SATURDAY, MAY 11. 1WM Three Beautiful Styles of Shoes We are showing ist A patent call with the new Cuban heel, new plain tot . anil-- A French kul with full Lome heel, hand turned sole. 3rd A cloth top French kid. turned shot hand These three- shoes are the neat est, dressiest shoes this season. Call and see them even i( you have a new pair. They will make your eyes glad CLEAVER BROS Practical Boot ami IIm Men. mviTiis. weet cream I hit ton- Notions, fancy goods. Nolf's. Ice cream, any flavor, DottOt 'l New invoice of tlishe at Haw lev a. Pint- mountain potatoes, liawley's. liny your window shade at Murphy V Tlit- busiest place in I'endleton in the St. Joe (torn. Hran. short chop, barley ami (ee1 at Haw lay V Have your pipture Irani. l latent sty at Murphy '. All k imla of glove. In-liau an. I fn' torv mailt' at ilawlev't. Naw deaign in wall pa'r at Murphy' paint store Ailttimatii' rt I r iterator ami water Malawi at Mailer's (urniture store. Window shade, curtain sile. mir rnr eu-. at Katltr's furnitnr. Ion Oldest place ami lieat tainale. at !. Kov's. cor. Court ami warden atreet? N. Berkeley has some very deairable Mtwu hum country trofieriy lor salt on eaav term. I-meat lianiH ami lartl on the market. Home product, try it, it guarauleeti Bchwart A Uraulni. Naw, Daw, arnvetl tin- morning direct from New York e them at Cleaver Brtaj lry Goods 0o t actus club dame tint- evening Laat of tbe aaaaon, and it promises t'j b one of tbe moat enjoyable. The iHilmonicti reataurant. at Wes ton, With fifteen lurniahetl rooms (or rent. Apply to M. J. Powerti, Weaton. gift) buys a now lMineti sewing machine or a new Wheeler Wilson the rotary shuttle at Batter's furniture tore Creeoent bicycles on the installment plan at tbe Craacent agency in Mm hasi oragomaii building, payment $1 a woek, tin interaat. Beuieoiber I have a ttetter atock of oil, asle-greaae rope, belting ami all other harvest aupplle than ever lora. I'. Sonea, Helix. Herr is a cbanee of a liletinit- to make tlUUu ugurino on tar I . crank danger The cold cah awaits you. Call ami them at Witheea. '. waiaU. new one just in. hee them at Cleaver Broa. lrry iioods Co Worth $ aud $w to lx- sold at f Hi b.76. Ask about tnem at Cleaver Broa. Iry UooUs Co. On tin ttl page in tin- upper right hand corner of tin paper IViidleton ' biMlti liusieat, beat store tulle ot a lot of bargaius for Monday. Tueadav, Nr.niemia Mint Thuraday of neit we-. A perusal ol their ad will give you an excellent reason for tin 1'eople Ware house being as busy aa they are. Moiled ham. all kind of lunch MOtll at IVmott'a. Wonted A aecond hand safe. In ijtlire at tlnti nllice. At Uader's furniture store is the finest line i f rugs ami matting Witntetl 1 Kood wnmaii cook, etc., for a small family. Apply this ollhv. MoiH'v to loan on mod farm aecurity. 1 11. 1 11 1 re of Attorney I.. II hcetier. Wantitl A competent girl to do uen eral housework. Inquire at this oltice The second social of the series will In- given DJ the llilpti-o ladles at the ehorch on Iwumjuji vtraiBp) May 18. lodge Stephen A. I.nwell del iveretl a very iuterestint! and instructive lec ture before Mm Beta Kpsilon society of the l'tmlleton ai-adeinv on Kridax afternoon. Ail the student." and baCttlt) were present to enjoy tbe treat. I avid A. IHtttfllln, reprcsentat 1 ve ol the Bal(oarQathrU oooimbv, has boon visiting personally many of tho heat fields of I'matilia count and Mil in pMl more of them during the next few days. He expects to return to Cortland next wettk. The fifth monthly shoot of the I'eli- lleton Ss)rtsmen 's association will iK-cur on Sunday, tomorrow, eoniBonc ing at '' o'olOOb in the afternoon. The goltf medal is 111 controversy. H. .1 . Stillman won it in January and rehrn ary, while K. w. Waite won 11 in March ami April. The interest in tomorrow s shoot f intense ami inaiiy HM-tators wil' hi present, as well as the irtici panta. DESCRIBED PASSION PLAY A CHARMINl. 4PDRK S JACKSON BY MRS. C. S CALF AND KID I of the Uloat .lul. mmA ahapea adorn the aladow. and -helvee of our store. lu a moral Mrtalot that we can pleam- you as to tit eOU fort ami fasluuu. We have UOCMI every precaution for spring am: nun. mar, ami await ytair visit wit coufldeiici of our ability to salt Pendleton Shoe Co AN OFFICIAL VISIT. Nowlln Vuitad Twelve Sehooli t ommtiKlni May 13. .1. F. Nowlin. county uHrinteudent of schools, returned Iridav evening: from a tour of lOOJMMStion to 'J lOBOOlt Iving northeast of l enitleton. He wa accompauieil hy William Yallamling ham who went for the purpo.e ot familiariiing himself with the methyl of conducting schools 111 this county The schools viaitetl HN the followlM Histrlct So. h, taught hy Miss ivi.i Warren, (Jreaaewood. near Adams, by I'rof. Tandy: No , Wild BoTM mountain, by Olive Brace No. 14, Keed and Hawley mountain. Alice Tavlor, daughter of Henry Taylor No. W, tiertrude Narkauas; No. 4W. Weatmi moiintaiti. T. ('. -alt- No. -4". Basket uioiintan., Amy Collins: No. IS Bowlahv schisil, l.uiie Hamer No 7 on the mountain east ol Milton. Mr.-. Henrietta RoMMj No I, OuttOOWi ! teorgeliinn No iL". nortii of Weston. A. I. Hittle. No. 30, Stamper Mbool, Martha Alcorn, The Majority of the schiwls were found to bj Mtting along well. The attendance at the mountaih schtaila is better than at those in the valleys, or near IViidleton. RUNAWAY NEAR ALBA. Raymond Van Hook Fltahad Head Firit Into a Stona Pile. On Thuraday morning. May v, le tiroon the hours of h ami " o'clock in the morning, a runaway OOOMTfajd in the edge of Camas prairie about five milea from Alha Kaymoml and Lonce Van Hook and Jennie QibbOM were riding in a one-seatetl bttfffJJ . whan the florae ran away. Itaymond Van Hook war nitctietl out onto a nile of rook, alighting 011 in head, ami render 1 nv Inn unconscious for more than half an hour Jennie tiilibona suffered an injury to one of her arms. tieorge Kills ami Warti Conuell chanced to be paaaing at the time. The former carried the unconscious hoy to .1 hcighlHirini: larm lioiiae. while the latter went in a hurrv to Ckiati for Ir. W. B. 1'errv Both the iniured ones are recoverinir raiudlv. Cnurer Announeaaianta. Church of the lit tieenier Hivine service tomorrow m hours as follows l.arly celebration ol the Holv Com- niunioh at Mliii. m uudav school at 10 a. m. Morning prayer, litany ami aermon at 11 a. m. I. veiling prayer ami address a' ' 'M p. m Haptist church I'reachlilg hv the paator H. W King, at II a. oi. "un--lay mImwI at 10a. in.: Young I'eoplea lOOtlHf at n tfi p m. fl cordial in vitation is extended to all. l'reahytenan church--Morninw aer mon "The Old I'aths." 1 veiling praiae aerviee- At this aervice, six of the familiar old hymns will is- sung and tbe history of each hymn given as t ia announced Bnlaafl J, Divafl oastor. St. Mary's church -I o masr. a m. lugli maw, I0::ln ., m Mimlav achool, :t p. m roaarv and boaodic tion 7 p. n, . Oar lot lea ajaiuli lar. Bokjarl Ooppla, i griidiiat. 01 the Iowa state university at Ilea Moines, the new paator. will he present and preach morning ami evening Siorai Wll Lloss Ueniarkahie sm cess was roretl tiv rgt Hart man eaptain of Mm Patt Ideton baaeliull chlh, wtien lie RMMl around to the men hunts lo get their signatures to u paper agreeing to 0I0M their places ol husiiieai- on 1 ueadav May H, iMtween i: ami -i o'tlaak The liiisineaa men joined in auuost to man, and business will ta a; a stand atill while the OolfaaPaodlato(i game la in progress 0aaaia the season on the Alta street grounds next TMHaaal RIlMOOiM. batn laaki win fjttta lo help awell the crowd the hirst National hank ami the HandlatOII -av inga baiiK will oloaa up at o'oloal on the afternoon of Tueadav, an tuat Mm attache tlinreoi may witneaa the haaeball game. A auite of rooms in the Kaat Ore Cloalnit ot ths Sunday sahoo Convan uon Wi an llhMtratad Laalura on Ober Ammarirau ine of the most interesting nuhlic addressee tha' has lietn heard here for many a day was that 01 Mrs. C. S, Jackson, ai the First rreshvterian church on Prlda) oroniiMj, closing tin- Honda) school eOflrtnlKM The address War on "Obat nimergan. h Heacrip- Hon of the Paarlon Play, " toraofitlaofl illustrations accoinpam ing. Before tl perator lifhtod the gas jet in the lantern. Mr JtOlMOn nave a minute rot lOOClnt I description of the coiin- irj wrroondloa Obof InnMMMi in the Bavarian A I ps, I v lug in the South of ttcrtnanv. just nortfi from the Tvrol. Htaftlna Irom Munich, Mrs. Jackson took her aiidience with her on a journey to tllstr Ainmeritau. and by the ani of a tine collection of stereopti con lantern slides, showed the salient point! of the PAMIOO I'lay. OtMl Animergau is a villagt1 of 1000 panplai TflO of ifiem taking part in tin plav, which is given during the sum mer of mm vear in ten hy the vil lagers, w ho once vowed so lo do he- Baoac of the curing of the plague that had infested the continent of KUrOUO, Pol lowing li the initrestmg dotjorip tion of the village Obsr Ammaraau. "The tirs' thing that attracts' atten tion, m We 0ORM down the vallev and approach ilher mmerKau is a holii. high hill standing aloof from the other- and surmounted hv a lame iron cross- "Old kofel" i called - anti stands as if it were guarding the vil lage. "The first r.iv- ol the risini; MM gild ti !- cr -- uiti, l'Iom . while tin town itself i- still wrapt in the shadows of tin oorh dawn to the rlahtol old Kofel is a hill of half ita hemht. on Khni i mounted the Coloaaal Crui-itixioii. 'N,i we wll enter the village, ami walk through the OMMf w i ml lug streets, all mbbll ItOOod) hcgiuning nowhere and iiidiug anywhere. We note the houses with their dtep overhauuinit roofs, -ome with large stones upon them Tin houses are frame and Itaet 1 on tin- outside, ami manv are painted with scenes, both biblical and otherwise. "riie inosi prominent is the village church witii its moaxuelike a tee id e and tt d'ad lying round alstilt it in (iIn)'s Acre. Till, 1 11 hutli t All ta ru dreased like the fyroleae iieaaauts ami the atocxings of the laiva and men, 1 would heartily r scorn mend to the liuay mother of a large and tlouriaiiinH tainily. iur tliev have no knees and tboj h.ivi no heela We mtlat remem ber that tbeae villager are tbe actor in the great plav, and no outaider ia allowed to take part. in lb Villag. "A we go into one of tbe little shops to hnv a ciirveil crucifix, loaeph of Arimethea may wait iion you, or vou can buy truit from NiciHieuiua a little further op the street ami net a stamp from M.irv, (or Anna I'Ringer the Uanghter of the postmaster Out on the hillside, yon can aee Barrabas pitcbuiu hav to Anna and the wife of I'ilate tramtts it down. Or. vou step ti tin- thsir of a cottage and aee Vaahtl narniL.' notatoHn mrhil. I mm spanks little faaac for falling in the creek. Ami. if yoo eak (iernian, you will hear Moaea in the liarnvartl bragging RteMt how much milk ' ilia cows give. "A cannon placed at the loot of old Kofel i in- out, the pruceation starts headed hy the flre brigade, with hatchets in their belt, next the drum corps, ot youths ami tsivs and laat the villagers., announcing that the day will is- given to the play and now we" mut sees aueiier lor the night When we bought ticket in Munich they included i'oard ami lodging in tin- house of a villager ami tins entitled us to a seat in the theatre on tlie follow ing ilav Sunday. '' ! liter ing into the deacrint ion of the I'asaion Plav itaelf. Mr using t..,. pietOTW, gave a charming talk that moat clearly aet forth to th- hearers what anil whv the l'aaaion I'lay ia. It wa occasion for manv I'ohgratulatlons for her I l i I . fea ' Iil' talk. , i 1 man's life is snoncocd by the hardships scarenmg for Gold Dust while i woman's life is lengthened by using it Saves time labor The best Washing Powder - House work is Hard work without Gold i Fred Nulf lias returned from a trin to the Mtarkev prairie country. He avs IViidleton would get more trade from that section if the roads lattween the two countries were in better con dition. liev. C. A. iMtaon, state field worker, A. A. .Morse state president . and Kev. K. A. Kowley, Congregational state Uierinteiident 'of Sunday achoola, whi attended the Sunday chool con vention, have returned home to Tort laud. Louia Hollar, a prominent farmer of Helix, is in Pagjdlatoa today, Bo bat HO aero of winter wheat' which he estimates will go -In bushels t. tin acre. In addition he has Irk) acre- o virftinieer wheat that will make about 2u bushels to the acre Chief .loaeph, chief of the Raj l erce, ami half brother of the late Nouiig Chief, is in I'elitlletou ttsla Chief No Shirt ami manv other In dian are with him They'are having a reve in tlie proceedings iiicnlent ti winding in. the eaute and ceremonies of lining ( lnef, deceaaetl and C. WM Manager. gonian iMiililiug hot and cold water, bathroom, for U a month during the maimer. Apply at the Kaat OregoniaL i dice Spring Troubles... BBBlBr Ib?'! BalBBBBVlBtlB Uieri Ot UJljH-titl-. liilli'iUBiiecr.. Moiuat'h ailiuentf., and Eniptioni are aotne of tln in SARSAPARILLA CorrecU all of thew; make thrj blood tin i t- TALLMAN A CO. i'-aauu and SUPREME court MATTERS Twnt-0n La or lh -forty -Un Hava lOOO Loimaarau Mipreme court convened in 1'eiiille ton on Monday. May h, with 41 cases m tin- docket (luring the week L'l l ilst-f have been considered Of these one hk ifismi.aed thre.. tmiMLrrul to Salem w ithout ioMlliv their nltisn oil the calendar, anil two were aaktlaal out of court Fifteen have Imen argued ami -in muted during the week, un t IS o'l-iiH-k hisin tislav The next caae lo he arntled I. of the Farmers and Traders .National baa appellant, v William WouUell. reBiiient I hi caae colues in i. county J. I). Slater for appellant. T II. Crawford I . (' i-liran lor reaixindeiit Tha troskail Cat. I Ol low ing the alsive caae the appaa oi .irs. .u iiinie v rocaeit iron the judg ment of Mm circuit court of I'matilia county will lie heard Mrs. ( rocket t i- serving out a aenteine of inipriaon- W lor uie in tlie ptuiltautiarv naien J awe 11 i.. . R tttornar for aplieliant. litrict Altoruev t. naney ami John MoCourt are tin- state The caaaa of Toy-Toy ami Ciluoibia ie.r,e aeiiieiicetl to death for murder of Annie Kdna wil. wang tore tn autireiiie ,,. t ,,n u . . . i week, probabl) uu Taajday. thii caae -twacung much attentioi. from oui oi legit, ixonu in vol veil as well M from the fact that the .v, 0I two tnaiia aro at stake Wiiiian aou. ano ttohert .1 Slater are th. al- oo...., - ,,.r u-iiefeu.iun:.- and aDnal. . u, u,,loy uiniriet tofUO) and U. k. .N. BlacKbOrn WtiJ geueral, for the aUle PBBIOIiAL BKMTIO0. 1 Hill ia in town (root Hell J w bnlMi, of Atheua, woo in Poa dloton l-riday on buineaa. l-udolph Martin the awutr - I" lo i ortlaud on a buaiBOH triu I H. wibr, clerk in William .ab a atore at Adam, ia in t'eudletou tislay J. L. Crawfonl ethn hmm l... mi i m v uie aaiiiUrinui here, ha reouvered aud ia able i. return home to tamo teorge KH, formerly atock mane, tor of pmatillaoouuiy.i in loauieioj, .slay from hi. raoeh on McK.v ,-ree., 1' inner troui the city. Mjgl i Marie VW, Hran led thumoro ggJ1?" AlUny a,,r hav. ing been a gueat uf her i Hav to to Chin. Mr .las. hasater and his bride nee Ml EloiO Aver deuarieil tor their Walla W.ilia home kionda) -in- tn. Heppner Timea. after having apeut very pleaaant visit, of a few davs w iti. the latter' father, Mr T. W Aver, ami other relative in tin city. Tins happy voting couple are thinking sen oualy of departing soon for China, where pieiidid huainea- openings are awaiting the thrifty, enterprisiiig ami ambitious American. Whether or not they will make this move depends upon the report to be aent them hv a friend who has juat departed lor that country. CAPTAIN BARROWS' TRIAL taaMoroMOtav Aeauao or hrrogoMrt- Ilea In Southern Luion. Manila. May 11. Tlie trial of ('apt Barrows of the Thirtieth volonteer- iUrtermaater of the departi ol Southern l.uion, aicund of irregulari ties in the HillnliilHf m 1 i , i ..i II. - . M(. LO,,, DJiNarv department, emletl pslay The Mt l" ""r puchasi "iiiiti is inn yet annoiiucetl. A partv of insurgents partU hltmod the bridge nar l.ubcan. Tavaiais proTinee, on Thttfada) night, hut were driven back without haw on either Side TO REVIEW ITU: DECISION U. S. Will Look Ovar Vanaualan Supm Court Daoltlon. Washington, May 1 1 Information was reeoi veil here that the VonOOUOlatl supreme court wil! hold argument- on Monday on the qaoOtion as to whether it has jar! idiot ton in the fight batwoon tlie asphalt ami the Warner svmlh-ate It is OSaOCted that tii Mirt will de cide it has jurisdiction The state department has notified enetnoll that it reserves the right to reviea the tie cision of the court Riot In Detroit. I'etroit, May 11. Mayor Mavbury will call a maasmeetiiig tonight to u-i. the removal of the police oOOIMiaV aioner, whose efforts to keei -ingle tax speakers oft the streets resulted in a riot last night Bawdeii. whose street talk caused the trouble, MaOanOOd Ins III MMt MM to ap)ear as usual tonight. HERE IT IS Johnsons Uro. -mi-porcriain; the- Rnaal mado at Mm prioo ol the coiiinion wlutt 00tiV BotlP ttirix-iis. cassc-rolcs and sauce turetrn. art less tlfan half price. op tiirii win, (.lati.-r and ladle Noli-licil sMerne-- win, la I , - ci- r fif.-n. i in a. iii-i an i ,,,,, tUin-a MaM ami --i i ii.?r-S'ljsr- sml 'Mil MbHI 1si M .uni IO-iii hk-r ' oaoaM buiir- Klfa Inch taktr. ami UmU I'll- plSlr. p,T M" Hraeklu! puia. isr ..-i -lli oup per Ml - In -iiri , .f.,,. T t. i c iiiuiL .-oil otlitntinn t, Cltnu Wb puaratitrr mir turn s W'alkincasy to be tin twit shoe on tin niaiket lor f i.y). Om District No 7i lot Ltdiei, Misses gnd Children have- a national reputation lor durability. Dim I. a. lies julia Marlow tor st ir ami mmtort t ell all others. Our l.adu- Latest Creation shoes are hummers the price . Out Ladies' Nordiea shoes, worth 52.50, will sell during this week for liest shoe in IViidleton for the price. Come ami look our shoe line over and save money. LYONS MERCANTILE COJ ex. lor A DAINTY SLEEPING ROOM Ronton bet we boufht thoai .1 I'.irc.ii! a., , ,i .,, 1 ..... . Owl Tea House 'i'i'i'i ' a ivsvvavevvts. It . 1 1 ; .ml. , m ffK ii 1 . on 'u 1 ,. I ... .. . -v . c ; lesire of every won:u . - . 1 I eye to tlie licautHUi - . ..v, "a is the has .in a cultivated taste. She car. her sleeping room, narlor or room from our elaborate itod tin plainest to the hiuhest and at prices that arc right. M UTINGS at reduced p COliao of ot-rstock. C arpets, Window Shades, Curtain o talis, i;o carts, 111 1 1 1 1 r. picta n lertakini P ti,. WP .WWW jr.VM : Id ImilmWtMfi (uinhmiuion I ir-".. f M, ) 1, I brown am,0 j .... iru. 1 1 i.i.- . iiil whui.u Jf ; '. r H W' II ' 1 1 I tui of Newhro's Herpiclde, I ' , Uc 1 111 S I L'l iiti r ' 1 .Imln.vs lt- u.a-roUa. rwpuu.1- S t I "1)1 , 1 , , ft ll acali diaear. 1 r.n a It fi onl) iiuk .uu.lruf? and fall ' i woun direct. h.n hair tJnug ol the past. Uu mws for liuTu , r.. . m I ' trill h IK i u Mliat uu I I MMMJ Mi.uiau uty.. the .-. , ,. ,!, ! f. f aa .iitu.l. Uai.l .a.i.l .alh.. ,m . I V,U' l- l.""! I"- ,11 .. lr.1 uriiimiHuH.uul a irr Ujrrr ur uui mm Im fiatUuu ui hair u..u,, aiul u UuubU.1 .a . t ..M.i. I aweaaaT I nj(Sx 1 Kwarr' I JL I I mt Saaa al all lull Laaa l.. ai I LW I - I VK?-yrx- Ine Columbia Lodging House baa r i,m mx . - " -a T !.,... M. A. RADER, Mam and WcW Fresh Clean Stock of Groceries FtM you to select from. Will live you reasonable prices. Try us with an order :::::. WHITE HOUSE GROCERY Thompson & Dupuis, Props. k. a. I . .... ii. .ii . i if I iriiis iactousont i niiici n 1 1 1 it n " ft iwoiuui am Livvuoi inn Wt put Our Shuuldar g the VVaeal muiiiag fuuilLfi ibai"1"' ",Uj ""'i. .. ia ta. mJi ITS.uml.'t&'i! w Hus. .lffu), fuUalaiUl .,,".' i"'' yL Uia. I..I..J ... ,u "'t ul V.iil.-I.- - . . . . its .ftl.11 II, m .. oiui. " uu aiMwu uu, ul KN. B -, K BLOCK BJST . ALTA WEBB fcfW P.X.SCHEMPpi Prop. For Rigs To go Fishing Chas Soanear. Iw r ' - - r He-member ,,Ur Su.,l.,v dinners are only 25c, including delicious ice cream, served from 4 to 8 n.n Notice a copy oi om fmu Caviau Ciarluu .un ol lom.i,, BroU MCALE MOI. or for a uab m make leiepi,,,,,,. Mul1 7w a cull Oi.VIN ,:KAU, 1 riuw aw, Depot SUtble. .ui, .1 Aim., 1, a, .nuktii .. - - , . rtt. '.mMIil.ll , mm or.-. 1. lia.lniu. : la liao 11 1 rout Dm i.. aaut 1 "tl- i'oui-i,, ... nk-mji. I'.lUU, fn.iali awiiwa auuaala III IUm --tUueria au i..,a.i i-riin. nib. f b..,. a j... Ml-!,,, I . t K,.a.iu Mhi 1 - i- . . llU aatMO Ai' 11 AagaraaiuTipa u,.wn hUt.-,P '' t Fri.i eiiuikaii MarvUad Hlyl. KllUu uf h. ,i c'hale.ullr.u, Valau Xeiit acal...,.o( Kl.l,,,,.,. aiiU.1,.. MarliiMuc . u ki.oib.-. WaUurf .i,..i .ftio'Vr MutM - - - . um,. ymmmmu. cmckvim. at t r a mm am a" a iakiiY ai' a am UIIU I UHlll ; a U.llft.rawd lU-lala' aud pure breJ Ff U ac ,m. ..... ..uir I1 i. . I-- i-;,.,,, iwrreti, nun, un" a aitting for fo Wi mrrm barred Htxik ev. l '' itting. i,mb r.M.- ft I.O ' . t k ' 1 t ' yV' 1..1 1 H'.W ininliu lieor 'aa- r 3 aittinua for t5.l)U. . W - V ., ! V laitor welcome inlonnatioo addr OUV W- wadi feiKll 1 ac uri((uui. mnn'm ..... iue UBt' m - f- I a I hft nainlft KittiraclalC It r r"w r' 11 a nair llbaral patrwoaca- -tain m4iua ai Uu m"