East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 13, 1901, Image 4

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    MONDAY, MAY 13, M01.
i 11
, Styles of
We arc showing
ist A patent calf with the ivw
Cuban heel, new plain UM
- A French kid with full Louie
heel, hand turned sole.
A cloth top French kid,
turned slm
These three BlMMfl are the W .it
est, dressiest shoes this season.
Call and see them even if you
have a new pair. They will make
your eyes glad.
Practical Hoot and Hlioe Man.
Sweet MM, Put ton's.
lee cream, any flavor, Inttin's.
New invoice of dishes at Hlay'i
Fine mountain pntatone. Hawley's.
Bav v hi r window shades at
The busiest place in fVmllt'ton is the
St. Joe Rtore.
Bran, shorts, chop, barlev and feel
at Haw ley's.
Wanted A aaeood hand safe. In-
iinira at this office
Have vonr pictn
I roe framed ; latent
tlee at Murphy's.
All kinds of glov-M, Indian and fac
tory made at Haw ley's.
New (lMiHns in wall paper at
Mnrphy's paint store.
Automatic refrigerators and water
coolers at Kader's furniture iton.
Window shades, curtain (Miles, mir
rors, ale., at Badar's furniture store.
Oldest place and best tamales, at
Roy's, cor. Oocrt and (iarden streeto
N. Ilerkeley has some very desirable
town and country property for sale on
easy terms.
Finest hams ami lard on the market.
Home product; try it, its guaranteed.
Bcbwars A (Irani ich.
New, new. arrived this morning
direct from New York. Mee them at
Cleaver Bros. Iry Uoods Go.
Call up Hobbacb A Leathers for the
best breed in the city. Delivery to all
parts of tbe city, 'Phone main So. 80.
f-V buys s new Domestic sewing
machine or a new Wheeler A Wilson
tbe rotary shuttle at Kader's furniture
Crescent bicycles on the installment
plan at tbe Crescent agency in tbe Kast
Oregonian building, payments 91 a
week, no interest.
Remember I have a better stock of
oil, asle-greaae, rope, belting and all
other harvest supplies than ever be
lore. P. Hones, Helix.
Hers is a ebanee of a liletim. i.
make IIOUu figuring on tbe Karyelr
crank hanger. Tbe cold cash awaits
you. Call and see tbem at Withee's.
Hllk waists, new ones just in. rate
then, at Cleaver Bros. Drv mods Co.
Worth 8 and , t- be sold at tti and
t.75. Ask about them at Cleaver
Bros. Irv Uoods Co.
About shirts I good shirts'' We want
yon t try our shirt and if pleased to
tall your friends wltore to get shirts
that tit and please. If a shirt has not
a reputation we won't handle it. Any
shirt's a shirt, say many people, but
those who wear only the beat know
Itetter. The best ar. here. Alexander
A Heater.
i a
ol the iii .a u-irai.it style
sua per ad urn tlie w luuows and
uf our store. Its a moral certain!
that we oan please you as to fit. com
fort and fashion. We have made
every precaution fur spring and sum
mar, and await your visit with pari
cunttdanee of our ability to suit yon
Pendleton Shoe Co.,
Spring Troubles...
At Rader's furniture hi ..re Is tho
tine! line rf rugs suit matting.
Money tn loan on khmI (arm security,
in. pure of Attorney I.. H. Reader.
Wanted - Dressmaking or plain eew
ing to do, either by the day or at my
home, corner Alta and Webb streets,
opptmite court house. UOM work
guarsuteed. Miss Clsrs Reddick.
H J. Stlllman Wsn It Sunday After a
Hard Struggle.
The lifth monthly shoot of the I'eti
dleton sportsmen's associstion was
ksistd mi UBta Hliernixin, in competi
tion for the gold medal. II. J. Will
MU won it niter m hard struugle. The
match was at IB Mm rocks. f tbe 11
contestants four tied with B, In the
shootoff at ID hluerocks. Npeniv
dropped out, stillnian, Hoch sml
Hamilton breaking ten straight. On
the second 10, Hoch dropped out with
7 out of 10, while Stillman ami Ham
ilton broke each. On the third 10
Stillman ami linen broke I each ami
were still tied On the fourth in Still
msn broke them straight, while Hamil
ton got 8, leaving the former winMi '
tbe medal for the third time out of
live contests. K. W. Waite having won
ft at tbe two previous contests. In this
match for tbe medal, the four liest
shots broke CU) out id 140 blgsjffoakl
shot st. which is considered s big
Portland Has a atieatrap.
A Portland psaBaf announces that tin:
Portland gun stab has purchased a
maugatrap, the tirst in the state, and
has it in position for use. The
miingatrap Of the Pendleton Sports
men V association has been in use here
since Vugust of last vear, consequently
to Pendleton should la given tbe
credit of having the tirst maugatrap in
the State. However, the Pendleton
shiHiters congratulate their Portland
brothers on getting their new trap ami
giving other evidences of a desire tn be
up-to-date .
T. D. Taylor went to Athena on gd
day for a day visit.
W. D. Chamberlain visited on Ban
day with friends in Athena.
Mr. and Mrs. N . Berkeley, jr., spent
Sunday with friends in Walla Walla.
1.-1111 Uaillt, a sheepijian of Pilot
Ruck, is a visitor in Pendleton today.
Rev F. L Voroe occupied tbe
pulpit of tbe Presbyter iau church of
Walls Walla on Sunday morning and
Manager M. A. Rader, of the Pen
dleton baseball association, is at home
sick today, threatened with an at
tack of typhoid fever.
L. A. Keteh, an attorney of La
lirande, rotumco 0 Pendleton -imdsy
uigbl. belli of counsel in four cases be
lore the supreme court.
Fred Lieuallen passed through Pen
dleton this morning on his way home
to Adams from Kugeue, where he bss
been attending the university.
J W. Haller went U Walla Walla
on Sunday. He will remain there, en
tering tbe emplov ol the Dean-McLean
Abstract enui party, of which Stanley
K. Dean, formerly of Pendleton, is
manager and part proprietor
Frank Downey, sr., and Will Pointer
left Sunday evening for Lehman
springs to be gone a couple of weeks.
Tits lortner has a touch of rheumatism
sml wauta to lie where he can lie
lamented by the hot waters Itefore tbe
disease gets a good start.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Ingram and the
children, and Mrs. J. A Drake left
on saturdav evening's train for New
York state ' and Cauada. They will
stop for some time at Buffalo, N 1 ,
and attend tbe exposition. They will
be absent two or three months.
F. P. RMiud, district foreman of the
it. R. .. N. company, underwent a pre
liminary operation at 8t. VineentV
housital in Portland on last Friday
anil stood it well. Another operation
will have to be performed, however,
and until that has been done Mr
Round's cnndition is ol course critical.
Miss Kate Dowuey and her sister.
Miss Julia lkiwney, expect to leave
on Wednesday morn nig (or -pokaiir.
The former will coutinue her journey
in Republic, Wash , on businesa, and
thereafter may go east to visit the
buffalo nzsjsitlou The Utter will ba
the guest of Miss Kadi JohUM
loruierly of Pendleton.
I nr. Piamondoa. of atbsna. Say It's a
lid Cass.
Mrs. lireeii Kates is sick at her bom
! three miles from ttibbna with smsll
; . Dr. J. I. Plane ndon, of Athena
was telegraphed for ami went over
-iiihUv. He telephoned tn the Kast
Oregon isti today that it was a mild
lease. Oreen Kstes is there, also, hut is
'well. Mrs Kstes is the mother of
' Nellie Brown, who died in Pendleton
mi April B7 and was taim-d at Athena
.on -uuday, April "Jh. tuite a num
lier of Peudletouisus were at tiibbou
' alatiou on Sundav and were informed
by May Swart that Mrs. Kstes had
leu there during the week, and after
going horns hail nwn taaen with tbe
I smallpox. The coiibrumtiou of that
j report came in Dr. t'luint'iidon - moa
sagt A Good Tiling.
Dm great-grand mothers' garrets
contained tie- aauie htrl of all heal
ing fouisi in Karl's Clover Hoot Tea.
They gave our ancestors strength, kept
the hl'ssl pure, and will do the same
for you if you say so. Price 26 cts
ami 60 eta. Tallmau A Co., leading
i Tbe least in tiuantity and most in
.quality descrila-s lit-Witt's Little Karly
Risers', the famous pills (or const ina
'tiuuaud liver uiuipuiut. Tal I man tkCo.
Lose of ttjtiU
Stomach ai hue i it-,
and Other Eruptions
are noiue of them.
The Visitors Arrived This Afternoon
From Walla Walla Oams Will
Uometenes at 1:30 O'slosk.
The first gamp of baseball in Pendle
ton for this season of 1001 will be
nlsyed on tbe Alta street grounds on
Tuesdsv afternoon. Mav M, commenc
ing nt i' ::tt o'chkok. The Colfax team
will arrive on this evening's train at
I) o'clock from Walls Walla. .lack
arrived at ItBfl this afternoon, .lack
Baker will umpire the game It is
intended to have qfaJbl a display prior
to the gam. The teams will march
to the ground to inspiring music,
while the enthusiasts falling in line
will make up the rest of a big proces
sion. Ladies will Is? admitted to
grounds mid grandstand free. This is
official, it will ba ladies day, and they
will Is- aOOOrdad a frae and hearty
welcome. Practically all the stores
in town will la- closed, and the two
hanks likewise. It is proposed t. open
'he season with a hurrah ami give the
patrons of tbe game a sample of the
haseball that may be expected during
the season.
Walla Walla and Colfax.
On Sunday at Walla Walla, the Col
fax team was defeated by tbe Walla
Walla team, tbe score Iteing IS to 7.
The attendance was MM), the grand
stand having :i.'m people in it. It wan
a gius! nstured game. I uipiro Camp
hell rendering his decisions without
one otijei'tion from either team. The
star play of the game was by Walla
Walla's Center tielder, whit ran to the
extremity of tbe grounds, caught a
long high tly from one ol Col fax's bats
men, and made a MfMpefl throw tn the
home plate, cutting off a Colfax hose
runner who bad gone to third from
second, ami was about to score.
uns-Sldsd Oams.
tin Saturday, Whitman lasted the
itniversit) ot Idaho team (mm Moscow
in a score id LM to I. Ttie previous day,
the Moscow (.indents won in the field
da with till points tn Whitman's 5H.
Frank Sandsrs Shoots a Hand a Run
away on Sunday.
Athena, May 18 Frank Sanders,
son of D 11 Sanders, an extensive
farmer living on iterking Flat, had
the mistortnne t. sins himself with
a 2J-callbrc ririV through the left hand
Sunday afternoon. Tbe bullet fractured
a bone, and made a very painful
wound. Dr. Botkin, of this city,
dressed tbe hand, aud reports it as a
painful but not n serious accident.
Miudav afternoon the driving team
of Mutt 1. yud. uf this city, ran away.
In their wild flight through town, the
tsile . broke and fhev left the back
to wln. l thev were hitched In the
street an injured When they got near
the bridge tiist spans tiie Will liorse
on the roail that leads to tbe reserva
tion, thev ran into a buggy containing
Miss tl race Rav, Miss Ktta and Clyde
De i raw , ol Weston, throw ing Mis
I h. raw in the ground and stunning
her. The other occupants of the rig
escsited w'th a few scratches Tbe
esrai-e from -.nous injury is con-
Mulcted hv parlies who saw tbe acci
dent as something miraculous. The
DeOraw buggy was badly wrecked.
Mr. I. vnd's horses were considerably
scratched up.
Nordstrom 's Klsven-Ysar Struggls Is
Not Yst Indsd.
Washington, May 13. In the I'nited
States supreme court today the case of
Charles W. Nordstrom, of the state of
Washington, under sentence of death
tbe court atlirmed the decision of tbe
circnit court in balwas corpus proceed
ings. In tbe matter of a writ of error
from tbe supreme court of the state
of Washington tn dismiss or srlirm, the
court ordered the application sub
mitted on Mav '27. The case remains
undecided, therefore, and Nordstrom,
ah., has lieen fighting for life for
eleven yeare, still has another chance.
Damansi uu Ara an Ultimatum Up
to a ay 87.
W.Mihngtnn. May Li President
0Cnanal, of the International Ma
chinists' assiKMation, declared em
phatically today that every member of
the association would tie called out
May M if tin- demands for a iiiiw i r
day and an increase of 11 per cent in
wages lie not acceded tn Notice to
this effect was sent yesterdav In all
D anon la ixnlj knew what we know
almm Kodol i'yspepnie Cure it would
ba UseO in nearly every household, as
lle-n are few people who do Hot sufhil
In. ii. s feeling of fuiiuewi afier eating,
laiiching. flatulence, sour stomach or
water brash, caused by indigeatiun or
dvupepeia. A preparation such aa Kislnl
Dyspepsia (Jure which, with uo aid from
thr stomach, will digest your fwal, eer
tsinly cuu't help hut do you giaai
Tall u.an .v Co.
Bopsr Who Dlsd saving
New York, May 13. Tbe cruiser
Buffalo arrived today from Manila
with the body uf Lieutenant Jeaae
Bnpor on tioard. Ruper was suffocated
while attempting to rescue the soaiuen
who were prostrated during tbe fire on
ti.t k'untsiat Petrel uf! Cavite iu Feb
ruary. "I have been suffering from dyas-p
sia for the pest 20 years and have been
unable alter trying all preparations and
physicians to get any relief. After tak
ing uue bottle uf Kudol Dyspepsia Cure
1 fiHind relief and am now in better
hualth than I have heeu for 20 rears, i
cannot praise Kodol Dyspepsia Cure loo
highly." writes Mrs. ('. W. Roberta
North Creek, Ark. Tallmaii A Co.
Slrasi Car Sinkers Assess a Fallow
Albany, N Y , May 13 - The first
act of violence iu connection with the
street car strike occurred this niorn
iug, when a number of strikers as
saulted Resin Urr, international
treasurer ol tbe Railway Kroployos'
I'nloii, whom tliey accused uf having
sold out to bis employers HerioUB
trouble was narrowly averted.
"iur little girl was uuuuuseious
llOBj strangulation during a sudden and
torrible atlaok of eroup. I quickly ae
cured a bottle of One Minute Cough
Cure, giving hr three doses The croup
was mastered and our little darling
speedily recovered." ho writes A. I.,
Hpaflord, Chester, Mich Tallmau A Co.
A suite of rooms in the East Ore
gonial, buildiua, hot and cold water,
bathroom, lot f U a month during tbe
au muter. Apply at the Kast Orugoman
WIW lift l.F. A N N' BOOH.
Ths Sleepy Old City seltsd Ovsr
For the Brst time in its history New
Orleans is undergoing the hopes.
anxieties and general excitement of a
Lis. m." The delightfully lethsrgn
.Imposition nf this old citv of the
Cre.de. where tbe soft and balmy air,
the liaantifnl sunshine and the DOT) I
shadow . the dellcinus laimpann and the
setluctive mint Julep, the intelligent
and lovable men and women, tbe qneer
foreign structures and the familiar
American folks make the stranger feel
that now he has conic to the fabled
place where It Is always afternoon
this disposition to dowse like a gentle
man and a scholar has been rudely
shaken. The inviting city by the
southern sea Is torn and wrenched
from curb tn attir by a speculative
It is not s local Loom, but It is one
with as many bustible possibilities.
The city has gone wild over the great
oil discoveries along the Texan border,
300 miles away. They are not yet pro
ducing oil from them, and there is no
great excitement on that score. The
excitement is over tbe transfer of
natural opportunities for oil produc
tion. Workmen can be hired ot
leisure, hut oil land must lie caught
on the fly. Companies are being formed
almost daily, with shares ranging in
price from ten cents upward, ami the
shares that sold yesterday lor a
dime may bring 2.r cents tislay and o0
cents tomorrow, all without any new
discovery, anv si tnal all product ion. or
anything whatever tail the chatter of
the street aud the aaatulative fever uf
the people
This ecdnoaiic disessr, the new
yellow fever of tbe sooth is only in its
early stage in New Orleans. Hardly
a fortnight lias gone since the first
symptoms apiatared. Hut already
visions of the historic tulip crate of
Holland are revived, and Mark
Twain's stories in "Koughing If of
tbe Hush days of Nevada City are
reenacted in New Orleans on a smaller
but rapidly expanding scale, and with
leas intensity hut under an Increasing
The northern newspapers Uo not
apiear yet to have caught on to this
extremely picturesque disturbance in
the city of the lotus eaters' pilgrimage.
Though the dollar-snatching spirit of
the calculating north ;s aggressively
invading the last great stronghold of
philosophical southern contentment
aud sensible repose, in the process of
making a "new south," the organs
of opinion at the north, alert ami
vociferous as they usually are. have
noted little but the oil find In Texas
Yet there are newspaper men in RH
Orleans, bright, able, sane, industrious
and responsible, who could write them
true stories of the metamorphosis of
this doomed city - doomed to atfntore
of hurry and hustle that would make
tbe editorial hair to curl and each
nartietilar reader's month to
special wonder louts I Post
Skin affections will readii v d isapsar
by using DeWitt's Witch WU M BS
Look out for counterfeits. If you get
DeWitt's you will get go-sl results. It
is the quick ami sitivc cure for piles.
Tallmau A Co.
Ix-ainlslar Uhl Sinking.
Urand Rapids, Mich., May 13. -Ed
win L'bl, ex-minister to Ueraianv, n
slowly sinking this morning. His
family aud physicians have given up
all hope.
DeWitt's Little l.arly Risers search
the remotest parts of the bowels and re
move impurities speedily with no dis
comfort. They are famous for their affl
cacy. Lasv tn take. Never gripe. Tail
man A Co.
Ig Petroleum Firs.
M. seow. May 13. A disastrous tire
broke out today at Astriakhaui. I our
teen petroleum laden vessels were de
stroyed. W. J. Baxter, of North Brook N. ('..
says he suffered with piles for 1" years.
He tried many remedies with no result
until he used DeWitt's Witch llsel
Balve and that quickly cured him.
Tal I man k Co.
National Woodman Convsettoa.
Colomnbs, O , May 13- Tne nation;.,
convention of Modern Woodmen OpSM
here tomorrow.
Johnsons Bros.' semi porcelain ;
the finest made at the price of
the common white goods Soup
tureens, casseroles and BMKM
tureens are less than half price
soup larvon with piste r an. I u.llt
MOtSkSd 1 Mrul-- Willi lale
Ssut. turmui Willi alalltr and unln
asuc l- - wad Mg Uakan
Hit(.r suit S-in Iwksr
TsapnU aiid 10-iu baker.
Cuvsnnl Duller
Fivr luck uakan sml t UisrU
i i' iar Mil
brvakiui pUias par mi
Mil mil p. pur Ml
via i, mi -!....
i: '
. to
.. Su
.. SJ
.. tu
Kememher we bought these at
a bargain and give you the beoi
fit of our puchase.
Owl Tea House.
The Columbia
Lodging House
F. X. SCttl MPH, Frop.
For kigs
To go Fishing
or for a cab to make a call
telephone Main . w
Uepot SUblc.
(is MR.
Visitor! Handle appsd bv Havlns Proml
nsnt Plavari Remain at Honis
Picked Op Subttltuts.
Atnena. Mav 18. On the Saturday
afternoon passenger train, the Payt.ui
hall team came ,t.i Mhetia, and placed
with the "Yalloa Kids" as sjjbadolad
on Suudav. I'he victors were sadly
I. -...11........ I uu three uf tlll'lt lll'St
oeoti u it (' ' n" "
plavers failel 10 come with them. HO 1
thev sere compel leu to pie uc
placers at Walla WhIIr. and the third
base, was htdd d. tvn for then by Ira
Luna, of Athena. Rotalthitaodlni
dtsatlvantages the visitors bfM to puiv
under, thev nut m a good snappy
game of afl. The home ten in won by
a srore of 10 so 8,
The game was well attended nml the
visitors siMiii wnn tnuiiy Bdmirers for
themselves b their clean playing.
They realised thai thev Wert verv
much outclassed nml '""k their defeat
gracefullv. For the Davton team Lgns
and ltateman crossed the home plaU
in the seventh Inning. I. von- pitched
a ver nice gamr lor the Day tons, bol
the Athena team Imttei) him hard
and often, he being able ID strike nut
onlv three mini. Saunders, its usual,
tlid good work anil kept the Dayton
hovs gnessini! how to hit him. He
struck out 111 men. H. RroWfl band I ell
the in it for the home team. St. John,
the regular catcher, having bad the
misfortune of having his hand him in
a practice game Thursday I'aken all
in all. Isith teams played gmsl hall
and received much anplause. Follow
ing is the i laeej) i
Davton -Smith, c : LyOBS, p taja
berrv. lb. Israel. 8b. . l.nna. :th :
Oaiiier, ss Thorn, c f.: Hurt-hurt ,
I. f. ; Hat 'man. r. I.
Athena H. Hrnwn. c Niinmb rs p.
Vatighan, lb; Owrtaao II Willard.
Mh. , i. BroWR), ss. i IVancis. r. f. ;
Lteeellen, o. I, . Dell, I. f.
Score. (l to LV rinplre.J. K. KrailBe,
of Pendleton l ime ol game, hours.
Inimediatly following the Davton
Athena game". "MrClurs's Colts" and
a team from Weston t"ok Up their
positions on the diamond. The locals
suffered defeat al the liitlnl- nf the
visitors. The Weston team bad a walk
over, winning the gaJM w-ith a score of
SB to 8.
For Bala.
Owing to niv (ssir health I offer for
sale the Letter linker tin, lliv resi
lience proper! t on iarden street be
tween Alta anil Court.
v.w.k i.i 1:7.1:1:.
Yon are much more liable to disease
when your liver and Isiwels do not act
proTly. la.Witt's Little Karlv Rlean
remove cause of d tsease l al man A t'o
St. George
Sunda Dinner a Specialt).
liaiiqn.it mill FartiiM givmi gxlra
Two Blaok
( 'uliibiliiilioli
Thev are very rare.
. S1K0BLE.
Court Street.
We put Uur Shoulder to the heel
iu tli. nml irt:iiti Ml ol , w.y sk.ii it
- in S'litiuy uur vehicle iun auct omIiiI
ruioiinc saatlllloa tlml'. figuratively .peak
uir ... m.titir nf mm ........ ..... I " ....
- - w ffj "hi mi cie
rrgi. Hi the ar. ul n pslriuu our isrclttat
ttkf.iii urrt-y, ruuabuiit muy eiirt ol vsblsls
VOU U1AV Itrilltf 11. Mint Ik. .am.. If
iomt.e;. u,,t
It tOl W.M lo 8()b
Mirilsi lor maaaiiuu. or
iivw.iMtporn iu tbe (inllad
Siattae or gdrope remit
t IamUI uotr, rtuci or
teud Ui iu h.i Oaauu
t-- Uir not publUbttra
prtos of tbe publlteiioo
J " " " ' 1 ' MUU W Will
bave it .nut to you si.il uiuutv all tiU ol tb
jaour briue io.i Iu lb. mail. Il will say. you
.ill. Ir.Hil.T.. .... It - . ..
m . ,H I Ml I I HUM JIM. i;AQ
Owiuci leu usr vaai Irom ibe itul.li.ben' unca
Uj ,.r I- . - ....... ... . . . . -
sorlUKl .uiiutti. I.,v. ttoou Ukt.li up ty (ba
ul i.n dayt lor ash auil expeiiw.
r.f" f"?," "l"1' 6r"-' n lilt Ula
lUUI till l.fl anki. r
Oik sarrulstud nut . ifbt ut.out :a) pt.iunu
.' year. ..Id. LrsuiU.i H I vcnucsi.-d on 1st
.oou .lar. wIib Ui r u latt hli..
One mat ltor. 1.U..11 a ... ..1.1 ....
.... .1 O . - i , - w.u. 1,1. .11.1.11
cini. run rlKlit buijiilr ami an follau Itraou
alii. ., warier olrrit' itn 1.11 tn,
1'ai. I Mav IS. I'l
M HaUTaHAM, cliy MaisiuU.
Tbe Kaat Oreauuian 1a k.ai.m rt.
Koo's raprsaamalivs paper It luda, abd
lbs pswpls apprsciats it aud show it by
asu littcial pattutiaca. It la tbe advei
ISUag tuodiuu. uf tbis sesiiaa.
. . i. . ,11 n1 t. tf irtn tea Qkavs 1 1..
I 111 WCtn WW v . . t . mm w. w -.-mrm tV
. r..,, . . ... 1
ni- niv tn 01. n w
. !K .dVl. With .ifc CU.Mlll.
a uo
it m 1 r.st tt 1 a 1 .
-1 wet f 1 o,... J ;
- ' v t..M - a
in K
Renew store can never be
known unleaa It advertises.
lasts sm a ImSJ .,.... aaea Mm aassaMA
Tbi ii'Milnv nf , .... 1 ;n 1.. .1 1.-:..... KutioJl!
iMine to receive Healed hirin on httx nf w.wtl Nob. o.
17, about 61K) Mu ks, now 8tnrd in the ItideneU1
1 -a I
II' ' tim . Uhl Hill: . uOtil-. . . t . t.i ...n u 'illi .
w vi sn J VW I
the nriviWt .' ri.iif. o... a m 'aa Ttuu$
i . tf 7 J .7 7" . cj
pnarantee nr men's Walkinfcasy to br the heu
shot on the matket for 50.
Out District No. 76 (ot Ladiea, Misses and C hildren
itional reputation for durability.
Oui Ladiea' Julia Marlow for style and comfort ex.
cell all others
Out l-adiee Latent Creation shot are hummers f0T
the price.
q , lies N.trdicfl shoes, worth la. 50, will Rejj
during this week for $2. Best shoe in lVtulleten
for the price.
Come ;tnd look our shoe line over and save money.
... .. 7T.T iiiiiT i .ii Ti.ali r c lit. mmm tm mLl r..t "'s
.mi. Twnchint of rvfiida. 1 ' "s- KelSsl '"ttrsltej
M. .. I. .
rams, .nnw tt.in.nj vo., oan t
IlKlilHlsrs. 'rStiI( OH1.,,
is th' ilcsire of pierv
- 1 "11 nun
lias an eye to the beautiliil
a cttitiTk.ed taste. Shr csn
hut sleeping room, parlor 01
t.i. .10 tt.itn 1111: ! II 1 ., .1 Ln ' ,
- "I'tnonT MOCf
tin plainest to the lushest
and at prices that are right
MATTINGS at reduced pnea
Mise of overatock. Carpets.
V . H .1.1.. P IIPt.lM - I
.. .'IV'.. Mltlf.MV.., V. Ill I, t MJICJ,
1 abt, go carts, mirrors, pictnm
M . .! llf.LL l'. .
Fresh Clean
Stock of
For you to select from. Will
give you reasonable prices.
Try us with an order ::::::
Thompson & Dupuis, Props.
Ask your Grocer
for Ukiah
Creamery Butter
Its uuraiited full weight.
Try a Jmll ami help home
industry I'kiali ( l.-ainery
liutter is tnutle by liillie Mc
Keynoitls, the bent butter
makor in the state.
Agent Ukiah Creamory.
mi, nt i-iiv