East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 09, 1901, Image 3

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For Spring and Summer.
Hen's Outside Shirts, each
50c. 75C. $1 00.
Cleaver Bros. Dry Goods Co.
llll RMDAT, M.v ii. HH)1,
kiting in SeMlon at tlio I'resbytorlBii
Cnupoh Today and Friday.
. MfMtfa minimi OODVMtiOII Ol
1 Barilla t '.unit v Siimliiv School
! 1 1 , u..wnoii 111 tin I'rcs-
.1 I. . '.mi. ntiin l.t.liiv
i,,.v -, Iim,i workers uri' Here irnin
..I.. '..II !... .it tin- unit v . MM
1 illirnll. llll' III MIL'
n 1 IWUmm ,,t Purl lullil Htllte
hi' urogram ir nun i-K.i.Kip id .
interesting oa. SBd will in m
rtivi;. Ir J. A lleattie always
..I ... iiuc uvliil.. Ml..
"Illli'l II HIV '"" " .. .......
. ... ... 1 11 . 1 ..
.11 1 I... 1 ......... 1 .... .
Ilti 111 1 .'IIIIUIII ll'n ' nivii:.i.n..M.
1- I. ...I. lu MMilrmi ikf
1 " , I" it 1 1 1
Thunday Kvonlng.
1 1 i 1 i.
11. nt. I'ruift' service, i.ev. .1.11111
.. 11 n.......
Appointmral ol cum m i tinea.
:0tl- Address Tba Relation of the
.1.... W..I I In U.u.lal Pv.uiriuu
,, I..". 'F .. ,..... ...wwv,
torntal ".ol.
:.ki Aililruaa Th. llnlv Land,
United W P. Winiin-. Walla
II, U...I.
Th. frurmm ft'lay
Ml DavotiOMl) Kev. Mr. Vernon,
Mil kOfl.
:.'n -Address Tile Itihlc Mill the
1 i.i. H In . 1 Foeolier, Li Ki PtB
I I ,'l,l,"lll.
Round Tullc iulk- The
iIht mill Nnriiiiil I ritin . iiu. . K.
1 11.111. r..'iiii - 1 1 r 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 111 nor
wnrk. .Milton.
JO Noraaal Lesson . (' a. DofajNi
ti I I worker.
I 1 II,.. I ...... ...I I. I . i.l.in
rher, Mr. Illeaknay, I'ondloton
1 :!il I Imi'IIhhiiiii
i'Iht an. I I'upil .
Krld.t Afternoon.
PI I'.'V itiou ,1 Kov. Mr. Hum. 11
I'riiimrv 'A -U Mm K. S.
;.(n 1 .1 mi iiil I'll 111 , Talk I'riinarv
, lliiri.ll ,'iniiitv Miiiti.rin-
11111 i.rliiiurv pL A I li.n.u
r 1 '"ii. 1; .tieu i v utns, ... t.
1- HI .ill.
' 1 .."i noe in Htats
r.. ...:n .
I WO I Mill. l,tt..r lli.nr . ...-L-
.... llll I 1 I'" 1
i.: I a I
"UK u noma 10 you wiu:n
Work, Itrv. Ii. A. Knwley, OoBireBS.
tlonsl state Sunday lobool raportnton-
limit, 1'ortland.
4 :(M) Rwistioa of ehnrefa to Banday
ohool, Ki'v Robt. .1. iiviii. PeBdle
I :ll I tn h 1 11 iihh : Knports of cotti-
nUtoWi oleotion f oflJoora,
4 180 Adjournment.
Friday Kvnnlng.
7 '.(H) -I'm i mi service, Hiv Mr.
Iiewoesc, Athena.
0 lOO Addraae organized Bondav
School Work, A. A. Morse, slate prcsi
deflt, Portl.Mii
h ::i- Addrona Tba PMilon Play
illiintrittt'tl, MrH. ('. S. Jackson, I'en-dleton.
11.4 I iii. 1I1 it . 1 lit.- tt . . . .t
....... iia ,iw n
lUy nud,
work inarantMd
CWt'HT ni l (Inl an
i door to Aliii.mlor A Hexter'a
T ( ) R A (i EJ.
1 -m. t A V .m OS . . .
UWNKH fir siirV
rKucuom uain 4.
Htati: OF Ohio, OTTI ok Ioi.khoi
MwMOomrrv. t
I .Miik .1. UbMMy liitik until (lint I." l I In
nunliii iinrtnor ot tdt llriiiul K. .1. cin'iu N a. ' u..
iiuiiiK trauMM in tin olty ( Talad aaiji
hihi hihii .fotwaldi and that Mid Ann will paj
tin mini in i mi' iiiiintri'it Dollara for aaoh atia
evury i'.ki' "I ( ninrrli tlnti rminot In nirml ii
tin hm of ii. 1 1 hi ii n i, Bar.
.wurn in iM.iurr mi' nun Hiiiii'riii'i in 1111
uruniMUT tin. tltli iIhv ill IK'i oiiiIx.t, A.
j mUm I a. w. auuroN,
v. I'lllilir
MhII'k 1'Mtnrrh run l tnki'ii iiiii'Vnnlly Ud
rta.dlrr. tU .in tin lilnu.1 mi.l iiiii. iiii'. nirlHrvN
hi tin1 .ymom Homl lur ihiiiiiiiiihI. Irri'.
K. .1 CIIKNKV A I'll., loleilo. OUIo.
Holil tiy ttuKi:i-i 7.H .
iia i Miii.:'. I'IIIk arc tin- Imjhi.
Arrival! at Hol.l Pandlton.
II t) I'ali'ii. Han I'rain lHiu.
a i Qrif&B, Portland,
Win .Muliur, I'urtlund.
0 m smith, Portland.
H A lluininonil.
T W .larkmin, I'ortlaml.
.1 i HttritH, Portlond.
A s Pnuia, Bpotuuia
Mr unil Mm .1 I! WUIimiih, Poll
man. MrH L V WilliMlih l'u 1 1 man
MiHh liraui'li, PollnM.
W Klmri'M.
I UMMrM. North VHkiinu.
Huron, Wulla Walla.
Rod .rant . I'ort land.
II W t.raliain, Portlaud.
H .1 MmmIov. t'lni'Htto.
I nili'rwiiml , laruiua.
c s Pioroa, tf Innaopolla.
Mihn LOM I ti I lor
Mi-- Itlucli.
Mrn ).roin
M llaniliiirt; and wife.
J (' Mack union, QfOOt Nnrtloirn.
W K QllbOTl and wifo. Houvor.
(itMi Miliilvory, Spokain..
W I) Allan), Portland.
J A Lakall, Portland.
I rank Ian, Man Kranciatui.
r Halloek, Ft Dodft.
S S Gill, Spokane.
Wort. Tnan War.
I luiiilr.li- ate killed ill war, lint
litindredH of tlioiiHaudM are killed liy
I'oiiMiliuption. Tliere would bj M
deatliM at all canned by thin torrilile
iliaeaiie, if HNMile could U made to ttli
derHtand that Shiloh'a uoukIi ami con
Mttmption cure in a aitre remedy if taken
in the early HtitKea. l!f eta., Tm eta. and
l a bottle, MniKKiHtH will refund the
money if a cure in not effected. Tall
oian .V Oo. leailuin druuniata.
. . 0
Ma.llnii of Scoumen.
Athena, May H.--A DM0tiB Of Boota
men will he held in the Athena OBON
houae, Saturday, May IK, for the par
DOM of arraiiKiiiK lor a Scotch picnic to
la held in Athena in the near future.
An invitation ia extended to all BOOM
men, whelher inemherH I the OolodOD'
iau Sia'iety or not to he in atteiidauce
at thia iiiiNilinc fur the reaaon that
iiitereatiutt tuattera will he diaoOJMd
Scotch picnic, which have linen held
here ill the paat have heen novel in
entertainment ami people Ir on every
part of th county have attended and
returueil to their hoinua pleaatnl, ami
with a firm determination to return for
the next annual piouic, It ia to he
hoped a picnic will he held thia aea-
It Olrdl.i th. Clob.
The fame of Huckleu'a Arm, a lojva,
aa the beat in the world, extenda
round the earth. It'a the one perfect
healer of cuta, corna, hurua, hruinen,
.ore., acalda, hoila, ulcera, feloim,
achen, paina and all akin eruption'-.
Only infallible pile cure. Mk a DM at
Tallman A Uo.'a.
8 w 1 1.
7i. ..i i
iiiiii.ii I.
. , , , ,
lOl llll' i.
Wood and
enrv knmllkr
Has no etjual fur the OUfl ()t
Nervous aud Pliysieal Debil
ity, Kxhausted Vitality, Vari
OOOOle, Premature Decline,
Loss of Memory, Wasting, etc.
which has been brought
about by early indiscretions
or lator excesses. .
KH 1 , HI. I -.1 1 1 I . WHn YKAKH.
WrIW tmlby lor n Uioat books, "lliwitb In
Nature," auil "bliengtb; 1U lle ami Abum O)
by Men "
Uopt. A. Kuaael block,
Prle.s of All Things Produe.d or (on
um.d In th. Northweit.rn
PfBdlOtOD. May u. -Local miller
are inn inc 411 cents for clnh and red
chaff and 51 for hliiCHtem. Not much
hai heen bought aa tboae flRiirna, aa
the advance to 50 OMta for reilchaff
and club 111 dayn iico brought out
about all there wan for aale at any
thing clOM to Ibon B0T0a. Kxporters
are offoriiiK 47 1 j cents for wheat in
the warehouai', hut bu vera and aellern
are apart.
Local Produce Market.
Pendleton dealers are paying the fol
lowing pricen for ranch and farm pro
duce :
Batter, II to BOg per roll.
KggH- -l"c pot rjao,
I '. itatoea POO Oof sack .
TurkeyK -Alive, lB'c per pOM4V
ieeae f 12 per do.en .
Iiiicka 4.8Q Mr dozen.
Ohlokooi 18.00 to 14. M per doMB.
Now cahhage, fhlppod in from Port
laud, hcIIh at 4 renin per pound.
New potatoes are selling at I cents
per pound.
Portland Wheat.
Portland. Or , May I, --The commer
cial editor of the Oregon ian -aya:
The wheat market had a healthier
tone all round yesterday, both Kuro
pean and American markets showing a
slight gain. Having covered their im
noodlata tonoaga ansagamootai export
ers are not so anxious lor wheal as
they were a abort time ago, and in this
market till cents continues to be about
the heat figure obtainable for Walla
Wal a. The wheat has lieen an
thoroughly cleaned out of the country
that tbre is very little offering and
the huuincHs from now on to the end of
the season will tie of a hand-to-mouth
nature. Freights continue quite firm
on account of improved emu conditions
In Cal ilornia. The amount of tonnage
listed for Portland is less than half as
groat as it was on a corresponding date
last year.
The Commercial Review.
Portland, May II. The Coin men ia I
Review say:
P. I tie stem is limited Mc, with hold
ers llrm anil not inclined to sell. The
weather during the last week has been
favorable for growth and grain crops
in general made rapid advancement,
hut warmer weather and more rain are
needed lo bring same to its usual state
at this season of the year. Fall wheat
and oats are in excellent condition,
and have a good healthy color. There
are no complaints of damage from in
sect hi-. Spring-sown grain is atonl
nig well, and in some localities has
appeared above ttie ground. In the
valley, prospects are very good for a
good crop, and reports from the princi
pal wheat counties all speak encourag
iinrlv. In the Columbia river vallev
district, fall and spring grain is doing
very well, and some ram Iff needed in
I mat ilia county. Summer fallowing
is all completed.
Flour The (lour trade is very dull.
especially that part that relates to
loreigu ahlpment, vi.., I . r . or
Orient. Reports from the Orient are
that the market is still glutted, and
atocks are worked off verv slowly.
Some small lots have Imen going 0
Japan. The local market here, as well
as that of Tacoma and Seattle, are
in a demoralized condition. Supplies
are abundant, and nearly all the large
mills have heavy atocks for aale at
these points. Milla are all working on
lay runa, aalhe demand lor mill
iff u I ia good and brings good prices.
ami stocking up Hour made in their
warehouses, the stocks on hand here
in the North WOll are the largest in the
history of ttie trade, home bida have
laten ' received ty johliers here for
Orient shipment, hut had to he turned
down, an price was too low to enter
tain. Shipments to California IffOBj
here are must. We ouoie llour from
12.26 to 12.76 per barrel, according to
brand and iiualily.
Eastern Livestock.
Chicago, Mav . Cattle Receipts,
21, 00U; steers, alow ; butchers' atock,
ateady (iood to prime steers, $4.90 to
f.VttO; poor to medium, 4 to $4.H5;
stocKcrs and f lera, :t.2fi to ." ; cowe,
ii.', t.. M'.I) . heifers. 2 70 to f4 , ,ri ,
cauners, to S.60l bulla, f.l to , .
calves, 'f .Ml to 4 7i ; 1 exaa-led ateera,
14.2,1 to 16.40; bulla, 12.76 to A.ib.
1 1. iga Receipts tislav, 112,000 1 tomor
row, MfOBOj lett over, llHl weak;
top, 46. M0 Mixed and butchera, $6.60
to $.',.H0, good to choice heavy, $6. no to
$5.80; rough heavy, $5.40 to $6.55;
light, $5.45 lo $5.75; bulk oi aalea,
$6.70 to $6.76.
Clheen Receipts, 20,tHJ0; aheep,
clipped, ateadx ; clipped lambs, up to
14,85, tiood lo choice wethers, $4.15
0 84.50; lair to choice mixed, $:t.80
to 4.15; ffaotarn sheep. $4.20 to 4.W
vearlings, 84.1140 $4.00 ; native lambs,
$4 to $5 10; Western lambs, $4.50 to
Portland Wool and Hld.s.
Portland, May . llopa-12to 14c
per pound.
Wool -Val lay, 18 to 13S,c; East
ern Oregon, U to 12c , mohair, 20 to '-'It
per pound.
Sheeapkina Shearlings, 15 to 20c;
abort wool, 25 to ;5c ; tuodiom wool,
30 to 50c long-wool, 60c to $1 aach.
Tallow 3c; No. 2 aud greaae, 2 to
2'..c per pound.
ilides-Kry hides, No. 1, 10 pounds
aud upwards, 14 to 16c; dry kin, No.
1. & to 10 pounds, 14 to lac per pouud ;
drv call No. 1. sound ateera, ii0
pounds anil over, 7 to 8c ; do, 50 0 8B
uouuds. 7 to 7'uc; do under 50 pounds,
i.1.. to 7c ; kip, 10 to :J pounds, i 1 to
7c"; do veal, io lo 40 pouuds, 7c; do
calf, under 10 pounds, 7 to he; greeu
uusalted , Lo per pouud leas; culls
i.bulls, stags, mot beaten, badly cut,
scored, liair-sl ipped , weather-beaten
or grubby , one-third less.
Pelts bearskins, each, as to sue,
$6 to $20; cubs, each, $2 to $5;
badger, each, lo to 10. wildcat, 85
to 75c; houae cat, 5 to 2l)c ; lox, com
mon gray, 30 to 50c; do red, $1.60 to
8; do Ofoaa, $5 (0 $16; lynx, $2 to $3;
mink, 50c to $1.25; marten, dark
Northern, $0 to $12; do nale pine, $1.50
to $2; uiuskrat, 5 to 20c; skunk, 26 to
65c; otter ;landi, $5 to $7; panther,
with head aud claws pertect, $2 to $6 ;
races, ii, 30 to 88c; wolf, mountain,
witb head pertect, $3.50 to $6 ; prairie
wolf or coyote, liO to 75c ; wolveriue,
$4 to $7 , lieaver, per skill, large, $6 to
$0; do medium, per akiu, $3 to $7; do
small per skin, $1 to $2; do kits per
skin, 50 to 76c.
Bo. tun Wool Market
i. ,,-i,, i .Mav 0. A uuiet market
witli only moderate sales, is the record
of the wool exchange thia week, manu
facturer, are purchasing ouiy enougu
i w,r present needs, and there is
an entire absence ot speculative teei-
ii. Values are steady, hoewevr, oui
dealers see little prospect for any ma
terial advance, territory wools neau
tbe list ot the small volume of sales
made. Fine medium aud tine scoured
is quoted at 42 to 43c, while the atriot-
If staple article call tor 45 to 48c. WESTON'S BONDS WERE SOLD
(.notations were :
Territory, scoured basis, Montana
tine medium and fine, 14 to 15c:
OOOrad. 42 to 43c; staple, 45 to 40c;
t'tah, Wyoming and Idaho tine medium
and fine. 12 to 14c; scoured, 40 to 48C
staple, 44 to 4ftc.
Australia, scoured basis, prices COB)
BOB) superfine nominal, OS to 70c;
good, oti to 880 average, 88 to 6Bfl
London Wool Auctions.
London, May H. The offerings at the
wool auction aalea today numbered
14,64K bales, including a Hue alOCtiOO
of superior scoured greasy. Competi
tion was brisk at top prices. Gfood
scoured merinos were 5 to 7'... per cent
above the last series. Seouri'ds were
bought freely by the continent I rench
huvers were henvv purchasers of treaty
for immediate consumption . Stocks
are ver small and the prospects are
that the advance will be maintained
despite the large supplies in sight.
American buyers continued to take
suitable parcels of cross-hreds.
Ptv. rrnnci.
The five diseases for which Shiloh's
Consumption Cure is especially roenm
DMndod, are Coughs, Colds, Whooping
Oongh. Croup and Consumption. No
medicine ever made by man is equal
to it in any respect. Sold under a
tsisitive guarantee. Money hack if it
fails. 26 cts, 60 cts and $1 a bottle.
Tallman fl Co
Believe It N.c.ssary tor Hralth of th.
A petition singed by 5H taxpayer! I
the olty of Pendleton, headed hv F.
K. J OOd, W. F. Matlock, Jacob Bail
and Oils l.afnntaitie, was presented to
the council last evening asking that a
"good and effective sewerage scstin
therein Ihi constructed aud main
tained," as it was "necessary for the
health of the inhabitants of Mid city,
and to i he general boBoflt and wel
fare of said city." The petition also
asked the council to take such steps as
are necessary under the charter to
secure the approval or rejection ol the
voters of said city to the proposition
for the construction and maintenance
of a system of sewerage, and if ap
proved by the voters to coiistru. t and
maintain the same. It was referred
to the finance committee.
A pet it i.ii for the placing of an arc
I igbt at the crossing of Mill and Lowil
streets was read and referred to the
street committee.
Applications ol F.d Heat horn, John
Schmidt and Swearingen Hrothers for
liquor license were granted.
Bids for grading of Webb street were
referred to the street committee.
(i. A. Smith's bid was as billows:
That he would grade and gravel
Webb in acc irdance with ordinance
No. :;5:i for the sum of 50 cents per
cubic yard for all gravel needed and
25 cents per cubic yard for cut to be
hauled off from said street, an. I furnish
a good bond for the faithful perform
ance of the same.
i. W. Painter and J. Archibald
agreed to put the gravel on Webb
street for 05 cents per cubic yard.
C. K. Finch's bid was K5 cents per
cubic yard of gravel handled.
F.d Switrder, chairman of the street
committee, is in Portland. Dr, K. J,
Snminerville and Charles A. I'mier,
the other two uiemla.rs of the com
mittee, announce that the contract will
la let to (i, A. Smith as aoon as the
estimates for the amount of work to
be done can he obtained and a suita
ble contract draw n up.
Recorder's report was referred to
finance committee and treasurer's re
port was disposed of in the same way
. Bill. Allowed.
The following hills were allowed and
warrants ordered drawn : A. D. Still-
man, 88.76 j Qoonja Frooato. $4.5o; B.
S, Wattle, $10; f. C. Tavlor, t i
I.aatz Hros., 10.80i D. Kemler, $3
A. P. Smith ACo., $2.75; R Forster,
$10 1(4; Crowner A Son, $7; Mrs. A.
Mack, $4.50; P. K. L. i P. Co. , $2 I
C. F. Colesworthy, 11.80 Hast Ore
gon ian Pub. Co., $10,75; (ieorge
Meeker, $15. 25; Mick Savage, $14. QloB
Husbee, $H4.85; Pendleton Tribune,
$2.60; llrock A McC.unaa, $22.55; F.d
Money, $1.
j m m -
Is This Plain bnough.
If you have a nugging cough and are
baling Mesh, go to a drug store, and
get a bottle of Shiloh's Consumption
cure. Take two-thirds of it, and then,
if you are not IsMietited, return the
bottle to the druggist, and be will re
turn your money. Isn't that fair? No
one could ask more. 26 eta., 60 i ts.
and $1 a Isittle. Tallman A Co., lead
ing druggists.
R. Martin Leads.
R. Martin is entitled to he railed
the leader in the grocery trade on ac
count of his loug experience in the
business. Then as he buys in car lots
for cash he geta a trade aud cash dis
counts which give him his giauls a
little cheaper f.an other stores. Mar
tin give, tins saving in his buying
price to his cuatoiutra. If you want a
big bill of groceries get prices at other
atortia and then Martin can I ami their
blown to Atoms.
The old idea that the body some
times needs a Mwrful, drestic, purga
tive pill has been exploded ; for Df.
King's New Life Pills, which are .. i
f.atly harmless, gently stimulate liver
and ImjwcIs to expel poisonous matter,
cleanse the system and atiaolutely oon
constipation and sick headache. Only
25c at I... in. . i. A Co.'s drug store.
Sore Lungs
mean weakened lungs a!)
caused by a cold and cough
Weak lungs sooner or latej
mean consumption.
will heal and strengthen the
lungs, cure cold and stop the
"I eoa.aW Urn ma-M aworrht.
Doctors Mid I Mil u laa .. ul .euu..-
The liiue Will b. 6000 ft t-2 Per
Cents, Payable Seml-Annually. and to
Run tor Tw.nty Years.
Weston. May S. A special meeting
of the CltJ council was called and the
bond anil pipe qBSStlOBI were dis
cussed. A communication was read
from Morris A Whitehead. Portland
bankers, ofloring to take the new $!'0iX
bo-ad isite at ',. per cent uttered , pay -able
semi-annually, the bonds to run
for a paf lad of 20 years. This firm
already holds a former Isuid issue of
$10,000, which is hearing iH percent.
As Morris A Whitehead will bear the
incidental expenses of the issue, such
as printing the bonds, the council de
cided by a unanimous vote to, ai pt
their proposal .
Connrilnien Williams anil Martin,
of the water committee, have been in-ve-t
igUing the pipe matter and re
ported at this meeting. Alsiut two
miles of new pipe are wanted to run
f r, .in the head of the waterworks lo
the reservoir. Thev visited Walla
Wal i a Saturday, accompanied hv Citv
Marshal Lavender, and consulted with
Q, II. Sutherland, the plumber and
contractor who is putting in the new
sewerage svstem there. They found
that tin vitrified pia he is using i
from all appearance exactly suited to
Weston's needs, it being very bard and
durable and glazed inside and out.
The approximate cost of vitrified six
inch pipe, laid, will la $274.50,
which will leave plenty of fun. Is for a
cement nasin at tin spring and other
improvements. The recorder was di
rected to correspond with the Penny
Clav works, Seattle, and get facts and
figures concerning vitrified pipes.
A petition was presented by property
owners on Piety street, asking that
the street be opened from lot IS, block
2, north to Main street, and that the
rest of the street, and also a certain
alley remain closed. The petition was
Local Notes.
w. R, Dr lakall left Bstardsf on a
visit to liis sister at Grand Forks, B.
0. and will probably remain a couple
of months.
Mrs. ('. W MsBBllsn left this week
on a visit to relatives at Nampa, Idaho
Mr-. A BskSf and Miss MSBd
Bsksr rlaitod friends In Walla Wal In
Saturday .
Clarence Shriver left Monday lor
(ira-s Vallev, Sherman county, Oregon,
to accent a position.
John R. Boston is building a aH
cottage, on bis priierty in Poverty
Gnlcbi east of town.
Carl Williams, oldest son of (ieorge
Williams, is seriously ill from an at
tack of fever
I rank Saliug has gone east fnrSaling
Hros., with 35n range horses, which
will he marketed at St . Paul.
William Hoi linger was in the city
from I 'uv ton on Tuesday, visitiuu his
sister. Mrs. H, llesael. Mr. Hoi linger
is on his way to visit at his former
home in st. Paul. Minn., and will
take'in the Pan-American exposition
at Hiiffhlo before returning.
Mrs. V. i Argo and Mrs Will D.
1. regory and little daughter, ot Walla
Walla, are guests at the home ol Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Turner.
President R. M. Powers, of the
Pionetrs, gives out the information
that there will he no pioneer reunion
this year.
Tlii infant child of Mr. and Mrs II.
1 Winn, of Coliae creek, is seriously
ill witb capillary bronchitis. Tliere is
hope of saving the child's life.
FRIDAY, MAY 10th. 1901.
We will placs on salt-
This spring's BSWBBl OfB88 lUStsrisI 111 i mm t design - A New N'urk
manufacturBi by mistake duplicated out unli t which w refuted to
take; ha now offers them to us it stu h .1 reduction is ensblei us to
sell them at less than wholesale cist The prici .mi these KOOdl w.is
pet yard. Surprise price
Nut mon than 1R yards I" 0B( Dt I ll I
Men's Unlaundered White Shins
Sizes 14 i8 to 17, regular 501 valuea, (01 Friday Sttrprisi
25c each.
A lot of 100
Boys' Wash Sailor Blouse Suits
All this spring's new goodS) tt;es to to VSSri ,ii
50c each.
The Peoples Warehouse.
incy, loii Pow.r. siisnfLO...., sr"im
nek. Evil Oxair,.., Oomlnnl Emission
hlllty, H.ndarh.,Untltn.aH to Marry, Mus o
or Oon.Hpni Ion, atop. Quirhn.M of Ola
voue Twnohin. of .vnlid. I
irif nin. il.-n. I' i.r k., T ,-,.1,1. . . tit 1. i 1
Mormon Oistiop.' Pills . n
riiur.h ii'l Hi". I 1 w. ii. I',,.tii..iy o,t.. Hi. w ..l nH 14 l.l MM k.imiik l., .t, rll.. t.
.1 wll nl'iiw, dlulp.il.rn, ., , 1, ,, . Cur... Lost Manhood. Im-
potenc", tost Pnw.r, NlKht-Lo...., Spi-rmnlorrhooii Insomnia, Pi, in.
nr I-t.m.n. Vnrli in .' .
'. stop, n. r
K.M,n .will, un.l, ,-1.41
CTlflia Slllmjllrl hi l.,l. MS 1 ' II I I fjjj v I...MI.
tn u.M.yniunu.0. wim iau OMrJM M, AUdrs.., Hi.hop R.moJy B0t Bun Pruncl.co, Oal.
11.11 .l HI 'I'.ll u.v o. 1 im 1'iWI ft. . v t I lov iiii iri, it
Kusy Running. Clean Cutting.
Hal I Bearing
Tht'v arc jrnuninUHMl. ('all ami Bet them
Hansford & Thompson,
0I Alain Street.
Hotel Pendleton
Strictly First-Class
Excellent Colsioe.
Every Modern
Under New HMMgernent
Vfeo SaaMad. a suanehi iri.. i rvnalua,
wheel In lu. .porta 1. 1111 more -. .
nbuut 1UU1
a m JaBBBaaiL
Kr and Kllllard llooma
The Heat Hot. i
Van l)ran Bros.. Props.
Give Us a Trial.
Rates $2 00 a da;
Special Kates by
Ml or moDth
iScAdquarlers for Iravcllittf Mn
In baatcrn Orrgon.
Successors to J. Ii. Moore
1 l.i" nr. tliOM. iiieii ,1111 AOiut'it wliu rlle lor
Maura smo ruuaoai
in Miiooth ruiniliiK jfhaall I'rovt'ti mi. ill,
KM QIIM fori ' ud s.il. . - Mfc.
Hluii'tuoi KuaHilcrs iiMt
l.a.lies or 1 loot's Koadster . 38.08l
Indies or ients Light Koadster f-MI.DO
tients in poaad Rasst $.ri0.iio
1. li lies ortieiit. Cbaiiileaa $00.00
Ideals 880, 22, 2
Ak.IH 1 ii-"!. i' I ..ulily
fenillelou, llruKuli
. . fi 'r ... i. -
1 4. . m
1 w Qloriei i SiwioK
I he u.ii inline ol lUSSMOfi IV8
howo in the ni sod matiioi
besutio w. di iplsj la cowiog
(oi von floor during the warmer
moothi Nothing mora cleanly,
no, re dainty oi ool he Imnui
thai lbs mattingi ise sre Bhowing
Rug . (foen 881 up to 4o.
M iltinH-i .is 1, 1 w .1. 151
I uJcrtaklug a Specialty.
jesse Pallinga
Main si reel near bridge.
A sure rennsly for lice and niiUts.
International I'uultry Ktssl ktH,,s the hens h.ulthy, Btlfl. grit aids digiwlion,
Hone BMSJ gives strength to young 1 hicks
I U N B i B A 1
A clean, niotteiisive hut nutriliou. fertiliser for your lawua.
C. P. Colesworthy ,,,,u,try and IJce SuPi,,y Dpot
1 rxN f fl I 1 People tu know what
1 Jfl LJJ 1 JKJ you ItAvt: lo ..ii II you don't
The n. a btore
known unlets
tin never he
It advertlaea.
l ... ti mivm up mil 1 tuUf UMd
is,.,, o.. ii wW m nl.i.ly. Am
. , . ..... . '
WwtJ ,U p..., ' "
Km Qaafaal Cat
tilloli'a (JviuanUH Owl u amlm by aJI
IriuiUu - .0. . S'.oa bottle, a
prlut.4 (UwruiUl kum wll. ilul HHU
If juu mj out MtlWhMl .0 to fauf litut.1
uJ ..t your uiun.j li J.
Will. l..r llluMIMwl few Oil COHMU.MW. (kol
uL.1 MM u. ,- SC. Walk A Co , L.K-,. N.V
for ii. by Talluutu Co.. druvKl.t.-
ALL THB N8W8I Taka tba Kast
OieMouiau. Daily Is. a year by
mail. Weekly S'5. d Bean.
Vookly Ss.uo yaei SampUcopy frco
French Restaurant..
Hk.il MkALM IN IBM I'll V
Joat Kutiiol a oil' lot of ii ... Ufa
Uu. UiFooiaIm, Hroprtator.
.wiitlur buildlu.. Mslu at., f.Ddl.loo, Oraguu
Hole! SI Gni
UhO. makvi -ti Hrop
hldotiy Furoistied StMrn Heated
tiuropvaa FUn.
Block anil a half from depot.
Sample Koom In umaiKtloa
Koom Kate
Mk. 7Sc, SIM
For Health, Strength and fl
Ol ....... -. . II .- i . 1 I a a a a a a all
ncanuit 11 uitv
Polydore Moens, Proprietor.
1 1 IB H