t flAILY EVENING EDII IUN 1 "1 DAILY EVENING EDITION EASTERN OREGON WEATHER. Slrl"hl "ni1 ntln't' ROiirrally VOL. 4 PENDLETON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREUON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 8, 1901. .11 IU I I '. I G8NBRAL FOR YOUR GROCERIES.. AND VEGETABLES i lome nd M6 me. Kn-sli Vigeteblw and Pniiti a gpeoialty Digged line BUtple ami tancy Grooerieii in in tin- city. Hi. R. Demott. We want the Men Who are interested in Rood clothes -bncominR clothes fitting cloths to know where To best buy the Best. dome and get) the handsome showing of the finest produotions from the shops of the Greateel clothes Makero in the World. We want the men who buy here to get clothing they'll be thor OUghly satisfied with and we make our selection with that ob(!ct in view and we keep the same purpose m mind when making the price -all our clothing is priced that men will see the financial advantages in respect to style, fit, material, finish. If you want anything In wearing apparel, its here at its best Alexander & Hexter, The Boston Store Of a truth the Summer Girl never had so many pretty "tuhable" dress goods to choose from. In no previous season has there been so much beauty to be had for so little money. :::::: S l-3c tor Pimitiea worth LOo and 12c IOC for fancy 1-awns and Percales. nc for Liivvn- and I Utilities worth 20o 20c (or rgandicH and Batistes worth 25 B9c for all w ol Krenoh Ohailiei. 12 l-'2c for line ginghama and cotton l'ean de Soies. 40c for Alexandria silks in elegant dtisigns. S for ginghami in plain colors und fancies. New Silk Organdies, Exclusive Dress Patterns. New Poulard Silks, Exclusive Dress Patterns. 125 Remnants Wash Goods in lengths from a shirt waist length to a dress lenght. Busiest Store in Pendleton. b MckagM garden seeds ioc piiular 5 cent packages. Sp i i ll values m toilet soap, 3c 14c a bai . Dolle, Toyt, Ciames Large line 1 select from Pwhinn tackle. hoks. lines. pl'-s anil leaders. ( " I" paper, plain and dec rated, 10c to 25c. Photo fri uncs, gilt and gold laud. I bicycles SK to c0. Ve arc ke lowest Flower pots. 4c to 24c. New lies. New music, 50c kind 23c. Hammock Our Una g com Lhisters, I. lushes and wooden- lati . Ubletli inks and office supplies. Gold tilled rings. 2sc and oc, arrant 5 years, Dms, vgggg, glassware. Chicago curtain stretchers, $2.6y Eastman', fancy pedum es. Hit Pott'l Sad irons, complete l ltd stand, $,.25. Ladies pompadour combs, qc to fie. I apaneai l umiture. Cruil(16t Bol. l.... kail w,...-, ttlll. l.ttOC ...... Pods. liiquisitiveness Is troqucntly forgivable as ill the instance of your wanting to know all about the bread you eat. Ask us all the qUMtioni you like about the bread, cakes, pies, etc., we suppiv. YVe will be only too pleased to ans wer them. We have nothing to con ceal, everything to lay open to the inspection of legitimate impiirers. We brag about our bread we have a right to it's good all through every day in the year. C. ROHRMAN. redericK No Ata Stockton lncubors BYERS' BEST FLOUR To make good bread tint Byera' Host Kluur. It took Hint premium at the Chicago World- Fair overall OOmpoth lion, and gives excellent satisfaction wherever mad, Kvery sack is guaranteed We have the lies! Steiini Bulled Bailey, Seed Rye and Beardlosa Barley. PENDLETON ROLLER MILLS W. S. BYLRS, Proprietor. HOSE LAWN MOWERS 1 have a full line of cotton and rubber hose direct from the factory; also have ball bearing lawn mowers, grass catchers, vard sttrinklers at prices to suit -II IT1 .... ..1 u utixLr In titer all. Examine my buyiug. T. C. TAYLOR, the Hardware Man. NKWS. The .'i.'M regiment tms boan mnptered Ml at Shu Franeico. The KngiiHii boa at of bob Don 1 voted 1 he coal tax SSI to -J77. Twenty tor pado boat, will be read to add to the navy in a few week. A syndicate in "Peking to absorb all the watch com pan inn in the United : States. Forty thousand Italian immigrants will have arrived in the I'nited Stab by the end of May. Maaaaehaaatta1 npfama court baa da eided that the law Author i .i iik electro. OOtlon is constitutional . .lames J. Hill axoertft that he dOM not know why Northern Pacific stock has gone to phi eli high Bgurui Kid Carter, of Brooklyn, baatad .'ck Bonner, of Summit Hill, Pa., in a L'0-round light at Louisville, kv. The national controller of the cur renrv han called for a statement of the bnainaM at Um close of Anril M iii all DHtlonal hunk-. Turkey has annulled a oontract for a cruiser that was to have heen built hy the ('ramps. There is talk of demand ing damages for hreach of contract London has a press dispatch from New York saving that Secretary Hay has sent to f.nrd I'anncetote, F,ngliii ambaaaador, draft of a new eanal treaty. Lady Randolph Churchill and an Knglisti naval captain are disputing over the ownership of a Hag given hy Onaan Victoria to the hospital slnp Maine. Heir of the men killed on the battleship Maine in Havana liarhor, with the surviving seamen, ask for an aggregate of i.",(HH,0lKI from the gov ernment Nix men and a woman have been ar rested in Macon county, Oeorgia, charged with conspiracy to doram! the fire insurance companies hy setting a aeries of fires. Pension officials are iiiu.lcd over this point: Liziie Halladv, inmate of a criminal insane hoNpital, New York state, demands a pension a" the widow of her Noldier husband w hom she killed at her home near Warwick, three years ago. M'KINLEY IS IN THE GOLDEN GATE STATE o Beautiful Flower Displays at 1 Redlands. THE NKW YORK MARkl.l LOS ANGELES ALSO DECORATED California Gives a Rlfttit Royal Welcome to tbe Nation's Chief Executive and His Party. pacific northwest Nbws. Port Tow nsend is finding indications ot petroleum. The insane asylum board raporte 1289 patients now in care at Salem. W. II. II. Mavis, an Oregon pioneer living at Chehulis, Wash., is dead. Futurity stakes are to he offered hv the Salem State fair hoard of h'KXi for -vear-old trotters and pacer. Voting is in progress at Tacoma for the queen of the carnival. '1 he success ful candidate will receive a SS0 Biano. .Sain Fox, of Baker Citv, died lion day of heart disease. The lusly was taken to Portland hv the Kagles for burial. The principal of the New Whatcom normal school lias a private secretary ami stenographer, Mims Nellie l!ooper, of Pullman. Hop contracting at Salem seems to have ceased, onlv one having I II tiled for a week, when usiiallv luaiiv would have been placed on record. " The Standard Oil (Jo. now owns in full the famous Bonanza mine, having made thelast pavmeiit to the (ieisers In all , mi noo was paid. Last month's run brought a cleanup id . uoo. The Bav I'ltV I evelopment Co bits tilatl articles of incorporation at Salem ; It. J. Hendricks, Kcott Bor.orth and I rank Havev; capital, fluooon, diiect. to tlevidoo oN iirooio i in TillainiKik ccuntv . Th Columbia Kiver I- lahermenV Pisitttctive I'uion haa decided to raise a inn. i ami employ mail to tigiii Hie sea lion nuisance I-isbermen regard them as the greatest menace to the in- lustry that is known. Albany women who asked iov. Oner to pardon Hugh Patterson, who was in tin penitentiary y criminal assanii, reseiit the criticisms against tbcm, ami -fay their reepmst for a pardon was not a condoning ot bis crime Salem has theae conventions to en tertaiu during the coming week Q two: l oung I'eoples' Society of Chris. nun Endeavor, The Poraatera, Mtatu Sunday atdioid con vent ion, ami tiien the thouaands who will go there to -ee i'rtisiduiit McKinley. YCLog Girss Arc often engaged in doing the wrk of lionl. ii'ldei t'.lc lllo!,t trvlllg condi )- n til ni Nal HI III m irii out ih tlu running up an down Main ui Unv wl.eii Ulsjr bhonl ih: a light as i.vi ble. It lb awing to overstrain or .- !( neglect under I lu condition that i lit fou in talion is . .1 ial tor Sertoli ly dinease. Irrvgu lanty t the iat step to in. i I woinanlv '. Perfect i may be g bv tin- u. o. lit Pierce r. I n Pretcriplii It will beai intlailllim- tiou and Hid I at ion and cure b male oauaan it makes weal; wo : en utrong and Hi r women well. " It tfivi-s ino rruch pleaaarc " writ Mi-i Kiln ki pf lanica- luWll. lilll 'to' ,1 C I1IU . N C , "to tbaak Or Pirr-c for Ih.- gr ul gufMl received from the uac of liw Favorin- pr-.-Mrip linn' iiud Ouluku Medical DIacuv r) I hail aiilf. ri.U I.M- tliree ycitr or luurc ut nuait1 ly riocU It Hxiuted u though 1 would ili with piiiu. iu my oMwk mho toiuui a i . "'a i not uud at Mil without faiitlinji. Ilni! gin-n upall hoiH' of ever n. iair curve, whi n one .if wf frieiid iiiMi-t I uuoli tin trviui! Ii I'i i. ih I Havonle I'I ea. rmtloll. Vllli I. lit 1C!, tried it. ami l-foie I llatl taken halt a I'olth I felt better. Now I MMe taken two Pol CM a I .....n. I . . i i'il I, .i ..ml one .it I. ul ii a M... Ileal Oieovei .' ami 1 .nil CUtin I. . nrw.l ...ul iU IWO UtOUth' tlUJe when all oth. I in .ilk'lnen bail Uilcd " Ur. l'ierce's Coiuidoii Scum- Mid nal Adviser, paper cover.-., sent on ie- cetpt of at one-cent stainjrs, to pay ex pense of mailing onlv. Addiusa III. fe. V. fierce, Ituflulo, N. V. Radlandl, May I, -At o'clock this morning, the presidential party arrived in this city ami made the first nllicial stop in California. Those comprising t he party are : The President, Mrs. McKinlev, Mis Barber, Secretary Hay, Mrs. Ilav. Postmaster Ocn'eral .Smith, Mrs. Smith, Secretary Long, Mrs. Long, Secretary Hitchcock, M iss II i ttdict ick , Secretary Wilson, Miss Wilson, Private Secretary Cortelvou, Mrs. Cortelvon, Dr. P. ft. Rixev, Mrs. Ri xey, A si is taut Secretary Barnes, Henry T. Srott, Laurence 1. Scott, Charles A. Mis ire, Mrs. Moore, M. A. Ihgnan, J, Kritts tdinitt, fourth vice-presiilent Southern Pnelfle railroad ; I.. S. Brown, general agent Southern railway; A J. 1 nard, Nelson Webster ami M. C. Letta, stenographers; Howard M Thompson. Associated Press; Walter F. Clark. New York Sim Press Assn. ciatton; K. H. Ha.ard, of Scripps-Mc-llae Press ssociation; ,1. C. I loin, ment, Harpers' Weekly; .lames II. Hare, Collier's Weekly; li. L. Putin, Leslie's Weekly; W. W. Price, Wash- I Of too I, veiling Star; Henry L. West, Washington I'ost, Frank It. Lord, Washington Tunes; H. A. Mrohineyer, photographer; Morela Maroan. Wi'stern Hniou Telegraph company; QaOfge W. Babbel, Postal Telegraph company. In addition to these there are a number id servants ami attaches Those entertaining. Dpon arrival, the president was greeted by the governor of California and his reception committee, who will escort the president until be reaches San Francisco. The governor's com mittee is thus com poped : (inventor T. T. Cage, Lieutenant (loVernOI Jacob Keff. speaker of the --. mhlv C. W. Pendleton, Chief Jus. tic William II. Beatty, enatnr (ieorgeC. Perkins, Senator Thomas P.. Hard, Congressman Frank L. Coombs, I'ongressman amuel l. Wish), ('oii- gressman ". Ictor II Metcalf, ( Ungress- man Julius Kahn, CotigreHsinan Ku- geue I- . I .11.1 ( nngressmaii Joseph McLai bland, Congressman James C Needban. The presidential train pnlltal out into the gaily decorated depot amid UM cheers of the assembled thousand a rousing welcome to the (lolden State f characteristic Cal ifornia hospitality. lmmeilialidy upon tbe arrival, th visitors were piaceii in carriages liiagniticeiitlv h rated with Itedland' Oh -t dowers, ami drives tbrotigb the fired, ablate with hiintinug, to tin LOOM hotel, where tbe welcoming ex ercise were debt on the aiiaciotls er andna. Oovernor and President. tioyertior tiage in a ten miiutte spot cli ilel i yereil an atMress of wt me I be brief resiionae of tbe president wa gn-etisl w lib tleafeiiing cneers. I liese exercises were . I Py an informs; reception of an hour, after which it drive wa- taken throuul orange groies Itagraut with blooms to Smalley Height and other points of interest about the citv. I In- lirst carriage was occupied by I resident .McKlliley, iovernor Oage ami K. S. (irabam, president of tl lie. I amis lloutd of I lade I lie presPlent HXpreMseil liiinsell as delighted with hi welcome to Cali fornia while the entire parly were enraptured with tbe lieautiful laud si p. - The novelty of tbe orange ami fruit orchards, their verdant green after the dreary deserts of tbe past few dayg caused constant moments id de light. At nOOl the party left (or Iami Angeles. Reported by I. L. Ray ft Co., Pendleton, Chleaa-o Board of Trade end New York Stoek Rxehantre Broken. New York, May S. The wheat mar ket was lower today, closing . nttth r jreeterday, Liverpool stoned '4 higher, r -11 i-x. New York Opened unchanged, 7Hc, am) sobl up lo 7t :l-x, back to 7S', ami losed at the low point. There was wild excitement tin the stock Biehenge, v p. bnfng npltS per share, and St. Paul off 17, Wheat : Closing yesterday, 7(1. Opening today, 7W. Range ttxlay, to 7! :l-H. Closing today, 7S,. St.sk : Sugar, 141 :!-H; tobacco, ! 1 20 1 steel, 47 ; St. Paul. 164 W ; C. L.. 1 (i., I; N. P.,.-7; IrtO, M Wheat in San Kranelieo. San I'ramisco, Mav S. Pecember nbeat, 100 1 I to ioi ff. Wheel in Chleato. ObioagO, Mav I. July wheat. 7:1 to fair re cottec New York Market. New York, Mav g, Sugar, fimsl, ;;'4 cntrifugals, 4W RiO. No. 7 ipot. b'4 . rice, ; to i'4 ; wool, anohanied. EtTect or High Corn Cincinnati, May 8. Owing to the high price of torn, the National March company may close its eleven nulls, throwing large number out of employ ment. The speculative demoralisation kept on almost to the end of the session. Prices swept down many points thr. lOgtlOal the entire list. Some went off from ten to fifteen per cent, hut Northern Pacilic held it big gain teadily, DEMOCRATS WON CITY ELECTION IN SPOKANE O Dr. P. S. Byrne Defeated Dr. C. G. Browne. o THE PLURALITY WAS ABOUT 150 o Anderson, I'roliihllion Unilldale, Polled tlMHi Votes Out of a Total of IMI, IKK) Votes Cast. Spokane lion here elei list t lit urer nil. AUGUSTA. QEORQIA, IS Al IRIi UUAKIKK OP A MILLION LOSS ALREADY SUSTAINED. Hemes Are Beyond Control end Rail road Terminals Are Threatened No Lives Are Lost ugtista, (.a., Mav H. Fire which started at 1 ::fc o'dnck this afterniHiii has destroyed the great cotton ware house of the I'uion Compress company, ami the warehouse of Pbitius. y , Co., and B, M. Whitney are burning. At o'clocl the dailies are beyond con trol and threaten the extensile term mats ot the Charleston ami West Onro linn road, with its new freight depot The his already li 3oX),000. No iiV).h have I n lost yet, so far a known. TO CLEANSE CITVOI CHICAGO Mayor Harrison Proposes 10 LOS AMQELES BRPBCKBP A Warm Welcome Ulven the President's Party. Los Angeles, May 8. --The president and hi party arrived this aftermsm. Streets ami building are in gala attire, draped with multicolored bunt ing and streaming banner, palm leaves and evergreens. The preiiiential party was met at tbe Arcade depot hy a reception com mittee coin poked of 'M0 ot the beat known society iadie of the city, who immediately lik in charge tbe ladiea of the viaUing party and escorted them to the Woman 's Club bouse on Figueroa street, while tbe president ami bis cabinet went under the charge id tbe city reception committee to a hand shaking ordeal at tbe Van Nuys hotel At the Woman's club bouae, Mrs. Mi km lev ami tbe numerous ladies of tbe president's entourage were received as became the wife of tiie nation's chief executive, perhaps the most bril liant lunclion in tbe h. story ol the city. Says He Do This. Chicago, May K. Mayor Harrison has placed the stamp ot his approval on the order iaeiusl by Chief of Police O'Neill lat night directed against piekpoekati ami orniDdaooa men. Furthermore, the mayor assort that be will aid Chief O'Neill in getting men who can do the work, il the present police department is ;n- ade.jliate. "I will stand behind the t hief in his Ofdof i " said Mayor Harrison. " be I leva what he says ia abolutel B0f rect. ll the present force and the commanders cannot execute; bis orders I ami ml the city of the vicious classes we should get men who can. And wnal i more, I will aeeiHl him in getti.g other men il lie want them. Hut I believe that now, with the . r mail at the head ot the lorce, the rank and lib- will do their duty, ami we will bave no more trouble. Chltd O'Neill know what to do. He has beoH told lo enforce tbe laws, ami I am willing to hack him up in whatever be ilntm nLi.i kiu.ili i.i. , . rnei ir .ein i.imsen wa a busy man this morning, giving out orders to etibordiiiate, instruct ing captain what was ' -i to do in their districts and disciplining I leuteiiant whom hu thought wersi not on He up to the mark inecniei is Keeping a close watch on every inspector and every division ami knows exactly what move is made to warn tarry nig out nis orlers. It is the lirst time iu many years that the sd ice department has been so stirred as H i now. ... i .1. i i . lu'oni man i uoing nusiness, no mistake about that," is tbe genera! remark ol tbe pol iceman who happen to le talking Ol tlie new .-uper ni, n uttni. "1 am not titriiig tiling in a hurry, nor with a hurrah, hut I uieait bust lies just the same," is the ueslcst statement tl Cbiuf O'Neill Ma) s. in the oils elan yesterday the democrat mayor, nnmntroller. trta- even ol the lit mniMlliMn Ur. p. s. Byrne, tbe dernooratii eandl. tlate fnr mayor defeated Dr, c. o. Browne, republican, hv from ISS to -.'tKI plurality, tndereon who wa non Inated by the prohibitionists ami en tlorsed bv a strong cilmens' movement polled more thiiu I00U voles. 1'he total vote was about 'moil Tl lection was a vert natal affair and there was got a sign of a distur bance at any ol the Voting place throughout the city. The dav was. bright and warm and, while the vote wa not phenomenally large it wa tafflelentlv wrong to detnoneirate tha fact that the election caused no small amount of interest . The fact that the city i in tbe con trol id the democrats will not, in the general opinion, alter great I v the ad minletmtloa of affairs which haa. been followed iu the past, as there ha never I n what might be termed a sharp party line drawn in the munici nal affairs of the citv. The bu t that the prohibitionists polled fully one lifth ol the vole seems to be causing more coiuiiient than any other phase of t he elect ion . Republican In Haltlmore. Baltimore, May I, 'The municipal election in this citv yeeterday. the ilrst one of Importance held ander the new ballot low, resulted in a sweeping victory for tbe republican. They carried ih out i the im wards, electing IH members, to tin lirst branch of the city council ami all three candidate for the second brunch. Only about gg percent ol the entire registered Vote was po led and the colored vole wa very light. The democrate attributed their defeat lo fractional dlltercincs. A TENEMENT HOUSE FIRE Two Women Hunted to Death anil SI a People Inlured. New Yurk, Mav h. - t wo women were burned to death and six pie injured hy jumping from the windows of an apartment hoiis I.x itis-lon an t Si xteentb st reels carl this morn Tbe dead are: Mr. Jennie Mc Sorley. Mr. Marv llmwii. The tire started In the store beneath "he lire aacnpai were won tiled bv the tenant, a score ol whom lumped Into the nets. A Salem, Indiana, (Mrs. alem, lad.) May H. Fire early this morning deetroyed every building m the s.piare bounded by Market, Water, Poplar streets l b,, loss is 110,000. CARNEGIE'S LATES1 GUI Larries His Uenetaellons lu Haallslt Civil Eritflneers. Lon, Ion, May H. At the annual meeting of the lUetltUla "f civil eu- gn rs this aftomOJOi H wa an- aonnotsl that ndrew Carnegie bail de cided to double ins lormar gift ol MOO linuuds.thtt money to l used in pri.es. Carnegie was preaaol In an addfaai he advised KuglialiuMMi to develop their home reeourcel and net to worry about the market abroad "The way lo get bold f the foreign markets, " he said , "In lo OOngaal the markets at home " PIRI kAGI;S IN SEATTLE no. n CONFERRING THb KtU HAT Martlneill Made a Cardlaai at tbe Uaitl- more Catbedral. iialumore, May 8. In a blase of splendor and in the presence of nearly every high otbcial of tbe Roman Catbo- 1 10 chnn h in tins country, tbe red birretta, or cardinal's bat, was con ferred on Cardinal Martinelli this morning at tbe catbedral, Cardinal IhboiiH olliciating. 1 lie procoeeinu from tbe cardinalate to tlie church was very imposing It was witnessed by a great crowd. At the catbedral, Martinelli and (iibbons occupied thrOIUM facing tbe altar. Tbe proceed iuga cloned with poiititicitl high mass. NOW A MEXICAN CALAMITY A bloriu Lrsslss Mavoe In and Nssr Monterey. Mexico City, May . Monterey ami Vicinity for eight mile each side were Hwept by a terrible bail storm yoaler- iay. 1 be river rose several feel. A number ol taimlies were tan led awav ami many children were drowned. An Italian village up the river was swept out ' existence. The Indemnity lieiuanU. I'ekin, May n. 1 lie lorelgu minis lers todav decided to inform China that the indemnity demanded has been lix.sl at I si ooo 'Kkl tales. Hie value ol a lael varies, le.l in tbe 1 i ' ' Mat is money, the total will be about ,.sJ, 760,000. str ung : iicin Up Summarily. Constantinople, May a. Two armed Ariuee n.i.s, who ills alleged b as ted of their i nici. 1 1. ii to murder tin- sultan, wen arrested baiav ami summarily executed on boaid a warship in the harbor. filly Itiuutaiid Uollars Loss Hal Sustained. Haattle. May b PIN broke out at 11 o'ebwk in the hasi-melit ol Marshall blra-k on I' i ami Main street ami la still raging in the hiisiue portion of the city I he loss Is at least f.r).MI, ami all is insured. I'be principal losers are .Mitt bell Globe Hotel, t . lob.- cafe. a 0c Harry l.oUls l.al.er, Label and the IklSCO'S STRIKE PHASE Usksrs Two bun strut k iu real a ura a t oukn and Uakei do Uul lo Assist Oilier and Wallers. san KranciaoOi May H. Ired bakers this morning bakeries having iioii-unloii altatbeil, to assist tbe waiters now sinking ( arriage black smiths numbering IWO hundred struck this morning because tbe employers refused recognition ol tbe union. I Ok' liatb CUTJCURA SOAP. Wood Predict leeeptsnse. Havana, Mai 8 I hi . tvaae fore- eluaore decree Will lar read tomorrow ami tioveruor Wood piwiicU unani minis acceplance. b iroelooa In Riotous Condition. Madrid, May H Tlie cabo.et has deenhtd to declare Barcelona in a stage of sieo on account of the labor riotr . sm '". rLVJrk4a . iLiiiun ivUuoss, and roea-ha ut Uis .kin. wil liiaau.uu.Uo. sjlas la l) slH'lislu can lie clir.Mi hv IihIiii Acker's dyspepsia tabid One little i and l.rUUii, auU k. lliowsd ty mu. tablet will git.- 1 1 1 1 1 n.i 1 1 dc niioiur , .,,. ... s oi.aa.ein, u.e inline v refill, dl. Sold in handsome anwal sain curv, iielu)i cares an rui ais ur till box on at 'Jbc, hy Brock A McXiimas. I asju and buuaws and raeluros Ui uaij.