0 EVENING EDITION .- 0MIY EVENING EDITION WISH MEN I Ltwlnailmplawajrand I MAKE MONEY I '('! EASTERN mm WEATHER. : nr. 14. PENDLETON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OK Elf ON, TUESDAY, MAY f, 191)1. ' - NO. 1U8 01 ILL ANT ROCERIES. I iiiivi' it large stock for mg b I mIwH (riirn. I make ., spaalftltjf "f wholesale irliri-. I iny tln li if ImhI priii'- for country prodooji inn! chickens, P IW.mr.f t . am. mwm m mrm a We want the Men Who arc interested in roo1 clothes becoming clothes SttiQg cloths to know where To best buy the Best. OoBM and sec tli" handsome showing of the finest productions from the shops of the (iivntest Clothes Makers in the World. We want the men who liny hen- to fW clothing they'll be thor oughly satisfied with and we make our selection with that object in view and we ItMp the same purpose in mind when making the price all onr clothing is priced that men will sec the financial advantages in respect hi style, fit, material, finish. If you want anything In wearing apparel, h ere at its best. Alexander & Hexter. The Boston Store (IV i truth iYif Sin m m f.irl mvir lincl in m;inv A A .1 1 ft l 4? prcuj "lunaoic uress guuus iu wuuubc num. in no nrevioUM season has there been so much beauty . . . . . . m m . . . m m . . . . . , . . ! ' 1 1 .iu i wi .in a is. taw i iwi v . V 1 1 I ... II....... ... ... ....!. 111.. .....I I 1 . . O I . I'M I ' I I I I I 1 I ' Will'. II I'" ,tnt I. i iwi mi i.iik v i.awie :u mi i eri'iiiuh. s I I HIMI. lli, I 1 I (.il1.ii. ll.ll'tl, 'llo ' . I'M I , I ' I I i 1 I ' I .lulling .1 Ui III 'it. Ii if I Irfraiirlinu i .. I I 1 i uf n u-i irl I . ''.' " ftc for all w French OhJtHiee, 12 l-2c for tine ginghami and cotton I'eau de Soies. 4-Oc for Alexandria silks In elegant designs. S 1 -, for ginghami in plain colors and fancies. ft v w a . W m ft .. 1 v - - i k t friiMiiiiii s. r iijsi t: u csn raiierna. 1 1 1 IV1 I T. -1 i IX lt..4 2r Keniiiants Wash (ootls in lengths irom a shirt waist length to a dress lenght. I'.e k.igrs garden seeds ioc ii. i r i iaiii 1 1 ! 1 1 L" i i i I r ii l.i v in: in n ii in cm'i n i - I"' Ii a i ir I ' i ll u ill . Lining tackle, liwuks, lines, i .. i .. i i . I I "" 1 I'll.-ll HUH I'll 1... I .. -J-. iu names, gut anil goia lowen W puts, 4c to 24c. New H JWV KIHU IIQmocka Our Um is coin- m... i, iirusiies anil woollen- iii' K inL. ...i .;.. - 1 ..... nneu nngs, jsc and 50c, 1111 5 years. 1 iii' - . . ,isi 'i irl'i couin ri piivsga curtain stretchers, Jla Oij isiiv) )ieriiMues. rs I'utt's Sad irons, complete 1. 1 . i . 1 Pfi r"MiMui)iir coiiids, yc 10 nan,.... i .. 1 "i iiiiure. 1-'. ouB anil nasi: uau is ' lnquisificncss Is frequently forgivable as in tlie instance of your wanting to know all about the bread you eat. Ask us all tin quMtiOM you like about the biead. takes, pies, eti ., we SUppiv We will be only too pleased to ails wer them. We have nothing to con ceal, everything to lay open to the inspection of legitimate inquirers. 1 brag about our bread we have a right to it's good all through eAery day in the car. C. ROHKMAN. edericK No 1 I 1 I U i. I . W ft A v -HocKiun incunuiurs BYERS' BEST FLOUR 'In make gixxl hruail uhh Byra' lioHt Klour. ll tixik Brtt BfW&iftjn at thi' CMiii-aK" W'.rlilV Fair over all cum put i 1 I'm . aild k' '. exuelleut Hatinfactiou wherever lined. Kvery aai-k ll guaruiitueil. We liave the lieHt fltoftm Kolled Bailey, Sued Kyu ami Beanllemi Barley. PENDLETON ROLLER MILLS VV. S. BVI KS, Proprietor. HOSE LAWN MOWERS 1 iiave a full line of cotton and rubber hose direct from the factory; also have hall bearing Imwii mowers, grass catchers, yard sprinklers at prices to suit ail. Examine my stork befoic buying. T. C. TAYLOR, the Hardware Man. GBNBRAL NBWS. Additions arrpntn fiavp tieen inade in RiiR8ia for revolutionary ri-(h. Sir Thoman LiptOB in OODfldftBl his Sfiamroi'k II will win the ABMTieftD. OUp tfiin year China han pri -...1 to the w.irlil that Manchuria fie openeif to all the powerH on equal term. I rrnaiifnnt Mckinley telegraphed pmniine of anfiintance to the JftOklOII vine, Flft. 1 tire (nifferern. Relief trainn have reai hisl Jackson ville, Kla., to leeil and clothe HiiffererH hrOB the ri nt 15,000,0011 fire. Mr. Mckinley UM fthOWB to tOOftB the electric hutton to laiiiuh the hattlexhip Ohio at San Kraticim .1 The revolution in Oolnmhia hax lieen mippreHneil, excviitinu that hainN of guerilla" roam the country and wage war Iron the luinhea. Minister Conger anaerts that if any of the powers take terriotry in lieu of money lor indemnity ' it will mean partition of the empire. Seven people were humed to death in a .'-Ht.iry apartment house in Chicago on Sunday, May .', and a DftBh her were seriously injured. The United Stales army in the Phil Ippiafti win he rtdnotd to 40,000. in the event that conditions justify it, further reductions will he made. liypsies oinned the wells 111 an Hungarian village and killed l; peo ple. It was in revenge tor capture oi some of their mini hers hy the gen darmes. Ocean liners reaching New York of late average IOO11 immigrants each, with many cases of smallpox, winch are removed to the pesthi Mise .111 Hoff man island. Minnesota has a law making wife deaertioii a in-intent .an ..tten-e. Hence the Ramsey county board of control is getting out papers to secure the return of .'to huihauds who left their wives and wem to other states. PRESIDENT M'KINLEY GETS A GOLD BRICK Arizona Mine Makes Him a $28,000 One. HE MITERS CALIPORIIA TOMORROW ays that Morgan has acquired control of the Atlantic Transportat i n mid Keil Star lines. Loeomotlva Works Combine. New York. Mav 7. It in anthorita tivelv tlfttftd todav that the proposed continuation of nil loOOOMtlVfl matin facturing OOBOftflll ( the tint tod States, with the exception oi the Italdwiu works, has DMtl consnin mateil . Tha Work or Concentration. New York, May 7. The steel trust, so it is stat.' I, has adopted the policv of dismantling the smaller plants and removing the niMrhmerv to the places where the more important works are locate,!. Prepiratioos Arc Elaborate All Along Llw for a MagDiflcent Reception. PbOftall, Ari,., Mav 7. After break fast the president took a trip through the higgent gold mine in Arizona. The train was pulled up the mountain from Phoenix to the Congress mine, which turns out two million" in gold yearly. The president w as great I v interested. On the way be had his picture taken. A gold brick worth -H.Olkl was made in the mine for bis lieneHt. After leaving the mine he said that it was the tirst time he had seen the Hag tloating fifteen hlBdrei feet under ground and waived by patriotic miners. Alter the visit, the stecial was taken back to I'hoenix. PACIFIC NORTHWEST NBWS. The body of the late K. B. Mcklroy was buried at Corvallis. Joseph Noah, a logger, was killed near Castle Rouk, Washington. Centralia has sold tTakKl school bonds, .'1 per cents, at 11 premium. Portland jewellers are binning social ami busmens organisation. J he J'ortlaud M. Mark s rrote-taiit Kpiacopal church has been freed from debt. Portland is vigorously taking hold the drydock question and ; r , .-es to have one. The Portland, Nebalein ft Tillamook railway will build 41! miles of road this year. ll is claimed that Holdiers at Van couver Rarracks, Wash., held a hov years old and robbed him of $ti. Columbia county, Oregon, has called all warrants issued prior to Nov. Ill, 1 mill, and warrants have gone to par. J, W. Ferrier, charged with murder at Chehalia.WaHh., ha given a tin, OK bond for bis apparance before the mi prior court. Serious doubts exist as to the validity of tin- law increasing tin inemlierHbip of the Washington an. preme court. It is thought hy iiimiv that (he Ore gon land I may lie held lor tin Mmriuge oil,, v . Oavia, which is about 1.10,1)00. Cfiaa. M. liarvev, editor of the m I.oiiib lilobe-lemocrat, has pledge. warm nupport for the Portland Lew 1 .V Clark 1 ''Milennial. The Retail Clerk's Union inOlvmnia luif succeeUi'il 111 inducing the cloi-ing of all grocery and general men liuinline siores ai 1 o cioca III tlie evening QftOi ll.i ..- of Tacoma, started a Ikioiii for David lieuuetl liill, of New York, for tlie presidency, which Mr. Hill promptly stopped bv tiis recent interview declaring that lie has no in l. ill of touring the Pacini coast. WELCOMEO BV CALIFORNIA itie state to B Embowered tor a Week for the Preil(ent. fis Angeles, May 7.-Karlv tomor row morning, the special train bearing ine presnieni ami ins party enters I Ml 1 torn in, where for two weeks they will tie entertained a only the Oohlen Oate state can entertain.' Arriving at me uenianiis at Wo'clis-k, the next tw. wt ks will In- one continual ova tion. The i.arty arrive in l.os Anueles to. innrrow afternoon, and will leave I n day morning via the coast line for Han Francisco. Ventura will be given an hour, Santa Barbara three hours and San Loll Obispo an hour. Sunday, Mav 11, will he spent at Monterey. " The start from there will lie at N o'clock Monday morning. Afier a five minute stop at Pariare, two hours and twenty minutes will be spent at the seaside eily of Santa Cruz, ami in viewing the mammoth redwood trees which grow in the mountain" not far from there. SftO .lose, once the capital of Cali fornia, will he reached on May PI, at IM p. in. There a Moral parade will lie reviewed and tlie night will lie ti I led with revelry. Leaving Sail Jose and its Moral glories at 10 o'clock on May 14, there will tie a visit to tliH Stanford mo vers it v at Mo Alto, three hours with llenry X. Scott at his liome near the itiirlingbam Century club, and San Krancisco. the destination of the party will be reached at 4:40 on the after noon ol luewlav, Mav It. Long Jump rrem Bl Pto. Phoenix. Arir... Mav 7 Aftr an all night ride through alkali and OftOtUe land, the . reel. lent 's train ar. rived here early tin- ii.i.n.iiiu ll, ....... tlie run from hi Paso.fiv,. minute stops were inane ai I'euniig, . .M . , ltem.011. rusion, Mareona Aruona. Tin, train leavei. here tonight and will nt..r 'alifornia Wmlnesdav morning. P,hI- iands Is-ing tn,. ri'st stop. Jxai Angeles will alao he made that day. In the latter city, an elaborate welcome has bftM planned ki ssia and QEKAUNY Relalionk Stained Over siian.v to n, Marehal Waldarsaa. Uuaiagtiftm, May 7. Thft Post this inoriniig says that liie relations be tweeu the Russian and ilrnmi. u,.u. riimeiite are straiiiiNi. Close ...mm. pondence is procnslitig Imtween the two. I he tieriiians are objecting to many slights on Field Marshal Wal- leraee by Russian officers in China. Czar Review the Army. St. Petersburg, May 7. A huge re. View ol the army was held bv th eiar thia morning. highly thousand tnsipe of all branches of the acn parucipateu. The Race: the start but on tin pum i w hi. li carrie f lo. not il.-iM-ud finiah. It' atawiug many a nu.uer to victory, Jt nki th i in husintaa. Many a man atuil.-, 4f ii lilt- I act- for buaiutiui auccrss with . hurst of fenced which sreiiln to i victory. PlftftMtly 'a- Is gin- to faltl i and al last lit- tails and fails. 'II,. I '.cm rally "stoniach trouble.' No HeMI 11 alionger than his stum.icli lie. Iiaale lead to rarely and imgulai l ' ing. Thft atoiuach and otb) t unu H Oi digcalitiii and nutrition he. on. . ll i 1 I'll, bodjl is inaiicquol, lv niiiiii-.il. .! .ui' so grow VMk. Ilr. l'turce's Cold, n liexiicsl I " l cure diaeaar of the toiuach urn other organs of digi-ktioii and i.ulrii.o.i. It strcugthi ns tnc atOiluu h and Ui etrvligth' ens tlie wliolc body which dcpcudi on llu- stouiacli loi tbt OttriahlMDl lioiu w hich atreugth is made. There is no alcohol in "Golden Medical Discovery," and it is entirely tree flrOUi opiuiu, OOCftieM and all other narcotic. Accept no substitute lor the " Iiiacov- cry." There i no medicine jn-l gotsl " lor dikeascs ol the stomal li allied organs " Yuur 'Goldi-u si : lUM-uvery has p! loiuit'.l u wuudeiliil hi. U I in - Ml M 11 luuw- .,( ChurlrMoli Franklin lu Ark. "i huii tlie- wurt ceac ul dy.pt-ui.ia, . tit ductias say. tlial lhty ever miw Ailtr tryiiin Mvcn ductur. mid rvcrvtliiiiK 1 c.hiI.I hearur, willi au u ... r.i I tried lit Pierce Gulden m. ..... Ln cuvery. sad ntiw 1 am curt-d." Pi 1'leree's I'l.asalit felleU Clue COUSlipultou. THI: NEW YORK MARKET Reported by I L. Ray ft Co., Pandleton. Chicago Board of Trade and New York Stoek Bxehanare Brokart. New York, Mav 7. The wheat mar ket was stronger today Liverni lieing up ' ol, and New York i-8 at the clole. l.iverMHl I'luaetl 'i -10 7-H. New York "peinil at 7f04 ami aohl between this point and 79 and clnmil at the high point, Kxport demand continues heavy mid there are increasing reports of in sect damage in Kansas and Nebraska, stocks strong, N P. again lead in.' in the advance with fl and closing flu over yesterday . Wheat Close yesterday. 7H ;.S, Open today, 7S',. Range today, 7H4 to 7'.i"l H. Close today, 7W.I-H. July corn, IW . Stocks: Sugar, 14H ; tobacco, lu'7 steel, 41 ; St. Paul, IHO; C. P.. .v Q, 196 7-; N. I'., 142'... ; Krie, 41. Wheel In Chleaio. ChleftfO, lav 7.- Jnlv wheat, 7'J1 to 7:' 7-8. New York Market. New t ..rk. Mav 7 SoiftT, raw lair refining, :04 .centrifugals, 4'4 to ,ri 1-H collee, Klo, u. , spot, li1 . ; rice domestic, ;l'9 to r.'4 wool, unchanged PERRY HEATH IS BOOMING MARK HANNA -o Said in London the Senator is Good Timber - O" - FROM WHICH TO MAKK A PRESIDENT Of the United S'atev Senator Hanna. When Asked In luUlgLM, Refused to lllsniss If Seriously. lis- BULLS HAD THE liXCHANOL Stueki Had Another Big Upward Move mini In New York. New York, Mav. 7. The stock mar kel was extremely bullish this morn ing. i ii i ac i nc was ine leailer in the strength thai was shown. Prftotl cally the entire Mat ehowisl gains, liefore the uioriilllg seisiou Inn emlitl, the llllctuat ions lie. nine violent and extreme nervousness marked tl coin I it tons at noon. taiialiiin ami .Northern I'm illc weie strong features Northern Pftolflc made anot her sensa tional gain this afternoon, going up to 114 on liU-ral buying and an author t tative denial of the story that the Van derbilts had wrctc.l Die line from J J. Hill. This jump represented a gain oi sixteen ami hall points for the dav THE CANAL I RliATS MATTLR In the Indefinite Furui Between Hay and Pauneerole. Washington, May 7. It ia learned from an authoritative source that be fore secretary Hay left here for the west be bad several conference with Lord Patincefote relative to the basis ' for another Isthmian canal treaty und that au iiuoltn ial written memoran dum alao was submitlisl to Lord Panii BftfOM on the sulijm t. The ambassador has made known the general results of these conversations and ol tbe malum -aiidiim to the autlmrit iftg in IsTuVmi. and it is doiibtleasto tin. that allusion is made in Loudon dispatches. It is eatd, however, that tbe negotia tions are so tentative and iulormal that they are nut regarded as an oBoiftl exchange or proposition. What they einboil ia not made known, though it ia understood they are chielly an ftlMftilioe Oi the views held by the I' lilted Slates senators as to essential features which should be in eluded In the treaty. LEMH hunts SCHEMi Korean New York, .May ".-A Loudon patch .piofes Perry Heath as saving that there is not man tn the republi can party who could g,.( tl. ext presi dent ml nomination m easily n- Mark llaiiua, and none wh mid he so easily elected lie savn that he do not behe. McKmley wants a third term. Mr. Heath, who has lilhsl an unpor. taut offlot In the poeioffloc department, has bftJMI very close lo the adininiitra tion, and has been an MMciftl politi cat proteg,. f Mark Hftftftft, Hie potitleiftni here are Wondering whether or not this statement bv Parry Heath is a part of a plan bv Mr Hantia to pave a president u nnm unit mn whither Mr, Heath snoke with the win Im and wlu ther Mr, Heath spoke O oiiselit of Mutator llanm, Senator Hanna Wouldn't Talk. Washington, May s Senator Hanna refused seriously to discuss the Heath interview. It created s,,, new hat of a sensation at the capital, and is the topic of iv . r-at mn todav . In tin, abs if anything authentic from Senator Hanna, views leaning to both sides of the controversy are expressisl. some asserting that the mere discus sion of Mutator II , i, , name in con nection with the presidency will iniure the republican party, while othera think that Parry Heath has . or reel I v guaged the situat mn. VICIOUS MUST LEAVE CITY ALBANY NOW HAS A STRIKE main Hundred Slieel Car gmuloves Tie Op the system. Albany, N. y., MMV 7.aII Use -treet car lines of this city are lied up by a strike of 1W0 employee, who want me eunre system iiaionued and placed at twenty cents au hour. English Coal Miners Meet. London, .May 7. - A meeting of the national council of coal miners is hi ing helil this afternsn to coueidor the advisability of ordering a general atrike on MOOI ol the eisjrt tax on coal The conference adjourned tbia afOH Iftg without taking action. A ages 10 I'AkOON THE YOUNOLkS UH I Farmers Custom Mill li ed Waltare, Propria tot. OapaoHy, let) Parrels a day. riour exohauaed lor sliwi riuui, Mill feed, llhupped Vtatd, etc., alway uu baud. Miuneaota Prison Managers lecom mend lo the Slate Board. St. Paul, May 7. The state hoard of prison managers today unanimously recxiiumeudttif tbe paroling of tbe lounger hrothera. Before the noted convicts can be relased the recommen dation must receive the annroval of the state pardon la,ard. it is doubtful if two mem here of the pardon board will approve, two laung a majority. 1 he loungers have been iu tbe Still water state penitentiary for '26 yuare or raiuuig a hank iu .Norihhcld, Minn Thoy have been excellent prisoners for the whole time of their incarceration and many years ago re formed and have been professed Chris tian. J hov are now well alonu fu yeare and are supisjrted in their effort for release by many of the beat people of tbe state. BOUOHT ATLANTIC LINLS J, P. Morgan Haw Controls Two More ai Steamer Companies. l.oeue, May 7. The Haily News which was the first paper to auuouuce that the Ley land Hue of staauiers had been bought by J. P. Morgan, Ualay Seattle Millionaire lo kxploli Concession. an Krancisco, Mav ' I he Post say that Leigh Hunt, the millionaire mine owner, has formed a syinlh at. of American and Kuroa,au capitalists to optrrale the com ession vested In Hunt hy the korean governmeiil and commonly kuowu as the Aiiiriniii run i ession the lost says Ihe couipanv is organ Hd wilh a capital of l i.issi isni ami thai the syndicate, which was formed in New York, is Conipoaad of the Itotb child of Liinlon, Wernber licit A Co. tbe London Kxploration company, tbe Paris Liploration company, Kdward Sweet ,V Co., of New York, D, " Mills, J. P. Ilagglh, the Hearst afttftll mitn a renins oi ew i or , and a lew other lapital istr Ihe oompftn) has chosen II. I Perkins as president FIVE DIAIMS IN ALASKA Suowsllde at Sunrise City Causes a Calftftsltf, Seattle, May 7. Particulars of a miow sl Ida reported to have QCOUfrad at sunrise City, Alaska ftBOUl Man h 80, were received in this city iu a letter from Baft weaxea, a plonaai miner of that section to W. I). Van Suklan, of this city. The elide did not a;cur at sunrist,, but at smith' camp on J. vim t r.nk, 'Si miles alsivn mi u rise JI.edta.l are: Lees (Jrfthaiu, Ban Jsc, Calif. Fred hai klelnr.i , Hfitsle Island Hick Laur, Presuo, Calif. Henry Willoughby. Ifogau, known as "Old .Man Ho gan,' '.ii 1' rancistio. A gave itt Olaots. Paris, May 7 The lal (unit Stoqufen de Pier rocouri , whose family uau-s oaca to winiam ine i ui ur r, dediiat.sl to the i u of Id nn his for. tun, of 10,000,011 franca on the novel condition ttiat tbe city annually give a Mftrriaga gilt of luh.ooo fram s to a couple of giants in order to regenerate the bun an speci r Candidates are to re medically exannmd and tha healthiuet couple will i.e ahOftMI. York's Cavee Iu Meiuoarae Melbourne, May 7. -Tha lluke of York held a levee at tie . ,eruor'l house Ibis moruiug. Aiiunrai lb may aud otl.nr American nival officers aural rtaxii veal. Jacksonville Hsllnt I o in 01 1 1 too Will herd Nn Lftiy Men. lacksonville, I- In.. Mav 7 l..wti fo.hite the deaths result tug from Km lav's lire number six. Tbia morning 11 was learned that the w fa ol Judge l: . K Archihahl went insane through fright and ex- Mislire 'cm 1. ol the river and rums is be ing made todav with tl xpiMtatmn f tiluling more lushes The relief association has adopted resolution declaring that men can not remain idle and be bsl. Martial aw still prevails and the military have bftftU ri.picsted to force the vicious and idle to leave the 1 ilv. ssl, clothing und money continue to nine in. liver o oo" has lann re- civeil Up to 11. .oil lH-ral ions fur rebuilding Ine city are taking delililte form. Sightseers are asked tn remain awav Irom the Ity and sc. res of residents continue to leave I he leaser hotel at St. Augustine has hci, . . 1 . n . . I a. accoiu- imslale the refugee-. Hther winter tela will also 1 Bftttftdi Appeal 10 Primers. I he fol low nn.' was issiiisl by Secre tary Leulv and other- ol I I I'. No. leji To the Members of Ihe Interna tional I v pographical I nion: Ihe appalling disaslei that has befallen .la. ks. nv ill,- has not faib-l to aim its share of victim! among our raftsmen. Uur uiiinliersbip is fVS. and of this number one half are made homeless Hi-cause o the hiiruing ol job olh.es, s ane of our members will ftft compelled lo leave the city and seek employment elsewhere. Among those who will remain, many have Inat everything Ihe loss to our HMMMftftTI will reach iV,UO0 or f Ift.lMaf. ll one halt the in. 11. Is rs of the Interna tional union will contribute 'Jft cents each, the total will go a long way to ward relieving present dislreas. We therefore appeal to our fellow crafta men throughout the country to render such assistance as llu . may feel able to do. Contributions should la made pavahle lo Jim- Mierouae, president, and Charles leidy, se. r. tary," sSngllsh Noble Uels a Olvorsa. London, Mav J, A divorca has tan ....' 1 sir 1 ..... ' lleam bamii from ills wife, Violet, daughter of Karl Ibslon, with 1 1 1,1 a a isannls damages. Hugh Watt, a former ineiulwr ol parliament 1- 10 respondent in the suit. Iroop Ship Ashore. (.'ape I'owu, May 7. A big steamer, supposed to la, the lantallou 1 aeile, Is repoi ind ashore al l ihboii island, with troops and passengers aboard. Aaother fire In llawson. Tacoma, May 7.- I 'aw sou advices via the'steamer I'olpbin report a 7o,lJ0 lire, im hiding the ruirchible hotel Sore Hands icar ONE NICHT CUIIS Hoal Uie lu.ud Ihoiougldv. ua rsfbiiujr. If no, l.il.ai of niii.iili star. Vrf.tm aa .lui n ..-ii mia 1 tin " """"".w- r grsa Baoids, a-1. fluff uatl. .kit. 'ui au-f purse ,"',"1Sf'eS ill. Pcliusut is woiMlsrru. r-u uws'ssi ii" ) hi I 11 a a v AM AUMai list ba.o sag