l w' are showing.
IviiU'i from 751 ud to (40.
MattiiiKs as low ab 131:.
UnaVrtaklng a Specialty.
Jesse Failing.
Main Street near bridge
not reorerenlinu anv
White Medicine Chief
. 1 1 1 1 a n y ,
I am
hut am the
myself. I was stolen and raiaed by
Klk, the Chippewa Imlian, and
fr.nn I. im learn.- the art ol heal 111
fr.nn the nlaiits. herbs and berries, a
it I- the pure me.l 1. ine made from
herl.H. plants and la-rries thai effei-ts
my marvel Ions mjres, and alai my
gift hy the great power called magne
tism learned from him. I heal in mi
merone instances without tbe use ol
medicine at all, merely wlUi my
haitdr. Through the -iwer M magne
tism i wiso tell each and every person
their main diseases w ilbnut the naiieiii
saying a worn, i lineim iu uia in.'
home here lor some time. 1 no poopie
of Pendleton have la-en humbugged in
the pant , but all I ask is tbat you give
me a trial, and 11 me worn im boi a 1
y the money will la rerunneu in an
case I also give a wriiwii (.laiauwr
in all cases that are curahle.
Mv ortios is at Ihe I'alaee, Man.
street, najin 91, Pendleton.
. He an re to call and see me winia
Medicine Chief and be cured of your
Til. see. Kemeuitair the place. Com
mo I union iroiu U to l a. ni and 'i to
H p. in OoaatlltatKMI free.
Hotel Pendleton
Under New nanagemi-nt
arrtvala at Metal r...a . un.
Jsumsj J McNejuae, Haa Francisco.
A K Hicb, Portland.
W H Wilsoa. Tbe Oallea.
lieu Harria. rortlaod.
Audrew N lander, Portland.
J ti Niuing. iMsaMla.
D I. Kosuufeld, Portland.
H D Long. Spokane.
A D a. a ley Walla Walla
A Caro, Kan Praaciaco
Laouard A HaKod, Portland.
Ku.ery H Averiil, Portland
May Kuglee, Walla Walla.
8 A Hammond, Portland.
M II Pastas. Spokane.
J G aieddoek, Portland.
H W Cottle. Haa Preiicieco.
Mia Couruiey, Da Moines,
W C Links, Portland
r A Peaiuiuatua, Hpokauc
M y Mendelautiu, Han Kraiu laao.
ts J Htouex, Miford.
V J KiakuaJ, O A N.
J A Alllaoai, O A M.
a A Frau, fejaakaoe.
J Villiaaai tWlan4.
biiuws t-ba State of vaaV feelings and
the atata of your h.altb aa well. Im-
a 1 -pa rent in a
pure blued utakes I lav If a
pale east sallow uooiplex;
aial akin erupt loos If y
tion. oimple
- 1
' vMi are leeiii
d dp not hav
Wiio'lautaues aalaincli i- ' runulu
lasl Ii. i.ia .iv.iU I. no Uioic ri,iliu.la.U.
alaiul IStl
11. ai. am 1S1M" laws aud weiaaa wae rias ssr
uaaua asi' rt-aaauaat
uu .iuwatu ruuaijui koala al Ssaa wo.u,,
fur wai'url and ftr' saAa.
ataudsia aetoUrs latst
ladaaa. ur t.sstt's Koaaala t.ib.uO
lie- ix lieiite Light kimtittnr . . MO-tat j
dent. IU pound Haeer.
lad tea or iieute cuaioiesa ew.
Idaals ,,
StUctlj Klrsl-Clas
LUCvllent Cntsioe.
tivury lodero
nr iiniairWriV
6ivi Us 1 Trial.
Rat's $2 00 a day
Special Rites by
Weal or montii
Bar and Hllllard Muoma. Maadquartara lor Traveiinj aia
Tha Beat Hotal In t astern Oregon
Van Uran Broa., Props. Succaaaora to J. E. rMoora
A sure remedy for lice and miles.
International Poultry pood. koes the hens bealtiiy. mica gril aid digaaliou,
Done meal gives strength to youug chicks.
A clean,
inoffensive hut nutritions ferltliaer for your lawns.
C. F. Colesworthy Pou,tr and Suppl l,p4,t
R W.
'sa4tetaa. f
IBstaawal H .
1 aawaaaaaaaaawBaaaawwlawaaaaaBaaW'
men aaala aV' Ira" 4ft.
aaaspia Katn
Koom Kale
J, lie. UM
ft - ft .1 J a.AUU -
weak anu woru uui auu uai uu. -
bealtby ap,ran.a-, yoa aboaia try
Hiatal Kllltr 11 cure an
ii. ir, we sell every boUlr
l.l.aal diaa-fttaea Wiverc cheap Haraa
TT-. . , . , -a . . . i
ii,. a. calfcrU aariaer aau
C ...mvIimt 1
a positive guaiauU Pur asie
brock A McCoiisaa.
For HeaHh, Strength and
Pleasure Drink
Polydore Moens. Proprietor.
ssiassa i