East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 15, 1901, Image 1

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    NO. 4185
VOL. 1
i ', imc ami see mo.
Kr-ti Vegetables
and Fruiti u ipaoltKy
Bitt1 line staple
and tancv Groceries in
in to city.
G. R. Demott.
The Boston Store
Another Lof-10 dress lengths of Foulard Silks in this morn
ing by express. There's no two alike. You'd better come
early and make your selection. They'll go like hot cakes.
Parsols, Umbrellas.
A tt tt, Jaircadv-herr warm
I t the parasol and the
lunsli.ide needs will multiply.
Children's parasols in ail
351 . 50 to Si. a;
Women's fancy jijrsnls in
blark. white and color, with
5utl. century frame Si. 50 jo o.
Camaft parse !v dainty and
Uc!.i,. fj tn j
Get our Prices on Silk Shirt
Busiest Store in Pendleton
6 Mckagea uarden seeds 10c
mar s ' lit Dackaci-s
Spatial values oap, 3c
c a bar.
IWU 1 C.uics l arge lint
sel-. f It ...
-, 1.1 olafj line.
.1 1. a Urs
&Di i.lani unit dec-
airii t r . 1 t r
1'hoio traimsa, gilt and aped
D" p to 50. We are
1 pots, 4c to 24c. New
50c kind 23c.
Rannocka Our line is com-
rushes and wooden
are. U, nks and office supplies.
J rings, 25c and 50c,
Brriinr c
3 J c,b,
Dtobea, .ust-s, glassware.
1 l lata stretchers, fa 60
M train's fancy perfume.
"ts 1 "sad irons, complete
lend Stand. $1.25.
-dies pompadour comb, -st 10
Japaauae r urmture.
luet Sets aud base hall
redericK Nolf
Prettiness in
Wash Goods
With the warm day just Mining on it time to le
knyey with the making f summer dressos. We are
ready with Hm jarp st tad beet shewing we have ever
made. The flowers of May show scarcely prettier
colorings than are on these dainty weavings. Special
showing this week.
ioc for Twill ilr Nord Ginghami should be ia i-a a yard.
ioc for the cvU ibflted reyphr incliams. always sold for
i a l-ac prr yard,
aoc for for Fottlanlinr, thr wash goods sensation of the
season, sold ever where for 25c a yard
8c for dimity cords, r-.jual to any ioc ilirnity you have ever
i.scfor Llarn. cloth, looks like Preach il.mnt l. sold in New
York at 20c k yar.!,
50c for mtrci t i. t d Fulards, a hiph art novelty and as pretty
as silk, worth all of 651 a yard.
Many other materials, all priced reasonable.
Alexander & Hexter.
Every woman likes to look well.
She can, by wearing
Centemeri Gloves
Sole Agents for
Every pair tit and guaranteed.
1ST " T T-
' v Kid Gums
To make good breed use By ere Bat Floor. It took Oret
premium al tit Chicago World's Fair over all Oouipet i -tiou,
aud gives excellent BBtlsfaetlMl wherever uimmI.
Kvtrr sacs is guaranteed. We have the bent bteam
Rolled hailev, 4ee Kyo and Beard lean Barley.
W. S. in l l Proprietor.
1 have just received a large Hhipmeot
tuuh aa milk paita, milk cans, boiler
lea kt-u tea, aca paob, dipper and
bucOtetn, eU. Every piece iB warrant
ed not to rubt and in ext:liangeable at
any time for a new piece it it rutt.
See dlapUy
, v.
T. C. TAYLOR, the
Women's Summer
Ribbed Union suits 50c, 85c $1
Women's Swiss ribbed vests
5c. 10c, 1 a 1 ac, 15 ao, 1$, 35c.
Women s fine lisle vests, 35c,
50c aud 75c.
Children and Misses
Gaue vests and union suits,
small prices
New novelties in BdisOa
New novelties in Neckwear.
Is freiu ntly forgivable as in the
instance of your wanting to know all
atoiit tin bread you eat. Ask us all
the (jiitstions you like about the
1 ... u.l. tiikck, pieb, etc., we suppiy.
We will be only too pleaaed to ans
wcr them. We have nothing to con
ceal, everything to lay open to the
nihpectiou of legitimate inquirers.
We brag about our bread we have
a right t it's good all through
every day in the year.
not to Rust
in window
Hardware Man.
Twaty -Ave thoaaand rnanlar
ba ratarnwi from th Philippines.
Seattle hea 360 machinists nut on a
strike (or ten honrt pay for nine hoars
tieneral I uninn ha promised lo sur
render his Filipino commasxt to Un.
Ueneral Rnaael A. Alitor, ex-serre-Ury
of war, haa aailml for TtaMpe for
a tfiree months visit.
Mm. Tame Nation has haen de
fended on the plea of insanity for Sun
day aaloon smashing in Topeaa.
(ieorve J. .mild lias placed an order
for J.0U0 tons of steel rails, making
100,000 tnna pnrctoaaod thii year.
Kdward A. Cudahy , of Omaha, ha
offered to doable hi 125,000 reward for
the capture of the kidnapers of hi son.
iotmatr (.eneral Charlee Amory
Smith is r"iorted to contemplate re
siltniuy and returning t.. hi newnpaMT
The war department is at work on a
new tariff with the I'iulipnino calru
lated to foster American trade in those
WinHeld N. Battlcy. one of the et
known insurance men in the conntry,
died Monday night in Chicago from
VenMoela baing not on diplomatic
term with France, ha refuse,! to
listen to France's proposition for a
The first steps hare heen taken to
wards forming a coalition of all the
principal ship baildiuit tirm of the
United stats.
Rumor are afloat that the health of
J. P. Morgan in not good, and promises
to break down from the intense strain
of the past year or two.
Senator K earns of Nebraska has be
gun a rait against K. J. Wolters, of
Schuyler, Haw., for an alleged at
tempt to kidnap hi on and black
mail him for VtOO.
Cli in has made formal reply to ttie
indemnity demands of the power, but
says thst the psyment mntt be slow,
on acconnt of the diminishing re
source of the empire.
raciric aoiTHwaar nits.
A national guard ooiupany is being
organised at Everett, Wash.
Ttie Pacific Coast Steaiuship com
pany will build coal buuaer at
A gold mine has been found near
Malheur City that is believed to be the
richest in ( iregnn.
A. D. Bach ha bought 15,000 heep
in and around Antelope and will
trail them to California.
The Oregon legislative committee
will meet the preaident at the capital,
instead of at the state' line.
The state of Washington has a quar
ter I v schou) fund distribution of -ti.:i,-"72,
the largest iu tin history of the
A baseball tournament wilt be held
at Autelotw 00 June , 7 an.W H, f-'
being offered to the winner of the
aerie ,
Sil candidates have applied (or the
receivership of the Vancouver ()auk
wrecked by the suiciding president and
Warden Catron, of the Walla Walla
iienitentiary is slated to suuck1 him
self, although strung opinion has
tattiu ottered.
All vsaaels from Alaska must now lie
inspected by quarantine otiicers to pro
tect against ttie stnalloos said to be
epidemic in that territory.
Twelve lighthouses for Alaska have
heen planned aud will be constructed,
with some modifications reducing the
coat 10 come under the 1400,000 appro.
The North Powder Irrigation com
pany has bought the big raysou ditch
outlieast I ruin Llaker City aud has
completed surveys (or an extuuaiou
into the lower valley.
Miuliuuimli uuuety, Waabmgtuu, has
wot an album to the Buffalo Pan
American exposition containing leO
views of tiie town, shipyards, mines,
logging scenes, timber, farms and
John Barrett, the former Oregon
iiewapafer man, w lie served a minister
1 1 Siam, is aakiug for the post of min
ister to (,'hioa, tJ succeed Kdwiu Cou-
ger, who eturuel to the United Mat. -
the other day.
Are baajgfl a healthv wosnen. Hut u
women srfao, arc biirfcriug truui diM-aaea
peculiar to tiici; sS tlicy are an injiuy.
Whin there it weak back or bearing
down paiua, sitici hr or oilier ittdicatioua
of womanly weak
ness, esercisc esq
only agKravait th
eenditioa. Th
womanly health must
lie first restored be
fore atieiith Cga b-
)n loped ,y aav
Jr. Piene's Fa
vorite Prea.-iipiion
IUake weak wo iu-11
strong and airk
vsosueu well It rioes
this bv healing thr
.,.. 0.1 . .1. cakes
which UlMlt'lllllUt till
gritrial b.altii it
at -, t)u dim ii. that
wcakru eirulen. h- 1 .
iufi4n1m.il ion old 111
cc ration aud curts
ikiikslc wisik lii as.
WSra I Sirf cosS' .
mtucra iwui ikUm
IHrl.r', .1,. 11. j ... .
ia.. mi. Uont a
awsaeaw n l
.j, suerrtM Uwu a
QfoMkM, ULres
ssmm ... '
uod Urilkj all lit u.uc 1 Uia, ( ' so-uiw iu
that aw, H 1 S1 1 Utju uiot-y IW
XTWa uais S.i !jtu 1
(cl Uur, I took Snu uau.a
Sftrntftt. I'lt M IlA.U twu t'f
OAsSev, V '. SSST visi vf " rral Klkl. ola
awd us BuStf U Saar CaUrrh y'"r";
Muw I kd titf uaar uca I si mJWl
S1U4 VJnu u . .w - -'
uui luwiaaat
b,,,, atr, rai uan.g y" i"iaj..u
mmd a is ac lying sax
rw Plaaaaat frllct Uftu.Hr
c.utaritv of thr boweU. ami asata Uic I
atttuu uf "fevonte he,
a " No I
wiUk If.
othn Uaalivc aliouia uc
hsuoc eladiiiesa
- o
Illness of Mrs. M'Kinley Will
End ttie Trip.
- o
This It; Keep tat Chief Eucuti'i
Sin Francisco for ScTenl
Han Francisco, May 1ft. Mr. Mc
Kin ley was much worse this morning.
The president announce abandonment
of the nothern trip and will not visit
any more Pacific coast state. He re
turus direct to Washngton so soon as
Mr. Mckinley' health permit. He
will remain here for the balance of the
week. The president did not take part
in all of Malay's scheduled program,
remaining with hi wife.
Seer. WYy llav and pan attended
th.. unveiling of the lionohue fountain
DsOfcameatal Be'olOek this morning,
after which he left for Berkeley, to
take part 111 the c meiiccment
ercises. It wa the intei'.tion d the
afraraft) to confer upon President
Mckinley the degree of doctor of laws,
which the regents voted yesterday to
San Francisco, May 15. President
McKinley this morning attended the
unveiling of the lkmohue fountain.
He is still undecided ae to future
plan. All depends on Mrs. M. Kin
ley 's end it ion. Her physician has
ordered that klie be nut disturbed until
she ha lully recovered, and the presi
dent may have to stay here for several
Washington. May 15. Word waa
receive. from San Francisco to the
effect that if Mrs. Mckinley does not
show speed improvement, the presi
dent content plates taking her direct to
('antou, after
the festivities at Baa
hau Francisco, May 15. At 1:30 p
n, . Mrr M. Kiuley was resting eoaji
fortably. liar condition shown little
i.aiie. Dm preaident will not visit
Oakland today, and will not attend the
Ohio tfauu.uet this evening. t
Berkeley. Mav hV SotreUrf Hay
Usik the president's place this morn
ing, making a short address to the leu
thousand people an., had aseuUod.
He expreasl the president's regrets
I h. i.i,i left for Oakland, wh.-r.
Secretary Hay makes a short addreM
or luibiHMcv ruas.
gutani nouvsalr 10 President and Mrs.
San Francisco, May 10 fine of the
rarest and most unnpie souvenirs ol
their visit to California to Is. pg.
ai utod lo i'rusjihnt and Mrs. MuKm
l,- during tfielr sojnurn in San PYan
. m 1 is a rug made of fur in facsimile
of the fraud rmy hedge, I he rug,
whsjn uiouuUmI and backsl with brown
satin, measure H0iM iiiebes, and Is
cmnpoaeal of alaiiit sjOOll pi woes of fur
from animals found 111 California and
aJotlg the COast, thlelly seal-skin,
nstursl. plucked, uiifducked aud dyel,
from seals caught near -ante Barbara
The borders are wreaths of Califofufs
laurel I. -.nee. made ol plunked land
otter, and the star,- in each corner are
of the same fur, as are the shields iu
the middle ot the border on each side
Of the nig.
lie cent.r shield is of California
ermine, and the star is made ,,(
natural aeal skin, the tottering of dyed
sealskin. The outhm of the figures
111 the star, represent Big fraternity,
are of the same material, while mole
skin paw were naed to represent tin,
ho men hands. Tha body oi the Ain.n-
an K.igle is made dyed (California
lamb sain, a ith real claws aud leak of
the (,'ali lorn ia bird. The Malteee cat
crosses are made of natural and dyed
seal-skin, aud every variety of (ur is
used .'or tiie other rmhleuis and orna
mentation Tablet from Iron Works employs
Over (our thousand employes ol the
I 11 1011 Iron Works have contributed to
the yeruhaee oi the gold tehlst thai
will be presented lo President McKiu
ley a few moments prior to the launch
ing of the Ohio.
Use (ablet will he made oi solid
luetai eita a picture of tU UUIesbip
engraei ou a oeutral peuel and sur-
rouudeiJ by a scroll wreath formation
Tiie cot ol asuta tm lias corner above
the oeeel wUl be ialaid with Oali-
(orula eold quarts, lisnked in either
side by the uatloual and state
dotas iu colored euaiuels.
A committee consisting of ioeeuh
tr, ..t.SrW:
have the matter io baud and the eui
j ployeea will elect one of their number
I to make tkvs presentation speech. A
Isrge canopy aud stand will be ar
raiiged on die dry dock
aatUestifps In Marker.
Two of the largest bell lean 1 pa In lite
siusrioau navy Mewed a welooiue to
rreaiaeut Wceiuley wheu he reached
4N "-" They were) the fwm.
aMg ties ai at Adtaira. 5f, Zi
tbe Wieeouein. Tuey srre riduaf at
wheu he reaehsd
1 anchor off Howard street whar(. and
' chse besides them were the oruiser
Philadelphia, the rrniner Adams and
the torjsl,-boat destroyer Farragut
They represented the navy in the wel
come to the Pacific coast of the nation'
thief. Bcide these vessel the H.
MoCnlloch, representing the revenue
serx i.-,. swung with the tide close to
the monster ships of war.
It was the Mevaltoeh, hernelf a gun
boat of no mean power, that ftred the
flrat shot iii the battle of Manila hay,
I when the first vessel of the ftpanifth
licet wa nxnt to the bottom. The
: Iowa's guns were lioeraing off Santiago
w!i'ii the last ship of the Spanish
Meet was sent a wrck on Cuba's shore.
All these ships are gay in Hags in
dav and brilliant lights will shine st
1 hiring the naval parade on the day
the Ohio is to be launched the Meet
will he made the center of the proces
sion. l ommantsmsnl laerelsss at
Several Students Spoke.
Berkeley, May 1 Shortly bWore 10
o'clock the party arrived and was met
at the depot by President Benjamin
Ide Wheeler and the regents o( the
university. K.scorted by a troop o(
cavalry, thev were at once driven (o
the beautiful ground of the state uni
versity. The commencement eserrisee
were held iiut-of -ibairs iu the oval of
tl Ilcirc cimler tract, which affords
a natural amphitheatre. Aronnd the
platform, arranged in a semi-circle,
were HOOD students and spectator 011
seat provided within hearing dis
tances. Outside of the oat were many
thousand more sja'ctators Several hun
dred pro(eors and the graduating
class were grouaal tton the plaftorm.
There were no special feature, the
whole affair being conducted with
academic simplicity. Four students of
the graduating class, KalphT. Fischer.
Nathan Is. Moran and W. tt. Oreelv
,d the academic colleges, and F.vorett
I. Brown of the law college, briefly
Mike an I then the president de
livered a lengthv address and presented
the irraduate with their diploma
Rsportsd by I. L. Ray a Co., Psndloton,
Chlaaao Board or Trads and Nsw York
Stesk Bxshanas Brokers.
New York, May 15. -The wheat
market waa strong today and closed
lull cent over yeaterday. The ex
tremely hot weather which has pre
vailed (or the past three weeks ha
damage,! the winter ..eat in Kansas
and adjoining territories, snd unless
rsiu comes soon serious results sre
feared. I,i verpiad closed 5 - 10' . New
York opened 7 U-R and cloesd 7M'(.
Stocks higher.
Money, 5 per cent.
Close yesterday, 77',.
Open today, 77 3-H.
Bange today, 77 M to 7S .
Closing today, . .
SUwka: Sugar, Ha4 ; mhaoco, 191;
steel, aidfM, Paul,l54 fie) I C B. A
Bs5; N. P., 1U U. P., lOtlt, ; Krie,
Whsai In Bae Pranslsso.
Sen Francisco, May 15. December
wheat, I03'a.
Whsai in thisaee.
Chicago, May 16. -Wheat, 71 l-d
to 71V-
Maw York Market.
New York, May 15. -Sugar, raw,
fair, refining, :t'4 ; centrifiigsls, Wo
test, 4 Mil refined, crushed, no,',,
powdered, .VIA; granulated, 565; coffee,
No 7, spot, 11 ,1-H; rice, domestic, I' ,
to 1, 4 ; wool unchanged
ones Mors Slsvalss lbs frlss end
Bquasaes Blsvator "tbort" inlerssls.
Chicago, May IA. Corn King
Phillipe for. , si corn up two cents this
morning, Mav selling ss high as 56.
Although the buying was not heavy,
iliH marekt was unusually strung
Phillips continued to (nice up the
price and soon had it up to sisty, st
ahich ligure many "short" elevator
interests were compelled lo settle.
1'ti 1 1 1 1 wt did considerable buying at
the t w ogure, taking about 150,01)0
bushels. It is thought that he bid up
the priee to get the torn held by the
"tailors," so thai he can gain a lege
lute omitinl uf the market,
Wornsn and Cblldrsn 1 saving Jeakson
iii la ereai Numbers.
Jacksonville, Via-, May It - Fear of
gu knees hag led to an gsudus d women
and children Iron, the city. Up to the
present nine, eight thousand have let
the city, some never to it-turn, labor
ers lion, all parta ol tbe eouutry ere
fi king here, but there is uot enough
work for all.
tsy uf bstllsmsni fasted Smoothly far
boi l lotsresls.
lAiudou, May 15 No (allures as vet
have Immsii aiinoumaai as a result of the
settlement ou tbe Stock i.sohenge to
day. Several small firms are known
to he in difficult, Out otherwise the
account passed smoothly.
Leaves Leuaoa fer Srense (ei-
VsssilS" fee.
famdoe. Mar l - J Pierpetit Mr.
aMi has staiteu i r last naiue.,
Kraaca, Aeaateenily the ..eelal site..
11. a, baa eieanai eaeae Sk peueii him
to resume his va.etion
Coal ueseiiduy's l
Vs., balay, sun)
CxnVaaatpa o( Um report' was re
oelved ber laid alteino 1, Mne are
dead. 1'hey aettf killed iualaully
AhjoutaOaie lujurMl, souia seriously
glee Lives Were Leas.
Mt. Insula, afar tt. H ti now
definitely known tfaet not more than
flve Uvea were loaf in Ute wreck el sixe
stealer Ciiy of Pede-e. Issvse
ZmZ r.poried aslatiagr yeseawOs are
now kasea ke tstrr aaaassssv 1
dve lives were lost iu the wreck oi she
me tWM sa as aaessn
raxmt. W. vg.. Mar l "sAu s.
jtetinsl mi the iaorase .. . k
11 a, vJS' Smrei, , sr.
etvv waa resruxl
... . rr..r.. 07
Street Car Strikers Are in
Ugly Mood.
f 0
Trouble Is Rsai; for lb Sirt Car Ctm
ptoj Itrtltl Ltw Prmlls In
Ptrli of Albauy
Albany, May Li, When the striking
employes of the Union Traction com
pany awoke this morning, thev were
forrlhly reminded i( a recent state
ment made by the company's manager
that it would run its curs if it took
the entire state militia. Boldlfrl Bfa
here mid more nre coming.
Little trouble was Bl ISM I ell Bad dur
ing the night. It is letlieved that the
coin pan y has inanv mrn al its rum.
mand iu aud near the city, and the at
tempts to osrate car were to Is. made
again todav. Serious trouble wa an
ticipated An lher fruitless attempt to bring
about a com promise was made early
this morning As one OflttipOAjl uf the
soldiers were inarching to the street
car barn nt midnight thev were jeered
and stop.sl In it mob of strikers snd
v iiipatlilers
Ten thoaaajtd people gathered around
the Qoall street barn, where trouble
was expected A liioinited signs! corps
was called lo the place, aud forced the
people hack from the building. The
soldiers acre leered,
1000 Armsd Msn.
Kre night falls, one thousand armed
men will he guarding the company'
properly The presence of tbe soldiers
bs had a quieting effect BWW the
strikers, but trouble late tin afternoon
i expected if the compsnv tries to
resir its broken aires. Certain parts
of lb citv are virtually under martial
law. Itn.iness is suffering snd BvOVOM
is aniiotisly awaiting developments.
Tors Up Troy Trasks.
Troy, N . Y., Mav 15. -No sttenipt
has been made to run the street cars
here. Kverything was qalal this morn
ing, lint the tracks were torn up lor
pule a distance last night.
Claar Blaksrs Sirlks, Sla Tboasand le
Tampa KIs , May tri, Two thousand
rlgar makers employe,! in West l amps
(adorn m Went out on a strike this
morning, snd say they will nut return
fo work until the bridge between this
city and West Tampa which fell n
Siindav is reiatlred. This aMafBJOaBJ all
the other cigar makers struck, and sii
thousand Btep are now inarching
through the streeta'
Banished rrsosb Lounl Bsluras is Mis
Mallvs Lead.
Paris, May 15 Count I nrsalacea, a
prominent royalist who is under sen
tence of ten vears banishment re
turned to Paris today. Ilia term of
exile hag not yel expired, and his re
turn ia iu bold d. li.tnce of the govern
in. 'it Iu a public statement, be chal
long. si the guveriinieiit to punish Mm,
aud says bis return will las the signal
fur the overturn of the present govern
Bisnios laaadealaa asvoiuiionists tor
s ksrlous Blot.
toiistantiiiople, May lr. Advice
from Sotia say thai during a riot then
the Turkish embasy was abmed, sud
t he I It ton is n l,tg hauled down Slid
draggid in li.e Bind, Several iwrsous
sre reported killed The sullen Is In
dignant. He hlsiues tint Maceiloiiiau
r. Volut IlllllstS.
A Viilsgs Usslroysd.
Koine, May b tl t the entire
village of Aeoiona was destroyed by
the fall of an immense reek. TrooBa
llsnat. bed to the scene uf the disaster
have thug far tound llfleen Isalles.
laklma Indians will see President
tb Kiulev st North Yakima en May
-, snd i-s, of in. .in will be preeeut.
(liven by the leading Pendleton
men bants by which a $400 Mar
tin 1'iaiio will las given aaay ab
solutely free b the organ nation
ur lady voted the most populai
bv Jone 8rd. 1(101. The follow
ing merchants will issue ballots
W ith each Ac purchase I
Tbe esssyls Wsifcous. Pry ..... i.
wans II. -a
y. J- V a. i,u. j
('Ur Baksrr sad Urossry, (audwlk
arue. ersa-iswar.)
lAiuis Buaataksr. Jl a (iii. isu
Csrrlsr Iflilfnerr.
Oissmmi Baasry, 0reesr and UruaSsrf
w t. Beeutae, l'kvegutk
rtaeuk asstaarael lows
last. Bivs . vveo' sed so
ss roeai
tt. sraraw
. euaain
U. iraaews-
tBg sae tre. yue
If i.aiLiiLMi at Mu f
I lLfSSriSSm. where
III fflnXleTTcaiaUd
Agem Stockton lacisbatora.