East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 13, 1901, Image 3

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T . m. m tav msm. -v ass
or rpi my ",u ouiiiiiici .
Hen's Outside Shirts, each
5, 75C. $i oo.
leaver Bros. Dry Goods Co.
HONDA V . MAY i:t, lll.
.. iviii vt.it Klamath
-.i if II s. Qftffteldi Will
' I 1IU. ,.lf will IttlVM tx'tWtMMI
r an" . ... . .
l-Aim! HHIt of .iiiih Tur Mmuiri
... .t...i ,.r .ml annual hunt mil
it mi !" w -- - -
Hulling trip I hev WIM go pre-
for mi oxieiinen e.oii i i i. i)'
.ill utHini several month in
QtHWtl mountain. A great por-
f .1 .1 , I ' I... mmiil nn the
Ul lv i iii " ' T ; ,
..in .... .mil)' )J Ultmi in
. . . .. .. i...... tin. I.iidti.its
HlllDK "e prniiniiiicni m ir oeo
The three gcntlcmn il the party
miMTtx w itli red and gun, 111111 111
illon Ui that their exploit never
lllllllUS HI lUlinimin in HMI.IIV
. . ...I... ...I I... .I...... t,'u hull I.I.M
..f imii itml hair hroailth ea-
- - - all b iii.Ib .if .l.im.l fvillll
milk In grirdy latar may he ex
I from the-" Slnrodl andreliable
ri. . . i..a , I . .i. rki I I in
Irian- iir (i i ' "b i iiiii ui
IV ;iin Mi ll' tnaiani iruui roii-
i item nl tin' imriihenialia of the
I L . A L- 1 . . .
I i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iinai, in in 11011 mi
Illll HIM' "lion lilt' urn ! hi me
' (if iiperatintia.
. mm
Scientific Dandruff Treatment
ntcominUed by Phyileian.
n M.rv (' Crua fnnl ( hiknadulH.
"Ilerpicid" cured nit perfectly
...... ... i i. .
L' I II......I..I.... IM
.. 1 . . .1. 1 1" niimivi 1 . 1111 1 1 1 im 1 pi ,
"I n-i'il I loriueidc for ditndriift
(h I line hair, and I am well
I I! k.illv l.', I li.iiil.ir.i afreet
Praaciseoi "HarploHt hIimi
III HI llllll nil HIT lll'nil. I I 11 1 l 1 1. Hill
MM Hum i claimed."
'-tl.iiidruR, i.illinir hair and
r ua 11 urn. ,i at nmoimix
Hytnii.j ami I v.nty-Flv P.r
1 am liioroaa.
linn iiviri 1111 r.nm mrrii
almni lo mile from Pilot Rock,
retus-d in raising sheep. He
Ii-k ..rsiHi lirt'irllnf ewtalitnd 5A0
i' 1 I ' iiirtl ma. In itv
c win 1 diu, titer your clock
Itiiik a home u vou wlu:n its
hat K lll l'l it . ' ! I lit I I
lay hxul
Mlrxrlr n . . I
... ...ioiiunr a. nuiwr n
Tor age"
tl I
lit i.tjti L.
. a 1
Wood and
enry Kopittke
the 41rBt-mentionei flock id tb hannr
nn tlitiR fur reported in Umstill
county (or th year IW1. The lainhltiK
Hoaaon ia at an n and with the tUK)
ewn 1000 laniha tm now akipping and
romping about, which oaiiae Mr. llnrn
a great deal of pleasure in the COODV
ing. That in an increase of 125 per
cent. Theae ahnep are all Oxforita and
are in excellent condition. Mr. Horn
aaya the ewna are worth $2.7'i each
and the Umlia in tbe (all will be
worth 1 UA. There are a great many
ewea in thia coantv that are only
eatimated to he worth f n. but theae
Oxforda ol Mr. Horn are an exception
ally good lot.
Mtat or Ohio, Citv or Toi.1110 (
t , . . . ........ .
..111.W uuuni . 1
I 1 11 ii k J ('Iimiimv nmkiifi tufcth llmt hp la thfi
en lor partner of the firm of K .1 ( Ih iu y A i n..
ti 1: nn Diulneaa in the city ol Toledo. aoilBtJ
ami etate aforcaalil. and tlmt nail! llrni will pay
tln mini ol 1 me Uninlri'il I ml l:ir lnr cacti aim
.very caw of Catarrh that cannot be cured by
thi line 01 nan t alarm 1 ore.
hworn to belore me aud ubanrltM'd In my
preaunne thlmllh day of Pecembtir, A.
I.,., in. ia.
NoUry Public.
Hall Catarrh Uurr In takuu Internally and
acta directly on la. bliaid and mucnim nurfacet
of tlie ayetmii. ftend tor teatlmnnlaln. Ire.
r J lllt.NM iV (I I , lillriln I nun.
Hold b drnxlt. 74c.
lialiv Family Pllli are the beat.
Arrivals at Hot.! Pandleton.
S Roaenahin, Chicago.
John K Lathro, city.
H S Keller, San Kraneiaco.
I Jacoha, Cortland.
A 0 Funk, city.
C C Holliugnhead, New York.
M 6 Mouteith. Fortlainl.
F A SiaBttcer.
W K (lendinning.
E R Sam, Haktir.
Geo T Will iama, I'ortlauil.
1 F.iafelderr, Portland.
J S Vining, Seattle.
1 'until, Spokane.
8 W Sndor, Hpokane.
A Harris, Spokane.
Jaa (i Huchanan, Seattle
J () Adama, Omaha.
K 0 Witrroii, Portland.
W W BeMaatW, Portland,
lav A Hay, Nw York.
J 1 SI.iIit La Hrande.
Miaa Mae l.aiihaur, litiiae.
L A Katttb, l.a (irande.
Nlahl Wai H.r T.rror.
"I would cough nearly all night
long," writ Mm. Chaa. Applegaie.
of Alexandria, lid . "and 1 hi
hardly get any aleep I had couauiup
tion ao bad that if 1 walked a Mock I
would cough (rightfully aud apit bloodt
hot, when all other medicine (ailed,
three f 1 hottlea of Or. King'i New Hia-
coverv whollt cured me and 1 gaintal
08 pound " H'h alajdutely guaranted
to cure cougliH, colila, lu Lripiic, liron-
chitia and all throat aud luug trouhlea.
Price oOc aud f 1. Trial bottlea (ree at
Tall man . Co. 'a drug atore.
Kd Allan's lta. Line.
Kd Q, Allen la ptittiug on a atage
line between Lawton, the Red Boy
mine and Alamo. He had his atage
outfit on exhibition on Main atreet
Sunday morning. Tbe atage is a com
fortable (oar-sealed vehicle, well-
uusiiioDed aud heavy enough to stand
tbe Htrain of bad roads which are said
to lie between tbe termini of the stage
line. Tbe stage - was put in excellent
shape at Neagle Brothers' establish-
ment, wlnle the tiorsea were tittetl with
the beat set of iiarneas that could las
obtained. The barueaa is all hand
made o( i.cit material, (rum Joe Kll's
shop. The team of horeee is suited lo
tbe trade. Steve Jones led with the
outfit on Sunday lor the scene of oiwra
tious, driving over by way of La
Your Pae.
Show the slate of vmir feelings and
the alale o( your health as well. Im
pure Mood makes itaeK apiwreut in a
pale aud sallow complexion, piuiples
ami skin eruptions. If you are (eeliug
weak and worn out and do not have a
healthy appearance, you should try
Acker ' Blood Elixir. It cures all
blood diseases where cheap Maraa
pttriHaH and so-cullod puri&ers fail.
Kiiomuu tit it-, wt- aell every bottle 011
a positive guarantee. For sale by
Brock & McComas.
O I Cm VkA A
T 'Wt) D
Has no equal for tlie cur of
NervuuB aud Physical labil
ity, Kxhauated Vitality, Vari
0000W, Premature lecline,
JiOtw of Memory, Wasting, etx-.
which has teen brought
about by early indiscretion
or later excesses.
WrtU Ualkr tor aiy lateat book.. "Healti In
eJaiaee," aud -fltiuuslb. lu Uao aod Abua. b
by Men."
Uept. A. Ktweat BttMk,
KOKTLANO, orboon.
Funeral This Aflernonn Under Annplees
or secret Order to Whl.h
N. Balonc.d.
Robert H. Llndaey dixl in Pendle
ton at the home of his brother-in-law,
F.rtward Morgan, at 1 :2ft on Sunday
morning, May 12. The canae o( death
is given by tbe physicians as consnmp
Uon of the stomach. He had been
employed at the Hotel State, Walla
Walla, for the past 18 months, and was
tnk. n sick nine weeks ago. He re
mained in his apartments (or a month,
receiving the best of medical advice
and careful nursing, and was then
taken to the New Walla Walla hospital
and underwent an operation for relief,
but ho had passed the point where hu
man skill would avail.
lie was married three weeks ago to
Mamie Cavanaugh. to whom he had
lieon engaged for the past two years.
He was brought to Pendleton on'Toee
day evening, May 7. His two sisters
and brothers-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Kd
Morgan and Mr. and Mrs. Martin
Klnneraa, were present at the end,
which came peacefully and without a
strnegle. rfft
ssaa-.s to His Frl.nds.
A n Attemrit van maile in nimmnni.
cute with James S. Lindsey, a brother
wno reside at Alha, on Mimlay morn
ing, but it was not nntil 8 o'clock
Slinilnv 1. v.i 11 1 1 111 tlii.l tlm iii.iBasna i 1 ,1
be delivered. Mr. Lindsey started for
Pendleton at once, and, alter an all
night ride, reached here at 9 o'clock
this in tii Mil- Walter l.indaev an
other brother, was engaged in shearing
aneep in .lark canyon, lie was sent tnr
Sunday night and came in at once.
Another hrother lien I.imianv re
sides in Montana, and word has lieen
Kent in iiim. '.ul lie i m 1,1 nol reai h
here in time for the funeral.
A Biographical sketch.
Robert H. Lindsey was born in
Highland couny, Ohio, in 18H3. came
to Illinois three years later, and on to
I unit 1 1 lu coiintv in 1S8., where he has
reaided up to IK months ago. He was
employed for vears at the Hotel Pen
dleton, when lave Horn was proprie
tor, and afterwards oy Louis r. Cook.
He has held other situation and made
inline friends. He was a member of
the Fagles of Walla Walla and a dele
gation of that order came over on the
tram tin afternoon to he preaont at
the funeral. He was a member of
rmaholis Tribe, No. 18, Improwd
Order of Ited Men. who have interested
themselves in the funeral matters and
contributed an elegant bank of flowers
appropriate to tbe occasion.
Funeral This Ariarnoon.
The funeral tool place at I 80 this
afternoon from the residence ol Mr.
in I Mrs. Morgan on West WfJhb street.
Kev. II. h. Vernon, pafrtor of the
Met h. i I i-t Kpiacopal church, south,
officiated. The attendance wa large,
indicative of the esteem in which the
deceased was held. Mr. Lindsev's
father, who resides at Alha, being a
victim of paralysis, wa nnable to ba
pi nasjlH
P.rsonal Mention and Local Happ. nines
of That Town.
Athena. May 12. -K. R. Cox, the
Athena hardware merchant, transacted
hiisinesN in Pendleton Friday.
K. J. Hoddv arrived in this city
Friday morning, after an absence of
alamt seven months. Mr. itoddy
visited relatives and friends in Liver
pool Hid London, and report, a aplen
did trip. He is now exhibiting several
liner war souvenirs which are ntti act
ing much attention.
Mrs. C. r. Urake wu a Pendleton
viHilor Friday.
r. II 'tone traiiHacti l huiuaa at.
Walln Walls Hatnrdav.
W Smith viaited Pendleton Friday.
Merman Saline and Charles Price, of
Weston, were Athena visitors Saturday.
At -4 o'rlock Saturday afternoon an
alarm of lire waa turned in, and the
hoae companv oiucklv responded. A
pile of iosts belonging to A. M.
(Jillis, which waa being tarred had
caught fire, which was aoon extin-
gutNliMd. Not much damage was done.
he Juvenile'' hall team played a
return match at Weston Saturday and
defeated that learn by a score of 30 to
11. A team known as tbe 4th nine,
boys ot 12 years of age, played a Was
ton team on the home diamond Satur
day and defeated them by a score of 1$
Ui Ii'
Hvron Hawks, ol 1'endleloii, visited
friends in thia city Saturday aud Sun
C arle Israel, ol Dayton, Wash.,
visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
L. A. Oitheus, Saturday.
Louis Bergevin last week purchased
21 bead of fiiie yearling steers. He paid
$15 per head for them Mr. Bergevia
intends to go into the stock and hog
liiistneas quite extensively this year.
Dick l'i. were, of Adame, spent Sun
day in this city.
r. L. Helfrich aud Jeaae baling, of
Pendletuu, visited friends in this city
On Friday afternoon the city baatile
had au inmate for drunkenness, and
Saturday moruiug Mayor Wilkinson.
acting in the aoaeuce ol Kecoruer
Smith, lined him $10 and costs.
August Arp, ot Adam, waa au
Athena visitor Suudav.
A corr.ipond.nl fays Tb.y Ar. Now
Many wagons heavily loaded with
wool Leaded for Pendleton markets,
and large bauds of sheep headed for
their mountain ranges are some of tbe
evidences o( one of Umatilla's leading
industries to be seen ou the roads si
moat every dav at present.
Tbe weed crop is at present so far
ahead of tbe wheat in tbis locality that
in many large fields there is ecarcely
any wheat to be seen, aud a stranger
ridiua over a large part ot the rt-aurva
tion would think that the swoepeet for
a crop waa decidedly blae, bat tbe
wheat ia there, and a mouth (rum now
will see the couditious reversed, aud
the wheat in the head. Some holds o(
Imi lev are already heading out.
Mr. Jensun, of Walla Walla, a friend
of ;jaines Anderson, waa a Tutuilla
visitor last week.
Mauuel Friedley, who was over
from Cold Spring recently, is enjoying
.. i- I . I i "ii. !
a visit irom ins iUUMier iruua uiiiu,
whom be has not seen for nttean yean.
Or. Lloyd, a veterinary surgeon from
Baker City, was a Tutuilla visitor on
Charles Foster was down from Uilti
laud last week He has disposed of bis
i.itxreat in. and reaunied the mayor
ship of that tbriviug muniuhajdity.
M. H. Ulllett commenced operanug
his steam plow last Wednesday.
Win. Conley tluiahed plowing twelve
hundred acres down in tbe Stage (iolch
conutr.v last week-
A I "gel W OOWU Hum Ve ail
creek, working- uu a jub of pluwing (or
Purl Bowuiau.
Kev H. W. VuiMht, a tteruwMi
Lutheran preacher, waa a Tutuilla vis
itor on Snnday.a guest of Mr. and Mrs.
U. O. Miller.
A Fireman'. I lo. Call
"1 stock to my engine, although
every mint ached and every nerve was
racked with pain," writes C. W. Bel
lamy, a locomotive fireman, of Bur
lington, Inwa, "1 was weak ami pale,
without an appetite and all ran down.
Afl I was a Sunt, to give up, T got s
bottle of Kloctric Bitter and, after
takinc it, I felt as well as I ever did
in triv life." Weak, sickly, run down
people always gain new life, strength
and vigor from their use. Try them.
Satisfaction guaranteed by Tall man Sl
Co. Price 50 cents.
14. In
Portland en Friday, .Mine
Exposition Building.
The twenty-ninth annual reunion
of the Oregon Pioneer association will
he held in the exposition building,
Portland, on Friday, Jnne 14 , at
which Judge Raleigh Scott, of Port
land, will give the annnal address,
and Chaa. V. Calloway, ol McMinn
ville, the otasiona1 address.
In the afternoon, at the close of the
program; the Pioneer Woman's aux
iliary will give a banquet to all mem
bers of the association in good stand
ing who have the proper badge for
1R0L Special invitations will be
issued to the husltthds of pioneers who
may not be pioneers themselves, nnon
application to Ceo. H. Hlmee, aecre
tarv, city hall, Portland. All Pioneer.
Indian war veterans and Native Son
and Native Oanghtera, paying (till (are
to Portland over any of the Southern
Pacific lines, who take a certificate
showing that fact, will be returned at
one-third regular fare to starting
point, on or before June 18, when that
certificate is properly countersigned,
and this mast be by the secretary of
each organisation. Be sure to get a
certificate when you pay your fare at
starting point.
All tribntary to the O. R. A V Co.
lines desiring to attend the grand en
campment and pioneer re-nnion and
grand cabins of Native Son and
Daughters, can save expense by asking
(or ronnd trip tickts. Tbis will be
considerably less than regular fare.
Attention to these details will save
much trouble.
The Oregon Central and Kastern rail
road will bring pioneers, Indian War
Veterans and Native Sons anil (daugh
ter to Portland for fall fare and return
them at one-fifth fare.
Low round trip rates can Is obtained
on the Lower Columbia, on tbe White
Collar and on the O. K. A N C" '
lines, also on the Uegulator line up
tbe Columbia as far as Tbe Hallos.
Look at Your Fas.,
And see if it is reflecting health or
disease Karl's Clover RkyI Tea
beautifies the face and complex ion, anil
assures perfect health All druggists
26 cents ami 50 cent Money refunded
if result are not satisfactory. Tallmau
Probability or Eastern Man Putting On.
There is a strong possibility that
Tbe Dalles may have a woolen mill
before many moon, say the Hallos
Chronicle. A gentleman, representing
an Kastern woolen manufacturer,
spent a couple of days in tbe city this
week looking over the situation and
conferring with the members ol the
committee on manufactures of the
Commercial club. It is proposed to
put in s four-set mill, tbe machinery
to he first class in every restaict and
strictly up to date. The mill would
give employment to about 8i person
No bonus is asked hut tbe people of
The Dalles are asked to subscribe $25,
000 in ten-year Iwnds. The subscription
asked is on the same principle as tout
made to the scouring mill. The gen
tleman pniiosing to put in the mill
has given the highest possihle re
ferences and the committee of the
Commercial club have written to the
parties and expert replies iu the
course of a week or so. The committee
ia strougly of tbe opinion that if tb
references are found as satisfactory as
they expect them to he, there will lie
no great ditticulty in raising the nec
essary bond sarscriptiuo.
It WIN D. You Ooud.
A blood purifier and tissae builder is
Karl's Clover Bpoj lea. Sold for half
a ceiiturv ou our guarantee. Money
refuiubal i( re.ii its are not satisfactory .
Price 25 cU. and 50 cU. Tall man A
Ownsrs or Machine. In Morrow County
Tbe threabwriueu of Murrow county
met in convention at Lexington, aave
the Heppuer Times, May 4th, and
organised themselves into a union, to
be known as "Tbe Tbreabermens'
I molt of Morrow county." Constitu
tion uud by-laws were drafted and
adopted. The object o( this union is
to discos aud adopt the beat methods
of operating machine, both lor the
threshermau aud farmer, also to Ox a
juat prioe (or labor, which is to be set
each season and will be governed by
the uniou; also to set a uniform price
(or threshing aud other ways and
means of mutual iutereat to thresher
uieu. The follow iug othoers were elected
for one year: Pro dent, A. W
Lundell ; vice president, Marsh White;
secretary, Wui. Loach ; executive com
mittee; Wm. Campbell, J. W.
Beckett, Kd Ash be ugh.
. L..r h K.litrliah reou-ilv will atoll a
rough at any time, and will cure the
worst coin in twelve ntasrs, or money
refunded. 26 Cts. aud 50 Cta. l or sale
by brock dt atcUomas.
.i - '
It's a Short Road
from a cough to consumption
Don't neglect a cough taiw
when your cold appears. The
" ounce ol prevention " is
w -
better than years of illness.
tTMt k IX H MOMS'. taMMI
Was F. L Oaaas a O. . talk
aoi' tiiiniSn. OvUmm a. a
!ZdZu a S. . !- a tMU A
Ify?. ryj iS. y riai-
rm beSIIS
5,000 Pair Shoes.
Women's. Misst-s, Boys', Children's and In
fants' Shoes at reduced prices.
Tan Shoes worth $3.00 Bargain price 2, 1 7
M a.50 " " 1.70,
" " a. 00 " 1.47
500 j. 15
Misses " a.50 " . " 1.65
" a. 00 " 1.47
' " 1. go " " 1.40
I.65 M
Children's " a. 00 " 1.4S
1.65 1.35
1.50 1. 11
H , 0 .. .. 1I2
' 1.25 " " -9
1. 15 " " .88
.. .. loo .. .. ?3
.85 " " .60
Infants' shoes from rcKiil.tr price to bargain
price in such variety and at such iug radttCnOtll
that you'll have to see them We can't tell
about 'em.
Good Linen Hock Towels
Always sold lor 20c, Bargain price 13c.
Table Linen Half Bleached
Splendid Value for .75 Bargain price 48c
1. 00 " 77c
.50 " 33c
5000 yards Fancy Dress Goods
Goods worth 50c. 65c and 75c. Bargain
price 37c.
Tailormade Suits.
Keg ularlv sold lor fro.oo Bargain pries 7.117
M " ia.50 " 9 tjS
It. 50 " 1) i)S
150 " 11-95
"'5 " 1315
H)oo " 15.10
i' 00 ' 1 5. i)N
a a 50 m ,7 .go
25.00 " tq.ijo
100 pair Ecru Lace Curtains
Lace Curtains worth .75 Hargain price co
" $i.ia
" " $1. 00
" " a. 00
" a.50
" 5.00
" " f). fo
" '' l). CM)
Parsols and Sunshades
By way of introduction "f ottf
new' (resli goods W IN
1 mint 10 per cent
Poulard Silka, regulfi prici li.aj, 00, 69c;
Bargain price 98c, 8ct 47c,
Men's Unlaundered White Shirts
What w have left oi Hie Surprise Sale lot
will close same price, 251, ligei to 17. Lot o
OoM Shirts, soft In soins, culfi to rnkti h, ta be
wortv with soft collars, nearly all USCA, l"t
Mondav to Thuis.l.iv. S"c oach.
pring stock all
R Martin L.ads.
1; Martin i entitled to be calltxl
Hi.. ,'.,ler in the irrocerv trade on ac
count of hi long experience In the
business, men as lie ouys in car una
In. . null he ireta a trade and cash dis
counts which give him his gotals a
little cheaiajr than other stores. Mar
tin gives tins saving In his buying
. I 1 . . T i ...... ... .
price so 111 cusvorotr.. 11 yi n.m
big bill of groceries get prices at other
stores and then Martin can Umt'their
White riedlclne Chief King of Cures
In the City.
1 am not representing any company.
1, nt miii Him White Medicine Chief
ravself. I was stolen and raised by
t hiol I Ik, the ChipiM'wa Indian, and
. 1 1 1 I .1 . ..I .....
irtnn mm learnwi vow mi ui ne..i.t
from the plaiil. herb aud lierries.and
(S las I Ii.. HIIPM 111441 lieiu.i made (ruin
berlal. plant and laarnes that effects
mv marvellous cures, and also my
it in In the great power called uiagne-tii-m
liNtruml from him. 1 heal 111 uu-
ueroua insUnces without tbe use Ol
medicines at all, merely with my
hands. Through the power o( msjtne
tism I also tell each and every person
their main diseases without the oat lent
vim a wnrii. I intend to make mv
home here (or some time. I he people
I Pendleton have tieen humbuggtid in
the past ; but all 1 ask is that yoa give
me a trial, and if the work is not as 1
say the money will be refunded in all
cases. I also give a written guarantee
in all cases that are curaoie.
Mv omne i at the Palace. Main
street, room 21, Pendleton.
Be sure to call ami a the While
VIm.1,. 1,,., Chief ami be cured ol your
dieoase. Kemeinb.r the place. (Jon
.1 1 1 mi ion iron) U to 1'J a. m. and 2 to
H p. m. Consultation free.
W Uu demauil. .tauui'b, .'rhM ruuiilii
abaci In Ul. .putu U uu ui.re eutbiula.n
iiOOUt 1'JUl
tbau are tiioae uien aud wuuieu arbe rid. tor
HaUUU AN1 il.lv-i U
uu auirsth ruiiulua aritaelt ui preireu wurtlt,
tut cuiufurl ud ai.tr' latks.
StauderdVaaibUr ouel
Indies or dent's Uoadetwr :...u
Ia.Iimm ar ( 1 .111 L. Liuht hoadater 140.09
(ieuU 1 pound Kacer fSO.OO
Indies or Cent CUinleat. . J!
Idealo .20. 2
t " fM
A sure remttdy for lice ami mites,
fnternational Poaltry Pood keep the hens healthy, mica grit aula digestion,
!lmu meal gives strength to JfOttJMJ chick
A clean, inoffensive but nutritious fertiliser (or your lawns.
C. F. Colesworthy Pou,try antl Wec' "pp'y Dtpot
Eay KunniiiK, Clean Oattlng.
Hall BoariDB
Thoy arc guuraiitetwl. full ami hm' iIh ih.
Hansford & Thompson,
H01 Main Street.
Hotel Pendleton
Under New nanagement
Strictly First-Class
Bicellont Calsine.
Kvery lodero
Bar and Millard Rooms
I he Beit Hotel
Van Dran Bros., Props.
aaWHaSV' . i Hk
Gift Us I Trial.
Rites $1 00 1 dij
Special Hatok by
feet or raontb
Headquartara for Travallaf Wan
In Eaitarn Orafon.
Successors to J. E. Moore
The (ilories of Spring.
The garniture of lummar. are
ihowu in the nig inaltun',
lifautit:s wi di iplay hi covering
for your floors during IDS warnu i
tiKinllis, Nothing more cleanly,
mora daintvor cooler can In- lumel
that tin mattings We are showing
Hug Iron V up to 40.
Matting', us low as 1 5c.
Undertaking a specialty.
Jesse Failiug.
Mam street near lirnge
3sQTu W UMtftLy Kwatfil
liwrafaaa .
Bloc aad a hafj froaa Copt.
aaiafia Raoia la aaweecttaa
Roots Rale
He. 7fc, 11.00
. - lugHMj k. a. MMSaMaa- Eaai
Kwr ie XeaUiMrtai 4K... ArotOfll-
For Health, Strength and
Pleasure Drink
Polydore Moens, Proprietor.