East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 10, 1901, Image 4

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FRIDAY, MAY lit, iH)l
Styles of
Wc are ihowinfj
iat A patent calf witli the new
C'ilan heel, new plain tCM
anilA French kid with full Louie
heel, hand turned sole.
3rd A cloth top French kid. hand
turned lho
These three shoes in tin neat
est, dressiest shoes this HUM
Call and see them even it you
have a new pair. They will make
your eyes i.lad
Practical Boot anil Ihoa Mai
New invoice of dishes at
Fine moun tamjpot atoes,
Chicago curtain stretcher
Hwi cream, anv tlavir.
Haa ley '
f. Rot!'
Dot ton1
Buy your window shade at
The buaieat place in I'eiulleton is the
8t. Jut) store.
Bran, shorts, chop, barlev ami feed
at Hawley'i.
Have your picture framed . latent
style at Murphy 'a.
All kinds of gloves, Indian and fac
tory made at flaw lei '-
New deaigns in wall paer at
Murphy's paint store.
Automatic refrigerators and water
cooler at Kader's furniture atore.
The Boaton store is r loamy out sev
oral 1 1 nee of their Indies low ahoea. J
Window shades, ctirtait; BOMM, mit.
rora, etc., at Kader's furniture Bton
Oldeat place anil iwst taimile. at La
Roy's, cor. Court and warden streei-
N. Berkeley has mime very desirable
town and naaaAtj pcopwtj lot aale on
eaay tarnia.
Kineet haniM and lard on the market.
Home product; try it, lie guaranteed,
h.-li wan A Oreulich.
New, new, arrived thai morning
direct from New York. Her them at
Cleaver Broa lrv 1 moil 00
The 1 Minion 10 restaurant, at Wen
ton, with fifteen furnished rooma for
rent. Apply to M. .1. Power, Weston.
t'Jl) huyii a imw Iomesti sewing
machine or a tie a Whetiler A Wilson
the rotary shuttle at Hader's furniture
Creacent bicycle on the iniitalliiient
plan at the Creacent agency 111 the Kant
Oregon lan building, payment 91 a
week, no interest.
Kemember 1 have a twtter atock of
oil, axlegreeee, rope, belting and all
other harveat supplies than ever be
lore. P. honea, Helix.
Here is a chance of a lifetime to
make tlUUU tigurmtc Bfl liM Karycle
crank hanger. Tiie cold caah await
you. Call and aee them at Withee'i.
auita of rooffin in the Last Ore
gonian building, hot ami cohl water,
bathroom, for 111 a month during Iba
ummer. Apply at the Kaat Oregoinan
Milk waiau, new one juit in ."
then, at Cleaver Bros. DrV 'mods Co
W,,rti, h and u, to I- sold at $6 and
6.76. Aak aUiut tnem at Cleaver
Broa. lrv itoods Co.
liyspepsia can be mired ly using
Acker's dvspepaia tablet". Cue little
tablet will give immediate relief or
money refunded, bold in hftarlttlraTrt
tin boxes at 'ib. , by Brock A McComai
At Radar'l furniture atore 1 the
linest line i f run- ami inattiuu.
Money to loan on good farm security.
lllillire of Attorns) L. II. Keeiler.
Wanted A competent girl to do ven
eral housework. Inquire at Ibll OfflCfl
.Nellie .Minis haw com iniuii-eil unit
..'; i' - Edwin I.. Mini- (or a divorci
Carter A Kalev are the attorneys for
the plaintiff.
The cloning dance of the (actus Oltll
will occur Saturday evening. May 11,
It will he Bade one of the moot en
joyalile of the season.
1. r. l.voiif has commenced unt
.1111 Maude Lyon for divorce. They
were married at WallH Walla in 1 807.
.lame A. Kee if Mr. Lyon' attOTMJ
1 ne lea-' 111 iiuantitv iimi most in
quality descr i bes DoWitt'l Little Karly
KURffti the (anion pi 1 1 for constina
tion and I iver coinnlaint. Talltnan ACo.
Weiton Leader: 1 he three patient
ait 1 1 1 coiilined to hetl with smallpox at
UM Bell ranch on Wild llnrse are re-
ported a nipidly recovering, and it
is exected that the quarantine will
aoon be raised.
Experience in the In'st teacher. Usv
Acker' Ktiglih remedy in any caw
of coughs, cold- or croup Should it
fail to give immediate relief money
refunded -" cent and .V) cent. Sold
by Brock A Mcl'omas.
A ipacial illustrated talk will be
given to mother and daughter at the
old Epleeopnl ohnrch, Mtorday. Mav
11, at I :1U) p. m., under the aupice of
the Viavi conitanv. -object "The
Higher Physical Life of Women." Bv
Mr. Lucy K. HltoboOOC, of I'ortland.
ataie manager Lndi eordlall! invited
to attend Admission free.
"I have been suffering from dyspep
sia tor tiie pa! 'Jo year- anil have been
unable after trying all preparations and
physicians to get any relief. After tak
ing one bottle of kodol lvs,oiia Cure
I found relief and am now in better
health than I have been for l?u years. I
cannot praise Kodol I yss-psia Cure too
highly," writes Mr. C. W. Huberts.
North Creek. Ark. lallnian A Co.
Weston leader: W. H Fletcher, the
sawmill M is dnwn from Weaton
mountain, where the Fletcher Oo '
mill is now in active operation with
a large force of men. Hear steak
lately formed a welcome addition to
the regular hili-of.fare at the mill,
three bear having bON killed in the
neigh torhoid These animal are now
more numerous than usual in the
mountain-, and are frequently seen
on the hreak-
If eoile onlv knew what era know
almut Kodol l'vspepsia Cure it would
be nsl in nearly every household, as
there are few people who do not Sllffel
from a feeling of fullness after eating,
bnfcrhiac, flatulence sour stomach or
water brash caused by indigestion or
dvi sHia. a prepnratioa eneh ai kodol
lyspepia Cure, which with no aid frntn
ine siomacii. win uuresi your iuoh. 110
tainly can't help hut do you good
Tall man A Co.
I liarles t ole ami a force of men are
at vtork on the grand stand on the
baseball ground on West Alta street,
ami it will lie ready for the game next
Tuesday when the' Colfax team will
collide with the local bnvs. The
opening game will be on ladies' day.
ami they will be admitted to the
grounds free, hut an admission of In
cents to the grand stand will lie
charged. The names and positions of
die team, ami the hatting order, will
not la- announced until next Momlav.
1 lie vorv
I ' 1 ' 111
MBBn 5b .f l a nf
"Our little girl was uu aciou
from strangulation during a sudden and
terrible attack of croup. I quickly se
cured a battle of One Minute Cough
Cure, giving her three dose The croup
was mastered and our little darling
eediiy recovered. " So writes A. L.
Spafford, Chester Mich. Talllnan A ( o
The ! Lraani Seaion Will Open This
Halph Ward is apprei iat 1 ve of tiie
fact that his ice cream parlor and
confectionery store have always re
ceived liberal patronage He there
fore extends a cordial invitation to in
friends to meet at Ward's tiiis evening
any time from 7 to li o'clock and join
witii him in opening the ice cream
season, it beuig hie treat. Ice cream,
ice cream soda, phosphate, delicate
! in flavor and pleasing to Uito sight
and taste, will Deserved Of course
tins is something out of the ordinary.
I hut is it indicative of the liberalitv
! which is characteristic of Mr. Ward -treatment
of customer and a reason
for in large and increa-ing trade and
personal popularity.
W J, Baxter of North Brook N. C.
says lie -offer. .1 with piles for 1.'. year
I He tried many remedies with 110 result
I until lie ued PaWitt'a Witafa Renal
Salve ami that quickly cured bin,
Tallnian a Co
Heaves Wars Looked to Mske
Dinner 'or the Lodge
of Sorrow
More than HXM Indians attended
the feast at Thorn Hollow on Wednes
day. Mav H, in honor of the memory
of Young Chief, deceased, hereditary
chief of the Cavuse These Indians
came principally from lira surrounding
reeervaton, but representative- of the
fa I on -e trilie were present from Snakt
rive, Idaho, and others from the
Flathead annoy, Mont., tiie Colville
and Vaklma NOtrvttlOM of Washing
ton, the Fort Hall and Lanwai agsncies
Idaho. Chief Joseph of the Net Percee,
from the tolville agency, a half
brother of the deceased was present,
and 111 the distribution of presents re
Mitred one of the war suits of tiie Int.
lamented, while No Shirt, chief of the
Walla Wallas, received the other
A Parade.
To recall the apioarance ol Young
l inef. a parade was given and l'hilii
li in-- and Towa-toi. dressed in the two
war suit- of Yonnfl Chief, rode in tin
procession The fancv parade dres
of the widow of decease was worn by
Six Baave Roasted.
The ieast wh spread at 11 o'clock at
in. in a tent prohahlv Him feet long
and ISo wide Ker - . around and
partaking of the fo,sl were tietween HO
and list at one tune six beeves had
leen masted for the occasion, ami
nianv other goed tilings. so that all had
enough. After the feast and, in fact.
interoporeed therewith, for the feast
was continual all day and evening
with brief interruption. :;o minutes
wa- -pen in mourning, all t:.e Indians
or nt crying w ith great show ol grief.
Everything- utven Away.
A the personal proiertv of the de
ceased, with the exception of a few
liorse. wa-gui-i ii,n t. friend and
acquail t meet M souvenir. The widow
remark 'i that she ilid not know exact-
v to wtoin ti iuve the otber horses,
DQt would dm Ide upon the names later
and would then dispose of them.
Blanket, clothing, trappings, etc., to
the amount of at least two lug wagon-
loads, were given away.
All Indians But Pour.
Indian Age II I Charles Wilkins was
present from the agency, ami Mr. ami
Mr I it'll r tiierlich anil Master f-.d-ward
tiierlich from I endlutoti. These
were tin on' Mliite,- present to wit-
lies- the aftair The selection of a
chief o succeed Young Ch lef as chief ol
the esyuset u'" poet tinned until next
nanban on tiie program on
moment assiauel beforehand.
President J. A. Iteattin,nf the We
ton normal scliool. was present at the
evening session on Thursdav, and spoke
from the subject: "The Relation of
the Hunday school to social Prowraaa,"
and W. P W'inans, of Walla Walla,
gave an address on "Tiie Holy Land,"
the lecture lieing illustrated by the
use of a Itaraoptloon, Pictures of nianv
of the principal scenes in Palestine
were thrown upon tiie canva Be
ginning with map- of the country,
that the location of each point might
le freshlv indicated. the audience
was taken on an hour's journov to tin
places visited by Mr. V, man- and hi
party 20 or M) vears ago. -nine of
the pi. lure- were taken by Mr. Winan
bltneelf, His interesting description
were much etijoveil bv the nianv pe
pie present who crowded the church to
the very doors.
the t'lty
Uns Man
&0 Sharei
sbues of tiie moat desiraule -lyler and
bane adorn tne windowii and ibelves
of our store. its a moral certainty husines
mat we can plea- you as to tit com
fort and fashion We have made
every precaution for spring and HUH
luer, and await your flail with perlecl
'outideiice of our ability to suit you.
n Pandlaton bold
or N. P. Wednesday.
While out lookittej tor bargain" on
'liiesilav. a Pendleton inisiiiess man
dropped into the st. i k exohanfla of 1.
1 L, Hay t t o., and piin-iiasel .So shares
1 of Northern PaciUc at an aver ig, price
of .U..'ai per share Karly Wediierdav
'niorniug, when the stis-k advanced to
I Utt.80 r share, he did not hapieii
1 to le at the exchange, and as
UOtiUed over the 'pboiie. The ajHWaf
came to sell the "si share- which order
was executed b) tin- broker, and the
man cleaned 111 Vo on the
deal, les" the broker's commission of
i2.."a. Had that same man held the :ti
share and sold at llUUO.the high isniit
on Thursdav, he would have made
t-H.H'i'i in addition to the f .
Feiidletun Shoe Co.,
DoWitt'l Little Karly Kisers BBfMfa
the reuioiert part of the bowels ami re
move impnriti'-r ipoadlly with no dis
I COBltofti They are famous lor their ulb
icacy. Kasy to take. Never gri-. Tall
man A Co.
Spring Troubles...
Lous o tppftiitt)
BtOmtfSh ailiuniitH,
and Oilier Eruptions
are hoiuu tit' them.
(JorrecUt all of llioHe
inakeH the blood pure.
Mrs (' B. Wade is in Portland
A. H Stanley, of Kcho, is in town
b I. Morse, deputy C 111 ted tates
marshal, is 111 i'eiidletoii tisiay
John 1. Kami exect to return to
Baker City on the 5&10 tram this eve
ning Mr- John Kee ami youthful sou are
iaitinf at the farm iiome of Heiiry
RV, W. Bi POtWine, who comlucteil
services in lleppuer Sunday, iias re
turned home.
Iln William Parsons came BOOM
from Heppner on Wednesday, where
ne viaitM Mrs. C. K. Kediiel'd for ten
Krank Lee and Clias H. (ireen, of
Bu FtMMiOBO, are at the Hotel Pen
dleton, iiaviNg come to bagin the wool
bnylof season.
t inted -late. Marshal Zoeth BuMBf
il in I'eiidletoii tisiay on iiit way to
Baker City He may continue his trip
to bis '-laudard .mining property ip
(rant county.
Mrs. It. C l'.iuniiigton, who has
la-en lor two weeks in tin- Pendleton
sanitarium. is now sumcieutlv re-
lovered that siie 1 expected to 1m able
to rctun bOHM in anaycle in about
two weeks.
J I Slater, of La (irande, a brother
of K J Slater, ol this citv, it in Pen
dleton as an attorney ftiterealed In
ase" in tiie supreme court. F. S.
I van b Ol a prominent attorney of l.a
(ramie, is in attendance upon supreme
I rank Villa, of tbe Washington
I ruit a I'roiluce Co., Walla Walla,
ami over n 1 eiulietun l nursdav even
ing to huv some produce here, as well
as to attend to his customers in this
town He say produce is plentiful
BOW, having been scarce up to the past
few Weeks
James Nelson, of Vinson, who ia in
town today, met with an accident on
WadnMOjay, la atbiah he loal the major
portion of the index linger of his right
hand. Mr Nelson was operating a
chop mill uu ills Vinson ranch and got
bin finger caught in the machinery. It
w.t hut m chance tiiat saved iiiui from
losing the entire hand.
Mrs. da Hamblen leaves tins even
ink' for Hprinstiald, HI., to attend the
MpfOOM meeting of the Loyal Neigh
bors of America wind, convenes in that
city on tiie 14th. Since the last su
preme meeting Mrs. Hamblen lias en
tahlished tbe order at thirty different
Bointe, in Oregon and Washington.
She Mill be absent about two weeks,
and upon tier return will continue the
work as hertoiore.
Silver City New Mexico Independent-
J. b. Fielder and K. M Turner
have formed a co-partnership for tiie
practue of law. The name of the new
hrm will be Fielder A Turner. Mr.
Turner left a well established law
practice in tiie state of Oregon to come
to New Mexico on account of his
health He lias made many friends in
this sectiou of country duriug ins resi
dence here of about four mouths past
Bod in all causes wherein he has ap
peared in rant county has demon
strate,! that lie is a careful, paiustak
llg, coiuMtent attorney. Mr. Fielder
has for years past been recognised as
one of ihe most brilliant attorneys of
the iocal bar and has earned for him
self a legal standing of the highest
Pour mora Cases Have Been Arcusd
and Submitted.
Fridav forenoon Mav in the rase ol
B, A. Stephens and J, S. Urice. ap
pellants, vs. Frederick Ward. Paul
Berthnn, C. A. Johns and the PI lob
Bar Placer M iniiig company, respon
dents, was argued and submitted J.
P. Slater, of l.a (irande, appeared for
the appellants and loon 1,. hand, of
Baker City, for the respondents.
Thursday afternoon the casc ol
Thomas.' Brosnati. plaintiff and ap
pellant, vs. W. P. Harris, defendant
and respondent, was argued ami
submitted. Will B. King ami F. M .
Saxtnn, of Baker Citv, appeared for
the appellant, the former making the
argument William Smith, ol Smith
A Heilner, Baker Citv, made the argu
ment for the rpsmtiilem
The following two cases are hoi un
argued this afternoon
The Western Loan A Ikfingl OOffB
pany, a corporation, plaintiff and ap
pellant, vs. L. J. Houston and A
Houston defendants ami respondent.
J. B. Messick. of Maker City, lor ap
reliant: J. L. Hand and ('. K. Hyde
lor resisinileiit-
Asa L. Browii et al, plaintiff ami re
IBOndantn, vs. I.. B Baker and Minnie
Baker, defendants and appellants
Will H. King and I M. Saxtnn (or
appellants. Hamuel Wiiite and J L.
Band for respondents.
Suseessru! Applleants.
All the candidate who imk the ex
amination to beOOtne lawyer wen hii.
cssfnl. Their names ami maid
are as follows T. W. Stark. The
Iialles Frank L. Young. Hallas:
Jerry Van lieventer, Klgin . John A.
Collier. Pendleton, llarrv s Harper.
Arlington; Jesse W. Allen, The
Halles Harry K. Curtis, Tiie Dalles
B, s. Brvsou, Corvallis. Haltoii
iiigg, of Bdrna, who bad practiced Inn
in Missouri, was admitted to practice
in dreauii
ooawurrao, i
of tiie city, ami as the carriage con
taining tin- president ami In- parM
approached, the gates were swung
open. and, amid irreetnign from
thousand, the president passeil into
possession of tiie citv.
President McKlliley expresm'd him
self as much gratified with in recep
tiou, ami only regretted tiiat In phs
was .imiteii to an hour.
tamace Drive Throuah tne Flowers
and Oranee Blossoms.
San Luis ObhrBO, May 10 Ban Lui
Ohipao has been given three-quarier
of an bOW in which to extend it
greetings to President hfcKinla) .ne:
bis party when they pas- kbroogn bora
this evening. The train will reach
here at ti::i p. m., and will lie met
by Mayor Shipaey ami a reception
committee appointed by tiie city coun
cil, accompanied by the military baud
A team of four wiiite horses, perfect
ly matched, drawing a carriage to
seat the president, Mrs. McKinley and
tiie mayor, will be in readiness, ami
the party will be driven through the
principal streets ami past some of the
beautiful flower gardens ior wind -an
Luis Obiapo ia famous. Other carriages
will be provided for tbe reet of the
party, and tlieae will lie followed by
many other carriages, al. baadnOBM
decora red with riowers.
Plowers ror All.
A bouquet of flowers will In- pre
eented to every member of ttie party
ny a committee of ladies, tin- pr.-.-i
dent's tsiuquet will be of rich oarmj
As little handshaking as isissihle
will lie allowed, and everything will bt
done to caile the distlllglllslie,! viitor-
to have pleasant remenibram of San
Luis Obispo.
this will be the first parti of nop,,
hie people to call at tills place siuce
tlie rompletion of the coast line iron
San hranciaco to Los Angele- ami tin-
twilight drive of tiie president and in
party will be made a memorable 1- -casiou.
Jacksonville Firs PriMtnitss
llovernmsnt 's Head.
taafcaniislHa May H
Howden succnmlieil this morning to
tin- mental strain ol Ihe pust few nay
Other cases of prostrat ion due to tile
fire are reported A number ol Bt
tempts at looting have been IrniJtretet
bv the irtilitia II ha- I n decided
that thev will remain here lot several
weeks lOBgtt No more hodie have
been recovered
B. V.
for Kim -I,
ior the
Methever Pays Penslty
a Ulrl.
San QttaatiOi May 10. E
ever wu banueil till- lllornlhl.'
Old'bloodad murder of yo'ing Porothy
MoKaa, at Long Bench, Loa Angeles
county, In July. IB9B, because the
would not return his affection
Methever wa "'' years old Heath
came without a tremor
Ruiilan Prison Managsri Have Klood
Thirsty Men
Bt. Petersburg, Mav 1" SaWapnjJMN
this morning piitdished a story of the
massacre of convicts by the guard in
Saghsl len prison The nnoner
recentlv deniurre,! at the doubling ol
their task l or tin- the) were Hugged
until the blood streamed down thali
hacks When one of the convict pro
tested, he wa shot down A tumult !
followed, and, in tin- melee, the guards
tired on the convict, killitik' IS an
wound Inf N
Disaster at Ml. Dalies. Psnn.. Throuali
an Engine
Mt. Minn, Ph.. Mav 10. A freight
engine on the Huntington Brand top
road blew up tin- morning killing
lire person. The dead are:
Qbne. Hnllingebead, oondnotor,
Hnyder lierk'-stresser. engineer.
John Kibble, (lao Bdwnrda, brake
an 1
J. B, Throop, byatnndar,
This week we call attention to Shoe ItepaTtrrnT
tlf-il ' .. . m
We guarantee our mens v eiKiaoway to ir thf )cs,
shoo (111 tha matliei fnr 52.50.
Bve r e it a
On, Pi-tiirt NO. 70 ior uaainn, .vtisses and Childra
1.. .... 1 . . m
I t .O..H l.,r ,(,,.. I ..!. .
have . 1 natiuiisn ivpswevii '"" i).
Oui Ladien' Julia Marlon; fnr atyie and comfort
cell all othera.
Oui Ladiei Lateat Creation shoos arc bumnen
tin price.
Our Ladies' Nordica ihoea, worth li.fo, will sell
during th"- wc k for $2. Ma) shoe in Pendleton
lor the price.
t ome and look our shoe line over and save
Skin affection- will readily disappear
by using UeWltt'i Witch Hanoi Bnlvo.
IxxiR out lor counter felts. If you get
DoWitt'l voli will get food results. It
is the uu irk and positive cure for piles.
Tal liiian a Co.
Johnsons Uros.' semi porcelain;
tin finest in. oh at tin price ot
the common white goodl Soup
tureens, casseroles ami .uu i
tnree!i are left then half price.
nant tnrean with platter and ladla 11
Watehail Caanwales wttn ladii 1 M
aanm iwaaw etUi ntattat and hmUi te
Haiics Uniiii sn.l - ii i-.ik.ir-.
Banaiaanda4n baaen s.
Tssi-)i mid in-in baneri mi
Oavaaad bimr
Ufa lack aaheni and at bawli It
I'll- .lsl'" per set ..... ,
HrsasiKt atasM ear sal
'ii soupa " Mil 6s
x-tn .pisr.- insr.ii.
Rent ember we bought theae at
a bargain ami give you tin beae
tit of our puoha m
Owl Tea House.
"..iin i'i a -r ......
...... ... . -a
' ' i.nitifu
ited taste. She
01 evert
nni en
a CUlti
hei ileeping room
Ma A.
Undertaking Parlori in Rear,
"n fit
P.irlllr nr J-
t-.wii,i ft-...., ..I..I. . .
isi sitsiuorate stock
tin plainest to the hud
and at pnee that are riht.
MATTINGS at reduced prict,
Ca use of OVentOCk. Carpets, R
VN IndOVi Shades. Curtain poles
c alis. go i:;irts, mirrors, picturf
M .11 11 :i til WssKi.
' i' t ,ii
Fresh Clean
Stock of
Pot you to select from. Will
give you reaaonable prices.
Tr us with an order ::::::
Thompson & Dupuis, Props.
Two Black
Bad room
H urea u.
are .-r rare
Court Street
ll hints This Kvsnlna
The Mimlay nobool conveiition cl
tvaning, v itii an aiiilreaa on 'Or-
annlaati Hunday babool Work," by a.
A Morse, state preni.lont ol the un
.lav lobool association, and an address
by Mfi, 0. B. Jackson, on "The Pas
sion Hay," as seen by her at Oberam
muruan, laat summer, it will be illus
trated ov the stereoplicoii. Mr
Morse's addreas betfiusat 8 n. ui., Mrs
Jackson's at 8: ). Ou Thursday even
mg, tbe church was packed at 7 MQ
Ihe Kev. C. A. JJotaon, nraaideui
Of the couuly aaaociation, l,as baexi u
admirable pruaidiUK odicer prompt
aud euergetn, and hringiug ofi the
i a ia i; is ur thhik valor.
President Sfpoka or Lallloraiant in all
tha Wars.
-.tula Barbara, t'alif , .May lo fb
araaldantlnl party mi ,i: ti.
depot by a proceeaaion of liuwer-covereil
carriaites Tliey were driven to the
hotel, where the president ami ln
anbieet members spoke Mr M. Ku,
lay paid hili tribute t., tl- valor of
OalRoraiaaa in ail the .n- r ul)r
hiatory aiuce the state entered the
union, ills allusion u the I'hiliuum.-
rolnntaan onaand a nm Huthurst of
enthusiasm. Alter luncheon at th,
hotel, the iarty wai- driven ar.uiud tin
town, visiting the old Mission, ami lell
here at 1' p. in.
Allowad H Is Hums to Burn Wblls He
Saw lb Ppasideni.
Veutura, May K).-Jaat U Um presi
dential train arrived here, the iioilse
occupied by ilarry lioffiiieyor caught
tire Hoffmeyer was at the depot ii,.
saa the flames, aud said
"My House i burning, but I'm g.,
niK U) see the president before 1 K "
Kveryoue in town was at the depot
so that there was no one o mv,
liouse, which burned U, the poOJMl
kaid to Oasirs a iunn
kuropoao Cowsps.
1-ondou, Ma in. - A iluii. ,liu..a...i.
aays that i.ermanv ban invited Krauce
"""'". iioiiaini. hninerlaml Hl.
glliio p..sib, it ii ss la an. I lull, to
""c 1,1 mousiroui- union the oh-
ject of which would bs to oa,.iU)J
American competition until American
dutiaa are lowered.
Hslsn Gould hsrvously Prosiraud.
, V"rk; M" "i. -Helen (.ouhl
is suflermg from nervous proatration,
said to la. the reaiilt of the notorieti at
taehed to her name through the affair,
u! the Caateliainae, which have been
ii uie couru in France aud the
I u.Ud hUUs so much of Ute.
... Several Reasons ...
Wnv it pajra In Mod row orders to us
ami buy from uH;
I We are the only people iii Pendle
ton in the f-aildlery lot m 1 1,,-. that hae
lui rent to pay.
I, We carry the largest stinik in
uta tern Oregon.
II We are the only t-addlery house
Hi Hemlletoii that neu-r elupliiveil m, -
4. Ve liave strictly one prii e ami the
goods an marked in plain ligureh.
5. Our stock is always fresh and
styles the latest.
b. We haw-an established reputation
for reliable work.
T. It our goods are nut a- repre-eiite.i
Iba money will be ebenriully refunded.
S. We never misrepresent uissls ti.
make a sale.
'-' We ghe you g.xl irk, lw prices
ami prompt attention.
harness and .saddler .
I njaj njar
Trade MARas
n.t?!l0.M.'n.?a', k,"'h ""J 1-ri.o.,
qul. nir jtruiii .,ur opuiUiu tiwu liii.-,
etsmioa is proesblr p;,euoi. iT
'T&wuukaa tfir..ui, sfu,. a i"rJii'
nw' notut. without cl.r0. n t"e '
Kieniific American.
$,i.(M) per l)a and Ipwards.
l inest rloul
In thr Ctcft
PORTLAND, uheuun.
C m m ik . . asa
npcciai Kauss in eastern Oregon people viaitlna Portland Me
ior taaareWJ ami ommei , ml travelers ti c. BOWBRIi I
A hwi.l.inilr lllutirtiwt wsstl.
u.li.,i. ,,f sy Vienna, i,,urni
JW I.,ur Ue.lllhS II. B.,,,1 1.. .11
-riMi cit
1 c-rim. 13
WWCo,3e-B:. New York
For kigs
To go Fishing
or for a tab o make a call
telephone Main 7W.
tg&S?" Depot Stable.
Tbe Kelt Oragonian is Kasteru Ore
gon a rapreaantativ. papo, lt )ela. and
hi P'V-mwuite u and show by
belx liberal petiona... i, lh, milvt.
Wine medium ol tail laciiou
The Columbia
Lodging House
F. X. SCHEMPP, Prop.
Locust Hill Rabbitry
and Poultry Yards
Pedigreed Belgian hares
and pure bred f owls.
St. Georj
Sunda Dinner a
lli.iiuiisls suit I'srliel (if
LB i
HMM. MM ,.r ,,a,,, ;t each.
Bar red, Buff, ami White i'lym
outh Ki ks-i;KKh $8.00 per 15,
aittiuee for 5 Ul); B)11.
liarreil k. k tt ;At M,r
Itoee and Single (Jou.h Khode
Island keils Kga $u'.tX) (,r 16,
. sittings for ;,.(Mi.
Viaiton welcome. For further
information address
I'ondleUiii, Oregon
ii. s ' "asuMM
uy aaat Uregoman, delivered
cerriai, only i5 cenU a week.
We put Our Shoulder to f
ii llss BMMl prSL-llusI surl of
1 li l USS III. i -l I'lie
i inns- Ui tfiillius yuiir
rlllOOUL' I'llll.lltlllll ll"1
lug; sua in. 1. 1- ut ia
uiaier lu llie work ui
nsiwii. aiirruy. riliisu.ni
yuu ..uu iniiig us
by siiiuii.
'I NEA0LC awfafa)
",.n i
. , . I ntf W
mul iu r